The Brussels Post, 1892-1-29, Page 88
i'':lnwieg L,.hs I alit ici'j1-1 111
re(wued prises to all who will mention
0i73O advertisement : -
i•rimSense ,, . 31 di:rid Attie.
er, " price 51.510, will take 60c.
"'Tice Changing Year," 51.60, will tube
“:i. ornt Na111e,," 51.00, will take ;311.
"en:tamer Concordance," special n.idili7n
3111t have too uuwy, 0L.33, will take
“Tice Life of Queen \'ietoria," $1.00, will
take 7Uo.
-Tice Country in Danger," a story , f a
Peasant, 70e., will take BUo,
^Eterrnhey at Sons," by 1)iokens, 20c.,
will utke 10o.
.yc.,4,rv:ial reduction in rnu,y other lines
0. A.I)LAI.)MAS,
Druggist, liook'sller,
imeati crara5rre: nonteseeteassasereiwireesur
'117 ''H 113esderRs for 'Ills. (1eo, Cool,
(esNl u. meeting next MOnday evening.
Nr•rr Tlpu'aluy will be HofOo Fair of
y;•I'Rolo Copy it g in all 31.1 branches 1y
P'>tU))<rs, fess,
Ig0aela away down 10 price at
S 110,llar'0,
•r1,,, 1"o1 1until'nphs at
Ilunter's studio
1'11 e curling stub is slot, about gutting
down to bn,:iuuss,
1trto.rl:s 11111 Oreshoe, half soled and
repaired. Geo. Good,
Holum fair in Itruss<ls on Thursday
03 ilex' week. Bring in your repines.
thirds S Mr13U70 bare just in 2.1 pieces
new dauutletteH at 7e. de, 100. and 12 le.
yur must m
come and Res our 777,171
,l tela g"nds tit ('y. L'. 3'001 h 100. Pegg h+1111
j S Hull id it y.
Go and enjoy' both wit and wierloul at
the Tow, Hall next \Vedues(loy evening,
1 ] i Porkies will be there.
Lase Sunday evening Rev. C. F, Salton
preached a funeral discourse having
,eferenoe to the late Mrs, John Bird.
Lo•r'sfor stlu on Elizabeth, Clatherine
and tlexaudcr streets. Will sell on
liberal tern!,. Apply at the Woollen
yl'i' 1',us„le,
Al a 117'1isemout of Gemge Thomson's,
,;'ga1is in groceries, A•3.. mune
1,11 'a inn late for this issue It will
n,Pel ! is I „risk.
A e ursnxriot was reoeived on
1:,,, 0. rntmuing, explaining the Sun
s,itto sl . d troub e, It will be given a
et next issue.
A. .1. Lownie and 11. Graham have
b ea h,„y this week shipping eight cars
of prime p irk to Montreal. This is the
!odes!. shipment ever made front 13rue-
lei:m r,.s business towel 311 1111th to
1.'t for a term of years, beteg the enr70l.
'lore it, IV'ats0D'x brink olock, beet stand
town. Excellent cellar and suitable
stA rlliil(x P:x'rle:tal,N W. (1. & 0,
i'rsdns Pare 1i1111ssela Station, North ;
•1.ed South. as follows:
17710)1 "„0'03!. 0,,1'10 S0B1 tr. •
;fss.! .. 7;S;t n.tt1, I Mixed......... ;Ca3 11.0
x 11 -• . 71 ..1 1
5i...e. . ..';. .,. 1.♦1, ... ,
?101 Cd 1 ilcws ii t lll'1. f,11• general store or grocery with ;tour
A. abide among ye taldn' notes,
Au' faith he'll preut it.
{11011 tai Perkie,.
-$Tastes-All1ind• 1:., ••','.
itr0n770 awfully she . n n. : •t1:0•:1a11'6.
"'.'clturethe 11urse Fair 001'x1 Thurs-
. fay.
Herr wanted to learn photography. W.
For. Mee Crayons and ]eater colors 9,0
1st blunter. in boots and 5, '00 at
Dramas' Photo Gallery is over the
Sean Bank.
'Ft -i.80 was paid for p01.11 on Brussels
=Jtan:et 00 Wednesday,
PERKINS next \Veduesday evening. Go
-nal enjoy a hearty lougin.
Kan your family photographed by W.
r:d'cw'gess, the leading Photographer.
Mores for sale or to rent. Comfort.
sable and convenient. W. B. Dickson,
..%..uw stock of new boots, shoes and
' 1uerbera this week at Irwin S: iifelinin's.
'sore choice of all our 50 and 00 cent
rs'^; for 371e at Ferguson Si Halliday's.
(EmerE TouRANcp, of Stanley, was
rdected \Vartleu for Huron County last
Vie.. Bunesse slakes a spenialily 1,1
.1r-e,ou and water color work. Call Red
tF'ika01'yl0D0 clothing and overcoats for
ratan or boys at prices that will compel •
.,.rt t:, Say et 0 he Ian's,
_111'n for sale, either cash or wood
rliean for it. Apply to hone fi Co.,
1A 2' 11,'11 Factory, Breese s.
