HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-2-12, Page 8{
wrarcmdx:7^:,ac:arr•uttcrgar av".c Loittn-n:gCrinal s-rtme ll rarurorna ••i^ malliatiVr caaclateaa rgerZIPLMuaeara,curl's^^:•=.1ncuaarr
"THE ai 9' 11 1 . "
t have sometimes thought
that if there was more hotel
eaten that, there would be It 513
"Grip". Bring along your
pitchers and- pails and have
them jilicrl with our btst
Extracted Honey..
It is both fond and medicine.
Splendid for lung troubles.
There is no healthier sweet
known. rTi•y som3 with your
porridge for breafast and with
bread and biscuits for supper
and see if you do not escape the
la grippe. It is only 10 cents
per pound or 11 pound for $1.
Druggist, Bookseller, du,
8It"t'II1:I1N ECTE50I0l W. U. <': a,
Trains P01,0 Brussels 8101101, North ELITIa Son! Folin, a oolleetion of new' Btrerntz bu] ding lot on a,Li1I street,
and South, e.s follows : Rungs by favorite composer's. 11. L. Brook, for sale, ohoup for cash. Apply
(Rush Sarna, (lnINGNonan. Jackson. to A. Bttwtillhelmer,
9ran....... '(:33 axe, I Mixed ..... sat thin,. TRE.(', yourself to a new quit while the A Jlovb; tN TIME moire DIoECYION•—Goo,
• >•'morese 11:sl :um V,til •... .... 3•IJ3 ". big eau, goes on at Dllnfortl'•. Call and Good has doeided to u into 1 Aloe
'.Hued 8:r0 pan. , ]express 9.1'> p.t 1. g the e
sop hie line Monk. business exelti-1,ely and with that object
-• • - WE want to start the new parlor with in view will sell his grottarles at what
they will bring. We believe if all bnsi.
nes. men In Brussels would cultivate
special lines it would be better for all
+„ 10 .,,,✓v ,11.+#011
FEB, 12, 1.802
_._ _ ,,... saeavmzltwllr
gtifik $t&urf"'Y, ttfr IjfA
In order to clear out the balance of our Winter Goods IVU Have Leeidcd to continue 0111' (Clearing Sale fur a few
day's longer wInt.1 we will offer some
S rY
So as to make room fol of ' New Spring floods We have a l'uw pairs of 131anhcts still left it ld 11 lot of' other Goods
which we intend 13(31111 g at a price to ensure au entire clearance, We have nu old Bankrupt stuff to o11111' and the
prouder is how anybody can go and buy such rubbish when they can ,.ulna here and get nice new Goods for less money
Coyle and see our Goods and Prices and we will convince you at once that what we say is correct, Everybody is well
pleased with the big bargains We are giving and we wool." advise all who have not been to bee Us to do so at once and
secure some of the cheap Goods before our sale closes.
Remember Only for 10 Days Longer.
.O.Ciit tluh f'tfiit�,
A cbiel's amang ye takin'-notes,
An' faith he'll Arent it.
Enna Song Folio for sale by H. L.
BOY wanted to learn photography. W.
COST. price sale at Dutlford'slfor 30 days
Big baremine.
MusrorANw call and see "The Elite"
song folio. II. L. Jacks"n,
0%11Q:t 'rnnis and suits sold away
down at Dunford's cast price sale.
Houses for sale or to rent. Comfort.
ab'e and convenient. W. 13. Dickson.
Gime up groceries, nothing but shoes
and trunks after 1511.1 April. Gem Goon.
CUTTER for sale, either cash or wood
taken for it. Apply to Howe S: Co.,
Woollen Factory, Brusse's.
Lose.—Left in Mrs. E. Rogers' store a
blank sealette muff with a white silk
handkerchief inside. The 000(1er can
have it by paying for this edvertisemout.
PEOPLE who Ilan arsenical prep11:le-Ra ie
for their enmplexion, do go at the risk of
their lives. Aye's Sarsaparilla is
guaranteed free from any iujnrione drug,
and is therefore the safest as well as rite
most powerful blood melieiue fu the
world. It makes the skin ,clear.
ilIY head was literal y full of dandruff
and nothing applied gate visible rehet
until teeing Alt1•DandrUf1, a fete u"pli.
