HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-1-22, Page 66 TER BRUSSELS POST. JA N, 22, 1802,
.„,—.:— , 1.....o,•mmraemfeia,
I Notice that Ile appeared to NOM. Thuile 1 GOOD RDOIPES. 1 distence the pretty and uneerupulone ilit ts
1 who wmild ley their wiles on hum
— seven are all named (»wept two. You will ----
of tot, "leo 0,,,, two hnvo no „ins when 1 Awaits, Ass,,s, peoplgo, _pore, sore and 1 It is questionable, after toll, if a woinan'e Oise or iiii, Ktrnuerst Sights find Are to ite
those things which are above," is the smitten have read the twelve leeeons of Christian ; bowl. heat a (pent ef new milk to the ellen to it Inan Intel, he hue been 111111 010
" 11 se then be rieen with
Ity M. t,, noel:INS.
Christ, seek the rieen Christ Is itenr, Titoeu of You who ! shoe enough Mins, sweet apples to lill to pint b°D'utY or 1""li""" 1114k" 'ninth 'clii111.71; A. etotill::Ifft:::.e7-0711:111,1; 1181:11»11:z:11:14::(.1 0 thing Air, L. (Mend, the oWlier of the ill•fated
— —
.9 Aetna run 011. MO'S 01 1 io e Sea.
text of tins lemon.
To be rteen with Christ ts to sinittenly die- ' iirmat fens every
seienee oval remember that there are livo tor 1 sealding point in to doitble boiler, p,,,,,, it
mind on the Planet ought, I hot nver M10 1.11,1 of gianulated yore men, . ,,.
i loogs? Ile s,•es law inner net tiro, nod the to Witness if tho observer ha : ien It 1 ., I
110e it yeltr. DIWS tiV. even know how She to Write !Omni. but 11 is ton times more teld st„,t„,,,r les,,,, 8,111 yt,„iy,
; 1 i e 1 shani ,,, the eight el' 8nitility, the I 1ith the
which sank off
co • ti t • 1 1 mw c, great tretc about I to in the toed 1 hen that melt human being a ttl heat 03,•0 llioroughlv lo 'view, all the leoppne (s• of the couple is decided by the en Mut hi 'the %gelidly .er tee ety„, „; th,, mu.tr,111113. iiivoi,..iiat 1 1,,, 11). t, 1 1101,), 30 11,00
yo„r „rim 11 iii its related to the (10,1 life. I IT' t w° a i H n "1" ns th"1 "d"g t" "I" ""d 1 1 "1"P'1. U" )1"'" 1" 1 "" d "1 dd" 1 "dm. "" d "1 l t'd "1 1 I 1 e I r "th "1' "t"I.P8 "p"" ""P ("1:11'1711T:11:1"t'i 1 It"(:(7111',"1'111'1'1„jsje" ti'lle113•1(1111,et'oto 1111?(:(1 31111- ,,(11:08,.i ::::::,8"1,r:1:1:iy',11:.:It:ty::' lyft:::„,1:11:111,111:,:li,:tuii,,p1";,:,:411,11,1,,Itill:11,,,:::1111 ilit',:‘311),::,;tili:1(:)71011
changed in our bodies toed in our minds.
what is true that has not a et 111 higher retoli- '
The instant we know stleh to teeth we are , 1Isene.
There tore statenteuts ei truth glory be- ' that " they
1 ••1 — 1 tl t • . is no rwilivition of t On t lie way to Humus (or to the knowledge I simuld then lie almet the eciusisteliry of corn
t ro nameless disciples had Jostle with them. i co111 0111 I) end l he shoed a pplea, one.f I ird ; in teiligem, or $01110 poWer of inlaptation he
Yon will get Jesus Christi Pi 0011,1111 your life tem of soigir or nuilassrs and a teaspoon i 1.11 missed In Ill,. partner.— 14 relives Albert
shall prosper that love (hal "1 mush, Remove from the iii•e, add 11 pint Of ' plaindtetking woman, who imeHt•eeti either
noels until the meal is sot. Tlie luit ler 01 her. ,Nlaily a 111011 With a prel ty Wife lias ,11,7,0 ,1) li,,,. iji..,, of i.,,f up ,,,nr,,111,,,it, (n.
'1 urn all Denglity, in January Lippincott.
boot Infat tutted with the N.:joy of a 0 ery
know what 0 cattle fume la is like and pet.-
(0131itt the -dittoes( the atm -a , • - . • 1
the enriotts onlookee be ummutolly fleet of soul
t g' IL11,1,1 'Awe not via Si Maio, Ho WII.13 1101 in a lit condition
from the Orli ish Conant al, lirent,---t• Dear
Air, -i„.11t, the sale survivor of the
nation ia itSelf for us, 1 Vbenever .1 oeus . with delight, when you di,over yolir own of flour wised with a little milk,
.: it ti te give ered'it. to ldie p,,u,t, th.,,hiu,,, sild i
of mind Or hod
Chriet Was with his diteiplee on the eye of , two. Please do not disapprove of your 1 into to deep eat -them mee.k er pudding diet'
Selflehnees At Home. sal hatl no nlithority for wiritig that lie was
illicnts17111,8100‘(,-1xiient'i'illitle: or tenth to thing. if he 1 le nundor of that Yee -
are always elesinig out on old dispeneation , different from yours,
and beginning a neW One. as ill tills ease. i to ls• a orilie was formerly 00110111..l'Oil tO 1/0
Galilee or Tiberiae, sou will waive how they I neielileir's two if he tells tent 11)0111 118 Very and bake slowly from three to rune hours,
We ell have cur 00,4eg out of our own very smart. hitt that old dispensto ion has A pplx PA .i I loW ny, — lay thin slieos 01 ., “ .. J '
l'on remember that stirrinu fretinently (1 uriug the !best hour. It .,
• • ,
( th ottelt tt Lanese ellown by smell ("alarm
1I e are all nocsistomed to tile Melt of . . ; . 1 1 • g()Ing I. " 113lug idln 11°,11", 811'WelllY finding
1. to range, he will certainly never have en himself tu the lougitude of Ushant in.
