The Brussels Post, 1892-2-26, Page 4New Advertisements.
Local -Dr. Ayer,
Leuals-B Ger' y.
Loea's-A Strachan,
All in 1 year J. T. Pepper.
Loettls•--1 ergueou yc llaIluhty'.
Cough Balm --G. A. Dendmau,
Notice to Creditors -A, Bolter,
Pills and Tickets --J. T. Pepper.
A.eli ens and Pb"furn,-W. `ligbllu•
i)t' 111155il5`post.
FRIDAY, FEB. 26, 1892.
drat., of Fullerton tnensbip,
will oppose Jas. Trow in Smith Perth hi
the coming bye eleotion for the Com-
TICE Reform party is evidently not in
the race in the bye elections for theDom-
inion Idolise. Last Saturday South
Ontario and East Hastings elected Con.
servotives by nig majorities and on Tues.
day Hon. J. C. Patterson defeated M. C.
Cameron in West Huron by 20 odd, after
a hard fight. Hon. John Carling and Mr.
Hyman erose swords at London on Fri-
day of this week. The Government in
going to have 50 or more majority in the
IF the Liberals cant win victories in
Domioiou politica they take front rank hit If ee,•env,try,
in Provincial elections in Ontario. In 011 apu.tieatiou,
'1'be Toronto l.vouiu( Nowa 0111000 n
lou;; ertiule discussing the pnoeibility of
amalgamation of the G. '1`.
R. by eayiug t "Local iudioatinna, if
th y du 1101, point towerd ni itotual mann,
certainly do show friendly fueling to exit
Mite ecl, the two actinic tee.
N ins onmea from 11. a 11 t , ur, 1 rt in
ca led, the N w Jovum%am. in Jaoksnn
County, Ia., that the Tree Methodists of
that medtion are in a tate of great excite
I1.1.1. 1301,701 314eti1,511 :'''±• bCl"yt I''.1
and the I mire oonlmunity hes beount0
aeitarnd over religious martens. People
come from mile, enema t' attend the
meetings. The 013111ax of exeiternellt
73,0.0 rettrhed wl1 n the anllonneernent was
melt. i„ Nw .1eruaalul l that. a lady had
given birth to a child, which the pr'.
mown. of he meet figs 'inial was none
ether than a aecuud Messiah The motive
nom mune y is wild wit, jut', and the
. steten)eut is nimo.t illi er0iilly believed.
t vroE.- et7 Jersey Butts are from fine
milkhl¢ strains and should produce stook
equal nr so t.erinl• to env for either the
creann'ry u•el •180 lnotohy. filo sine, of
one still in toy eosaeee1011 gave 7,000 lbs.
further ',articular(' in 12 hs with apply 0. my ding anlf, d
Book 8ture
G. A, DFAD1f A[:, H russets, Ont,
The nulls raigue l will keep for service dill
Present comma the ltaln'oved large trhil,
Yorkshire pig "Meal)" m' let 00, 00m.0,
mmHg, to which a limited lumber of aoen
will ha taken. Terms 01,00 to be paid at
time 011 service, with the prloile'r et 011113,'
Pedigree Ina* be eeea up -
ROBERT t7.111Ar.,
Kingston where Mr. Metcalf, Conserve. 15 3
tive, was elected a few weeks ago for the
House of Commons lir. Harty, a Lil•eral,
was returned on Tuesday by over 700 as
his successor and Mr. Barr, Liberal, is
elected in North Renfrew on the Faroe
day by 400. Mr. Metcalf he,d Kingston
for twelve years. The Hon. Oliver
Mowat wont go yet for a while by the e p-
peetrailce of things.
teleeser0L1 News..
Ottawa will have a new opera house.
In Detroit women's wages average 75
cents a day.
Hon. Alex. Mackenzie is progressing
most favorably.
Mark Twain dined with the German
Emperor on Saturday.
Tne street oar employees of Indian-
apolis are again on strike.
The Prince of Wit es has given up his
connection wi b the turf.
England is experiencing the heaviest
snoweto m ever known
Mr. Mercier ieeued his election mani•
fe0to on Saturday morning.
Dr. Colter, Liberal Al. P. for Carleton,
N.13., w is unseated on Saturday.
There are rumors of all Indian up-
rising and ng he Blaokfeot near Calgary.
New York Auarehists have held amass
meeting to protest against the garroting
in Spain.
