HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-1-22, Page 5.J, 22. 1802 r115trltt'lrly, teqtarevit J. K, Baker ie recovering from n severe attack of nipper John Gaynor and Wm. \Void tune un• yet ed arawhlg maternal for houses to he emoted doting the owning Hammer, Jacob Dunham: wl.nri a genial smile Hue !took b -tura r f the arriv,ii of u stranger at hie house that will aeon be Palling him Papa, ,fames MOI'riaon, (thecae maker at Sil- ver Cm•uers, hes taken a meaner into his buadnege. The firth will bo known as Morrison and Son. Our village hoe worn a buainese•like appearance for 0 couple of weeks. hergo numbers of teams are to be seen nearly every day drawing bt'luk, wood and gaud, Times must be imnrevrng. 13e1g x•ta va,. The annual meeting of the members of the haat Wawan„eh Agrioultural So ciety W101101(1 at Mr. Galleghe•'a Dotal on Thursday of last week, The Directors presented their annual repoet and they have to congratulate the members on the prosperous condition iu which the So- oiety row elands. Although the receipts at the gate were not Ho good the do former years, owing to the u,favorablo state of the weather, yob there was an increase in membership subscriptions to make up the defloienoy of $12 over last year. Atter paying a large primo list there le to bn alamt of $184 in the treasury. That t'optl ar pet energetic canvasser, Chas. Proctor sr., w is re elected Pres/clout ; Vice- Proeident, Jna. Owene ; Director,, 11, Currie, W. Scott, R. St "rehouse, John Anders nR. ' n 1 nett ' f jr.,I b P,os, Bridger Mortise tt R. Corley ,eu and Thomas" ' y Porbe- ; Auditor, Jae, Proctor and W, Wray : Secretary, Finlay Anderson ; Treasurer, C. McClelland, At woocl._. The Band ehonld wake up. Atwood wants a Meohaoioe' Institute, There is talk of several fine brick blouke being erected in the village next spring. The annual meeting of the patrons of the Newry cheese factory is called for Jan, 21st, at 2 p, n,. Lots of pork coming into town these days. One big fellow put on board the oil east week weighed 300 lbs. No lees than fifteen eommesolal trav- ellers oat down to dinner at the Iceuer Hon.e one day recently—three represent- ing one line of goods. A Concert Co. has been organized in town. The Company will give an enter- tainment shortly with the purpose of raising money for street lamps. The many friends of Mr. and hire. Watson, of Tumbell, Manitoba, (formerly of Elmo.) assembled at their !lathe to celebrate their tin wedding, on the even• ing of Dec. 26th. Complaints are to hand of a number of boys, and young men too, who are iu the habit of hanging on trains the they depart from the station, and otherwise exposing themselves to danger. Listovie eI. A. 1). Freeman has gone to New York where he intends to reside. His family preceded hien a few weeks ago. 11..3. Dilworth, of Toronto, has been appointed to the position of bookkeeper and soe.•treae, for the Listowel Furni• tura Oo. Bliss Jessie A milder is Doming to Listowel, in nennectton with the readies' Choreal Society, cm 'Monday eveufog, Feb. 20th. Little Ward Barker, son of Mrs. J. T. Barker, Bismarck street, had the mtg. fortune to again fraoture hie arm while coming; from eul,00l one day recently, Word has reached town that a sat of Amos, Walton, who formerly resided near the new cemetery and removed to Manitoba ln.t Spring, was frozen to de ,th recently. The young roan was a cripple and was overtaken by a etorm while away from home. The animal m. etieg of the Rime Dis. !riot L. 0. L. was held in the Orange 13alt on the 12th inst. There wee 0 good T present front eaolt lodge iu the district. The following officers were elected for the eeeuing year :—W. D. M„ E. M. Alexander ; D D. M., G. MnKee ; D. Chaplain, S. 13. Bothwell ; D, R. Sen., R. 8tanioy ; D, F. Sea,, T. Later ; D. Treas., W. Welob ; D D. of 0., Young Coulter; 3), Lecturers, G. Dixon and J. Bailey. The following otdicare were installed for the current year at the last meeting of Listowel lodge, No. 109, A. C. U. W. : M. W, B. F. Brook ; Foreman, Wm. I lhiott ; Overseer, W J. Hay ; Recorder, W. 111. Binning ; Financier, Wm, Brad- ley ; Receiver, J. W. Scott ; Guide. J. Seburger ; I. W., Juo. Berlet ; O. W., I3, Goddard ; Medical Examiner, Dr, Fbilp; P. M. W„ A. St.' Geo. Hawkins ; Re presentative to Grand Lodge, B. F. Brook. !Scott lea rth. Goon kook.