0atfnne of which has so thoroughly re
moved the dandruil there is not a greet
to he foiled. W. II. O'ooUA..e,
Mm,troil, Aug. 4, 'ill. Ry. Mnt1 Clara.
Ore bouts and shoes are tneeti11g with
the sante slaughter in prices that other
goods are said at and as the sizes are
getting limited its to your advantage to
make year purchases 11.11 early as possible
from ne ie order to get bankrupt pieties.
The Econumieel Dry Goods Syndicate.
J. 11. GouulO, Manager.
Eta P000:sW, the Amerioau humorist,
has come and gone. He had a good
house here and Ins lecture was very en-
tertdi11ing giving everyone a hearty laugh
in addition to well ' made points and
oriticisuh11. Eli would fare as well in hie
Comedian tours if he had less to say
about the ball headed eagle at his stop.
ping places. Ile went from Brussels to
Listowel and, on to St. Thomas Lir Fri-
day evening.
Ou,na nleruhautl in tuw11 advertise
their goods after buying them regular
and on 4 and li months time expeotiug
to make a profit pat of you to pay their
electric light bills and other expenses.
We advert lee our goods because we know
we bought them at 45 ciente on the dollar
and can sell them at less prise titan our
opposition pay for them. You can surely
see that it is to your advantage to buy
your goods from us while our great
slaughtering Sale lasts. The Ecol.
omieal Dry Goode Syndicate. J. 13.
Gamete, Manager.
Drrn.—The following notice, taken
from the Atwood Bee, refers to the
death of the father of Mrs. Jas. Bell, of
this piece :—On Satnrdey lost the sad
intelligence spread to the effect that Wm.
Harris was dead. The news oast a gloom
over the countetanOes of his many friends
iht Elma township who had known lttm
atei his estimable family for years. Mr.
Rarris and family were removing their
household effoots from Brownsville to
Rothsay via Atwood, and took 000asion
to visit their friends in the latter place
of route. But he was suddenly taken
to his bed by inflammation of the lungs,
bum which fro.b)eIse 'lever rallied, and.
on Saturday last be breelthed his last.
Re was coin done to the last, although
latterly he could not speak. He recug.
11 new emelt of shoes se will sauriare our
present stock. Geo, Gunn.
20 cords of green ,stove wood, 22 inches
long, wanted, beech and maple. Apply
to Ills. Wal. MoOnllengh, Brussels.
Lenox quantities of broom., soap and
staple groceries to be saerifieed es we
are giving up this line, Geo, Goon.
Lars for sale on Elizabeth, Catherine
and Alexander streets. Will :esti on
liberal terns. Apply et the Woollen
Mill, Brussels.
Oen men's and boy's soils and oyer•
conte are being sacrificed at prides that
other merchants in town pav for them.
The Ecouomioal Dry Goods Syndicate.
J. R. Gamete, Manager.
CAuNIYAL: The second carnival this
season will be held on Maitland Skating
Rink, Brussels, next Tuesday evening.
Valuable prizes will be awarded for
character costumes, races, tem. A spec.
tutor's prize will sled be given. The
posters wilt give further particulars.
FIOTY-SII applications for insurance
were passed by the Directors of the
Howiok Insurance Cotnpot y at their
=Misty meetieg held in Gerrie on the
1st inst. Of these, nine were new Halts
and forty-seven reuewala. rho property
insured amounted to 500,325, for which
the Company received premium notes
to the amount of 54,2111?5.
OrltIx( Ihseas11 110 Einem earn 11'
pals(.—As per advertisements it ty.tl be
seen that a 1'ei.'l'0101 1311 1)011111311 of
the T)oreulcend le leetrie Belt '1 Toronto
will be at the lvueee's Hotel, fir'nseels, on
llouliav 15131, there he can be consulted
tt•ith about the self cure of all mueen)ar
1181w.,118 nil 0hru11r0 IIi.,u,1+es, Now the
18110'5,1 have an npnortn,tity or petting
a free and important opinion of their
trouble. His stay is 'hoped, dont (1311:
Cesenroo Purs0s Assocl.t'rlox,—The an.
nual meeting - of the Canadian Press
Association will be hold in Ottawa, Ila.
ginning Thursday, Marais 3rd, at 10 a.