ell!) j,,,y31.1., WRATH 1111
1 has 1.011'OP 1 iVt.t1 in a locality where cattle of
t? a may frown or sigh or geoid when 1111e 111 Gpportunity to learn by elaiervation any ttf
old ways of thieking about t'ltriet, as the : 0100101 Willi t110 kl1c11•1011.g0 111131 aitiCiS111 ',Uttered b1.01111 int° n, deep baking dish and
to youngstern conies in -with to whoop or a ;),, peculiar ans n,,,,,,thle elate co,,,,,nand at the tittle, the captain tried to make West -
Church at large is always having its close oi makes heart dieease aud sharp twinges of let them extend up the sides. Fill in m lay -
t 11 just as the baby has gone to sleep oe with thin remarkable phenomenon of the ing at full speetl. In the heavy aeto the ship
meet live on a. hMher plane from what We
diSpeusations, 'flu re Is a time when we I rheumatism. You have risen with Christ er of thin slieed apples, grate 01.01.` nutmeg °I
if yuu Move etopped criticising when you or spi•inkle vrit h cinnamon and turtt eve), a w len the mother le trying to snatob 11 nap „rg,, would not etand it, and n (midwife ensiled,
that may soothe hoe aching head, sorely
tent be children," wo sity, and caonot ex.
tried by a wakeful night, But "oh ildren nothing more tier less than exactly what the His only
A cattle funeetol, then lm it knnwn, is and he gt.,01(1111111t1t11€1,y on'stiace'LlieUfsrit'n'ilid'Ill leilrielt'I'f°1sreei-,
Words Sevin to intlieate—a earemony of the north-west end of Teliaot, tben would
pect to find old beads on young shoulders, luau:ening over the untimely fate of a cle• seem for him to have put his belie up and
We do claim, however, cos a right a 001, parted herdmate, in which every individual try the inner passage, but not knowing 11,
8111100 01' 01'01101. tale amount of consideration froni grown member of the lewd I hat ie within Ion (- le was Afraid to do so. 'I'lle actual toss of
people. The fact that we claim it, by no
A PPI.,H TARTS, —R oll good pastry thin and
pate, In detail this ocremany consists of a od. She Wail utuloubtedly suddenly angel.
range ear Or 1100081Mb is bOlind to partial- the sl»p was very remarkable and unexpect-
means implies that we got its Indeed, NVO
With a round molt}, cutter make three times
43 Many circles as there will bo tarts. With
a emaller cutter out out the centres of two• perienees that the only blessed 01108 are t ho 1snoorsetocconizlil,aeriouu.i_i le, suaionego,mra I Ticel mtreti.trlielt,1,11(a_ 1.iiir,i e, a 13,,,,a.rts to:: T-i:a joi or isintutz,"arn.itocoeu"ntoirng" ticd:
flnd after some stinging and smarting ex•
thirds of these and put two of these on it nomexpectante,who are never disappointed. fug 11/011118, ehrielles, and bellowings and wriirlpool, like the meal:drone In a single
whole one so there will be three thicknesses The calm fashion in which some people eerie(' by ponderous pawiuge in the ground minute she shipped vast waves all retina the
arrogate to themselves the right to ienore
on the edges and nnly one in the middle 1111(1 the most singularly dexterous flinging of i ahip at the same time, 111111 oho sank bodily
others ' elahne to consideration is intensely
apple sauce which has been beaten smooth
13ake these shelle, then fill then. with a rich exasperating to the timid observer who can- four -footed mourners,
the resultant dent upon the batiks of the lender their weight or was sucked down.
What followed was no lees remarkable. The
not pluck up heert ef grace to rept•oach or To observe or perticipete in to cattle eetobeemme suddenly smooth with nothing
and put a teaspooeftd of bee ten amain on
to retaliate. She bears it meekly when ono flineral, lot the um•ioutemindecl go out upon left on it but the two beets which had been
the top each. Of course jam er jelly could
friend is late in keeping an appointment ; the renge, select some spot whielt is open wnshed well clear of theship before she sat k,
be used irstead of the apple sauce,
Pitesszn Bessie—Simmor any cheap or when another sends an excuse instead of and affiirds no obstruction to the view, and with the three men standing in them. Their
tough pieee of beef slowly until it is very presenting herself in person al lend] or from which net a .1 critter" IA in eight .1 net stroncling up speaks as to the calinnees
dinner ; When it third ignoree the feet that here, Jar the benefit ni the uniformed or the of the water, The night was so beautifully
she has a reception day and drops in during eupersenenive ear, let it be explained that bright that Mr. Kelk towered me the mnalis
the morning, when worlt crowds mid when
„, the word " critter" is by common coneent eat object woulcl hove been seen had it been
a call MeanS a 10fit, of vallmble ti11110. 'sue
-timid observer would never dere do theae used on the ranges as the shortest possible floating, but although 011 the crew, except
111011118 of defining the character of au 0111- those drowned in the engine rooin, were
things herself, but she is constantly submit- mal which walks on four logs by contradis- with Mr. Kelk on the bridge when he was
commonest favors for those who rise to toe- ting to them from her feientls. tinction from a borne or a calf.
eept His teachings.
