HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-2-18, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST
rue.:..v......11=1,r„m„n,e,rs,reer-, = .Meal.•p,,,riv7Tatiell ile:' ... eirr?.KnT ^r7ehr ..u..,,.^^ .s ... es. •.,.••we •w -•ecce•,_..
Nevv Acv?rtisements
Locule–Dr. Aver,
Locals-. Geo. Good.
LOOMS. -W. Burgess.
Leeels--A. 1(. Smith.
Annual Sale—le. C. Puulord.
Farm for Sale --Wil, Barker,
Loottleeteothtnee C Johnston.
Bulls for service C. A. Deadman.
1.'re!, 'iee1:t,n central •yndlcato,
Big 13,trgains--The. 1?cuuumival Syndic
ea tee
(Tin Iiiil'.ilS l$ past,
Zr'TtIT>.l l , 1' F.B. 19, 1892.
Tux bye-c)ectione for the Con)mons 0n
Thnraday of Last week resulted in the re.
turn of Mr, Featherston, Liberal, for
Peel, and the following Conservatives :—
Messrs. Kenny and Stairs, Halifax ; Car.
gill, East Bruce ; Hughes, North Vic.
toria ; Fairbairn, South Victoria ;
Msrshell, East Middlesex. On Friday
Mr. Ingrim, Conservative, was re elected
in East Elgin and on Saturday two
Liberals were re elected in Digby and
(Kings Counties. No small amottnt of
interest is centring about West Huron
and London in the forthcoming c•mtests,
Messrs. Cameron teed Hyman are op-
posed by Ministers Patterson and Carl.
We believe the Council is en the right
trach in asLing for applications for a
general utility man and we feel assured a
gond man can be seemed at the salary
offered. In addition to the duties speei-
tied in the minutes of the Council the
person, if appointed, should ring the
town bell and in the winter snow -plow
the sselewa.ik; immediately after a storm.
A horse could b- obtail:eel to draw the
plow at a small cost. A constable is a
neoessit' and to comply with the School
Law a Truant Officer must be appointed
so between all the duties a man would
have a fair day's work to do at a fair
day's pay. Brussels is not the first place
to combine a number of offices and have
a man appointed yearly to attend to them
and in several instances we know the
work to be done very satisfactorily and
at a saving to the pockets of the rate-
payers. The Council, judging by their
notion, is a unit en this subject and they
will be heartily backed up by snores of
Bresselites if they secure a good man
and see that he faithfully discharges his
various duties.
Tom Locel Legislature commenced
operations en Thursday of last week, the
last session likely to be held in the 001
Parliament buildings. In the absence
of the Lieutenant Governor, who is
seriously i11, Judge Ilagarty read the
speech rem the throne. It referred to
the dee th of the Duke of Clarence, to
agiieuleure, we els and forests, mining
industries, the new Parliament buildings,
protection of fish and game, The address
was mored by 1C. H. Biggar, of East
Hastings, and seconded by W. 11. Looh
art, of West Durham. On Friday
among other no ices of motions were two
from Thos. Gibson, member for this
riding, (East Bur• n) whish are built oo
the follewiog Iiues :—"Of the ratepayers
of Union school section No. 1, Turuberrv,
preying for an amendment to the school
lata regarding the cxteusi el of third-class
certificates from three to five years "
The second is :—"Of the electors of the
Township of 'l'urnherrv, praying for the
reduction of the amber of comity noun
offline to about oue•tbird the present
numb, r, the abolition of :(rand juries and
the nee, esa:y steps to have the Act of
Confederation amended so as to reduce
the number of reprc-eutaticee to the
different Parliaments to one-third the
present number, and to have the Senate
abo'isbed," Hon Mr. Fraser is 8.b'ent
from the Hoose so far as his health is in
A very indifferent condition. There are
two vacancies iu Ontario constituencies,
viz, :—Kingston, through Mr. Metcalf's
oleetien to the Dominion House and
North Renfrew,ocensioned by the decease
of Mr. Dunlop. The session does hot
promise anything particularly eventful
but a largo measure of useful legislation
will no doubt be the result of this Parlia•
Grey Council Meeting.