m. There will be tires sessions 50813
day for two day's, and if necessary an
additional5011siun m, Saturday, the 5th.
trite bnsiue a will ibulude the usual ad-
dress by the retiring president and the
minuet business statenle.its. A numner
of interesting and important papers will
be read, including the following :---
Things one would like to be different, by
John Cameron, Advertiser, London ;
The smaller dailies, J. S. Brierly, The
Joarnel, St. Thomas ; The legitimate
profits of a newspaper office end how
they are entailed, J. C. Jamieson, The
Ontario, Belleville ; Newspaper enbsarip•
tion mud how to co tact thele, Boort
Holmes, The New Era, Clinton ; The
law of libel, John King, Q. C., Berlin.
Papers 0t• eddreeeos ere also promised or
expected from the following well known
and representative mel t—J. Ross
Robertson, The Telegram, 'Toronto ; W.
A. Shepard, president United Typotbotne
of America ; Hon. Jaime Young, Galt ;
0, W. Young, The Freeholder, Cornwall ;
11, S. White, M. P., The Gazette, Mont.
real ; H. Beettgrand, La Petrie, ex•mayor
Montreal. Also on the subject of 180d.
paper book-keeping by a member of an
eminent firm of obartered accountants,
and on punctuation and cepitalieation,
etc.,- etc. by a professional proofreader.
A pleasant and unusual feature of the
meeting will be the reception of five
delegates appointed at the Editorial Con-
vention at St. Paul to attend the Oanadi-
an Convention.
ADnnEss AND PeoesNTATION,—Tile fat.
lowing is !rum the Southampton Beaoo,,
of January 28th;—Rev, E. W. Mint
was preseubed with a line dog -skin over.
oat at the Friday evening Bible Olase
by the members of the class and congre-
minn of St. Paul's ohltrob. The follow,
g very appropriate address was read,
high gives evidence of the high esteem
witieh he le held by Itis coegre.
atinn :•--
et'. E. 0'. PL1al,
Rlsrm:Tan AND VEtir DRAG fairom,--
It is with the greatest pleasure we meet
you this evening for the purpose of oiler.
ing you our most hearty congratulations
for the eu000se that has attended your
efforts since residing among us, and of
giring expreneton to oar hopes that you
may long be spared to 1wutlnu5 the good
work fur whish mann hag so eminent.
1q fitted you, .ted while Gad 111 Idle in-
N:lite wisdom has been pleased to clothe
yon with the brightest lutelligeuoe of
mind, to rid you in directing our thoughte
avotlwartl, may we, your humble
ends, be permitte(i to do our part W-
ards protecting your body from the
illing winds and wintry binge to which
u are exposed while in the dieoharge of
ur ditties. We therefore trust that
1 will mop), this mantle, not for its
trinsic volae, but 011 a slight aoktow'
dgemant on our part of the love and
torn in which yen are hold. And
1811 wrapped in its comforting folds
ay the warmth thus imparted ever
rya to remind you of the high plass
u occupy in the affootiono of your
ngr 511(1011,
rived his 000 Williaut, wbo arrived from in
Ji:'e,eels Saturday noon„ but wee to g
weak to speak to blot, The subject of
retie notice was aged 03 years and l
month, and leevee a wife and four Guild•
on, viz., Mrs. Jed. Donaldson, jr., of
'lllma; Mrs. Jas. Bell, of Brussels, and
William and Mary Barris, to mourn the
lose of a kind Husband and indnlgent
father. For many years deceased was
irlentiLed with the cheese industry and
was engaged for several yelure its cheese -
maker in the Elan Cheese Company's
factory and the n1L.nit! e n factm •. lIe
was a man of sterling h Met, and lie word
was tie good as bis L.,ttd. lie wail a
member of the T. O. 0. F., utldler whose
auspices be was buried on Monday, and, 1 Cee
we understand, had several thousand) w
dollars insurance on his life. The fun. 1 ah
0rai tool( place from the residence of ha.; yo
Deua.ci.on, jr., and wax largely attended ye
by the Lietuwet en trngent of the I. U. Vo
0, 1e. and the humorous friends of the lin
(,.lily, The service waa conducted by Ile
Roe's. ,i'.ndu[ao.,, lingers, of Atwood, and e8
Ornlpbell, of Listowel, the latter in be. I wl
hay of the Order to which he belonged. m
It 1s needless to say the family have the I so
heartfelt sympathy -of the community t t in
their sed bereavement. 1 ca
Cunnrgn.—Two rinks of Bruseels purl.
ing club played their first match this
season, last Tuesday, with Winghatn
club at the latter place. The competi-
tion was for the Western Tankard.