Everything in this leeson has its ex- annoytonee and 00011 pain are inflicted h
There are p/enty of other ways it»vhiell Having selected elite] ro spot. let one of
there wto1ev;1308111.kat's7guiT con; To111107 o0f111t.01:em in the
Y the aforementioned " critters" be brought
Christ front a higher plane when we can be
also how 11 ie a sign of the acceptanue of
quisitely spiritual signitieance. It shows
ation is the delay women show in answering witheue undue ostentation,
geietly end secretly from a, distenue, mid
„, seeo,nee storvivors then ell get .intn the Sonic beat.
hock of thought. A fruitful source of vex- water, very innell to hie surprise. The three
notes. poachers upon another witon's range, let him 1," tw° ,neber'nen• \ Y1Ison end WelmeleY:
fed and clothe(' Loud prospered by Him I don't know whet I shell do," frets a be done to death. Lot the oll'al lie seereted. s'untlY ",1-"ewarns died froin exPosure, and
without feeling that it is demeaning Him
and her husband to dine with me to -morrow let the hide and nosh bo careied away.
Where even the coyotes (minim, find it,
:lighten the boat. ' After 32 hours, during
busy ho sekeeper. "I have invited a, friend „„s !Mr. IGille threw their bodies overboard to
'then let earth be thrown on the bloods whIeli Ion Wa8 put to long and great exer.
strains to hide all traces of disturbances' tion 10 prevent the air chests tram being
and let all this be done, so well that even !washed 011t Of the bent, elle drifted amongst
how she escaped
the butnan eye Call detect nothing that the Pot's& Reeks, and
would reveal what had been done, , being dashed to pieces there is, perhaps, as
Then let twenty.four hours, or even 1003 'extraordinary es any part of the story.
pass, enless, indeed there be cattle within to, UltintatelY some men hauled Mr. Nelk, boat
and all, up on the rooke with hook.- ropes.—
mile or less at tbe time of the elaughter.
feith fully yours psigne(1), Joins J.
But for purposes of illustration suppose I am,
that twenty-four hones have elapsed. 1 lisnotslth." Tho relief fund opened by Mr.
G iieret now amounts to 1:400.
Then sttppose to bunch of 100 as 200 head
of cattle eome drifting down over the range
to leeward of the spot whore the slaughter
of the day revions occurred. 'rho leader
have hitherto been living en, or we 0111111 kllOW 1110 10,W, Suppose your netghbor feels cup of brown tenter melted In half to cup of
deteriorate in every waY. \ tore risen I the tIodpewer speaking so forcefully water. Fieish the top with another layer of
with Christ when we realize that there is a : through him that, like Jeremiah, he says, buttered bread, cover it with an old plate
higher plane to think awl live on from what I " I ant led :led 1 make my world," all the and bake slowly an hour end to half. Invert
we have been thiakin and being 011. We time mettning the spirit of himself and not it on a platter and serve ltot with liquid
shall demonstrate netv powers it WO 00111. t,11 ,00r14,1 at all, Will you let him use these
menee to live there the motnene we see bow two atlirmations, even if youe neighbor says
it is. We are never where we do not come I ho lms no business with them, for his
to such places. The Christian tieientists 1 mations aro " ant spirit and till my
have taken the highest statements concern- I world is spirit ? "
Mg Christ that were ever ttoken, but they , These two affirmations not printed in the
also find their times when they must rise ' bOOkS have helped many. Try them : I. " I
still higher statements of the eeme Christ. am the friend ot everybody nett everything.'
To refuse these risings with Christ is to de- 2. " I forgive everybody anti everything."
teriorate—to stop our prosperity. You will find you are a reservoir of kind -
A whole butly of people may stop its pro- ness that can war:n the whole world, You
sperity along some line by not rising with can make everything lovely and blessed
-Clirist when somebody tempts them or their where yell ivalk. You are buratillg, over.
pride or conservatism tempts Gem to take a flowing with forgiVing ba11118. \ MI can
lower view of life from what they See pour oils oVor the troubled thoughts of the
in tile early morning, as the disciples of world. There is no limit to the conserved tender and drops from the bonee. While
Jesus on Galilee) might lie token. Here the geed within you that begins to demonstrn to hot chop it fine With knife and fork, Beason -
seven affirmations or two words embodied very soon after you stint these two ailirma. ing with salt and pepper and a little sum.
