HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-1-22, Page 1Volume 19 FARMERIN CJUNCIL, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1892 hallowed associetions are Mee here you enter but it is found to he the staff butter but dotes milting to worth I am at. malting which are to be found in such of life the same as with ne and whittever Keep pelves in Mulls all day and if con• On la Paley Dammam and Se mwof aimed tette there, As the poet MS Said, is going to Mittman in the future we may venient let them ran et night in a p.a. last week the 7th annual meeting of the ll ahle a w em prover and magic iu the ras istassured the me izmi, th., egrioultetral dealt if weather is suitable. Uwe feed East Karon Partnere' linititsto was held ruined battlement for which the palitee laborer, the minor and the fieherrnan liberally, Huth iis turnips, men and well in Bruseele Town Doll. Presidena alo. of the hour attest yield its pomp and who alt now have vote% will never allow mired Weyer hay but dant foam them. Faddet, was sable to be prat 0win9 welt till mg rt are its dower." The Brat a penny of duty to be put upon their March and Apel elves are preferable for to Neese and Jno, MaCrite was welted to thing that strut* me, after getting ant lea let it oome from where it will. I feeding for the market but Winter dairy. preside rit the first session, on motion of aide of the city, wag that iu the harvest heard nothing but praise In regard ho our Mg will help Fell oalvee. Clive new D, Robe:Isms and S. Walker, Mail the hook, whith was almost nni• epples. I was told that thee were far milk for 2 weeks and graduelly change Phe minutee of the last meeting were venially uned when I left witl' i an 0000 head of the A.merican net only more to warm akine milk mixed with a little read by Secretary titelop and after their Menai overlie wits gone, only in one soli. earefully packed but far better in quality. linseed meal. Regularity in feeding is adoption the election of oilloers wait pro. tary pilot) I sew the old syetem in use lie, 'all. American qpples,nt least what I saw, of prime importanee. The °owe should ceeded with, resulting as blinWs :— one who might be termed a crofter. The seemed not linty an inferior tasting apple be milked dry if the °Mime dont take all President:, 13. McFadden ; Vitro Prue:, reaper wee in general um, 0 binder pos. but 'hey seemed to be wormy, more like the milk. Mr. Hobson's remarks were (10 1, This. Straahan ; Secretary -Tree, sibly ime ont of twenty. I did not see a what would ham been thrown aside by heartily received and he cheerfully ro- wer, A. /lintel). Directors, llowiek, reaper which dro mod the sheaf, in us. I wee told that Canadian cheese was plied to all gacations flaked of him. Wm. MeKerricher and James Edge,. ; every ease there was a mond men beside fairly good but not any better than their 1).1), Wilson, of Settforth, was intro. Wroxeter, A. L. Gibsou and T. 13. Sae the driver Is do so and he made a very owe or American. I thought differently, clued and at oome went to hie paper on dere ; Turnberry, T. Musgrove end S. good one, The work waa well done, bet. Pessibly by the time it got to the table the Egg question. Comfortable quarters Black; Morris, ails Sharp and Gee, tar and cleaner than with us, a+ I after. there was some uncertainty where it was for the poultry 181.113 needed and with a Jackson ; Bitssele, W. EL efoGra,citen wards saw from °lose examination. In from. In Galashiefe when I left, eggs Komi breed of hens 10 or 12 dozen ceigs and S. Walker • Grey, R. Dilworth and the vicinity of Glasgow there se •med to were 20c1 a dozen ; in Glasgow they were per hen may be expected enneally. Eggs D. Robertson ; 'itiolfillop, T. E. Hays and be ten or twelve individuals after one 15c1 and never much below that. I was ehould not be held at home but marketed Joe. Mowbray; Hallett, Reba Me tfillen reaper. In the south of Scotland, in• bold they might vary ld or 2c1 retail se fresh as possible. Inexperienced per and Jno. Britton, Auditors, D. Stewart eluding the driver there were generally prices, Butter rather less per pound. sons ehould not attempt to lime eggs to and S. Forsyth. Delegates to Central eight 10 the field, two with the reaper, I visited a dairy farm three aniles from preserve them. Hens pay well for the Institute, '2. Straclian seri . Dielep. drawn by one horse, working live hours, Ghtsgow, 400 acres in extent, having