HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-2-18, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST. - FRB, 19, 1802 00•011.011101001M0r1910.I•00.014/104901901401.0100.0119/31*.MX/311.0rn0011001/10”..11111.10‘..111.04010.11.90031/034/14Wans191.0.0.00,0.02.9a0019011111111941011411110.111.49009.011004110410.011100000011011010WM111011 ON THE MARSHES OF DEVA, CHAP'PE R IL ler a moment 1 was paralysed by the dis eoveey. A rapidly with:Mug band of watet iully t querter of a mile broad, already srp torated low from the Cop ; and 1 mould SNVitn, a Stroke. 1 tUrlied to look fee Yet ken ; but to my amazement, ho Was no whero to be even ; end imiddrely molleet- ed thee for omme little time I had net heard his football behind Me. 1 ealled aloud ; but there was no enewee ; and I ran baek tor a moment at full speed, wouderiug what could have beecnue of him, toed etolling hiut aloud. The thought struck me that he had perhaps diseoveved tho clanger home bad: and tied batik towards Flint withont giving me warning ; bet the idea was seemed tot once, for Yethort knew better then I did that a broad river was now running between the marsh and the Flintshire coast, and that escape in that aireetion WaS quite oat of the question. I ran for a few hundred yards, ard then the futility of such an action streak 100, and I stood irresolute. I could now hemo the tide moving through the dykes, and I knew they must shortly begin to overt' ow 11.01i immolate the marsh 11 all directions. The ground Inman to be nefitseed by the anystetious minute splutters and gurgles with which inthese marshy solitudes it in- variably greets its approaching union with the tide. Some distant sea -gulls roee in the air with wild shrieks and swooped down again and again on the bosom of the body of -water that was advancieg from the Cop ; and several curlews flitted by overhead with shrill whistles. The ever.inereasing mur- mur of the river on the tlint shire ;ado bo' gat to sound nearer and nearer, and 1 felt that 1 was being china ited. eloaer hemmed in by the mercilees waive, The full hor- ror of my lonely death seemed to be suddenly and violently borne in -upon me ; tool while meareely emiecious of what I was doing, I shouted aloud in my agony for help. A large gull which had ' been quietly feeding in a peel hard by rose : up almost at my feet, fuel with mooklug cries lied with widespread pinions to meet, the onconthm tide: hot everything elect pro- ceeded with to merciless monotony that seem- ed to double the agony of my situation. The lapping of the water as i31 etre elated through the dykes and the murmuring plash of that ever -enlarging mirror which lay between me and the Om went on unceasingly, and I could hear the dull intermittent roar of the Chester train as it rushed ram station to station on its way to Holyhead. As I turn- ed my gaze in that direetioe, I coul.l see the numerous furnaces gloving, like the fiery horrors of Dente, out of the dusky clou,I. line of coast. • There eould be no escape for me without external aid, and again and again I shouted in the faint hope that my distant cries might be hoard above the screaming and thatteriug of the wildfowl, who, in increasing numbers, were gathering about the 'portion of the marsh where I eras penned. Unless I chanced to be heard by some belated member of the Riehie or the Deuhall households, or by some chance paseer-by on the high -road be• tween Burton and Ness, I must inevitably perish. Jeorty years before, Abraham's father had been in to somewhat similar plight. He had been surprised by the tide when out at midnight with his gun ; and, failing to climb one of the beacons placed to warn mariners of the vicinity of dangerous sandbanks, be thrust the muzzle of his long gun firmly in the sande, and restieg the butt against the bee.con, stood upon it and chum to the post, shouting meanwhile for help. The tide rose until it reachel his armpits but it rose no higher, and when morning broke he w310 rescued ie an exhausted state by a Connales fenny boat. This Was on higher ground, than that where I was now imprisoned. and I knew that in a short time not lese than 11!. teen feet of water would he netting over the spot. The story recurred to my _mind, tool .1 ee. ese with Wlding hut my evy oval tot mew re- • t pon: da,dto ow0ith 0 nri:nv H•ew go, ts Hew to Temkinfor mld Yethert fisoere, e1itotil. - I heel a vague idea a1 010 33 that Yetbert ven t 'to .sxrvaieeetaheeimo no morenling,t-e'Wralohe,eo t liet tken 4001 1111.011 4000 Way, 001 111/11i191 t5111 hat in pratuidento 3rmin 1 1100 jinipl to the that he liad ill bed t 13)1) 18 1110 orlon hls Shook 13110135 banal thecameitiareanie tkeit' vilifieseel' tie" trec1"i- t we bit the farmstead, om turning up past the ld ..cgwhere the god good leitllop WilsoWas born enteed the family pew. "Long was the goodnntes ermee, hut it 001,010,1 not se to me,Standing there turnng the village folk, we sang together from the little ivry-baeted book, " prase Thee, 0 thel. 1Yo acknowldge Thee to he tho