—The following item was %edam/ by a visitor to Seafortb a short time ago :--The barn of D. D. Wilson's dairy farm is worth fleeing. In it were found nearly one bund ed head of horned stook, mostly cows, heifers, and calves. There were 38 cows giving milk all in extra prune oondition, so good indeed that the majority of the farmer,/ arunnd us would oeusider them "fit to kill” at sight, The atteudante in charge, who by the way, wore exceedingly cturteons and kind, informed 0s that all tab stook ere fed chop stuff from the oatmeal mill every day of 1110 year, summer and winter, Many of the spring calves there were better looking then the yearling and even two•ysar•olcl' ones our way. Mr, Nilson Bemired this daily business about three years ago, and started with fifteen cows, delivering milk through the town, and now the total product of 88 oowe is fully taxed to supply the customers daily, Tho etables are fitted up with all modern conveniences and ate kept as oloan and ti.iy as a hetse.keepor'e kitchen, Major Charles Wilson, of Silver Creek hag about 60 two and three,year.oId eteere fattening in his burn, which f0 just on the eastern limit of the, torn), and they heat any thing L ever saw. These cattle aro being prepared for Mr. Wilgon'e 200 acres ofpaatnre when the grass grows, whore they will be fitted up for market in June, They are fed atop etotf, from the Oatmeal till, !nixed with out hay and straw, no turnipe. These cattle aero cold in Juno for $76.00 a bead, One of tate moot interating eaghte Was at the borae•eteblea of D, U, Wilson, well known as the :11.8gRing. 11 is e . large brink bull/110g, about 70 foot 0tfuare, on Main St., and on New Year's I),s,v there were 86 heroes in the stab eo, many of than superior animals, among the number a few drivers and colts, and some of the hatter having taken hest turd second prince at the Toronto exhibltloa, Mere as 01 the dairy farm, the inside t3,10 MUM up with every pet/elide 00, 3011351100, 00 expense helot; .apparently spared by illr. Wilmot to melte the aurfoundfug0 convenient, tteat a•11 nlhsta ntial, of these horses are used on the wagons gningthrough the country, gathering the eggs to the Mammoth egg emporium. er rr•f a8_ A number of nor eittzeno are under the weather from the effeote of la grippe. No deaths have yet 000uered. Diphtheria is eaaaing some alarm around Orange 11111. A chill of Alex. Montgomery died from it on Sunday and was burled hero on Monday, A gentleman (3) reeidirig 0o0tit of here left for parts uiknowu on or about Sou. clay night lest, not tnu01) was loft on Me Premises be gory rent and terve, not to 'peek of the legacy of debts hitter/Otero mourn for the payment of. It is high time our merchants and others would ooa a to give oreclit to Large 'Intonate where there is nothing for smithy. Suntebociy mast pay the bilis thud the tomtit is tint honest MO who pay their own debts, meet also pay the -e e,f tn. pe ehditfeve ones who do not cry to pay titer way, The 0,100 3 meeting of the llowdnk Agricultural Society was held here OD the 1113, inst. The report sbosod the number of entries ab the last show to be 418 and the amount paid out in prizes was 3154,10 There is a balance 011 hand of $141.31 being 314.98 more than at last report. There was $1 8.90 inure paid out for p-izes at the last fair than in 1890, the amount paid for prizes being $154.10. No. of eateries for prizes wile 418. Jno, Kine was re elected President and Peter Heipsnetall Seo.