Eden 70-I< beicling let on )Iill sh'' at,
'F,t:3:eels, for side, ol:cup for cash, Apply
to, A. Bawtieheimer,
1 lexmloOnlrrr was an additi-'nal
ater.1,1'0,ent in the town lust Friday aid
31003arday. The Instrument wee located
at sac American Hotel,
s.?'c Sunday evening 1001 JUMPS Irwin,
ct c.clla11, idle is a duly qunlilied lay
•7:r„1 -'r, til, Is charge of the 8°0'0300 iu St. 1
-7<i:c37 r. uha'ch in tics place.
"'.nrinNG short of a per5o0103 visit can
teeve any idea of the redoctians we have
made in all classes of dry goods for the
resat li days at Ferguson R Halliday's.
A .7•.10..E, rIt silver plating outfit has
been placed in the Donald Fire Engine
Works. This will supp y a want hereto• felt in the completion of steamers Its
the work had to bo done in the cities.
31r. Ronald 10 a hustler aud deserves to
71710001171 as he has in his business.
Oraa1-1t mgentous and original pin
esin Dr. J. C. Ay. r t Co., of Lovell,
yFEss�., are enabled to extract the emelt.
tilt properties of the m',t•rials used in
die prepaations of their famous "Ayer's
9eazotparrlla,” thus'ecuring a parity and
alarexegth that cat be ubtad1011 iu no other
Dre1.-Last Tuesday afternoon, Stan -
IL} Harrison, son of W. 11. and Jane Me.
flawaken, died ranter unexpectedly. The
Nude fellow was a awn, healthy ohild but t
113n7, Saturday he took a fit and gradual.
iur:;n.nk until death came, He was S
sr, old. The funeral took place on
Wednesday afternoon, Rev, R. Paul
taking charge.
Wv.m,•D10a1Ne ANn DIULLnN0.-George
dirt- has all the necessary maohinery for
•40ei.iiug and drillin wells and is preper-
es.2801 attend to all work entrusted to him
iv; e. way that will insure entilfnetion,
\'(bila cleaned out and put in proper
3fm1zre. Terme reasonable. Residence
s-xead door north of the bridge, west
,v013aof Tnrnberry et., Brussels. 43-bf
elute GL0111p, inventor and patentee
101 Manses, and appliances for Mutt feet,
,05110al curvature, paralysis, weak legs,
law legs, see., will visit Serbia (Calk
efisenrber House) on friday, Feb, 12th,
areal in Stratford (Mansion lienee) on
w8+ltday, Feb. DUI]. This opportunity
of/a:resulting to ma, of tris experience and
syaility personally should not be missed,
100 tee is Oompelled to limit hie usual visite
n.nrf attend the office and faotory in Tor-
ardsk, where he may be found daily ex-
cept Saturdays, Remember the day
sad state- Surma, Feb, 1.21h and Strat-
ford, Itch, lath.
..1301 the Whlgham carnival last Wed.
twes3tay 0100111g the 01311 whys were 50010.
thaws splendid. 0,. 11u,.'or• and A, Smith,
'n3Ftrussele, secured tho prize for condo.
The Bell Factory Band FL J. Whitley,
le<hler, played the following excellent
1rrogrem :-March, "Golden Enterprise";
well/zee, "Charming" ; pe1kes 'Crown
J'e"rr:s,” solo for enph0murn ; soloetion,
"110311)103110 Borgia" ; slow march, "Co.
3)530teia 19xpnsition" ; overture, "Croix
Li1%fr'rrineur" 1 waltzee, "Er30rvin"
0707010 t. "Lorain" ; polka, "Queen, of
a,a sola for cornet ; ScbOttischo,
"`E'iite" ; march, "12th Battalion" ;
ucka' "Nati
onal A11
z�.tw'n and "Lorain" ate hfr.
01,445/0 c m oeit1on,
and feed. Rent reasonable. Apply to
Mus. E. A. WATSOx, Blyth. 36 4
Emiueut physioiaus everyr.Fere reoom
mend Ayee's Cherry Pectoral as the
most retable remedy that can be had for
colds, coughs, and all pulmonary dis
orders. Asl< your druggist for Ayer's
Almanac ; it is the best public 1tion of
its kind, and full of informatim,.
Los,', -0u Hain or Mill etre t1,, Brns•
sols, on Wednesday evening, J in, 200,
a ladies' black satin shopping bag, con.
tabling a pair of kid gloves and 010)
bmndltorohiefa. The Soder wi'I kindly
return the same In the ofiiee of W. B.
1)Mokson, or leave at 'Pitz Posr Publish.
ing House.
Davin 110nso1, of Solomon City, Ian•
sits. formerly a well known resident of
this Inceli11, in remitting his sttbserip
'ion writes :-"Ssuclossd I send draft for
51.50 We cannot Jo without TRE POST.
Aly daughters remember Brussels well
and they 11(e to read the paper as well
as I no myself. Roping this will find
you and all old friouds well as it leaves
us. I remain, Cu"
Icon 30 Days. -As will bs seen by the
page advertisement and posters the
"Economical Syndicate" have purchased
three Inge bankrupt stocks at a very lot,
price, and for the next 30 days will ober
wonderful Bargains in the store former
ly occupied by 1', C. Rogers, 13russels
The shop wilt be open for the first on
Saturday morning of this weelc.