little attention they receive. Brown, The arab topic taken up was "Growing the working day being always ten bears. from 80 to 100 °owe. A certain quantity black or white Leghorns were the beet COM for ensilage," by T. Manillan. No Three women made the hand, lifting the of milk in token into Glasgow to etas- layers but the eggs were smell and not question Waa of greater importance as sheaf into it, three men binding the loners daily, the belance being made inwanted by consumers. If crossed between our lend, were becoming impoverished sheaves and stocking it Taking the cam to butler. There were two engines there, E•ahsuin, Gastrin or Plymouth Rook aud something must li,. done to restore rent wages the cost per acre w .id be one for cutting the feed, ()hopping the there would be a great improverneet. the fertility. Fertilizers are availatile $1.25. Binders are just coining into 081 grata and nutting the turnip!: ; the other Owing to the Ilielfinley Bill eggs have to but not always to the advantage of the in the smith of Scotland. The aHarris" where the butter was made. Every go to Great Britain and are virtually sold soil and us barnyard manure contains all is the favorite, judging from two canape. thine named to ne (serried on very eye by weight so dealers here will have to the elements of plant life we must go iti- talons which leek place, it receiving the tetnatioally acid was all managed by the buy the earrie way to save themselves as to cattle raising mid dairying to supply first prize in bath oases. There is a pre family, two young men and two young they lose on the small eggs wheo weigh- thie. Feed the cattle well and only keep judice against the binders, these nien wont ,n, one of whoin seemed thoroughly ed. 500 haus are plenty on one farm turd what you have time to care for. Grow its not being used to running them and to understand the whole business and should each produce annual. 41.25 in much 1004 as possible and eon) will sup from the necesaitv in a wet harvest (and was quite wilting to show and explain eg(1s. Nests should be put in dry, alean ply more fodder than miyailitg else. It last harvest Wes such) of having to open everything in relation thereto. They places and eggs collated every day. will 1100 thrive on meld or wet land, out the sheaves With the reaper it is also grew large quentities of emell fruits, Dut ont wash eggs bkeep dry and sell in - Better crops are secured f. om sod plowed considered an average work cutting •ine having a very extensive hot house for side of a week. No hen should be kept deep and well umnured. Sow with a way, changing horses in the afternoon, growing grapes. I left under the thyme- more than 2 years and the male birds drill, $ bushels to tbe aura, afterwards to cut six auras of oats. The etOpe Seem mon that bb -y were having a fair return should be occasionally exchanged. The harrow and soudl well until harvest ed to be fair, not so heavy as I have Ewen for their exertions. shipper must see that eggs are fresh time. Single out when 15 inches high thorn Boneetimes but taking into ace:mat I), Stewart and family rendered "The otherwise he will damage hie prospecte. and the aorn will ear better, and out at the dry spring and early amniner, on the Vermont farmeret song" and "Flag of Clean packages are necessary. 2 or 3 the glazing stage,. ahmert maturity. Pre. whole an average orop. I have an im. Liberty," in splendid style and Alex, months 000 1011(1 anotath to keep eggs in servo the fodder in the silo anil it will be pression that the cultivation is not ap to &moltn was equally at home in the a refrigerator. Feedjpoultry in winter, done with lees labor and lege waste. the standard Hint it was when I left, solo "Scotland yet.' R. Currie, of wheat, milk, bones, lime and sand and Corn ensilage is equal to that saved in which may be attributed to two resume. Wawauosh, made a few remarks after have plenty of clean water. A dust bath the shook. The growing corn should be The one that there is less ground under which the National Anthem was sang is flummery. The fault found with the out with a knife and allowed to wilt if cultivation, a lae.ger proportion being and the meeting closed. Black Splanish is the thinness of the egg weather permits, if not take to the silo laid to grass so that it is not so imperil,. Saturday meriting's session opened at shell. The egg industry is a most impor- at ouee, healing mop on truck