-Treas. Mot -rim. Relatives of Mrs. iVin. Robb were visit. ing In re last week, Robt. J. Bell has leased B. Fraliok'e farm for a term of years and will move there in a few menthe Lot Tuesday evening Rev. 0, F. S.lt. on, of Bruasole, delivered a most amusing and inetrnotive lecture in Jackson's ohurub on "Our Boys." It sparkled with wit yet was full of commonsense pointers to parents and obildren, Dteo.—Leel Friday David William Purvis, sort of the late James Pur, ie, of this township, died at the residence of his brother, East Wawan, sh, et the early age of 23 years, 8 mouths and 13 days. The cause of his decease wavy, consump- tion. The funeral took place on Stmday, be interment being made at Brussels cemetery. A. very pleasant time was enjoyed at the social at Thos. Maunders' residence last Friday. In addition to saeiel chat and refreshments Mies IvIineie MoNaugh- totn gave ft recitation ; Miss Minnie Moore a reading; and .coal mesio front Mies F, E. Kerr and Dr, Cavanagh. B. Gerry occupied the chair. The company had a good time having the sleigh ride consider- ably elongat. d in some 05880. Il3'rntnovut.—The services of Rev. Samuel Jame, 01 Brussels, were palled into requisition bast Wetlresday, at the residence of &dam Reid, when his ,-!dent daughter, Miss Sarah A., was united in m5rriaue to Walter J. Longman, of Lis- towel, in the presence of a entail nom. pany. Mr. and Mee. Longman lett in the evening for their new home in Listowel. The many friends of the parties wish them all the joys of wedded life, 3oin1,» IIANDs Ann Bttoore.—Last Wed- nesday a lar.e eompauy of relatives and friends assembled at the home of Robert Armstrong to witness the tying of the matr'monial knot, by Rev. J. IL Dyke, of Belgrave, betty, en James Atki,,sou, of North Dakota, and Alias Mary A„ (laugh• ter of Robert Armstrong. The happy couple were trade the recipients of a large number of hands -me presents. After the ceremony the guests sat down to an elaborate spread. Mr. and Mrs. Atltineen will Lave shortly for their home 111 the west. The hearty wishes of a 'urge oirole of friends go with them. SODDEN DNATn,—John Brown,, It stone cutter, late of Monet Forest, died after a Mei illness ab the home of Peter Me - Donald, South hell 731 eon, He same on a visit last week and was taken ill on Wednesday night with le grippe and despite all that could h,- done he rapidly sank and pae•ed home on Sunday even- ing about 7 o'clock, Be was 62 yeare of age, The body WO- taken to Mount For. est for interment as his wife is buried there. Mr. Brown wag the father of eight children. When he oatne to Morris his intention was to 00ntinue his journey and call on old friends at Clinton and Goderiob, OniTuear,—Early Monday morning the spirit of Mary Ann Kelie, beloved wife of John Bird, 5th eon., took its flight, Her illness was brief, yet severe at times and was a comp,lootiou sof heart and lung diseases. The deceased was born in the County of Fa/month, Ireland, and in the same land was united in marriage to her now bereft partner They, with their family, came to this country fu December 188e, living for a tune in Grey township. The subject of thie notice was in her 65th year. She wee highly respeoted and was possessed of that whole souled temper: went, so °harao. tsristio of rho inhobituttsof tee Emerald isle. The funeral took place on Wedges- day afternoon. Mr. Bird and family are deeply sympathised with in their audden bereavement. On the bosom of the river, When the Saviour.kiug we OW11, We shall meet, anti sorrow never 'Neatb the glory of the throne. To the Editor of ',110 Polo, I notice in the last week's issue of Tun POST a rusty piece concerning Sunshine graveyard. The dispute ie not about the graveyard but a shed built in the grave. yard. Now, Mr. Editor, we are in pos. 9eesi0n of a document in the form of a rosolutiou offering to remove said shed. I will now go back to the 