The Brussels Post, 1892-2-5, Page 44 New Advertisements LoottIs-Dr. Ayer. Looms-DOreuweud. Tenders --Wm. ',echoed. 1 •• ea013--'IV, tN' i hli ; ale. (iroueriee-Geo. Thomson. Bargaele.-W. Nightingale. Card of Thanks 1) Ewan. Wood sant-0(1-j, D. Ronan, Walton 511113 Routes --L. i11CUumild. he itiru5 Is 'host. FRIDAY, FEB. s, 1892. Tun Dominion bye elections held on Thursday of last week did not alter the standing of the political venire. air, Metcalf, Conservative, was elected as eue1essor to the late Sir John A. Mac- donald, in Kingston ; 111r. Henderson, Conservative, was re-elected in Halton Co., and lir. Gibson, Reformer, was again returned for Lincoln. Mr. Dickey, Conservative, has alae been returned for Climb, Hand Co , New Brunswick. Hon. John Carling will oppose Mr. Hyman in London. As the time Brans hear for the audit- ing of municipal accounts we wish to s de that irel11cr care uu 1118 part 111 auditors generu(ly -Luuld be tulleu. The p',sition is tin imp. rtant 011e and de- nudate exacnusa. When the report is 8uhlnttted to tilt) Co. cell Beard they • should comply eirh the Municipal regain, ti cud finally audIG the saws. The BE AT THIS' fees usually paid auditors are none to bagel's sometimes it is plenty for the slip -shod manner in which the work is often done. Pn•perly certified vouohe,s should be proJaced for every cent of expenditure and in this way a 6'rtainty stamped ou every step taken. C 013i01illl',-•'1'ho f dluwing hi the pro- gram of the m'neurt to be given told r lbw nnspie°s of ('`ours Ethel, £To 23, C. 0. 1'' , on Friday eveniug, Feb. 12111, lo McAllister's Hall; - Add ese, (Aairante; 4111 V'•al g (BROS. Mrs. and Mise Sage ; au✓1:, 1f�, ri prune; a,•u.,, 1(1 81,111; mus10111 g'aelos, Mrs. and Miss Sage; recitati"n, 31r, 111331(1,19 ; snug, 111r, 1launit 11, ; snug, Mies She 1 eh ; need ' ntUPs \'1s. , 'el 111.' 4" n ; im*lrll+ Mel, Lai 111• si0, 010he111 a ; rl'adine, 11r. 1)0Usou ; ((11101cal glasses, 'Hrs. and Ali a tixge ; 11u1.g, 1111.14 "pence 1 so, g Miss Lang ; reading, Dr, ('ale ; (Inn -11'131 ((11168 PR, 1111'13 eI I 11 H'Illo ; 1111e , Prof. 1Ltlakins Ind \Ii 13 Laine; snug, \Ir. Ue.o lI nn. \A 10. Mashie, 1). B. II. C. 11,, of llresee's, will neenp-v the chair. 11131. John Carlh'g (('1(1 'main 0peose SI r. li u,au fu 4oudou. R. Goarl.y, B, A., has been appointed mathematical master of Strltlhruy Col. legiate lustitllte. It takes oval' $1,000,000aIunudly to run the city of llamdtoll, (100, ly 320 .;.poi 111 which goes fit• education, Phe Montt, al Herald has been per- chn•ed b,, R. D. illoGibh.11t, Q. C., for a syndicate. Price 318,000. A company ha been farmed '0 build a new theatre in Hamilton It will be ready for next s aeon's business, The post office at De he, On ., was bur g armed on Thursday t"g11 of last 313 ek u t+1 y,3,'. S)0 cud '1110 taken there- from No clue. .Chen Jail, Bartram, 1Ue Heal p mur- der su.pecr, was examine I lit H.Imil ton ,,nm it piece of n Itlife b -'a le 1n4, foiled secreted in his boor, A maul lauded 111s valise to a Puannul car potter, who 1,1111. 11. '1'ne i .11681.1 or lois re„'t"rod 51110 11111.4, s 31 Montreal rout the Pullman Company. TIIE B1i'L1SbELS POST .axle. ,Z * .'t EEWL--•+.-ySe+^wanatr'allaniEregrr"d&'•reEmaioivr gt•+orlmlrrn—,=eV•nr.=m:!yp'r. "is,,, l' MS CCTTON I1110T ('0311'01111). A relent ,119004'01',' 1`11 1111 1. line , i ., y le •-i-. nude of 1,A11101, 1, 1(111 only pori. et It wile and • rt•Jhl,bin modirh,e diccor. 01;0.4. 