The Brussels Post, 1892-1-15, Page 8—um! xusio "MUSIC HATH CHARMS, dc.' In order to mince our Stock of Music, Books, Songs, &c„ we will, for the next two weeks give you a discount of 20 per Cult. Or will give you 8 pieces of 5 cent_ Music for 10e., provided you mention this advertisement. Our Stook is well assorted, comprising many books for beginners. The above oiler does not apply to sac- reel music. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &c. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTIIE00 EXTENSION W. O. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Como SotrTn. (+elms Nolavir. Mail 0;,5 u.m, 9;85 a.m. 11:51 arm, I Mixed :fail 8:15 p,m, aimed ti:a5 p.w. Express 9:45 p.m. cl')c.tit ewz 1 tents. • A chiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prem it. BRUSSELS. Requirements for a prosperous town Grit. Vim. Snap. Push, Energy. Schools. Churches. Morality. Harmony. Cordiality. Advertising. Talk about it. Wribe about it. Speak well for it. Help to improve it. Advertise in its paper. Belp good mem to office. Patronize its merchants. Good country tributary. Hottest competition ' pett o m prices. Make the atmosphere healthy. Faith exhibited by good works. Fire all the loafers, croakers and dead beats out of the town. Let your object be the welfare, growth and promotion of your town and its people ; boom sour own town and your own business on every occasion ; speak well of its public- spirited men, and be one yourself—do all of this and Brussels will flourish like a green bay -tree. TICS L'osT gives the news. Apt/sexism if you want trade. Pnoros—Ail Kinds—Hunter. TwEltDs awfully cheap at "tracan's. Now teazle cloth for Spring at Skene's. STnpw Gutters for six dollars at J. J. Gilpin's. Twit:a boxes miuoe meat for 25o, at Skone's. Demos golds away clown in price at Brrnohau'e. Tim latest Fane) photographs at Hunter's studio. Ir you want a firsb.olass photo go to Burgess & Buchanan. B.USBEBs and Overshoes half soled and repaired. Geo. Good. BlEAstAe' Bacon, choice Rolls and Hams at Geo. Broker's. WHO is selling wen's all wool suits for $5.00 ? A. R. Smith. WANTED. --A quantity of green stove wood in exchange for shoes. Geo. Good. Tus skating rink has been running this week aud a large number have at. tended. Hinton County Counoil will meet ab Godetich on Tuesday, Jan. 2801, fur the transection of business. Bnusesse Bible Society collectors have been gladdening the hearts of our towns. people by making their annual Gall this week, To RENT,—The Han over my new store. Oen be partitioned up to suit offices, sewing rooms or dwelling. 1. 0. Richards. Toe Huron District Lodge of the Royal Templars of Tern - parttime will convene at Goderieh on Thursday, 28th inst. NEXT Monday evening Rev. W. T. Claff, incumbent of St. John's ohurch, will give an address to the Epworth Longue of the Methodist oburoh. Foe Duff, belongiug to a gentleman's Oat, fount!. Owner oau have the same by proving property, and paying for this notice, by.ealling at E. Dunfurd's tailor shop, Brume's, ON Friday evening of tbia week an interesting program of addresses, music, &e., will be given at the East Huron .Farmers' Institute meeting in the Brest eels Town Hall. No admission fee. Tho public oordially invited. LAST Sunday Rev. David Millerpreaoh. ed bfe inaugural sermons in Xnox ehurob. His text in the morning was a a very appropriate one, viz, "Let tbo beauty of the Lord our God be upon us." To the evening his topic was "Almost Persuaded. Dnelsmma;bnsieese stand in Blyth to let fora term of years, being the corner store in Watson's brisk ',look, best stand in town. Excellent cellar and suitable for general store or gr•'nery with (Jour and feed. Rent reasonable. Apply to MBs. I5. A. WATSON, Bty[h, 26.4 A vilim enjoyable time was spent last Friday evening at the itisbaliation of the officers of the A. 0. U. W. in this plans. M. Patterson, of Seaforth, ,vas present and oonduoted the eserniset. After the work was finished an