HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-1-22, Page 3/1 ;TAN, 22, 1892. enriiiitirii00.01000.00,11,00.021e90,0ingiiinooi,•0140,001•0100.0.1.0000.010e001,00000.11 DAFFODIL 1,11L:111 11, 11104TOX. CHAPTER VIII.-(eosmnIc») She banded him the book and Ito :Tone it, OH they ties, awn una, 11 gluuly tree. TI101.0 Wee a catmint Isouthitog little dans which he cowmen/of to lead, " Yes nil is ended new ter1 have sveighe Weiglile"trt he light love 1 hid lona been hole s dem - Weighed eaaistattul look fond smile Dud hav bet am, thee, The ettrele,s grace that 3V101 POI h 1 tea (loon, guy toiler: Take the childiell pleasure on thee, tor thee, nuoy 011.11111114. (1)10(130 shin,' 1 Ton stern were justieu, ehonitt HIM 00141 1 1110001We Thy IlLfuI 10V0 by the strong pain of Iniss." "4 fano), flint was what Jack Dayea thought when his wife sent him fron1 he presence." "Junk Dayeer 1" the girl cried, startle ;sway from him. " Then you know hin) And that is why,,,you have looked at Ina strangely sometimes. Ah what must yo think of me." Ile tools hold of her hands and took Oleo away from her face. " Yes I hove known it all " he mid sternly. "And I am glad you realize wino it WA'S you (101 when you oast Min oft" The teens rolled down Dittfuclit's cheek. "He is happy now, though, in lois seconc znarrioge," She faltered. " Ho is not !" Brown denied. H poisoned both her hands in one for a ono IOUIend then let; them fall, suddenly. Letgoforour soil now,"Improposed,going down to the boat. Slieshook 11011 head, "Yeo " hepersisted. " Come 1" She went dosnn to the beach and he helped her in. It seemed as if he wore hor master. "Daffodil," he uttered, as his hand linger. ed on her arm. " I Intorno yon very much for your treatment of my friend, jack. Blot did you uot know 110 110381' mended ammo) 1.10381 He considers you as his wife still." " What ! " Daffodil excloimod, standing still in the boat. " Did he not secure a-" "0 " he OOId. " But, I cannot tell yon the story. You must ask his mother some day." They puallecl far out to sea and Mr. :Brown let the boat go 31110(0 the wind listed to cl rive it, "What n strimge incomprehensible crew, tare a girl is " he mused Mood. Daffodil did not look top. She let her hand flout In the green water over the 0(110 01 the boat. " .A. girl -yes 1" she answered. " A woman 10 00 different." " I know oue woman who is different, at least 1" " Leila ;se very womanly woman. in- deed 1" his companioo agreed, with to alight smile. "She is, Illat 1" Mr. Brown echoed. "Would you like me to marry your sister. Daffodil," " Yos,"sincerely. There was no marrying for her now-sha was still a wife. Mr, TIVOW11 turned the boat 1,0 shore, " must tell Leila that," he said, smiling. The next ahoy Daffodil W0111, OM' to Mrs. Dayeer's. "lire. Daycer," she asked, confidently. "Do you think Mra. Sytiston Is thinking of marrying? Has she said anything to you ?" Mrs. %year longboat a liltle. " We tal Iced marriage all the afternoon yesterday. Per- haps she is thinking of it." Dafi'otill looked so thoughtful that Mrs. Dayeer asked her what the matter wits. " If Utile, marries I mast go away. Where shall I go ?" You luny live with one. Wood(' you ?" 11101' hostess said. " Daffodil, I love you like my own child. Como to my home in the country and be my own daughter." " 011 I could not I" the girl said with a 101111.0 (11110. ''111(1101. not. I must go out into the world again. I deserve to suf- fer and bo miserable, If you knew 1lletisi Mrs. Dayeer, did „woo never think that that other Daffodil and I could be one mud the same ?" Mrs. Dayeer rose up and stood back. ",Yon 1" she uttered." " You that girl 1 What it blind fool I have been 1" ' She stood pale tool still, looking 01 1110 et her feet with strange rumatural grav- ity. Daffodil understood her attitude to mean ceinplote repudiation of theie late friendship -it W110 (111 over. She went away out of her mother-indaw's presenuo. She encountered Mr. Brown at the very door. She was surprised but in silence passed on. Ile overtook her and put her hand in loia arm. " Darling 1" 110 said, " Let me tell you---" " Don't speak to me" sho exclaimed. "You are a faithless suitor. " Leila," lie ieterpomed, " 0 nothing 1.0 0110 1 It is her Mater 1 want to win." " Boit I awn not free 1" she told him, meet. ing his eyes and shrinking (sway. Nevertheless he folded her in his mons. The action made ber thrill with a sensation that at last she defined. " Oh I" 0110 utter- ed, lifting her oyes to his. " Where is it that I have met you before. We 101101. 