took the higher stet ements coneeruing Jeans thins- 11101. savory or sage. Put it in a boWl and
Christ, viz., that He is not above doing the Hem is a lesson of how sure Jesus Christ 'toying a mincer or small plate OVer add. to
weight, mid press until cold, when it will cut
in nice elices. Be sure to cook the meat
HASII ED Aso 13nOWNED PirrArOES.--This
is good way of serving cold potatoes fo
breakfast. Hash eight cold potatoes. Put
tnblespoon and a half of butter in a frying
pan ; season the potatoes with pepper and
and more than those people did who let ing. °nen the very must spiritually -mind- salt, turn them into the hot butter in the
Him help them at the time of this lesson, ed 01i1113101' God gets to feeling that fiyieg pau, smooth them oat and set them
Jesus Christ was jesus of Nazareth, ao may be be has mist:it-mu his calling be- back where they will brown slowly, In
full of nuderstanding that there was noth. muse, le spite of his highest efforts, he has front ten to fifteen minutut begin to tern
ing to Him, in Him, or of Him, except failed, and so concludes to go back to his old them Fold them over oe one snle of the
Christ or truth. Whoever will be fitted te bushiess. Here Jesue Christ givee him every pan like an omelet and dish the broweed
overflowing with truth, as Jesus was, will bit or success that comes to him. At lirs roll as 3,01.1 would au omelet into the centre
do as wonderfully as He, and be RS 1110011 he will toil untovailingiy. Then when he of a nice -platter. it requires 00111e skill 10
Christ as He. " Where I am, there ye may has got discouraged in this also, and feels matinee this dish without breaking it in the
be also."
He never told people to do anything bet
what He himself could do and did do. He
said, " Preach the gospel," and then preach-
ed so entrancingly that the very soldiers
forgot to merest even when they might
be executed for such neglect. Ambition,
that subtlest aud strongest passion of man
-was forgotten under the spell of His vein.
" Man, prou man, dres't in to little bt•ief
authority"—glad to " play such fantastic
tricks before high heaven es make the
angels weep," WEVS tamed at the very mo-
ment when it was lns chance to show Hs
liTe told them to teal th sick and palsied
hands, and leprous issues shone forth as
wholesome flesh. " Multitudes came unto
Him and He healed them every one" as
easily as you would set a shale into its right
place in your parlor or hanga, picture straight
on your walls.
Resold: "Castdemona'orit," andtooklefary
Magdalene and east seven out of her leaving
her one of of the noblest characters of his.
tory—last at His cross, most ellielent at Ms
embalming, weeping at IIis burial, first at
His rising. The sin of the Woillan in nthil.
tery was erased. The man's heinous otTenses
were made nothing. Tile demoniac boy was
Set free.
He said : " Raise the dead" and the
daughter of Jaime, the widow's son , Lazarus
atia others came forth at Iris call to show
that, homes -were never Made tO be deeimat•
ed by death and wo may unite all our fami.
lies again 0 we will fellow His teal -tinge,
rising to the acceptance of every neW tilltli
We hear which puts un fenthee away from
is to come to those who have just about got
discouraged of ter tryiug very hard to believe
that He is their helper and not (seeing Him,
Peter and Nathaniel end flee others, tiudieg
that they were objects of derision since their
truth Mel met with what seemed ignomini-
ous defeat, made up theis minds that they
would eo bank to their old business of fish -
that it is a mystery whatever he W11.3 born
for, anyway, or why he is here, lie makes a
little lucky turn,
This is the Jesus Christ within him that
takiug up. It is sometimes an improvement
to add two tablespoons of cretun to the
bashed potatoes befote they are put he the
I 1.
has just got ready to act. This lucky turn CHEANIPUVPS.—One cup nf grehem flour,
is the eniting of his net on the right side. one egg, one teaspoonftil of baking powder,
Remember that there is not a single situa-
tion 111 Whieh y00 Oan he placed that has
not one little turn for you to Make With it
to make you absolutely saccessfel.
This is the fourth dimension in space—or
the Jesns Christ of you. All success shows
the melon of Jesus Christ. No matter on milk, three tablespoonfuls of chocolate, three
what phone you achieve suocess you are sue. tablespoonfuls of sugar. Scald the milk in
eessful by the rising of the Jesus Christ a double boiler. Dissolve the chocolate in
within you, (me tablesprionful of boiling water, add the
corn stereli to this, stir some of the boiling
milk into the mixture, a spoonful at, s. time,
until tbe corn staech is dissolved ; then stir
ono cup of milk, one teaspoonful of sugar
and a little salt. Mix quickly, drop into
buttered gem pans and bake ten minutes in
a hot oven.
CM/0MM PI'DDING.—Three rounding
tablespoonfuls of men stereh, one quart et
Simon Peter drew in the net for them full
to overflowing and yet the net did not break.
Unee before they had (1111WD ill 011011 11 large the whole into the boiling milk until it thick-
netfel that the net had broken. Ana this ens. Serve with a little cream or sweetened
lake is the -very material plane of catching
fish for then- hying in the first place. You
see they were at the end of the material die-
pensotion when Jesus called them first, and
promised they should be fishers of tnen.
And they were told by the second haul of
fish, where the nets breke, that the first
church that should come by theie preaching
should last a certain period, and should
COTTAGE RUDDING.—Two heaping ettp
of them, two heaping teaspoonfuls of bak-ing
powder, one cup of sweet milk, two table,
spoonfuls of melted butter, ono beaten eggs
a little grated nutmeg. Bake twenty nun-
water, two heaping tablespoonfuls of 01110.