Brussels woo an easy viotory having 10
shoes of an advantage. The score was
as follows
11111328EL8, 01Nel0Alt,
115E 50. 1.
W. 1I, Sinclair, 8, Kant,
2, Scutt. LL Ulnsloy,
J. T. hats, J' Neelaude,
8. W. Laird, ship, 00, J. Diisley,seip,10,
1(INT. 50. 2.
i1. Dennis, W. [f. 018B01101d,
W. Th.,mpsou, 11. Vali stone,
U. 0, hose, J. Duffield,
A. Ounce, skip, 29. 2. Facto rson,ek.I0.
Brussels, Wingbmin, Luoknow and Riu•
cardiae ate iu this group. Wingham
neat Laekuow last week so Itis betweou
our ulub and the border to 1111 as to who
33300 to Loudon for the big competition.
Pose Seises,-1'curtlt Divlsiou Cour
on the 23x,1 inst.--George Cardiff eta
leased the stare uo,tli of the America
Llutel for an implement emporium. 11
and tie). Kirkby (till handle 11,5 con
hilted (110511ey, linens tt: Patters)
mainlines,-1tev, R. Paul oeculned 111
pulpit of the 113 111di.Ht il1ar011 last Sag
bath lo the ilb48mee ,: the paetur.—
Meserd. Coelimee t0 Jolurstou, seethe
culture, have made al'r1t11ge,nr1118 where-
by they piti'pn80 res mntilig business in
Brus•els to 1110 manse of a utullih or 8u.
There is a good field in this locality.—
The curlers Ole taking all oe1asiunul
0111r1 on the rill midi the etaues.—La
grippe es letting up It little iu Brnsees
and ,Orality,—•The next monthly horse
Fair w111 00 held on Plaiesday, Martin
Orel.—La,ge quautttics of eels .1,5 being
teamed away from the Enterprise Salt
Winks, lleuesels, by fetrmer3 itt the ad-
joining and aujaoent towuehipe. -Worst
glen aro putting in the dew (10111 in ane
of Dr. Graham'. stores, The 5111515r
Deiliug has been covered with ash
lumber. d), Lowry is lieehu5 brick from
Brussels 8tat(uu to Audrely 11(slop's,
Grey township, for the latter proposer)
brick resideuoe, to be erected next
summer.—Next Sunday the quarterly
tmnulu nem services will be held 111 the
Methodist cherub. oaarltmeut at the
close of the morning service and fellow-
ship meeting after the eveuing preach-
iug.—Elder Stewart, Miss [mita mud
allieB Smellier repreeented Melville oliuroh
at the Sabbath Oehout Convention at
Wioguam last weak. Miss Annie Bos
wee (bare from Kuox oltureh school and
M1sa :11111110 .loose, ,,lies Holmes, Ali88
Ball, allies Maunders, Ales. DOusuo, Dr,
Cavalta"h, J. J. Ball, W. 11. Mooney, G.
A. hood attd W. H. Kerr from the
Methodist suhool.—Bru-sels School Board
will meet on the 2nd instead of the 4th
Friday of each month during 1110'1—
Watson Ainley has a Oret•elaee plow this
15i110r for Dotting ice for storage ppr-
poees.--Charlie Grower purpo0011 re-
moving to Atwood where he will open up.
a tonsorial parlor. "Cbiok" i5 a gradu.
ate from lt, N. Barrett's shop here and 15
wall up to his business. Inc can shave
any one from a lightning rod agent
down.—A new stock of boots, ehoes, and
trunks will bo opened nut in the Graham
book itt a few days. W. Schoenberg
will be the manager.—Song Service in
the Methodist church next Monday even-
ing commencing at 7;30 o'clock,—'tiara,
Jam and Glory Bouquet" next Wednes-
day evening hs the Town Halt—Samuel
Fear has dlspoaed of hie eligible property,
adjoining Brussels, to Walter 2110lutrdsou
for 01,170. The plane .has (ecu well
arranged and managed in the emelt fruit
line by the late propeller, kir. and Mrs,
Fear purpose removing to Uederioh,
where their youngest son ]e in (naives,
41r. Yet.r'e remove' will leave m vacancy
in the Methodist abash here that will be
(11811010 to fill. They will leave Braseele
in bite course of a month or so,—J. 11.
