HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-2-12, Page 1Volume 19 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDY, evoiixorpstnntrmagxrguunveewemw.e.ueawuamiernravmsa..taw.mrrascana.ar.nwrazmosnnax.vnavrmsaour,Eseataoaeuntom'.W..Mm..... Aboard The Man Of War "1,harleeton." The following ilt1 reethig le. tel we. written by Oliver Smith, a font er resicini of nils Ittoality : ton emelt) 1.aolted off to sea -going 1 China on another 010300. So far as can find out we start on Wediteadtty vi Honolulu. At present we are takin coal and euppiies on board and have ju come onb of the dry rink. Her hull i quite different from a wooden vesseefro her "vain" to her double propeller she 000 tvhat is trailed in naval perinea "rolliog cheeks," i. e. heavy shuttle) o steel all along her sides about 20 fee from the keel and set sloping downward en as to hold the water as she rolls and t allow her to recover her evenness of kee quickly. Thee° sheer. nee about 15 in ohes in widi (11111 If In 10101)003. Sh is 346 foot iu length with a hewn of 4) feet and draws 21 feet of water. She ha two military masts, that is for fightiu purposes, orreries telly three sails-ejib trysail and smoker, tt.ed only in heavin to in 01(110, die, It carries a mom brit tory of 2 8 breech emoting rifler.; witt an aam of 240 degree, that is from (1;extreme range on 000 sidet to 1)0 oppo,ite 30 240 degrees, and 6 6 inch breech load ing rifles, 3 cm a side. The fire from the 28 inch and 6 inch oen be concept rete( on an object 120 yards from the ship In addition to the main battery there are 40 pounders, 4 9 pounders, 2 1 pounders 2 Hotchkiss revolving cannon and 2 Gale Bliss with 2 Efotolikies cannon in the tope. The stun toted 0 22 breech loading rifts and seer SOO magazine rifies, 30 Springfield breechioading rifles, (marines) 300 Colt'e revolvers and cutlasses. Four torpedo 0011100 affot d submarine offensive mioeleo and a protection belt of 18 (00))armor extends over all her rite.' parts and a protected deck of 2 inoh ate 1 ex• tends from 6 feet below to 2 feet above water line. Her motive power ia derived from 0 tubular boilers in two fireroorns, with watertight bulkheads, anti two sets of double compound engines turning 125 revolutions a minute give her a speed of 21.0 knots per hour. The enginteroonts are divided, the onefrom the other and from the firederoms no well by water- tight bulkheads and ill case of a break laths and pattes are at hand to repair any damage that may be. The light is derived from 3 Edison dynamo o of 40 amperes. one of 1111111,1) is sullicieet for lighting the ship, one for the 4 eleetrin search 1111111ti l melier to spare. On the spar or main deck are two bulkheads 0/10 111)d; the forward 8 1)101100 111111 the otter leeward of the after 11 111)1100 and in nasty 3)10111)11111', such as a storm or 10111(303 en, these doors in the bulltht tide are eloeutt mei 011 cleelc it ix us dry 00 itt port. The smoke pipe is an immense effeir, 9 feet in diameter by 11 ,vide and rises elutes the (leek 31 feet. The berth 411011 le well lit and ventilated by electric tights and ventilators as well as rt, large double email) rotary fen eentilatore, Our clothes ore all ke; in wire lookers around the drum ratan of the smoke steels and ours, that is the nutrinee, headgear is kept in nicely varnished Matey. around the gun tacks, We have bags 011' 0011010 for our rifles tooff keep o the dust and 10110)11 greatly help to keep them clean. No element; ship makes the ship dirty as it ail gors direct into the bunks fr, m the lighters through °butes in the t hip's side -lig fireroom gang -98, almost h of the ehip's complement. The officers quarters'are separated from the men's by n bulkhead relining tronsverse, ly the width of the ehip, nitd the star- board side hes the warrant otlicier's state, rooms, pantry and 111(080 hall, steerage anti panto', ward•roorn, diniugdoorn, 3 taterucuals end attptein's pantry. The ;mashie is devoted entirely to etattleootus. The cabins are eery 1111001y tions up in various colored woods and splendidly lit by eleatricity. The ship can be steered from four clifferei it parts -forward bridge, wheel hou,e, conning tower for 11180 10 notion, and tiller.room. The last slanted 10 