001337x0 r., 630x11 AND i11rntriarn,.-C
Citrate, 131 Nt• g street W. st, Tormito
may be cuusultl at the Bellohantber
Hoose in Sarnia on .Friday, Feb, 12th,
and at the :Mansion House in Stretford
On Saturday, Feb. 1301. Mr. Claim);
reputation as tt mechanical genius for
1veleoal3 ug all (a.:es of def rarities, such
1t+ club fe•t, spiral curt Kam, pandy0is,
bow legs, eta, is well Know') throughout
tie .Uou11ui011 of Ceneca. Anybody
rnptared will hent' a7d see something
1w:uoh they never dreamed could be done.
A revolution 311 is appending,
tome mud see. He is compelled to limit
lie lanai visite and attend the office and
factory in form) to, where he may be
found daily except Saturdays,
I. 0. 0, F. -The following officers of
Western Star Lodge, No. 140, L 0. 0.10„
were 311015 iusta led by the 1) D. G. AI.,
on Thursday atoning, Jan. 1113) : J. P. G„ Bro, R. Leatherdale
N. G., Bro. A. H, MoNeil
V, (1., Iiro. Wm, Oornieh ;
1i, S., Bro, R. M. Dickson ;
P. S., tiro..3,10, Ament ;
Tt•eas., Bro F, 8. S ;
Wardell, .;ro. J. G Skene ;
Uou., Bre, ,1, T. Rosa ;
R. S. N. G., Tiro. P. Scott;
L. S. N. G„ Bro, W. H. McCracken;
R. S. V. Cl., Bro. A. Currie ;
L. S. V. G., Bro. A. McKay ;
0. G., Bro. Wm. Martin ;
I. G., Bro. J. McArthur ;
Chap., Bro. Time, Stra011aL
R. T. or T, --Last Tuesday evening
he Brussels Coa,tuil of the Royal Temp.
tars of Temperance gave a musical and
literary program in connection with an
open meeting. The o11air was 000npiod
by Geo, Rogers, SelootCouucillor. After
the opening ole and prayer, the ohair-
inan made a few remarks and then pro.
(seeded with the following :-Mtss Minnie
MoNaughten, 0014310 reading ; Jae. Bal.
3antyua, harmonious selection, Alex, Ross,
accompanist ; recitation, Geo. Bosom ;
solo, Miss Bate Wilson ; reading, Mrs.
Neil I\ItLauuhlin ; instrumental duets,
violin and organ, IL L. ,Jackson and Miss
Creighton ; solo, Miss P. E. Kerr ; rend•
ing, Alrs. Jas. Kerr ; instrumental (Nett,
H. L, Jackson and Miss Creighton, A
vete of thanks was unanimously given to
the holies and gentlemen 3188101331(1 in the
program, en i00ti0n of W. id. Kerr and
Alex, 1to0s, The meeting closed with
eingiug mid prayer.
Cunzsi 13'.011'731111 Dielee x11, -A public
meeting of dire010r8, patrons and share.
holdots of the 1Jorris aid Grey Cheese
Manufacturing (Jo., was held in the
90nnc11 chamber on the 21st dust, to con•
eider the establishing of a butter factory.
Tho matter being freely discussed, pro
and con. and no definite conclusion , e
rived at, it wee agreed to drop it for the
present. The question of the Treasurer.
ship woe brought up and being put to a
vote of the meeting, it was uuatdmously
agreed that Alex. Str11011a11 still continue
't'reaonrer but without 8ahary, The lot.
ting of the milk drawing for the coming
season was the lest item of business.
The following are the routes let, and the
price per 1000 lbs„ et whish contracts
Were oracle and Signed :--11031 01 4111 con.
eea31nns of Grey, to Samuel 11500utcheon,
et 531 ciente ; 5th de lith oonle80ioas of
Grey, to Robert Dockott, at 8 ; 7th 01
8th c
onnOee3one of GreyObert Doak.
Ott at
8 031015' 4th line Morrie '
,of Tor to
Peter Barr, at SO dente. 'There are three
0011109 yet to let.
'Pun 5)elt!Ittty fltrm was not sold the
other day.
Monett night wits one 7f the coldest
artnut's "Art dlr,dul" 15 over A. 11,
Smith's stove,
131: therein, xm)bwulle awl Milted°
031.t.1" t.t 11 .1'nrguie',
33tiesee .a School Board will alert a
Friday evening of next week.
Reeve Ma1N'rsali le away at 0011er3
this weekatteildiug 1110 Comity (loupe
!err to hand tn•day :i plans Piquet
1, its at 31e, worth 80. 1'ergudou it: 11
1,.w11:s you can 81100 01111"1 by buy(
your dress geode from ) a egn.3n,1
IIolli lay,
171118') linos. mill yard Is being w
stuck' d with I !gs, stave holt.; mitt 31,1113•
ing lather.
War. Epode has been r0•en"ag511 3131
cheese, maker of Walton factory for next
season, He is well p,015(1 iu his work.
Feeouse3 S flALL1DnY are 0elliag their
500 corsets for 431o. ; 70o. for 55o. ; 51..00
for 80o. and $1.25 W101ohepring for 51.00.
New subsoribers are rallies in to Tun
Pos•r. As!( your neighllor to take it and
thereby give him the news and 1,e the
d11111lined oobturu"100 and skirtings
just iu at Irwin re MuJiain's, See those
30 ioc13 pore cottou slnfrtings at 121o.,
extra value.
OvisacotTs, for men and boys to be
cleared out this mouth at .Irwin et 11I
Bain's. The prises are out 50 they a
bound to go.
