HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-2-26, Page 8is
Postmaster Farrow a; at 111 Gnrryl k wringers nivel' so cheap
Iftt, ltet'il ttlleriln froul n. ne1't'rt'
(jougbb following Lit -grippe. lie
ria, lu't'll ti,,iut;
Wbioh is made exprrsly f r t`omth+.
Colds, rte., anti he env that it is the
beet he ever had. Again and swoon our
Customers tell us the stone thing. We
have made ten immeiteenunt in it 1'latly.
so if you have nut hada y d the improv
ed we would very much li.e you to cry a
bottle when euffet:de "rem a cough, cults,
tightness in the ol•"st or Long Troubles
generally. You need not fear
The Croup
with.. bottle of our Cough Beim in the
house. This remedy is only nlantfawtttl•
ed by ourselves, and, with our other pre-
paration.. is guaranteed ted) all we claim
for it.
Druggist, Bookseller, .tc,
SO0Tnenx ExT1tNS10N W. o.
Trains lease Brussels Stations North
and South, as follows:
Goran So tern. Como Noe, u.
ttfaB a ,:i a.m. M3xcd .. s:ai leve
Peeress.- .11N12 a.m. iluil :11u p.m.
dazed ........ B:G)' p.m, Ilxpress 0145 11.nn.
focal ` l•cWs
A chief's amang ye taliin' notes,
,An' faith he'll pront it.
Cos'r price sale at Duuford'd for 30 days.
Big bargains.
10 taraaT sap buckets and spite. 12 cents
esoh at B. Gerry's,
A lu'r of first-class cook stove.; cheaper
than ever, at B. 01800) 0.
SEE Burgess' Cabinet Photos that are
ilnished with Floral Serene.
100 bushels potatoes for sale as we are
giving up groceries, Geo. Good.
ANY quantity of bran and seeds f.,r
sale at the National Reiter Mil'..
airily cans and all kinds of linty ti's at
the very lowest moat price. D. Gerry.
W. 11. Briesees' Photo Gallery is over
the Standard Basic, stretton s Bleck.
Ws have forty-two overcoats le t tied
no reasonable offer r: ill be torus ;l. A.
R. Smith.
Bela: noes about A. (1. i'. \V. G c. 1.1
Lodge and the city of Orr:1,r.t are ri'ow.le,I
out this week.
".Amine' phltfufm sa,1,100 front 51:1 to
Cu tiret'll\"; nml suits sold :may
duwu at 1 nerol,l's coat pried sale,
Mwt'ltur Horse Fair in Brussels
T11111a111t4 o I next wools.Dont tttit to at
Tlu'ar y'lurself to a stew Snit w die the
big sale ;;nes on nt I)onion:N. Call and
see his line stock,
Gtt+v' arrival of Hering goods Witten
for our advertieetneat next week.
lfergllsotl R' ITnllidny.
A t'.ttit of te0t, bn"t+ are the cheapest
in th long ra,, and you will get ti,e
correct arc isle at the right price at Ateox.
STitivir es,
t)F1t'i' 11Frr •'4 13.rrs. -egeut wen'e1
for the .Nimes Telegram ,n Brussels,
Greatest family paper on earth. Twenty.
four pa;;ee. Lively boy omit melte money.
Address I'1lmire, Telegram, Elmira, N.
A Pew mere barrels good coal oil at
oto per gullet', B. Gerry.
Houses for stile or to rent, Conti()
rte ^ nen a eeeri n•• 1v, R, I1; -!vent],
W. linhesse makes a specialty
Crayon and Water (3,11, r ,work,
on them.
J:tttitntn Imiuiille ort on 41111 et
BI'ttedels, for sale, cheap for oa_•tt, Ai
to A. liawtiole.111Wr,
IT is Wo'th re_tell(nt, tltst W. Burgess
produces the boot Photo in town, All
wont eleven teed eatist'tn, ,rv.
A euLL stools of Couper .l tinlith's boots
au(I shoos for the Sprit':; utl 1 Slimmer
trade jnotreceived at ALee DLittnt.'s.
Lora fors•de on Elizabeth, (lxtlteril,e
and ylexander sI roots, 'VIII '.oil on
1lbotal tonne Apply at the Wootlet)
Mill, Brussels.
A. it. Sudo tells nice, clean dry goods,
IIA Belle then cheep for cash,
His stock is bright, his prileO 1.14111,
He never cresta in trash.
No profit on Groceries they say, yet
IVs have had the ready male alothi
ball roiling for the last two weeks, n
for two weeks longer we are going to gi
it two or three etvift kicks it' order
make room for our Spring stooks. A
one wanting a 4ni0 or over., 04,. now
the time to buy. A. R. Smith.
