HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-2-18, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST. 'Itissiunossiseossiscossintsisossusucisscuissusinsresumussunsissaussissaisassisciacsocussoassisocascsissesissursaxpsissicronisssisusicessassisonsnusassusissauctussussuiussuccumssuxusesiousisissessaiss ti.OUSEHOLD., BeeeMpense• Breee woman -trudging:dank. Pa tthetly, Meer day. Wee Vila; a garmeitt melte:Mg light, Ou at the (emit. of gray t Bearing the burdens, :mil vexing cares, Like one of the saints of "I Other the hest of a 'lull Mud life, *With eatserles till untold 1 gelfiet of hot water taken just before rising, before bretukfast, 101,0 011111a 1,11011. 011111 elly 01 11(.1' ;roll, or vegetable. Thia sande of Indigestion, and uo simple remedy phoephortets loath/lin/1)1y t1,1111.111 ea for renew - Pinning in Wittter, mg the esentiel nervous; matter, lethielne is more witlely reseinmentled by physical's to dyspeptics. The eel eran hoetieultural editor of the rtf theleniu rind spinal uord, OltiSeruttlinavion Among the novelties in eut glasts twe t Country tierttlentan, Mr. John J, Thomas, legends or trailith,00 repveetert the -tipple no shown cracker jars wit 11 eater covers aod saye that trees of hardy kettle may be solely eh, food of the gide, who, when they mend bail handlee like rue iron kettle, inuned in win tee if but a moderato numant theinael yes growIng feeble rued infirm, 04. Fine eut•glase butterilishes are sot in ls to be eut elev. 'Heevy priming mitten ticketed 1. thes fruit so renew the powers of silver stands and have :sliver eovere, a tree tender and more liable to injuey or the mind and body. The finestepeeinieustif cutlery for the tall+ cheek in growth if followed by iiitense mold, ,1 edging front these traditions, opplest must have been highly thought of in ancient times rend their restontative quiclitiee under - enter mirrors, 011 whieh rest, bow•knots of 0 11/St/00.1 0011 definite objeet in view he ettood. The acids of the apple are of greet use to people of eetlentery habits whose there are sluggish of action. They eliminate from the hotly noxious matters wheel, if retarded, would melte the brain heavy aml dull, or' bring ont, jatiediee or skin eruptions and other allied trotibles. Monies:telt experi. enue-must have led ta taking tipple same with roast pork, rich gooss and like dishes. The inalie acid in ripe apples, either raw or cooked, will nee thal me any 041.001 of chalky mattter genereted by °elitist too much meat It is aleo fact; that sneh fresh fruits as the apple the peter and thaplum, taken when ripe without sugar, diminish the lucidity of the stomach rather than provoke it. The vegetable seem and juices aro converted in- to alkaline oarbonates, which tend to correct acidity. .A good, ripe, raw apple ls one of the easiostof vegetable stdadances for the:dome:1i to deal with, the whole protases of digestion eing complete in So minutes. A pet -title of rotton apples is said to be rut exeellen remedy for weak rheumatic eyes. In the French hospitals a» apple poul tice is ittoplier iullanied oyes, the apple being roasted anc the pulp applied directly to the eyes; that is without the intervention of any eloth substance. A. modern maxim teuches its that 11 to eat an apple gointer to bed, Gm doctor then will beg his breed." AGRICULTURAL. ontains &larger' percentage of phomphorotte Long bave 1 watelied her. with weilderIng beve !mettles of eluna, woo,' and peed. but it retetly happiest that :mull eevere prun• eves - Simple table centre -pieces are lerge o.r. fug is required. If the operator always has title 1300109, the whole deeded with always of need not away Single 011001 11,111040 green rosebush leavee, imeded, A bearing Wee may have too thick Corner cloecte for efoina are eopied frote a head and want a alight thineing, or a old 1)11 mo lels, with 10/1ded pallets small erooked Mame may he in the way, Spanish runt Moorish pottery make pretty requiriog rutty el i p ping with a pocket-knife, flower-le:Were. There is a ;mesh"! advantage in doiag the work new -all the brituelies and shape of the heed may be easily seee white theleaves are off. When the owner of an orehard has to give the bueinese to a hired hand he may avoid all danger of having the work wroffs- ly clone by marking tvith a piece of elm k the place where he wants the pocket-knife or light saw to do the nutting. Very little cetting need thus be made and no motile. tion. A modification or improvement may be made at any time in wintev if the weather happens to be too cold,' or hands scarce for doing the labor till spring. Take a small brush or 11011411, with tvhite paint, mess through the orchard, and wheeever branch is to be pruned mark with the brush a white line where the cut is to be made. Direct the operator to eta eowhere bot on this line. The chalk wituel be washed off by ran ; the streak of white paint will re- main for months. The piece of chalk may be attached to the enci of a, rod or pole awl be used to reach any part of the tree ; and, if clesived, the owner may pass through his orchard on horsebaelt and rapidly meek as many trees in on hour us the operator will pruue in n. day. Breeding Poultry. l't may be of benefit tom good many