13 feet below water line mid the rudder weld scarcely be shot away as the ship exteucls DI feet beyond the extrema filter part of the rudder and 6 feet below as well. From each of the gene to the magazine and shell rooms spanking tubes extend and the conning tower, forward bridge and wheel house have each connection with every part of the ship. Automatic Intl -Waterer tell how much "helm" the ship hats, whether she hers It "list" to port or starboard, &o. Communicators connect the engine - moms and the above mentioned 'ports where the ship is steered so that no 0130' take ottn possibly emir as might hap. pen by a verbal order. Electric bells end alarms are all over. The orderly on the cabin door has only .to keep traok of the ring of 8 bens, one for each cabin and (me for the oftioers of the deck and the executive officers. There is no pulling on ropes hero -everything done by steam, heats hoisted, anthem seeuredt &o, There are no see watelits for mannere, all they have to do is stolid poet duty and keep therntelves Mean. There are five ou the cabin door, of which I am one ; good duty, 8 hours a day for 3 days then 2 deem off, in reality 24 hours in 120. But the worst of orderly's duty on this ship is the feet that the cable is on the berth deck rind they do not like it as wall as 11 10 was on the riper deck. The captain is a Moe man mid does not tly into a passion with his orderly if ally - thing pee wrong, Appended Is roster of the °tibias composing the cabin,warcl. room, Moorage and 'warrant officers mati- ns :--Ortptaan, Geo. 0. Emmy ; Exteu- Wee Lieut., 0. G. Yield ; Navigator, A. Patch ; Chief Engitimer, IV. W. Wilson ; Past Assistant 10113111881)0, J. Hollis, J. A. Jonee Medical Sweeter, Woods; Surgeon Welber ; Aoot. Surgeon Roth. geuger ; Battery, leb Asst. Engineer, Lielilo Hunker, Queltrough, Stoney and Glennon; Ensigns, Burke and Chureh. hill ; Naval Cadet, Roes end Signor. The warrant einem aro Gunner Walsh and carpenter Blake. The crew is 280 strong and all pull together. The minim; guard 0 celled the finest 4°10 and,with. out doubt, they are all of one mind cm anything it/tieing to ditty Ana stand tip one for the other, There are 30 marines In the geard now and 3 requite tio.1 ha beeu emit fen 6 more, outkiog e total ef 30 incer-ottputte'e gelled, 'rim mantes olliettee mune is Doyle and he is 3 very nem met or meta Per payinetiter we Int 0 4 gen time n 0' lIlo 141,11/0 of Golde • borough and 1118 clerk In tailed Mitchell. There are lri water tight compartments below the protected dealt mod 24 Above, m, if it fire broke out anywhere (0 111 only neermeary to close the bulkhead doors and npen 11110 410110)31(10 valve and in five minutes the fire is extingulehed. Water, steam and pipes for hydraulic: machine), are everywhere end are earth painted 11 different enlor to dietinguish them easily 1 tun doing duty 011 the cabin door and like it very well -plenty of books, pa ere and all the 1 octet megaziees are at onr disporml. On the plate locker in the oebin is a pu»ch bowl fully 15 inehey diameter 1100 10 Metals deep, which was pr. Rented, Moue with all the other re. quirtites of a lay ont for punch, to the ship. The whole service is Haver and pr seine an impoeieg appeitranee. All the mariners are i 11 one ne se 141111 IVO 011100 000 cooks, Twelve retione 001(11)01 means $108 in the cittater'e hands to run the int se net e month and in addition we (101 30 1(1 00 a man, thee swelling the (11110001 10 eve, 6140, enfectient to 180 911 live like flehting woks. The •Peitsauola' arrived from the oity on the 15th and is likely to go out of aommiesion. She has had quite a long cruise', being commis - shined May 1888 until now. She is one of the old st, le gundleck ships with flush spar dock and carries 12 9 inoh, smooth faded 3000 200lbvorlod smooth berm. II. inch into 8 rifles as welt as a troupe) of Hotchkiss and gatlings. All clay Sunday we (waled ship as we wore to bo reedy for sea at a momentee notioe. We have a ammo about 80480 for the marines alone, whiter 1. culled the barracks and if any bine jackets come down into our corner you hear the oty-"Get out ef the bar- racks," "Chime youreelf," "Get, or you'll be belped," For pets we have a goat, 8 dogs and 3 °ate. 