HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-2-12, Page 4New Advertisements.
Local Ii. ItQgerte
Loomis—Geo. Good.
L. r is—r., Duuf,.ro.
Exeur'bimre--0 P. 11.
Locals J. H. Gorman,
Ir, rids— Dr. J. ( Ater,
Ds: • t 1•e :it,1d. 1 , ,e:s.
Great Salt—a ii. Uurma"r
1' tin for Sale—A. 1lelgalty.
"1 he Grip".—(1. A. Dead nian.
Neriee to Credrw's--A. IIuuter,
Fenn for Sale—Clrristnpher Baynard
For Sale or to tient-• Peter Ferguson
subject - "Tile Exemplary children of
the Witte," referring to the child life of
Jlaus, Joseph, 1 Rao, Jeremiah, John,
Illt'iutn,'Satltuel, 11"aea. 110 said oxen)•
glary children always (tame from moan
glary homes. The child is just the
parent carried down. In the exemplary ,
home there would be tborougll dieeip•
line, all•erovading piety over the hone
and basin( a life, oar"est, persevering,
believing pray we I111rf the 0lIt'lpt vireo '
would be read awl revereI.ced. After
the collection, the sessiuu wee (dosed
with the beuedietiol.
The third session was opened at 9 a.
. tn„ on Thursday morning lith a prayer
. and praise meeting, lett by Rev. J. A.
Osborne, of (I.•rrie, after winch the con.
11C ll/l51%5 lost. vo•.tiou was ceded to order by the Preei.
dent. After the leading and confirmation
of the minutes, the first subject of the
1 IiII)AY, %Tai. 12, 18112„ 888>80n, "Libraries, their atleot;on anti
Toe following is a list of pending bye
elections for the Commons :—February
11811—Peel, North Victoria, South Vie
toria, East Bruce, East Middlesex, Hali-
fax ; February 12th—East Elgin ; Feb.
roary 18th—Digb.v, N, Se King's, N. S. ;
Febrne,v 20118, South Ontario, East
liaetings ; February 93rd-1Vest Huron ;
February 27th —Two Mountains ; Feb.
realty 29th—Vaudreuil.
management," was ably introduced by
Israel Taylor, Clinton. Hie address con-
tained a great deal of practical infor-
mation on the subject. A lively discus•
siou followed, in which Mise Trewatha,
Rev. L. W. Diehl, D. P. Ross, Rev. M.
Swann, Rev. 11, W. 1101110a, A. Day, J.
E. Tom, J. S. MoKinuon and Rev. J. H.
Simpson took part. The next topic,
"Normal Classes and how to conduct
them," was then introduced by J. E.
Tom, Public) School Inepeoter, Goderioh.
Tee paper wee la vert exhansti'ecue,and
was greatly apprecatted by the meet,ng.
The Preaideet read e. circular foul the
Provmmal Ex. cntfve, with refereuue to
It rnseelt 005001 Betted, the formation of I>181110188 fur teachers'
iruiniug, tee., which was fully explained
by A. Bey. The Resolution 1.'ommutee re-
ported, asking the prayers and sympathy
of the Oouventiou for A. N. Maiming,
Clinton, and dug!) M'Quarrie, Blyth,
who are pruetrete on bods of sieknes'r.
The report vies adopted, and mee-ages
wired to the two sick brethren. "The
Werrxnt for Sabbath Schools," the next
subject, was introduced by Rev. J. A.
Osborn•, in the absence Of Rev. A. Stew•
Dickson, chairman, T. Fletcher, A. art, of Clinton. Blyth was selected as
Hueter, T. Furrow, R. L. Taylor and the next plane of meeting.
The regular meeting of the School
Board was held in the Council Chamber
on Feby. 6th, being the first meeting of
the year, the newly elected members)
having taken the declaration of office
took seats at the Board.
Moved by 1. Fletcher, seconded by R.
L. Taylor that W. B. Dickson be chair.
man for the current year. Carried.
The Board mow consists of W. B.
Dr. MoKelvey.
llioutes of last meeting read and pas.
Mo:ed by A. hunter, seconded by Dr
McKelvey that the regular meetings of
this Board be held on the second Friday
in each mouth at 8 o'clock p. we in the
Council Chamber, and that any other
motion re time and place of meetings be
reaoinded. Came -d.
Moved by T. Farrow, seconded by A.