WIWI 3011' motley crowd and class of pee- I gar, butter the size of 11 11,alunt, a little
ple, so that it would seem as if tha Clitestian grated nutmeg. Mix the dry flour and eugar
Church must break up aud end by reason of ! together, then stir hit° the boiling water,
such people 00 it would enmll upon its lists. and add the nutmeg end vinegar.
Under sanction of the church roll, men
in high ollice might grind down the faces
Ugly Girle.
of the mew, rend without ensue prove tin.
faithful to the bogie. Untie/. this dispense- Most ugly girls have something pretty
tion men should believe in two hemp— abeut them, and the few who know thatthey
Cod and devil. They Should believe in tWo minuet claim even this limited endowment
the teeth of material laws arta earthly ex- potential elierrocters, interceeding and in- helmets pathetic to 111011 of a, generous mind,
pertences. et ering th anti Satan. Men exciting pity, tond we all know what pity is
Last of all He raisedhimself, to show Hint ebould have their eyes so blinded as to akin to under favorable conditions. I recall
we may never be so dead in any wale btxt which persoutolity was dealing with them a maiden of this stamp who seettred alitond-
that the truth He told us will give us that they could not tell whether their au- SOMO Gala devoted husband by her very hope.
strength to ries full of quickened life RR the tions were dangerous or safe, their thoughts meanest( of winning his preference by the
solid dough rises with the quickening leaven. powerful or wealc. Just tot the close of this temler humility of her worship of himself.
He said that if we had His words in one dispensation they would not bo toble to turn Living in the stoma house, tho (gement
mind, though we were deed yet should we to anybedy or anything for help in health eppeal to his chivulry beemne more powerful
live again. He said that if 100 011011111 have or happiress till they Mel met their net on at last than all the varied (berms of other
His words already quiekened within tiS WO the right side—ti1 1 they had done sOme one wOrnen ha 111111,1 t hare Wen.
91101.1ld never die—neVer even see death. little teen to help themselves Ugly girls, owever, generally carry their
livery single one of His works lute been an. No, If they have these tither they show consolation with them in to blessed uncon-
complished by sothe one er more of Ills that they believe now that evil is veal and sciousness uf their went of good looks.
disciples, except the self.raising, Not one God owns a devil. " Aceoriling to their Have we not all seen them stand befere a
has come forth into our sight after having midi be it unto thee. 1 hey ere mieler 1,110 mirror noting the effect of a eolor or a 11013
been buried, and net one has proved his old dispensation. This is the dispensation fashion with an undieguieed expression of
ability to live on and on indefinitely right of supposition, The new dispensation sup- admiration on their faces?—very much like
here among us. poses nothing. It Items in whom it he- the ugly young man who ties his (wawa. and
We must take into consideration how all Heves, audits net never breake. Its friends smiles at his imago in the glass with the
truth has been received when epolten to ap. stand true to each other forever, Its fetid. comforting mental comment, " Not hand -
predate why no Christian has demonstrated lies treat each other with a reason for the some, but devilish fascinating 1"
protracted appearence among us. All of trost that is in them. The statement that " ugly girls are gen-
t hem had but newly come up out of the "Aunt Nancy, you should be laying up orally left to run to waste as unappropriated
Egypt of materiality, and the smell of the some tuella), for a rainy clay," says the mem- bleasings," is not eupported by evidence.
smoke of the old way:, wee upon their gar- ber of the old dispensation to tho member Who hos net met wives as egly as any old
'mete while they were trying to toll how of the new. " Suppose your employer maid in his list of acquaintances It is
I spiritual thoughts wore ciopable of helping rihould die ; suppose you should have then- safe to make the leveed generalization that
them out of all evil, Now and then they suppose—" "8top l'' says the till ttgly girl, all other things being equal, is
drooped and faded and fell from the recep- colored believer in the new dispensation, "I likely to have fewer offers than a pretty
tion their dootrine met. At the last sign of licher s'pose Do Lewd is my shop. girl, }nit quite as likely to receive the one
failure their neighbors and their families herd, '1111 I shall not want, And, honey, offer which will make her a lutppy wife. It
sneered. So they gladly, as Paul said, "pre- it's all yo' sposin' as is making see' 00 nits'. may be doubted whether a plurality of
ferred death rather than life," with such able " lovers is an umnixed advantage to a girl ;
sworn at every step, Venni! in spiritual life They shall hunger no more, neither thirst one good lover, tita Cleat Man, attraeteil 10
39 every Christian scientist. At their fail- any more under the last dispensation of I hor by affinity in its highest sense, is for -
lutes do not sneer, the chureit where Jesus Christ Is the daily ever enough.
It, better to have tried and fatted
Than never to haVe triod al all. provider acknowledged. " There shall be But, all other things (save the gift of
Wenn the svork of Providence, no more pain" wheu you have stopped out beanty) seldom are equaI between the ugly
And more the battle's lees mny wont theee from under the yoke of the belief in sin and and the pretty girl : by the enthral law of
who lose, (teeth into the freedom of the gospel these oempensation the ugly girl has either some
Than -victory advantage those who win. things are toll the reatilts of opposing thinge inherent meanie acquired grudity that is
Here Josue ocmes forth smiling and lov- that never could be true. lacking in the other, which asserts its charm
ing and healing a0 ever. For the third time " The inhabitants shall not say, " am tts (leg ttaintatice progresses. Beauty only bas
he comes in substantial presence with stile sick,' ahy more," ist tho earth where men tho mart in the race.