A recount in the East Brune election
has increased lir. Cargill's majority from
10 to 14.
A pupil in Alma Ladies' College wan
poisoned from eating a banana. She
President Harrison has issued his
annual proclamation prohibiting sealing
in Bete ulg'e sea.
Smallpox has become epidemic in
Bombay, and there were 23 deaths
during the past week.
It is rumored that the reciprocity
negotiations between the United States
awl Mexiao have been broken oft.
Order has been rester J In Uerea,
Brazil, where there was trouble owing to
hostility to the governor of the state.
The United Suttee Senate has passed
the bill entending the tim0 for the first
opera,ionof the Chinese exclusion laws.
Mr. Fitch iuteoduoed a bill into the
House of Representatives ut Washington
Friday to redudo the barley from 30 to
10 0 tits a bushel.
Geo ge M. Fox, of Leamington, has
gees to Richmond, Va., to loot up a
fortune rimming 0p to the millions, which
is alleged to rightfully ',eking to the
Stewart family of Ruthven and Olinda.
Three families of 28 persons have been
poisoned at Mount Chase, Maine, prob.
ably by the use of conking node, which
had been kept a long time in a box. One
death ensued and others are seriously ill,
Judge Th"mus, at Deadwood, S. D.,
bus granted a decree of divorce to Mrs,
Jas. G. Blaine, jr., with custody of her
child and 01,000 ,o pay expenses of the
suit and $100 a month as permanent
The will of James McLaten, the mil.
Bonaire lumberman of Buckingham, has
been pronated. His widow gets 05,000 a
year; the Presbyterian cherish, Bucking
ham, gets $100 a year for 171 years ;
33.11„x College, Toronto, $20,000 ; Presby
tel,au College, yiauitobn, $20,000.
Lake Bile and the other lakes of the
grew chain are becoming 0o shallow,
th 1, commerce is apprehensive. Some
ce • gives this exelanatiou ;-"While the
m..oO of the territory drained by the
weetern etreams was quickly wooded, the
tee -s sery d not only to hold the water,
but to prevent the wa,.bing away of the
soil by means of their numerous runts.
A, the country become cleared, this safe.
guard 10 removed ; after heavy rains the
waters poor down off these broken lands,
carrying immense and aver -increasing
volumes of silt or soil. This is held in
suspension in the running stream, but on
reaching the still lake it settles. The
same thing has been seen in many parts
of Europe,"
The St. Clair Tunnel Company has
purchased considerable land immediate.
ly adjacent to the site of the present in•
tern0tinnal tunnel and, it is said, will
begin operations for the construction of
another tunnel inside of GO days. The
contemplated underground passage will
be similar to the present one, without
the deep excavations at either of the
approaches. It is plainly evident that
the boring can ha more rapidly 0000m'
plished and with lags expenditure of
money them hue ,'larked their previous
undertaking. The now tunnel will bo
used for the westward trafie, while the
old will be utilised for eastward baelnes0,
it is anticipated that the new passage
will he completed ineide of twelve
menthe, The new tunnel will be heated
750 feet north Of the present One.
Save Your Hair
BY a timely woof Ayer's Flair Vigor?
This preparation has no equal as a
dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, Pool,
and hoalthy, and preserves the color,
fullness, and beauty of the flair.
"I was rapidly becoming bald and
gray; but after using two or three
bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor myhair
grew think and glossy and the original
color was restored," -Melvin Aldrich,
Canaan Centre, 17, 13.
" Some time ago I loot all my hair in
consequen00 of measles. After deo
waiting, no new growth appeared. I
then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my
hair grew
Thick and Strong.
It has apparently come to stay. The
Vigor 1s evidently a great aid to nature."
--J. B. Williams, Floresville, Texas.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
the past four or five years and find it a
most satisfactory dressing for the hair.
Itis all I could desire, being harmless,
causing the hair to retain its natural
Dolor, and requiring but a small quantity
to render the Bair easy to arrange." -
Mrs. M. A, Badley, 9 Charles street,
Haverhill, Mass.
"I have been using Ayer's Hair Vigor
for several years, and believe that it has
caused my hair to retain its natural
color." -Mrs. H. J. King,Dealer in
Dry Goode, &o., Bishopvill, Md.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
On J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mat&
130111 by Druggists cod Perfumers.
Never broken
-Kabo. The "bones" in the
B. & C. corset are made of it
-warranted for a year, too.
