The Brussels Post, 1892-1-29, Page 1.we+regk rumaurle,•,.ns mw,eu,.uaII •.:,,s"w.1,14.w„rvma•.+:..,;n.»r-..su s.eaves.x11..vsma,rnev�:,mx.•...1.qm-ur+<m•v..r..cn-aau•.e..1,1. .+st�un+u�x•rrw .•- .,, ,.ars.. 301.103.220.1141e' 4.1•11014.11..41" Volume 19 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY ra,..,..a„ayamma;exmyapmr .m(nrmeuusemealatan i44e•sat ata..m.NW44.}:.....,.GWt.,...x Yuman:aro-,ate,m........v,manit....., ....-ln...-uR.:, ... Root.AT,:Ihtle, ..f 11ulloit, wero joinod in the holy bonen of rn'ttrimewy. The rerenlnny took Orme at 7 n'ulnnk p, en. alp! was pe feigner! by Rev. 11r. Kenner, ign of Cypress River. The bride was 11011110 11• t ..:.lice,! and loeketi einrntin' and 1 a a an the t I 'wooded by her cousin Miss ., ,l 411 13. 'harp, ;[L1 1 a while Jae. MoDoel ae30t3 as groomsman, nue, v Aftor the tan .1 oongratatlatione were over 'of t they all sat down to LL situp' nuns repast 0 prepared for the nestieli n The presents were both nu,noruns and costly and show- ed the respect in whir:) the bride in held. We all join in wishing Mr. and Mrs, 1411 Dole a long 11 fn 'f 11,4'p/twee end welcome hem to Uypiees River." , %1'1/7 To Tie (l''BSt, elhnhs ,,ver, 31nt,s, encircles tool nom quern those berrb'r, tiniil, racing down When Calntnbes saiiml weetwar1 to the long Patio!) with the mad (turront of Lind a shorter rout, to Lhtt Indira, be woe iI ittkiug ae wee of the 3,)1,,,1 Zoe} of whine! Miruu I.'nh, hod heard at uourt of Kbubhti Khan. Leaving S Salvador and sighting Cuba, the wr admiral wail RUN 131111 lipaugll'a pdn with bto reef, flcore end windows gold, in pletea Ilke slabs of stone, a go two lingo's think," was nein' at hand. Fo'tu,ately for us, Japan was held reserve for thin century urine th1' gene tion, and thie exquisite country—clilT ant in itself from the coat of the wo out all this side of the phi (.e>, i go ,i and unique, as beautiful and finely linin ed es owe of its own 'netsukes' or ntin works of art—delights the most jar) traveller and charms every one w visits it, Columbus failed to find dna Slitting or Jeh Putt, the Land of the Rising Si, but 1'into did in 1.5-2 and made poa•ib the work or St. Fraiois Xavier and t early Jesuit bathes, but for whose foto Terence with political ltl'Gdrs the count would 1.01 have been u oars! to all feral!, ioterconree mttil Commodore Perry Visit 1n opus;!. 1.114' ape, m while was the fnoncest factor in this great tomtit, and after quoting aliohelnt'e praise of 3', whele'e servioe to civilleatiou, Nitehu sa,s;--"'That the narrow cleft in the sealed door of Jamul, into which Perry drove hie wedge of diplomacy, woe the rescue or Amerman whalers.•' ifrem providing a grudging refuge for ship wrecked end castaway ntarinere, Japan now welcomes viei1ors from all the world and bids them enjoy an Arcadia whore uuuny thing» are so new and strange that one might as well have journeyed to an. other planet, Wi.hin a few years pleasure travellers around the world have more than quad • rupled in numbo's, and a girdling of th earth is now the grand tour, which a li Nle round of continental Europe need be, The trip to Japan for Japan's 0:310 alone ie altogether nu affair of those later clays. More traveller's, better ships ; bet• ter ships, more travellers, is an old axiom in ehipping circles and there is proof in the increasing number of trans-l'acilio passengers and the presence of the C. P. .1t. Company's fleet of new steamships which carr,,' tweet 1600050 the greeter ocean. There is every inlu0efeent and temptation to 11,1110 the eirun3t of the globe,and amnia fairly beckons u a e 1 Y across and Moog Chia highway to the Orient. With but tw•u changes, one may go from Hong Kong to Liverpool, more han half way around the globe ; tun! front Hong I oe to the Atlantic steatites a ttnifOrnt decimal system of u0in11„e ;minces a 100rieCe exietenae, Tinto and dietance have been almost annihilated by modern machinery, and the trip from New York to Yoltcluona lakes ilo longer' note than did the trip from N. w York to I ive•pool but a feiv yow's riga. Teti days after leawhhg Yoko• llama the Empress of India hod arreved at Vancouver, and in loss time 11It+en Jays front lettviug Jmpanese: shores its passengers were in Now Yuri; wed lioscuu (imide of sixty clays ono may leave New