WoltEN who stiffer from nervous a
physical debility find greet help in t
use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It rodeo
the rapid effect of a stimulant, witho
reaction -the result being a permane
increase of strength and vi_or, both
mind and hotly,
Birt hes all the neooseary machinery f
Jigging and clrillin wells and is prep.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way tilt will insure safisfectiou,
Wells cleaned out and out in proper
ellale. Terms reueonable. Resident%
s.'oond door north of the bridge, west
side or Tnrnberry s1., SMARMS. 84.tf
(1or1tRANe R JOHNSTON, oroN, marble mann•
lecturers, are now taking ord'rs for
spring ,iehvery it' their line. Aa 11'r•''o•
fore all workm•toship an 1 o,'dors trusts
to their cure will be put up in the most
approved style and satisfeetiou :marten.
teed in every case. Anybody regntriu
anything in their lino of trade it wont
be well for them to see their designs an
prices before malting their 11uroheeee.
Tee "Old Fellows' Grand March" an
the "Ar Ship Waltz" are two of tit
latest compositions of Isoee Doles, II
dianapolis, It'd. Both are musical gent
ng will slow you a liifferenOe of from LL to
nil 10 pot'cent. Weare quitting groceries,
eon, d ti keep that ap. Geo. Good.
1";', Ir takes only this to thoraughly re.
ie, move Dandruff, stop itching of the 'late,
and make the hair soft and pliable, In
feet, Anti•Dandruff is a perfect hair tonic
he -all say so who use it.
ea Owuno to a desire to celebrate the
rt victory in West Huron Net Tuesday
nt evening a gathering If Conservatives
of despatched 5 gallons of Iintled.e's oysters
at the Queen's Hotel.
A Peewit social will be Held at the resi•
Pgo dance of Jas, Cardiff, Grey, on Friday
or evening of this tvo0;t undo' the auspices
of St, •john's churoh; IiroSsele. 0)1111
anaes will be at the church at 7 tr'de°
Vssonsbx C IL,tni.ivar lt.tve passed i,.
stock this week due hundred pieces as
prints and would risk the lieges of Bru
Fele and 11101 (1'y to °all end see then'
many of the newest novelties will soon
Tun great majority of so-called cough
00000 de little more than impair t110
digestive fu11at1011e and o eats bile.
Ayee's Cherry Pectoral, on the contrary,
while it aurMS ills remelt doss not inter.
15 I PERSON 111, I',%i1.Ut11.1.1'1! 4.
rt• Jen. Mortal. 'lundavod in 1lwnud.
3111:, Loll„ .4mlt14 In yi1iti,tg in 'Po
in route,
See Phae, Gill is 1,1 with tt reispse 'of
root kr10, 13. Pointe, of the Atwood Bao, St
dayod it' "uesele,
Win. Hewitt and wife are visiting
rolelives and friends in Settfoeth,
John 'I n'rieell, 01 Lalu1011, one vis'
illg .'1 W. R. Wilson's tide emote
Jno. McCrea was away at Guelph Chi s
week attending; the funeral of his brother.
51i+s Cele, a former r•O0l(1e11t of Ilnta-
aeht`ia r, t tritig o d frie11dHhips In Brits
Willy, eldest son of John Wynn, low
be 'u clang'roueit ill during the pent week
anti is not yet out of danger.
Misses Maggie and Agin lfonderson
aocumpan ied by their brothers Jae.,Jubu
end Andrew were visiting their brother'
Ww Rob,,r't this tt'eeir,
E. C. Lowry has been quite ill for the
past few weeks and is still eouulned to hie
house A Wot Itnese of the hoert it the
principal tr•.uble.
W. R. Stratton, C. P. IL. engineer,
headquarter. at Srhtiber, is home for m
brief holiday. He is a welootne visitor
and Appears to Le Rs genial as ever.
Wm. Herds will take the situation' as
oheesenlalter at Rothsay factory rendered
vacant by the unexpeottd demise of his
father, Mr. Harry i; an A 1 maker,
!PIFs Lizzie Sample was visiting at At-
wood last week. She assisted in a oon-
cert there last Friday evening. II. L.
Jaoksoe and Silos Creighton also took
ev earl.
to Imbert Watt foreman and Etl, Sfelsou,
til engineer et the Ronald Fite Engine
w Woelis, have gone to Manitoba tide
week with a lire righting maultine to teat
s its power', as
r in one of the tovn,a in the
1 ritirie province.
Berry Turner, s Kentucky outlaw, has
been cauvht and hanged.
Ste. eBrodie proposes to jump from
"the ioethern Pacific bridge over the
Pecos river in Texas. The bridge is said
to be 880 feet high.
Remy Smith and 0. S, Burton, both
Chicago fishermen, have emwed to swim
sonlethine litre 60 mi es in Capt. Boyton's
rubber snits, the man giving up first to
lose the race. Capt. Boytotl is to be
referee. The metals arose out of a dis-
pute between the men regarding their
reepeotive powers of endurance.