It's a corset you can wear
I l 111.11 l\I1.
A recruit discovery by an
cid pbyaiolun. *uccn0efnl-
ly IMO Mooed,/ by thohls-
auda of Dnnnta, I8 the
0111y ill -1.10,11 ly safe and
reliable me4ieino disenv-
00at 1." 01 nrprinc1Piod druggists wile
•d1rr ... ti•ltioo-is 11, pi or this Ask
for cal s's OOTTON 1,00T 0,01201ND. tato no
substitute; or inclose 01 and 4 three -cent
0.1,ada 104.tage etamn0 in letter and we
will send sealed, by return mail. 101111 seal-
particulars sen111 Address nPOnd ri ily ladies to Com.
pony. Nu 9 Fisher Block, 191 Woodward
've,. Deh•nit, Mich.
Aoki 11114111 Beds le J. T, PEPPER, G.
A, DEA 1.51 AN and all rl 030011ble drUggiatEl
11' YOU SEE 17' 1,7V'
`.THEA' .PU3'1'„
Ail in One Year, 1891.
List of passengers tiakotod during 1891 by
Read this list and sea where the travell-
ing pnblio got then tickets. When you
travel do as they did. 1f you intend to
go East, WI at, Note h or eolith, consult
J. T. Pepper, Druggist, Agent of the Can-
adian Pacific Railway. All inquiries
relative to tickets, ra,0s, etc., addressed
to him, either by mail or in person, will
receive hie prompt and courteoee attar•
a few weeks, and then get Thi GREAT 0017071 CURE. this
your money back if it doesn't w it.hOofnl CON+UMPTION CURE, ie
tvith0ut• a parallel iu the lliatur,y f medi•
SU1t. aide. All droggis'e are authorized to sell
it on a p'-sitive gnarautee, it ter' that no
But it's pretty sure to suit other cure can eooesssfnlly stand. 1f you
have a Oon,h, Sore Throe' or Bronehitia,
-else it wouldn't be sold so. n•e dr, for it will erre you. b Four obild
FOR `. 1 LY A. T 11 A. has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, ore
it promptly, aid relief is mire. If you
N•elid that insidious disease CONPUMP•
TION, norez FAIL to rime it, it will nine or cost enthi. 0. A k your nrniigist
for AILOTT'S CUBE Priv.' inn., 50o.
and $1.00 If tour lungs are sure eir back
la meal se Shiloh's Porous Phteter. 25o.
t5 11 Mood di=eeee. Until the poison is
1 expel' 'd from the system, there can
be 110 rare for this loathsome and
dangerous malady. Therefore, the only
effective treatment is a thorough course
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla -the best of all
blood purifiers. The sooner you begin
the better ; delay is dangerous.
"I woe troubled with catarrh for over
two years. I tried various remedies,
and was treated by a number of physi-
cians, but received no benefit mint I
began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A
few bottles of this medicine cured me of
this troublesome complaint and com-
pletely rest 'rad my health." -Jesse M.
Boggs, Hultuan's Mills, N. C.
"When Ayer's Sarsaparilla was rec-
ommended to me for catarrh, I was in-
clined to doubt its efficacy. Having
tried so many remedies, with little ben-
efit, I had no faith that anything would
cure me. I hemline emaciated from loss
of appetite and impaired digestion. I
had nearly lost the sense of smell, and
my system was badly deranged. I was
about discouraged, when a friend urged
me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re-
ferred 11:10 to persons whom it had cured
of catarrh. After taking half a dozen
bottles of this medicine, I am convinced
that the only sure way of treating this
obstinate disease is through the brood."
-Charles H. Maloney, 113 River et„
Lowell, Maes.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
0200503D Or
190. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Prion 711 six bottles, 75. Worth 7e a bottle.
50 Quarts of fine P,an-
berl ie' al 10 (lents
a Quart.
Mrs. James Attwood, Brandon, Man.
Miss Moffatt, North Bay, Ont.
James Bolger, Cypresa River, Man.
Alfred Button, Brandon, Man.
Wm. Manning, Ninga, Men.
Wm. Clennan, Brandon, Man.
bfaithew Lamont, Emerado, Dakota.
Mies Annie MoCellum, West Superior,
George Pratt, Grandis, Dak.
James Robb, Grandin, Dalt.
Robt. Gosulan, Portage la Prairie, Man.