20th of Oct. last, which is the date of said resolution, which taken from the Secretary's book is 00 follows :—"At a meeting of the trustees of Sunshine Methodist ohureh, held on the evening of Monday,Oct. 2013,, 1801. Moved by ,tae, Russell, seconded by Peter Oautelbn that in the interett of patine and harmony this hoard ie WflliO4 to relno00 rho elted, Which Mr. Miller claims is erected over the rousing of his children, though we se 0. Board claim the shed is net MAW said remains; yet in THE BRUSSELS POST Ole 1, besot of 1100110 and harmony we, the Lrustres, will remove that shed providing its removal satislies 111r. Miller, and (hie Beard Matra+ uo . xpe1He 0114 111111 the pastor and 73rD, I'lloe, wilkiuson be the bvnrore of this revolution, Carried." Now, Mr, Falter, when pe me and her Mont monou teem )m the elle 7411d t110 t'l Y 111.011011tr1011 thrown out from the ether by placing 320 111 the hanels of the paster to aid 111 remnvinu said shed, yon would 31e1.,lt tl,:u the eked cuuid taIdea over the matter we welded to know what time the shed woald he re. moved, as no speollled time was mem Honed in the reeolcttian, "...grey salt] ur about five weeke. Five weeks p,asee'l Ifni no removal of the shell woo made•. It turned tub these were kickers 1,1 th• camp, They Molted the month of Nov, nearly out of existence, On the 30th of Nov. ,he pastor atm mimed there was fault found by not regular not tee t-0 ng given for the Oct, meeting, The paste., announced a 'fleeting to ho held on Doe. 0th, which is ten days, and he wished evert member to be pre-set. On Dec. 1111i the pastor made the same announce- ment. On the 9th thekicking etart 1 to buret the Oct. resolution. The Secretary sprang to hie feet and said he would shako himself olear of the busines,. T• s seconder of the resolution said "I do likewise," Then the. left the mo t in . The pastor then announced that $20 iad boon placed 111 his hands to add 111 true tail the shed If artdnn wpm not taken soon he wnnld return the money to the parties he gn. it from. Dec, 12311, The pastor was interviewed as to what had L,slteu piece and stated n„ business wa., clow,. The motley w•,s offered bank thea, 331e was told to keep two we eke. t n av aka. If the shed we a removed in that time it would be all right. Deo. 1511,, Th,• mover of the was resolution asked by the uaabor to interview kir. Miler. FIe told ale that the Secretary and eenonder of the resolution hal both left the church and he, the mover, had done all in his power to have the cited removed but the oougregati-/n hod kicked against it, therefore he was powerless. Two weeks passed and no removal. Went and got the money and hi, rd Mr. Munn toremovethe shed and pot up the fence and paid hirn the money. On Jan, 0th we were served with a notice at 11 a. rn. that digging for the dead would com- mence at 1 o'clock p. m. No rem,utls were found, Mr. Munn was arrested for destroying church property. Jan. 71h. Mr. Munn was released by us paying damages. The man who more out the warrant for his arrest was the man who moved the resolution, On Jan Ooh the re -building of the shed was commenced. They, the mover and seconder of the resolution, were there busy as nailers buil•ling up the shed for the glory of the church. Such is Stmehine. Taos. 1111LLEn, • 111•11•=MEMPousi•Mm••••11111•1ft .41111.. Lab S W W010 m r ao Farm for Sale A.UCTODT i•. 1. 