Council met at McDonald's Hotel,
Oranbrook, Feby. 10th, pureuant to
adjournment. Members all present,
Reeve in the chair, minutes of last meet.
into were read and approved,
Miss Maggie Nichol applied to be sent
to the hospital, Toronto. Moved by
Win. Brown, seconded by Thos. Ennis
that no action be taken until the prover
petition is presented to the Council,
Carried. Application of James Kendall
to have road opened up at lots 18 and 10,
eon. 17. Moved by Wm. Brown, second.
ed by ,alter Oliver that the matter be
laid over till next mee.in", and that the
Clerk notify George Clark to attend the
next meeting of Council in reference to
an outlet for the water standing on said
road allowauco, In the matter of the
petition for the formation of a new
school *action on the Otih eon., referred
too at last meeting of Council, it wan
moved by Thos. Ennis, seconded by
Wm. Brown that no action be taken.
Carried, Moved by Walter Clivor,
seconded by Thee, Ennis that the taxes I
of Mrs, Steele and Mrs, McIntosh be re.
)nitttd, Carried. .John Stewart ap-
plied for aid to the Logan family, in. '
digente. Moved by Walter Oliver, '
seconded by Thos. ]'lams that the sum
of 08,00 be granted. Carried, Tho '
following ceders foe three new bridges
were opened vii : --F. Guttridge, for I
stone pian to Ethel bridge, $7.7,71 per
cable yard ; 14 Jamieson, for bridge et 1
lot 86, eon, 4, 32:37,00, for bridge et lot 1
10, eon, 12, $539 110, for brbtge at Ethel,
871111 00 ; Wm. Wier, for bridge at lot 65,
eon. 1, $310,410 ; John (.unbar, for bridge
et lot 35, ('011. 1, I>311.3.' 0 ; 1(0139. lung,
Ethel bridge, nee, timber in abutments,
$1303.00, with old limber, 8175.00, if Annie
a' uttnent beet by ene erne IF55;) Il ., bridge
lot 38, owl. 4, $324.81), at bridge lot 10,
con. 12, $510.00 with cedar timber. and
the same bridge all iron $13355.00 ; David
Heys, Ethel bribee, elite 00, if atone
abutment built by 113tiaanl, 1;019.00, for
pile bridge, $5831 00 ; 1 needy, at bridge
Mt le, con. 13, 8040.00, at bridge lot 35,
eon. 4, 0300.00. Moved by Edward
Bryap, etoeuded by Thos. 'Envie butt
Robt. Lang's tender of $663.00 for Ethel
bridge with new cedar abutments be au.
ceptod, nod 911,9 he bo awartlee the 005-
trnct provided he furnit:h satisfactory
security for the due emupletiou of stone.
Curried, (roved by Edward Bryan, see.
onded by Wm. Brown that Robert dant-
!aeon's tender of $297.00 fun bridge at lot
3o, eon. 4, and also his tender of $534.00
for bridge at lot 10, eon. 12, be accepted
and that be be awarded the contract for
both bridges provided he furnish eatis-
faotory security for the due completion
et the same. Carried. Petitions signed
by 142 ratepayers were presented praying
that a Township Hall be erected in some
convenient place near the centre of the
township for the transaction of council
[anthem'. Laid over for further conoid.
eratiou, The fo lowing aoeonuts were
presented vis:—Garrow & Proudfoot,legal
expenses for the year, $100 00 ; John
Osborne, gravelling on side road 6, eon.
(4, 621.28 ; John McDonald, fillies; up
washout on road, on boundry of Grey
and Wallace, Grey share, $1.00 ; John
Doherty, gravelling on side road 6, con.
13, $16.72 ; Mrs, Steele, taxes remitted.