Williams, undertalter, of Gerrie, has
par0hased the black hearse from R.
Lsatherdale, of this place, The latter ie
having his white hearse painted bleep .--
D. D. Campbell, of Listowel, D. De 0,
141 , paid an oftieial visit to ht. John's
Lodge, No. 284, A, 1. et A. 111., J3rassele,
on Tuesday evening of this week,—A.
sleigh loth of young people drove out to
Frank McUraoken'e, Morrie, last Tues,
day evening and enjoyed the ride and
visit immensely. On the same evening
another load went out to Hector itioQuar•
ria'er G10y, and spent a very pleasant
time.—Pttonograpb concerts are becom-
ing quite fashionable. 'There was a
private one at the residerme of G. A.
Deadman last Friday evening. --Large
quantities of good loo are being harvest•
ed this week. Watson Ainley has the
Me field leased.—Dr. Sinclair Made his
usual monthly visit here en Wedneeday
of this week. Ile
will he in town ag11111
on March 16th. --The Depltty PostoHice
Inspeator for this District paid an olli,dal
visit to Brasseis this week.-- Scarlatina
is bothering a number of children in
tnw'rl.—At,11 Wednesday the not roma
till March, 2nd, this year. Good Friday
will be on Aped 1(1(11 and paster Sunday
on April 17th.—'rhe License Commissi-
oner. for Eget Huron have b. en reap-
pointed, viz Messrs. Gibson, of Howioll,
L'urtupe, of Turuberry, and Murdie, of
AicRil lop.
Fox.—On February 1st, the wife of Mr.
B. Lox, Atwood, of a daughter.
FEnousort—In Belgrave, on Jan. 81st,
the wife of Mr, Andrew Ferguson,
of a son.
Paan.—In Bleevale, on the 281111 ult.,
the wife of Mr. Jos. Pugh of a son.
Drcr:aoN.—Lr Brussels, on February 4111
the wife of Mr. W. B. Dickson of a
111 OCOTCIMON—WILSON.•—In Morris, on
Feb. 3rd, by Bev. W. T. Cluff, of
Brussels, Mr. John McCutoheol. to
Miss Mary, youneeot daughter of
the lute William Wilson, all of Mote
lLlmue.—In Ehna, on Tan. 30th, Wm.
Harris, aged 63 yenrs and 1 month.
Peueows.—Ia Belgreve, on the 28t1, .eau„
Win. John Parsons, aged 1 year.
ClIE1NSLAuI..--In Morris, on Feb. Mb,
Aline, relic' of the bite Geo. Green.
slade, aged 00 years,
GO1Ie'N.—Ie Gaderich, en Thursday,
Feb. 111),, Daniel Gorden, father of
Mrs. (liev,) G. 1P. ealb'll, Brussels.
cTlox1 s=>.r -s.
TC1asinw, F1as. 1)3.—Farm Stuck and
im plot, elite, Lot 4, Con, 12, Grey. Sale
at 1 o'clock. Wnt. Eitu'gan, Prop, F. S.
Scott, nun.
F01187, Fen. 26.—Farm stock, im-
plements, leo., lot 4, con, 14 Grey. Sale
oomnle0ees at 1 o'clock, Jno, Baia,
prop , Geo. Kirkby, auc.
ZSionsbAY, FEn0. 18.—Farm stoolc, an.
plentelts, to., lot 14, non. 11, Grey.
,neo commences at 1 p. m. Bubb. Ifall,
31roe rietnr. Geo. Kirkby, enetioneer.
\40I'N3ratAY, Fun. 24.—L4trn1, farm
stock, implements, tee. Lot 6 16 Wi• 7,
Co11. 8, Grey. Sale at 1 o'clock, D.