with the tive ; and the other that agricultnral 10 oelloak aleD. Allan, of Goderiah, giv- tont one of marvelous volume but he and bottnie of hey rook on, the corn loaded labor is scarcer but better paid than ing a very practical talk on eFrult Grow. Prof, Saunders did not agree by any sideways. The corn will be aoidy if 0111 formerly. It might have been awing to ing." After describing tbe preparation means on the subject. The question was too green. In the silo tramp the col n lack of hands that I observed that in of the ground, setting oat of trees and further discussed by Messrs. Taylor, well and cover with cut straw. The many eases the grain (meld have been the (tre of the young orchard, he went Hobson, Gardner, Pollard, Stafford, New York Experim mai Farm says saved aooner as it vva. ready to have On 00 (1185 some valuable hints on fruit Hood, Palmer, MoTeggart and Garvin. gone into the stack bet it named the generally, valuable because Mr. Allan "Milk, its elaboration aud methods of , silage, cut at proper time, pays beet for autting had all to be done Arse. Nob has had plan of experience in the boob testiug it," was introduced by Mr. feed. 'I'he speaker said they ,ed silage cut hay and meal to their cabbie. Coro only did there sewn more land in grass ness. He said give prizes for :earthy Palmer. Ho first dealt with tho digestion can be grown at about half the cost of but also a great deal more turnips grown fruit at fairs. In shipping pack care. of food and allowed that milk was made hay athen formerly, in some instances nearly fully and cioat mix the varieties. The front blood, a prodnet of nervous fem. nd leer times the quantity per acre, The silo pays as prima by practical 1/5 of the whole farm being in turnips, best winter apple is the Northern Spy. The udder is connected with a complexity Swedes and common in about equal pro, There was a good =diet for Tolman of nerves. A. cow when excited loses experiment. A. 100 ton situ in a barn wet cost about $45. A. atone foundation por tione. England sem emed to a large ex. bweets at Boston emit the McKinley from 1 to 2 per cent of fat in her milk. is not neeeneary. Sow alituarnoth Sweet tent a grass field. There has been quite Bill shut it off. Ship bit good barrels, aapid milking is best, Milk is 87% and White Flint, Silage is good feed for a change in the mode of disposing of better to pay 40 cents that 25 as the vaster and should contain 4% fat. It milch cows, cattle arid sheep instead of the market as package effects the sale largely. lien- should be sold by quality rather than formerly. They are now disposed of by bre the orenard regularly, not 1001 at the quantity. It contains mite, sugar aud The subject was Well discussed by J. auction. They are brought to certain foot of the blues bet in a circle around ash, constituting a perfect food. Flax Stafford, T. Strachan' It. Currie, A. points, advertised for some time previous them. Ashes friu ahard wood hi one of seed, oats and skim milk makes a grand Hislop, J. I. Hobson anclW. a. Palmer. at railway ()entree and in a few hours: the best fertilizers for plant food. The feed for calves. The liebocok tester is The three gentlemen forming tbe out. 000 00 two auctioneers will dispose of Yankeeknow this and haul our ashes as perfectly accurate telling the quantity of aide deputation baying arrived Me. great bunthere. The emetic:mum are re. far south as Piorida. Want of attention fat in milk. Pure water is always notes. Palmer was asked to address the institute sponnible for the money. All the tram to orchards kills the price. The speaker eery for etook, espeeially miloh cows. on "Rutter making on the farm," He WU:Ms, I believe, are spot 00511, The sold his apples at $2 per barrel. Bald. 4% of fat can be retained at factories in thought there was more money in send. owners generally reserve cue bid so that wins and Rhode Ieland Greeniugs are the manufacture of cheom, Batter has Mg milk to cheese factories than malting if the price does not suit they are with- good apples but not very hardy. Color been made from fat on whey. 3. R. butter at home as it is often done but drawn. The method seems to be popular, has to do with the market, a red apple Miller, T. Shiels, J. I. Hobson R. Currie whiter dairying can be profitably attend. I ehould ledge, however, that it is better Belling the best. Snow apples bring a and A. Gardner threshed out consider- ed to. In