Hunter that the following accounts be
paid :—J. 0. Halliday, repairing (eats
and material, 05.42 ; T. Ballantyne,
malting black boards and repairing, 019..
00 ; Ballantyne dr Wilton, new stove and
repairing, $19.48 Carried.
Moved by A. Hunter, emended by T.
Fan ow that A. Hunter, T. Farrow and
Dr. McKelvey be the property committee
and that T. Fletcher, R. L. Taylor and
W. B. Dickson be the visiting committee
for the first half of the year, the different
committees to exchange places for the
second half of the year. Carried.
Moved by T. F etc' er, eeeonded by T.
Farrow *et the secretary be authorized
to purchase 90 cords of 22 inch wood the
price not to exceed $1.311 per cord, no
satisfactory tenderbavi,rg been received
for wood as advertised for. Carried.
Moved by T. Farrow, seconded by R,
L. Taylor that the excuses of 0. Smith,
Jas. Marr, Mrs. Blashill, Witt. Miller
atld H. Beam for net sending their child•
ren to school be ace pted and that those
who failed to appear be notified to attend
the mixt regular meeting. Carried
'Phe meeting then adjourned.
Sabbath School Conventie,n.
The twentieth annual meeting of the
Buren Sabbath School Association was
held in the Presbyterian church, Wing
ham, on Wednesday and Thursday, 1ii'eh,
8rt1 and 4th. The first session opened
at 1:80 p. m, on Wednesday, with Rev.
E. W. Huehee, Wingham, in the chair
in tine absence of the President, Rev. 3.
H. Simpson, of Brucefield, who wee de
tainted at home for the day on aoonuut
of sickness The convention was Open,:d
by singing "I need 'Thee every hour,"
and prayer by Rev. J. S. Henderson and
W. M. Gray. The following committees
were appointed: Nominatiug nom
mil tees—J. C. Steveuson,Rev. S. Seliery,
I. Taylor and J. H, McKinnon. Bu i-
ne8a 0, mmittee—W, M. Gray, Rev. L.
W. Diehl and Rev. J. S. Henderson.
Verbal reports from the different Sab-
bath ao11oo18 in the county were given by
J. 0. Stevenson, W. M. Gray, R. Somers,
Mr, Stewart, John Robertson, Rev. J. S.
Bender -on, Hr. Davidson ,Mrs. Neal, J.
S. McKinnon and Mr. Stoneman. All
the reports were very encouraging and
instrt•ctive. On rr000unt of the absence
of W. H. Herr, the second sabjeot on the
program, "Mutual co-operation of
teachers and officers," was introduced by
W. M. Gray, of Seaforth, in an inetruo.
Ova and interesting address. The die -
mission of the dubjeot was oontineed by
Mr. Stewart, John Ritchie, Rev. J. S
Henderson, J. Minion, J, H. Ma -Hardy
and J. 0. Stevenson, The subject -"How
to retain our older scholars in the Bab•
bath school,' was int'oduoed by W. M.
Gray, who wee followed by Rev. S. Bel.
very, Mr. MoBardy, Mr, Stewart and
Rev. I. B. Wullwin in short, practical
addressee. The next subject—"Counsel
to Sabbath schools," was discussed in a
masterly address by A. Day, Provincial
Secretary, Toronto, The address was
full of praotlealinstruction, Interspersed
with illuetratiole witch were greatly
appreciated by the Convention. The
Treasurer's report was then submitted
and on motion was adopted. The see.
ski) then closed.
1' 10 second session opened at 7:30 p,
m. with J. C. Stevenson in the chair.
After devotional exeroisee, addressee of
welcome were delivered by Revs. H. Mc.
Quarrie and 13. W. Hughes. Rev. J.
Simpson, the President, having arrived
look the chair. In the absence of .Rev.
W. Craig, B. D., the Rev. J. S. Hendee
son replied to the addresses of weloomo
in a abort speech. A Resolution Com-
mittee was then apl�touted by the Prsei'
dent, coneisting of G. Foster, J. E. Tom
and J. P. Roes. W. J. Patterson, M. A.,
Mathematioal Master in Clinton Cotle-
1fate Institute, then introduced the sub-
joct--"Parents and home Study,' in a
oarefully prepared and practical address,
pointing oat that many parents relegated
the spiritual education of thein: children
to the Sunday school. 1•1110 0110>lld not
be 6.0 Sunday school education broke con.
tmuity. The training and edhuation of
the child should he given in the home.