1)011E111°es, checkers and backgammon are our umusements. There is 111180 11111 organ, a oouple of violins and several banjos and aecordeons. The sick bay and dispensary are forward on the berth deals and aro light and airy. l'here the nice cots, twinging of oonrse, for those who require them, mid pletity of reading matter, &a. The menden, battery, that is the 0 pounders 011 Oa bridges, are operats 1 by marines and at target prat:Hoe they have made very 01 etlitable Homes. Sea stores are being brought on board for the wardroom, bet ail which have come yet are of a, liquid form'Milwatikee expott and Johannis• burg brew forming quite a 1arge part although efurritee Extol, Dry, Signet Sec and other braoth) ef elionmegne, brandy, claret, whiskey, tee., are not wanting. liy tete way dui Preneh frigate "Dnbour. dues', took on board 50,000 gellons or wino a temple of clays before she left San Francisco. Our Letterer does not intend ue to starve by the look of the list. 800 lbs. of flout le one item, 800 lbs. beans, 10 boxes of macaroni, 6 Dutch cheeses, &o. The "brig,' where erison• ins are confined, is clown below the berth cloak and if any get nether tureulent 1111 that is neoestary is to haul ep the eon. neetieg ladder and let them fight 11 00! among themselves. It is now after 11. 00100111 1011(1 I go on We;o0 at noon so I 11 draw (0 0, clam. Greven SmiTIT. Brussels Connell. A meeting of the village Council was held on Monday evening of this week. Reeve McIntosh and Councillors Mc- Cracken, Thomson, Grower and Rose present. Aceounts were presented as follows W. H. .Kerr, printiug, $ 4 00 Mrs. Williams, weed, 1 75 Moved by R. Roes, seconded by 3. Greeter that above accounts be paid, Oartiecl. Tenders were opened for the lease of the town weigh scales for one year be ginning on Feb. 1510. Tbo tenders were from Alf. linker, $ 7 J. T. Rens, 61600 1 00 W. J. McCracken, 81 00 Moved by 3, Thomsdn, secouded by R, none that W. J. MoCrackener tender be excepted. Carried. The question of combining various municipal duties and employing one man to attend to them was discussed ab length and the following resolution passed :- Moved by W. H. MoCracken, Emended by Geo. Thomson that applieations be received up to March 7th for the per. foregone of the follotving duties, the salary to be 1(825 per annum :-Sanitary Impeder, 'Pelmet officer, oareteker of fire engine, work on ttreet, constable, tee, Carried. R. L. Taylor and Bandmaster Albert. son inn:educed the Band grant and oom• mittee. The latter will coneist of R. L. Taylor, W. M. Sinclair and J. T. Pop per for tltie year. Moved by Geo. Thomsoo, seem:Wed by Ino. Grower thee; a grant of 6100 he made on condition that weekly open far cionoetts be given during the summer menthe. Moved in amendment that the amount bo 6125 03 Sante conditione, The letter (tarried 01110 01)8 Reeve's vote. Moved by W. E. McCraelten, seennied by Jno. Grower that the Olerk bo grant. ed ao inerease of 620 per (tenon) on his salary Whioll is now $50. Carried. Mor ninnleipal metters were dirt. cussed arta which Nerd adjourned to Meet on Moult 7th. W. F. Wiluon, landing welter, Wood - Meek. met with a very painful accident laet Week at the G. T. R. depot there, The men in the Night shed were un- ite:ling a car of iron pipes, and as he jumped down off the high platform one end of Et pipe, which one of tho bands Wan' carrying, streek him rt dunning blow in the month, Mr. Wilson was knocked down and badly braised about the Meet Cm or his froett teeth wee broken. r,itsirict 41cal5, evict 1 0.9 rt. Mime Itotereti.-The Mirk routes ot the Wal ton 11 ion 1.hcame acal Better Fee. tory 113)1 (10 lot on Tumidity, Feb. 1810 1802'et the hour 01 01)0 o'cloolt p. 01., in Mr Weiss' little Walton Patties wish. log tt draw 111 govur themselves aonor• tliegly, Lewis MoDoeer,n, President R. 11. FEBOUsON, Seoretary, 15 118 t Mr. Sandeteron, our veteran shoemaker, hake of rernovieg to Toreitto R. Ring and moat of Ole family were loid np with grippe last week. There is it taik of it grocery and res- taurant starting in the vi lege. 21ie Willlatno, the evangelieb, left for Walkerton t Saturday. The apeeial eerviriee ere still in progress. Mrs. Jackson was suddenly called to D. teem to wait on her daughter, Wire, Demi), who is thweerne'y ill with grippe, Fee•totte Nnees..