I11O15 SALIi. Olt 'I'0 111'; N'.r.--
Tun brick store an the north -noel 0 4'
l 00 of 11i 1 sof VI'yat l„°1H, liru..ani'
roe,, . u•al.,lu n ,1, c,
NSTPIt hit Kli1 )N (11001
SWrs1, or '9• uIstl address Brussels Y. 1),
la nos 5L 51.1
1+'r.fl, 20, 1602
- YOU - (a)!;'1' - 1t)1'it
Fills and Tickets
111• 11[1.01(111. FA HAI 1+'1111, '$ALE. -
..lel, AT
l 0eul. 1 half int 27, 0011.0, 4fn •Pis,
MO acres nes tly all°loured, Cool build' lin,
flue young bearing ornard. laun0diato .H- pepper's /r^. Store
, o e
t• 4rs',ion. Etlsy Tends. Apply to 1' ,(,J Yjt f! $ (0; 4
W. NI, la .0 in, tj
tf- Sullener, Aro„ Brussels,
dfere with the fuuctiens of either atom tch
or liver,
Tee Winnipeg Free Press of Feb. 18th,
in speaking of a former Brnsselite rays 1
e N. Knechtol, a German evangelist,
who expects to tette up bis residence in
11 city, lectured jo English yesterday after.
They comprise live rages each, shee
music size, be -ides illustrated title page
not difficult in execution, bet beautiftil.
in compoeitioo and sell at 40 ate. earl
By way of intr,dnation Mr. D 11011 Zvi
mail them to any address on receipt o
ten cents per 0,p3, when acaontnauie,l b
this notice. Address, latae Doles, It'
dianapolis, Ltd, IT, 3. A.
R. T. or T.--Ltst'Tuesday are111n-j tit
or 30 members el tile Wroxeter C:xntail
Roy Tempters of Tempetan411, 0101111
tile Lud:,e it' this place lull put
110:1 -sot evening. Taey coetribut'd the
olb,wing program :-'Poo songs b
noun at 4 o'elook in the Gospel mission
room, Alexander etroet, on the subject of
"thumb and Esau." At three o'clock he
attended the MoDougall 10610100 Sunday
'' school uud ad hogged, b ,th 6n Gannett
Eugliele the children and adults, of
,v11'111 there was a :cool attendance, II
also spoke at the Saturday night meeting
• of the latter missin, 0pstickle fir 't 10
English and afterwards in Cern-Hut.
Pi10xonaar1t0 COW 01110.- \ large anti
cl 80Ce as:enhbled tlh the Methodist ohuro
last Monday tovening to hear the corner
given by the E Pisan Phonograph. The
selections numbered 23 and cou-i-rod o
y Focal rind iustrumeetel 1130010, alive -yes
and the repro lection and reeeltiug o
12ev. SIP, Saitou's e' 0) 011 on the aline
' Although 1110 building is lar_e the mos
a of the pi' cos Were heard quite distinatl
and this navel style of ate- baton lit was
greatly enjoyed. They are beoomiut,
quire popular anti bid fair to supplant
the old, or6_iuttl style. Tho members of
the &turas uhoir contributed several eels
ections also during the evening. Coil
oerts were given at Fordwieh aid Corrie
this week by the Phonograph.
Oa1T,—The following from a Guelph
oor'espondeut reran, to the deoease of a
brother of John Mu0rae'e, e well known
resident of this loeatity :-Tholnas Mo -
Crete, Janetlold, whose death occurred
test Sunday at the age of 72, was a mativs
of Kelly' Scewarty of Kirou(lbright, Gal-
loway, Scotland, and oamo of the old
Covenantor stook. In 1849 Mr. McCrea
emigrated to Canada with his wife and
family -David and Margaret -and his
father's 0unily. Thomas worked for his
father on the farm "1 the late Mr. Davis,
about six miles from (lneiph, for a while
and t'1 1930 struck mat fur himself, Ilia
first worst being nutting wood with a
bucksaw. From that, with his phare t.
teristie energy, be worked himself up
until he became one of the best known
men in this section of the estuary. Por
over a quarter of a century his name has
become of continental r'iputati In tit oon.
ueetion with the breeding of Galloway
nettle, and his name is also reworded its
being among the first to introduce .he
Blank Polls in America, and the result of
his efforts in this line is known and ap.
130000 toi by the breeders of to.dtty. AIr.
d'IoCra9 wits more or less engaged in the
lumber busine..s in former years, and
snpplie.l lumber and timber for many of
the large buildings of Guelph in he elrly
days and for the G. 1. R. while building.
When the lumber trade was over Mr, Mo.
Orae went into the knitting business, and
latterly was interested in the Guelph
Wollen Mills. In 1863 be moved to his
farm near Guelph, and in 1870 wee in.
strumertel in opening up a beef market
between England and Guelph. Outside
of p1)0120 mebt0rs McCrae wa0 an active
church worker, and for many years an
elder of the old U. P. Church, of which
Rev. Dr. Torrance was then pastor ; ail
active Sabbath eohool worker, member
of the home mission of the Presbyterian
Chureh of Canada, member of the Pan.
Presbyterian Council of 1078, and latterly
an active member of Chaln,or's Church,
Guelph, Al his fathers before him, Mr.