111130, met ansinewhorn Tell me " "1 will toll you some day I It is o, etrange thing that you should not know." Ito let her go thou. "When may I see you (140411 " "Never 1" oho told him, looking down. " It must be goodbye for always," "Daffodil I" he exclahned. She drew farther away from hint. "Go now please ; " she pleaded, with teerful eyes. "I cannot accept your love," "Dallbdil," her loves begged. "Tell me at lew), why you-mty, I know you 1118 1101. free 1 But there is tio men I will give you up to bout to Jack Daystars If you say you wish to retrieve the past anal let him oome 1)001(110 yon, I will yield. I told Min he or I should win you 1" 1 "That shall boeiy fotture," Daffodil told t him, bravely. "His mother shell tell me C the story mid call him book if slie will," Her oyes were bent on the floor and she li did not see Mr. 13rown's face. "I am glad for Jaek's sake," Ile seta, t Wieling away, "Goodbye," g And 110 went out, into the sunshine of the g happy wood about Idol. Daffodil wont: hack to Mee, Dayestr whose 1, fingers strayed over the piano koye in a 030001Mill, Deffodil stole sip behind hen Theue wcre the svorde on the page befose hee and the fond mother song them 133 11 breaking under. tone, " 011 whore is my wanclorIng boy Loa:light- The boy of my tenderest (10.104 T110 boy that Was 01100 1111 joy and light The 011114 alloy love anal peayor," when afler the night he (stemma you from Kayter he told her they should be married an noon 11.14 the 111YOITO pepere 31,111,1 0(0 0111. -" I1 "0111' 11 1 I) Oro lil in great bowildertne: " Wait it lie ',‘ ..-101,0(1 mu that nigh a 1(1101 away f rom him, by changing the oril 0 he wove to the efolnuton. 1 t houeli he w hilt Iwo( lier wolf in shoop'e a:loathing, Ho eonaiderate he MAP 11, refrain from revea hog himself ot that moment. And be • clutromal 110 W118 -1,11,1 not know 111111," "Do is the most considerate boy in th ° wo1:12,‘1.::d. --the must inconsiderate girl, 1. Daffodil maid sto113s ✓ "Haidee however load made a promise t Caltro which elle did nob intend to tn111 g Her treachery 1100( 1101' her life. One even 1 hog, us aloe eat :singing at the piano, it sho O crashed theouglo the window pane and foun u 110 way to her brain. It, was a dreatifo death. The man, Gotta, who languishes in n the penitentiary 110W, told us of the schen) aloe had concocted to place you 1 , a false position in Jasok's oyes, W t believed- him for -we loom poor Halite was eapahlo of it." Mrs. Dayoor said i regretfully. 1 " How did yon come to adopt her int the family, knowing her so well ?" e "1100111100 it wtts her father who out hi . throat that night-ysu remembes aha night, ?" I remember 1" with a shiver. " Tho old man had sunk very low and th coin in the shape of the star yoe saw wa. his last possession. He had al wave said 11 would kill himself when he had to par 10,1 it. And 11. 101(0 IIaideo herself len knew that and who yet urged him to bet i as a hoot desperate chance." Daffodil broke into svild sobbing. "01 Jack 1,0310 howl have inacto you stn. Howyot might to hate me 1 And yet, if you welsh come back toed let, me know you forgive mo I would try and atone. Dear Mrs. Dayee comfort me. Gan I ever do anything to °compensate him for the woe aoul heartache of 1110 life? I remember you said -though 1 did not understand then -that he load still a good opinion of his wife." Sloe clung to Mrs. Dayeer with pleading in haw sorrowful " /kip me," she prayed, " to do something -And say your. self you do not bate me." Hate you ?" Mrs Daycer said, kissing ben "I cannot do that. I believe you to be thoroughly repentant 17010. And I know my son will hasten book, be he wandering svhero he may, to accept your often Though I believe, too, he will not lot you, sacrihoe too 011(1011. Ah, Leila has told me of Air. Brown. And when Jack comas, yon must toll him if you love the other too much. Ile would not spoil any heart's happiness -oven though it be at the expense of hie own." D44'odil rose np and began to pace the floor. " Where 10 110?" she asked, very pole but (lateen -doled. "Sand far him -for Jack." "I have heard nothing for some timet" said his mother, " but 1 can write to Me last address in Detroit. He hes probably left orders for his letters to be former:led.' "Is it Jack you want?" said a soft voice. Mrs. Syriston had entered. She went over to her meter and stopped her M her restless walk to kies her, 'Yu are a happy girl Daffodil 1" she told her. " Not matey girls would elaitn such a reward after flying in faro of Providence as you have clone 00often" Then turning towards tho door, "Jauk is 301111011 t" she informed them. " Shall I send hino in." Mrs. Dayoer's fano lighted up. "Jae): is there ? Yea, send him in at once I" she ex. claimed. DootTodil sank into a chair, Sim watahod her sister going out. Now sho realized lvhat eaesifice she was making. She real- ized too Oust it Was in 1102. to love some nne and that some one was Mr. Brown. Bat she sail not to word, prepared to ro. deem the lollies of her youth in whatever meaner circumstances called for. Tile door swung open once more. She put outdoor hands tremblingly and drooped law head. "Mother 1" very familiar voice exclaim. eti and she heard afl nick kiss. And then leek Dayeer took his wife into 1118 1111110. She uttered (1103? sobbing. cry as she look- ed at bion and with a breaking light of con. tentment and uuderstanding peace on her face she rested, too happy LO speak, 011 