adjourn- ment was made to the American Hotel. Mine Host Koenig bad a splendid oyetor supper prepared to which ample juetioe WWI done. After supper sbott speeohes were made by Jno. Shaw, A. Hunter, Mt, Patterson, W, H. MoCrenken and YJ, it, ]Serf. Songs were wall sang by llfeeer8. Spe00e And Patterson, IttgebrXelietrognSetelerellitteerier kcrS THE BRUSSELS POST tileiffq SALE OF AT insictionicesmismenteinenucaronAtranco En' a 0 0 JAN, 115, 1892 atenamomseefoaeauettFzeanaueeasai MRS. E G E S, '" BRUSS-FilLS. r .u'at41: '.ie"Rwitt...53!1 .: 10 ',' .n{0 /PC 1v00 As we find our Stock too large, for the time of year and as we require looney 1s well, we have decided to sell off the whole of our Dry Goods at lass than Cost Price, Com.menoing on Monday, January 11th, 1892. As we take Stock next Month it is our determination to make a Big Clearance, and if Slaughter Prices will effect our object everybody may expect some Big Bargains. We cannot quote prices in this Advertisement—We want you to look and be satisfied that we really mean what we say. The Goods must be sold and of course, first come, first served, as the Prices we will offer the Goods at they will be soon cleared out, We Wish it to be Understood that We cannot Book Goods at Sale Prices. Come along with your money and we will give you greater value than you ever got before. Recollect they are all new Goods—No old Stuff in Stock. BRUSSELS, January 8th, 1892, LA amens still holds the fort, Toe School Board wants tend yrs fn wo'td, tfa4NE's 25e, tea is equal to 85c, tea Try it. 25 roe CEN). off overo.,ats at A. It Smith's, FOR nice Crayons and water 00'015 to Hueter. SFEBIAL bargains in boots and shoes a Straahan's, 4,001 gallons No, 1 silver star vox] of at 15 cents, B. Gerry. IRWIN & MOBAIN have just in 25 pieces new flannelettes at 7o, 80. 100. and 12aa. ANOTHER set of lock boxes will be plea. ed in the Brussels postoffioe by Post- master Farrow, Soma, Odd Fellows from Brussels at• tended a lodge of inetraation in Wingham one day last week. Eetonum building lot on Mill street, Brussels, for sale, cheap for Dash. Apply to A. Bawtinheimer, READY3rADE clothing and overcoats for men or boys at prides that will compel you to buy ab Straoban'e. A CERTAIN man on Elizabeth street bad better treat his family better unless he wants outsiders to interfere in their be. half. A BIG line of oottortades and shirtings jest in at Irwin d: MoBain's. See those 50 inch pure cotton shirtings at 124c., extra value. Tim fine Weighing , has helped business p Iwo nderful)Y Cordwood, etnyew a d Saw logs, stave Dolts, grain and pork Dave come in with a rnsh. TIME might be fifty persons fines al. moat any day for trotting their horses over the bridge if we had a town con- stable. It's bard os the bridge and should be stopped. Simons will he at Tun Post Publishing House from 7 to 7:30 o'ul'ok this (Fri - Iday) evening to convey persons to the social at the reetdeno. of Thos. ))faun. 1 dere, Booth of Brasaels. A. J, Loaeos shipped two airs of pork to ;cfontreat hast week. 0ver ten ears of potk have been purchased on Brussels market so far this season, The farmers have reason to think and speak well of our market. Tun greet popularity of Aver's Pills es acathartic is due no less to their prompt- ness and OFHoacy than to their ooatiug of sugar and freedom from any injurious effects. Children take them readily. See Ayer's Almauao for this year, just out, IN addition to the resident clergymen of Brussels we noticed ltev. Mr. Law, of Belgrave ; Rev. Mr. Sellery, of Wing. ham ; Rev. Mr, ?donee, of Cranbrook ; Rev. Mr. Torrance, Gerrie; and Rev. Mr, Sherlock, of Ethel, in town last Monday. "It never rains bat it pours" often comes true. A LADY friend of ours pN, a written program of a coming meeting in a tea pot that was only used when company was in for tea. The paper was forgotten and on a pertain evening tea was drawn and pit in the silver tea put. The result is a new kind of tea designated "Chau- tauqua," If