MuOrea was a prououuatd Liberal and a
strong supporter of all ntectenees tending
to reform. It) m0noipal matters he took
a lively inierest, but never put himself
forward for "Bide, although he served for
school trustee. Outside of business
tholes the genial side of Mr, ivloOrae's
uhtteacter was to be found on the see.
He was a most entltusleetio eerier, and
his old cronies regretted when age Colli.
pelted him to desist from playing. In
the death of Mr. AicCrae, Guelph hes lost
a veined citizen, Another report says ;
Thos, 1,lr.Crae, the well-known breeder
Of Galloway nattlo, Guelph township, is
dead. No ono on this continent has done
mote for the hardy Border Meeks Chau
Thos. Ivfn0rao. (lis herd of Gelloways
is nolo ilia oldest established ono In
Amerlen and is knave in every state of
the Amoriaan 'Union as well aein all the
provinces of Canada. Deceased's fore.
fathers were shopheels end etookbreed'
ore of Duokiseton, in the parish of (Celle,
Galloway, Scotland.
Joseph I)anorllue, of Newburg, N. Ye
the ohamplon skater of Atnurioa, easily
won wit
the races he stetted oil for on Sat -
utility at the ohatnpionultip meeting in
Montreal of the Canadian Amateur
Skating 4ssariatien,
tV1 are atartine our - r .hoe ;tore
with new 41(0013, our 1.004;.:, stage will be I)
sacrificed. Clea Goof. t
Jrier to It ltd tlhis welt all the merest.
neee'cs 1t' tion, eella:•e an cuff., .•
Ferguson R Halli,ltty's.
1LPseue. treimLY,t \'txsr,Ne rrrriv
1 00 oars 017daoitui)o No. 1 hard wheat f
this weds to be nlanu1- einrol int" II nu',
IP you want a pair of cheap bond we f
Daniel Thompson ; reading by Mies .1
avidaot ; two instrumentals, violin
vvo harmonious and organ, by 'Messrs
Green and Hemphill and Miss Miller
•eadiug by Sliee Forst til ; Dung Ly Mr
011 Rae ; address by Str. hiller. Ileus'ols
Tem dare pnrp0Se returning the vioit he.
ore the s'eighleg get° away if poloible.
Cox'rltecrs.-IMn. Lowry is 130elarin0
or a busy season's work in the lionse•
bnlldiug 'Ane, .Tp to data he has cnn-
trauts as follows :-Job et Chatham for
.f. D. 11000,12 ; residence for Andrew
islop, Grey ; Ire•hyterian 01111185 at
tweed, to cost 51,818 ; 000111auc0 for
r. Wilde, 10111 eon. Elmo; residence
or Geo. Loulhead, 8th con, Elmo., , The
bove buildings will be two storey brick
°Cages, Ile will also do the brickwork
for Postmaster Farrow'; new residence
south of the Town Hall. It will be
built of er the Gothic style of arahiteo•
tore. Sir. Lowry furnishes all the brick
in addition to doing the work.
13,esoLa'rtoN or CoxuotsscE,-To Bro.
'Ii;thew Wilson -Demi Bnornsa,-We,
the members of L. 0. L., No. 774, here
assetnb ed, having bseteme cognizant of
your sad bereavement, do nnauimonely
resolve to make expression of our Moot
profound sympathy for you by presenting
to you a copy of this reso'utiou, hoping
that it may be acceptltb'e to you and
prove a solme to your mind in this a
time of the most intense affliction,
brought upon you by the sudden and no
expected demise of your beloved wife,
who depilated this life on January 81st,
1892. Truly your lose is great by the
ahsenue of one, who rl ]rine bar brief
e0j ,ern with you, was the greatest means
of comfort that Providence could bestow
open you, one who through her kind and
genial disposition became olnsely attach.
ed to all who bad the pl.anere of her
acquaintance. But we all nlnst bow to
the inevitable, and while we unitedly
stand to mourn the loss of one so deer
to us may we find oonsolatlon in the
words : "Let Thy will be done," for snob
is the will of God. May God in His in.
finite mercy comfort and sustain you in
your advereity. Signed in behalf of lodge
by 7131180 BOWMAN, W. M„
ROWEL Phut', Reo,•See.
Brussels, Feh, 1, '92.
AN IMeoeiTloN aN TEE PonLic,-There
are numerous devices for taking in the
unwary, and for palming off even the
public substitutes of articles 1hitt have by
their genuine merit earned a'i enviable
reputation. Perhaps the meanest ---
certainly the most dangermis- of these
uneurupulous nicks is that resorted to by
Borne dealers in palming off worthless
medioinus upon the public under the
name of a well knows and reliable rein.
edy. The unquestioned. merit of Dr.
Williams' Pink :pills, and the wonderful
cares that have followed their nae, has
led home avaracious dealers to palm off
substitutes (somewhat similar In appear.
ante) for the genuine pi'1. The publio
elhonld remember that the genuine Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, aro
sold only in scaled packages bearing the
firm's trade mark printed in red ink.
