The Brussels Post, 1892-1-29, Page 44
New Advertisements,
Lneal--lV 1 nli.eee,
Locals- 1)r. J U, Ayer.
Dull for antes --Chas, Resell,
cel t, ,
tit ter .'111. elms lluure.
1;0uke lledneed -G. A 17otdnuui,
Notice to Creditors ','hos. Belly,
'• >Lit - 'rli., naoimttic l
, n.
•b t , u5sc h
I• RI DA 1', J1I N, 29, 1692..
Morris Council Meeting'
The Council met pursuant to statute,
members all present and subscribed the
neceseart declarations of office and
gualifienticns. The Reeve occupied the
chair, Moved by Jas. Proctor, seconded
by C. A. Howe that W. Clark be re tip•
pointed clerk at a salary of $180.
Carried. t'oved by Geo. Kirkby, second.
ed by S. Caldbick that John Watson be
re-appniuted nese sur at a salary of $80.•
00. Carried. Ah ved by 0. A.. Howe,
eennded by Jas. Proctor that R. John.
at,it bo re.appoiuted anditor. Carried.
The 1t eve appointed 'Jima. McClelland
secoutl auditor. Al: ved by S. Caldbiek,
seconded by Go. Kirkby the Dr, T. G.
Holmes be appointed 01. dice] Health
officer. Carried, Moved by Jas. Proctor,
s' °ended ey Geo. Kirkby that Thos.
Laid aw, Geo, flood and W. J. Johnston
be appointed members of the Board of
Health. Carried. On motion of Jlis.
Proctor and 0. A.. Howe the following
aoeouels were ordered to be paid :--
Allan Lindsay, building culvert, woo;
R. Shortreed, funeral expenses and keep
of Palmer, $25.50 ; Lewis Bolton, engin-
earn fees, $24.00 ; Misses Exford, aharit,,
016.00 ; Chas, Campbell, wood to Ex.
ford's, 010.00. Wm. Martin, removiug
$• odwood $6 00 ; Hamiltou R McLean,
spikes, 27 lie :ts ; John Scandret, gravel,
$2.00 ; W. H. Kerr, printing financial
statement, 04 00 ; Ourporation of B.ybh,
Hall rent for Division Court, $7.50: Jno.
Mooney celleoto.'s salary 085.00 ; H.
Mooney financial statement, $2 00 ; W.
Clerk, nomination expenses and posting
financial statement $8.00 ; Jno. Mooney,
gravel, $1.55 ; Bylaws No 1, 2, 8 and 4
1892 were duly read and passed. The
Council then adjourned to meet again on
the 22nd day of February next.
W. Chan, Clerk.
r 'ter 1 t to
aide tit .
The heir to the Austrian throne is ill.
Influenza in raging at the Cape of Good
Kansas had a severe snowstorm last
There are' serious flo ids at Rome,
0uuilmtiug reports regarding the Pope's
health are still current.
Two old people were frozen to death
last week at Athens, Alabama.
Auarohists -near Set es, Spain, oontinue
to indulge in daring outrages.
Emperor William of Germany was
88 years of age on Wednesday.
The bank of England ha- reduced its
rate of dieconnt from 83 to 8 pi r omit,
An epidemic of smallpox is repo ted in
the Italian quarter1 New York city.
The funeral of the tete Duke of Clar.
once took pilule on Wednesday, 20th inst.
The stock yards et Council Bluffs,
Io•va,were burned last Saturday morn•
At Nottingham, Eng., a woman Trilled
her two children end then oommitted std.
The influenza epidemic ban inoteased
the week's mortality in Paris by 100
Three hundred mules and sixteen hors.
es were killed in a fire at Kansas City
last Friday.
The roof of a church at Slobodekcli,
Bu"ala, caved in, killing and wounding
50 steeple.
A man named Hepler was lynched at
Neva.e., bio., ter the taunter of a woman
aid her little son.