1' 111 nnprhuipbvl 1111(0hea who for • '•• l2'-('n•r'1"•N .nu't' l: 03leoeN('. 1.1 .0 :•,. (nb1titll'1'I lir (11lrlose 91.118'1 d 1111.00.0e111 Cnla(d,, 1•• .t+l.;e 1111101/18 (11 11.1601' 11111 {rr Will hook], s 111ed, by return mail. IMI! 6e111- ce et'1'1011111'•, in 1,11n t'll v'lope, to huh.. 'lily 21(11 sumo,. Alienist+ route LII,' tom. putt[, -'• -1 L''shur lileck, 131 31 ',magma +• ld it, otuwa'1s by J. T, PEPPER, 0. 1. Ill', 1 .a ,N 1„1 ..11 reelpen...d)a druggists 061'1.11,111•'e DR INCI Air 10, L 0.P,S.0, 1L0,3',S,M,, Specialist; - Toronto, JONATHAN lioset,AaT, List:wal, Boys (- "After soli. . mu. 1,11 my money and property 1" 1111 I•",,..1”- ou 111131111'111 Anel, for went they 1. re', 1 n. 111.01113 0(158 of alumna ptiull, t)r. 13i1,,,. nlr cur„.1 ono Ilex Ilns 11 rl'v Frumm:G. 1Voo,ihouse, 3113138 l- o \Vn� l ,ul •.n,urx luded, Dr. liluelnir ("urea t":nrL n, a,ieuln ^Ince, 8ny81- •,lir. •Irl 'n ry 1('1110 of t:ntn.rrb.' 111(1. 13 -0130, 411.131, says;-' Pr. S(',el!lir nnr1' '', uneantl ul'a dreg.,, when /Maw., 0 i'rirvNr '1111114'. 1 rilrt;(3/ r", 39 fill,,, Fir, Niurinir eerie) until =S1:u1.tata1133 SEQ- TEE Po613 is still of the opinion that if a man can be obtained for the combined offices of Constable, Board of Health In- speetor, T, mit officer, sidewalk builder and repairer, &o., Aga., it will pay the Counoil of Brussels to have this men ap- pointed rather than have the work done piecemeal at a considerable increase in expense. Business is business and if a combination of duties will see'tre better work at less pay annually there is no reason why it should not be done. A new fire alarm is a necessity and if a bell be secured this otlioial should ring it at 7 and 12 a. m. and 1 llud 6 p. m, as the town is now: pral'tically without any regular time starker since the Wi;son foundry bell ceased riogiug. A g'neral utility corporatpn man who 'dearly un- derstands his duties and attends to them would prove a most useful adjunct to any incorporated village or town. This isparticularly true of Brussels where there is such a great length of sidewalk to mare for and we think it can be clearly proven that a fair salary ear. be paid of d yet save money over the plan now iu vogue, (7raulhroole. TUere is a good deal of eickess in this locality principally influenza and la grippe. else Marsh, of Meaford, haw been en- gaged as second telwher in our sohcol and commenced her duties last Monday. Knox church congregation is in a very prosperous cenditiln aid after paying all their liabilities for the past year have a .tug surplus in Treasurer McNair's hands. Principal GIolotusil has been on the sick list with la grippe and had to take enforced holidays. It is 1111( often Mr. Arae. is off duty but grippe shows lie favoritism. Some talk of improving the manse in this village next spring. It is a good idea and would not only add to the own - fort of the parson but make the building correspond better with the tasty ahurob adjoining. Misses McIntosh end MoLaaohlin left Bru-sels last Monday for New York where they embarked on the White Star Steamship "Majestic" on . Wednesday morning for Liverpool. The "Majeetio" is one of the ocean greyhounds, often making the trip in.five days. Her leate for speed is the "Teutonic" of the same line. tIese1. The latest victims of la grippe are A. Peebles, A. Calnero,', J, A, Young and Mrs, J. bf, Davies: 0ha8, Rupp who left here a few weeks ago has Bettered a situation as brakeman on the Michigan Central Railway at St. Thomas. Itobt. Barr