010 111'00.0 of "Mr, Drown 1 It W00 the 111091 unaccountable mystery to her afterwards how she could have foiled to recognise him in all these long weeks, But a moustache and a sloado of bewrow mid a deepening 01 1110 voice make wonderful changes /1 was Laila's turn to tease now and Daffodil 4111 1101 ask her why she hod kept it all to secret too, 80 1011g, " It was better so," sloe says now. "I 00114111 never have fallen in love with Mr. Brown, had I known him us my toed and master." So now, if you over go to Pinksicle, that charming tittle town upon the shore of Lake Ontario yatl will lincl there in a cottage rhos° atmosphere seems made tip of love and roses safely harbored at last from temp. Mien nod danger, with " her Jack," our Daffodil, a flower of surpassing sweetness prung from the grove of a dead vanity. Every end is lumpiness, the glorious con. summation or ihsHigo, rho peril past I tho tams annulled, tho journey ot its oloso Soul the tras-allor restoth in noinonneeney home.returnad loons "-Tupper. f TUE 10,1 13.3 THE BRUSSELS POST. ilousnnoLD. A `Noma* Mien, Onr lore 1411000 1101 iittro II. bselt. gay. „ 1 medal 1101.11111,0 1111' whole IT(V,403*1 11,11 3p) 0,11.110101 10010114.0 01110i, K10, 10001100 011110.11101 '1 r1'(, 10(111110 0111i11101 1000 010 -oproniest one ; Poe I° Ve 10 flee. Ile 0110 , A10101111 ley eyes with 1001,, tire wet, 1,,t (Meson's/Ire shred with% aln regret 1 ?' We loose nosoven, yati enatnepsosen, tor And firm resoto gei./W0 01 sgsly weak, O Till/1001 1110 Irk 010, I Wel 11 L1111101100 18(001 0110, I411100 1.1'11 10 110110 18 1. But love 10 mete • 111101811., VOW end .311101to 0111' b1100, Yet when 111Y 11101101 110011. 1/11110, 0 2f(' life again ,ettlinell 11111r divine, our V01,11 11011140 1040110i. ran 1 Can love bo done oan love be done 1 O 'Who forest! (Ina Ina mad or wise 1 Trust not lay W01010, WI, rtlait Mr oyes. • Thy bane sleeping 101'0 a oyalco 1- Then take 0,0ito the heart :1111 I Lake t We that ealth"thine own be ono, Love is 001. 11(310, 31 ssaasseseessass..essenesesseess. The etructure of the knee teminima eons tntes in iteelf a permanent diwthint y Tho O'er bleat WOMEL11. 0 u There Wa8 once a woman who haol earned o for herself the title of " The Bast House- ✓ keeper in Town," s .4. eastain Sage pondered hong a,nd deeply over this DUD, nnal at last determined to see O this seamen and learn frons her why she had boon thus highly honored, She Raid a "I Move earned my title honestly, because t, I am the best housekeeper in town. Every day of my 110 I eweep and dust my bast parlor and my spare bedrooms, though they c are never used." a The Sago tnrneil away in silence 01(1(1 went o forth to find the Fooliciller and let him know where a large fat job awaited him. 0 , 11 hen I hear to woman say that she alwaya s ' washes on Monday, eel/ irons an Tuesday, " whether school keeps or not," I always o wait around till I 0011 get to look at her poor t husband and miserable 00118 and daughters - 1 1( 1.110(0 ere any so unfortunate as to belong to her. p 10V 0 it slow.going, kind-heartecl, good- natured woman ; one who does not have a braided rag rug at the kitchen door, and another one at the sitting -room door, and scraps of old earpet and oil.cloth and mat- ting laid around everywhere, and a news. paper spread over the rod table -cover to keep it clean. If I wanted to be as stingy and moan as that about things, I svoludont let anyone know 11 101' the world I There never has been, nor never will be, a man who will willingly submit to the petty tyrannies of a painfully neat honsekeeper ; and what is to ruined carpet to a ruined Meet A dirty floor may make her nervons; but her everlasting aches and pains, sore back, and blistered knees nuke the entire family -and even some of th o neighbors -ner- vous. Why is it that the so -molted good house- keeper is a'readed. and ridiculed by most men All 1nen love ordes and cleanliness ; butt they don't want to simild out on the doos- step on a cold morning while tho sitting - room is being swept A woman W110 knows hor bnsiness will not. parade her daily trials before her hus- band. Nino -tenths of the time she will be told they are her own fault, and might be easily avoided 11 0110 only would see beyond her nose -and nine -tenths of the time this will be true. Every woman should learn to make her work Die light as possible, and still do her In nee and herself justice, How few wotnen there are who clan do a l' thing well and do it C11.11011y. Why? Be 80 0(1030 1110)1 do not make this a point. The 0 honor of doing it well 10 (10much as they can tl on A Terrible Wreolr. Particulars have reached Liverpool of the sass 01 (110 vessel William L. Bradley and he entire crew, excepting the mastos, aptain Loo. The vessel WM bound for Vaymontli front Charleston (North Caro. nab when she was overtaken by it terrible tort% 'rho Sea tan very high, and ono of sese, which Copt Lee believed to bo to rent tidal swam almost; completely on. 1(1104 tho vessel. T110 eteel of 0)4(11 11111(111) were on 110010 at the trine, and ovary onc of Item etteepting the captain and mato was wept overboard, In a fon minutes 1110 vessel sank, and the captain found himself floating on the top of the wheelhouse. The mate disappeared with 1110 vessel, but a short time afterwards Captoin Leo saw the 000k floating by the aid of a piece of wood, The captain tried to suatiour him, but tonna himself ton weak (10 4100 him any assist atee and be believes the mak was drowned. aFor tho next 24 1103(0118 the captain driftedabout, bout, on the wheelhouse, end was then piked up by a Spanish vessel and landed at the Canary Islands. Captain Leo believes ha is the only slervivor of the (3111Wi As tho Willi/ton 0. 