Amex, Surra had one of his Neper ti
badly sunwhed oil the IV1ngham gin
31153 Wednes,lay erelong, by being r
0-.'•bya sl' ter.
Tau i reed seats for E0 Perlt3
lemma.ill 11Ip,•• ill' rapally. The pl
in at Pepper's dl•llg e3e01'. Cell 1310re to
secure your sett 3.
1\18 have au 1,tere0ling letter to pu
lisp from Oliver Smith, son of Ale
Smith, of \Vroxeter,wllo is on the Arne
eon warship '•Charleutou."
At'rino3 sales- are bobbing up. Tors
Poer gets out bills neatly, cheaply and
exiieditInn01y. We 111s0 arrange sales
11.01111 ,t troubling persons to go to see the
Truths was ,vas quite a ruelt of pork to
Brussels market this week, '.ho top
price hes been paid all winter and as a
result distance has not interfered with
wide awake farmers.
Tent sacrament of the Lord's supper
will be observed in Melville oburch next
Sabbath morning. Rev, S. Davidson,
M. A., Wroxeter, will preach at the even•
!lain and 1Vallaoa streets, '1.'hoy 0111110
Illelc 1; Ito the wildorumos of 1131 l4neeu's
bush, lief ae a tree 071171 felled on any of
10101,1,3ou174 nl111l0 us Moil 11^1331 11.
❑1111071 them. AI0. I)ln'iisun died sOvt'n
50313's ago after' 0110 ludue,rlvus life, Afro.
D'Ir!d t o + a f Sandi ,11 ,,t 1' ' l
111 pereei , 11311 ei (roll Hentlautd 3,, count
'Pyrone, 1, eland, wh, re the d000,0ed we,
eh holm. The family emigrated to Canada
11. when she wag eleven years of age and she
'l• 3.7131 m'11'ri,d to Ale, llwiian11 3,7 Tp.
al• Whitoo1nr011, 0o, York, They 1111a a
family of eight sans mud one (laughter all
ug survivin lx3ept ono oou, 0110 0011,
12 ('0[49:,. ,'oo 11 1 rimy prulnlet r of alis
lisps'. 117.1 i5 1,1711 1iv3ng 111 Ou'iw11e, N.
t.11 W. T., /Old 14 a ole Tiber of 13111 1,1:,3013.•
Live cout,013 for his di•tt•iot. 'three of
the buys live in town, one in Walkerton,
and one in the State.. Mrs. Davi'lanit '
was It woman of more than 11111111 u(telli-
WKS a good n, ighb -0 1111:3 a 11Xd
moth, r. (hie by one the pioneers aro
dropping o11 and will 3100)3 be nothing Int
a memo)), fu the laud their work reelailu.
ed. They are des.rving of our Modest
remembrance (repenitl!y when th- dr
personal charaote• attaches them ea we 1
to all thn3r fide, de. Fhe was 0,u ember
of ICu,x church, Listowel." The (levees -
ed was an aunt to Mrs. Jim. Oousley, of
Brussels, who, with her sou Andrew,
attended the funeral last Friday after.
.rairsaresserw0iz smmssuna enerrsmatzin weeor
1 1J- a-CTr03110I07 3,e>111.Z='120, ALL
Fall Wheat t 7
JAN. 29, 1892
Barley 4?
' 1'0113 )a Illi BUY
1 nate 1431 ail B U f
H ''•7', 1;11'1111='1 rulld,11 10
1183.30 per dozen 111 Oil
hlonr put' barrel1 5lt 11 00
100 I, 0. Richards is able to be about
k, 1 ngniu 111171 _.
011 ' Miss Rilht hunter is away. at Exeter,
500.111011111 there by the 0erious illness of
1111' a friend.
all nest P,lln,, Of Winnipeg, 10 Visiting
2:i 01)
Hay per ton, 0 00 10 00
Pork .. . .....,,.... 5 iio 175
Hide' per lb.,, .,,, -4 (10
Balt rue 11b1., retaail.,, 1 00 10
Sheep 51(1135, each.,,..... 05 00
1,:11101 angina each 51 00
31 11331 1.1'1' barrel 1. 21 00
r11W0 GOOD COWS 1�01i. SALE,
11 will calve Inn few weeps. Also a filly
rising 2 years old, lt1ma00 f01' selling is scar-
city of Iced.
^_11••1 Ail1,l180OT1
Sunlit holt Lot 111, eon,4,arrests,
- many oases would be ;tearer than the
ens 1 1,,l II'u $311,10. Silo Is a erose between
n Jersey and one of the largest inti toys in
this section. In 15 mouths she should be
milking nod in 000 year would pay for her
extnr 071 t.
G. A. DPI ADMAN, BJ,russels,
), Contracts 131111 )18 lot by the undersign-
ed for out tug au,l skidding 15,0,0 lags en Lot.
la, eau. D, Grey, and drawing Elio seine to the
river, :131 wood t•emuluing 0Pt•1' ingx 11717
tnheu nit wll l b0 sola) oy tho acro, Por Ilir
n,e1• pall Seniors apply to
A 1 S 9TE\YAl1T,
his brother ie Brussels.
11,1anald Fletcher 1.'. ewlty tit l't11'io 311
b' tending his uu0t's funeral.
Mrs. 3110. Jeff,rs••0 and children, of
11' ;Virden, Man., are slaiting at Jut). Shaw's
0p service and also on Monday afteru.'on
at 1:30 p. m. The aunnal meeting will
be held immediately after the service.