O,viug to the is verity of the weather
th"naande of cattle urn ..tarring to death
in southern Idaho.
Columbus, Ohio, had a $500,000 lire
Tuesday, which included the Uetropoli•
tan Opera House.
John Conch Adams, F. R. S., the well.
known Engliah astronomer, is dead. He
was born in 1818.
An avalanche near Dieppedale, France,
buried three houses, killing three penple
and i),juring twenty.
Twelve thousand shipyard helpere at
Sunderland, Eng., have struck against a
reduction in their wages.
Five members of the family of Mrs.
Johnathan Bane, Pliladelphia, have died
of the grippe in two weeks.
Truffle has been interfered with in
Bavaria, owing to the Dumber of railway
employees down with grippe.
The Democratic National Convention
will be held at Chicago, that city getting
a majority on the 15th helot.
The whole of the Rio Grande dietriob
111 'Texas is covered with snow and there
ie great suffering among the poor.
Prank Garza, a re ative and the right
hand man of the Mexican revolutionary
leader, has been captured in Texas.
Buffalo maltstera aey the McKinley
tariff has neatly reined them, and pro-
pose to petition Congress far telief.
The doctors say that if Secretary
Blaine has another attack of illneae Simi•
lar ,to his last they fear it will prove fee
In Middlesex county, Va., last week,
Robin W. Ohristiah was killed by hie
inane sol, whn split hie head with an
The Ozer ham ordered the confiscation
of wheat held by Russian epeculetota 11
they refuse to accept a fair price for the
The total number of immigrants ar-
rived in the 11, S. during the 12 months
ending 1Joe. 111, 1891, was 590,006 against
The OXargnie of Lorne hse been ap.
pointed governor and aonstabie of Wind-
sor castle in plane of Prince Victor of
Hohenlobe, deceased.
A man giving the namo of By. G.
Dowd was captured by the New York
pollee early last Sunday tnorning in the
aetof cutting a matte throat. Dowd has
for a few (lnye been following hp drunken
men and when he got them in a lonely
8poh would pouiloe upon them and out
their throat with a razor. The mall to
lonked agon as a maniac. ,lie pietime eo
enteber live -
11 is stated from Weehingtnn that the
' National Democratic omlventiu't will be
endive to meet duce 21st, two weeps later
than the R-p•ablimtn oo, v. titian.
New- of it llol'r'ible urine, lute reached
1'•Uutnaafrom Vaieuo t, Venezuela, The
uaagliler` 01 Sl' lo, n i•, Nilo. tenet/2 .1.51,,2.1
111 a,t'•ndiug a ball against the wishes of
her mother. When elle returned home
the !nether p,ured kerosene o at the girl
and atm' 11,0 1 t .,)I 'ho 5op,te i
a Iigut d match. The girl eultered term•
bly teal died of her injuries, ll rnnother
has been pieced in jail, but it ie believed
the infuriated popullee WI I lynch her.
Alex. Anderson , for the piton rhea
years buukkoeper for the 1101) nutld
Mfg Co. Stratford, is missing. Lately
the firm began to enepeol that there wee
something °rooked in Andereou's en.
count. Finding that he was discovered.
Anderson feigned sieliness and 1.11
Stratford. So far his whereabouts are
unknown. An expert is rimy at the books,
and it is expect ,1 the deficiency Wirt
amount to about $1,000 Anderson is a.
married man with two or three ohildreu
Oh,u•les Todd, 10 years of age, wee ar
rested one evening last week, at Buffalo'
on telegraphic instructions reoeived from
the I'oro)to chief of pollee. Young
Todd bed been indulging in a long course
of sensational reaiu,g, and It"d Rattle to
the a u:lesion that he was intend"d to
shine as a cowboy and Indian Gunter,
Under this heltef he left hie home lied
and beat his way from 12'r5uto to this
point. Wben arre•ted he bit 1 in his
pockets a new Ee dish "Bnrinog" revol-
ver and a stook o 8•cont "Libnarys." He
refuses to go to school, and deo ares he
will run away and seek adventnre in the
will west on the first opportunity. His
father is a tiuket agent et Toronto.