13railley WU tell Aineeican vessel Captain Leo obtained e passage in a, steamer 11,10130(10 subsequently leveled at bow York. 1'(OOP10 10110 wait for approolation are in genet luck to get it even in tho form of 411 epitaph. " Dear mother," oried. Defrodil, potting hoe orms mound her, " Toll me the stoey of Jack's life. Can I not atone in some way 1" hire, Dayeer turned. Her oyes wore kind. "I believe you may, if yott will, 4 for ono, should be glad. Ana Joak 110.8 110000 (leased to love you." So she told Daffodil tho story ns wo know it and the parts we 11111814 10110W 11011' to ton. deralancl it ell. "Haidee had won him Millet, oho thought, ninny notonenline powsnite. The knee soi in women 80X11111 01111'110i (Tim (10 1 14y Van do Warker long ago pointed ot Viewed 111 front. owl extended, the ,eon, hut slight alogree toreepte the grad' 13(311folio the leg. Viewed 10 a renti-fix position the jtittit forms a smooth, ova spheroid. The 'reason of this lien in 001041 00.00 of !he pa 101114 in (rout anti 11,0 1111 rowness of the extoller stories:en of the lib and femur, which 110 110(111 form 1 he later prom/imam, tonal this to Intel! 11101e pool'. es port of inunaining '(1 110,11(0 al aigned to keep tbe hardy fisted upon tl the thigha 11, 1111 pir11 0011 1411101' Mid' (ho Vallte4O of shortness 04 !nimbus, owing to the short distance -compared t weth t in meet 014he 111,,, and the great trot:banter, A Man has miscall longer purolluee iti the leverage code 3 ft.j;1 ENFLOZ1NO NOVA1A ZNAILIA, ILatest From Europe %.1'.14. solitary Explorers W ' Veers of ork In 010 -.- .,.. bilei etualy tong the geography no An interesting num has foarutditi 1.0,01,3y,,,,i,a.listi .Tho Khedivo,s Daath and ,EI,enah inii ft - it. dimes( ire k ole 1111. sand, I ell i aseiditionto of moo of Coo lalealteet parte of the i onno The Influenza itt Bops -Lord to i world. Ilan Immo (5 11, Noesilef, 11101 101 W418 ' Randolph 1(01110• lie iiria, 11011.1d. of in (81,8 after he 111101 r.r111. IL i ,f , ,0 , 1 Aecorafing to Primo° Metternich, 110 r. year studying 1 he twin 1111/11010 a ON II0i ., in Z,0/0j10„ north of dm European mainland.. trenelo °Metal 00/1 resist a temptation a ''1111 .l\l'irr';‘Titit'17.11,!:rtilirit';'::11:011 Itt(ror 111,,,t,r"Itt1(1,1151;V(t,,,3117111111.0'Alt,:i it:1'0: 41. i'v"e",:...1",h . ,„;),),1,,,,,i7illij it voY: 01117 1,(;.(g1 1; iplic'h,,0: 0. ihrec y01001 01 investigation. 11118 1101 sever. I 0, jng yomig btuodion 1(11,, eetoced every year 10011 neeessarily muell efflosmal. Tide has iii;"!IIA.017:1,1":01.git"11)' ta')alnuia011,1,e, 00(1011 of root! fboon d,iirs at en' ,s1t,ef44 to 111,1311, fut,11.11:ae on i7ihbOesel, 0 and zettlegical epeelinens. He has tarried scattered elements of treditional intrigue a on hes work with only one or two aesietants, 11 awl they have pawed at, 10101 one dark win. whioh are always easy to find in a eounti y 1. ter in that bleak !mid, Only Lesion! before, with Its history orowded with varied 1001. 11 111100 W11110 explored, wintered M Novato, I dents as ie thot of Egypt under the melte Zenith'. The first occasion W1114 when the Inlet Ali dynasty, That some result, will t famous Dutch explorer, Willem Barents, 0 rounded the northern part of Novato, Zemlia;001ne ere long of this underground burrow. s ant wit tis little party :went the long win -ling is by no memos unlikely. In the near t es night of I 191107 amid 10001 h112010111j) find future we may expect to hear of native pro. discomfort on the northeast, coast. The se• 0815 (04(011181 thecotittnued harboring in the ennd occasion was not many yeers ago, when Delta of English troops, of appeals to the acme Norwegians °towboat to an explorinN party 30000 0(3 enamored of the 110 they le Porte and powers, of representations by among the natives, who had a temporary [foreign resident communities so far us maw home on the twin bilands, that they remain. ed behind. when their comrades returned to , 'Ito, and with every eliance of being woefully civilization, and their friends saw no more discounted by existing English supremacy. ot them (00 ,0 yeas or two until they grew! :1,1,Any of 00 mmot. 10101,1e0 charm, weary of their tsolation. teristics of the eerly yews of Tow:ilk's reign Nossilof, in the spring of 1889, reported wpi latte'plot is