you hear of the sudden de. miss of the editor you will know that be wael"accidentally" killed for inserting the above. THE first oar,ival of the season will be held on Maitland Skating rink, weather permitting, on Thursday evening of next week, 21st inst. A good program of fun, The prizes will be as follows :—Best dressed gent, mersahnum pipe, value $4.00; Best dressed lady, silver butter dish, value $2.25 ; Beet dressed couple, lady and gent, plush al num, value $2.00 ; Beet dressed boy, silver napkin ring, value $1.25 ; Best dressed girl, silver fpiakle dish, value, 00.75 ; Comic costume, silver pepper and salt dusters, value 02.00 ; Spectators' prize, handsome silver cruet, value 04.00. Objectionable costumes excluded from rink. Prizes on exhibition in J. T. Pepper'e Drug Store window. The band will be in atteud• anoe. Leoregs,—On Monday evening of this week Rev, 5, gallery, B. D., of Wingham, deliveredaleoture, on "The retatiort of the Bible to National Prosperity," in the Methodist ohereh, under the auspices of the Epworth League. There was a large and deeply interested audience present who greatly enjoyed the hour's talk on the above subject. The reverend leeturor pointed but very distinctly and proved onno'usively that the Bible and the Christian religion la the power that will inprove morality, cause large hearted benevolence, diffuse enlightenment, etim. elate research and education, aid science, purify literature, give a good system of government and add to the wealth of the people. It Was largely the ineane Used in the abolition' of the slave trade and wherever the religton of the Bible pre. veils there is not only morel freedom but a wonderful improvement in social and domestic life. The world today is ruled by Christian nations. They also hold the mental s0epbre, The Bible is the only sure guide to the nations of the earth. A standing vote of thanks was tendered to Mt. Sellery to Which he ap. propriately replied in a few worde. Ho will always he heartily welcomed in Bruseele. FIRST instalment of Spring prints et ✓ Skene's. BniooesS & BUCHANAN s photo gallery over Standard Rank. $7.50 sou for $5,00 bought at fi3ota, Dn the $ mush be ch'ared before stock taking. A. R. Smith. O BuussErA Counoil will take command next Monday. The grocers are well t represented in it. WE had good success in business last I year and are going to have grand sacaess this year if low prices and uew goods will do it. A-. R. Smith, AN open meeting of Brussels Council, No. 386, R, T. of T., will be held on Tuesday evening, Jau, 26th, A musical and literacy program will be given. CUeLINe—A meeting of all persons in• tereeted in curling will be held at the Central Hotel on Friday evening of this week, at 7:30 o'olook. A large turn out asked for. DONT mise the chance of getting some of the big bargaine at Mrs. E. Rogers', the whole of the dry goods are being sold at a very large reduction. It will pay you to look at the goods and note the very low prices. BAST HURON FARCIEea' INSTITUTE.—The annual meeting of the East .Huron Formers' Institute will he held in the Town Hall, Bruesets, on Friday and So'. urday of this week, 15th and 10th inste. The following isb 4 e program :—Friday's 'e session, commencing at 1:80 p, en President's address, U. McFadden ; "Advantages of a partial system of coil- ing," John I. Hobson ; "Butter making on the farm," W. J. Palmer, 13, S. A. ; "Growing Dorn for ensilage," Thos, Mo - Millan ; "Eggs, from the nest to the market," D. lb. Wilson, of Seaforth ; address on fruit growing, MoD. Allan. Evening session—"Agricultural depres- sion and some hints as t0 its removal," John I. Hobson ; "A peep into the unseen world around us," W. J. Palmer, B. S. A. , '•Obs,•rrations on whxt I saw in the Old. Country," Thos. Gibson, AI. 1'. P. Them will also be a musical program. Saturday's session, commencing at 10 a. m. -"Toe system and advantages of draining," Robt. Currie"Breeding and John of stook," I. Hobson ; "Milk, its elaboration, composition and method+ of testing it," W. J. Palmer, B. S. A • Address on fruit, MoD, Allan ; "rhe henefite of keeping the land in a good state of cultivation," Robt, Currie ; `Union amongst farmers," Thos. Mo• Mlilan, Everybody will be made wet. come to all sessions. W ILDDINo BErrs.