$1.32 ; Men. blolutonh, taxes remitted,
$1.70 ; James Calolough, gravel, $6.011;
John AteWerl, sty' nee to Deg,to family,
indigents, $3.30 ; Alex. Mohair, post„ ge
and expenses on township business, $18.-
1)2 ; Wm. el glee ln, blueing Wm. Paw.
sou, an indigent, $12.011; Lewis Bolton,
part paymeut on atnvey of municipal
drain, cons. 10 and 11, $44.30, and
engineer's espouses under tbel.Ditvbes and
Waters, arses Act., 1883, $8.00 ; Joon
Stewart, for Ln,0,1 fainily, charity,
00. Moved b. Wm. Ll pv n, set haled ey
Th,•mas Ennis that tbeforegoing accounts
be paid. Carried. The 00011011 then
adjourned tomeet again at Burton's
Hotel, Ethel, on the second Friday in
March next, when patbmasters tee. will
he appointed. wane nrn,:non, Clerk.
flULL 1'u1t SERVI0E.—T1JE
j undersigned will keep a thorough bred
Short Earn uurbevl Bull for service on lot
5, con. 10, Grey. Terms, 8I.00 to be paid at
Ume of service, with priyiloge of returning
if nooeeeaey.
30.4 0119.8. ROZ RLL, Proprietor,
t0110•: -5(0 Jersey Bulls aro from Due
minting strains and should produce a tl,clt
vista or sai.erinr to guy for either the
creamery or cheese Stetu3'. The date of
Cue still in my possession gave 7,000 lbs. a•f
031111 w 13 months with her first ealf. For
su ether particulars apply at my 1)tug and
Book 8 tore.
G. A. D1 1.0)1AN, Brussels, Ont.
J_ SHIRE 130114,
The mnlersigued will keep for service this
preheat season the Improved large white
Yorkshire pig "Herod," on lot 00, coa0,
\furls, to •v lick a 1133 4",' runtl•cr of sows
will ba taken, 'renis 31,00 to be paid at
Mute 0faer\toe, with the privilege of return-
ing if necessary. Pedigree may be sees ap-
es application. POl3ERT secant,
Ott' Prnprietor.
1 11111>Ilt.'•\ll.
A recent discovery by au
n10 physic i,a, succnsefel.
ly noel vennil'l3 I,y tb0n5-
0nd0 of r,ennle. Ts the
only perfect ly 005n and
relfehie lue,lieivo rliecnv-
ere,l. (.3 n;, re of unprincipled dlbapists who
offer in,eri0,• le ediuicea Is place of this. Ask
for r'nn13'0 Codi, N 11,301 C, 1n ovnn. to ke no
snbstitnte; m' i, Mese $1 nu•1 1 three cent
0e1iu(10. poStilee sn,mpe in letter and we
will send, se tiled, by return mail. Full twat -
ell particulars in
ntn envelope. to IaH
1e13,3 nn,s f ri1at.Il e•
N 3 Fisher Block, leWoodward
eve., Detroit,
Mich. 180
f� Rohl in kr easels by J. T. PF.PPRIt, 0.
A,1)10A('M.1N and all responsible druggists
Notice to Creditors.
IN elm Sonno0AT1a Covnr or 0115 Co0Nr0
or Hunol.
All persons Inv/Mg claims agalust the
meta of 10110 1,01114, late of the Townabip
of ,rey, deeeased, 020 died 4113 9111, 1:Jt11 day
of November, 1801, are required on or before
the 126)3 day of Martb, 1905, to Sand to the
unders1 nod full prlrtioulare of their claims
and of the seeuriti0s (lf any) held by thew
verified by affidavit. After the said date the
aduriOlstrsti'ix will proceed to distribute the
estate Iltnon the parties entitled, having
refers oe only to the claims of which notice
shall thou bars (3001, (0360100,1 Attar such
dlotrlbutlon tlro adDllutob'atrix will not be
r0up0„eib)6 inr tty il,r„•,1 the est 010 to any
creditor of whose elitist notice 110,8 DOG been
0000ived 5.S aforesaid, Ibis notice is pur-
suant to the statute iu that boh,dL)
A. 130N /514, 1h eseeels,
Agent for hfnry Long, Admtsietratrlx.
Brussels, Pub, 11,110, 31.8
M.D.,M.A , L.C.P.S.O.
S13ecialistl - Toronto.