overthrown and made abor- ithr a( rtitni owt:Te, ro, f g Lourol, 001,01711HE, 0,1,1;1 uarn:Imf,Ihrhattos ive it will be made a peg on which to hang and tos eaoh tusk) WOIllt1 pay for I,104 Working. He also a diplontatie discussinn, IL is not likely ',collected r: great deal of information regard- that the withers will go yet a awhile beyond fheigi rt,i,eworadmour tho fie, cotfetehreo liol'g1 11'11 1001)10 0010. Ituiteln :0 tt, oLtlt.p5terelo'lern7titte rill a" 11; oWntaeh, FRruastre anal storveyed 11 large extent or 0000 117. !wilt be very dr,ry of advancing even dark While engaged in tracing the coast -line lie threats wo onythieg beyond a verbal pro - discovered three new ielanals, one of :which test. about nineteen milea long and three broad he named Poesiet Wand. Last winter Nos- 1 he miluenza, decreasing in the East of 1111110/00, id inereasing in the West. Dr, n114 livcd the west' 0"."00° of Mat' Picitfer's alleged distovery of the inflecoosst thew [Alatotaihki» S] straits He had a 0,130. to:table bottse, which had been specially I'441°8a wi'"1101' ii"""1"0 4'ts has at constructed for him after his own plans in :P0"0"1 "HI/ " 14" l"f""Vt' apes, Arehangel, ond W110 carried on 2 eeheeHer ''',1011'1 11171.1 3111 7 ott0:10.'1?i1711''ll'ell'leTellt: Lieorwmtatonydena: to Novato, Zemlia. ore as mouth et sea as ever. They The significance of Nossilof's l4ork 1011(111 ,.)10';g1iF:',11",11g‘ rec., in the treatment of this mal- elmost singl edam fled 00401one be is explor- ing one of the tenet known parts of the a'13'• Purim pa no two of them ;agree, and world. Tho best maps of Novaia Zemin), they have not even a theory of that prevens ehew intie mope than bhtek esee die tom 11 111,11 would be 00 much better than interior. Seal huntere say 110 " istema le cure. London is as s-01, comparatively free, eery rocky, 004 it fe ukeiy that in the while some of the prosinces are ravaged, notably Devonshire, but 1,4malon is 1(1(30(11. (30(111101 there eh mountain ehains rtmeless; hal eat to Lake its turn. Ne Continental conn - parallel with the coast. The country no inhabitants, 11111 is visited annually cast 101' 1°071: eanitiitiLte'itY. is every where gloomy. mod the medical fore - Samoyeds from the neighboring maintop( .1 In recent years a numbee of expeditions! Lord Randolph Churchill arrived yester- seientific and commercial, have touched at ;day front South Africa at 4outhampton in Nov,,,, ZeM1111, be/. the island is mill t tle : exuellent health and spirits. His first re. known, and even the greater part of its ported Woriie were 0, complete denial of the coast line is not yotaecuretely laid down on , story that he was ready to relinquish a the maps. fdipionnotic career. Ho has no snob hotel'. Dotring the summer of 1 890Noesilof made:Limo. Whether he erer had 10 0)10(11101' mat - several excuranons into the Kure sea, 001-1 ter. Lady Randolph met lohn at South- leeted many birds and animals, surveyed 'ampton, and they both went the same after - part of the coast, and took serroundinge. 'noon to Contort( Manor, the seat of his He says that lust winter was unusually brother-in-law, Lord Wimbourne where a stormy and that the sea remained open I family party is assembled to welcome the until spring. Torrents of rain fell so that Isvemalerer home. There are those who say the country was covered with a coating of 0111t other counsellors are also assembled, ice, and 111111130 reindeer died from hungen lend that the question of Lord Randolph's Hundreds of nets seem frozen on the ice and immeillat p0111.1081 future is to be gravely fish were thrown -up in heaps on the shore. ;considered. No doubt it presents d iffienl. The weather during last spring end summer I ties, but the simplest solntions are the best, 3008 000)1 severe, ond the temperature did 1and the moment. is near when Lord Ran. uot rise above 41 degrees Fabeenheit sop to 1 dolph's aid may be Muni liable to his party, end of July. The explorer was, howevcos able to carry on the scientific work of hie A Gruesome Stery. expedition without interruption and to make large zoological investigations. A Vienna correspondent telegraphs llhio enthusiastic Russian nas loot a, mere lot ',v arltemberg diod at, SalzIntrg isolated life during the last three years than et a great ug.., and We`, taken to aImost any other civilized mon. He hataa Aferaling, where the 111011 ('('11 is built over a faith that there is gond to be obtained front fennlY "It'd "f l'" N."" of Novato% Zemlio, and believes it will pay to the favi y had died fer the lost fifteen Neves develop its mineral resources. Papa Puts Baby to Bleep. hag +ottoman the trunk and extrernitsee this (1180)13010, The feminine foot, eotoparittle ly spealdng, is less able to sustain weigh than that of a man, owing to its shortnee and the more delicate structure of the 10( 00 and the metatarsus 130000100 are not well constructed to stand nutny heirs coneecatively and every day. It is safe to affirm that they have instinc- tively avoided certain