--The following inter- esting society item is o'ipped from a Union City, Washington Territory, news- paper, the groom being a former, well known resident of Brossele and a brother to lure, (Dr,) Graham :—"No young couple were ever welcomed to their home with more good wishes of long life and happiness than W. X. Wright and bride tvlio returned last wee)( from their wet( ding trip and took up their residenae in their cottage home in this city. The following is the account of the wedding as published by a Press Times reporter. On Tuesday evening, December 8QI, at the residence of W. H. Lord in Ballard, W. X. Wright, of Union City Wash., was married to Miss Lona 13. Hawk, of Seattle, H. H. Sims, of Seattle perform. ed the duties of groomsman to perfection, while Mise Grace Phillipe, of Renton, charmingly ntfioiated as bridesmaid. The winsom bride wore an electric blue silk trimmed with elillorr, while the bridesmaid looked well adorned with a gas light green silk with matched trim- mings. The bride and groom, followed by the bridesmaid and groomsman, marched from an upstair room to the strain of a wedding march, where Judge G. W. Emerson pronouttoed the words whioh mads the happy couple husband and wife. After the ceremony a wed- ding supper was partaken of by the guests and friends present. Both bride and groom were recipients of Rome ole• gent and appropriate presents. The next day the newly married pair left for Viotoria, where they, will spend their honeymoon, after whish they will return to Union City. Those present were :-- Mr, and Alre, W. W. DeLong, Mr. and lvlrs. W. 51. Lord, Miss Alice DaLong, Mins Oleo DeLong, hiss Boehm Lord, Mies Grime Phillipa, Mise Emma Siekert, G. Bolcom, H. Ci. Sims, G. W. Emerson, Elmer Lord, Ed. Hill, Keith Lord. Tuobtesox,--.In Henfryn, on Deo, 81st, the wife of Mr. J. H. Thompson, of a eon, 111oMsge.--In Bloc, oh Sunday, jan, 3rd, the wife of Mr, Robert Mciane, of a daughter. 005uc,—In E1ma, 8th eon„ 00 itIonday, Jan, 4611,, the wife of blr. John 1a. (lark, of a son, DANcv,—In Chicago, dile., on Jany. 8th, 1802, the wife of Loftus D. Denney, Connsetlor at•law, of a, daughter. a61a.RT+ .r775, GMunssoa-13si r3,—Ab the resfdenoe of the bride's father, on Deo. 23rd, by Rev, 3. Brandon, Mr, Joeoph Giikin.. son to Miss Christina Bar*, all o Bltna. o'GoN$ott--FAeitow.—In Blaevale, on NOT/CE TO CREDITORS, Jan,13th, by "ev. I. B, WAllwiu, Mr. Leslie O'Connor to Miss Meth, aa, youngest daughter of Mr. Thos, Furrow, postmaster, boil) of Bros seta. Hums--Flsnen.—On Wednesday, Dec. 130th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. 0. H. Phillimore, Emma J., daughter of Mr. 0. PIA- Bin.. er, to Mr, George W. Hiles, both of ms, Rona—SuANNON,—Ou the Mb il:st., by Rev. D. Rogers, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr, Arthur Robb to Miss Mary A. Shannon, both of Elms. AvEn1—Ho0GtCs,—In Fort Ransom, North Dakota, on Nov, 16th, by Rev. Charles J. 0. Jacobson, Mr. T. A. Avery, formerly, of Grey, to Miss Annie E. Hodgins, both 01 Fort Ran - eons, BAnooaca—Dune.—In Coe township, Michigan, on Nov. 281h, 1891, by Rev, C. W. F,ast,'Mr, Alonzo Bar• came, to Misa Maggie Duke, former. ly of Grey Toweship, Halon Co., Ontario, Wnreur—HAAs,-0u Dec. 8011, by Judge G. W. Emerson, at Ballard, Wash. ington Territory, U. S., Dlr. W. X. Wright, of Union City, Washington Ter., formerly of Brussels, to Mias Lela 13. Haab, of Seattle. —xEa_ GALS,—In Grey, on Jan. 121h, Alfred Gale, aged 50 years. Hormux. Io Grey, on Jau, 10th, Frank- lin Holley, aged 15 years, 7 months and 17 days, McLEAN,—In Goderieh, on January Mb, 1882, William McLean, aged 51 years and 11 months. xM.vssax,M -e acrxms, Fall Wheat 88 00 Spring Wheat 87 00 Barley 87 50 Peas 80 00 Oats 30 30 Butter, tube and rolls15 00 Eggs per dozen 15 00 Flour per barrel 4 50 5 00 Potatoes 25 00 Hay per ton 9 00 10 00 Pork .. 