sr, has been and still is quite ill from dropsy and fears aro en. tertained that the old gentleman may not recover. William Elliott has rented his farm to Quintin MaBlai.e, of Grey township. Mr. Elliott purposes going to the West again in the Spring, HARD TO BEAT. -The other day W. J. Sharp drew 2,427 feet of timber, in the log, a distance of four miles to peeve Milne's saw mi11 with Henry Waneer's team. It was a big load. Town -hip Clerk Sponse was (away at (1'oclel'ich last week giving evidence in connection with the Madmen' appeal in tite drain ease tried some time ego, The Reeve was 11.190 examined. ,7. 11. Iierd- ing, of Stratford, conducted the examin. ation. A correspondent finds fault with the wry au elderly couple have been treated over (1 transfer of property in this lolaal. ity and wondere what the law of teethe - tion will do in the time to COMP.. The 1 Hoot"n 1' thr. are' 0 - rh animal t 1 g t f c gl (,la floe of the Presbyterian 0111411311 was held an Monday evening Jan, lath, Owing to the inclemency of the weather the at. (811dattee Wag unusually small. All the old officers were elected for the ensuing year. After paying all lndebtsdneee s small balance leas left in the hands of the Treasurer, Wln- tlpenee. 1- 1.) lilL FUR sl•:liVICE THE 1 uudl.rsiguel1113111 keep a the augk br4,1 O11o•(E",r, llurbaul Hull for service on lot 5, con. 10, Grey. Terms, 81.00 to be pa111 at t me 01 service, with privilege of returning ,f necessary. 20.4 00066, 110ZI,LL, Proprietor, IMPROVED LARGE WHITE YORK SFHIRE BOAR. The nudersigaled will keep for corvine 0(1(8 present 9e6900 the Improved large white Yorkshire pig 'Ready" on lot 26, coo. 0, Morris, to which a limited number of sows win be taken. Torus 51.00 to bo paid at time, f service, with the privilege of return- ing if necessary, Pedigree may be 86(38 up- on application. ROBERT INICHOL, 101f Proprietor. PURE BRED BOARS FOR '4ER v1o8.-7I1e undermlgnoll will keep for service on north hair Lot 20, 6011.7, 41orri8, a purebred Berkshire Boor, bred by Mr, Snell and nn obi° improved Chester '('.'hits, bred nen, Thos. George, Putnala, from Im- ported stock 1111 both sl ins, This hog took and prime at the Industrial Fair in a °lass of 17, in 1800, tool 31.1( at the west Ill Fair 10 cl.is. of 15. His sire took let at 1.h. Indus, trial in 1801. Terms 91.00 to bo pall at time of service with privilege 0 f returning if nec- essary, 20.11! 8,4013)EL W,ILRI''1It, Prop, ;ARD OF 1 HANKS • D. Ewan, Blacksmith, takes this opportunity of returning his best thanks to the public gener- ally for the geuerous support he has received since the e-uminencecl business in Brussels. Iu soliciting a continuance of the same he desires to state that be has remin'ed from the shop opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, and may now be found in the W. T. Hunter shop, where he will continue to give his best attention to work intrusted to him. Satisfaction always guar- anteed. Horse Shoeing a specialty. D. E WAN. CONSUMPTION, Q its first stages, can ;be successfully 1 checked by the prompt use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Even .in the later periods of that disease, the cough i8 wonderfully relieved by this mad:Wine. with then used effects in p Pectoral This wonderful preparation once saved my life. I bad a constant cough, night sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh, and given up by my physician. One bottle and a half of the Pectoral cured me." -A, 