W. 0. Hartley, Pim Mound, Man.
David Hartley, Pilot Mound, Man.
Peter Campbell, Chicago, Ili.
Mre. Peter Campbell, Ohicego, Ill.
James Smith, Owen Sound.
Thoe. Hill, West Superior, Wis.
John W ilkineon, Grand Rapids, Mioh.
Wm. Wilkinson, Grand Rapids, Mich.
13109 Addie Vanetone, Marsuall, Mis,
Geo. Hingeton, Chicago, Ill.
Milton Hughes, Escanaba, Mich.
Mr. Bell, Deloraine, Man.
Mrs. Bell, Deloraine, Man.
Mise Bell, Deloraiuo, plan.
Jos Smith, Deloraine, Man., & retnrn.
Adam Smith, Deloraine, Ilan.
Mr'. Adam Smith, Deloraine. Man.
One ticket, Deloraine, Mau.
Wm. Armstrong. Moosejaw, Aida.
Mrs. Richard Armstrong, Moosejaw,
W. H. 11oCraoken, Peterboro'
Jas. Kelly, Ohapleeu, Ont.
One ticket, Killarney, Ilan.
One ticket, Breedon, Man.
Mr. Simpson, Kalamazoo, Mich.
Mre. bimpson7 Kalamazoo, Miok.
Wei. Curry, Qu. Appelle, Assa.
Jamee Rose, Detroit, Mich.
Richard Barrett, Detroit, Mich.
Mr. Embury, Thessalon, Algoma.
Win. A.hten, MoosOmin, Asea.
Win. Oakley, Deloraine, Man.
Malcolm Black, salt St. Melia, Ont.
Frank Vasstone, Winnipeg, Man.
Edmund Pepper, Winnipeg, Man.
One ticket, Baud, Alberta.
Robert Ransom, M"osomin, Aoea,
James Sholdic'', Methven, Man.
George Love, Hartney, Man.
John Bulger, Methven, Man.
George Kelly, Methven, Men.
Zech, Molise, Biuscarth, Man.
Frauk Kely, Port Arthur.
Miss Mary Richardson, Binecarth,
Misr; Otis er, 31oosomin, A-sa.
Adam Reid, Celgaty, Alberta.
Angus McDougall, Sault St. Marie,
b'reu. Laird, Wan LOU, link.
One dulcet, Hauuoult, Mich.
One twket, Houghton, .uiuh.
Mien Ella McNeil, O'dawa, Ont.
M107 glary Blair, Ottawa, Ont.
L. McNeil, Ottawa, Ont.
James McDonald. De oraine, Mau.
Richard E. Cardiff, Alexander, Man.
Thome- lluLau,hlin, Alexander, Man.
Alex, Grant, High Blull, Man.
Adana •ioott, Saginaw, M1071.
Richard Mituholl, Moosumin, Assa.
Four tickets, Stoaken', Man.
Mrs. W. E. Kerr, Winnipeg to Brussels.
Robert Dickson, Chivago, Ill.
One ticket, Thesealon, Algoma.
Five tickets, Afrs. • Beharriell & family,
Serpent River, Algoma.
Mies Roe, Sault St. Marie, Mich.
Ed. Meleom, Montreal, Que.
Robert Watt, Montreal, Que.
John Gardner, Rat Portage, Que.
Jas. Thompson, Montreal, Que.
B. W. Fraliek, Brandon, elan.
Dr. Hingeton, Norte Platte, Neb.
Mine Cnldbiuk, Boiesevaio, Man.
Joseph Smith, Ahnonte, Ont
Jno. M. Parsons, Banff, Alberta.
Geo. Hiugetou, Ohmage, Ill,
Arthur Hingston, Sul mon, Kansas.
One ticket, Morden, Mart. to Hamilton.
Mrs. Peter Elder, Methoru, Mau.
Douald Bilin, Meth en, Man,
Mre. Donald Bain, Methven, Man.
One ticket, Viet"ri,i, 13. 0.
Thomas Strachan, New Weatmineter, B.
Win. Millar, New Westminster, B, 0.
Otte tiukot, Victoria, B. 0.
Jureph Martis, P rtlatid, Oregon.
One ticket, Portland, Oregon.
'Phomas Lovell, Poelhuld, Oregon.
George Oalbiok, Vancouver, B. C.
Henry Turvey, Vanoouvor, 33. 0.
Wm. 'Purvey, N anainlo, b. 0.