stantial help. Christ is substance, Christ heap the voice of Jesus on the shore at the The ligly girl often hassnperior tact end
is substantial help" 13clinve tbbl' Y011 maY close of their old wioys of living, end make finesse, Being obliged to study human
have your shoes provided by Christ if you
*ill rise to believe it, When a woman tells right restitution for the past and receive /10.4111'll 010001y 111 order to get the innst, out
tho gospel mi 11 is in truth( of it, elm learns HO Well 1101v Wiicli o
1110 that Sbe feels the power of the spirit so Yon who aro in trouble, failure, eickness ; speak delicate flattery t Mot she ends by Con•
strongly that the very ardent) etops when the old dinpensation cries, H11,1 T110 110W V1110111g 1 110 1111111 W110 seueoly notioed het- on
uhc 'Taal° balic" b" and tei°i" bbatith° elimparteation says, " Come, eat with me," the evening when t hey were introclumel tha
ie risee into Christ or into truth. Why is
she afraid to tell yon this? When a WOman God is gond omnipresent, love omnipoteut, the lips which etm utter Hoch bewitching
or man tells me that she or he has received s irit omnittelent. There is only God. Thus things ore really beautiful ; for somebody
some fieanciel assisteeme directed from God t ere is only good. There is only love. has said --1 cannot give tha authority for
There is only sptrit. Do yon believe there's the qemettion—that men are vain.
Without a hit of intervention from human opprisito God in the fiel 110 of on1111- I remnquit oftmiest decides attachments
beings, why does my heart born wieh delight
aS if I liasi conversed with one who had late. presence ? Careful now. " According to of erne); kint . If a city man had to spend
thy faith be it unto them" a Winter i» Cape Cod Mine with a
ly ootne from Jesus Christ on the banks of Do you not fool the circuit of the old faith beniely but pleasant girl he wontd ho more
Galileo, while thoy vvould tremble 01 your closing and Itear the voice of the new calling likely to find bitten/1f in level with her by
peculiar smile or turning aside? Bo risen wIth truth ! " In that day there Spring than with the pretty and pleasant
I suppose it is because I believe in the shall bo eno Lord and His name One." " girl he left in Boston when he Went to
zubstantial, overy.day frientlehip of ,Tottun not fill heaven and earth?" "Is there any Cape Ceti.
Chriet, and do not mire at all alien the harps beside me ? Nay, I know not any," An ugly girl has a firm grip, generally
and crowns and feathers of a far•away
spottking. She is not meted evith nominator)
or confident when she gam It that, it will be
Christ dwolloth not afer,
Tbc King or $01111) rental or star. Mr. le IT, Francis, of Belfast, Me., has perennial, BO Rho dons not lot elmeces give
10 the disciple who ham liven fed and warm, proved that under favorable coeditions eal- her the Alp to ter the fashion of many belles.
Ml under the shadow of the tender hills of mon trout will double ht weight in 14 When epee married sho has plenty of grit,
Galilee, months. too, to preteet her latvful property and to
and here it is after the last mail delivery for
the nigh a• d I have 11011.0(1 110t 0110 word in
reply to the note I wrote nearly a week ago.
Some of my arrangements shoula have been
made to -day, but 1 did not like to give my
orders while 1 Was itecertain as to whether
any nee W11.8 to eet the dinner. Even if I
hoar early in the morning 1 shall be on the
rush all clay to get what I want and to have
the dinner what It should be."
Another 11,01110,11 delays writing notes of
sympathy or congratulation until theoccasion
for them hos become tut old story and the letter
teaching upon it has lost the gracioesness
it would have possessed if written promptly.
Still a third forgets to Send cards to the
receptions she °mina atteed, or omits to
pay her luncheon and dinner cells promptly.
All thoughtlessness, doubt. 8he would
not be rude intentionally for svorlde, but
the &feat of her ciorelessuess is practically
the same as though it had been willful.
A woman's foes are often those of her own
household, in the matter of thoughtlessness.
What does not the housekeeper suffer from
the lack of consideration thet leads husband,
sons, daughters aud guests to eome in late
to mettle? It seems a trifle to be fifteen or
twenty minutes tardy, but it results in a
heavy omelet or muffins. Cold steak and
chilled vegettobles tore hard for the Martha
of the family to hear. She does not mind
it so much en her OW11 account, bet after
she has taken the pains co prepare( dishes
that will give pleasure to others it costs her
paug to see the ruin of her work.
It is this seine thoughtlessness that makes
the son or deughter 10/11,0 clothing tossed
about anywhere for the mother to pick up
said put away, that esuses the muddy loot-
prin ts on the carpet, the ecnotch of the matter
on the wall, the flingiog of the same match
on the floor, the deposit of cigar stumps on
tho mantel, the throwing of waste-pepers
anywhere hut in the basket, and the C01111
1 es other deeds of the kind that double the
Queer Mottoes on ailureh Bells.
In the Newbury Magazine there is an in -
of the beim 1 may be two or three miles per- tereating article on " liell Inscriptions," A
baps farther from the scene of blood. Sud- ball at Hantwy, N.H., is inedbed ,,
denly he commences to show signs of uneas-
iness. Though tho _grass be deep and lux- To mock me a loF.ty sound.