poul- try keepers to state that Mr. A. Ct. (filbert, poultry manager of the Ottawa, experiment farms, in 0 bulletin recently issued, gives ore seemed only when exmt account is cold milk. Flavor the custard to butte, the following directions in regard to mating taken of each substanee used. pour it, into a glass or thine, dish, and place the di fferent breeds When mating Breit tnas Sweet cream, whee very cold, makes deli- , the whites on top. tullow one nlale wit 11 ;ven females ; cock- eious Me cornet ; but, of course, verY few a, The following is a now and splendid cake : erel with 2 -year inns i possible. Plymouth 0011 use cream so freely, and butter is First make good layer jelly cake ; spread Rocks -One male, eine females It youn usually too expeasive to zubstitute in its bird tIrl L/1 2 -year-old hens preferred. White betweeu the layers a thiek coating .1 tart place. The pieces of fat cut from roast beef apple jelly end sprinkle this meth preserved Legltorns-One cockerel with I 1 2 or 3 -year - and steak, when carefully re"deradt are ginger chopped fine ; fee with ovange 01,1 hens. Haodans -One male, nicie or 1 1 e• Greentgooseherryjmn inakes a, change and the average market, a is not sweet and well is generally firmer fm pastry than the ripe, kept. When I have none of this fat, I use gooseberry jam. Pot a small teaoupful of two parts of lard and one of butter. water in the preserving pan, then add goose. niaterials for pie crust must positively berries, and let the juice be drawn out a be cold, and a knife is the best thing to mix little, taking care they do not burn. \Viten with, as the head is wares One cup of the fruit 10 warmed through, sewer to taste, flour, one-third of a eupof fat and en equal putting it in gradually, keeping well stirred amount of cold water, chopped or mixed meanwhile. Boil front half to three -quer. lightly with a knife, is an infallible rule for ters of an hour. Faithfuls and ewoot, and strong... - Doing t he wore Lint Ite Maeter sonde, Mae ing of sorrow -sons; ; Quest MMus. never the wisdom that asks Self-ahnegittion emulate. Willingly treading the !antiwar of thorns, That, lead, t he Matter'. feet ! lteee nut th dun, terse on ton 1:01V0. • That, te hided and wenn, 011,1 0k1 We do not gu to our friemrs house to find 2Pell the l'""'"gtFi'''" an".';"""1- "1'114 the skeleton in the closet. aat gdsteus to every nee I see Unt the brow, that is worn roul Lined, A nice 101 1011 to motoct the face from the From the outlet..., totting years,- heat of the sun is tincture of Itenzein one 13ut the Muir, Divine, that glorifies- part to fort pane of rose•watee, (String boaut y--fer ashes and tenrs Somewhere is waiting a fair, dons day -- Moot for suet' initiate waive i.-- 8omowhere oh, somewhere -fruition ahall he, When the nage] shall Ilnd lies place -- Close to the rat lira end Mats Illm say, As he tenderly Mils her Nene, " Out of the 'eatery of &vent,. and toil. My eland, thou art welcome Homer - 1Florenee W. Cox. Candles t int have been fennel never drip. The hest way of presevying silver orna. ments 10 to wrap them in silver paper and lay them in a tin box' filled with arrowroot -dry avrowroot, not, of course, mixed wit 11 water. Use soap bark for Cleaning woolica &Less goods By ttpplying a little of the best carriage oil varnish carefully with a camel's -ham brush to the edges of broken thine, the Apple Pies, parts being neatly joined together, the frau- Very mush has been said both for and thee will, when thoroughly dey, be hardly against the very prevalent habit of eating perceptible, and the china will stand fire Me; but in spite of dyspeptics nal croakers, and water. the "crude 1000" will have to very greatly The best butter in the world, neturally, »toddy his °Teethe, or pies will stay. In. can be sadly injared by the use of very poor stead of trytng either to radically refortn our households or banish pies from our bills of fave, perhaps it were better to learn how to make them successfully, with the crust crisp, wholesome end tempting, The Main dalloillty in making good pies is the general difficulty in all coolciug -leek -of attention to details. 1.1'ot only is this the scald wldtent inuoug, in one quart or faith of servants ahnoat universally, but ttlso Remove with a skimmer from the milk to of wary intelligent women who are both the platter, then stir into the milk the yolks mistress and maid in their households. They of four eggs beaten into four tablespoonfuls talk glibly but iguorantly of "luck" -an- of white sugar ; thicken with a little flour other name for earelessitess. Exact results stirred first in a quarter of a teacupful of A piece of flannel ornapkin folded length- wise and dipped in hot watee and wrung out and then applied round the neck of a child that has the croup will sometimes bring relief in ten mioutes, Beat the whites of foue eggs stiff, and zuperior to lard. In some tnaekets, this fat, females. Black Minorcan -Same as Leg - called soft suet, can be purchased ; but in horns. Mixed fewls-One male with nine or 11 females. Wyandottes-One male with nine females. The above embraces the best- known breeds. Where only one sort is kept naul the towls have unlimited run, a greater number of femaths may be allowed. Eggs are fertile after fowls have been mated about 1 0 days. For layers choose white Leghorne ; for general perposes, Plymouth Rocks ; for both, Wyandotte 1)0 not continue to in- breed, or the stook will decrease in size, stamina. and value. Clot rid of the 3 and 4.