They are never sold in loose form, by the
dcs.n or hundred, or in unsealed boxes,
end any dealer who attempts to perm off
pills In this way as Dr. Williams' .Pink
Pills is simply taking money under fal.a
pretences, Ask for Dr. William°' Pink
Villefot' Pale People, see that each box
bears the trade mark, and do not permit
any dealer to give you a substitute or
some other pill he may say is "just as
good," as there is no p111 made that can
take the plane of 1)r. Williams' Pink
Pills, It you cannot obtain them from
your dealer lbey will bo gent post paid
on receipt of pride' --50e. a box or sit
boxes for 42,50 -by addressing the Dr,
Williams' Med, Co., Brockville„ Ont,, or
1lforrietowte Al. Y.
eau eupply you. It you want a pair of
good boot; we can also supply you lit
price; that tient be bent for the sem.,
article. ALEI'. Stttt.MOHAN
Tug beet sermon prep`trn.i by the site A
Bev. C. H. Spurgeuu will b; the subject M
for the morning service 6t' the i?L'thotliet
there) next Sunday. To the evening a a
memorial sermon on the late Sir,
Spurgeon will be preaelvet by the pastor.
Tiers Track A. 3. Lowick, who has been
it Brussels fur several years aid has
made for hitnself a large circle of friends,
left for Tiverton, Bruce County, ie
conjunction with Alex. Peebles, of Ethel,
be has Ie toed a roller flour mill anti a
sawmillfor a term of three yeare. Mrs.
Lowick and family will sot remove for a
few weeks. We are sorry to lose ou-
Brbssels residents but hope that in their
new home prosperity sed h 1ppiness may
u•,ntinte to attend them.
Pose. SCRIM—St. Valentine's day is a
thing of the past. Only 12 missives were
posted at Brussels this year, -,James
Speir's team ran away from the Nettionel
Roller Mill last Slnnday afternoon. Oue
of the horses ran full tilt against a tot
phone post in front of the Queen's Hotel
=add dropped as if shot. When frees
from tie h'rrness the animal got up not
much the worse apparently. -The plate
front is a greet improvement to Dr,
Graham's book. Ileehouldcontinue the
good work to his other stores.-Auotion
sales have the floor for the present, -
The mild weather has made the sleigh
Mg bad for heavy loads. -A car of pork
was shipped this week by Messrs. Hem.
boy d; Yanstone,-Farmers are holding
their green wood and oonsegnently the
price has advanced a little. -W. Nightin.
gi.le is removing his stook of dry goods,
dia. from the Garfield block to the store
formerly occupied by F. C. Rogers, wr-
iter of Turnberry and Mill streets. -A
load of young people drove to 5011100 h
on Tuesday evening, -Considerable ie.
tenet wt's manife-ted here over west
Huron election, which tools plane lust
Tuesday. 8 c0 10 persons drove to Bal
grave one everting last week to hear the
iron. Patterson and Dr. Montague
speak. -Fourth Division Court was sling.
ly attended on Tuesday.
POINTE. Form B:erooELs (lonNcrr,,-The
following item is going tett rotuld.l of the
district :-"Lietowel's chief of police hes
quite a soft soap, Ilia duties are as
folloWs :-Liglet the street lamps and put
them out, Water the streets in summer,
take charge of the town hall and attend
the heating and lighting it for all per
poses, collect dog taxes, mow the thistles
on the streets, deme the crossings of mnd
50 aomtner and Snow ilk winter, oollsat
rho pc,11 tax. 1'ntoloe the Bylaw, assist
the Board of I•Iealth, eoilect the hawker's
peddler's and Iliiliard Unmans, oolleot
gouts for town hall, look .1,fter the lookup,
bane Dare of the engine t.rt1 hang up and
try the hose after fires, notify members
of ooanoil of all 8100141 committee' meet.
iilge, repair the sidewalks, keep a general
supervision of the town, and in addition
to attend to the regular duties of town
eonetab,e. For the above he receives the
pr6pcely salary of 4350 per annum."
The Listowel Banner adds :-•We hasten
to, assure our exchanges that the "chief"
is but wasting to a shadow over his mel.
tifarhons duties. The commit never re.
(Ptiire him to do more than one thing at a
time and usually allow him to select his
dit n time for doing it at that,
Seel ss. -At letltel, on Feb. 21st, the wife
of Al r. Wm. Steies of a daughter.
Seenteyu.-Ill Grey, on Feb. 10th, the
wife of Mr. Gen, Sparliup., 1610 eon„
a1 a daughter.
Fonss ic,-It' Morris, no Feb. LSth, the
wife of Mr, Alex. Forsyth (3rd line)
of a tlttughter.
Jotix»•rox.--T„ Morris, on Feb. 13111, the
wife of Mr, dames Julutetnu of a
LEns.- At Brampton, on the 13th lust.,
the wife of Mr. Richard Lees, 3d, A.,
Brampton High school, of a sen,
Ames. -00 February 90, mt tlo Boauti•
fel PLlius Man., the wife of Mr.