Forbes and Jae. Cardiff, lxe0utors for
the late John Puttee. Geo. Kirkby,
bFv'T: Sr'7L,03 IaS-Ar ZZ17Ts,
Fall Wheat
Spring 1Vheatt
Butter, tabs and rolls
Egge per dozen
Flour nor barrel
Hay per too
Pork ..
Hides per lb
Salt per bbl., retail......
Sheep skins, each........
Lamb shins each
Apples per barrel
8.4 80
8l SG
37 48
58 511
'27 2.')
15 00
13 00
430 500
25 00
0 00 10 00
5 50 5 00
4 00
1 00 f0
65 00
05 00
1 25 00
_J Works are yet fu the market to T ur-
0hese 100 cords o1 wood, green or dry, Boit or
hard. Highest se toe paid in oast,
ninny oases would be dearer than the
0110 I offer for 820.10, She Is a cross hetweelt
iaersey and one of the largest n11lhere iu
o0ahfrlerilhigtudiinne YryouidpgoH
extra. seet,
G, A. D:111ADMA N, Brussels,
1.'9 Contracle will be lot by the ttudersign-
ml for cu tithe and ettidding • saw logs on Lot
del, pun, 8, Grey, and drawing the same to the
river. A11 wood remaining ester logs aro
taken off will be seld bythe acre. Per fur.
thcr porticulers amply_to
. __...-....._.
23 0 Blom/ale.
'rondo% win be received by the TJu-
delsiguedup to 'i'eeoloy,llebruary 18011 at 3
o'oloek, p. nn, for the building of a now
Manse at, Atwood. Piano and speoidoaiions
may be same ut 1Ite, J.J. Harvey's atom,A1-
00011, cm and after. Monday, the 8th out.
1'(e lowest er any ,elder not necessarily
ataopted, Wof, 1..00IIHEAD,
Atwood P. 0.
L' 01)881851111 slat several good Pa11105 ler
sato and to rent, easy terms in Totvnebf s
or Morrie and Grey. P 5. O(OTT,ilrusseis.
UJ, SALIi UIi 711
-L hen rick too n the north -oast nor-
ter of Mill and Tut lbetry (]tree te, Unmade.
Tree partiontare 1 to
Ph1T15111I/SON Queen
street, or by mail address0581Beason( P. 0.,
Box 87, 81.4
) Beteg South hall Telt 27,00n-0, 1lo:1'is,
, 100 acres, nearly all cleared, Good buildings,
lime young hearing orchard. ImluOdlato pus_
mission. 101103 'Tornio. Apply to
50'. ('l..alt,
tr. Sullrltur ,k0., lirnseols.
A. is in the 0111 sou. of Grey, kuowu as the
A bel l' indnll farm. It not Bold before the
let of ?Larch, will he to rent„ Also Lot 810,
Tmmherry sit, Brussels, For further mirtt,-
alare apply to too proprietor,
THOMAS 91001(13,
NOT eiTeet a sale of my Yarm by publio
anotiou ou January 23x11, I will offer it for
sale for the next 38 days by private saleat
a law figure to anyone in search of to good
farut, , or full partleulare as to price,
terms and 000rlitloos apply to
A. DBLGAT PV, 1'utgva, Assu.,
A. 1113z. 0EB, )iruseste,
or 51, 31I0178, Egmoodv:lle,
DL'lts1GNED will loath his 200 glares of
land, being lot 80, coil. 3, Mort! e, and lot 1,
oou. 5, Croy, for a tern] of yen's. Good
dwelling boubo,barn, ovehartl, wells, creek.
1@0. The gravel rood divides the farms land
they aro well adauted for stook er grain
grOwlog. POeseseion on April 1st. PGr fur.
ktlur particulars apply to
S. TId
'9-tf ROEPOB0Y,
Box 71., J3nuaels P. U. Proprietor.