(Jitsealik,1 ea lV ec {. 1+.
W. F. Johnston, a C.imean pensioner,
committed suicide at Peteiboro' last
The ice is t to feet thick st Orillie and
Toronto and Buffalo icemen are cutting
large quanta les.
George Tudhope, tnwnehip clerk of
Oro for nearly 550 yea's, is dead, and his
funeral took place at Orillia,
An old ltedy by the unmc of Mrs, Dou•
gan was found close to her house froze.'
to death in Petrotea one morning last
Petitions were paced in the lobbies of
the various city churches in London last
Saturday asking for the proposed re-
duotion of licensee in that oity.
The dead body of Robb. Stevens, the
Standar•, Bank clerk who was muster.
ouely absent from his home and fa mily
all last week, was found in High Park,
Toronto, Sunday. He had committed
s uicide by shooting.
An old wan by the mune of G. W.
Helmer, a farmer living about two miles
from Thomasville, attempted to commit
0nieide by hanging Sunday morning."He
adjusted a rope around one of the beans
of the woodshed and had very nearly
accomplished hie purpose when he was
discovered and cut down. He bas bean
a sufferer from la grippe for some tune,
and it is said to have affected his brain.
A decidedly novel mishap occurred on
the railroad. A light engine running
from Gravenhurat to Allendale stopped
at Willie for orders, and here it was
found that tate front pair of trucks were
missing from under the tender. The
four mi.sing wheels were located down
as embankment two wiled north of
Severn Bridge. How the wheels became
detached or whirled from under the
tender withnntthe hind trunks cracking
them is herd to understand. The
engineer felt n" jar and was a moat sur
prised man on seeing how matters stood.
At the meeting of she Canada Conn -
pany held In London on the 81st ult.,
the directors proposed a dividend of
Li per share, being the came as in tan ,
1891, but 2s 6d more than that paid it,
July, 1891. Daring 1891, to the 27th
alt., 8981 acre- of land were sold at an
average of 47s 80 per sore, while 12,714
acres were leased at an average of 82a '3d
per acre, making a total sold and leased
of 18,612e. nares at an average of 79a 100
per more. In the same period of 1890,
752 acme were .old at an average of 85e
ed, making a total sold and leased of
4,678i aures, at an average of 88s 6d.
On Friday eveniug of last week was a
red letter day in the history of Victoria
Street Methodist Church, Goderioh, for
it was freed from debt. The psetor,
Rev. Dr. Strongman, assisted by Mise
Williams, evangelist, and aided by the
congregation, have raised in eight days
he noble sum of $1,900 by subscription,
which is the total debt against the
ohm ch. The ahuroh was filled Friday
octant(, and crowded in the evening.
The preacher was Rev, Ghosen Howie,
Ph., D„Palestine, an cid friend of the
pastor. In the morning Dr. Hottie spoke
of the history of Bethsaide, and in the
evening of Jerusalem at the time of the
crucifixion. Iu both eases the discourse
was thoroughly evangalistio.
IS not only a distressing complaint, of
itself, but, by causing the blood to
become depraved and the system en-
feebled, is the parent of innumerable
maladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparilla
is the best entre for Indigestion, even
when complicated with Liver Complaint,
is proved by the following testimony
from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway
Centre, Mioh.:-
"Liver Complaint and indigestion
made my life a burden and came near,
ending my existence. For more than
four years 1 suffered untold agony, was
reduced almost to askeleton, and ly
had strength to drag myself about. All
kinds of food dietreaeed me, and only'
the most delicate could be digested at
all. Within the time mentioned several
physicians treated me without giving MA
lief. Nothing that 1 took seemed to de
any permanent good until 1 cnmmeneed
aho use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which
has prodneed wondmrfnl results. Soon
after commencing to take the Sarsapa-
rilla I could see au improvement in my
condition. My appetite began to /learn
and with it earns the ability to tai rim-
"PITH, 1(118 ghlliVTP)F --'NIP I
A J metersigued will been a Morleau h,vai
Bbnrt Bern Darlene 111111 for seri-Ice on Int
1, eon. ill, Otey.. l'ei ins, 51.001, be ud,id o1 i
t uta of service, with privilege of rotundas
if na1sue'try.