Sanuhel 11. Ames of m daughter,
I3An0.-In Ethel, on Feb. 230.1, Robert
B.t1r sr., aged 75 years.
EcRlunm.-In Morris, on Tuesday, Feb.
23rd, Mary Jana, beloved wife of
Wm. JSulunier, aged 36 years, 2
months nod 21 days.
Avc2xoly e_ z. s _
TUESDAY, 5tonen 8Tn -Farm stoak etc.
Lot 25, eon, 7, Grey. Sale commences
at 1 o'olook. P. S. Scott, aunt, Wm.
Elliott, prop:
Fame; Fen. 20. -Perin stock, im-
plements, &o„ lot 4, oon. 14 Grev. Sale
uommeuces at 1 o'clock, Juo. Bait',
prop , Geo. Kirkby, atm.
MONDAY, Puny, 29th. -farm stock, int.
plements, rrc. Lot 4, con. 16, Grey.
Sale aommenoes at 1 o'clock, Joseph
Bodging, prop., Geo.Kirkby, atm.
WEDNESDAY, Mabe i 911, -Farm stook,
implements, &c. Lot 12, con, 10, Grey.
l Sale commences at 1 o'clock. John
1 Vincent, prop., Geo. Kirkby, auc.
SATURDAY, 1E13, 27111, -household
furniture, tic., Queen etre't, Breese's.
sale oommenoee at 2 o'eloak, Geo,
Kirkby, atone Ltobt, Hamilton, prop.
THURSDAY, MARCH lOth.—Farm, farm
stook, implements, tic. Lot 16, con 5,
Grey. Salo commences at 12 o'clock.
Wm. Barker, prop., Geo. Kirkby, ago.
TUESDAY, MAnom 1st, -Farm stook, im•
plements, rte., N lot 80, cots 3, Morris,
Sale Oaminence8 at 1 o'clock, B. Fra.
lick and A. Reid, props. F. S. Scott,
TIMMY, Muter/ 1sT. -Farm Stock,
Implements toe, Lot 15, con, 14 Mo.
Killop. Sale commences at I o'clock.
Thos. Jackson, prop. Geo. Kirkby,
914lzrsei9] r.0 Ia2ARP07T6,
Fall Wheat ...... .......
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls,,,.
r dozen
Flour ge por barrel
Hay per ton .............
Hides per lb .... •.,
Salt per bbl., rs uil,.,•
Sheep skins, each...
Lamb skins soh
Apples per barrel -
87 88
87 88
38 45
58 59
28 29
15 00
18 00
4 50 5 00
25 00
9 00 10 00
4 00
1 00 00
65 00
65 00
100 125
. Woke are yet in the market to pule
obese 100 cords of wood, ggroan or dry, sort or
bard. Highest pride pais, in cash.
1.1 Contracts will be let by the natlo'stggn•
ed for cutting and ekitlrllug saw logs 0/11,01
18, em, 8 Grey, end drawing the some to the
river. All wood remaining after logs are
token off will b e sold by the sole, Per slur.
thin par tient 11171 15(1010 110
20.0. 131neyale.
1. n r Yuen - 0
tans a has Nov ria good Farina'
oafs and to rest, easy terms, in Itrushel11e.
ofti3erten and Grey. P S. StlCTT,Ilruseet's.
1i1A It Al 1P011 SALE„ 11i' IN(1 LUT ,
l IU In the Otlt cut'. of Croy, knows uH the
Abel 1'111,1111 fain, if not su1,1 before the
]et of 3lurca, will lm to l',' t 0 I.06 5:U,
'1'nruhnery et., Mooed. 1''or further pz0l„-
nhuvs apply to tilt' proprietor.
T11(1.11.1B 1'))1(11,
jilA1tal FORSALE.- –AS 1 DID
Noe effect „ saloof my farm b )' pull le
auction on Jamlm•y 'dud, is will offer it for
sale for the next 10 dart by private sale at
IC dew Ogutw to nny one in search of a good
faun, or full particulars as to plied',
10011/8 and oen,tlticus apply to
A, 1311110.010), Panetta, Assn„
A. BUN 111111 I.;r'ussele
or It. 141411.5, Ramona vide,
naltsrdNsll will !eerie hie 200 mores of
laud, batng lot 00, lou. s, Morris. and lot 1,
con, 5, tlroy, for a term of years, Good
dwelling bonne, barn, orchard, wells, smelt,
Lo, The gravel road divides 1110 farms and
they are well atiauted for stook or grain
growing. Possession on April 181, For fur-
tbal• pa.rttculare apply to
111,14:1, P01t8YTld,
Box 71, Brussels P, U, Proprietor,
nan0mNr•.n offers his 100 caro farm for
eale,lleiltg lot 27•ooir e, Grey.Tim farm is
all cleared and tinder cultivation. Thera le
a frame house, bank horn 4140 feet, strew -
house, (wabnt o, wM 1,.20., nu the pt'etnlsos,
Films Is only 1 mile from 10114ol village,
481041, oho mhos lull tostotllae. Possession
Oren at once, For further particulars ap-
ply to (llI1tItTOPIIt:Jt HAYS ASD,
a1 -J Prop.