John Ryer gave twenty pound .
uriant, he only feeds a few moments eon. Several inscriptions on bells are of an am-
tinuonsly, lifting his heed and toesing his atory character. A very amnion inserip.
horns as if an enemy wore near. 8uddenly tion ia tho following, found in Coventry,
there is a strong puff of wind, ancl, as the Knaresbormigh, Northampton, and other
nostrils of the leader inhale the toir, to places :
transformation occurs like a fIRS11 of lightn-
With hands; your hearts unite,
In wedlock's bonds an ro whoJoln
ing. He halts, throws his muzzel into the air,
So shall our tuneful tongues combine
and thee emits a mese unearthly prolonged, To laud the noptial rite.
Wall, moaning ehriek or bellow. his like
On a couple of Lincolnshire bolls—one of
none of the various noises made upon other 1807 and the other of 1808—we have the fel-
occasions, but has a tone that is all itS oWn lowing ,
and which IS evidently well understood by
When fetnale virtue weds with manly worth
the entire herd.
We catch Gm rapture and we spread tt earth.
With another shriek, Which ORO be hoard
Very often the happy pair are reminded
fee a mile, and even further, the leader
of the transitoriness of Inman existence:Ind
bretoks into to run, with his tail in the air
of the end of all things. Here is a specimen
and n Rh head shaking tengrily from side to
of this kind of inscription frotu Bakewell
aide, followed by all the members of the „ sos) 1
herd, each adding to the volume of sound " ''' when men in ilymen's bands unite
feeding quietly at a distance hear the
that now fills the air. As other tonimals
Set when (1( 0 al goes Ms dreary rounds
Our In cr ry peals 'produce delight ;
peouliar sounds they, too, pried:. up their We emu" forth rail and solemn Rounds
ears ; then, with answerfug shrieks, they A very suggestive inscription iS that on
gallop wildly totvard the excited band and (tillet.bde1116:13101I, aott,I111.1.1onns-tillsier.OH01011‘,vsLineolnshire.
Join it ill pursuit of the loader.
*.1011 0011 do hear this mournful sound,
That animal quickly arrives at the tell-
Illtrel pure yourself for enderground.
tale spot, He snuf1k at the ground, mean•
Each bell in a peal at St. Michael's Coy.
housekeepers work and shoeten her time whIle lashing his sides With 111S tall, 11.1111bel-
of needed rest. The thoughtlessness that lowing continually hi to manner that sug-
inspires them in tinto loses its right to so gesta the height of rage. His eyes flash
mild a title, mid rises to the dignity of wildly, the froth droops front liis jaws and
flecks hiS nook rind body, Ile paws the
se lfishness. ground angrily with his hoofs aml by des-
terons Nesting mamoges to cast, greet oro to aim, n :
inasees of the earth into Hulett- and upon his
1 ring tO sP1`11101) 11,11J/ /I 111Str b01111/0,
baT0113;e others corm ',acing up and crowd
No, 8 was the fire bell, of which, too, we
'1'hat, ell may porno and none may stay at home.
closely about the spot where their mate was
have a specimen in the olierell al Sher.
slain. An inner circle is fortned by the ex• ‘,„
cited animals, with their heads all -pointing' "meL10,a 7 quonch this (0,101.004n.
to a common centee, and these behow and
Arise, run, put out thu stoma '
paw the ground and race tirtnind and arOttlid
1111 01 exhausted. Mean while the °dims tore One bell in All Saints', Northampton
circling rapidly toboet the central cluster,
86" 11 Moan tO make it Understood
and finally displace the earlier forrivals, Thtot though ein Male, yet I'M good.
whereupon they, too, go throinth the same Whilst another at St, Ives says, "Arise
and go about yonr business."
The scene is ti terrific one. Horns aro
Punning inscriptions are not often to be
,c,lnaglyetal al ign:iii,ils ti / 1,oi errn,dirc, ntihneg,b1e11110oNnviiin
gis°firlit'ehtel met with. The following, found lit Tow -
cheater, North Hants, may belie& as belong.
with dust, the beasts sown actuated each by
to (his olass :
some pationlarly malevolent spirit, and 1 uff
Pa,,eut New Year Resolves.
1 will get up and dress when the break-
ast bell rings,
I will not complain when everything goes
to suit me.
I will treat my wife as politely as though
she was a pet•fect etrangen
I will strive to be more tholightful for my
own comfort, and others, seeing 1110 happy,
may also endeavor to be eon tented.
will not spend so meoh money this year
on the useless frivolities of life.
I will remember the poor if 1. have to
melee a, memormultim to that olfeet eveey
I will endeavor to bnpress upon my family
the clety of greeting, with cheerful voices
and laughing faces, the father of 0 family
when Ite returns home west -fed with the
depreesing ettree and (alien of a long Intel..
nese clay.
will go 001 myself oftener, in order
that, my family may eujoy the tranquil and
improving plensure of a long, uninterrupted
evenieg tho quiet, 'eanettity of a happy
I must be more unselfish, and take better
care of myself that I may long be spared to
be the joy mid light of the home which it
has pleaeed an appreciative Providence to
bestow upon me.
pay my pow rent this year, if I
heves to deny myself a new over:mat, and
my children have to go without shoes. I
feel that we have not heretofore sufficiently
denied invectives in little luxuries for the
sake of maintaining a good appearance at
will be in thinga, an allbetionato
Mishima, air:wing father, a, good provider ;
and I will rear up a family that wilt love
entry, if we are to judge from the mottoes,
has a special use of its own. Thus No. 4
was evidently the workmen's bell
I ring at 0 to let; men know
When to and from thole work to go.