- yetursold hens ; keep the pullets ; eat or sell the cockerels. Give the poultry as fair a trial as would be given a new Mort of seed, vegetable, breed of horses or cattle. Utilize the grain, vegetable and meat waste of the ferm by converting it into poultry and eggs. 01.11' Agricultural Reeord. good me crust. Do not attempt to 1014 it smooth, but use plenty of flour when rolling it out. Flour rolled in does not prevent it beteg flaky. I usually make three times this amount of must at once, as it will keep nice- ly in a Gold place, in fact, will improve ; by this means, me often Gan have a hash pie for dinner which would not so often be the case, if cotnpelled to begin at the founda- tion. About five ordinary sized applee are re- quired for a pie. Prepare these the last thing before making the pie, by paring, quartering and. coring, and, if large, cutting each number in two again. Put the sugar and whatever spice you prefer -a little nut- meg or cinnamon being most commonly liked -upon the under crust before filling with the apple. This way of sweetening any fruit pie does away entirely with the Suiee running out. Fleet lay &row of apples regularly around the edge, then fill in the center. Practice will soon enable one to do this evenly and so melte re nice looking pie. Cut a piece of butter the size of a walnut in email bits, and matter evenly over the sur face. If it is toward sprint; and the fruit is inspid, add a little sour jelly also. After rolling out your upper crust, add a little water to your apples -how much depends on the variety -and wet the outer edge of the bottom crust where that and the upper , one join, Be careful not to draw your orust tightly over the top of your pie, as this detracts from its appearance. With a smell sieve, distribute evenly over the top .one large tablespoonful of pulverized sugar .and bake. Pies should be well baked, and a fruitpie regnires a hotter oven than some other kinds but the degree of heat should be lowered in abont twenty minutes after placing it in the oven, then a moderate heat maintained about forty minutes. Many cooks seem to think it well worth A delightful cake is three layers of nice white cake pnt together with maple -sugar tilling, with the scone spread over the top. Boil a pint of good pure maple syrup till it beeomes (mite thick ; when it has cooled a little beat it till it. turns ereamy and yellow- ish in coloe. TES LEANING TOWER IN SPAIN. is Fear( ta stoat, being Dangerous, 11 Wit bave 1.11 1301110 (101V11, A committee appointed to report on the famous Torre Nueva in the Plitea San Filipe in the capital of Aragon, has issued a possi. wrestle amount. It is feared that this clock tower -a very fine example of the kind -will have to be pulled down. Excessive rains and floods have caused a subsidence of soil and the structure is deemed unsafe. The construction of this leanieg tower was begun in the fifteenth century, under the direction of two Spanish, one jewish anti two Moorish acalliteets, It is octagonal in form, 300feet high, 45 in diemeter, and leans about 10 feet ont of the perpendicular. Stone steps, 200 in number, lead 'inside to the top gallery; whence a magnificent and beautiful view le obtained over the city itself, the fer• tile plains of Amgen, watered by the rapid. flotving Ebro, and away to the north where the Pyrenees are seen. The edifiee, built of bricks, has at a dis- tance a Moorish aspect, the face of the strut> ture being diapered with brickwork, but the design and execution ore much coarser than are generally seen in purely Moorish buildings ; the various wMdows, galleries, bettletnents and turrets, together with de. signs partly Byzantine, partly Arabesciee, demonstrates its miged architeeture. It has been stated that the leening of the tower was clue to the caprice of the archi- tents, but an. old crack in its side and a care. while to be careful on making almost any tul examination of the fouudetton led to the kind except an apple pie -this they think conclusion thet it was want of cere on the can be throvru together, while, feet, no part of the bnitders, The Aragonese speak pie better repays careful making. One of the ancient crack as an old wound in its made as above directed will be sure to win side 0(10101 the Torre Nuova is now dying, complitnents for the cook from all pie lovers This " obi waned " was under treatment 10 and will be anything but the indieestible the year 1800, but an unfortunate Molise threatens to remult in an entire collapse. corn pound which apple me so often is. KATitintiNS B. J., -- Home Hints. Hot water taken free/y half an limn' be- fore bedtime im helpful in the ease of eon. stipation and has a mist soothing effect upon the stomach. 11 001100. 