Rev. 3. 61. Henderson then delivered an
elaqueut and inteteeting address on tole
The nominating committee then report-
ed, reoommehdiug the foll wing oflioere
for the meaning year :—P'esldent, W. H.
Kerr, Brussels ; ', ice -Presidents, S.
Graoey, Wingham, Jae. Scott, Clinton,
Rev. J. S. Henderson, Renee 1, Rev. J.
H. Simpson, Brucefield, and Rev. J. A.
Osborne, Gorrie ; Executive Committee,
Mr. Davidson, Goderieb, J. S. errainuou,
Blyth, Rev. W, Craig, Clinton, Rev. S,
Sellety, Wingham, and W. M. Gray,
Seaforth ; Oorreepondiug Secretaries, A.
H. Manning and H. Foster, Clinton ;
Minute Secretary, Iercel Taylor, Olin -
ton ; Treasurer, J. 0. Stevenson, Olin.
ton. The report of the committee was
adopted. The session was then closed
with the benediction.
Thursday afternoon session opened at
1:80 and after singing and prayer Rev,
Mr. Simpson, the retiring President,
introduced his successor to the Oouven-
tiou in oomplimeutary terms. Mr. Kerr
expressed his thanke for the honor done
him and ceded aeon Hence Voider, of
Cliutou, to introduce the topic, "Varig
cion essential to S S. work," He dis-
cussed it very pleasantly and practically
in two aspects viz. the devotional oxer•
saes, and mode of combing. 8 o'clock
brought a host of children ee the mass
meeting. The service 1,1 song was joined
in very heartily by the large audience.
Short addressee were given to the child
ren by Rev. W H. Geddes, of White.
church, on the mission of the 18raelitis11
maid in the imam of Nauman the leper ;
and by Mr. Day on "Thy ward is a lam:,
unto my feet," the speaker taking the
word lamps as au acrostic,. The addree.
Hes were excellent and well suited to both
young and old. The little folks were
allowed o retire shortly after 4 o'clock
after which Rev.L. W Di• hl, of Holmee-
ville, spoke inspiring words on "Sabbath
Schools and Missions," end put more
than one S. S. worker on a luau to get
more eutbusiasm into this in portent
department of Ohurch work. Mr. Day
answered the questions iu the queetiou
drawer in a manner that pleased the
loge company very much.
The osiug session, on Thursday even-
ing, caw the commodious church well
tilled. Upwards of half an hour was
spent in a service of song by the union
choir led by Mr. rrieud, the precentor
of the church, Miss Houghton ably pre.
siding at the organ. Prayer wits offered
by Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., after which
the Presid nt exp'amed a chart for Grad.
ing end Promoting Sunday school pupils.
Rev. I. B. Wallwin, of Bluevale, was in-
troduced and read an interesting and
carefully prepared paper on "The reoip-
rooal relation of the church and Sunday
school," Th last address of the Oum
vsntion, and possibly the hest, was given
by Sir. Day o>1 the taking title "Child.
hood the battle ground of the Kingdom,"
la abounded In flue things pleasantly
woven together with anecdotes and illne
tratmus. The Resolution Committee
proposed a vote of thauke to the pastor
and mauagt r,. of the church, the choir,
the Wrtlghttm friends who were so hoe.
pitable, and the persons assisting in the
program, which was very heartily car•
ried, Revde. Meseta, MoQuarrie and
Se,lery responded. "God be with you
till we meet again" was sung and this
interreting and successful Conventiou
was brought to a closet by the Benedic-
tion. The minutes, containing Homo of
the papers in fun, will be printed in
pamphlet form and may be obtained
from the President or Seuretaties fur 5
cents per copy.
The following officers were elected for
the ensuing year in connection with the
Knights of M reatheee : Provincial Com.
man'ler, Sir Knight Joseph Caireo of
Oaml rchie ; Provinoial Nat Commander,
Sir Knight Elijah Hodgins of Stratford
Provinoial Lieu enant Commander, Sir
Knight Id, E. Tithe, Presque Isle ; Pro-
vincial Record Keeper, 8i0 Knight H. E.
Trent, Toronto ;• Provinoial Finance -
Keeper, Sir Knight John G. Muir, Ham -
ken ; Provinoial Chaplain, Sir Knight
Rev. G. R. Boamieh, Stratford ; Provin,
coal Physician, Sir Knight Robert Gib•
son, Watford ; Provinoial Master -at.