NExr Wedneday and Thursday the
annual County Sunday School Conven•
tion will be held in the Presbyterian
church, Wingham. The first session
opens at 1:30 p. m. on Wednesday. A
good program has been prepared, and a
large atteudauce is expeoted.
'Pup following dele'11tes will represent
Brussels Methodist Sunday 0011001 at the
Coenty Convention at Wingham next
week 1-11158 Minnie Moore, Mrs. Dob-
son, J. J. Bal., J. T. Pepper and W. H.
Kerr. Melville Sunday 0011001 will send
• Bev. J. Ross, Elder Stewart, l.), Stewart
and Misses IIIIn0.11 slid Sinclair.
'L'pxppes Bat( \1(3100. -Menders will be
received up to February 001, 1811'2, for
. tin delivery of 35 curd; of good, sound,
, green, hard mood, beech 10,711 maple, all
body wood, '21 niches long, to be deliver. I'. Flttrber received is telegram 011
ed 1,t the Bruese 5 Pubiic Seined (louse Tneaday 11001 P11710 1010rm1u„ Linl 01
I before March 16th, 18;13.
11. !toss, See. P. S. Bo 10.1.
ltlieel•J'loo social was given 1n the
basement of 111e Alellwd1ot 31;,80011 last
1looilay'eveuiug ender the an pities of
the Bimetal League. Rov. Air, Salton
gave an ad(h' ss on "Lnrth,lnaken" after
which the waiters dispensed a gelerone
supply of bread, butter and coffee. 'There
was a large atteudauce and au enjoynblo
time was spent,
'Innen! NINE 10rlditimlal new look boxes
were p130011 in the t) et 7111,10 last week.
They were made by \V in. Ainlay of Brus•
art-. Postmaster Farrow intends re.
moving the old wooden drawers so as to
make more ro(nn far the registration
letter delivery and postorlice order table.
Holders of drawers will be giren lire more
modern and convenient look boxes.
IT is reported that D. Ewan Iran'pur-
chesed the W. T. Hunter blacksmith
shop and m
will remove there.
e el It was a
(outer stand of his. Janes Walker,
carriage budder, will also change shops
having leased the stone and britli tuild
lugs opposite the Town Hall, Want of
room for their rapidly i1,Ol'eaeing business
is given as the principal reason for
Tele Salvation Army will have a ham,
jetzt and glory bttvquet in the Brussels
Totvu Hall on Feb. 170(1, ooulmen0ing
at 5:30 p, m. Great Corybantic (Jou-
glomeration ab 8 p, m., led by Major
Baugh, assisted by Ensign Woodg,,te and
otiioeve and soldiers from ieaforth,
Li0to1vel and Wingham, 1:n0am00.
Llan na°. Capt, Parker and Lieut. Hell•
mann in eominand.
O1nS1VAL.-The first earnivsl of the
season was held on Maitland Sleeting
rink on Thursday evening of last week
and. was well patronized, Dir. James
bad the We in first.olaee condition so
that the skaters had a tiptop time. Tho
coatames were fa ly up to former owe
!duns some of the ohlu•aoters being wall
reprerented. Prises were awarded as
follows :-Best dressed' gent, James
Ballantyne ; beet dressed lady, Miss
Rate Cormack ; boat <linseed lady and
gent, Mile Bella Grower and 3, D. Wor-
wiek, V. 5. ; best dresser) boy, Willie
Leatherdale. Thet 'judges were R,
Leatherdae, D. Ewan and L. llembly,
Brussels Band wits in attendance and
enlivened the proceedings with a nutn•
her of selection!: The rink is run in
good style this season and the manager
is determined to have thing, right
whether he makes a dollar oe not.
Desert Ole Mas. Dn3mo,N.-Tile Lis-
towel Banner says :-"After about a year
and a half's sioku084Mrs. S35r1111 David-
son, widow of the luta Samuel Davidson
died at Ilan home on 1Vadr,estlay after.
noon of Inst week in her. 88111 y0itr. She
was troubled with a dancer which in 31pit0
of skillful treatment gradually in00Oa5Od
its hold mail it proved fatal. lior long
ilkless wee! borne with unusual fortitude
and even 0heorfulnee8. Though she
knew of late that her end was fast ap.
proaching she maintained ann000mplain•
111g end contented mind and was quite
resigned to the inevitable. With her. late
husband e i
3 o was ono of rho Lowliest 11071
heat known p3 01075 of the distriot. Bis.
meanieward of the town of Listowel 3!
sitn10ted on what was originallythe
Th videOn 33111, los 80000,5 310)301)3(1 down 50
Livingetone's drag store at 5310 310rn031 Of
Fred. and Wi Ile Mc:eracicen !tate leen
visiting friends iu the neighborhood of
T. B. Calbick is home from BI iti•h
Columbia on a visit. Ilia mother ds
eeriouely ill,
Bernard and Melville Bryan, 7f mole
are visiting their graldpure.,3', T.
Seri and wife.
Dr, J. 1V. Show, of Clinton, i3 ml 1110
siolt list. His sister, Mie. ,Minute, L.
tatting care of him.
Mrs. Walter, as relative of 1\'. F. Vail
stone's, was buried at W3ughann on Wed.
uesday 0f this week.
W. H. Willis and wife, of Mitchell,
spent last Sunday at B. Gerry's. Airs.