JoN,t'rn,t:3IluOr.1I lfl', ),i,.tewul, 'Buys '-
"After epoodino all my money and property
to no purpose on medical 0100, for what
they termed a hepIole00 case or cense mptiotn,
Dr. Stuolaireurotl me,"
1lae, MARY Penman, Woodhouse, eve
"when all others Palled, Dr, Sinclair eared
me of ills,"
1). Itnnnnrooa, Carleton Masa,says:-
01ir. 911101air cured sea of Oatarrhl
(3n0, ltownln, Myth, says: -"1)r, Sinclair
01110311 1110 o) 110(619 disease Mot. dropsy, 1y31
(51) 09here failed,"
Dierares of Prirate Nature, brnitpla on by
fsfil, Ur. Ninoiair crrlainly Cures.
COE1W' ulto,ta.oza. 53'rmo.
.-- -01.1•_....
Tuesday, March 16, '92.
This GREAT C011011 C9!1111, this
:meCeeeft') CON'IUr19.P'rION C'11HE, is
without a retrutel in the )nst„ry •d meth.
eine. All dru3gre s see authorized t,1 se1
it on tt 3 salve gllar1101 ee, a test that un
other cure eau sn0oesefn)ly stand. If you
have a Cough, Sore Threat or Women. ts,
tees it, for it will cure you. If your sl,ild
bee the Croup, or Whooping Gough, nee
it promptly, alai relief is sure. If yen
dread tinct inselieas disease 00NSUMI'•
TION, nex'T NAIL to use it, ie will cure lei 0 Qifa7't8 of fUnb Cran-
you or cost nothing, A-lt your D(03gist
for SIIILOH'S 01111E, Peine lOc, fide, berries at 10 Cents
and $1.00 If your (hugs ere sure or hack
101)10,1100 Shiloh's Porous I looter. 25c,
THE C"Or3 ,_�t-?_T' F. f71�_�I
This is the zvay
with the B. & C. corset: if you
want ease and shapeliness,
you buy it—but you don't
keep it unless you like it.
After two or three weeks'
wear, you can return it and
have your money.
t' 013 SALE BY A. S7„..A A.N.
Is Nature's effort to expel foreign sub-
stances from the brouchial passages.
Frequently, this causes inflammation
and the need et an anodyue. No other
expectorant or' anodyne is equal to
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It assists
Nature in ejecting the mucus, allays
irritation, induces repose, and is the
most popular of all cough cures.
"0f the many preparations before the
nubile for the cure of colds, coughs,
bronchitis, and kindred diseases, there
is none, within the range of my experi-
ence, so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pee-
n -will. For years I was snbjeet to colds,
followed by terrible 0On"ils. A bout four
years ago, when so afflicted, I WIGS ad-
vised to try Ayer's Cherry Pescara( and
toeay all other remedies aside. I did
se, and within a week was well of my
rind anti cough. Since then I huc0
1tlwa3s keptthispreparation in the
hoose, and feel comparatively secure,"
—Mas. L. L. Brown, Denmark, Ride.
"A few years ago I took a severe cold
which affeutod my lungs. I had a ter-
rible cough, and passed night after
night without sleep. The doctors gave
oho tip. I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
which relieved my lungs, induced sleep,
and afforded the rest necessary for tlho
recovery of nay strength. By the onn-
tiuual 0150 of the Pectoral, a permanent
tore was (.17,•114.(.,1,"—I10raee Fairbrotber,
Rockingham, Vt.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
11031,10En 110
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co„ Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggiete. Price $1; six bottles, $1,'
a Quart.
Two Brands of Oysters re-
ceived regularly and guar-
anteed to be good.
70 Dozen Oranges at 20 cents
per dozen. New Stock.
tar Ilestauraut
Opposite American Hotel.
t � 'S, r""SN,�'A (3'1'13" Yt
nd�:..w �,. s Bio .