fields of skilled labor on purely anatomical grounds, in whioh(J000rn44le(' q11111111ty 0( 11331(01 substance proves less an adverse factor than the shallow pelvis, the peculiarity of the knee and the delicate nature of the foot. These ats parts of a sustaining column, undeniably leavesoznething to be desired. Even t1101'igh1. to vote would not confer on womankind Om right to be soldiers, Equality, it appears, is gultiense.s much an affair of the knee os of The ;DOT; Pot. The stock -pot is a utensil very seldom seen in practical use in the country kitchen. As 11111010.0,' of fact there 10 so laths fresh meat used no the winter season in ninny country districts that It soul I lewdly be 11 ado available. Where fresh meat is a %gents. part of the daily diet a stockrpot should bo one of the regular to ensile of the stove, Any closely covered kettle will do for this purpose. All the bones from ult. cooked meats, broiled stealcs or fried meats thrown in this pot 00100 11 day, covered with ould water and allowed to simmer at tho back 01 1131 stove for three or four hours, will keep 11 constant supply of nehl steels in the house all the time. The meat bones 111 the stock -pot should merely simmer, never boil violently. In simmosing tha ilsotial should threw up bubbles at the side of the pot ;0 ado mid not be agitated in the centre. When the etock in the pot is dorso eeason it with salt, strain it into a large earthen bowl and let it stand in to very cold place for six 0(1 014)11 bones. By the end of this time all the grease will have risen to the top in a harcl cake. Remove this an(1 add the stock to the stone poi of stook, kept in the atom closet. This stook is usefel in making cream soups and other light soups, but it 18 not strong enough itself to make consomme or clear soup. 11then so Hell a soup as a consomme is wanted chop up enough of the meat 01 01 slain of heel to allow a pound and 11 bolf of meat to to quart of this stook. Pour the cold stock over the raw, chopped moat and lot it Manner very slowly in the stook for three hours. At the end of this time add to every quart of stook used the following vegetables a Two slices of carrot, two slices of onion, half a leek, or half a south omen in addition to the other if you have no leek, a small bit of celery, 0. few leaves of parsley, a clove, two whole peppers end a small bit of bayleat. A whole bayleaf is enough to season a. whole gallon of soup, ry the vegetables and add them to the up. Let the sonp simmer an hour after le vegetables are added. Strain the seep 'trough a thick flannel hag, being careful ot to torn the thick debris in the bottom to the bag. Yon can strain this and add to the general soup stock when it 0 cold. carry on one load ; besides not a, few women follow in the footsteps of their mothers and do their weeds " juscas 11111 did it." it, They take an entire Choy to wash a hand- ful of clothes and another day to Iron them. The more time they can consume the more thorough the work, they imagine, Now, am sure if they knew they were wasting time and health and strength (wawa!) they would grieve sorely, for to " save " is the very light and lode-staar of their existencea. Each unneoesssry rub is lost so much waste, for clothes " wash out " 110 often as they " Weer out." If six strokes of the iron will smooth a towel, tho seventh rub is westo-and still thin is the sort of thing somo women call "good housekeeping," and if you were to tat them that they were: wrong you would be sneered at; and told that their mothers dial it that 30(1)1 01104 lived through 114 and they think they can do the same ; and, ont- fortunately. they 110, Rio trying to see a W01110.11 go at 0 thing in it bungling, roundabout way, but when be she declares her way the right Way, it is Ga, almost too iniflth for human endurance. 011 It will give one that "tired feelhig " and tn. one 00,10501 help it. roo ha bei th lig the tins for Love Conquers Looks mud Bars. correspondent writing under date, Hopkinson gas., Dec., 30, says, Aliss Almy 1Vood, after two years of desperate dar- ing and conspiring, inanaged to got 1110111110,)safely today, and this Jed to an uproarious, popular demonstration this afternoon upon (01return to town, which 1030(1)1 culminated in a, riot Miss Wood is 17 and the only child Of a wealthy father, being a Mem of ex -Governor Medlin. Two years ago, while escorting 0 party of 130010,1friends through her father's shoe factory, she 9011' and in. stability fell in lova with William II. 'Mc- Cormick, one 01 1110 mill bands. 811e man- aged to oorrespond with the 1)10510, Wit 0 111011 her passion. The flirtation was detected by her father, who was furious 0110100 McCormick Wee workman and a thane. Ho took the girl to her bedroom whipped her on haw bare elan with a ink strep end then locked her up in her m for throe days. Since that time sloe s made 24 attempts to escape and elope, ng cleteeted end captured in all, Iva nes sliding hand.over-band down the Ittaing-rod from her Inman window in garret,. Ole has been whipped oo dozen es and imprisoned on breed land water periods aggregating four months. When her father 33110 111 (linear to -clay she escaped into the road where her lover was Weibing with a carriage, and they drove off to where they were married by a Justice of the pooeo. 