1. he Royalist had the yellow flag To alley itching in some cutaneuus flying on arrive], showing that she had affeetions a very pleivant application con. sielthess On boatel. The disease was con- sists of the freshly expressed juiced a lemon traded ae tho steninee wa8 811Va, One - diluted with four ra five tinms its bulls of ing the progress of t ho expedition Captain water, to which it few 11 1,11/1 of cologne have Davis found it ileveSsary to land arimal been added or the saute goentity of rose- parties to pretend up to the hannts of the water, This is very e00110g, the savages. Whilst on one of these cepa. No pereon should go thole honee to house ditionti the binehrokete were att wilted by bearing tales. . the Lathes. l'he sailors opened lire, and Agood housewife vouebee her the follow- antonest those eliot was n, chief whom the lug as an excelleet way to wash blnekele : trepteleet3 wet chi march of. The murder- . Soak the blankets for tett MI Mit v0 in hike. er of Captain Craig was caught, 13y the 1 ley - warm Want, 101101.0 wa,illing 1111,1'e l'e,afty Ediscs 11101, .41 shat ha. 1 1u, aims arad as a 80n10 sd1 'on•P "r g"1 s"aP 81"1 warning to other natives. Anothor native thin and boiled to a jelly in a little water, who WaS noin•rd'oed in file minder wits alleWhig "1,11 Po1111'1 i" "1"1'1,1414"'''' wr1119; caught hut whim he got on lionvil the ship 'them out of the (1'4 water, lay them in „ „,,„1„4„,1 ttottott,t ottapa. this and stir them alma for erten I into, then , The ertiise 1,1 the Royalist extended over '' leave them another len minute, to 50J,K. tho After the soaking rub each thoroughly in pied by the renommil lierubhunthig 1)101111, every part, wring out ned shako well ; burnt 1. thu grami. nnlees exeeptionally dirt y hey will not re- ,. quire another wasbnig, lint elionld rinsts1 A. Cunning Trick. in soft warm water net dried in a good wind, .1 lie tonna pellet% eontem aneolla of As a, welsh for tender fem. ravelled joints: a emitting triek played the other day 11p011 rt and chilblains (when he Nide le not breken) Post Office offieird. The pest ilion of a mail one onnee of sal ammoniec to a, pint of eart was on 1110 way from thrt chief office to the postal deportment et Kinsordtherstlortf, when he wan met by a person tvenring the unitorm of a, postmen, The man informed the postilion thet he was Hold; f6r 80010 bag» he was carrying, apd proceeded with 1110 greaterstettnereirl, to unlook 0OrnPar 111411 1, He took out three bags which coutained tem and notes and gold to the value of 20,- 000 gulden, The 111811 then made off and the perdition went; on to taiser.leherserorftl The latter WaS an Old servent, and well knew 111161 he might not to pert whit only portion of his cheese aave at the efficial depot, He was immediately placed under arrest, A Cruise of Revenge. Ff. M. waeship Royalist, efter bombard- ing several natives villages and shooting some (lathes, is reported by mail adviees to have returned to Port Jackson, with sever- al members of her mew down with the in• water is said to be excellent. In changing feathers rdways put them into new tteks, as the ?anthem will surely prick through washed ticks, I 'believe our grandmothers rubbed the hisido nf tile tick With hard. :map to prevent this, but I shoeld prefer new ones, Old Hotting can alvvaye be put to good use. To loop glassware bright, wipe directly from the ha 811,10, TumblerS 11sed for Intik ohould be thoroughly rinsed In cold water before being hemmed in hot, eels ne lint water seems to drive the milk ban (legless and give them dingy appearance, In his annual address before the Rotted of Trade, Mr, John Davidson the retiring president said : " In Crututcla the commercial condition de- pends largely on the state of the agricultur- e industry. If the crops fail, all other interests, and notably trade and manufac- tures, become depressed. If they are bounth fel, every other Industry and. business is stirred into greater activity. Even in Great Britain, limy 11 land of manufacturers and shopkeepers the failure of a harvest is seriously felt, an"d in Russia it; means starve - tion to millions. Last year agricultural failure wee written across the whole inap of Europe, and the wovst results of the situ. ation have not yet been realised. Bat in America our hearts have been rejoiced with the largest crops 111 the history of the 0011- tinent. At one period of the season in this Province the outlook 17043 gloomy enough owing to the long-oontinued drouth which followed eeeding time ; but the kindly rains worked on improvement in the condition that seemed /fire nntgle. Truly there are no gifts like those we receive at the hand of Providence, and I am eonstraited to say that the rain in its season is worth more than all the policies of men. " I took occasion last year to compare the average yields of cereals in Ontario and the principal State.s perms the lino, and I ellowed that for e teries of years our Pro. vinoe held first .plaoe.. Well, I have no doubt of the good record bed ng continued, for f seo by tlie report of the Bureau of Indus- tries that otth yields per more lest meson were higher than the average of ten years, with the two exceptions of beans and hey, whiell were cut short by the drouth. Fall wheat exceeded. its average of ten years by S bushels per ame, spring wheat by 5, barley by 3, oats by 5S, peas lot, 31„ corn by 10, pote.toes by 09, :henget wurttele 711, carrote by 30 end turniPs by 1 39 bush- ele. And in aggregate yields' see that the wheel. mop of lest year exceeded the aver. age of ten years by 5,11.11i,0110, bUshele, 002S by 10,000,1,00, pene by 4,100,000, eorn by '5,50(1,01)0, pototoes tot, 0,2 10,000 and other field roots by 09,230,000.. Hey fell below the average by 700,000 tons and barley by 2,000,000 bushel. Thie, 11UNTING THE ANTBLOPE. A. nen Ur E1:1101.1 1.1100 NIISS:lter1 1401110 les Tn1,101111,111.1 0::10:::0111:1g,1,1,1131,11:1111:1:44Z111.1011;v1ii yg Tb 113,1anliltuo ?Baia. AlVaTric-ieBrisomr itprroilattoOonGReuusgta forma eapittilties in the hunter himself. 