00.1 011. bo, 111]/01,1„ 11 ruin sour.
keen for service 011 South half Lot t :0,
Ono. 2, Barris, the theta bred improved
Y rkehlre 110 (t',' 4,, I10 1.” rm•ms, et
to he inn, , rat tints of servioe, with privilege
of returning 1 neue,wary pedlgreo may b1.
Beau on npldioutiuu 10 the 0wuer,
SHIRE 130A1(.
The undersigned will keep for service this
present cannon the Improved largo white
Yorkshire pig "Itettdv" on lot 20, con.0,
Morris, to which a limited radii bar of sole's
will be taken, Terme x1.011 to be paid at
tlmie ofservice, with the privilege of return-
810 0-
ing if necessary. Pedigree may be seen up•
ou lip Wootton, 110 BERT N,t1OSOL,
lbtf Proprietor.
tor.. -The 0 l)ierstgn5d will keep 113'
service on north half Lot 01, eon. 7, Morris,
tt pure broil Berkshire 13 ', 1,t•on 1, 01r.
Snell, and „n 0,11 ltupl'0ved taleet, r W hi to,
bred by Thos, (381150, Putnam, iron, im•
p,n•t^0 d1, 111 nn 101 01 s, ts t'1 - ho;
3rd prise et the industrial Pair In n. vires of
17, in 1890, and tical 104 b,m \v5at•ru drab iva
0laoN 111 le. ilia Oi,a Lona 1st at the Indus-
trial lu 1801. Terns fi1.00 to lie paid at tittle
of osrvlse with privilege of returning if nee.
111.11 SAMUEL WALKI411t, Prop.
SIck Headache
IS a complaint from which many suffer
and few are entirely free. Its cause
is indigestion and a sluggish liver, the
cure for which is readily found in the
use of Ayer's Pills.
"I bane 10und that for sink headache.
caused by a disordered condition of the
stomach, Ayer's Pills are the most re-
liable remedy." -Samuel 0. Bradburn,
Worthington, Mass.
"After the use of Ayer's Pills for
many years, in my practice and family,
I am justified 1n saying that they are an
excellent cathartic and liver medicine -
sustaining all the claims made for them,"
W. A. Westfall, M. D., V. P. Austin
& N. W. Railway Co., Burnet, Texas.
"Ayer's Pills are the best medicine
known tome for regulating the bowels,
and for all diseases caused by a dis-
ordered stomaeh and liver. I suffered
for over three years from headache, in-
digestion, and constipat'on. I had no
appetite and was weak and nervous
most of the time. By using three boxes
of Ayer's Pills, and at the same time
dieting myself, I was completely cured."
-Philip Lockwood, Topeka, Kansas.
"I was troubled for years with indi-
gestion, constipation, and headache. A
few boxes of Ayer's Pills, used in small
daily doses, restored 1118 to health.
They are prompt and effective." -w. H.
Strout, Meadville, Pa.
Ayer's Pills,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bald by all Drug„ fete and Daelere In Medicine.
Why Not Do Your Own Thinking ?
llnoasan e, November 8th,18110,
J. 01'. 01,Lnon, G oderieb ,
DEAn 5115 —I should have written before
new to let yen know how I 0•n getting along,
I am a lot bettor than wits; gafningetrengtll
every day. I have a Good appetite and sleep
well. I can tette the full quantity 00 the
System Renovator and it does not sicken
me. My limbs are all right now ; quite
smart in that way; swelling all gone. The
great thirst is gone; I drink no water at
night, but 1 take a little buttermilk. I am
quite straight again. Sen., me another
bottle of your System 'Renovator.