m.nslGvhn offers his .100 none farm for
an le being lot 27, eon. 0, Croy. The farm is
a]1 olnnroe and muter cultivation. 'There 111
a frame house, bank born 4100 feet, 80,0,y-
house,orebut0,well, R0., on the premises
Farm is nolo 1 mile from 1311301 village
settee], churches mut peetuilico. possession
given at once. For 1,1, 11ler p(,nrtfanhtrs ap•
1,17 to C1111LSTOP131i1t 1LAYN.1t1),
31.3 Prole,
3 van SALtt.—Befog west 1 Lot 11, Cot1.9,
GroV, 11 miles from Brussels. The ]null 1s
good clay loam, Weil drained, luostly all
cleared and in good order, Ore aero of or-
chard in good repair, There is n never fail•
fig spring ma the promises and an ostia well
at the buildings. The buildings 11.113 comfort-
able. WO111O take Alin:able Amnesty in or
near Brussels as part pay. (Laud 1s seeded
Per 33u•the• particulars apply on
the premises to
'PHOS. 5IcGlt1Sn ON,
or address Brussels P. 0. AAM)
� of 460 pews in ono of the best wheat
districts 1n illanitohw 380 ne'11, under culti-
vation, 40 (teres seeded lu Timothy, 2 log
and anall outhoiidhlgs. All fouled
with wire, a good voile, wood within easy
reach, 11 mites from. prosperous town and
statim. of Oyprosn Rive/•, Ievator, Selma', 3
Churches and good stores. Title perfect,
A part or the whole, or terms to snit pur-
chaser. if not snot by March 15th, the farm
will be leased. Write et once to
W.M. Ale L MOD,
28.3,11 cypress River, Alar,
rt,-A3ZM 1'013 SALE. -TRE UN-
)Eltala5F.D o8f510 for Rale the 1,01.01
8.151 quarter of lot 29, uonoeseion 8, Morrie,
County of Soren, ouutaining 50 sores. Tho
land i8 of first Tieliby and In a high state of
cultivation, well leeoe(1 R11(.1 under-drafuel,
1'5 aeras cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms,
mill( house with 000070th welts, 2 'svelte,
good barna and 81104, orchard, etc, Eight
acres of f111 wheat. '01118 desirable property
adjoins the corporation et Brussels, Suit.
able tem will be given . Title perfect,
TAMES Gh111010, Owner,
30- Sorth Owner,. P. 0.
Notice to Creditors.
IN DUB S0att00Atti, COURT o) 'TRU CouNTY
All venom havingeageinge ageing the
estate of Sale Long, ate of the Township
of Grey, deceased, who rlio(3 on the 13011 day
of November,1801, are required on or before
the nth day of March, 1802, to send to the
undareitined ful] particulars of their claims
and of the seeurioles (if any bald by them
verified by allldavlt. After she said date the
adwivi8tretrix will proceed to distribute the
estate among the parties entitle(, having
reference only to the ohdms of which notice
shall then have boon received. After such
distribution the admiulstratrlx will not be
r0ep0u5ihl0 for any pert of tela estate to any
orediter of whose maim none,, has not barn
roaaived at aforesaid. This notice is pm -
snout tothe statute iu that belied 1.1
A, 31U TI910, IJ4ru50o15,
.Agent for Mary Long, Adullalett'atrix,
Brussels, .Fell, 11,'82, 31-3
Pursenut to chapter 110, see, 30, It, 0, 0.,
the Creditors or W51. WmmsoN, yeoman, late
of South 11,11 Lot 28,00u, 2,Alorris township,
In the County of Huron, who diel on or
about 11,0 11111 (lay of January, A. D.10U1, and
others heving claims to re03,3ob 00 life estate
are herebyretitled to send on or before the
let Day OfM soh l
y a 1802, to nos, Iounty, of
the Vi Ingo ,t Brussels,' f In the County ey of
Raton, t leeen80 of the estateand1,1108 eOf
and sail do1oaeodotlloii namoe and ais and
and the tall hnrticn11O of their o;aile, and
of the 801,,1 ed (it immediately
after' ley ts'11, ante
alto abet iuf the s body ceatoo elld data
the ugeots o' the said deceased will dig -
Lavirg.ard o ty, partiesii1U entitled fithereto,
Laving regard u1
v 8 K to Y,he1 3 clndms and too exae01 n has anml Donees and cob 13x•
dentis will not be verso for any mote so
t(1 any person of whom otaim he
shell ilea have 110,1 notion,
T1103, 1131LLY,Egon tor,
Mobrls, hteee7.'81. 118.3 13ritseele F. 0.
SCI'TOOL B00i $,
Txeato.naet a Q'eazeral Zzao,iy,•n5xin
Iaurai e.eeS.