3'he man who !mute the big horn oe moutitaiti Dr. tielliffeert's perwoution by Menorah sheep must, Orme all t hinge, be a good 10 Set wit limit. its ustui, sham it has turned steut 111 wind and Hubs, rubel to hint o one ef the Ininiefst and nmst vale attend fatigue innl hardships, 'rho same , aide contributors to English and American qualitien In a emnewhat fete itheree ate, newt. ea 10 he purenit of the I:MA.1 ail dem. On Prri'"Iii"'ais 011 1 LoPles. Ife hes »II the other hand, the hunter ,,, t WIlite. tail- article on the Itnaelan budget in the Speaker eil doer Deeds especially to she ;V stealth and 1.0.1 0,1 , is the most hum) exposition nantion and iso premises the captuoity to hit of tl 1130041 10 11 1101100 pot published. The snap shot, rlinelnk close quarters, The vonol unions are that the total Russian deficit matt wile hunts the grizzly in thick timber this year will be ebout $125,0011,000, end has to flit:piny 0 et o I deal of nerve and cool. that this big sum will have to be relied by :1111tee 11011 in two ways ; the first being the neighborhood of half value, Tho ex- 101075,11{1.iis: iL leveed internati011111 1010) or an Me:reused 1 hooting an telOpe, ilOWeVer, the tine issue of paper rubles. 1'110 value of these ity of inore 000 thall all others is skill i 09 on a per of 305, and a further omission nulling the long.rano rale, Antelope will send exchange whirling downward to With greyhounds on Imesehrolc, the emond, traution of still more blood from the stone with the rille. Now, in moet game shoot- of Russian intwenul hankrUpixty seetrIti ing, the shote are usually obtained at 1131(101' 0(111011y hopeless. a hundred yards. The impression prevails that the Queen The ohot e white -tall is apt to be a will ((motet the entirely new title of Duke ruining me et less than that distance. The of London trinon Num Gecoase of Wales. betekc ail and leg -horn are usually killed at The Duke of London would be a populae from 00 to 150 yaltds. 'rho prongsbuck or title, and ue its conferment would afford the mong-horn antelope, niust usually be shot London empotation justifioation for making at gi eater distances. In uts other knobs of Wines George a fine present, 11 should be o game shooting two so many shots expended acceptable to the royal family, The be. 1, for every animal killed as in antelope hunt- trothal of Viscount Chelsea, eldest, son of ' ing. In all Ha habits the prog,horn is the Elul Cadogan, to the datechter of Lord 1 veverse of the white -toil deer. The white- Alington dtspoees of the rimier of a, match I tad deer relies mainly upon its nose, its between the young man and a, daughter of , sight being only orainurily geod. 'Ithe the Prince of Wales aod unites the families r prong.huek on the contrary trusts chiefly to of two of the groat0st, geound landlords in its great bulging eyes, situated right at the Louden. base of the heves ; like a pair of twin tele- Adjt..Gen. Sir Red vers 13uller presided scopes. A white.talled speeds tbe ley in 11110 evening eVer EL large gathering of the thiek est and 31108t seehuled oover and officers at the United i'xervice Institu- only ventures out at night. 1171to prong- ion, who had aseembled for the purpose of bilok nesse goes lo cover at all if it• 0041 lido:111g to it paper by Lieut. Jonas, one of be possibly avoided and 15 quite as lively tho chiefe of the Alilltary Depart:- duel/1g the day es at night. The White 101 1 Merit, Meet. J00eS Set forth in en inter - Is always seeking to ovoid obeervetion. It esting way the present state of experimen• tries to escape deflects by not beteg seen, tation in the use of balloons for militevy truatieg by choice always to its pewee oi purpeses. /said the best resrults wore hiding mei Skulking, The antelope, on 1110 obtainable by the uso of a eigar•shaped bal. other hood, neves trios to eecape observation loon, provided with a rudder to keep the at all, but trusts purely to its own watch- nuuchine's bead to the wind, fulness, 11 does net care a rap whether or culty is experienced, however, iNilniu'khee1p1iillilig net it is seen iteelf, so long as it can See s the balloon rigid, unless it is eompletely foes. The antelope is the beast of the iliforl with gas. The aompoeition of the prairie end the whit, rolling plains It enn envel f 1 I I travel very fast for long dent -times, so it je close seeret, The lere001 use silk coated p a often found -many miles away from water, with Varnish, and the Germans cotton coat- suibbaked stretches of gromul where the ed with rubber. It was folind to be impos• eantus and sagebrush and 000asional pitches si lila to 10wor the balloon