Lord:end we lieeeed long on the '.1'0 13)11101 lirough the wood where Ile the lonely Quither graves. I found the '' 31003)33 fellow" to lie a Liver pool aetiet nearly toe old as Abraluon him' self ; end 31 Verjolly wielder of the brush lie 131)1,0, It Was for NMthatAbralain had 1010310 the early 1400313131 morningm It neth th.e hope of being s owc.eosstul he lind as Aha' eplined in an apoloemie kind that some ingnuity ilrequired 1)400)100 1 1 of a way, ' 1leo sees this young fel ows twee too nmel of the ways of farmyard ducks to have anything eo .1.. with them; sol just thought Id got him one or two. Tint 01113 can hardly call it Sunday, tha knows, et that time n the morning. My adventure was nob allowed to into!, fere with the sheefewoshing arrangement as t 1340111)1 sotnewhat Move spoiled the plans of the rtist, whose pesturo, entitled 'Washing Sbeepon Burton Marsh,' lua for The gameleepot 5;monotthe only enemes some time beenin the permanent collection with whieh the Highland poacher has to contendOn 011000513010)1 Cor UV 0E1ATan 10A111110 110113 glad to get shelter in a turf hut wly en the Braes of Locluther occupied by au oh/ woman in 5)0115 way associate,/ 311111 the black art. She gave them fod analede- 111 iiienameaIon(1 1Itad giow•nhum master to daughter, and that he had been eilently nursieg his indeed iigainet 1110 1011 001111/ Ii11111, 1I10 tempt to compaes 111,1111 1V1(1, itfter a vet). (gurney one, foe 110110(1 taken no sale:110 hide his compl tell y itt he wetter, and would most liaVe 1,001 Oharged 04131) 110151105 hail it been ene- le eiove me. ln It.totato delielit at 111V app.,. king deliveranee, 1 felt that I 01,111:1 0)11.1,100 1100 0111113311 .ii.01/ 0-111411.1 ing velveteens mei ehaloby beard he -bided, Ile 11101 1 would be fast fronele, and he 510011(1 lone twee, 01111165 La Mese the night when he took inc ote that lonely tuaieli. Theughts Stich as these flaelnel throttgli brain as 1 vaned out to 111111 : " Come ce, Vothert, my good fellow ; 1 letve neatly haa enough of thee I thought it was all ovet. with me." ellere NVitS a prompt Deemer front the ammo " Well, len as good te; they make um, Muster tivaluom ; but yes am candle' off theer tomeet r' The paddles clipped in the Water as he spoke, Sonwthiog in the man's tones thrilled me with the conviction that he was In Earnest, aud the perspiration broke out on my forehead as I °eel/tinted 1 "Lint, Yetltert, man, yell pro hied to Mug me safely acroes the river ; Ma you can't leave me here. It would be murder!" The mew had drifted 0 little nearer to nue anti lie pulled off 0 yard ov two farther away as he made answer : "Mester, ye may call it what ye loike ; but I'm goine De ye think I'd fetch ye all the way fee Flint and lie up to the nook in inutile here toll tine time for nom/ Nay, 1110111001Ill fetch ye to -morrow! Ye emina swim, they tell 010 anti I reckon ye'll come quiet enough to- merrow." 113131 atoppod at the water's edge ; and wiffle this cenversatien had been taking plume, the 1131e had already risen over iny knees ; lac I waded nearer with a Mad idea ot nuildng a frantic onsh for the canne, though I knew that it was floating in deep Water, and that in all likelihood several sub. 10054011 dykes lay between tte. lie noticed the movement, end pulled still farther away from me, Miming el fetched a dead un teem off here afore, and got live fur him, Little enough, too, legginand draggle' in the imel." ely Mart sank within me as he drawle)l out the last words ; but, the offer of my purse anti all my belougings fot. 31 paseage to the Cop only evoked the ansover " Nay, mo mon ; I can talt What I Want to -morrow. It isne the money I'm after ; but I earl tell thee this -fm goin' to stop thee ham Alta Richie's Wench. She winea talc me, I know; but she shallea have thee. Cumin' sneakin' iteress here neat tate!: neet like a pow - cher 1" There wasno mistakieg tile intense hatred with whieh he uttered these last words, and, moreover. he emphasised them by pili. ling steadily mid swiftly away. I waded back out 01 1110 tide and on to the narrowing strip nf math that was left to me, end gave myself up for losk 1 had no longer tony hope, aed I ceased to call for nelp. The 0333000 11004 left to Me Waa not more than fifty yards in ditometer, and the waves were rapidly nameximg It on every side. A number of widgeon were Heating buoyantly on the waves near the bank ; eevoral galls were wheeling in the air overhead, and one or two wove standing motionless upon the ground within a tew yards of ine. In 11, SlialloW glitter at my feet, two little stream. lets came together every other moment with a little eluick, au,l flirted the spray aevertel feet 111 the air. Little triekling advauce guarde overran the ground in all directions; but as niy death looked me fall in the face, I grew strangely calm. Strange fancies took hold npon me rosl Moo 1 there with the shadow of Deioth overcasting me. In my sitting -room at Fite 1 hung a flue leer:wing of the Reaper aml the Flowers,' 11 which the moonbeams