Oxford thinnty an experiment adapted there than it would be here, fancy prioe if fent*, fruit but should not able information on thio important ques- is being made by the Government and Another change which ie being gradually be shipped until January. Big apples is tion. the patrons are guaranteed 15 (rents per brought about is that the large farmers, what the English market wants. Oulti. Robt. Currie read o paper on "Econ - pound during the experiment. There who kept up quite an equipage, are going vats the orchard to heap ground in motion omy on the foam." The improvement in are 85 creameries in operation in Ontario, to be displaced by men with smeller but dont rob it by continual mopping. machinery was a great saver of time, the output nearly all going to the Euro. means but who are more praatical and Seed down if roots grow too fast Dont money and labor. Ili was false economy pean market. *Deep anew interfering know more about farming. A landlord plow too aloee to trees but cultivate three not to have enough of help ; not to oars with creamgathering is the objection to who owns four or five farms, who lived times a year, Prnee outward growing for manure by protecting it from the winter dairying in this northern latitude. some time in Toronto and who knows branches to grow in and vim versa. Let weather ; to discontinue an agricultural There is always a good market at Toron. something of Canadian farming, told ins sunlight through the tree. An average paper ; omitting the use of fertilizers ; to for small parcels. The cow shuuld be that time is passing away, owing to the crop for aim orchard would be 2 bushels breaking up more ground than can he bred with a deanite aim and as it costs competition and to the depression ae it to a tree. 36 to 44 trees to bite Acre is tilled or manured. It is economy to 930 a year to keep her she aught to pay is called arising therefrom, for landed plenty. Top grafting injures the life of study the science of agriculture ; to take her way, One man in Northumberlaud estates to be able to support a gentleman a tree for a time but ispid healing to the care of bones and other refuse and there. Co. haca5 (rows that in 81, months gave at the hall or matte and as ramie more as rule, Beat results come from Fall plant. by increasing the prodections of the Boil. 8,000 pounds of Wilk each, bringing him there are farms in jest abed es good ing. The leaves should fall before stock The (+losing address was given by $64 per cow. A. caw can be fed on ensil. style. The farmer of the future who in is taken from nursery. Rvery man Thomas McMillan on "Union amongst age and meal at Ile cents per day. going to succeed will be the one tvho is should eeleet his own trees at the nursery farmers" and was full of sensible thinge. Calves can be reared well during the fall going to take his coat off or at least who if possible. Mime late grapes by spray. He said the Institute was aasentially a and winter where there is a supply of looks into and superintends the opera- ing toe leaves with a solution of copperas farmer's meeting and as the fee to mind. skim milk, flax meal dte, and do apicl. Hone of the farm himself. Al interne and ammonia, Also by cutting a circle nal and bulletins sent to every member didly the following summer, Cream gent farmer told me the same thing, that in the bark or the limb or tying a wire there should be no lack of patronage. separating machines and testers should though capital will still be a factor, Ail' or oord tight about it. No special season All °lame have their unions and gather - be used. A Sabooek tomer thould be in and economy were going to count for a for pruning. Bonee were good for °rah- inge but the Mak of organization amung every factory. In makieg butter put it good deal more than heretofore and he aryls. There is money in pear growing if farmers is very noticeable. We need to in neat pound prink!, wrapped in buttesaid seeing the rents were being reduced properly done. Clapp'e Favorite should meet to exchange thought and experi. paper instead of the ordinary rolls and there is nothing to hinder a farmer pay- be picked green. Flemish Beauty and moos and gather new ideas for the time if it is made to suit the market good ing his landlord and malting a comfort. Duchess are good varieties, A lively to oome. On a000unt of our being some. prices will always be realized. Phe able living himself as he onght