York, ,toss the imminent and the Pacific spend four weeks in the cities and famous planes of Japan, told vaunt fool, to New York; where, if he commit himself to Atlantic sl,ipe and waves, 110 will remem bei and more keenly appreciate. the de. lighte of the Pas tile voyage. Eifel, year is En opeauieing and chang- inn Japan and the sooner the noun»1 goes the we're Japanese will he find those euohasting islende. Every season is a good mem, to visit Japan, and in every metal) of the year be will lincl something peculiar to that season in addition to the usual features. The time of the cherry 1lesson's and the60aeon of the ohrysem. thumume awe the gala weeks •'f the year, ,and during those' April and October fetes the orotate leaves little to be dosired, The somewhat rainy seasons of Joins and September render thos,: m.,tths tits beast desirable, and the beat of midsummer is a little crying to some ; yet, from the iitst poelio days of sprittgtnne to the end of the longdrilwn altunln the outdoor life gives an interest and color which tho wittier months lack. The autumn usual. ly merges into India0 summer whioh may last until January, and the frost summons such 1a carnival of color las even - the Canadian and the American, tined to their own brllliaut autumnal foliage, may marvel at. In midwinter Tokio is crowded, parliament in in session, the const is in full social activity, pageants std holidays are many, and even at its worst, the Dv, ether is a gentle contrast to that of the continent across the Peaific. "The Japanese," says Percival Lowell, "makes love to Nature and it almost seems as if Nature heard his silent prayer aid smiled upon him in accept- ance ; as if the love light lent her face hhe added beauty that it lands the maid's. For nowhere in this world, probably, is she lovelier than in Japan ; m climate of long happy means and short extremes, mouths of spring ttnd months of 1101ntne, with but a fete weeks or: winter in be- tweon ; at land of iowere, where the lotus and the oherry, the Odin and wee tans, grow wontonly side by side ; a land where the bamboo =bosom the m11ple, where the pine at last has found its palm -tree, and tho tropio and the temperate zones forgot their separating identity ie One long self-obliterttting kiss." the 1''ra%nr, it roils ,nit Irmo th.' teed woodland at the he1t'1 of Ilnrrard's IMet and, pautiue, Wows up able by aide with great white enea,n-!tip that le to en1• voy the traveller nowise the ocean to that older woe d, where the human now bo. gnu. At Banff the traveller will fled that the O. 1', It. company has provided a perfect hotel in the midst nt a ,110003 i, wild •r. nese, and there he may rest and re,nven. ate himself in the magic hot sulphur baths. At Glacier Station, etd1fted 1,• 300 fent above either Omen, the maintain auuuel'y uulrni tacea, and besides Lite giant snow peaks, there is the great glacier of the Selkirhe- -.almost the only glacier in the world reached and literally Notched by et railroad train, and into whose orevass'•s he may look from t' e car window. The o, too, (moth r of the company's hotels invitee him l0 linger and the tales of the great game in that region would set the dullest city man's nes yes LL tingle. At Vane, -over a still larger and hotter hotel has been prolldod by the .amt far. seeing company, fuel althnu'h in the haunt of the town, Its situ alTords it a Otte nmuntain Unblock. Son hward kbit, a Mount Baker, a radiant pyramid of eternal mime, whose tasclnutlon gro,'s upon one, and which Vancouver folk are beginning to look upon with on affection and reverence that shadows the feeling of the Japanese fur their sacred 1. ujiy- ana, ('9',41111r414>1l.. '1',iw,Milb n (l,o a'iI Mo. day February Lith, at AIoDomtld's letel. ''!lora was no eervion in the Yreeb te>•,tu, aimed) last Sunday ae the totem meth waw dispene,'e at 1'itllel Miss 'Eliza Holm toeh, who arrived home from Dakota a few weeks ago, and Mies Lizzie MoLLe1)1bt intend taking a trip to the Old Cunntry next week. They were deluded by W. IL.Kerr, went, Brno+els, for the Whits Star steltmship " Alajestte," moult sal s from New York Tor Liverpool on Wednesday, February 3rd, They will leave Brussels on Mon. clay, Their many friends wish thein bun voyage. 