lighted up a river cene Very 101111110' to that in which 1 now tome while the radiant Reaper was to be eon cleaving tlw tor with outstretched odugs, 1101 10)111033 home the newly gather. :lower, whose truetful little hum rested O his shoulder, theongruous as Ole idea 0031 sten+, I thought of the picture ea I -toted therefor my derith, and I thought, ou, ef a sweet girlish figure that (retail be mrshippieg in the rild parish ellureh ill the 'owning, while I lay dead and bedraggled the marthes. I could seo her distinctly s see stood them meekly among the con- gregation, her little gloved hand grasping the ivory -backed 'Service ' in which I had written some foolish linee. to 'Helga Riohie' -for it had come to that. In the few moments that, were left to me I knelt down on the etreuming bank and paved earnestly for the life of the world to come, other and more ghastly recollect:ens came e thronging after it. I had spent a holiday at Parkgtote a few e 11 Nt 01 10 years before, and ono night, after the 1114,11. 111055ha11 closed in and the waves beet on the ancient 11)031, 00500100 wore heard far out in the river. A stranger et -taking over from Holywoll to Pathgate had suddenly 1011101 the waves rolliog in his path, and rushing frantically backwards, saw that death had in very truth rouldenly overtaken him. I remembered vividly the flitting lights in the upper chamber:a of the housee on the Parade as the alarm spread, and the flashing lanterns on the coley as the coast- guardmen aud flehermen put off in the die. cation of the piercing cries which came without intermission for fully a quarter of an hour, and wero suddenly steeped in a grim sileueethat was unspeekable suggestive. I. remembered how some of the older fisher- men, who were evell acquainted with the currents of the estuary, fished for the body laext clay with their nets, end recovered it. I could even recall the worde on the funeral card that WaS sent to those who had to do evith the matter ; and more than °nee during this fearful night they flashed epee my mind as if spoken aloud : 'The waves of the sea are mighty and rege horribly.; but yet the Lord who dwelleth on high is mightier." The tide flows over the marshes in anion deliberate fashion than where the poor stranger was overwhohnerli but is none the less sure ; and in my clespaiv I even wished ib was more rapid in its action. It seemed that death WaS approaching in m fawning dissembling manner, and that its approach would have been less terrible if it had come in the more warlike guise of leaping, storm - lashed moves. I retired nein and again before the ad. wince of the tido, until at last, I could clis- tinoLly hear the wash of the main body of water that was approaching from the Welsh side. I even fancied 1 000dd milk° out the -Mae tips of the waves as they broke en the marsh and took in pool after pool of water, Numbers of gulls moved over my head with- in easy renge, or alighted in the brigeniug dykes with a contempt of my presence Chet Seemed 10 1(1133(10 ill. it was al if they already ,knew that I wacc doomed, and of no further account in the world for eocel or ill, mud that they had 110111111g to fear'from me. tenticlonly, out of the gloom or tho marsh bellied me there uprose a new 50111111 11,114 1143 1 etrained my eare in listen, 1 distinct ly hoard sound Of meleilee that et suck the water in regelet iteol quielt sionessien, rushed towtorde the omen,/ with a glad ery, springing wildly over eveey ebeceehe gea was within a short diehtnee of 1110 Lide, Which now speeed around MO in an irregniar circle, whop a white cameo eliot out from under the bank of one of tho dykes 1111.1 ruehed quiverieg and citoneing ont, cni the river. '1 ha tweepent, paddled with might cola main ;1,i1 11/11011 30(51.1,44 tho wider's edge, !weal Ille.as With the eeertion mei ee• teemed wino/Mood, he penis 11, mei 1110.'401m,, eed oil 111,1 wake., 0,3 11 1•1001:••Wole rerilarity, 1,1(111)1 dimly im.k a out 11113113)1 0i1 Ling 10 tim 01.11 011.1 1355111133 the clear of tho water. ,JmIgiog 3., to be Aiwa.. ham, w ho had el oesed the neciali in 1011111 mysterioue manner to my mecum 1 eagerly A terrific report eloee th eno stunned me for 0 moment and sent some of the bivas screaming 11151131. I suppose I must have cried out, to,, at the wane moment, for the next I remember was a powet fitI but terror - ?Ariake:, voice calling out : " 0 Lord 1 0 Lord ! who's thet ?" It was Abraham Beattie, frightened for the first end only time in his lifo ; anti his errand 131318 explained by the eiromnetance of a number of deed birds being swept 11110311 my feet by the WaVes. My knees shook under 105 Lathe prospoot 01 1151033 slouched from the etows of Death, and I could scene. by utter 1115 1113)11031104111, He brought 13115 01(1100 close in 01 030 with the bow chafing and grating on the bank, and peered closely at mo, "Why, lacl, lad 1" he exelaimea when he was assured that 11 0400 indeed one, how iu 1115w051,1 did you get there 4 -Be t never 111)01DOW ; gee in here quick. Steady 11050 n, little thing upset it, 1 -ha knows.