3, Eidson, M. D., Middleton, Tennessee. " Several years ago I was severely ill. Tho doctors said I was in consumption, and that they could do nothing for me, bet advised me, as a last resort, to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Alter taking this medicine two or three menthe I was mired, and my hoail•h remains gond to the yresolt day." -'-Jamie Birohard, Darien, Conn. ' Several yeare ago, on apassege home frons California, by water, I contracted so severe a cold that foe some days I wits confined to my stats -room, and a physician on hoard considered 3013 life in clangor. Rappelling to have a bottle of Ayer'e Cherry Portend, I need it Neely and my lungs were sone rostered to a 115311hy, 13ontliticn. Since them .l have invariably recommended this prep- aratfon,"-.'3, B. Chandler, Jnnot)ou, Va, Ayer's CherryP�ctarsJ , resesese Dr. J, 0. Ayer & Co,, Lowelf, Mass. fen J by ell Drugglxi.. Price 8115(1bott100(t3. AMEN ;hi NNOTLt, USSRS, Wednesday, Feb. 10,'92 Catarrh IS a blood disease. Until the poison is expelled from the system, there can bo no cute for this loathsome and dangerous malady. Therefore, the only effective treatment is a thorough course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla -the best of all blood purifiers. The sooner you begin the better ; delay is dangerous. "I was troubled with catarrh for over two years. I tried various remedies, and was treated by a number of physi- cians, but received no benefit:until I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A few bottles of this medicine cured me of this troublesome complaint and com- pletely restored my health." -Jesse M. Daggs, IIolman's Bills, N. C. "When Ayer's Sarsaparilla was 1360. 0(11033(11011 to ire for catarrh, I was in- clined to doubt its. efficacy. Having tried so many remedies, with little ben- efit:, I had no faith that anything would mire me. I became emaciated from loos of appetite and impaired digestion. I had nearly lost the sense of emelt, and ply system was badly deranged. I was about discouraged, when a friend urged me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re. ferrpd me to persons whom it had cured of catarrh. After taping half a dozen bottles of this medicine, I am convinced that the only sere way of treating this obstinate disease is through the blood." Charles 11. Maloney, 113 River at., Lowell, Mass, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PEEPATED ET Dr. 4. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; sir bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. f1Ss�ory■qa q� 1'�r� m1,1n�5,velu.la5®e&11r till coNsuivo TIO °' CAME. Thi. GIIEAT ('01(111 01(1111:, tide vueeimsfel CONa111101'1ON 11I11(I1, is 1101111( 1-(110111.1 ill 1111 1-Int'Iry • f 1,11'111• eine. All druggists are authorized to 0101 it on a positive guarantee, it to"t- that ❑c other (etre eau suo0ess(nlly steed. if you have a Couch, Sore Threat or Brun a :I 19, 1,0 11. fur 11 will mire y011, I1 your child has the ('tong', er 11 lumping Cc fah, .use it promptly. and relief 1s sure. If you drelld thllt 11,91,11111.18 C1190.199 (1108$011.11. 310N, n0N'T ('telt, to 1(0(3 11, it will mire you or ens( meld L g A It your Druggist for s1I11,01I14 01/11 14, Price lee, 50e. and 31.00 If your lungs ore sere o1' back ilmo,use Sh11nh'11 Porous Piaster. 25e. Listen to plain facts about the B. &C. corset. You can't break the bones—for one thing. If you do, within a year, you'll have your money back. It fits like a glove. And hear how it's sold : if you're not satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you can return it and get . your money. .1''051 SALE BY A.. S•IRA(31AN. GRAPES. 