TS not only a dist-teasing complaint, of
I itself, but, by causing the blood to
become depraved and the system en-
feebled, Is the parent of innumerable
maladies. 'I71at Ayer'a Sarsaparilla
is the best core for Indigestion, even
when complicated with Liver Complaint,
is proved by the following testimony
from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway
Centre, bfiob.: —
"Liver complaint and indigestion
made my life a burden and came near,
ending my existence. For more than
four years I suffered untold agony, was
radii reed almost to a skeleton, and hardly
had strength to drag myself about. All
kinds of fond distressed me and only
the most delicate could bo digested at
all. Within the time mentioned several
)hy,,13 ian:; treated me without giving re-
lief. Nothing that Itook seemed to 110
any permanent good until I commenced
the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which
(has proQueed wonderful results. ,Soon
after cna:rnencing to take the Sarsapa-
rilla I could Pee an improvement in uty
condition. Aly appetite began to return
and with It eagle the ability to digest
all the food taken, my strength im-
proved 011(111 day, anti after a few
months of faithful attention to your
directions, I found myetlf a well
woman, able to attend to all household
duties. The medicine has given me a
11('1V 101101 of life."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Price $1; six bottles, $6. Worth $S a bottle.
FEB 10, 1502
Now is the time to secure a first class Suit of Clothes or
• Overcoat made to Order at Cost Price.
l will offer the whole of my Stock, Consisting of Scotch,
English and Canadian Tweeds, in a great variety, also a
large selection of Imported Worsted Coatings; in Black,
Blue and Brown Shades, and a good range of Worsted
Pantings of all shades.
.Different Shades of Blue Series for Suitings.
A Few Tines of Beaver and Melton Overcoatings
which we will clear out for
Rattier tlian Carry Over till ext Fall.
Now is the time to secure a Bar-
gain in Overcoats or Suits.
Over Two Thousand Dollars worth of Brand
New Goods to Oeleot from,
To secure an outfit for yourself as the Cost Price only lasts
30 Days from date.
I would like all Overdue Accounts settled during
this Month as.I have payments to meet which necessitates
me asIfing all to settle This Month, and oblige,
BRUSSELS, FEB. 121H, 1892.
Toronto, Travelling Pns.tsane Agent, 0 P R.
Born ,\ i 11n otrnlrls nnerfentnn,lerlrnfnl4l•
dna-loading, by mnrvoll,„e-In Worm enoo
a raw applications not only thoroughly ram0vod
exeosin n maidens nt'cwnnbaiml but aleppal
fnlihn of.', OG; nmdcht soft and ,ttabionod
�iggppq �iyy {{ '�” �!p� rawetxly.risibly roetb.
W" 4114999�Y� B �F,u�U 1
1 a
Restores Fading hair to its
original color.
Steps Q fallin of hair,
Keeps the Scalp clean.
Makes hclr soft and Pliable
Promotes Growth.
Sun BY G A DEA.DMAN, Baves$LS.
w r a o W
1falf of the people of our County don't know the position of one Township from
another. They eau now overcome this difficulty by consulting the
)OF' Ti11,(---
Which has 13000 long needed and looked for. Tho Sian is four feet by five foot
mounted on linen and wood rollers. Six colorings are need, which makes it vory
distinct and effective.
PRICE $3.50.
Published by W. COOPER d CO, Clinton, OntaPIo.
BOoite3t.tluile AND STAllOnrnbe.
School (0lo13es and all hinds of Maps and School &Applies. Write for priae41 and
our traveller. v7111601011 yon.
0 LY
10 lbs, Best Granulated Sugar for $ 1.00.
25 lbs. of Light Brown Sugar for $1.00.
Extra fine Japan Tea at '25c per lb.
Finest Japan Tea Grown at doe per lb,
Our Black Tea at 50c. a Ib.
and Coffee at 40c, a Ib,
Inas a great Reputation and needs no further comment.
Eddy's Matches 10c a box ; Two Cans finest Salmon for
25c. ; Canned Corn, Peas. Tomatoes and
Mackerel at 10c per Can.
Bert•rtttjuli Painted Toilet Sets at 2.50,
Worth $3, b. >
Painted Tea Sets at $3.00, regular price from
$3.00 to $4,00,
Thanking our many Customers for their patronage in the
past and would solicit a continuance of same,
Ceo Thomsonr