-Mneel thee down close up behind me, end pal, tile two hands on my shoulders. Steady now, and Pll soon get thee on dry land. Keep the heart up now 1" He oould feel my hands trembling on his aboulder--"Keop the heart hp, and we'll be all roight directly. We reached the fartneteati ; and 1110 household ovas quiekly bustlingabout on my There 111(5 of ceuree no truth 311 Yetilert'S assertion thee, ho had been sent for me 1111111 as 1 unfolded tho story of his perfidy, exchumotions of horror were of very frequent nectirrence indeed. Abtahare alono eat with compreseea brow 'and add eothing ; but bbs eyed wandered so reetless- , ly to the reek where him gene wove mespend. tel, that Ide better -11;11f, on neti lig it, silent- ly Went over and sat 0» the oak sothlo beside lam in much nmenor that he enuld not well got out ; and so held Min captive until Lite Mat tierce deeire for immediate vengeance had eonzewhat m11)011160, 11 331110 decided to let Yethert " stand over till morning," ovhen his was to linVe been handed °rel. to tho total 0,mettoble ; but he Was ton malty for us, fro had heard the un - limed commotion from his Ws In 0010. the Huth/tie ; and an 110,11' tond m half after my tole viol, elonelling whom, 0). 3314155100'' 5weeve1/m.1,A eiretely with the deem iptitin aft e run tele eir ciliated by the county pollee, passed recce 1,1neen% Vary, landing on the Thoweieltei 1) 111)34?', 04110Senn no more, There mold be ne doubt that lie W08 el axed by a Itopelese cotaeltatee 1 for his sets ia 01 taker, up hie plate, in the ilugmet. II.1 meths patiently for Mena, :eel is oft rewartlea by it eltet at the mitearth ot t forest. 110 51,11.10 demon,11 ef the varlets lea tho head is valuable, lied if it he • movie) Or twelve petite, eatt easily Sei,V, tit. TT 11,11 401 itictu .1:,[:;0,,,litt311.1,31t110111,1;i011,1.(1:,(141 14)3 Which adorn Malty oroors,,othoto rrA frAquoutly ol.tAro.= ;creme, by militia • 1033 1111' censor birds of Melt emsee. A hem', 4315113135 011 tearing, 33351)11 Imitation of 1110 101111110 0011 Will always answer it, When he approaches withieg I lie room; of the prewle ere, gnu he becomes an easy 1111 hn. lieres are itiltired in the Hanle Way by mintieking its holinall /ivies. Tho304 333 o cease of peesoes in ilia High- lands; of whom leo (-ensue tem nierator take0 tie uognisionee, 1M, attach, to the tLi,lto They /Ivo winter and aummer in redo canvas tents, pitched usmolly on the verge of a forest -indeed, anywhere whore fuel ie catoily obtained, and ovlieve menclicacy eau be carried on with impunity, These at tango nomads are MI poaehors-inen, women, and children. Setting a snare looks 31 very mini. pie mattet to the anetteur, but, when he tri MADE lin OWN BTORY. en — he It Jeueitil 110 inetrited 0 Sao leitied Mee t., 115111 311013) Atte rebutters'. A destterat V 411114 11/114 bowlit 1010 day 111 k11101.1, 1800, by 1110 girl. SI/MIL 313111 11031? ,4/91.I34 or egos -Senoritas 1)01,) 1311111 and \ lemon -1.1aptoyed et the tobacco factory 311 sciitt,•, the t werksheit in 131031 431 11•11411 3110 first 150. Of " earniM " is eupposed to "';''filtiili tu'LZ ',eondo, were men, who fernielteel emit girl with a dirk, after wheel they were blitichohled end pleeed iii tin unlighted room roe half an hoar and cominitioled to Then tho roolit leas locked. and Idie eiwoulls joined 11,,, other employes at dinner, after which they opened the dem. ;Ind found both girls alive, but mortally mantled, 0101 or the tionthatante was 0111, in 1)31111) Ly - 001')?)) difeereet pleuere and wits bleeding to oleatle while the other received Berm Wounds in ten and fatal 01100 /11 1110 places. '11)0 secotals attempted 30 escape, but were arrested and sent to prism: for NH/ 100111110, 1110 14/110 110500 spoke alter the door Willi opened, but one of them lived /11 gl101/1 1133011y IOS severel beers, Sayd the Chwago ilaneti: ls111adricl, Hemel -doer 10, 1890, Caplan Romero and Captaie elurillo fought with sabres, and both were frightfully injured end untimed for life. Subsequently tho principals and their [mopeds (a)l odicern) were arrested, and the former were dismie* ad fermi the army end the latter 110511. 0130 of the letter, nfter pitying Ills fine, ohelleng- 011 the magistrat 0 1+Le lined him, who al., vein ed end reveived three emends. He Again lined 11144 ritlear and Was tweet 11i -d- immed, and teught, whet pistols, killing the cancer at the first tire, ft ie a. fact, although I can not present names or dates, that a Parisian scribe geese- ly insulted an army otlieer in the morning edition of his name, 1011)111 (411)1 killed lain rot noon , and pub' itchy (1 to graphic deoteription of the whole ailate iti hie evening is, oe, Quite es good m little story is that in which, at an aristocra tie party in Vienna, a holly dropped e, bouquet, and to gee tleman following in 14 0411130 kicked it to ono side so that it, wouhl not 110 stepped 'Upon, and Wail Challenged and 040011(1101 131 tile meet of the lady whet dropped