Win, Clark, Port Moody, B. 0.
Mrs Wm. Johnston, Port Moody, 33. C.
Wm. Wright, Vancouver, B•O.
Mre. John Johnston, Port bloody, B. C.
Wm. Armstrong. Ohemeinns, l3. C.
Geo. A. Barrett, New Westminster, B.
rid Oregon.
ks Portia 0
John 00 g
Miss Sarah M. McNeil, Portland, Oregon.
Four tickets, Victoria, B. C.
A. J. Lowick Portland, Oregon, & Minn,
Three tickets, Tenino, Washington.
One tioket, Viotoria, 13, C.
One ticket, Victoria, 13. C.
Mrs. Robert Sperling, Vancouver, 13. C.
W. B. Ballantyne, Victoria, 13. C.
Mrs. Geo. A Barrett, New Westminster.,
B. C.
Mrs, Gibeon, Vancouver, B. 0.
One ticket, Victoria, B. 0.
See "Ad in another oolamu re
Settlors".'raise to the Canadian North.
weld, on March 15th, Fend di 2010, April
5th, 12111, loth and 26th.: Free to alllwho
will nail at Pepper's Drug Store and ask
for them, "Farming find Ranching iu
Western Canads," "Farming in the
Canadian Northwest," '•100 Farmers
Testify," "British Columbia;' Maps 9,ncl
Time Tables. See to it that you get a
0. P. R. ticket from the 0.1". R. Agent,
4. T. Pepper, Druggist, Brussels, if you
DID going 70 Manitoba, the Northwood, or
Brlbieh Colpimbia,
Two Brands of Oysters re-
ceived regularly mid guar-
anteed to be good.
70 Dozen Oranges at 20 cents
per dozen. New Stock.
Star n estaurarit,
Opposite American Hotel.
Tertiate 'Dwelling Pnesmeer Annnt, 0 F a,
says, Ane•Da,drulr In ohne tau vorefDen•
dela-111 eaten Is marvel lene-hl Wrenn nn enno
e fav ilvt atmos c 11 el ly Icor wglllr 1010030,1
nx0,•x, bo deudn,a ncoiwhulaudn I to lel
' M• e,91n at, ma'JO it soft ens I1Uauloaad
^ ,''LII
r Yt'de f4
ppl ED ralu0tutn 1.1 .
py "3 ��111
eNN.I'l..� r
Restores Fading hair to Its
original color.
I n
Steps falling A ofair.
Keeps the Scalp clean,
Makes hair soft and Pliable
Promotes Growth.
Nw.1 gex
® dv,1
• 1:=
1:0 Lai
y ed
Mat u)
FEB 26, 1892
No ,v it; the time to secure a first class Suit of Clothes or
Overcoat made to Order at Cost Price.
I will offer the whole of my Stock, Consisting of Scotch,
English and Canadian Tweeds, in a great variety, also a
large selection of Imported Worsted Coatings, in Black,
Blue and Brown Shades, and a good range of Worsted
Printings of all shades
Different 'Shade's of Blue i"erges for &citings.
A Few Iine.s of Beaver and Melton Overcoatings
which we will clear out for
Rather than Carry Over till Next 'all.
Now is the time to secure a Bar-
gain in Overcoats or Suits.
Over Two Thousand Dollars worth of Brand
New Goods to Select from.
To secure an outfit for yourself as the Cost Price only lasts
30 Days from date.
I would like all Overdue Accounts settled during
this Month as.I have payments to meet which necessitates
me asking all to settle This Month, and oblige,
E. C. Dunford.
BRUSSELS, FEB. 12TIr, 1892.
19 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for $ 1.00.
25 lbs. of Light Brown Sugar for $1.00.
Extra line Japan Tea at 25c per ib.
' Finest Japan Tea Grown' at 40o per lb.
Our Black Tea at 50c. a Ib.
and Coffee at 40c. a Ib.
Has a great Reputation and needs no further comment.
Eddy's Matches 10c a box ; Twb Cans finest Salmon for
25c. ; Canned Corn, Peas, Tomatoes and
Mackerel at 10c per Can.
Beautiful, Painted Toilet Sets at $9.50,
Worth $3,50.
Painted Tea Sets at $3,00, regular price from
$3 00 to $4.00,
Thanking our many Customers for their patronage in the
past anil would solicit a continuance or same,
Cco Thom --our