vett SALE.—Being west 1 Lot 11, Dol, U,
(:ray, ei miles from lira etmk, The laud is
goad clay loom, well drained, mostly all
cleared and in gond order. O,:p sere of or-
chard 3n good repair, Thorn is 0 rover fail -
lug eprhtu on the plemiees and an extra well
at t10 buildings, The hulldinge are 0051f01'1-
ltbl0, Would take suitable property in o•
110111.011(1SAele as poo•+. pay, (Laud IS seeded
10,vu, Par fur1h01 particulars apply on
the premises to
T1105, 11oGRPt4oR,
or address Brussels P. 0, -•_--- 18t1
yi,,011 SALE.-c[IOI01, FA 13111
C of 480 acres in ono of the best 'wheat
districts it' Manitoba. 1130 ac000 Smiler 05111•.
vatlon, 40 nem seeded in Timothy, 2 log
houses end 111 outbuildings, All • fenced
with wire, 2 Good wells, wood within easy.
reach, 11 ole trete prosperous town moil
station of Cypress lilyer, Iul5Yato1', 010111 1, 5
Churches anti g"o,l biota's. Title p_01001.
A part or tbn tor', nr ternte to Fait pur-
chaser. if not told ny .11,u'd11 1511,, the farm
will he leasyd. Writs at ones to
A 5 Pall SA[IE•-_T11E LN-
• nEnsrootan DONT ter sole the Wan
oast, quarte r of lot 2H, concession a, 1Vm•ris,
Comity of Ntu•uu, 04)110010s 5t' a0 0. Tho
land is of first quality mid i n a high stifle o f
cultivation. Well tensed mod ntd.•r-draino-,',
:'5 acres elearod. New frem° house, 8 room s,
milk hewn) with concrete walls, 2 wells,
good barna and shod, orchard , eta, 'Right
limes of fall wheat. This des 'sale property
adjoins the dor locution of Brunets, tun-
able tett)' will its gfveu , Title pe -fact
50- Boafarth P, O.
Lot 10, 0911. 5, Grey, ooutliuin5 100
ab in, more or leen, about 70 acres wioal-r 1,
There lea rem fortahlo house, two bans,
01 chard, wells, springs, ANL, on the premises
and 0 aures of fall wheat growing. The
pleo0 is in n good state of 01111it•atloa uud
the Palt plowing done, 12he above farm
w11,0 the property of til0 lata .1,'P, Barker,
Listowel, and will bo sold 01,0111/ t0 lVlntl 1111
estate. Por further porttaulers se to pride,
terms, dm, apply to
WM. BARIUM I fr au tor
or 11010T. 1tANScla, 1
ate- Mlle]P.C.
All persons having any claim denisel the
estate of Simeon Bakal, hate of the Town -
131.1 if/ of Mortis, deceased, who died on or
about the 111111 of December, 1s01, are re-
quired on or before the 21st Day of' .March,
1892, re-
send to the uuderelguud, A gent for
the lexeou tors of tlt0 estate, hill - particulars
of their claims and sectn'itias (it any) held
by them, verified by aftltavit, After said
(late the estate will be distributed amongst
those entitled thereto, having reference only
to the claims of which notice shall have
thou been roocivod, mud after euob distribu-
tion the i4 ocuto'e will not bo responsible
for any part of the estate to soy Creditor of
whose claim they shall not have rutolved
201105 et the Gime of sites distribution,
This notice is given manumit it to the statute
in that behalf.
A. 131.NT1.R,
58.8" Agent for Txoeuto•s,
Brussels, Feb, 20/01. Breese's, Otit-
Notice to Creditors.
All gorsonnn having claims ageiust the
estate o. Jelin Tong, late of the 7.'owns13lp
of Corey, deceased, ono died 00 the 1360 day
of November,1001, aro required on or bate•°
the 12t11 dame/ flares, 1802, to send to the
undersigned full particulars of their claims
and of the securities (If any) held by thele
verified by allldav t, After the amid date the
administrt,trlx will prooeed be distribute tbo
estate ameIlg tbo mullet) entitled, having
reference only to the claims of which notice
shall thep have been received. After suoll
distribution the arlmiulstl'at4lx wnl not be
responsible for any part 11510 estate to sty
creditor of whose Oahu notice line nob been
received as sforeeaid. This notice ie put.
800,111 to the statute it' that bo11t11,4
A 11UN1'1Dt,'Brussels,
Agent for haary Long, Admlulebratrix.
lirussele, d'eb,11,'OE, 81.11
'[ TM. ii', GALE, M.D., 0. M,,VVV Member of the College of Physician,
and Surgeons of Ontario by exammabion,
Mos and lteeltlellce-hale ot000t East,
• 0, Aa.,1,. B„ 0, P„ Pt dhlburgb, Al, 0, P
0,C/et. 1letidenoe and 91000 in WiIson's
1310011, corner of Hill and Tul'uborry Ste.