9, 1892 1n Co, er• red at h• ore rid bo II ; le he �0 'u tg to A dayiight trap up tho Mattson and past Lake (ihamplaiu, or a night in 11 sleeping car, puts the trammtlantic, or b 'oak titwete the Net v k tat tboegiun' b m, of his jomrtiey. Flom Montreal to Vaal - (louver, the broad highway of the C. P, It, bands the continent and joins the ttvo ocean tides, Int if only a hroadqttay se par. abed then, In luxurious oars, where he dines and sleeps, bathes, smokes and reads an im a hotel, he beholds the pano• ram11 of the oonttnont. Thera ie reseal, ed to him every phyemal feature of the note' world, the groat !sprit, the great rivers, the pleins and profiles, ,forests and swomptl, and finally the greatest mountain Tangos of the continent Otto. steed ono another in the rapidly moving Odium. Tito engine dame through, (To be continued.) Grey Council Meeting The members cleat of the Mnnioipal Counoil of the corporation of the Mom - ship of Grey, met at Yllimmer's Hotel, Cranbrook, 11111 a. in., un Jan. 1813, in accordance with the provisioee of statute, Wm. .Milne, peeve ; Walter Oliver, First .Ueputy.lieeve ; Edward Bryan, Second Deputy Reeve ; Wm. Brown and 'Phos. Ennis, Connuillors, then severally made and subeoribed the statutory deolaration of cmelilication and also that of office after which the Reeve took the chair. The minutes of hast meeting of the retiring Council for 1801 were read and approved. Comnutnioa- tion re tax legislation was read and ordered to be filled. Moved by Win. 13rewu, seconded by 'Phos. Ennis that the rreiteuree ho instructed to pay John AI3Iler the sum of $7.00 per month from the first clay of Feb. 1802, for keeping Wm. Mallin, an indigent, to be paid quarterly until further notice. Car. bud. Hartwell Spoirans' ngnisition for ditch or drain undo' the flitches end Water -- coarse Act 1883 was laid over for further consideration. Petition of Thoe. Mo• Gregor and 33 toilers praying to have IL new suttee! seotiun funned out or parts of S. S. Nos. 1, 3 and 7, and that the lien, school hose be located to, lots 9 or 1", eon. 10. On nmti 1, of Wil. Brum), rconted by alms. Ennis the Clerk tens atrnctecl t n..tif3' all parties to be af- Lewd by said petition to attend next meeting of Counoil W. I1. Ke,'r ago ed to do the township printing for the stone as last year. MOVER! by Walter Oliver, seconded by Wm. Brown that 1155161x. Milne, R'yen and Bettis bo appointed a :committee to examine all bridges mom - au to be 1e•builb and procure plans and apeuiIcatione for sumo and ask for teuclers for the next meeting of Council. Carried. The Clerk, '1' easuror, As• sensor and Auditors were all r'e•ntppoiut ed for 180.2, and Bylaws were passed olnilrnliug the appointments, The fel- lowiuga0000.ts were paid :—John Oak• ley, gravel, $7.09 ; Peter McDonald, re- fund road work overcharged by Path. master, $3.00 ; Wm Spence, posting up Financial Statement, 55.00, births, mar• riuges and deaths, $12.70 , Joan, sauld, epiltes for oalverts, Ow., $1,85 ; J. 11hAlliater,eravel,$13.12; Thee S,moll fit, gravel, $3.130 ; llugln Pat,iuk, gravel, 54.- 50 ; John Pollock, repairing (tomeuh to bridge at lots 5 and 0, eon. 2, $2.25 ; J. Dunbar, ditching at tot 25, eon. 4, $6.00 and error in dog tax $1.00 ; John Miller, keeping Win. Mullin, an indigent, for two months, $14.00 ; Ohae. palms, lam• bee for uolerdrain et lot 15, ion, 13, $2.• 86 ; Lewis Bolton, engineer's expeuees, Ditches and Watercourses i d 18$13, 5111.• UO ; Mary Juno (Darr, taxes remitted, 161.• 84 ; Duncan 1YIoDonald and John Mo. Neil. each $46.00, salary Its Collectors ; Alex, McNair, salary as Treasurer, 580.- 00 ; R, Lettthe,rdale, funeral expenses for Alfred Gale, an indigent, $12,00 ; Thos. Bothwell, refund dog tax, 51.00 ; Wm. Milne, Walter Oliver and Edward Bryan emelt $2,00, attending to the sale of lot 30, eon. 10. The Council then adjourn- ed to meet again at MaDonald'e Hotel, °mid rook, or Monday, Feb, 151111, Wilt. Srnxon, Clerk. At Derham the other day Major Laid. law fined a young 17gremonbor 50 and erode fon monkeying with a grain tisk . A curious charge 558111st theyoung mai was withdrawn and only a lessor one pushed. Annie Robinson, wu inmate of the Girls' Home, Tor onto, Monday Wgte mold- ed for had behavior and revenged herself by setting fire to half a dozen niatres•es with 11 view of burning down the