the flowers, end was after- ward nureed by and inerried to the lady hereelf. the wire se a quarter of an inoh too high or to low the rabbib gone ender or aboVe 11. The tinker, next to the professioual High- land poacher, has no opal in snaring, It WM of this itinerant wanderer thee; Scott said 1 -- Donald (Jtoird can wire a mato kin (hare), Kens the wiles o' chin doer Manikin', Lenten kippet (salmon) makei a shift, To stiooL a mule (0041 1' the 1111 31, of the Liverpool Art thollery. As for "we two," we are 110 longer divid- ed by the elarsh. [Tux e0013.] nig, and before they loft next, moving she WINTER IN THE HIGHLANDS. produced 111, kuottea rope. and aildreesed thetn as follows 1---" If 1 lowso the first ileavy S1111111•11111•111/1 ill 1111.0 M11111118 I 111.13 1111013, there shall blow a fair wina, such at mar vest 1'1.1. t lat. ranchers. the (leer stalker may wish ; if I loom the The recent snowstorms in the North of second a etrouer blast shall sweep over the Seotlaud has been the heaviest within at' hills ; and if 101004011 the third sie 13810530 mot a 310014315, 111,1 thole -Lethal,* to ow will betook 0111 )3 neither men nor Lease Highlend poacher and small tenant who eaU !'hOle/ 51111 the blast shall yowl down the combines with his egvicultural pursuits the 005115,5 e-1111 the glens, and the pines shall fa, more Imeturdous elle of mune when at ierashin into the termite, and this lave arm exceptional opportertity like the prosetit,, shall guide the course of the storm as I ei presents itself cameo, be over-estimated. 101) 11131 throne of thorn Glower on the tup of Within a fortnight the genie detolers of 0 las Ben -Y-(110,'• Ye see Ye eXPerkit 1111104 gow and lalinlmash and other Seoteli eities and ye ban brotielit eau vension, but if y -yes, eve,t the teetr„p„liteti e3111'1„,„en nmion to thieve ye matin plaCe a fat hall or io 1yiold hind by Frafer's cairn 01 midnight the be glutted with the fruits of the chase, toed hundreds of rabbits and hares aria black hest Monday in every month while the eau win lasts--tho laird's gluiest will no meddle game, and scores of red doer from the great forests and morna of the North -for which Wi' it, If ye neglect this my biddiug foul the temtheitheit ithe tee, Atherieg,,, goy 1040 ill befall ye, and ye shall surely perish on the waste. Tho raven shall croak 110110and three and four, and. in one instance live dirge, and your banes shall be picket by the thousand pounds a year for the privilege of eagles," It is not recorded whether the eitoogiso oven eirger poachers "Legleekit" the old Lag or not. for a couple of mouths -will be despatebed from every railway Motion eking the High- land line front Caithness tol erth. ,Llie eon I For the pas!, week .giip has been rempant sumer of the game will also sheen in the in in the Zoo, but those interesting animals the harvest of the poacher, in so far that retake, 1111101395have been particularly affectedbyit for which lie paid Is lid Lo 2e, lie emu pur• Ileadlieeper By wasdriveu to h iswi ts' ends chase for la Haves, the usual price of which when the epidemic first teppeared, and tried is ee to 4s, will be reduced to 2s and es; aud remedy after remedy without avail. At last venieon, which costs Is ed per lb, will pay he thought of soak Mg -cranberries in whiskey the game dealer to retail it et fel; and all toed giving these to the " monks," and from these benefits, /et it be remembered, the that lune recovery among them was rapid. expense of times philanthropio sportsmen " Little Reddy Bowman" leas the first of who are tile leesees of the moors and the Ole monkeys to Latch the prevailing epidemic foreets. It is the old story over again -that Of all the monkeys (1,111)11it has been the ita ttot ill witel that blows -nobody game honorencl gratification of Read-koeper Byrne In the Highlands of Scotland, particularly to look after during the years he has been at in the centre' portion of them, the profes the Zoo, there is not one who has mods a, stone! poaeltet. has exceptionel feel lities for greater impression on Ids mind, awak,med prosecution of his vocation, width Ile never In his bosom a fooling of such achniration todinite ie illegal, although he may have doubts SA 140 whether 11. te in eceoreeeee and respect as "Little Roddy." Reddy is a monkey of no common hotel - with the teachings of ,Seripture. Take, for lectuality. Ho lets a simple though pre- lestance, the range of hills commencing at 333)0515511133 appetoranee. His rountommee is Ben Avon, in lean/Milieu, and terminating open, and his sharp little eyes are not 11';. 