itguittst tt wind of of coarse guess form tho only 'vegetation. any considombiu strength. Otherwise it is In consequence of the flat, open. lecture of r»s•cticable to keep pace with infantry, and its ha:Ines, it is a peculiarly di flieul 011101M. often to Inn Ice better speed. to etalk and as a rule it hi only hy clinnee it One 50140119 ditileulty enenuntered in the can bo approached eloeely On 1.110 other experiments is that untrained men cannot hand, it will often stand still wit hie range furnish good reports of the evolutions. The for a 000V 1011g 51101 and a1Wwsevetal rounds minim) affects their heads and stomachs. of cartridges to be tired which peotte,Itly may At.tbe end of the Aldershot experitnente kick ea the dust near by. It j0 WtlyS attend/11g the summer nuoiteuvres L135 0111. temping the hunter to take a long shot al, it, oars made eports of an unfavorable nnture and it is for this reason that so many cart- regarding the balloons, but admitted that ridges are tired for every head of antelope improvements, WeVe being mule ever ear bsOggneedef the featurea of prong -buck charee• ter is extreme curiosity, oven when fright- ened or surprised, so gveat 19 its ciffioeity that in plaees where it is not much Minted it 10 often possible to allure it toward the hunter by lying down and waving a rad flag on the eud of 0, stick. When the antelope see such a performance going on, it runs away a short distance, tlien goes slower, halts, runs to and fro, stamping. the ground and snorting, and by degrees, 10 a succes- sion of short rum, approachee to tvithin range of the roeumbent hunter. Under lite of panic and terror, the prong-bnok will act without the toast regard for its own Safety and may plunge right into the den - ger it is seeking to avoid. Antelope follow one another like sheep rout if an anitnal gets started in one direetion the other follow it in ntail race and, by thus accompanying it, urge 11 forward along 1110 path of deb 51100:01 010.',1!*roincimber trying to creep up on a bend of twenty -live or thirty antelope when I finally had to content myself with a shot from a distance of over four hundred yards. I stood behind a hill as I shot and leaped out on the brink to see the result of 105 markmanship. My bullet merely knocked up the dust to one side of the master brook of the band. Away weitt the antelope a eonqatot body but when they had run a hundred yards or so they suddenly halted ond cemo tip into lino like so many cavalry, the brown and white faeing on their necks and heads giving 1 hem the appearance of 130. ing uniformed. In another minute they tore directly tor the hill on which I was standing, and going straight to its base, separated into two bands which, passing on either side of 1110 tt'i 11110 seventy-five yards, gn,v0 ino an opportunity to kill 0110 11.11d W01111 11 another, which I eventually got Agate I remember once tvhilo ridisg acroso the open prairie seeing a body of six or eight antelope drawn uo and looking at, me, They were, then Within lialf a mile to one nide of me. Being so far off, 'I made no effort to go after theni, hut jogged along on the trail I Was followillg. For some rea- rs:11, it:mover, they evidently thought I was trying to he them off, and, after a few seconde hesitation, they made a dash oh - liquefy to my lino of 1 ravel. As soon ati I ate 11'11111 they wore doieg I put epees te my 1301,,e and ran 111111 11,8 /111,14:1 05 1 °odd tflong the trail. W hen tho antelopeu saw my horse run - nine', they ethaightmed out and wont imam that1 before, but made no effort to altee their course or turn back, although they nal the whole prairie behind them, By lesperate running. 1 succeeded in reaching so point whom their line of 'flight crossed he rail almost et the very moment that y 11111 , 1,1111111_t 011 my well -tem oat 11,10 ing 1,111.„„, 1 sh,,r, th„ Getiumhsttyant 10110 e011.11ted. four heads of line fellow Witli 1dg horns, through the nal 1! 01 uillerelit union+, but of equal weight:, houblere. reports 180 follows : Number of hides to the Ueutilly, however, I have 01ff:tined my l'i"uk 110011, 1,10,0e0 on the black, 1 030.. 111„, „.1,00 (.1111„g a„,(1„g tb,„ o„oyi„g (10„ 000 ; brown, 100,000 ; red, about 90,000. amps, 0101 happeeing by clionee upon molds ; or othe tandong reg1110,1' 1111111 V1111 111e ranch wagon on prairies whore the I elope alegind, and the sharp eyed 1,2,11y tireatures by lair stalking and Meg. anwi ',booting. Homellines 1 lotto had to taw) for 11111t 14 mile, taking advantage of very sago 11101 big tuft, of gress before could renge and. oven en hould Cesitme to tell about; the nomber of iy misses. n'telLeTi,i,1,010.11,,,waxoe4,11:g1.1111,0i1111110 1.11:11 10111n g4rt0171e‘ thool Inas t or- Suloci,t,Irsgt: (ftic.,111111 tre b10-1110. entitle. Nothing ean exceed the sport of (000n -11111abithl" ao.i a dttyttatt tam (war ow plains., „its tom of the ultues)--"Then whore do the ptio. "",' phi go when therets mily half a moon?" thy cow:ponies making their best sperm ;oder whip and spar, with fee ahead the Intetatus, the famons hoeso of tho Roman era greyhounds, closing in 011 play warm- (summer, wee actuallt: consecretorl lees flora thall thentsel Yee, The ail 101000 as a priest, had a manger of pure leery, and is le swiftest limner 011 the pla1118, thmlgh was emu given a drink from anythi» b there is great veriation among them in tins 0 gold respect: ; there ere molly which can Ito fair. A young latly who had been moiled a y tin own on a goon horse, While", there little over yoar wrote to her mater.of-faot ovortako unaided) aro others which the swiftest clog alive 01411. obi fttlant. 