build- ing, a result which was, however, averted, eliThe Chicago d; Grand Trunk and its 0,1neotione and the Grand Trunk of Canada are tatting stella to se0111', their full share ofi he n ' t aieased traffic that may be expected during chuff the Y 1 pVoids Fa' at Chicago. Portions of the road aro to be double tiraoked, and this has al. toady been cone botwoorh Ilantilton anti Toronto. It is3 t e intention also to double the track between Hamilton and Niagara Falls and build a connection between the Sarnia brahoh, whioh is in a direct line between Chicago and Niagara Falls and Glencoe, on tho main lino be. Wean Detroit and Niagara Falls, with a viow to facilitating the handling of traffls whioh now goes by way or London, and Width ie somewhat hampered by the truffle On the single line. This latter line is actually under construction, l .i sa',o w to I. Constable 'Selmer has been re.appoiut- ed town constable, The huusue are to be inmbered and the ,largos of the streets put up at the careers. A Hook fwd !.adder outfit is to be m- oored for the town tun+t application made for chars C insurance. Principal 'Tauus, of the lligi, School, and '1'ruoteo Moliu,ney have been at loggerheule, The rlieputu ba likely to be settled by Atr. Tanner apulogising, The public ittatalation el Rev. S. Nich- ols a pastor of the Lietowol (Tonere• gabional chum), was held on the evening of Thursday, the 2811, lust., at 7:30, p.. m., at the church, Raglan street. The High School S and stet on Mon. day evening and selected a fourth teacher for the suho0l, Their ohoioe was T. C. Doidgo, of Toronto, who is a graduate of Toronto University and holds a First A, loTt.ltt�l. Mrs, Whulptou and family may go tv et next spring. Reeve Mime is attending the County Counoil this week. Some talk of building an English church here in the near ftwere. T. Chapman is hauling material for his new residence, to bo built just east of the Methodist church. English church service was held u the afternoon lust Sunday so as not to clash well the Presbyterian communion. Some of our villagers tole of getting up al ,. mad to 'o to BL uss'•is u >, eat 1Vednesdiq' evening to hear the great i afnurist, Eli. Perkins. Last Sunday morning the communion service teas held in the Presbyterian church. There was preaching in the evening also. .Daviel Dobson, wife mud fanitly are visiting Mende iu Tuekersmith town- ship, Mr.. Dobsu, hat been laid up with ht grippe. W. II. Kerr, of Brussels, took part in the Sunday school service held In the Atothodtet tshuruh last Smoky evening. There was it large uougregation. Mrs. T. P. Simpson is somewhat im• proved fu head) and is able to be about bit tenure is very little ubauge for tile better in 114r. Sirup•on, If good 101011es would make any difference in his eon• (tibiae he would soar, be fully restored to health. Coxozmr.—The °emotion Order of For. e - tors intend holding a concert in the Totnperaooe Hall here on Friday, Feb. 19th. The program will consist of vocal and instrumental mosie, roadiugs, re0Ita0 Lions and the much admired musical glasses and bottlee, manipulated by Airs. and Miss Sage, of Walton. Partlaulo•. later. It le reported that Alien Spoir ie dangerously ill. Revival errviaee aro fn progress in Bel - grave Methodist church. Morris Council reelected all the old municipal oliicers for 1802. .las. Rusted was visiting his father in Goderieh township last week. Jas. Lawrseoe, who has been over on a visit, has t'eburned to Bradford. Rev. J H. Dylce delivered an excellent disuotrse last Sabbath in Sunshine. Reeve Mooney and Deputy Reeve Howe are away at Goderich (Weeding County Council Robt. Russell, who has been visiting his relatives and friends, has returned to De broit. Robb, Irvin, who has been very sick wibh la grippe and iufeanruation, is able to get around now. Goo. Panner has purchased the property formerly owned by P. Nugent, Sunshine. The price paid was $40. Lawrence Wheeler, who has been laid up with la grippe for about three weeks, is note able to be around. Missionary eormone will be preached of Stucky, Fob. 14th, in Sunshine, by Rev, F. Swann, of Auburn. U. McFadden, teauber of S. S. No. 5, is proving himself to be a noble teacher. He is taking like hot galeas. The auction eale of the farms and farm stook of Joseph Soutt, weir