-At the 100031113 03 the i.a.trui,e, of vlawsa faearry the by-lawe were amended to compel the cans to be taken iti and washed each day, not later than 1 o'clock, 4.11. Denman parehased the whey Keel imends fettling it on his farm. el. :Mott who has pureherted the wiiey for the past three years has bought toe whey of the Atwo d fautory. ell wetted. Rev. J. Livingstone lectures here next Friday evening. Nelson MoBain epent Sunday with hie parents in thie place. Michae: Fox and other sick of the vil- lege are now improving. Tendon are beimo received for the erection of the new Presbyterian manse. W. R. Erskine has eold his new brick residence to RM. Forrest who comes to the vinage to reside. Revival servioes are oontitmecl with euetteres in the Baptist church conduoted by Rev. Moore, of Toronto. Alfred Mitchell :lied last Friday evon• ing, after an illness of 7 dive. Eie leaves 1(110 son and two daughters The funeral wee largely attended. Rev, E. Peseant, of Forest, preached in the Methodist church last Sabbath. The 130ar01 of that church has invited Rev. 3, S. Fisher of Arthur to become their Nestor at the expiration of the preSent year. J'Ai101. C11110. Stubbs 311d •Wife were visiting relatives 0,1 Harley this week, Antotits the sick ttre Mrs. Wm, Elliott, Aggie Yomos end Mr. Barr sr. The quarterly meeting service nets held Ittet eabbath mettling in the Metho• dist eluirett. The English church !ser- vice was at 4 o'clock. Seine of one residents drove to 13rus. eels on Wednesday of loot week to helm, Eli Perkins, of New Yerk, teeters on ellow 110 00000 Laughter." The Bible Sooiety colleetors have been making their animal call. We should have a meeting have once a year in the interests of this good cense. Everybody is seeting themselves for the Foreatere oonoert to be held in lifo. Allister's Hall this (Friday) eveniug. They have a tip.top program ready. Word was received here a, few days ago of the unexpected death of Kra. Robert Dobson, at Wiarton, a former resident of Ethel. The muse of her deems° was inflammation, Lawrence Dobson, of this viletge, tvas there last week. Hosea Rome -The following is the re. port of the Junior Department of Ethel public school for the month of An. ;- Senior 2nd -William Spenee, Georee Greensidem Wilbur Lindsay, Carrie Eck- mier, Churehill 13awtinheimer; Junior 2nd-Jo0eph Whelpton, Ellen Dilworth, Zech. MuOallurn, Herbert Manning ; Senior Pare 2nd-lideggie Davies, Ibay Milne, Alvin Borr, Edith Milne, Sand. ford Burton ; abider Part 2n4 -Edna Reynarti, John Peebles, Rommel Mo. Allister ; Part lot Senior-Willinreebles, Willie Dowdell, Ratcliffe Whelpton, Gideon Zeitneu ; Part let Middle - George Sharp, Willie Lindsey, Basco 51annIng, Emma Imlay ; Part lot Juni. or-:Sdna Milne, Oliver Lindsay, Vio. letta Young, Mary Honsould. 10. A. fdrunteotm, Teacher. Wrodete text News is rather a seam oommedity in our town, more espeolally slime the rival papers have started in Gerrie as both editors them to make this their stumping ground and grab up anything that looks like news. What one misses the alio one 3010 00 it leaves a small entre for any other paper.r.Lote of saw legs com- ing into town. -Grain and pork doming in freely. -Business fain-Aneeesot on the war path egain.-Lit Grippe all the go but nothing very serious. -Sleighing good. -Jas. Panlin jr. him had a very had attack of la grippe which settled on his lenge, brit 111)0 11,10 pleesed to arty he is nOW conveleseent.-Jno. 3I»ntson is Able to be around again. -The A. F. it A. M. bad a visit from the D. 32. G. M. on Mon- day oveoing.--J 3. Rutherford is laid up with 0 sprained ankle.-Measre. Hernil• ton & Sanderson shipped pretend ear Joe& of pork to Montreal.-IVIeters, Decide & Devi:Mon shipped a ear load of pork to Menitobe market from this etation.-The Preshyteriam hey° &mi(1. 011 to build a now church this Bummer ou the lot of Mr, King's, who was home. ly bent out, Collectote have been an. pointed so ere may expect 0) 000 the week shoved alionek-Our skating rilik is in full blast under the manegement of B. and A., Kattico.