Canadian nod Unitoti States Drafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed ou Deposits.
Cellos/foes 1310010 oa faror(able terms.
Canadian Agents —If I1,tcniuO's BANit 011
Now York Aunts—r reoitTltne Ano'2111n-
• Solicitor and Oouve ane
rs(10es made. Oloo—Vanetone'e 1locc�1a.
Sollolter, Conveyancer, Notary Pub -
lis, Ra. OI13e _Grahams Block, 1 do .,r north
of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Punds to
(Late with Garrow k Pron,Tfoot, Go,le.
rfah,) liarr',slel's, Solloitol•n, Conveyanoors,
Of ico0—brussels anti Seaforth, Brus-
solLoan ce-0p-stairs over Bauk. Money
It. It. LATE, w. n, n1Cns0N
U • I s. Ma0RAORi ,
Iesnrer at9lnrriage street.
Bra Orbs
at his Grocery,PurnborrY 811881, Brn05018.
A3 • N. 13ARRETT,
7bnsorlaLtrtletr Shop—Next door
8011111 of A. M, tOBay aC (10'8 hardware 8801'e.
Lashes' nod ohildrous hair cutting a s 11001)111)'
1. Ie prepared to give lessons on the
Piano, Pallor nuts Pipe Organ, i
teetiun Oren to To 1 u u-
g e into, b'm' former -
fUl'lnnti.,n 114(11•(388— 1)4:c 172, 131'libbe1 H.
appointment of I lent,-llovtlroor OCommis-
sioner, bl
Fire Insurance i'o. (onve0(13,5 t, the prmublancerg'ook
Post O2Uee_—
neeinu see,
clone of the 50nrth Divtsim]• Court
Co, Duren. C;onyeyafeer, Notary Public
invest Lound to and loan, uOcll Agent.
us uuade.
011leo in Graham's Block, Brlseels.
Miss Merles, of Wingham, is prepared
to give instrnctiou 111 oil painting. 'Immo
may be ascertai wed at aIiss Nellie Ross' store
where samples of work may be seen.. Nies
Merle would also taste a few more pupils in
3'ri A. HAWKINS,
01'50nist in 8t. John's Church, Brus-
sels, and 111111, in the Art of Teaching, of A,
W. Thayer, Slue, Doo., Now York, will give
lessons to pupils either at Thee, Pnrrow x,
fel ed, at,ttheeir and n home, Terinlsloodler-
ato. 110 -
M. CAVANAGH, L. b• S.; D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Bergamo', Ontario, and of Toronto Uni-
versity. OFFICE—OM Popper's Drug Store,
• Auotioneor, Is always ready to at-
te int sales of farms, farm stook, do. Terms
cheerfully given. Cranbroak P.O. Woe
may bo arranged at Tao Posm Pnblialllug
Hoose, Brussels,
- LioonsedAaotioneer, Sales eondaot
ell on 11000onab10 terms, Farina and farm
stooka eneotaity. Orders loft at TIM Poem
PublislliugIbooso,hosoeslo, 01' 5080-10 Walton
P. 0„ will reeelve prompt attention,
sea as 1111 Auctioneer, I am prepared
to coudnet sales of farm stook at ro5sonehle
pekes, tlnowing the etaudiug of nearly
every 1051/000 I am iu a, position to sell to
good marks mad gob good security when 0old
ml oreilib, Satisfaction guaranteed, Give
mea call. 82- le S. 80OTT.,
M. F. CALE, M.D., O. M.,
Member Of the 001105o of Ph)1 s1015u,
acct Surgeons of Ontario by examination.
Gillae aid Itesidmtoo—Ma1e street haat,
T f.)A. MoNAUGHTON, \I. D.
• 0. iia., L. R. (LP., Ecllnbnrgh, AI. 0, P
S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson's
Bionic, corner of'.1.11 1(11,1 Turuherry Sts,
Cra Honorr
G adnate of too treat
11185180 ry of
10 prepitrod to treat nIi
dlsaa os rlOwo tie- 1
e oe s retemalmal02
a aonh�
patent mauves-. Parttoular rotitonti0v paid
t0 veterinary dentistry, Oane nrometler at -
%tided to, 13135188 mid.Cofirmery—Two (bore
north of bridge Twvnborry 0t„ Brussoie,