assigned e short time ago, will take plaoo on Wed. natality of next week, commencing at 1 5, in, Peter McNeil, who sold his farm some time ago, intends moving his family to Clintol as soon as his son Thomee is able to got about. He hits boort ill for a long thno. Quarterly serviocs in Belgravo Metho. diet ohnroh mt Slmday, Feb 113, Ser• mole at 10:30 and f1 o'olnek by Conduoter Snider rants t Sto ut after the moruing g scavtuo, Thera will be no mooting 110 Sonshino that clay. A debate will take place in Anderson's sohool house on T oe telaY averting, , Fob. 211tl, subject, "Resolved that Ireland etas procluded greater men that Sootlaud," On the affirmative are :—Jas, Bowman, Wm. Brydou, and 4V. Cochrane, and on the negative M. Black, J. Ross, and Jno. Bowman. All a:e invited to attend. M.tutuvn,--A correspontiont at Cypress River, Man., sande the following 1 "A very pleasant 800,11 tools 010n at Robert Sharp's, Cypress itivee, when Mee Sara Ann Smith, daughter of ,las. Smith, of Vancouver, and Johnson MoDolo, eon of W 1 *itt'li1Lt3t. ft in said that John Swtete, of Day• Hotel bus purchased the Exchange hotel, and will tape p09-eeeioit oil March 1st. Robb. 1I. Kay hes 00ceptnt 0 position as manager of the :tint shop depart- ment of Messrs. Gil.ies it Martin, Toes - water. Jas. Mcllureey, wife and brother-in- law, left !,ere, p. r C.1. 11., for Lae V,. gee, New Alexiao, for the benefit of 11r. AfuP,nrury s health. After the beeseem of the 00,10111 was over on 'Tu esday tomo; cf last weep, Chief lin erd entertained the menlbere t' no nva1er 011pper at the Star mete, rent. A very pleasant hour was spent by thaw present. The Advance sale :—Willie, stn of H. Herr, had an adventure recently which lie 'rill likely r..rember for some time. IIe was amusing himself by hang- ing on to sleighs and cutters with seine other )nye, and in being shoved off a cutter by its occupant hie foot oat igen in the iron work supporting the runner and was dragged some diettne0 before the g"ntletnan in the ratter know of bis pre• die-ament. It might hr,ve cost him a broken leg. IE farmers and others would apply the whip freely the boys would stop this very dangerous method of (mooing themselves. The whip might hurt oonsidorably but the wound would heal notch quicker than a broken arm or leg. W st.1 tom. Rev. A. 11cKibbin and Miss 13e11a, of Pine River, were home last weep to see their father who was ill. The service in 81. George's °hare , was withdrawn last Sunday ovlug to the funeral ofM lace he r t 1 t s. 1 +'er" aeon. County Orange Lodge mill be held in the Hall here on Tuesday of next week. A large attendance of delegates expected. '1'he regular quarterly meeting service will be held in the Methodist church *next Sunday morning, oommencicg at 10 o'clock. Matthew Morrison and wife are ro- ooveriug from a two weeks' attach of 1:4 grippe. Thus. McKlbhin is oleo improv - Ing nicely now. Ontr.—On friday last week Margaret, beloved wife of James 11'ergueot, lot. 12, cont„ 14, AluKillop, passed to that bourne from a hetioe no traveller returns, at tho advanced age of 77 years. She was bo, it in the County of Leitrui, ]reined, and was united in marriage to 31.x, Daly by whom she had six 0 31,10en. After his death she came to Now York with her rattily in 1842, whore she made her home For fifteen years. Coni .g to Canrtda Mrs. 1)a1,y located in Kibley townehip, Leeds Co., where she married for now sorrowing buebaud in 1850. There were two daughters by this narriage,ous dying in iufauoyand the other Mrs. Thos. C,r- difl, who lives on con. 11, Grey. In 1872 Mr, Fergueon and family became rusi- (Ielas of McKillop, purchasing a 150 sore farm from Thos. Govenlook, of Seaforth, where they continuo to reside. The s,epso00 of the deceased are 11031. H., of \Valton ; 'Thomas, of Smith's Fulls and her stepdaughter, eters. Henry Humph. riesof this place. Ely her genial dis• position and liar religious life she endear- ed herself to all who became aucluainted with her aid died in the full hope of a4 gloriooe resurteotion. The funeral took plaice on Sunday afternoon and was one of the largest seen in this locality for SUMO time. Rev. W. T. Cluff,of Brussels, o,oduetecd the gender). ( tete n'. Itis reported that the Maguire farm, 0111 con„ has been sold. All the municipal