-The sinners dont eeom to heve much entimeiesne thie veal. -Mise Mitchell, of Sootland, who hem been visiting her Miele, Wen, Wilson, 101) 00100 time past, returned home last week, 'accompanied by (no beet wishes of het menet Mende lot a safe jeerney.- The concert held in the hell here lad Wedgeschty evening, under the eutspieerr 01 0. G. 1'., WWI a grand seems, both financially and otherwlee. Tho hall was jammed anti quite ft minther had to bo turned anney wha weld not possibly get Cr. FEHRUARY 12, 1892 WICIRtIMMOYMARIVECOIPII,i1.11.1.513.1•411.1MIRATIL lo. The initnit .ble dee. Pax was in hie elemem and kept the an hew in a per. feet re of tangliter. Ile W140 warmly epeetteled. The 83 13411(3 of %Ilse Kele fitereig, of Me 300,0.1 watt highly all prettieted. rite Watson oreno,tra, of wieghe,e, and ilr. Peierel, of the same town, Ill el in the inimical part W011. Mist' Cereal, elooetioniet, from Porci• Moll, also took pert.-Etlison's phone. grepli was in (wit thie week. We dent thiek he made hie fortune.-Orir popular cooper, .3. Thomson, line had e. very severe attack of la grippe. His pleat woe Sepplied by 51r, Donaghue, of Teeswater. -111r. Menlo 10 doing it good trade in the boot and elute butieees, He pet on another band this week. -111r. Hughes, t.1 Irak .let, Into become a reeident of our town. He lute purchaeed Mr. Lee's 1101180 10(111 Mi. Lae has moved into 61r. Walker's house. -The Coneregatioital minis:ter at 81410111 and Searfre has be- come tt resident of our toeu. He bas moved into 141e. flez'ewood's house. -A quiet wedding is on the tapis. Mora r10''eti.-5Ir. Moore, Mu, popular Vaoher, appears to be giving general satisfaction. The ealinol ti gendarme ia large, f1 -rt tattentstle. The flax mill has bad a steady run, 0001)0(1 0100 .303 at MeDonald'e hotel next Monday. A telephone line from Brussels here wdield be a uteat convenience. Principal McIntosh got to work again last Monday after his attsok of la grippe. Aseessor Reymann 18 preparing for his annual 01110 to the residents of Grey township. On Prides, a wrestling match will take place in Parkhill for 1(50 o side between Rettald Currie, of Parkhill and G. Perrie, of Cranbrook, Pante to throw Currie three times in 40 minutes, failing to ae. oomplish that Cnrrie to win the stakes and gale money. Should Currie throw Perrie once during the 40 minutes he oleo whets. Perrie is training in Sbrath- roy, While Currie has John D. McPhee son working hard to have him in the best of tritn. (4 1.43V. John 11111)400 1109 away for tt visit to old friends at Exeter this week. Mine Libbie Ball arrived tomo last week from 11 visit to Beeoliville, Seaton!, and other slimes O'm, Horgan, 12th eon., purposes taking a rest from fermine°for awhile and will remove to &earth before loug. Mise Habkirk is home from Toronto on a. holiday visit. 8110 (1(1140 100400)10100 in the millinery department of T. Eatou's mammoth store. Report eu.ye that Allan Lamont and Miss Olive Stualldoe, both (.v01,10010 of Grey, wore ueited marriage two or theee months ago by a Olio ton minister. Vioo Pte-ident Thos. Strachan and Secretary -Treasurer Hislop represented the East Huron Fanners' Institute at the meeting of the Central institute at Toronto 180 week. Tenders are naked for the building of three bridgei in this township. One et lot 35, con. 4 ; 000 1111 lot 10, con. 12 ; and one ne Ethel. Tenders will be opened next Mondtty et 2 o'clock, at lefuDoneed's hotel, Ceanbrook. Now that the township is free from debt the Counisil should see about the ereution of it suitable Hall for thebolcling of Council meetings &c. There is no excuse for further delay over this 110080• eery expenditure. Duncan Forbes, of Stratford, was here last Week arranging with James Cardiff for a sale of the farm, stook der„ of the late John Forbes, They are the executors. The sale will be held on Wednesday, 2400 inst. Thos. Newsome, the well known fram- er, has no lees than twelve Mum building jobs on timid for the coming season al- ready in Grey and Morris totynehips. Five of the contrents are for new barns throughout.. Tom's a hustler. Wm. Bishop, of Beeeheille, a 31)1181) well /mown resident of Grey, towneldp, was visiting relatives and frioede for a few days. He had the reaming of his daughter Bernie, who was buried two years ago in Brussels cemetety, removed to Beeohville where ars, Bishop