T D. WA11W10I ,
El . Miner Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domeetleated animals hl a eons,
potent manlier, Partlellar attention paid
to veterinarydentistry. Calls promptly at -.tended to, 1800 arld 1nermary-"Poo deers
north et bridge OStrnberry ew, Br0S0ole.
YoU ivILL 13E AL Li
C. .L1.
2'ro,aaact a G•enera,1 OBt;1.y-f.iciag
Canadian and United States Drafts bought
and so1d.
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Collections made eta favorable terata.
Canadian Agents —h1otojo NT's BANE ov
New York A95505-IntoonTano AND TRAD-
ERS NA1'rawoo BANK,
W, F. COWAN, President,
1. L. I31101)I15, Cushier,
Amo 's, - 57,000,000
Pm Cr 0141'f01., • - - 1,000,000
RESERVE POND, - - - 500,000
Agencies lm all pt•hhclplti points 111 Ontario,
Quoboo, Manitoba, 'Mated Staten
e0e 1:ng1and.
Brussels Agency.
A General Banking 13indaeno Traueaoted.
L'arul APS' and Other go011 Notes Ilteonanted
at lowest rates, Drafts Issued and eviler -
(inns mad. on all points, Deposits received
and interest allowed at atllrout rates.
Iut,n'e,t Aliowe,) on Savings hark De-
posits of 01 and upwards from date of
deposit to date of Withdrawal, and cam -
pounded half ye0.01 ',
Pl'olnut attentive anti every faelliiyud'urd-
9,1 customer's Minuet eet 0 dl,ta11e0,
lirssaela, April011, 18111.
L. TAYLOR, ]3APP:.STJ311s.,
a Rebel for an4 Cony nano, ('011,ec.
thus made. Uniee-Vanstone's Block, ,, Brua•
secs. -,slam' ._..
\ i iii, SINCLAIR,
+ Sole(tor, Conveyancer, Nntl03 Pub•
tie, leo• Office—Graham s Block, (1(4'no1•t
of LoamPepper's Drug Stora. Private
kande to
(Late with ()arrow CProud foot, God e-
ricb,) Parra/erg, Solicitors, Oouvev armors,
Sc. 011iees—laruseels and Soafot'th, Brus-
sels Ulilee-Up-stabs over Dank. Abney
to Loan,
0. S. Aare, W. B. DIC'Eea\
r I • reamer ofSfarrtageLioonsou Of11ce
at his Grocery, Purnhoiry street, Brussels.
u Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door
south of A, NI, McKay 4 Co's hardware store.
Ladiesand obildrene bail' Dotting a specialty
A MON Alit
Iseuror of llerriage Licenses, by
anneintmont of ldeut,.Governor, (101111010.
Wooer, .0o , Q. B. Conveyancer and Ageut
Fire Insurance 00, O1Bee at the err ninon
P08t 0113ae.
Clerk of the .Fourth Division Court
Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Potato
Land,Loan1uoolInvetend to loan.(lle(ons mad,'
Office in Graham's Block, Brussels.
Miss 'dories, of Wingham, is prepared
to give Inst00ation in oil uauting, lento
maybe ascertained at Kiss Nellie Roos' store
where samples of work may be seen, Miss
Moyle would also tape a few mol•o 10111118 in
T• Organist in St. John's Ohurate Moto
salt, and pupil, la the Arb of Teaching of A,
W. Thayer, Mus, poo„ New York, will give
lames to pupils 0i1ho1' at Tboe. Farrows,
corner of Queen tlnd Nemesis Ole„ of if pre.
tarred, at their owe homes. Terms moiler.ate, 90-
M. CAVANAGH, L• D. S., D, D. S,,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Sm'g000e, Ontario, and of Toronto DM-
yerslty, Or0XON-•Over Pepper's .Drug Store,
Auetnneor, is skeaye ready to at.
tend sales of farina, farm stook, Ric. Torms
cheerfully given, Craubr0nk P, 0, Sales
may bo arranged. at nut Pen, Publlahlug
Bonne, Brussels,
11,3031GE KIRKBY,
<Ji Lleosnotl Auctioneer. Sales ndndttot
o1( speco14110, forme, (501a Farms and fain
0to91te etigilous Orders loft at TEE Poon
Publishllr ceiv 0,BOosme or pttettentioeo Walton
F, O., will receive prompt attoution,
4 sn as as A(lotleueer, 5 am prepared
to oonduot 5110136f farm stoop at reasonable
prides. Knowing the etanting of nearly
every poreon 1 an to a position to 0811 to
good m511151,1 got good security when sold
011creclit. Batisfuotlon a tanit
te , '0000
lee a wall, U ,
2, p, sg97