to. Busi. disouseion followed, H. Taylor, T. Me- what isolated owing to oar posi. cause of butter making is trading it ab nesa is done more on a cash basis than Milian, D, Stewart, A. Gardner, T. Gib. tion we need these gatherings. the store& 20 years e.go the average with us which is one great advantage. I eon 51. P. P., J. I. Hobson, E. Garvin, Fully one half of our people are farmers cousumptioa of butter in England was 4 see SirlCharlee Tupper, in the Nineteenth J. MoOrae, T. Kelly, Rev, 3,13000, B. A. and we ehould have something to say in pounds per individual now it is 9 pounds, Century, suggests that them should be and othure taking a hand in it. Mr, the administration of affeire. United Mr. Malcolm, of Innerkup, makes $60 per imposed a duty on foreign grain of five Allan was equal to the emergenoy. notion is \vented. Book farming is not annum from each of hie :Iowa. linsattge, shillings to the quarter, at all ports of The next subjeob taken was "Tim useless, tor are the }flute in our agri• hay and bran is the feed given to cowa entry of the United Kingdom, which he system and advantage of drainage," by cultural papers. The man who cant gain at therOntario Experimental Farm. Best thinks would not amount to more than Ithet, Currie. Tile is the best and obeap• any information must •be a Hercules. breed fur milk in a crofts between a shod a half penny on the 4 Ib. loaf; In that est material and easily obtained. Wood The Grange and Patrons of Industry are horn and au Ayrshire or Elolatein. T. ho is evidently mistaken as I think it boxes need renewal every 10 or 12 years. both of advantage but the Iustitute ear - Davidson, J170. McCrea, Ila McMillan, would be nearer a penny, bub whatever Drains should be at lease 8 feet deep passes either. Economia farming 10 Jas Strachan, A. Hislop and J. McGregor the rise in price would be / give it as any with a fall of a inoboe in each rod. The what we tvaut. The State will not make dimmed the subject. opinion it will never happen. The im- benefits are the waste land is reolaiined ; a man rich. Individual effort be what is The evening 005010(1 attracted a erowd. portation of foreign wheat is so large, the goil becomes warm and the sourness wanted. We should prepare duriug the ed house. Viol) Presicleut Strachan 140,000,000, this year will bo 160,000,000, leaves ; the land oan be melted °aril(' • in year for these gatherings. Least Theta occupied the choir and made a few time- the oonsunier never asks himself where the Springand the Bet orop will pay for totes in school et:Miens, where papers ly remarks at the outeet. J. I. Hobson it comes from. It is a matter of italif- the expenee. It is a permanent improve. and books Gould be permed, and sub. was the ant speaker delivering a thought. ferenoe to hitn whether it is from Dakota meat. There 15 10 more rain fall than jeats dammed would prove very helpful ful address an "Agricultaval depression or C&W tario from Reside or the East ie needed but it should be allowed to both ally and intellectually. Lot lis and some hints as to its remotral." In Indies, but' putting a duty of 7i or 15 filter through the goil rather than ran sink party differences and prose our, the hatter part of his subject lie dwelt ciente a bushel would just mean a tax on off in big ditches. More legislation is claims for our rights. open FormersInstitutes, the fame of ex. the working people of Brita111 chiefly, to required yet before the drainage question The Seerettery•Treaeurer read the ample, legialation, oxperimeatat cottage the bo of eay 921,000,000 or 424,000, will be right. The three elements of nuditors, report which was as follows :— and farms. W. J. Paltrier followed wit" h 000, What for they naturally would productiveness are air, water and heat Reeelpts—Balance on hand 946,70 ; a talk on "A. peep into the unseen world.ask? To oblige Canadians, Sir Charles and all three are Bemired by ri, proper member's fees, 914.00 ; GoVernment After this T. Gibson M. I'. 