10,'. 3(1 00(7 pm. sued the pair on horseback, but his magma1 stutnbled and threw him, losing bin) the reen The hasopy 131110 renowned tomight, and Wood awaited them at the depot, threatening (10 51(001 McCormick 011 sight, The mill people heard of the affair and swarmed to the depot to give their 0011111140 11. W000010. W11011 Wood appeared they hissed him, finally scorned him, compelling Minn to sock refuge in his house. The bride Wont to her husband's home, oman, know thyself I Get out and look around you, and try- to learn something now every cloy of your Me Learn what tette economy is, Loam to save yourself. .An exhausted woman is a nerv- e) 0 women ; irritable, quick-tempered unlovable woman is 0 woman with when no onan eau bo happy. Don't do a lot of unneeessary work and then expect sympathy ovlion you are oohing and trembling in every limb. The cleverest woman I know is one who cleans house 11.11(1 110 ono over Icnows its Tho women who rubs and serube all day and lunches on the cold toast and potatoes left from brood:last may think herself 01 martyr, but the neighbors don't spe11 it that woos:, and when she hos "such an motel wash this week that she oan't go no - whores," and then hangs on the line 01 half dozen of 11001 05(111 white, nufiled skirts and the other thi»gs to match, one 10 tempted to pipit out hor soul with 0 cambric needle, and crush it with a grain of mond. Who or whet is benefited 'by what she has clone? 15 the permed influence of such to woman elevatieg? Can you blame a, num for seeking companions who tore not, "worn ti dein and bone by hard work ?" That woman, poor or rich, who 0011 0011' (1001 her household so that ber husband and family prefer Menu to all other places, is tho grandest woman on earth, 'rho slavea of toil of to -day aro slaves by their own choosing. They 00 not try to lesson their Averts, Matter, not mind, is their god. They mot on the prinetple that • sweet cake is bettor than a 133000ii smile, np shining stove than a shin- ing faoe, and a cleati.scrubbod 11001' the " open sestoono" to paradise. Women and her Emea. Tho difference of weight in the brains of men and svotran lute lcmg been 00010000 of deep lutevest to all who diseottrse of equal- ity and rights, Those extost ottnees remain mere or loss e alumbliug block to the un. witty. Metaphysical justice refuses to re. ard them other than ittiquitones Yet ear. Min struetural differences escape such close scrutiny, notably that of tho knee. Backing a Fortune and Finshug a Sad Death. A. fatal accident, under singular eirmims stances, took place on Veiday evening, roathorotobo railway station, near Polder. tract. An old matt, named William Young, who has for 003(00 years past lived in that 011110040 and boon employed 08 a labourer et 0,18 of the collieries, went to Pontorfract to make sotno irmniries as to whether it Wee true that a rotative in Australia bad left him ft lognoy 0( 01 lenge sum of money, rumour fixing it at Xl 00,000. Ho returned home by teain between five and six o'bolook in the evening, and enter alighting from the (rein at Featherstone etation he stood for a fete moments talking to a friend who was going on will, the tresn, Whilst Young, who 30018 01'01' HO VOII by years of toga, was shaking hands with lois friend he :dipped between 010 Odgo of the platform and the train, which was on tho move 10 received shooks lug injuries, his right log being nearly out off and all the fingers on his loft hand sever. ed. He was placed in the train iond convoy- ed 10 (41(1)110)) Hospital at '1Valtefield, where he died shortly after his admission. and the vault was thert.fore rarely, if ever, visited, On entering it o prepare for the funeral, the deacon stumbled aver whet: turned out to be a sktaletott, and it was soon discovered that thieves had beou in the Your 50141. wants to "run over to mother's' V2"it' All the eeihee 0110 broken "Pe"; the geutleman's swords and enure were and you promise to put the baby to sleep. 00,11010, tool the ladies' 1110,000 tern and de. Well, mamma departs, and ion take the white robed baby -the -nearest to an angel spoiled 01 10,00 and gold triminin as. There t iete is on this earth, no matter how homey mot up and tear (11)0011 43 the hone to come You piek him up and say fondly but ti - "Now papa's little baby boy must go right to sloop." " Goo, goo," he enys. I suppose that is his way of saying good- night. 