5,13,1„g tr hetse the dearest Titennonit Roo 411714,4, 111110 Outlaw' in the tvorld, onntinented with the most chtwmiug little iwooperS you oval` There 10'17orttell7hatto-17-5 rel;pous hate, &Annul ; "Just au I expected 1 Twins, by BMW," The old 111011 read the lei ter anel exs mid no such love as Christian love, founder I" FRIi, 1 9, 892 LATEST BY CABLE The Russian Famine. Concerning the awful destitution that pre- vails in the Kazan Province, on the hanks of the Volga, the following lettev was recent- ly written by 11.11,1k11130V11:011, staff eorre. spondent of the St. Petersburg ..Vorodi, who, company with a physioiart, made a tour of that district. I translate it from the Patinanski, of Pismo, Pressio WU /01 1011(1.011. only for private circulation, as the Russian government is putting forth every possible oiler'. to suppress the fasts in regard to the suffering that is belug endue- ael by the periehing thousands. " The famine is increasing at a most ap palling min, The aid. thus kir rendered the sufferers is but n, drop in the mean of dis- tress, We mune first to the village of Ali- Ithayloylea which comprises about fifteen hundred irlabitants. The place heel the ap• pearance of being quite deserted, as seaccely any one was seen upon the streets. On en- tering 0 peasant's house, our aetention was first ettracted to a blindle of rags ann an old hat that were lying upon a 1150011. As the pile:seemed occasionally to move, We 1,01:110,1 ie over, and were astonished to find the men of tne 11011501old lying linden -math, ap- parently sufferieg front 4. high fever. His body was altnost rigid, and as the doctor examined him, 110 betrayed hardly any signs of life. His Mee was pale and expressiou- loss, save, perhape, as it indicated the aban- donment of hope. Iris eyes were figed us, though they manifested not the slight- est gleem of intelligence. " Just think of it Kazan Province alone there are 050,000 human beings dying of hanger, while fifteen neighboring prey fume contain twenty-seven millions of peo- ple almost as bad ! A. truly pathetic picture is presented by those millions of peasants dying the slew depth of starvation without a murmur, wh ile the Government Relief Com- mittee have as yet only discussed a 111011118 of alleviating the distress The deliberetions of this distinguished commission, under the presidency of the Czarowitzt are securely bound with recl tape end an impenetrable mystery, though, thus far, they, have seemed to consist mainly in diligent efforts to sup- pressed/. accurate news relattng to a calamity unparelleled in the history of this sorrow. stricken 001pire. Perhaps this is why the civilize 1 nations of the globe have as yet looked only with apparent indifference upon this lamentable situation, But. I am proud to note that the United States were the first to ofi'or assistance, which was gvatefully accepted: while, through the mule -like atm- piclity of the autocrat, 011 the Russian throne the prompt aicl of Englandivas peremptorily refused. This was a crime which the en- lightened peoples of the woeld should not ocuelone-a grime against humanity to stand in way of stutoor offered to the millions of our race who are dying on the way -side for want of beead 1 True it was bet month- ; but the spirit elite reception by the hereditary oppressor rely give a elew to the 000000 that Imre led up to this awful state of affairs, " Tho taut is, it will respire at. lost two ilhort rubles ev. Nihon 110110esj to proviclo the food, clothing, seed, rued earth) that bo necessary to title over title disaster, and t 18 needed eut once. 00111.1 Diluent, I tvith the help of his wife, two sons, 1 and two datighters, ia feeding, over a I thousand bunnies. In Moscow he has start. 1 ed relief feud, while at many other points he has opened soup kitchens, Lo which the ' fatniehing people flock in thonnands, bless. ing t.110 r.dlilantlit'opiSt's 11011 ored name. I iis address is 1 0 Dolgrotthiummicheski Permit- lok, itleteloW, 111.18$111. All thyme of human- ity tvho desire to aid in this worthy cause by prompt donations may Send thole contrails. tions to the above address, throned: bankers in all parts of the world doing business 10 Russia, and all such may rem, aseured 110 tetfet trapsmission and intelligent diatribe. I (ion, the case ef barley, 18 a conseterence of the "II' the needed relief be not inunediate smaller area town, whigh Was 190,000 acres and alnindatit, we may expect in the eyeing less time the average of tell yeaset. aro an epidemic of disease which. will inmate other 0111111dian cereni has folt the epern• not only t he livee of the Rnesian eueviyore, tint of the new United Slates ta, SO 11111. 