Willis is still in town.
Mrs, Abruhaln, Mrs. McDonald and
two children, of WJngham, spent Satur-
day with Mrs. J. S. Smith,
The little daughtura of W. B. Dicke "l
and A. Stream) have been ander the
doctor's mare dente, the p• st weep.
The light of Rieha,c) Stevens' 03111111011
mace once more illuminates the town.
Ile has given up the boot blacking bnsi.
We are glad to be able to state ih
Rola. Watt is progressingver'y-favorab
and expects soon to get t
wort again.
Altar MoCutcheon, wife and dangly
ter, of Winnipeg, are visiting old time
friends in 13.317171515 ale! vicinity, The
11 est evidently agrees with them.
rN n
.1i0Aif.1iS NI( SALE. -T[111 LN
n1IR51,X 1117,117101'117110 gnsd nouns 1(r
stile and to 00 ill, easy terms, l0 Townships
of NI orris and Grey. 1'' 5. 80UT'1', 11 romans.
/'` J 11101C;E FARM! FOR SALE.-
Ruing South hall Lot 37,010.11, 51mri5,
Pio anise, rrally nli ele.u'o,l. Good 111,1111111135,lluw Young bearing ur01,) rd. Immediate 3/85-
Session. 1:usy TomaApply to
W. Al. SIN Of, in
tP- Sohoito', No„ Itrussels.
1�1�A1t41 FOR SALE, 13fillNG LOT
)!' 1., the :11.11 non. of Grey, lnnlva as the
\ r.7 " lend n. If not sold before the
1.4,'1 , ,r„ wilt be to rent. 11100 Lot ate
n ,
in . ,t., kru5sole, For (wither earth:- apply to too proprietor.
'1'11011018 MOOSE,
1i"011 SALE,- li0USE, LOT
and Fruit Garden Si touted just outside
the corporation Of )iruasels. The perlor-
ei:eed offers his beautinu houtest0ud, com-
-n;singauacre of laud laid out In small
1711119, m good brink house, etable, Jl(st-01'1.071
wee; etc., making a oompleto Minn, For
further particulars apply to
1• tf Brussels.
1.f'A11)IS TO 130NT-'1'1-1L UN-
n,rnsloxnn will leave his 3_00 acres of
1177.3, hong 1"130, con. D. Storms, mitt lel
001,. 5, (0101', for a term 0t yea's, Goal!
dwelling hone°, baht. Orchard, wells, creek,
at .0' The gravel road divides the farw0 and
they are wolf 14,Lu,tod for stuck or groin
,;rowing. Possession on April 1st, 1'or tur-
a tier 1 5rti0ldnr5 apply co
83.1) 011,1071, P010117.514,
Box 71, If rugao's P.O. Proprietor.
the decease of his eldest 01s1er, Niro.
Richard Jackson. The cause of her
death was pneumonia. The funeral Luke*
plane on Edda)
Among the many cases of sickness in
Brussels we have heard of the following
persons who ere, or have been, laid up
with la grippe, 'Worley or thug uffou.
tions :-OouueiIl,a' 133 o0rack en, AJ,'s.
Leatherdale, Mrs. Hiudes, J. J. Oilpiu,
A. 1. McColl, harry Crooks, 33001111 A)0 -
Naughton, Mrs. J. A. Creighton, 1I is,
Eva Turnbull, Mrs, 11011. Burns, ,lire
F. S. Scott.
The Durham Review says:-•-Alexlul,lo
McDonald, who runs the engine ie 317
Crawford's saw mill here, met with an
aooideut which cane within a hair's
brs,Ldth of being instant death. As he
was un the apt of unscrewing the tap,
0o,ue0tieg the water pipes to the boiler,
and in order to 8e0111e 11 greater 300017tg0
than that of the trench be used ha ap
piled a handspike, which was too lung
for the spice to work in, some of it pre.
jouthlg behing bfm, coming in contest
with the pitman of the engine, with snob
force, e100.30g the other end to spring up
in front and strike bins a violent blow of
the cheek and temple, breaking the bone
of 110 former, and cutting a deep gash
into his very mouth and nose, and frau
tering the latter, and opening an ugly
gash, down through which could be seen
his eyeball. klo lies in a pre0ariuus eon.
1375 Pstg.-Being
sLnt II, ;Thu. 11,
(1 "l u,ltR 7 Brussels. to lis
pond Oily loam, wall moot1y
1t 113171 iu coroi order. 0,ecru of or -
Ohm ,1
ahm1 in gond repair. 'Thera 35 Is a,:ever 0111-
i"; 710'• ii,u en cite minuses and nu 31x11'1 will
lit the, buil111uga, The nut/diem, are eemf0rt-
shls would tithe suitable property lu or
a. 5t• ilru,.a+ls 5s part plc', !Land 18 settled
7111.1.0, Enr Mother particulars apply on
the prem 00.,71 to
51100. DIro1113OOR,
or address Ii,'ushels P, 0. Daft
UIt SALT+,,-01ioi0E F'5.101
1~ of 4710 anl'ealu one of the bestwheat
t hent
tllatrlo Ls In hllnitobn, 11710 acresvudyr 011101•
tmtht0, 40 acres seeded In Timothy, 2log
1p10u0 1001 011 oulhttildiugu. A11 (snood
with .11re,'8 good 040118, wood within easy
. reach, 11 miles iron presper1us town and
0114tuLL1 311 Cypress 111v0r, Jaevotol, Salted 3
Ohure,mn end good oio,'oe. Title polled.