110.00 worth of Pr irne, Fresh, Grapes to be Disposed of this weed;,. OYSTERS. Two Brands of Oysters re- ceived regularly mid guar- anteed to be good. ORANGES. 70 Dozen Oranges at 20 cents per dozen New Stock, T. RU r LEDGE Star restaurant, Opposite American Hotel. to ¢W ole w o 0. t... 0 -r a' -s on F el c1 , ya R+ c 8.0 S E-1 otP sk y •u y M°v► IIIIIIIICIDIIIII A Representative Elec- trician of the Doreilweiid Elec- tric Belt and At- ttichniei'lfi Co., OF TORONTO, .--Will be in ----- 7 2 I '(1 13 4 a± —AT -- Queen's Hotel, ---ON--. 1YIonday, Feb. 15, Where he can be 00013ulte1 with about all forme of Muscular Nervous and Chronic Diel;aeee--DyApepela, Kidney and Liver Troubles, Heart Weainnosoes, Spinal Our. voter°, Rheumatism, Solatt1a, Gout, Nenridgia, Nervous 13 3(1111(3, Spermatornceon, Impotency, lllexual Weala,oss,'1'icooele, Female Complaints, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Lung Trmlble6. 1To will have with }lint a full line of tho Dorenwand Elec. trical Appliaucee-"Jlhe World's" best sv'tenl for self•trotatnisnt-also medicated Cheat Protectors, Abdominal Supporters, Obaetrit Binders, (bc. No drug treat- ments, all cures afreated by Electrical and -Mechanical Appliances, Ho w111 not treat yea but show you haw to Inept 3'0111E01f at home cheaply nue enceasetally. Consider hew many owe their health and vigor to oleotrioity oe applied by the Dorenw<'nd Invontione. Is it worth your white to enquire into the matter 7 Call and see the lie's of those who testify to their merits ; perhaps yon may find the names of friends or neighbors among them, No charge for consultation. Book on home treatment prevented free to every caller. Treatment of Rupture a specialty. If you are ruptured and are wearing a truss, tall and see the new attachment wllm'eby yen)' truss earl be made into at+ Electric Truss, malting Duro more sortafn and rapid, and giving ease and 00)1)10rt to the wearer. Remember at Queen's Hazel on Monday, February 117th. Dorolwend Bleat%) Belt and Attaolnnout Toronto, Can, will also be in'Lneknow, Whitely House, Saturday, bleb, 111th, and 7 falowel, Queen's Bete), on Tuesday, Feb. 16. FEB 5, 1802 �Tffl;:::p"fit:^.n17ntZ1'Yi latSro.A•"TM SSya;•t'iT=511. •'..'7AZE-al.-\ -18,(1-.lA^mtr„x,u-... rl .E1. ni —IS OFFERING P011 --- ICA 10 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for $1.00. 25 ]hs of bight Brown Sugar for $1.00. Extra fine Japan Tea at 25c per ib. Finest Japan Tea Grown at 110c per lb, Our Black Tea at 50c alb. and Coffee at 40c. a Ib Has n great Reputation slid needs no further comment. Eddy's iYIatclles 1 Oc a box ; Two Cans finest Sahlaon for 25c. ; Canned Corn, Peas. Tomatoes and Mackerel at 10c per Can. Beaatifitl Painted Toilet Sets at 050, Worth. $3.50. Painted Tea Sets at $3.00, regular price from $3 50 to $4.00, Thanking our many Customers for their patronage in the past and would solicit a continuance of same, Ceo. Thomson. SPECIAL IN FOR CASH IN ALL LINES OF IN?H COOS AZ' A. Strachan's. Bargai in Flannels, Tweeds, .gess Goocls, Caps orad Far Goods, Beadyinade Clothin , Over- coats, Boots and Shoes. A Few Ends of Mantle Cloths Greatly Reduced in Price. LADIES' WOOL SHAWLS VERY CHAP, If You require anything in the above Linesou maydepend �' p on getting a Bargain and also secure something that that will give you Satisfaction, ALEX. STRACHAN.