Arms, Sir Knight II..1.. Coombs, Stoney
Creek ; Provincial Sentinel, Sir Knight
Alex. Gardner, London ; Provinoial
Picket, Sir Knight It, Mackie,Hit Milton ;
representatives to Fraternal Association
to be hold in Toronto January 14th, Sir
Knights Trent, of Toronto, and Scott of
Hamilton. Berlin, Brantford, Brighton,
Colborne, Toronto and Windsor pat in
claifna for next Convention, but it was
decided to meet in Toronto on the second
Tuesday of April, 1598,
Rev, W. If.11iuuk0, T,. L. l3, Strut.
ford, eo temp61100, on the lt,ivi0" of hie
phvsioi il,0, aal(ie : n trip to Err glee ai to
obtain f rirtherr rest lull leailper'Ni.u..
ROY. .1. W. Gement, of north), will pro.
!ably have ohmage of the Waterloo Street
Method's pillow 1.. lir.. „h.., an, .0 la
will ex end 0v r Il couple of menthe,
Sh rtly',itar midnight brat 'Thursday
morning '111 !roles Oolitic., mayor of
( unlph die to bra 1', sole .1' •, li'wrinl,'n
(10,11 the coleus of an aunt( Munn, .1
pima with which he hod been
())fieri lig for a week or two 1111et. Do
availed Wile>t 001npa1'ati vely y'0•n,g hitt ,
the eldest son of James Guldle, nod wit.
highly ('alor•Inad not 810110 in (Iulr11,11 but
Untaught the west.
J undersigned will keep a thorough bred
Short Horn l)urham Bull for Service on lot
0, con. 10, Grey, Terms, 01.10 to be paid at
t• we of Bervfue, with privilege at returuiug
if neo000ary,
30.4 013AS, ROZFLI:, Proprietor,
Tho nuder.ieord will keno for Berrie° tile
prevent 9eaenn rho Inlprovetl large white
Vortra1ien,14 ''10 o lr" nt 1•a •9n eon. Ii,
30"1/'10, 1'.' 1tich a 1,01 Merl 110 ,11,er •,i
will Ile 01110,1. Terms 01,0, [.lip Pohl et
Helie '31 service, with the prbile40 et relorte
Mg 11 ue,nvsl1ry, Pedigree -int be sem, UP -
11161/811011.6100. Itf1Jll•;lrr
PUL3li I31tED 1301dtS I'011 '1313
010E—T)o underaig-'od will keep fur
service on north bull I.n130, eon. 7, Morrie,
a lure bred Rerltohire Du u', bred > y bfr.
Snell, and an 011!0 improved [;host, r white,
bred by Thos. George, Pianism, from im-
ported stock an both et las. dile hug 10111
3rd prize at the Industrial Pair i1, a ahem of
17, in 1800, and 3rd at t ,e Weer dot 30,lil' h1 a
elate: of Ie. Him sire look let at the Indus-
trial is 1001, 'Penes SI on to he quid at time
of service with privilege of returning if nee.
30.tf eAMUNL '1 L r0
o stipation,
IF not remedied in season, is liable to
become habitual and chronic. Dras-
tic purgatives, by weakening the bowels,
confirm, rather than cure, the evil.
Ayer's Pills, being mild, effective, and
strengthening in their action, are gener-
ally recommended by the faculty as the
boat of aperients.
"Having been subject, for years, to
constipation, without being able to find
much relief, I at last tried .Ayer's Pills.
I deem it both a duty and a pleasure
to testify that I have derived great ben-
efit from their use. For over two years
past I have taken one of these pills
every night before retiring. I would not
willingly be without them."—G. W.
Bowman, 20 East Main et,, Carlisle, Pa.
"I have been taking Ayer's Pills and
using them in my family 31110(11867, and
cheerfully recommend them to all in
need of a safe but effectual cathartic."
—John M. Boggs, Louisville, Ky
"For eight years I was afflicted with
constipation, which at last became so
tad that the doctors could do no more
for me. Then I began to take Ayer's
Pills, and soon the bowels recovered
their natural and regular action, so that
now I a11> in excellent health."—S. L.
Loughbridge, Bryan, Texas. ".
" Having used Ayer's Pills. with good
results, I fully indorse them for the pur-
poses for which they are recommended."
—T. Conners, M. D., Centre Bridge, Pe.