111 nen Nevis, near Fort William, to distance fre.tuently garnished with red marks 0( 14011- 0! seventy miles Without a break, and tete 11110 fieial worktnanship, the result of the numer• great fir fovests stretching in unbroken along tile bass of gm, Grampian dam. Dna argumeete ho appears to get into with with the other moukeys. Reddy, before his ill. These hills and forests are teaming seemed omnipresent whenever any. every varlet y of gaine,ranging from the timid 3500, thing good was to be given away, and it was rabbit up to tho lordly *tag. There is 110 his sadden and unnatural reserve which first similar extent of country in Europe so attracted Keeper Byrne's attention to the 510011ed. with 33115110, 0.13(1 lie Highlander f vom feet that anything AVM wrong in the 31)0511303131)05113031time immeinorial look= omen the deer as " lod's ain 05)3115on God's ;tin hills." eago. All ordinery remedies were at once tried to ellieviate the little staleVer'S COM. It has been computed and I believe tho plaint, but it 110.18 110S until the '3orimbervy computation has been oonsidevalay 1531101 the with whiskey " dodge 1,1115 tried. that ho 100113, that a gang of ten poachers worked began to recover. The first 1 ime Reddy hartnoniously in idle Centealleighlands from the beginning of September till the end of tasted whiskey \MS most mutate& The beautiful red of the Cranberry aLtratie. 'March oan make an average i:40 moil a ed his attention as it was thrown in the week, These figuves will be doubted by Southerners and by sportsmen, hut if it cage, and, despite his lassitude, he was un- able to forego the tempttotion. Ho tasted were beeessary the statement could be it, then related his nese and seemed to peeved to the hilt. Quielsly the first critelierry WAS At the present moment the depth 0( 500(31 0101le, on the ground is just What SW 1.0 the preach- eaten, and then another wits 'rocked fey. th. After demolishing three or four, Reddy Wee 01', 1,,Tow ho dispenses with his urinal highly hilarious. He tuvned round, bowed strumonts" of destruotion, such toe snares, to his friends, and appeared most effection- gun, and nets. Accompanied by his dog, Me, finally gliding into oovner and open - Ire TRANT,FaSsli TUE "ineenS ing up a miscellaneous jabber on the pre - end woodlands, exited only with to stick, spode of the poach swop wiLh the younglady When he Opines on a rebbit track he follows 01030110)8 of the cage. it with the persistency of 0 weasel. Tho . Soon the other grip-sericken monkeys rabbit seldems enters co borrow when snow partook of the luscious cranberry, and tho is on the ground, but peelers to conceal it- come alter° tion was noticed in them, After troll In a bunch Of heather oe jumper bush. eating about halt-a-dozett, one stoutold inan The poather evorke alone just now, and does moekey became jealous of Reddy's attention not refit:tire an accomplice. He keeps on the to the young ladies, and pleating by him 01- 0311)1)111 braok over the 011011, 01111. he knows stowed a look of the utmost contempt, on when he comes to the end of it from the fact him, This seemed too inuell for Reddy, that several 315040)0 1» front of him there is uo who, recovered M spirits, resented the ne. trace of it. lie raises hie stick, beckons to front 031(1entered. into moan.' umbel., with the dog with his bend to be ready, and Ids aged friend. Factions quickly eroee, moves oeutiously forward. There is a mo- and, aided by the effects of the alcohol, a mentary pause. He sees the rabbit:in this !roe fight ensnea, which woula have un - heather, down 0011108 the stielc with a heavy doubtedly ended fetally tor some of the thud, and in nine eases out of tee 11 10 kill. combatants 11 1101 for Keeper Bryne's inter- od. But, (Wen 8110111d it eSeltpe the blow, position, From that tithe it woe found ne. the snow is 50 deep that the rabbit cannot eossary to have a man in attendance out - make progress, and the dog seizes ie before side the cage until the monkeys had re - it has gone a yard. 11 is nothing =usual oovered from the effects of the grip remedy. for even an amateur potoehor to kili as many -[Philadelphia Thnos. as fifty rabbits in a day in this way, if he is in go it quarters. Oootosionelly when pees - sed for money tho poaoher disposes 0( 11)0 rabbits LO the carrier or cadger, who pessee erione .traident to a Coaeting roily In through the dietriot two or three times a C011058611. week, and penerelly gets Od for ettelL Hares and black game he parlors to send South in linens direet to the game dealer. This ear - riot. oetensibly maks hie round with histart ,f T).8ApI10Y"g"n°PilWa%0°m8t" tn Nell grow:ries to ho farmer and labourer1 itg1;11 111e:1.30j11 aIo1\e1i(tla:0:11alf but his veal object s to pick up mime, 11 wee' 1101711 mul going et a, terrific tato of Emblem ilas 11 lictenow, and he 10 selrlom, for speed , 1.1 le nteering gem, broke, letwing bh000 Sorrie reason 111110101V11 to tne moleste13 ion boterdthelpless to save themeolves The Whoa the FillOW geLS hard and 101.1.8 the 'sleigh 'lathed against them/01er of tho Ocean rabbits the peatiller abandons the meek emi hoes° with tromendons forme Help was falls Miele on lile forrots uiil now, 11,, ei.1 0050 011 hand, when it was found Rua. Rich. weys lines end occasionally muzzles the aril 0110,10 had one leg broken and the Sloan. ferret. Ho tattoo tide prowalLiell because or bones or tho other log fractured, besideS 1111.1 3111:11T srmoceo.e. being hiliteed in the face, A youleg 1341 named Alvin Wellitee, soo (111', B. Wallace, put in 1011 03333(04(0111')'. 