2. took the would Dermot. It is all very well writing system of drainage, A little ebraw or grant, $25 ; County Comical grant; pletform and toad the felleWing paper — an article in an office but When you spent tan bark should be pat in on the $26,00 ; total, $106.50, Expenditure "011$210/ITIONS Ot1 WIIAT I SAW IN Tan 014$ mingle among tbe people yon can learn tile before being covered up With earth. —114rent, $2.00 ; delegates' expenses their opinions at first and. / had sea. A wonderful work had been done in int. to Central Institute, 921.00 t rent for oontrear." ern/ dieenesions, 001113 of them rather proving the forme NM them 1800 a big Blur/vale Halt, $3,00 ; printing, Tire animated, and I only baud one opinion work &heed yet. POST and nxpOldtor, $0,50 ; use of in regard to eur theml policy and that At the afternoon session Mr. Liebeen organ three meetings, 43,00 1 postage, Was one of oondemnation. We take every• gave an address on "Breeding and 91.87 • total, 039.38, leaving a balance of thing you have to sell free of duty and management of stook." Good pedigree 965.63'. The report was adopted on mei On everythine We give you in return you ie one of the essentials in en animal. bit of 3, R. Miller and John MoOrae, meet us with high dukes: We may rest Keep the beet of Whatever breed it may The money will likely be invested in ad - hammed that ho statesman on either side be. Have calves some. in the Fall and ding to the library and paying the Sea. Of polities Will ever venture serlotisly to the young balls will be the right ago for retary-Tratteureei selaay• hint at such a policy,. There is quite a the next winterer 000, Tho epeaker lot • division of opinion in rogavd GO Horne all the Calves he raised (25) suckle, lmtv- Mrs. Mary Simpson, tt dressmaker of Tittle among the working elafiseit but they ingthem with the cows for 5 or 6 months, Chicago, went Out 00 the lake hot filatur. are a unit in haling their bread SA cheap perhaps lenget with heifers so as to eat!. day night, Mk off all her °lathing and as possible and nowadaye wheat bread ie oath them an Milkers. Thin proeoes lay down to freeze to death. The kerma of universal age, net a house into which would not do if you are making cheese or body was found 011 Onnclity. Thirty•sight years having elaMMd since I left Scotland the (Mire to see it again mine over me lard Fall. I sailed from Nov York toward the Mose of Anguet, lauded in Glasgow on the 2nd of Bepternber, Having that desire after an /absence of fourteen weeks gratified I may i say on the start that alter all One Can he at happy aud contented in this Canada of Mire as in the old lands With their beautiful scenery, laving the °owlets. noes and finiab of eenturiet of cultivation in poe00 and quietness, ae compared with Our newer and rawer aurtheridings. The Number 28, • Brussels Coun.eil. The fleet meeting of the new Orman was held, as per statute, ou Monday of this week, Reeve McIntosh and Commit - tors Rosa, McCracken, Thomson aud Grower having taken the usual dealara. tion took their seats. Minutes of last meeting read and pasta ed, The ed fallowing aocoupts were present. dred observes any moderation. Printers rarely reach fifty years. Watehmaiters in marking time for others, shorten their own. Chemists breath (Teethe in their laboratories, and painters fall under their own brush, Foundrymee take death in with the filings. Shoemakers wand away their own lives on the last, and merchants !measure off their Own lives with a yard stiok. Millers grind their lives with the mist, but I must stop, thanking you fur the welcome you have W, AL Sinolair, electrio lights, $06 70 accorded me. B. Gerry, miscellaneoue, P. Beata street improvements, 6 68 2 20 Annum Meeting of the illowick Mutual. Moved by W. If, McCracken seconded The nineteenth annual meeting of the by Geo. Thomson that bho above au. rnernbere of this cornpany, was belt/ in count be paid. Cerried. the Townehip 1311 Gorrie, on Friday Moved by W. EL McCracken, seconded afternoon, January Bth. 1892. Froin the by Geo. Thomson that J. N. Kendall be Direetore' Report and Auditors' Report one of the auditors, Carried. Tue the following stie,tistice may be taken : Reeve appointed J. Y. S. Kirk, 13y -law During the peat year 1234 polkas; were No. 1, 1892, was passed confirming the issued, granting insurance for 91,763,106. same. There ere 2793 policees in force, covering Moved by Geo. Thomson, seconded by insurance for $3,922, 625 ; an increase of R. Ross that the Street Committee be 802 polioies and $514,251, in the amount the Reeve and Count:Mors McCracken insured over last year. The available and Themson, and that Councillors proemi10 note capital after deductiug all Greear and Ross be the Finance and assessments levied thereon is 4188,276 86. Charity Committee. Carried. The losses paid have amounted to $5,788. - Moved by