oltioars were reap• pointed for the current year. The ratepayers on the Rh con. are after a new soltool section hard and fast, Angus Shaw and Peter Bishop attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. Wm, Bishop this week. Robb. Habkirl, who is home from Manitoba, has been in the hands of la gril'pe, Reeve Milne and Deputies Oliver and Bryan are attending the County Counoil at Goclerfoh. Wu are pleased Lo hear that Mrs. Wm. Bateman, who has been ill for the past month, is considerably better. John Vincent has discoed 01 his 100 Imre farm, lot 12 oou, 30, to Daniel Ala Qda•rie, for the sum of $5,000. Alex, McDougal is visiting arming relatives and friends in this township, He purposes returning to North Dakota in the courso, of a month. Jbellua•Bateivan and wife, of Strat- ford, were visiting at Wm. Batonuon'e last week. Mr, Bateman is in the em- ploy of the G. T. R. at tine classic) city. Phos, Baylis and family purpose re moving to Hamilton, They had an anetiou sats of farm stook, 4Co,, 00 Tues• day of this molt, Clew. Ba lea will r e• same hie Mediae wtu innu., ', au a with his r ti e era Ott for p p � 1 tho Methodist ministry. Drawn.—Cil Sunday or this Week Mrs. t ibliam Bishop, o. EBneehVille1formerly of Grey bowl -Whop went home to enjoy the reward of tho faithful after a long period of suffering. Her death was a trmnhpll. 1ler husband, two eons and two dough. tors aro Ioft to mourn her demise. The dteeaged was in her 310111 year and had been an invalid for years, latterly a Caliper sot to emelt and untimately caused her death, The funeral took place on Wodnesday, Mr, Bishop and family have alto sympathy of their man old Monde in this locality. Y 1V. A. Shaw, who Iris hoer, in the w for a number of yearn, has gene to S Ft^tnninrl,i0 th" hop,. "F h:•••etiltint! hr trin .i 1,3c11 1p. n t Leen loud for 8,1 11ine, - 11 ter, Runnel el•-eltug of tin, Silver (1,0tiers's cheese factor.-, 1:1r,3,,. the Hee• tary'e repos was read as follows :-- 1.'here Leis received at the factory 1,31:3,2.77 Ibs, milk, whin') was made 1itto 122,013 lbs. cheese, realizing 511,000 13 ; average 111.. miler to I Ib, eheess, 10.76 ; average watt, without 11Lul3,15 milk, 1 95 ueu1, per 11) ; avenge cost, inoinding milk hauling, 1.01 cents per ib; a 0001111 price per le. for eeason, 11 00 cents. The ollioers f'r the nneni,n; year are ; --John L"Nle, salesman ; Geo. leiuhmold, sen, t t't,, ,John R. Bakst', John Whitfield and G. J3 oven, direction; ; Rob', A10Donnld and 0, Bowen, auditors, Nurrlber mit dames, The +11'-6iuu of the whey for the lit owning a itnon w::-, by vote , iz : his to bit sold et the f,eter . 131,0. ,L 'he - tie isiseron ensued ever tl, 13abrouk T.'sser. The In11o.vl,y; 13 Gard 'f Direerorc Wnoi teamed : -.lou R. Miller, ,Jas, Ride t, 111111. lelnete0, IV, J. Jieteto., and ROW. Maxwell. Ata meeting of Directors ober, Miller was 0h0esu Prrei'le,tl ,train ; ,J.1o, Be -reuse, Seurutary, and Wm. Messer, Treasurer and 15,tleetnen Thus, 13,llau. type, ALP 1'. ; for Porth CO.. Mlles, as 1h: "0910080 Sieg,' was to have addresser! the ruee1iug but wars unable to uuine on automat of Illness. Ile is expected of Tueedtty of text week, wimp he writ give ft titik an "D.4iryied." Tee 10,1owing are a Pew s'artiolilat'a mime from the annual report pfesonted at tee meaiug:-..Amuuct of untie received, 2,821,588 lbs, Amount of ollseee glade 258,335 Ib., Average lbs, of mills to lb. of cheese, 10 92i1.00 lbs. Average prise sold e, 0 72,100 00(11.0 p •0 Ib Cues of making utneese per hundred Ilse., with supplies furnised by Company, in- cluding fuel, drawing milk, &o., 51,00. Cost of making tvi 11 n1 boxes or drawing, Iii; cents. Average coot of drawing edit per gallon- 7 27 udl mills, 'Total sates of tit ase 439119',.1:, ; whey, `310 :11 ; 10. serene°, 200 80 ; fuel, 377.111 ; factory supplies, 117.34 29; sa11030,4, iutln;:hng molter, 431,1.15.90 ; printing, 523.95 ; sheave sold 575. l',rnseNT.VrtoN,--At a social ori Tueedtty evening. Jan. 11116, at the residence of Thos. Jenkins, a superb back for coat was presented to Re.. I. B. Walltvin, pastor of the Methodist obunoh, and also a very beautiful banging pimp fir Mrs, Wadressllwif:-- 1, together tvi') the following ad. lrWood. The 30th anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. Gem ,el Pelton's wedding Mut celebrated in royal style last Prldlty. A goodly company of ye o'de lolku--relo,tives principally—were present, and a very enjoy •b e s ening 011,5)1, The etre of 3iroeperity has ambled blandly mem lir. and Sirs.14dho, dune. t-1 1' lunow'.,IJ d life, and the fntnr, h m, less hrielit. After the rootlet' bwaiu,at uketietl of the A1wcoe 134ptiet rhur::h a number of the members culla It the home of .1. G. ltob-runt, when Jas. Hammond on 111 heir of the tuewbers, preeented 111'ss Minnie Robertson with m beautiful bound copy of the Bible anti dressing case as u token of Lt!nprecie tion of her services as or:aun6 OF the church during the past year. The annual sleeting of the Puts Agri. odttteal Society was held in Atwood. The attendance was not large. The auditors' report, which was adopted, showed the society to be in excellent standing, there being assets corer liabili• ties to the amount of over $1,100. These officers were elected :—Peesident, J. 13. Hamilton, re-elected ; Vice, James Duncae ; Directors, Young Coulter, H. Smith, Robt. Pore, J. W. Boyd, Wm. Dickson, Hugh Riuhmcnd, Jas. horn, Andrew Stevenson ; Auditors, J. W. 14eBain, 1. Fullerton ; Seu•treasurer, John Morrison 13.0 tsIsesavorits. John hiller, from Burgoyne, was the geed1 of Mr. Wood. William Jampbell, frog Nepawa, Manitoba, is also home. Archie Campbell, from Cypress, Mani. toba, is home for the winter. Hies Maggie Brown ie spending a few weeks with her mutt. Aire. Burndeld, at Gm t. There was a box social bell at Andrew McKee's, jr. There woe u large crowd, and ell had a very pleasant time. Mr. Ashton, of Bluevale hue .darted a tailor soup here. HIe is a firet ohne, cutter, and is getting Tuts of work to du. Ali e Kate Campbell loft tor Cypress, Manitoba, Joh. 18th, where she is e.1. ;Aged ms teacher. Site will be geeetoy missed in Sabbath school and church work. Geo. Menzies met with what might have been a serious aeoldont on Monday or met weep. While lifting hey out of the stow with a fork the handle br•,ks, ne fell on the born door and sprained his kuse. Onrrrotx,—A1exauler Scott, whose death and burial we eat -hest last week, 10110 It native of Perth -hire, 5oot111nd, having been born et Aherledlyy 011 June 1st, 1815, He came to Confetti, iu 1812 with four of IL family, having been married to Christiutt Menzies of lite own Parish. He first settle 1 in North .Nest - hope, where ha remained about Ie year's, When be sold out and took up 2011 acres of bush near Molesworth, being one or the first settlers, the AL1,bhelle aid Grahams' h'ing his only neighbor+ at the time Bete be remained until the time or has death, at the ripe age of 85 .,•ars and 8 months, his wife having proceeded hint seven years two. HIe had a family of live sous and six daughters, two of tete letter being deceased, Of his sons three etre in 3lan1tnbi6, one of whom A10xauder arrived home on a visit it few days be fore his father's death, ,lanes lives of the homestead, and the youngest John is In the droving trade sold lives in Liam. wel Air, Scutt had a fall from hie door stop whioh injured hint, but from which he had reuovered, when he took un a, tank of the grippe which carried bum off in a few clays. He had been an a0tive matt and wee quite smart up to the time of his injury. He was a gnat; of sturdy up- right character and was much esteemed in the comtnnnity. LihttD -u les. Joseph Leech wits called to Gorrie last week to eve his brother, who is danger. ously 111. Andrew Belford, one of the oldest rest• dents of Tnrnberry, died Friday night from la grippe. Mrs. Lewis in very low with hen old o0n5p1 dot -dropsy--and not much twee is hell ant for her reuovery. Rev, I. B. 111111tvin le laid up with sten attaok of la grippe, Mrs. Stowe is con. lined to the house with the same trouble. Our singing school is progrcasi,l; splendidly and another quarter will probably be held, Mr. shrilling being an eacsilent -teacher. A load of young people drove to Wrox• etor a few nights ago t „attend the sing- ingsultool there—so they said -•-but it leaked thifar t n • 1 c 6whoalho• t 10 Meta). , tiledgame time age, However it is leap ate au their a d lett not y 1 bows will forgive them this time. Mks B. WII)tt 111 a 11:48 commenced t t onced a series of revival Meetings in the