5 20 5 50 Hides per lb,.,.,,.,,,., 4 00 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 10 Sheep ekins,ench 85 00 Lamb skins each 85 00 Apples per barrel 1 00 1 25 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. rp'vo GOOD COWS FOR SALE, will calve in few weeks. Ale. a (illy rising 2 years old. Reason for selling la scar- city of teed, 58 4 ADAM even', South hell Lot 15, ecu, 4, Morris. TENDERS WANTED. A. Tim/lore will be received until January 20th, 1893, for the delivery of 85 porde of good sound green hard wood, beech and maple, nil body Wood, 24 babes long, 00 he delivered eA the Brussels Public School Boase before the 1st day of March, 1802. 11. ROBS, Brunch, Jan, 9,:02 Bou, P. 8. Board. A CALF FOR NOTHING IN many oases would be dearer than the ohs I offer for 520.90, She is a arose between aJerssy and Duo of the largest milkers in this section, tit 10 mouths 8110 ehouid be milking and 1u outs year would pay for her extra moat. G. A, MADMAN, Brussels. , 8ZMC,50 no Connell of the Corporation of the County of Huron will weet iu the COURT HOUSE, GOOEfiC011, 011 TUESDAY, JAN. 29th, 1892, at 8 O'clock p, tn. WILLIAM LANE, Sony, 8, '93, County Clerk. East Huron Agricultural Society. Y The Annual Meeting of the East ,Huron Agricultural Sooiety_wil1 be hold iu the %lown I•Iall Brussels, on Wednesday, the Nth lust„ at 1 O'olook p, w. for the purpose of resolv- ing the ,report o the Dirsotore for 3801• electing 0111oer5 for the current year and iransaetlog snob other buelesss as may come before the meeting. JAS. FERGUSON, 0, BTEWAR P, President, Secretary, Wends, January Oh, 1802, j f ILK DRAWI ofthe M NGo s,—rrlTIIE DI. ,LVL 31110x010 eel Grey Towosa Mit, III a sego, Thursday, Will moot at alto ',net , 132 O clock p. on ortpthe 21 of lush„ g 2 0'0)10: p, m„ for the porpoise of lotting thoAlilk Drawing for the coining aoa301Wi e A full metingp of Sharaboldors and Pati• tons is requested at the same time aud place for the eoneideratiou of the entabnsbmout Of a Butter Factory, and for the transaction of other important n business that may some before the meeting. axe.87RAOfAN, . D. SOBWART, President. $ r bar Brussale, Januaryet0,1853. Pitl•rennt to au order of the high /Inert of Jnnti0,,,-Queen's Aonoh Divletee lands be n cretin mouse of Well ,l vs, Welsh, the e,mdibore of Joseph Wel late of th o Town - slap of Grey, in the County of Huron, who died in or about the mouth of December, A. D, 1880, are on or before the 1961, flay of January, A, 1). 1892, to send by post, pre- leid, to W. M. Sinclair, Require, of the VII - ugs of Brussels in the County of Huron, the Solicitor for the Plaintiff, their Christian end sgrunmeo, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their ethnic a state• menu of their accounts and the nature of their sonority ((f any) held by them or in de - butt thereof they will be peremptorily ex- cluded from the benefit of the said. order. Every creditor balding any security le to produce the sante before me ab my ohnm• bars In the Court House fn the Town of Godo- rieh, fn the County of Hume on the 29th Day of January, A.D. 1501, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon being the bins appointed for adjudication ou the 5]0545, Dated this Nth Day of December, A. D. 1891, S. MALCOMSON, 20-1 Master at GOderinb. Notice to Creditors, IN THE MATTER or Joesen ScoTT, OI•' THE TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS, IN 10E 0001•1T1 OF Ifon.N, F &mien, DEBTOtt. The above named Debtor has made au Assigumeat to me for the benefit of his ored- itors ander the provtsloue 01 chap. 124., R.8. 0.,1 887, and Alden timento thereto. A meeting of the Creditors of the said De b 01 Is bereby 000100504 and will be bold at the law afllce of W. 14, Dickson, Brussels, nu Sahirdalt•, the 23rd Day ofJfunrar3', A. 1). 