11 is also his way of saying forty other thit) s. 11,115,1 grueson te lteap of skeletons 1111 together in the vaults, as it the thieves had wished to mark 11,110 in dee th all are alike. The crime may have been etanmitted years ago, 00 111011 33 111 1)4 very died oath to traoe the oulprite. At'lletio Lung nal Reart. Athletic lung" is a masi feel term used "Nolo nsbY snot, 03'esa" You 00(1, 010tit:An:mate the aotio;ltitidevelopment of you cuddle him vp. lung possessed 1.y 0111104L at 10101(04. The condi- " Goo, goo," he says, with his eyes wide 11„„ 170.011„„1,11 001eee1ee open, anal a tort of intimation hi them that that eon for the °constant use of the 1eiog at be will shut them when he gets ready to do their higlicA power. The result is an 01)0(1' 00, and not before, 00(00(0 devotional:mot at? lung '(((3110113', t4uch "BabYt" You m 1,1110 "um severelY; men, upon gtviitg tip their tottive athletics "papa snouts to rend his paper, 3101V, 11101 and tilting to se.lentitry pursuits, are peouli. booby mint go to sleep." Ife'oo'o, child said "1 30011'G Klo ii," 3011(1 his heels yours says it about this time, lor the easy he lets his 11 ttle pink 1)0010 (4)1 into the air can 1110001 nothing loss than a distinct 114111 positive "1 won't." You bold him firmly in your arms, and he begins to squirm. Ito svrithes and wriggles with ueoxpeoted strength and pluckily con. tends for freedom, uOLil you lot him go through sheer admiration of his grit. "(loo, goo," ho saye, which means that he'llshow me a thing two. AL 3 mu sleet to pultittmary emu >101(11(10.>101(11(10. The overolevelnped bole is only -used in part, and the utilised cells 11 0(13' fall ft prev 01ease whet mote atitletitt long is restured to health, 'Pile 10100 physician forbids any violent athletics on the part of 1(0,, (>01(000, for a second tot taek 111 1101017' 10 be followed by collapse. The term " athletic heart" is npplietl to a 0111(1,10'condition of the heart pruoluced by like causes. Ion begin to fool scoror ed. The Read darned " 13eby, dear," you say plaintive), ,0f the Lnbon Medical Company is now at "won't pope's nice little man go to alegp' 'Toronto, Canada, aria nuoy be consulted now ? That's to good boy," Then the good boy manifests his intention teither in person or by letter on all chronie diseases peculiar to mau. Men, Yowl& old, of getting flown and mewling over the floor;.c1i. miadl°.aged, who find themselves tiers. but foiled in this he 0011(10,11038 to 010301 au cue, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from escoess or overwork, resulting ia over you. You haul him ciown and say,- " If baby wool; go to sleep pope must t'IttnY of the following symptoms: Mental 4044110001011, premature old age, loss of vital 1011113 Goo,il1n, 0g..o'o," he screeches, ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of 'eight, palpitation of the hentt, emissionk The marry little chap I How 11)01011 you lack of energy, pain in the kindeys, head. feel for having 1.13004430104 him I You begin rocking him to and fro in mush 10 manner ache, pionples on the facie or body, itching or peouliar sensation about the scrotum, that he couldn't go to sloop 11 (00 wanted 111. Then you sing everything you know all in wasting of the organs, dizziness, necks 'before the oyes, tovitabing of the mueolee, one kay, far ten to ono you cannot sing a note correctly 44 0000 your life, 'Ave lids and elsewhere,bashfulnese, deposit in the urine, loss of willpower, tenderness of This concert, lasts en hour mid a half, and the hoy lives through 111111, and has vitalits. the scalp and spineoveak andflabby muscles,' edesire to sleep, failure to he rested by sleep, nough to pop up at tho clone with a constipation, dulluossofhearing lossof voloe deatro for solitude, excitability of tamper, sunkenoyessurroundedwith 1.11401:11111 01:110011, oily looking skin, ete„ aro all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured, The spring or vital force having lost 110 tension (ivory furtotios Now youve mode hint ory. liwanee in consequence. Those who through; limply down in your arms and opus 1110 abuse eommitted in ignorance may be pot, 11100011 in one prolonged yell, followed by another and atualter until Ile has emitted a book an 011 diooaoes ipeculiar to 011110,nenentfy eared. Semi. you, aoldross for thousand of them. Von walk the floor 10111, book sent free sealed. Heardisease, the; him ; you jmnp him 0(3 and down ; Pm symptoms of whieh are faint spells, purple coax, (10(4 soold,ancl wheedle,all to no offoot. 11(35, meniclese' teopitatien, skip tS sh By.tond-by hie ories grow weak and foW ; hot flushes, rushof blood to the head,clau1 300(0 feel 1110 11111" form mlaxIng i"30""r"r"10 pain in 1110 heart with beats strong, total 1,18 little litnbs hang limply, his head lies 0,10 irragoar, Ole scowl lwatt heat heavily on your shoulder, 1110 ty08 (11`00r,• " 0111101000 than the first, pain about the breas and with that saddest of Reiman, tho so ibone, ete, oanpositivoly &toured. No cure Meg of a sleeping Odic], he wanders into dreamland. sso LTA na-6. bend for book. A,ddross 10. N. 24 Mendonell Ave. Toronto, on.t ohcary,- " Vat, yn, I (100 1" Then you Simko him and say,- " Here, young man, I've had just about enough of this. You've simply got to go to sleop 1 Go to sleep I"