W. H. MaCtraeken, seconded 83. The Mahn of John Curtis, Wal,aoe, by John Grower that the Board of for barn and contents deatroyed by ire Health consist of .Ino . Wynn, J. G. on the 21st of December has been adjust - Skene and A Stewart, Dr. Holmes ed for $2,000. The Maim of Singh Thorn - Medical Health Officer. Carried. son, Turnberry, for damage to dwelling By-law No, 2, 1892, was read three house by lightning and the claim of times and passed. Matilda J. b. T. 0. Rogerson, Morris, for R. L. Taylor and W. F. Venstone ad- dwelling hones and contents destroy a by dressed the Council 00 the matter of the fire are still unsettled. The cash balance Vanstone mill exemption, After the on bend 10 93010.25, unpaid asses -mento question w is dismissed it was moved by 9872.40. Tubal iebilbtjes $2,071.80. The W. H. McOntoken, seconded by John retiring Directors, James Edgar Grewar that half the taxes on the mill be and Win. Douglas were re elected. The remitted for 1891. Carried. Board for the pre,ent year being : James The Council then adjourned. Edgar, Wm. Douglas, Jno. R. Miller, • Robert Soott, Edward Bryane, and Wm. iMaKercher. Seca-Treas., Wm. S. Mo. PATRONS OE INDUSTRY. Karcher. The meeting, wbicei wag a very The annual !fleeting of bho Patrons of agreeable one, was then brought to a delegates from about fifty lodges being e Industry for the county was held in oho close. Own hall, Clinton, on the 13th ins";. The Farmr% Fence, , preaent. It was deaided to try and es tablish an offialel paper in connection One of the most important questions with the work of the eooiety. that clan engage the attention of farmers at the present time is that of fencing. Various matters in connection with the organization We know that recently several kinds of were dia. missed. It was decided to divide the fences have been tried but each haveanesel, their defeats. The timber and Mather county into sections, for lecture and supply of this country will soon be ex - other purposes. ()ejection was taken to hausted and we should resort to some. he several aeutions being taxed for high thing for fences that when onee con. School purpoters, bat no notion takea. The election of officers for the current structed will be permanent. This we year was as follows n. Gaunt, St, can have in the Honey Locust Hedgefollows:—.Jao. Helens, President ; A. T. Bean, Dttsh• Fence, oonstruoted under the new systemHsbens, introduced into this county by the Ca- wood, Vice•Preeident ; las. 11. Gardner, tario Hedge and Wire Fence Co., which Lucknow, Treas. ; J. Carrie, Wingham, Sentinel. will be, without any doubt, the future At o'clock on Wednesday afternoon fence of this aountry. It is planted and Mayor Doherty visited the meeting, and completed by the Co., whiah takes about four years, and then handed over the luescr:_eseuted with the following resol. patrons a complete, stock proof, durable and ornamautal tam Farmers should To the Afayor mai Corporation of the now consider the necessity of immediate Town of Clinton, action and commence planting these We, the Huron Jourity Assooiation of feuoes and ornament their farms. The Petrous of Induetry, in session, being economy of this style of fence is Its best composed of county officers and delegated testimonial, for the Bret mat of this fenoe from tifty subordinate ussooia,tions, here- is the only one as it lasts for all time and by desire to express our thanks to you for it must•be admitted that the only fence your kindness in granting, in such a which will meet all the requirements of happy manner, the use of the Town Hall, a perfect fence is the hedge. The agent free of charge, properly bested and light. for this fence is now canvassing the dif- ed, for the use of our annum' meeting, fereut townships aud farmers should and also for your presence with us this avail themselves of this opportunity of afternoon, which we take as a special contracting to plant hedge fenees next favor, our object being to labor together spring. Contraots lit the township of fur the promotion of the interesl of farm- IL:m(3k since November aueount to about erg and employees, and the good of the 2,500 rode. nation of which we are a part. We hope to have your continued sympathy and ACRICULTU50A.1. SOCIETIES. support. Signed iu behalf of the County Association, Jenne E. GAUNT, CO. Pres. The annual meeting of the Grey Jas. 11, GAlinnalt, Co. Son. Branch was held in the Town Hall Brim. In reply