is in. berrTlediis. week Willie= Brewer purchased the 100 Bare farm being lot 12, con. 7, from John MeIutosh, of Oranbrook, pay. lug 65,15,1 for the same. The farm is a good one and bee been leased to the present purchaser for the pant three years. Pdr. Brewer will do well with his new possessien as he is a worker, Wm. Bray, 1600 eon., broke his left log, below the knee, in a very simple way a short time ago. He was riding on o bobsleigh going for a load of logs. Re allowed his leg to hang over the side and it cage caugbb between the bolster and a stump and the bone snapped in an in. stone He is getting along well, thanks to the careful attendance lie has received, Sciume at:mine-The following ia the report of S. S. No, 5, Gray, for the month et January '-Jr. Part 2nd -Daniel Sav• age, Archie Close 1 Sr. Part 2nd -How. and Cloittes, Nellie Ridley, Albert Robert. see ; Seoond Olans-Tikidie Auenutn, klary J. Ridley, Sarah Sevage ; 800 - John Robereson, Arthur Penney, Mag glo Dunbar ; Sr. Iled-Robt. Ridley, David Duke, Mend Cosens ; Jr, 410 - Ben. Taylor, Joseph Ididley,Mary Byers ; Sr. 41h -Donald Kellner, Samuel Camp, holt, Mery Alexander. Geo. Dormer, Tetteher, Sonooe Reemer.-As to regularity of attendance, eonduot and general pro- ficiency the following is the statiding of the pupils in S. 13. No. 3, Grey, 30) 11110 month of Janney :-Fifth Laing, Joseph Killoegh ; Son. ll'Onrth- Oliver Smith, Manila Smith, Maggie Oliver ; jr. Fettith-itittie Lemont, Roble &Ad ; 'Xhird pless-Winnie Me. Rlinnon, Ellie Smith, Jas. Hogg ; Son, Sectond-Herry Stewart, Allen Lemont, Stolen Hogg and Hugh Lamont 1. Jr, Second -Bella PetoKinnon, Robt, Lowe 3 Part Se00nd-Obarlio LaYnOnt, SarnUe Lamont, May McArthur ; First Clue - Frank paver. 3. 3 limo, Teacher. %1 I) 11104 Ahoy Walker ie 0001e from lier milliitery retention tire. eelet C11 001191010 hue been danger. nerdy ill but is improving 110110. Ell Ward Beeman and fitnaly are re. outgoing 31) 01 a bad netteck of la grippe, Robb. Hoover and wife, of Westfield, were the guests of Wm. Mose on Sunday, Andrew A.ul,l and wife, of Westfield, Etre visiting at W, J. Johnston's debt wools. Wm. McKnight and wife, of Dun. galloon, are visiting at Geo. Johnston's this week. Mr. and SIro. Wilson, of Boiseevein, Manitoba., are viaiting friends on the 1st con, this week. Miss Lizzie 0010, of Buffalo, in at present vutiting her aunt, Mrs, Robb, of the 1st eon, Wm. Stewart, of Bluevale, concluded the services in Johneto»'e ehureh on Sunda, evening last. Old Mr. Ireland is not getting very good health 110 whiter, He ia upwards of 80 years of age. James Ireland is also on the Melt list. Leta weelte John 'Mooney had the honor "1 being elected County efeeter of North [Huhu Ditdriet minuet:thin with the Orange Cyder. Mr. mud 61re. Rule, of 61 tnitobe, who have been visiting at their daughters, Mts. Wm. Robb', for some time, purpose returning this week George Hood, of Sunshine, is away at London this week attending the Dom. inion Grange annual meeting. He is the Treasurer of the institution. Peter Hill and daughter, Blither, of Baissevain, Manitoba, are visiting rola. tivee end friends on the lot and 2nd eons. this weelc. We are glad to welcome them back again. Mrs. Hem y Wond, of Made°, is visit. ing bar sister, Mrs. George Hanna. It is80 years since they met before. Mr. Hanna, and family have been down with la grippe but are getting better now, Rumor has it there will be a couple more weddings in the near future as things are getting lively and more busi- noes like around the corners, but never mind we woo't give the 080100 011 present. Last Wednesday Rev. W. T. Cliff tied the nuptial knot between John Mo• Cuteheon, Oth line, and Miss Mary, youngest daughter of the late Wm. Wilson, con. 2. Ti Pose extends con. gretelations. Junes Speir has purchased the vele. able young Short Horn hull, "Sweep- stakes," from Elcott Bros. the well known steekmen of Tuckersniith, Thia animal won 1st prize at SeafOrth'01111- tett, Bayfield and Brumfield. At Iexeter he was awarded 2nd being beaten by the 1st prize Provincial Duo -On Teesclay of Ode week Alice, tenet of the late George Green. Made, of Londou township, died et the reeidence uf her son, lot 28, eon. 8, after a brief illness. The