Ayer's Pills,
r'EErensn nr
Dr. J. C. Ayer Sc Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers In.Hadlalnu
coNsumr tim
Phi. GREAT COUGH 00111t4, this
encceesfnl CONSUMPTION CURE, is
wit.hont It parallel i1, the history of medi-
cine. All druggists are ttnthnrized to sell
it on a positive guarantee, a test that no
other curt eau successfully stand. If you
have a. Cough, Sore Throat. or Bronehitia,
1,•e it, for it will cure you. If yourehild
bas the Group, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is sere. If you
dread that insidious disease CONSUMP-
TION, DON'T FAIL 110 use it, it will were
you or cast nothi. g. A-1 your Druggist
for 011L0H'S CURE, Prime 10c , 50o.
and $1 00 If your lunge are sore or back
lame use Shilob'e Porous Fleeter. 26o,
BEING due to the premium of uric+
acid in the blood, is most effectually
cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa-
Alla. Be euro you got Ayer's and no
other, and take it till the poisonous
acid is thoroughly expelled from the
system. We challel' o attention to this
testimony 1—
"About two years ago, after suffering
for nearly two years from rheumatic
gout, being able to walk only with great
discomfort, and having tried various
remedies, including mineral waters,
without relief, I saw by an advertise-
ment in a Chicago paper that a man had
been relieved of this distressing com-
plaint, after long suffering, by taking
Ayer'( Sarsaparilla. I then decided to
make a trial of this medicine, and took
it regularly for eight months, and am
pleased to state that it hal affected a
complete cure. I have since had no re-
turn of the disease.'—Mra. R. Irving
Dodgo,110 West 125th at., Now York.
"One year ago I was taken ill with
inflammatory nceumatiem, being con-
fined to my house Mx months, I cane
out of the sickness very much debili-
tated, with no appetite, and my svatem
disordered in every way. I commenced
using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to
improve at once, gaining In strength
and soon recovering my usual health.
I cannot say too much in praise of thie
well-known medicine." —Mrs. L, A.
Stark, Nashua, N. H.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
500PAn10 ET
Dr, J. O. Ayer & 00, Lowell, Mast.
'Nee 0l,: air. bottler, $1. 'Worth $4 a bottle.•
P 0 S T
FEB 12, 1892
O1.W0,�ltti0:t ' 11089801' :::.�-...�.'.aucr.Y.L" :t.mac•S.^n'as+:t .'t:.,"Jsn:.�rnl�awanreuser.:y�,aaLM1lafA4u4w+a!aluwnuu[Ls'G7rna.-.. asm�an.::
' 011II
remit eleenyery by an
i n elivvieette cnuoestfni
'len amid 1,11111,v Ih,us.
ands of 1.81,1118, f• ilia
only >801elily nape 'i1,)
t 4 to le aledloiue dtbnnv.
r va'. Iia ,urn watt 'il' dJ, ui.tis1, n•lu,
"011'6'ri' , t' 1' -'ti1.1 .1.-
fol'(10 11'b(!ul ,, I 1 \ll ,('Hl,. 1'ta no
snbalin>to 1 an' hoofs„ =1 8181 .f t1>>>' 0vut.
(n.08814 n
tstngn 0, 1, 1 s 1ul in lar w
awlWI;n•RI wail, 8' Will, by le111'1, 11,111. Vol> settl-
ed particulars 11, !deo, r, tnlrq, la hullo,
only, '2 sumps. Adders,. 1'uu11 1.11)'
(laity, No 11 Flesher Block, 131 18udwnrd
.tl'"., Uet,mi1, \toi.
> Sold in 11, ,,solo by 2, T, I'P.I'J'Bll, 11,
A, 1110A I1 MSN ani all reennu'Ible druupisio
every a'hnlm,
To take the place
of the old-fashioned corded
corset, try the B. & C. corset.
This is just what you can
do. You can try it, and even
wear it for two or three
weeks, if you wish. Then, if
you're 11tt satisfied, you can
return it, and get your money.
I4'Olt S l,E 111 a ' Teak:HAN.
50 Quarts of fine Cran-
berries of 10 Cents
a Quart.
Two Brands of Oysters re-
ceived regularly and guar-
anteed to be good.
70 Dozen Oranges at 20 cents
per dozen New Stock.
Star Biestaurant,
Opposite American IIotel.