1tioniatimes tho forted commoridel traveller, had 0110 Of hill (01110108 it considerable time 10 OM inirroW lwelien. Mel Straiten daughter of Mr. A, thould it taste blood, lint with the string so ei tont (1,'!'. 1-1, agent, Was knocked sense. attealied 10 it a poacher can made its move less by the b50110135010)1 and elightly injured, meets end pull it Mit 11,11,11 11"e 0115,08)1,1, 11 010 altar motmlight night t4 the doer elofttlietel 01(5111101)051 eves 11(00115031 1311)1 the 1 1.1011111 drown from I he hills to reed on turnip. ctuebrere removed to tbeit1 home% The member in the ettely morning dige a ''331414)elevaw renew, Magee ice real ole - holo in Ile ledd siirileiendy ler to to eteneed 33131 10)111W,' "Ma what is he olovet. at?" him. Ile No. ie e it with it Meted eurmoneted "W hy, at being no (bowed eleveme don't with a imatieg ettow, and when (leeknose chew knew, ' The Monkey Cure for Grip. BROKEN AUD BRUISED. Roweetren, Feb. i1,. -About rine oielook the other night a serious aceideet took place Romantic Suicide. A. relealitie attired° was that nf to fide young PariSenne, 31110 Wan friendly with 11/1 lengliehman, the son uf a noted horse -dottier and livery -stable keeper. Tlie 33351 100 1,:.,en in America for eighteen months With her lover. They returned last week to Paris, and tho lady went to live with her mother, in tho Avenue Trndaine. In the mcautime the youug mae Wile ordered by his father to break MI his liaison, and when Ile tonnomie. ' ea his intention of obeying the paternal in- junction Lo the girl she seems to Move been beside herself with grief. She WM seen wandering dejectedly about the Clumps : ])lyases 00 111.151(131. 1(1 )01133)11 she hailed a i cab mar the Patois 01 Pindustrie, a114 ,lir' ected the driver to take her to the residence ' of Ler lover. There she asked for the young man, but saw hio fathee Instead ; and, ac- cording to some, tho girl used tho words, " Vous otos tm miserable 1" in going away. She next drove home to the eavenue 'Pre- cla ine, procured a revolver, re -emceed the cab, tool went to n, cafe in the Boulevald Hausmann, where She wrote a letter to the livery•stehle keeper Mking pardon for the scene which she had had with him, taut beg- ging him 10 33110 his son periniseion to ac- company her to her last hoine. This 11)10 031 nine o'clock in the evening, and the epistle being finished, the girl took it with het. and drove to tho Rue do dettegtioujou, where her friend's father She gave the letter to her ootteleuton, telleng hhn to take it up• stairs to tho person for whom it was intend. I ed. Milo the cabnum was peefortning this servitie for his fave the young lady took ont her revolver ;told fired to ballet through her ' right temples She was Clem:laden) the driver I came back. _ Mrs. John MeLeton writes, from 130.1151e island, Ont., Mat eh 4, 18811, as follows: " have limo to groat sufferer front neuralgia, for ti 5 last nine veers, but, beiug a(1vieed , to try Mt, en:00W bie 0110 11004 heartily ell- : dorse it OM being a most excellent rented), for this cienphoila, as 1 have boon greatly benefited by its use." G.uig Hams to Wife An' 'Reanti. 1.101 1' a hard an' thorny way, As moist 11 mortals But Mint ,, 1401 1)10 1110 hongest day, A 11.Ion to W.I.:dn. 01011 ; Bo brave, med. the best you ean. .et eel 35)10. )1(.1 part. Con bolos the honest 55013, 10' 111011 '111111 11119 0/living heart I chorus 3 Gang Inoue n111114)1 to wire an worms 111553111 Melton a yer 011101 Their love 10 1111111 than gold en gains, Yell find lire's sunshine there 1 Oor Saviour sale when lie WS. 11050 : " They senere ow enter In To heaven's gates who (qu)p dear The Walla's 330131 10 whit 31010(0(11)14 thielt that wealthy folk 1150 nano o' lifo's torinotl, Their rlohos at't are like a yak 0, 7.nr CA417 t;" L';',A1,1g; Cho t I 01 11 1 1 1, 1 OM an' weans ?" Il11. moo kees best hiei weakest epee Where Helen tempts him salt., Bot, onv, not yoUr neighbor's lot An' ye 11 escape his settee 1 o Theree f11r nt Immo soin• prosonoo miss - Toil enter them an God will bless 1/009•050/001001.19.909/14/01400/091010409110114341.0140404/01 eaJ '4 1414 Grit 1,11s1/.. 30 /1,,e0 mei P inhilin,ied every day 1.1 the remark - ale, 11101/04:10 0001/110.04.1100, ',IV: 1111.91 IVO 11•11 .m..tle of SarsaparlliT,:a 1., a 13.15 wa are sure 10 MO 111111 11111•:: 111 It 1011 11 001C. after 111013, -proving 1 lad the it-oial 1e00114 from a law bottle war - gee continuing lt, use. This posIllVil Olerlt N.4Jood's SarsaparElla 110 9,••4., 4 by 111111,' of tie- leveller C01111/1101- 114/04 ea:portion met l'reeties used 11311(1 pro. io.init, Il)' 1:11(11 1111 the remedial value 5.. need 1 ,aaalia.a. Hood's 'Sarsaparilla lo 411110 1'19•1111111. 10 119011 01141 afewlmely un- eitedliel as o Mood partner, mei 414 14 Omit+ fur 1 4111loguii the 4ieakaiillglylliglier1'o11t5'eligt11. Hood's Sarsaparilla 1,1,115315;) 110,15514114. $1: nit ror $0. 