NO. 7 was the bell for summoning worship
them actions appear prompted almost by
heman understanding.
Woo to the unfortunate onriosity eteeker
who chances to o ttbroad on focovituttlipe0.11.9Z,11,
.A horeeman recently estimated the wealth
ou occasion. It le have any
OT 010 Most proponent American joekeyS a9
at all 110 will pot as wide menace as possible
between himself arid the mourners,
"if ho lf °Nititittubsti1e, $(1 1103,‘ (10011 ''4V1.1.,? it,ni $3110aty1,,0,0.0r0; , 81341 011,y_
be desirons of studying the spectacle he will
climb the nearest tree or seek tiemo other 900 ; 81.0.,01)0 'Jam" McLaughlin,
poin t of vantage inaccessible to the madden -1819600001:
eti beasts • 111"aen(11 i e' bni',1"$111°51:01 06,20111re (;11(0111-1:1;eiso°Inn
11, on the other hand, ho should be so $5,000 to "tbhig-
lacking in common sense ns te be unable 001 It oasts emnothing to be to " awell angle
recognize the apparent signs of danger and er," says a writer for me English exoluinge.
sharp and eueltlen, Some angry beast will costs you to buy out, or in other tvords,
shonld he approttelt too closely to the angry The first expense inotirrea is in1;010110104001
herd, his awakening. to the peril will be lease, of a Canadian river, which
eatoli & glimpse of him, tond, vottogniziug in perpetual thane, enywhere from
him the responsibility forshoculing of blood, $40,0001 orfif you can't stand that, an an•
will lower his head and, with a snort of elo- mud lease for 0110 rod (which means tho
Ifito4vnit 1Tare.ktell WrfflatChittUrgOrilfifelt. tlel sec alai eNevti t°11E gv 100rlioanht,i0tlesayn0i0-tr1;10111poaersLe°0f fasosnailemdoen-
his life Ito will indeed be fortunate. leven shoed:ad pool foe ono year, for only one eod)
torseman has been known to have had from slid.) to $2000 per rod annually. NoW
toml respect me, and i -ender to me prompt anything but a pleasant, half hour from ton you meet purehase a salmon rod-00Si., for
end cheerful obedience, with pullout do• encounter with a funeral party ef this best qualify split bamboo of American
ferenoo to my Wiehoii and thoughtful regard ohmmeter, enalte, $10 to $100 1 coat for host quality ire -
for my comfort. or I will tweak their backs
in the attellipi..---811raette, in 1110 Lat1100
Home Journal.
Pith on, bravo boys, i'lllmard to the back,
Bel will be hanged. before I crack,
Australia's Progress.
Some interesting statistics have jest boon
pebbehed by Mr, i17. A. Coghlati, the New
South lAialos Government statistician. The
figures show that whereat' in 1 871 the total
population of the Australian °plonk* was I ,•
003,608, mid in 188 1 2,142,550, it 1 80 1 the
number had risen to 5,810,4 18. At the pro.
sent rate of ineretima the population of Aus•
tralia will double itself in 21 years. The
highest birth rode last year was to be found
gneenshoul--30•60 per thousand, Tho
highest. death rate WWI in Victoria, hob was
Only 1014 per thousand. Tho death rate iu
New South `4‘, ales Nene 12'0, and Now Zea-
land was the lowest with 0.57,
te tome o 10 arab of oomradeseeme ported Semteli rod, made of geoenhart, rem
to sprout' with the rapidity of the tetegraph, ;1:4 to XX, and with duty added to itn- .
and fresh relays of Inourners constantly port, netkee nob Goof, from $30 to $60
arrive, keeping up the strange spectacle for IS.tueriatut money 1 salmon reel to go with
hours at time nor ceasing until the shades rod and of cerrying eapaelty of 120 yorde,
of night clesoon'cl. $35 ; salmon line, best silk, Water proof,
Oceasionally the swine of 11100110110d will enerneled and tapered, sizo 13, $12 50 each ;
be discovered by some wandering "critter " imported wanton ily•boole,$ 10 each ; six
v•Ito has that portioe of the range to himself &icon 801 num $fi, Per dozen $311 ; ono
temporarily, There may be no other cattle dozen sahnon teatime, made from'best hive-
withitt twa or three miles, yet tho lone shot gut, nine feet long, till each $80 ; Eng -
mourner will cent:nonce the procedure) ale hell telescoping gall', $10 oadt ; pair of
ready do:willed, and within a ewer:Ate or nuteltintosit Needing etoaltings, $1 'Leach; also
half an hour ha will have been Joined by a !stir of hobnail wading shoes, to Weer over
others, while inside of an holm there will bo, eame, $3. Without °minting tho oost of to
a donee mass of excited (Attie oe the spot numberrof mailer 1100088111'11'S, 1/081(108 roll -
and from the renge in every direction &lore road. transpoetetion goiug and, 00111111g (110
Will 110 socm hurrymg to the scene. oast of two wooks' salmon -fishing antittelly,
Altogether e rattle funeral is oee of the figuring elm loato of stream, makes a grand
oddest, and most interesting sights that can total of $1400.503 or, in other words.,
be witneesed—by tt man up a tree. $750 per week,