W. F. COWAN, Proeident.
3. L. BRODIE, Cashier.
PAID Dr CAI'ITAr,, • -
REHERVE Foxe, • -
Agencies in all principal pointe In Ontario,
Quelloo, Mani
r itob1I 'UMW Stated
Brussels Agency.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Farmers' and other good Notes Disonunted
at lowest rates. Draite Issued and Dollee-
tione made on all pointe, Deposits received
and interest allowed at current retire
Iutereet Allowed on Hnviugs Bank De-
posits of et and upwards from date of
deposit to date of withdrawal, and 0oa1-
pounded half yeorly.
Prompt attention and every facility afford-
ed euetetnere living at a distance. ,
Bruee:de, Apr118111.1801.
D. Ewan, Blacksmith, takes
this opportunity of returning bis
best thanks to the pnblic gener-
ally for the generous support he
has received since lie commenced
business in Brussels.
In soliciting a continuance of
The same he desires to state that
he has removed from the shop
opposite the Queen's Hotel
stables, and may now be found
in the NV. T. Hunter shop, whore
he will continue to give his best
attention to work intrusted to
hien. Satisfaction always guar -
Restores Fading hair to its
,,,„,,,.,.a.✓'""""• D. L, OAY�N, ori Incl coley.
.., I': ^•n1 Tn I rte t,wx ne Aponten P
d ...nee i , r fn u,et
SlOp9 Palling of hoar,
rt r u n ) a e ltkli Makes hair eon and F'Ifabls
,• ,.„ ,mal anuenn,1puutWa"d l>remofosGrowth.
Solo BY 0 A DF;AD11[' N, 11RUSREL>.
c.2 mil A. Isms
Ir ria
N v icr
D: C>
A Representative Elec-
trician of the
Dort>nwend Elec-
tric Belt and At -
( 'o.,
—will be in—
t lit ITtom.-lv`I,4,
—AT --
Queen's Hotel,
Monday, Feb.15,
Where he can be consultee with about all forms of Museular Nervous and Chronic
Diseased—Dyspepsia, Eideey and Liver Troubles, Heart Woaknesees, Spinal Cor-
lett re, ltlletm,atisu., Sciatica, Gout, Neuralcia, Nervous Debility, Spermatorrhoea,
Impotency, Fexnsl We0k11eFe, Vatieocelt , Female Complaints, Ae'hma, Bronchitis,
and all Luug Troubles, He will have with him a full line of the Dorenwond Else -
tritest Appliances—"The World's" beet sy•tem for self.treatment—also medicated
Chest Protectors, Abdomin„I Supporters, Oh tetric Binders, leo. No drug treat.
menta, all cures affected by Elsotrmal and Mechanical Appliances. He will not
treat you but show you how to treat lours. If at home obesely and sucoeesfully.
Consider how many owe their health and vigor to e>' otricity ae applied by the
Doreneend Inventions. Is it worth yo,.r whit. to enquire into the matter 3 Call
and dee the lists of those who testify to their merit,. ; perhaps yon may Snd the
names of friends or neighbors among them. No charge for consultation. Book on
home treatment presented free to every caller. Treatment of Rupture a epeoialty.
If you are raptured and are wearing a trues, 0111 and sea the new attachment
whereby your truss can be merle into Ha Electric Truss, making cure more certain
and rapid, and gluing ease 1110 comfort to the wearer, Remember at Queen's
Hotel on Monday, February 16th. Derenwond E eotr)o Belt and Attachment Co.,
Toronto, Can., will also be in Lncknow, Whitely House, Saturday, Feb, 131,11, and
Listowel, Queen's Hotel, on Tuesday, Pelt. 10.
19 lbs Best Granulated Sugar for $,1.00.
25 lbs. of Light Brown Sugar for $1.00.
Extra fine Japan Tea at 25c per lb.
Finest Japan Tea Grown at 40e per lb.
Our Black Tea at 50c. a Ib.
and Coffee at 40c. a Ib.
Has a great Reputation'and needs no further comment.
Eddy's Matches 10c a box ; Two Cans finest Salmon for
25e. ; Cal,ned Corn, Peas, Tomatoes and
Mackerel at 10c per Can.
Beautiful Painted Toilet Sets at c$42.50
Worth 0,5
Painted Tea Sets at $3.00, regular price from
$350 to $4.00,
'Thanking our Many Customers for ther patronage in the
past and would solicit a continuance Of same,
Horse Shoeing a specialty,Zell)
>M Thomson
1), E WAN.