0,1011 the entire populatiou of the hero- geievously barley, end I 811101 era be Peen an'l Asiatic contiitente. It, will thns surprised to sce a 1011011 gteraor reduction be seen that other nations, this 31101, .4 in 111e (tr4a devoted. to this urop coming genet', have poli tied mid practical RA well a season, 'Whatever else the McKinley as a moral and Christian duty to perforin. „ timid may have don 0, no ono can dispute " has heen estimated by (141101:10111110. that it has hie hatley•growing 111 01,111r1,, ,,, icinots that'to 1..,11,111411 the 11 rest or oluni „ hard blow. tho 1os, on this crop hats 00,1,000 familiar till t ha reps t there !Mall been more than nevi,' good by the yteld regnireel 9,000,400,WO pernels of grain t During the Aldershot trials the balloon was not hit mail the seventeenth shot. \ Vhile it was falling it was again struck by shrap- nel. Still, it fell slowly, and reached the ground without any shock. In war a bat- tery might be coneentrated on a single bal- loon, with the guns varying in range and elevotion, and thus greatly widen the zone of danger to 1110 nerial nutchite. In some formations of country, also, wagons kept noving in proper relittiou to the movement nf the balloon might neotralizo its opera- tions, There is no doubt ample roon1 for im- provement in the art of halloos, making, Lieut. joiles Writes. The advance in meth - ode of steel manufacture pa:mime to 'make great reductione of weight possible, but the produnion of balloon that can lto steered with mammal accuracy seems still 11, thing of the distant future. .3. Bop's Oompositiom A man wich was the sheriff on a jail his printers lcup' 0, gittin nut nites and stealth, helm, cos the jail wasent strong enough for to hold em inside. So the mau he said the man did : " put a stop to the little gems bartys 1" ancl he lied a scalier cote of mtint put on the jail. 13111 the artist he had put some salt into the prtint, and some 0014,1 ea1110 along and licked tho paint ol ofF, turd then the peisners got out a other time and steeled more hens. 1Ven the (11104iff he seen what they had clone he was so angry he sod : " 'rhis aint no place for Wieder you bet, so you fellers has got to either behave your selves or lite oot, mole round. for re. huh best way yeti can," Absalom Reversed. The Hon. W. H. Rey of Annapolts, N. S. , while out judging the daniageS by right of Way 011 the Bolo of the Nova Seotfa Central Railway becalm eupttrated fInin his coin' minions, and as he was passing throligh piece of thick woods he had both feet caught in a moose trap. In an instant ho wee dung- iug in tho strut% up by the feet, with his head just reaching the ground. Devito all his (Alerts he MIS neable to roach the snare with his hands. His gun had slipped out of his reach end Ile was 110018 Lo flro the two signal shots agvced upon with his companions al: partibee Re yelled for a quarter of an hour, when be was heard by his comentions aud rescued. Size and Color of Human Bair. Measurements have shwa thou tho size oi a human hair depends 11111011 on its 001or, and that. they very from the 05011, to the 0000 part of a inch. i•londe hair is the limn. end red is the coarsest A inti wheat, width finds reedy sale now for Ett. 00,000,000 rubles tor the percluthe of se, Si P rop,.(um ,,,,psumption end in the 4,000,1110,000 pounds of meat 7:50,000,i 1fil staple fodder crops, which may lte convert. rubles for 1110 Purehnae of 1101»est ef" ed nito meat anti diary prOdlicts for the sheep, hogs, and poultry ; tuul 011,1100,fro0 7 liritish market, We have idt40 to regard ruldes for clothes. 1130 pleased le be With just pride the magnificent harvest of able to gltm the 010,1 Cm world a cnIgh idea -- mu' Northweith pinholes, width Inue taxed the of the cetent end the probable oonsequencits regonrceo of the ernintry Le rerun mul thereat of this ftnthle " it, and the emptily of 01//' railway end atone's:hip linom to early to market. We nee only beginning to realise what gram) heritage we Intro in the Northwest ; guar. ter of a century Nome it may" grow the wheat to feed half the populations of Europe and America," ilpplos as Pood, 'The apple in ancient timett was believed. 10 110500011 great l'estOtatiVe qUali ties, Chem- istry tolls lie 1nOdern Limes that this frnit le compelled of vetted elde filter, n111;111100, sugar, gum, chlorophyl, 1110 11,1, said, and limo and nitteh teeter mays 1,7,1 r7 fled Farm, German analyste declare hat the apple Heide:noes everywhere abound the) the 111, tervible sitmitiou Is the direet and logieal result, of the di.spotie system of govern men 0„„ which is maintained by 1,100,1100 soldiers„7 besides an ini11101100 arniy of police and ii spiert Contributory if not priintury cameo I are involved 10 the agrarian or land tines. .3" tion, and the outrageous 'taxation of the peasantry which lute boon going ou for centuries. Lot the untritunnollod press of thee Avner, opob its columns to the receipt, of snob deenoions of trumey as the great heart of that Massed pooplo may dismere 1,10en to offer and thereby set aii example which other nations may ha mond to ointilato,.-- jIiarper's Weekly. Raised to a Ifigher Plano, Lady Visitor—Who is that -that person. there 1 tibbine. Wife -beater. 1. Oh, the brute 1" " Mot he beat hor to death." .(iootiness gracious itas the poor folio anyono who ie lookiug idler his com- fat."