Metho• distuhnrah here. Sunday evening the church was Hlled to its full seating caps. city. With a united people and working it is believed that !ninny will be oonvim:err that Christ attends 5000100 is the more ploasaut and profitable to be engaged in, Gnome EsoTonv,- "i'ha annual meeting of the Bluevale cheese 8,1010ry was held in the Vacate's' Hall in this place on Tuosday of last week, .President Miller 111 the chair, There was a largo atter' 71, Rev.!. I3. Malicia. WAS Bkurnsn,--We, the members of the different oougreg,tious under your charge, filet it a pleastwe to sp •nd a souiad eveuiug with your, our esteemed pastor, upon this occasion. The conference year, your th el wit& us, is more than halt spent, and painfully cautious of the swift flight of time, we are reminded of the fact that the relutiots so Oougonial and helpful, existing between us as pastor and people, moat soon terminate. We have noticed with just pride and gratitude to God the progress et your work and labor of love ie our midst, a substantial monument of which exists and -hall perpetu11ro the remetnbrttn:e of your zeal for God's cause in this plate, in the forte or a uea,ltifut edttice—toe Zion which to beautiful for situation. and, the trust, will baucime thele? of many. Out of this Rion we pray God may shine. We melte use of the present opportalnty to manifest in a tatrliblo, trough slight toothier, our high appre- cietiot of your invaluable service'., and beg you to swept of tow fur "oat ac a reminder of the 1'ving remembrance in whiob we shell ever hold yup. It is also our earnest wish awl desire that you 60 - cent this hanging lamp i,t behalf of Alrc. YVa lain, as a •troll token of our este•a1) end love fur Iter as a Ltitln(ul (sew., kor with you in the Lord's vineyard. \Vo pray th•lt the rem'uuieg pn'tb'0 of yo'u• term with us will prove eventful for good ani! God, and tha when the time of our ternporau•y separation 011,111 arrive, we shall often thereof er have the pleasnrs of renewing associaiois which have. been 8 pleasant 50.1 prulitable, And evotttiutlly we hope, throng!] the tn»rey of God, to share togeth- er a long and rile -sed eternity "Where cotgrsg'Ltioue ne'er break up." Signed on hells t of the a 'ngregetioils at Bluevale, Ebenezer laud Johnsrntt'e by Jaenen Limon, Taos, f-ln1o1Ne, EMIT. Lsarnnn0; Ernesto, Bow3n0. Wu. J. Joineseox. Mr. Wsallwin was taken wh,lly by sur- prise, bob in litriug terme thanked she donors, both in hot own soil airs Wall. w1n'e behalf, for their ineguifidelt 'rifts au:l their hind expressions of regard ; bo would retain both so very precious to 113,,,. EAST 18551ON RlirISOl1RRS. The annual meeting of the East Huron Reform Association was held in the Town Ball, Brussels, on Friday after- noon of last week. Arch. Hislop, Presi• dent, occupied the choir and after a fete timely remarks he called on W. H. herr, Secretary, to read the minutes. A cominnnios,tiort was read from T. W. Gibson, now of Toronto, tendering his rssiguiltion as ted Vioe President, owing to hie removal from the Riding. A. telegram was oleo read front! Dr. lklacdon- ald, M, 13., stating that he was unable to attend on aocount of an attack' of 1a grippe. OlIlee•beat'eis were elected as follows for the current year :— President, Arch. Hislop, 1st Vise President, S. Graeey, 21id Vioe President, :Phos. btraolau, Secretary -Treasure', 1V. H. K•'rr. Chairmen of llbinnioipalities IJnwich, Thos, Cibrson, Wroxeter, 1V,u. Robinson, rurnberry, Geo. Fortune, Winghant, .tae. A. Cline, Mortis, 01as, Aiollelland sir , Brussels, John IS. Smith, Gray, James Ferguson, Mutiillop, Geo. itlurdie, Blyth, N. H, Young, Huilett, 'Rebt, Scott. After a general discussion on business matters of the Conventiont short epoouhea wee e given by Time. ' bso u Po of Wroxoter ; nos, Steacnal, of Cry and Wm. Lewin, of Gerrie. Thele 60000 eighty pere0ne pre50,11 at the n10011115, . Albert Long, aged nineteen, of Motile ton, was killed by theaonidsntal disnharge of a gun tvlile tet shooting with some of his companions last 111141131. A. convention of tela aeplo s1liltpore of the county of Middlesex will bo hold in cue Fhromou',113:.11, Strathroy, en Thurs. day, the '8th inst., at 2 p, m , when all the sbippera in tho county are invited to be preesnt, and others who may wish to attend,