old lady was up tverds of 90 years of roe and had been 4 very heerly person. Her husband died about 20 3 ears ago. The fnneral of Mrs, Greenslade took plane ou Thureclay after. rioon of this week. Rev, R. Paile of Brussels, ofOolating. Intermeut at Brussels cemetry, Number 81. People We Know. Janie. Tilemson may l'IM111111 111 Sept - laud, R. M. Die:keen WW1 011 the sick 1100 last week. J, Londeeboro aud wife were 10 town this week. Miss Pelton wite visiting 10 Wingham last week. Dr. Kneehtel, of Ripley, was iu town last Friday. J. T. Cook and son tvere away at Lake - let this week. Rev. J. L. Kerr was in London last Friday and Seturday. Mee. R. Paul was .isiting her daughter in Bluevele this week. Peed. Medea and le id., of Reefrew, are in town on a holiday visit. MSS 333. E. Ki err s home from Tharnesford en a vielt this week. Pare. (Rev.) Min .r's father hag been quite ill at hie home in roronto. Miss Fannie Montgomery ie visiting lite rester, Mrs. W. P. Ven,tone, Mitre Auntie Driver in Jenne on a visit In the hone of meowing her health. Airs. S. Etter went to Harrietoo on Tuesday to wink her Aster who 10 111 Alm s, eloOnliteigh aul de-ughtme of Goderieh, were vieitiug 111 Bruseele tbis week Miss Maggie .MaLttiolelin, of Detroit, is visiting her cousins in Brussels and Jae. Belton, wife and son and Miss Mina Patton, of Atwood, were in town lest Sunday. Miss Rena Bavetinheimer Liss been oonlined to the house for some time, owing to Please, Mrs. Harry Town and children left Brussels for her home in Winnipeg on Thureday of this week. bliss Pauline Oliver is home frotn T0. ronto. blies Mary Oliver is still cordinee to her room but we hope she will soon be better. Mrs. Salton was melted to Goderich last Friday owing to the dangerous illness of her father, D. Gordon. We regret to /earn by telegram that he died on Thaes• cloy morning of this week. The Brussels friends of A. H. Eanuing, Reeve of Clinton, will regret to hear that . hie 5 year old daughter died last Sundey. Mr. Manning will go to Florida in the hope of regaining his badly wasted health. Rev. 0. M. Thompson, of Striae/Mon, Mirth., formerly te minist m of the 11. 11. denomination in Bitissele, had Iti, left leg amputated above the knee last yoar. 'The trouble was in the knee but we ere pleased to know the reverend gentleman is able to get about all right. Mr. Thompson is a brether of Mr.. Herette's, of Grey, and Alre. Coulter's, of Seeiorth. AD1/1111;:iiL 7011:11, NEW(. itUrTtiftEll p0100119 should see the new Dorenwend Electrical attachment to combine with any truss making cures certain and adding comfort. Coll et the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, on kl.sniay Ifith. See Eniverthement in enother 00100'mnnthe restoration of faded and gray hair to Ms original color and freehnem Ayer's Hair Vigor remeins nurtvalleci. Pert L. County. This is the meet popular and valuable tor/et pre. John 13nolutn, for madly years a resi- paration in the world ; all who use it aro dent of Stratford, but latteely residing in perfectly satisfied that ft is the best. Mitchell with his daeghter, Mrs. Wm, WeeteDreanee AN» DRILLINO.-George beetle:is, died 0.0 1110 deughter'e reeidenee Birt has all the neeessary maehinery for last week, aged 75 years and 9 months. gigging and drillin wells and is peeper - The old gentleman was the first meroh ed to attend to all work entrusted to him ant at Fullerton Corners, after which he in a way that will insure satisfaction, removed to Stratford. Wells cleaned out and put in proper 0)1(11 (1) TEXA.S.-The mystery surround- isbare. Terme reasone.ble. Residence ing the disappettrenoe of John Payne of sawed door north of the bridge, west Stratford, esdly in January, and his side of Lineberry st., Brussels. 