Yours,&c., Jas. DVNOAN.
P01f015810 110010235 015E11,
Banes0Lo, February 711,1091,
3.M. MaLEon, Goderieb,
Drain Sru.—Fifteen years ago last Novem-
ber I started to doctor first; I wee treated
for dyspepsia, but they ne5er helped me
any. At times I suffered greatly /rein my
stomach • I continued, but I grew worse,
I turned dropsical' limbo and body swelled
badly. You know the stats I was in when
I went to 13oderloh--a' more wreck, could
hardly walk—suffering tro,n Bright's dis-
ease. Just one year ago last fall I began
your Renovator and Specific Ours. 1 began
to mend in e. few days ; continued then for
three mouths steady. Although I wag told
I eould not be oared, if yon saw me Dow,
well and hearty ; eat everything that oomes
in the way. I owe you the praise o1 caving
my life. I wag in a hopeless condition when
I went to you, in feet no 0220 thought I
would gat better. I cannot speak too highly
of you and of your medicines, for it was
them that cured me, Words minuet exprsse
toy thanks to you. Freely pane my nate to
anyone.' Tours,
Sown nr J. T. PEPPER, Bnoessws.
l-racticat TVatohmC6lGer
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing atilt to secure
your patronage, we aro opening
out Full Linea in
.Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by 00.1
Clocks of the
.Irate t De1Si, nS.
all the Load taken, n,y strength bn-
proved each day, and after a feu'
months of faithful tort:Mimi to your
dirontlons I found myself a well
woman, able to attend to all household
entice. The medidine ling given me a
new lease of lira,"
Ayer's $arsapariii ,
Taartute RX
Di' J. 0, Ayel & Co., l.ovrolly Mass,
Pelee S 1; six betties, tu. Werth See ;settle,
W$Derie IitNOS,
1,Anlas Oe,:u RINas,
Isimenvle, tt,l1. i
t .''Also is Fall Line of VieMNs and'
Violih.Sbringo, tee., iD stack.
t A'. b.,-twoerer oat ,Marriage Idee30eli.
T. Fletcher; - Brussels, .
Private Funds to Loan
liar() holm yineril iii '10 hnud11
tot' 11,rehl'dllt•1iI r,: frill r1-11.8
-NE GO KBEST FRIEND r.', lll,i. ,,;r),1.
LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. BooTowers ¢1.111 leave loans
pletell in Throe 1)ays if
have a O0g11, Hurts Thtast• or Ilrnoehi is
Rte' . `iBt FC I , 8lt ti tiflt(.tul'aT .! ,
' 11. M. SINCLAIR,
0117-ti tie
,TA:r ofj. 1892
Phis (1111'+r#'1' (•O5((111 011111'1, tltl't
-urcossful 0010.,1„VJ1'! lliiy 1111111, is
without a parallel in the history o5 mord.
nitre. All (Inmate's are entitoriznd to sell
it on a positive gua0urtee, a I:.ast that on
other curs 01411 R110nle5fnlly slao,l, 'Jr you
Spooiollist, Toronto,
JoNArnAN B4aerAn1', LidtOwel, BOYS :—
"After epeod;ne all m)• money and nroporty
to 00 lmrpoeo ou tit ea)a41 u10u, for what
they termed a hopeless ease or consumption,
Dr, Sinclair eared me.”
Mita 11(1110 FnsLOnn, Wnudbotlee, say's :-
"When 1011 others failed, Dr. Sinclair mired
nuc of tl 10."
D. llnnismrson, (Carleton Place, snye1-
"Dr, &luabdr cared 100 of Ontturh,"
(110. ltowen, Myth, sa781-'911, Shwtair
cured nae of 1,0a, .Heease aufl drop ay, 1,1eu
Ali others 5011,d."
Li.,•easrs Ql Privets Neter a, brought 011 by
folly, Dr, 11>aclafl• certainly Cures.
mo0.aultat:oa Voce.