1 Z h 1I ) C1.I. BI f7' 7• t bfi ,J.S, Mt'l'f"fi+is, ,flaf'itli 23.1, 1$112, At• 2 O'er, ,ro r. n. That erlondid f rrn, being lot 4, eon, 12, Township of Grey, two miles from Brussels, The farm consists of 100 antes of which 00 are cleared, the rest end hardwood bash. On tit • piece le a good frame horse and bank bern. For t'tartienlara and terms of sale apply to R. 1/11110H, Egmnnd'ille, or A. HUNTER, Esq„ Bruseole, Rheumatism, BRING due to the presence of uric acid in the blood, is most effectually cured by the 1180 of Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. Be sure yon get Ayer's and no caller, and take it till the poisonous sold is thoroughly expelled from the system. We ehallengo attention to this testimony 1— "About two years ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheumatic, gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise- ment in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing com- plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months, and aha pleased to state that it has effected a complete cure. I have eines had no re- turn of the disease."—Mr's, 1%. Irving Dodge, 110 West 125th st., New York. "One year ago I was talcen ill with inflammatory rheumatism, being erm- ined to my house six months. Forme out of the sickness very much debili- tated, with no appetite, 01111 my system disordered in every way. I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon recovering my usual health. I cannot say too match in praise of this well-known medicine,"—Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N, H. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 111101.011E1) H2 Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $I; Er bottles', to. Worth $5 a bottle. `• $Fi 3.0a p1S,� v WHERE DO YOU LIVE ? Half of the people of our County don't know the position of one Township from another. They can now overcome We cifficulty by consulting the COOPER MAP )OF TOE( COUNTY OF HURON, Which has been long needed and looked for. The size is four feet by Ove feet mounted on linea and wood rollers. Six colorings are used, which makes it very distinot and effective. THE SCHOOL SECTION NEEDS ONE, THE FARMER NEEDS ONE, THE BUSINESS MAN NEEDS ONE. PRICE $3.50. Published by W. COOPER d CO,, Clinton, Ontario. BOOxstLL&ns' AND STATION9ag. School Globes and all kinds of Maps axed School Supplies. Write for prices and our traveller will call on you. - GREAT 15 DAYS COST PRICE ,. ALE AT FERGUSON & HALLIDAY'S COMMENCING SATURDAY, JANUARY 16. Stock must be Reduced Two Thousand Dollars before Stock taking. EAA, ry>t b; W FOR CASH IN ALL LINES OF 111 '3.o tr Bargaiis in AZ' GOO>tir r sAii) elBEIZEZIMI •�C - - 9 ]vf a ICI Flannels, Tweeds., !fir ass Goods Caps GL lFar Goods, .. 5 Reacdyranee Ctotbins', Over- coats, Boots ltl'LCZ Shoes. A Few Ends of Mantle Cloths Greatly Reduced in Price. LADIES' WOOL SHAWLS VERY GREAP. If You require anything in the above Lines you may depend on getting a Bargain and also secure something that will give you Satisfaction. ALEX, STRACHAN. BRUSSELS FURMTURE EPORIHVL I have a splendid StocIc of Furniture at my Show rooms, Turnberry Street, Brussels consisting of Parlor and Bed- room Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs, Lounges, &c., that cannot be excelled t'or wear or value. Always a big Stock to choose from, SPECIAL BARGAINS ASI have a very large and well made stock of Bedroom Suites and Sideboards I will sell them at greatly reduced prices. Wo have made a specialty of these lines and now is the time to purchase. Hand -mads Furniture a special feature of otic business. A. large stock of tip-top Moulding for Picture Frames. Work done with neatness and despatch, A nice lot of Pictures, Foot Stools and I Fancy Articles for sale. REPAIRING NEATLY ATTENDED TO. A full line of (Gaskets, (ieofi.ns and Robes always on hand. Two Hearses and a free Delivery Wagon in uonnection with our Establishment. I pay special attention to CAVITY and ARTERIAL EMBALM- ING. ING. Having taken three series of lessons on Embalming from Prof. Benouard, of Kansas, and having a Diploma for the sante, 1 feel confident in being able to do this work properly. A beautiful range of McFarlane, Mcltinley cC Co's patent .LINE' WINDOW BLINDS to hand. Ivory housekeeper should tree them, They are dandies, Agent for the KARN ORGAN. Savo looney by Patronising the Ohl Established Furniture Emporium. R. Leatherdale.