thereto the Mayor said :— sobs, on Thursday of last week, President In the name of the people of the town of Stewart in the ohsir. The financial re. Clinton, it is a pleasure for me to web. port was read and adopted. The reeeipte wine you to Clinton. We were pleased were 41899.28 and disbursements $1113. - when told by the secretary that he had 80, leaving a balance of 9289.45. seleated our town iu preference to others, Moved by David Milue, seconded by wherein to hold HIM convention, evident. Jas. Ferguson that the Board of Direo- ly realizing the fitet that Clinton, being tore be as fellows ()antral, and in many other ways the Presiant, A. Stewart, 8th con. Grey, most suitable for holding such gatherings. Vice President, Jas. Ferguson, Here we aro all more or lees interested in Directors, Wm. Pollard, W. H. Mc. agriculture, being surrounded by a rich Oraoken, A. Koet.ig, Thos. Straoh- tanning community. We have oppor- an, Peter Robertson, Amon Smith, trinities of wituessing the great program Thos. MoLauchlin, Thoe David. that has been made in the last few years, son. especially in stock raismg, feeding and Auditors, A. Strachan and P. 8. Scott, farm mitehinery. There certainly has Moved by Wen. Pollard, seconded by been marked and substantial improve. David 'Milne that tits President, Vice meet ; things bay° changed, for I re- President, Secretary and Thos. Straohan member when we drew our hay in, load- be a Committee to draft an agreement ed on tree tops, through the eturnps, and with the Driving Perk Association. used crotched sticks for hay forks ; pea. tared the :rattle in the woods, and brow.. sed them on the tops of fallen trees. The annual meeting of the Bast Huron Now the work of of the farm can nearly Agricultural Society was held in the all be clone by machiuery, anal at lees Town Hall on Wednesday, the 20th coat. This ie gratifying to us, as there is inst. Tue financial report was read, no denying the foot wo are all depending showing receipts to be 41142.42 ; die - on the success of the farm. This brings bureements, 91110,10 ; balanca on hand, to mind the words of Spencer, when he $32.42 with about 098.00 still due for asked, "If in huebandary We aught did prizes of 1891. know, to plow, to plant, to ramp, to sow." Moved by A. Kcenig, amended by Alex. It would not do, however, for us fill to be Gardner that the foregoing mod: be farmers, the different professions and in- adopted. Carried. dustriea must bo represented, otherwise The following officers Were Mooted for we would not have our railways with the penrseusii ocean. Neither would we have our great 1st Vico•Preeldent, Kcenig ; rinegnYtioafa;7Ferguson ; their iron bands, connecting 0001411 with telegraph epitome, defying distance by and Vioe-President, T. Davidson ; land or seas How aonld we get along Directors, W. H. Kerr, Gem John. now without those electric batteries with stela jas. McCallum, D. Mo. their =sena) of eleetriaity, bringing eon. Lauchlin, D. Milne, P. Scott, IL tinents within speaking dietauce of meth Graham, Alex. Gardner, ,fno. other. num not time to mention the Sibbon • thoneand and ono great Inventions and Auditors, A. Stracilmn, A. Hunter, questions, nth as our trade and com. A tneeting of all direatore was appoint• mem, shipping and shipa, inatitutions ecl to bo held on the 4th of Feb., to eon. of learning etc., that bas blessed the sicler the matter of a Spring Fair. world, so that when bops leave the farm The meetiug then adjourned. they ahold not be eminted ae lost to the &neer, inasmuch an the farmer is de. The German ootirttwebillugkoeicsnttoomaroetntrone-. pending largely upon theh eneceee of ing for ten days for others, though I confess they are the At Newark, N. 3,, Friday C. S. Quaok- most independent, and ono liVe within ambush shot hie wife Annie, mortallytltoneboeo, theineelves, and the fermer, as a rule, wounding her, He then placed the of our ocoupation Londe to shorten life. shot himself through Byte! longer than others, The (diameter muzzle of the rtwolverthino hhiseanznotxhorainutig Thoeo who are in the prefesaione are instantly. Quackenbush Was 46 years old, Undergoing a gapping of the brain and and a wealthy retired insurance broker. nerve force, Literary men are driven He olahned hie wife Wag extravagant, with whip and epnr to their topmost and she said that he was insanely speed, not one brain Worker in a hon. jealone. minx 131191:1011. EAST 110000.