31.0 %thereabout:I since then was partially A. Bantu:le-The first monthly Horse cleared up on Monday by the receipt of a Fair for this season was held 00 Bees - telegram from the medieal health officer eels on Thursdey 03 10.1) Week and was a of Houston, Tex., announeing bis death boomer. There .were newer& of 100 in that eity. Mr. Payne was a protein horses offered for sale and the crowds of • 0110 grain buyer and had been engaged in people to attendance reminded one of a business in Stratford for some yeare. Fall Fair. A. number of buyers were He had been fairly suceessful and vao present and quite 0 few Rates made. The looked upon es a thoroughly upright and next sale will be held on Thursday, honest citizen. He left Stratford for March Ord. Buffalo January 1100, and there for Tem Petrone of Industry are respect - some time all traoe of him was loot. 1.9 fully invited to melte their purchases was feared that be lied met with foul feom ne as we guarantee that they will play, but through the efforts of Hon, not be charged more than the price Thomas Ballantytte, M. P. P. and J. agreed on by any 0)01)000110 8111)0 agreed F. Palmer, who went to Buffalo to prose. to supply them with goods at any stated outs the search for him, assisted by the percentage, providing they show us their polioe, it was finally learned that: he had rtertitioate of membership. The Eoon- gone to Ifew York and there taken a oinical Dry Goods Syndioate. steamer for Galveston, Texas. From J. H. GOIOWS, Manager. letters received by his family, the con. A BUBSOMIlett writes dont think tents of which have just been made we oould get along without Ten POST. pablio, it appears that 111r. Payne had When I go home at night with the paper, loeb rather heavily in wheat speoulations, no matter how late, I have to keep 13 hid, and that when he left it 110(110 With the rte mother would sit up half 1110 night to hope diet he would be able to tide over get a road from it." If people knew his fineemialdiffioulties, but as the mar. how the home news is relished hy former kat oontin tied to decline he seeins to hove resideuts they'd pee, 0 year's subaeription lost all 1103)810 11)1 according to hie own to TILE Pose and have 19 forwarded to the statemenb boarded 14 steamer in New boys or girls as the Dane !night be. York without knowing where it was THE Ronald Fire Engine worke are going. He frnally,found himself in Gal. sending one of their medium size lire veetnn, Texas, from whielt place '10 wrote steamers, reale and hose to Catherry, that he was ill and had geared 1111000015, Manitoba, on Saturday. A great portion from mental cvorry. He seed that he ex. of 91110 atoamer is beautifully Mattel pouted to leave Galveston end would send plated by the new nickel plating plantt his address later on. Ho was next heard juttit started eo that all therm oelebeated from at Houston, Texas, but he agein in. machines in future will be es handtenne timated that they should not write to and beautiful in finish as they are power. him there, as he would seon leave, ful and ellloient in melee. Nothing Nether was heard from him until the telegram announeing hie death David Long, a farmer living 110:11) W118 1'00011)013 on Monday. Doriog his Woodford, oorntnittecl suicide by taking resirienee 111 Stratford Ur, Payne Wen- strychnine, which lie purobosed In an pied many positions of trot, lie was Owen Sound drag store for the ostensible for several years 1thlermen and a few purpose of poisoning Poem, years ego contested the nutyoralty, being About 9 °block last Saturcley night at only defeated by a few veto. He was party of young people were coasting o011 pre-ideut of the St. Andrew's Society the Harbor Hill, at G:ohde tbe enn n d took aaive interest in the ellen. steering p,r ax broke, ersialeili'ghwIc108,701 0188 01 the city. Ilia liminess troobles ogitinst the cotnet• of the Oaten Renee. were 001) 01 Ruth a maitre as to entail Rio/ma Cattle had ono leg broken end lose upon anyone, (101) 0100 them enything the smaller bones Of the other leg front to eeeessitate his leaving the 'nib His tined and be WM injured in the facie ; a 11134110 (0 Tem and (Meth there are gen. youtig tact rimed Alvin %Noe, son of orally looked npoe as the ontoome of hie P.. le. %Valletta, oommeroial traveller, had 00110131110 maitre and NOM the despoil. one of his thighs broken ; Mies Steelton, dent though affnetienote lettere which bo daughter of A, Straiton, G. T. It. agent. Wrote to his family it would seem as woo knoolted senseless by the concussion though he virtually died a &broken heart, nnd was slightly injored. Medioal at. Tho remains will be embalmed end sent tandem wee procured and the sufferers home dor interment removed to their homes,