Wednesday, Feb. 10,'92
W. F. 00 WAN, President.
J. L. BRODIE, Cashier.
AssETs, • -
REoEnv1 FDlin, • -
• $7,000,000
- 1,000,000
Agencies in all principal points in Ontario,
Quebec, Manitoba, United States
and England.
Brussels Agency.
A General Banking ]lusineee Transacted.
Farmers' aura other good Notes Discounted
at lowest rates. Warta Issued and Callon -
Wong made on all points. Deposita received
and intermit allowed at em rent rates.
Intorogt Allowed on Savings Bank De.
p08it0 of el and upa•artio nom date of
deposit to date of withdrawal, and Dour
pounded half yearly.
Prompt attention Ind every tactility afford.
el eustamere living at a distance.
Brussels, A0,rilatb, 1801.
:having moved my stock of
Boots & Shoes
Next door to T, Fletcller's
Jewellery Store, I am pre-
pared to attend to the
Wants or the public,
Flat. Lines iia'LZL 11;irac18
of Boot.,' and Shoes.
Overshoes, Rubbers and Felt
Boots on hand that will
be sold at close prices
for CASH.
7t won't break
--that's why Kabo is tile
only thing for corset"bones."
The B. & C. Corset is
bolted with Kabo.
More than that! Wear a
Ta: & C. Corset for two or
three weeks and see if you
like it.
if you don't you can return
it and get your money.
It's a hundred to one you
won't do it, but you have the
V011 5.01,15 Di' A. S0artono.N•
11.011, 101' i1 will cure yon. If your odic(
has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, nee
SORG*07', Br1181/el8. ib promptly, aul 1'utief is ante. If you
dread that insirtiona 4100185 0QNSUAfP-
TION, DON'T PAlt, to use it, it will cure
you or cost nothlog, A„k your Druggist
for 'HILOI-I'S CU11J„ Prete 100., 50°.
and $1.00 If your lungs are sore or back
h4nte,use Shitoh's Porous Plaster, 25c,
0031 POUND.
A recent discovery by an
11x1 Jth)'Rletail, I111COoRRfnl•
ly used nloot111Y by thous•
a1 Rlls 0'f LAMEM. 1,, 3125
on11' perleotiy sale and
reliable morlloioe diecnv
11,51' 11,voiro of nuprl5011t1d rlengaleta 11ln
nll'1r ioterlm' inediohn'g 10 Plan, of this. Adlt
for 110011's 0 101001 11005 Comeet'Nti, oaks se
Oulatitum; 01 hu0na0 .31 ',Id '1 Vireo Cent
mu"ht ,er.tago n100108 in letter sad we
w111 sen,), sealed, by 17111ra rock, PON nest.
od put'tienbu'. Ih Haim im,,,lc or, 10 Immo.,
only, 2 attunes. Address read Idly Conn
puny, No, 3 Metier Moak, 131 Wuudsvaul
ave., Uetrult, Sligo.
1.05' 1nld 01 1111150.10 by J. T. PEPPP:II, G.
A. 1 TIM I101.1N nod 011 reenmimblo dmsgtets
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6z Per Cent., I'efarly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
r$10.00 worth of' Prime,
Fr'e•5'1h, Gropes to hr.:
.L.)i,spaselt of'
til i.16 week,.
Two Iirnllds QC Oysters re-
ceived rcgulll,rly and guar -
an teed to be good.
70 Dozen Oranges at 20 cents
per dozen. New Stook.
Star nestaurant,
Opposite American Hotel.
0 2—
} 10
i1Cl- CASH
0,1E ill
Flannels, Tweeds, .press
Goods, Caps and Far Goods,
Readyrnade Ctutl7.ins, Over' -
coats, Boots and Shoes.
A Few Ends of Mantle Cloths
Greatly Reduced in Price-.
If You require anything in the
above Lines you may depend
on getting a Bargain and
also secure something
that will give you