A ,,art, or 1170 wbolu 01' tonne to 01111 per-
t enamor, If not 07)11 fly 11.111,1,011 lath, 0110 farm
will bo 1711111171, Write 0t once to
\1St, a1c11,1001),
23-1:n - Cypress Meer, Star,
s,c.cix%R.xa a,
T71011:10608-Tnow5,-At the residence of
Mr. Philip Thomas, brother of the
bride, Bluevale, on the 20th lust., by
Rov. A. Y. Ilartley, Mr. Hugh
Thompson, of 'Turnberry, to Alias
Flora Victoria Thomas, of Wood.
D.lvmao/,-In Listowel, on January
'20311, Sarah, relict of the date Samuel
D:(vidson aged 68 year).
Funoc,ON,-In 41oKlllnn, on January
22nd, Margaret, beloved wife of
James Ferguson, aged 77 years,
51000300ItN,-In Brussels, on Jun. 20th,
Stanley Harrison, sen of W. II, and
Jane McCracken, aged 8 months and
15 days.
JncicsoN, At Paris, o1 Jan. 20th, Sarah,
beloved wife of Riollard Judson and
sister of T. Fletcher, Bru574018, aged
02 years and 2 menthe.
Bislmr -At BeeohviIlo, 00 January 26511,
Elizabeth, beloved wife of Wm.
Bishop, formerly of Grey township,
i0 her 5013, year,
Alal�nlub -In MoKillop; on Jan, 28rd,
Arch, M0Nab1, aged GG years and
8 months.
ATJr3'S20x,7' E,LyZ 01 a-
WN»N]eslAY, len, 8r<l, 1801. -farm,
farm stook, hnplsments Bto. South half
lot 10, con. 4, Morrie, Salo calnn10l1000
at 1 h'cloclt. 1V. 13, Dickson, Solicitor
for Aooiguoe.
L IUDAY, Fos, Gbh, 1801, -High Grade
Stook. South halfa
] t 80, con. 8
1,l o'clock, Salo sem 0113100 at 1 omf<
0a .
Ilrkby, and. !Ghee, J11foLaueliliu,
-A1t)i 1011 SALE.-'P'HE UN
Dpnn10:1140 oubrs for sale the north
0,10Equarto 0 of lot 50, 0000°811011 8, t30,17)8,
501111.01 Huron, containing
land of,yand In a state of
eula matte, woo and noilex-8in,00soros 0104rnd, Newfh,u0noose, 8Maine,
win house with 000/0/10 walla, 2 walla,
good barns and shod, orchard, eto. Right
acres of full 10110703, 11119 100i110bl0 property
corporationad oine the corporation of Brunetti, 'Suit.
able tela' will be given. Title preset
3013,118 GRIEVL3, Owner,
30. Soafora) 1', 0.
10 uulersigurd I.a00)11518 eller the
"John Forties" farm for aalo. 'Phe propor1y
°onsidfe of 110 acres, being Int a, 000.84 mud
west half lot 7, ono. 8, Gray countable, 'there
ire lilO neves elol7red endanger crop, balance
hardwood bush. Ou the mantises ie a good
700to1'oy bri011 house, largo bank barn with
Moue 01115111(0, woilo,wln4n1111 111(1 virtue to
1ta1108, two orchards, good fences deo. The
Paras is 111', good state or cultivation and fu
o03y 2,1 )Hiles from Brussels. Pooaoaaion to
suit ilur011user. Por prion, terms, deo„ write
0r apply to
8.01 - 3010. 0.0111)1 PP, 7111100010 P, 0,
or D, 1/011610 , Stretford.
1�1 Bala or Exchange for farm property
311 Oulaie. Tiro litl[t01'01'aa[l have the fallow/ug properties, via, :-11'11'00-einerter0 Sec.
1103, 20, Township One, Mange 28, near Delo.
Woe, This is fl'st.0111os unimproved laud.
API(' South oust quarter of 5001)0020, Powe•
ship 13, 1111580 10 on the llouullful Plains
about 8 Miles front Bowel (3 tatino, 111111h lino
U. P. It. This land has boon hams -Gonda'!
and 11/07018 it 10g house on the plaoo mud
school house on ono 0oruer of the 111, in-
tending settlers may 6nd it to their interest
to write for particulars t0
t1415101)INSJN it 00N,
Pork Dealers,
el -4" London, Out,
'a',►'am CIMWtrozes tP
Par3na11 t0 chapter 110, Sec, 311, 11, 0.0„
the ('rldltm'11 of War. WaL0orr, yeoman, hate
of 80115111llit 1 Lot 2S 0011, 2, Morris towhoL(p,
le the County of Huron, who died on or
&bent the ilth day 01 January, A,1),1831, and
others laving idioms 3111.007)005 to h is oobmte
1110 hereby notified to fraud, on or before the
fetiraqof \0,,•1.11, 1812, (0 1'uos. 81aooV, of
the Village of 1rase015, 1❑ the Oo0uty of
13t110n. Executor of the estate and offeeto of
the Bald do.,oaood,theirna000and 0Il10eeea0
01,0 1310 1011 particulars et thole Matins 1113
of the securities 11f any) hold by them, 111131
11,07111131st 1,1 to edlately niter the said dato
talo assets lit 1110 53,111 ,39100118071 wi11 318 dIs'
tel 1,,l
but among 1511 partial 31111151571 1 wither laving regard only,,o the ioahna of w1 ex.