189% et 2:80 O'clock in the aitsruoeh, for the appointment 00Itis poo tors uud thcgiv- ing of dlreetisue With 1 efnreoco to the dis- posal of the estate. All Creditors of the said estate aro hereby required to 01e their claims with the said W, 13. Dlek Foo (duly proven) 0n or before the clay of such meeting in order be lonlilbite the speedy wiudhng up of the estate. Aftdistribute uis 0lab 1:e said estate, having eager td as. 15 to snob cldute its 1 shall have uotlee of, and I Lhull not be responsible for the assets of the said estate or anypartthereof, to any pursuit or pentane whose olatul or claims shall not have been filed, 7, 3.30070, W,13, 0101(5035, Trustee. Solid, for Trustee Dated JAM lith, A. D. 1803. Mussels. -- JUDICIAL SALE --OF— VALUABLE PROPERTIES IN TEE TOWNSHIP or GREY, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. Pursuant to an order off -sale matte in a cer- tain 011.11811 or natter in the Queen's Bench DIv181on of the High Court of Juetioe for Outerio of Ltuirbnru ve, Welsh, bearing date the twentyse•eubh day of Rolm/ober, A. 1). 1891, there will be offered for sale by Public Aueti0,,, with the .approbation nt Subher- laud Malootnnun, esgqltire, Lootnl Master of the Bleb Court of Justice at Gorleriou, by Finlay Stewart Scott, iuetioneul', on SATURDAY. the. Sixteenth (111y of Jan - at rout', A. U. 1892, the hour of Twelvr 4)'clac(0 (noon), at the CENTRAL 1000150, iu the Village of Brussels. (1) All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and promisee situate lying and being in the Townenip of Grey, in the Couuby 01 Unroll and Prbvinee of Ontario, being composed of Lot number Thirteen, in too third ouneoeslnn Otthe eremitic( Township of Grey containing byadweasuremont one hundred acres of Laud be the same, more or less. 'There ere about ufteen acres of utter- ed laud on this Lot cud the balance thereof is well timbered with pine and oodar. There lea log bars, built on tate line between We Lot end Lob number fourteen, and the fen- ces are in a hair state of repair. (2) All arid sluguler that eertaiu parcel or tract of lend and premien sitnnte lying and being in the ll'ownehin of Grey, in the 0ouu- ty of Hnrou and Province of Ontario, boieg third sou ession 01 number ilos aforessaitd TTownthe e ip or Gray, containing by admeasurenloot one hundred acres of land be the 051310, more or lose, There are nbuutsixty livo aeras clear- ed upon tele lot end h1 a good State of eutbl. vation ; nye torn thereof Is 0wampy laud timbered With bisalt net cedar and pine and the bataooe, thirty acres, 1s well timbered with hardwood beech and mania '!'here is al,nod h•anie house mud b; ck kitchen on this property, acre are two good wells on this lob and the fauces aro in good repair. The lauu Is Otho1wi50 well watered oya Spring creek whieh roue x08080 the Boot) oast corner of this lob, Those properties are sitmtted in a Ord - ohm farmlug loaunty, ab0utelx miles from the Village Of Brussois Mid about two 141111 oho half miles from the Village of /libel, both of whiet Villages offer good markets 101 grain, limber au,l all kinds of farm pro- duce, Tomo farms will be offered for Bitle separately and subject to it rnorvo bid, anted the blaster reserves the right to adjourn the Salo of oath lot if iflbts opinion en adequate urine is not roaohed, 'iJ41010 0f SAL14.—Tun pe' cont, of trio par= than money will be required to be mid on the day of Melo to the Plaintiff's tor and the belauaowithin thirty days thereafter, when the pureha5e0' Or ptnnanors will be eubitlod to a aeureyeneo aud be let lute pee. sosslon, 1 he Otter 00nditl0lte 0 ( safe will hu tto standing, conditions of too Oheusory D, Vleton (115 0 511gk Court o0 Jnsttoo. Por further ptutlenlera apply to John Mut- kin, ega., Q. 0„ Toronto ; ,oeoars, Barrow k Proudieot, Barristers, Goderieh ; F. 8. Scott, Eau, anctiousor, or to tbo uuderetgutid, W. M. BtSOLAttt, 8. 