1.reoarod only I. innln In, A110' 100111•100,L011901,1111100 title3 Doses One Dinner A JAW -BREAKER. The ,i1-3v11P or a aanittlei 546 All the world 5154Vial'itilim. tits eides ovee )lark Twain's 13111131 closeriptton of the on pronutm.. ealde 111111110, 11 1111•11 01' 10'0 long, which he discovered int going into Germany. But there exist words whith outrun these by many a syllable. '1'lie seat ut Angleeey 18 the 111010111 015110 island Leaving the same name, Which lies just off Ulu 'Welsh coast and which is eouneeted by a bridge with the mainland. ]1,''o 1111' ;Darryl:lobes a charming mansion, while needed awes. ie 1115 Hole village of sonte teiti inhabitants 311,411' by one Multi the lit;lo eli 5111th toe well 110 110 ''05)1)5 1'' post- ed., Nee; Hot mons of the lienate. :it pure- ly \ ‘' visit 10,0,,131111e. is. 001100110111. RA 11311315911 114,3311. 11 nue .1 Me, hyphen 1 fooria it required a geed deal 01 pramite, to pro. nordwo it without 11 gesp. 11 t'"lcI)Iee ws.1,41gOrt rep wl 1,401'011er- inpu1tgogerpm 1" • 310 1110 p031 011101' Is 111110)51,111., One hl the 11,14.11.1 1o,1,1, handling a iinallt- [ Ind:, it he...tioe to shorten tile above address, widell WM then reduce(' 00 1 " Llite earl, W 1 1 W y 11 g y 1." seeVide ,.' -nee eeie t-ae-eier-eiee--"eigeses-e.sessesese, .Awa Asthma, " I have been a great sufferer from Astb... ma and severe Colds 'every Winter, and last Pall my friends as well as myself thought becanse f my feeblecrti great distress from constant cough - mg, and inability to raise any of the accumulated matter from my lungs that my time was close at hand. When nearly woreout for want of sleep and rest, a friend recommend- ed me to try thy valuable medicine, Boschee's Ge an Gentle, Syrup. I am con- ef rash I ng &lent it saved my L-tlife, Almost thefirst Sleep. dose gave ine great relief and a gentle re- freshing sleep, such as I had not had for weeks. My cough began immedi- ately to loosen and pass away, and I found myself rapidly gaining in health and weight. I am pleased to inform thee—unsolicited—that I am in excellent health and do cer- tainly*attribute it to thy Boschee's German Syrtlp. C. B. S'rxmumv, Picton, Ontario." r. ----------- King David. Thou elloplievil Mu?, mob or the lotus lend, 1 Bar, tte to llama the stowable along, ' Lee phre anointed on Philistito's wrong Fenn) .110111) es woe ; 1.711011 mighty of soul and Leaving he sheepfold'e vigil to command l'Ity !Woke of mei) and, in Jelmonh stvoug, Your b,tol,ot end nine store 1 Cho.: " Clang haille at nicht tO wife ton' warms We ought 1101 1.,, foav to speak of onv love Toronto, Chne Jonx Thuujo at home, We should got ton the tentleettess ---.0--. possible into the day household life. lefe should make the mornieg good.bys as we What the Bells Gay, pent at the breakfast -table kindly enough f or final farewells. Many go ota in the The first boll aays, "Het 11 n, got uP." morning who never 001110 horne at nights. 'Photon, bell says, "0 1 come and imp.' Tho school boll stoys, "Improve thy yontlee the"f0"we 51101.111 part, even for a few . To temples of the ageco by thy song 0110111333 51043010 front His heavenly land ; Wu hail thee glovions, but we behold. With vessel jey a strife amid thy brettst Beyond the ware 01 11111330, tho manifold Yearning and throes of a great heart's un- met, Seeking the lovely with aware untold Incioritato oe through tagions of the blest. wash ington, Lova in the Home Life. The church °erne, hear the truth,. hours, lett)) kind words, with a iingerin ehe toll !muff° boll saye, Opo the gates." preesure of the hand, lest we nifty never Tile dom. bet seys, " A Maltase waits. ' 3rho tiro boll sant, "0 run, mon, run." look again into mall othee'e eyes, 1,mider-, The nOon ball says, "hurrah for run." nese in the home is nott 0 childish wetoknees; The 81010 bee says, "Como tette to ride." 11 is ono that should be indulged in and cod - Tho wadding boil savs, "Bless tele bride." tivated, for it will bring the sweetest retuns. The fog boll 'en " iiewarul liowiu.o1" The street -ear boll says, '''1010er»ts fre," The 0011110),boll says, "Coma"tuna 1,s;',",, 11 300 lono anpposed that hoes collected The flehertuan's boil says, frish to fry.7 ,, The elite. boll sere "Como sport, come egret!: the wag duo,.t, I•tem. flowers. Now it is 'I he Christinas boll says, .•.(1111.0)1 on earth. 14nown that if limy aro kept feme. plants Tbo IncluirS, bop says, .s Here's line breed," and fed MI Nagar only 1031 will form, Tbo 0 o'elook boll. "Cie to bed."-113ow Bolls. • WaX. pnerIIIMMILIP=1.11•11.1ateellanninnaNtlartranobfitl,M.raannadaaliMill/V...ysilllaiiiI012a1.11.22.tat...ntex1dintom..........,, _ _ .... .. .. 0 17VITIETOTJT AN EQUAL 6 CURES , - ?4, i ocmsUallIATilara, '33133(133'33133(1330 \,- ,MARK14 . NEEtill'AfLegA5 , 404 ,,. LUMBAGO, Ao. A V A. , .,i 4.. ra ra ,,,.,- VAR reitleper1. _ ,,.. i SCIATICA, Sprains, Bruises, Surns, Sweilingso E CIVIARL,E$ A„ VO4 M.Elk 00 itiiNAMY. Baltimore. Mir r,rr..nrwinn Ponoti T3,)W:333V331 ONT. tr:... ..;;III,Ial*?;111;SZlir,'"irrAgE=Milaainlii:IMMIELM IlifEtainTIE ,i' TjA, 1'