61 �,xnmtloll
e las t I motion, rtsr and
the ex.
muter will notbo 1 171
11 > o for anyawaits 5531t s 00
do1. all 11 0 11 31 any proems close Malin
Hhalt no t
Y amllo
t have haat nnEioO,
151308, 1')0(7'1
1,, Executor.,
Meads, clic), 27,'92. 23'2 Brussels P. 0.
1)1i 3'(1,t`,
SCII00]•1 I300KS,
13117K13I4(1, • BRUSSELS,
wxa•s1aaot Lt. G•or10ra2 73an1a7...38,0
Canadian and Uulted States Drafts bought
and 00)11,
latoroeb allowed 00 Deposits,
Collratiolls made on fdrol'ab1( 1171110.
Canadian Aeonls-SfrnOtL1 Nx•'9 13,1Nit al'
Now Tort( Agents-Invonxatae Aso '0'5l,1,.
0,110 NATIONAL 33ANp,
LS0. )1T1Aw•YLORCo, nwBArr?0IST0lLJPao,,
thane outdo. 01ce-Vnustolui's Mock, liras-
\' 110. SIATOLAI31 _....- --..
NAT __..
P • Salici for On11111
110, 310. 0lli0o-31 l101ock, I lit or 0ub-
011'opper'e11ragStore,s Private louuds toit
(Lata with Garrott R• Prau(ifaot, Gude-
rich,) nan•,of ors, Solicitors, Conveyancers.
dee. Oilloos--bruseols and Seaforth, Brits.
sets OMB tie -Op -stairs over r3ank. Motley
to 1,0,10.
U, B. RAr9, W. n, n)c3OON
'‘NTH. 111o013•ACPEN,
/saner 05b yt931russll ,
Tonsorial Artist' Sbnp-Next moor
south of A. 71, NnIiuy,t; 5o's hardware store.
Ladtos'aud oh111rous hair cutting a specialty
1 ]s prepared to give lessons on rho
Piano, Parlor and Pipe organ. Si'000) at-
tention given to lbObuio. Por Mettler MM•
f0yyrulatiou address- Box 1.73, Brussels.
A[ 9..dtoNAIR,
Isomer of lfa'19age Licenses, by
apputlltnlont of Liene,.rlo7,01,0r, Comwi8-
Pil`Conveyancerltd Agent.
ro insurance (10, 0a athe Crsubxook
Post Ullluo. 4
Clark 1,t' the Fourth u er U otary (unlit
no. gown. nd L081auc730 Notary Public
Land, Loan and loanl.11 Cc 1,lo1l , 1!1111115
(mics 133 and to loan, Orusselo, s wade.
(Alice 11 Ornbmm'a Moak, )3rtaasels.
10001171 Stories, of Windmill, is prepared
to give instruction in oil painting, 'some
1 1180.31111111011 011ssfW)101.13011o(ayheneon. Mae
Marie would also take a few more pupils in
Organist in St. Joh Ws Church, Brus-
sels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, of A.
a ar
4 C Sn
s, Dom,
New curl(, will give
Iortior to p Queen1111lla 11'1311 at TSIs., F' It pre-
ferred, 1ii0own�hc,uoo. Terms molder-
Itte, 60•
M. CAVANAGH, J_• D. S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Noel College of Neotal
8m'gorms, Ontario, aur! of 1/110510 Unt.
vorstty, O0e3OB-Ovoo Pepper's Drug SMOr°,
• Auctioneer, is always ready to at-
tend sales of forms, farm stook, ,Ca, Terme
onocrfully givou. Oraubrool< P, 0. Solos
may be arranged at Tao Peer Publislllug
Nouse, Brussels.
-T Ldeeened 01140310030r, Bttles oou(bmt
ml 00 reasonable terms, L'a'ma and farm
stock a 8500i11lt1, Orders loft at TUN Posm
Pull; thing lion no,Bru smile, or sent to Walton
P. 0., will r05eive peoapt atteltlee.
sib an an Auetioueer{ 1 aa1 prepared
10 oohdLlet sales of farm 5100)1 at reu00uablo
prises. knowing the gaming of nearly
00505110090,1 I ala to 0, 1noa1Elon to moll to
00031 utar115 and got good meaty when told
on meek, Satiefaatiouuaranteed, Give
mea call. 31- l' 8, 500153.'.
`, 11. F. CALE, 161. D., 0, 16t.,
V10 Member of the College of Pitmans),
and Surgeons of Ontario by examination.
Office and .Itosideueo._ 5,0,115 drool; Nast,
• c h1.„ 1., 31. 1),1s„ Edinburgh, AI. 0, P
S. Out. Aosidonoo and oalco in Wllsen'o
1310011, 900110r of Mill mud T'uruberry ;ata,
P1 • Motor 0 Col ge, i npr of the Ontario
Veterinary College, 1001
y in prepared t
8 e o a treat tail
climate uT d
8 onoatm
alto auin
Halo In m a
potent rammer. Particular attention paid
to vAtartuary dontlstry. Calle 0romelly at-
tended to. c3llloo and fn0rmary-Two doors
0orth of bridge 11'urnberry 01., 10711118015,