51ALo08180N, Puce Bollatter. water at Goderieh. )Dated this 2401day of December, A, D,1801, i A L L &ENS! Cl: E PEOPLE BUY DRUGS, S01I00L 13001LS, BIBLES, NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WALL- PAPER, PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, BRUSSELS. BANKING. l oINTOSH k MoTAGGAR'1', BANKERS, - BRUSSELS, 2'1:asn.4act a etert gra) 8arcicine 3i3txe12:11.0ae, NOTES DISCOUNTED. Oouadiae and United States Drafts hoe/gilt and sold. Interest allowed on Deposita. Colleofions made on favorable tents. 0anndian Agoute._ldl1norrANT's Bash 05 CANADA, Now Yor), Agents—ltrronmtino ANA TRAD- Ens NATtnNAL 11ANn, LEGAL MID CdNVEYANCING. R • L. TAYLOR, 23ARRISTER, Solicitor and Conveyancer, Colles- tionssailer Oiilos--Vanstone's Bleak, Bruit. sale. 21-8ut* 't% 0T, SINOLAIR, • Solicitor, Oonvoytuour, No tory Pub- llo, &o, Odioe—Grnbatu a Block, 1 dc,pr north of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Funds to Louu. DICKSON & RAYS, (Late with Garrow x Praldfoot, Gode. riob,) liorr.sfers, Solleitora, Conveyancers, dc. Olfioes-1rue5ela and Seuto'Oh, Brue- sela Olfloe—Up-stalre over Bahk, Money to Lauf, rt, 9. neTs. W. n, DI MON BUSINESS CARDS. W H. MQCRACKEN, at lets Grocery, lnrnberry street, liressels, LLN. BARRETT, • Towanda' Artist. st s he r Nsx 1 dour Louth of a M. McKay S: it st hardware store, ladfos'and oblldreus batt outtgg it specialty ISS BALL Isrepared to give lessons 011 the Piano, Parlor mid Pipe Organ, 8penia; at- tention given to Teohnio. For farther In- lo:'01o0icu address— Box 172, Brunets. AMONATR, appointment of LtouA,•of (iovot.uorCeCommis- 01oh0r, d;o., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Piro Ineurauao (Jo. OO1ee at the Craubrook Post Chloe, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AfLEX. rNTl;it, .41. lerk of the Fourthi(Start 00, HOt, ro,Conveyancer, DNlotary Public Land, Loon and tusurenee Agent, Funds invested and to loan. Collections made. ()Mee in Graham's /Hoek, Brunso's, • Blamer°MAfarriage Lioouses, Mice 0 IL PAINTING, Miss Morin, of WI/10mm, is prepared to give 110troetiou In oil painting, terms clay be a50nrtalesd nt tries Nellie Ross' store whore samples of work may be seen. :Les Morle would also take a few more pupils to music. iA. HAWKINS, • Bruit - eels, and Organist In a Art ols Church,esg of A. W. Thayer, A4us. Doe., New York, will give lessens to pupils either at Then, Farrow e, ferred, 03Qtheir aov 0 hcwes, Tsrrn woder- Rte. 40 - DENTAL. 1) J1.11NI T 1 M. CAVANAQH, L. D. S. D. D. S„ Graduate of the Royal Collage of Dental Surgeons, Outerlo, and of Toronto Doi - vanity. 010510E—Ovot Pepper's Drug Btoro, Brussece, AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, • Acotioneer, to always ready to at- te ud oWoe of forma, farm stook, &e, Tarwe eboarfully given. Oraubrool, P, 0, galas may be arranged at Tux Poso Publishing Benne, Brussels, GEORGE .I{IRKBY, /demised Anotioneer, Sales uundunt ed On reasonable terms, 'Warms and faun stooka specialty. Orders loft ab Tun gee¢' Pohl( thing Hou so, Bru55sls, ar eontbo Walton P. 0., will reeelve prompt attention, AVING TAKEN OUTLIOEN. as as an Auuttoneer'I amu prepared to oondaot Bales of term atook at reasonable price% 'Knowing the standing of nearly every permit. I am in a pesition to sell to 800d 301(110 and geb,good security when sold an credit, Battefaetion guaranteed, Give ms a call. 82- k' S. 8007T, MEDICAL CARDS. 13 '. CALB, M.D., C. M., _ Member of the Ooilege of Ph metal), ILlld H114001111 of Outerio by examination. 010108 and Residence — Meth street East, Nlthsl,0115atgo. T A. MONAU'GCITON, M. D, a 0. At., l,, 11, 0.P., T4dinburglt, M, 0, 1' S. Out. Reei(lenee and Wilco in Wneou't Sloe k, corner et MIL and Turnberry Ste, VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, ex . Rouen. Graduate Of the reata l Veterinaryteeof c1sstoso, is d ani a to timet as peao0n of ser, tllatio let' tate In a com- petent tova cry ce ths0t y, 0t attention Pahl to voter nary ce an 1! Calix )—Two in its toads 0111 445 'i and fndrmary—Fico ingots north of bridge Ynrnberry 05,, Brandt.