The Brussels Post, 1892-1-15, Page 7T,
;TAN. 15, 1802.
ISIMIWY18191.1.1101114011.11111/101M01,0.16/11.11.111,6,1101146110A1,., 4,11,11,01.01111110411
The eittesian leauelelpe,
'The Russian famine eppeere to be aseum-
ing 'Vast proportions. A trustworthy cur.
eceponcle t declarer, thin iti the Pimento,/ Of
Maniere, where he reaelee, oriedialf of the
popultiliOne-1$0 fewer LIM 1,2;a1,0lill persons
-141'13 literally dying of inurement, alai Le.
vaseenr, the eminent. French 81 at hit, ban
calculated thin to eupply the di lioiency in
thirteen provineea teem() /drips 1111114 be ow.
ployed etterying 1 234,000,000 !mato/kora of
mettle Mike) would cost. 1:00,0011,000. 'The
tetate lute not the money to spend ; not, oven
if it found the motley could it provide the
mettne of trammel% °vet/ a surface 1,0110,000
square kilometers 1,0 the 5,400,000 houses in
want of food.
Moreover, the iteeertion, find elithorete-
ly denied 01111 anxieusly disbelieved, that
the otileial corteptiou would not Ini elitieked
evett by the horrors of tio dire a, oalmoity
has now been ebuntlamly proved t o he true.
The entire subseription of eit. Petersburg
for the benelit of 11.8 011111 poor end t hose
the environs has betel stolen. l'ho
000 pounds uf ryo llour purchased has howl
femiil to lie et) infamously adulterated aa to
he ivholly uneateble, and in paets poi/Imams.
The revelations aro bet no 11, beg11111 illg,
WO 3111111 hear more of them.
runua 3 hat Lord Randolph Churchill
might be appointed British Ambassador to
Russia has been promptly eoftned, the place
being given to Lord V it. ian. Now .13, is said
that the flighty Tory democrat i$ seekleg
colonial overuot ehip, and ss Lord Salisbury
and AL., Balfour would be ghee to have him
sefely nut of lengland when the general elec-
tion takes place, ie is not improbable lio may
get one. It is known thee money is none
too plentiful with Mtn, The greatest tune
peise he has yet eall8t3(.1 in connection with
his trip to South Afrioa is hie assertion that
be has bough I, a half sheer) in a gold 'Mize.
People are asking where ho got the where-
withal to pay for it. Randolph is paying
his ow» expenses in South Africa, arid his
reiremeration for writing letters to the Ora-
phie, though handsome enough, will not
nearly recoup him. He made some money
on the turf before ho started, hue beyond
that his resources are limited to a degree,
Thus a lucre ve appoin tumid would suit his
Lordship just now uncommonly well. City
mon aro not too gracious in speaking of
Clitiveltill at. the present element, He bas
efTecturdly danittged the :11 ashoneland boom,
Probably be luts saved the Britieh in-
ventor some millions, for it WM be difficult
eo rig the market with elashonalend gold
mines in face of Randolph's deli/meet° opin-
ion. /le admits the existence of gold, hut
tietnes that it is in sudieient guareeties to
pay for working.
it was sway iu the northern part of
Onterio one bleak December day, years ago,
teat I went out to a friend's house some
miles from the little village where I lived,
I was only fourteen eeara old then, but,
like every other boy in ti»tt cold climate,
whore ice begins in November and tests unti1
.April, hall skated ever since I was 810
years old.
I took my skatee along, as my friend
lived near a lake, and there had. as yet been
110 snow, whieb eveey buy knows spoils the
ice. We had great fun skating foe
eeveral days.
One Thurellay afternoon about 3 o'clouk I
Maned to walk home, imme six milea Dear
old Mrs, 11----' Charlie's mother, carefully
'warned me nob to leave the main road, and
promisee, lot t soon forgot my promise,
So when I came to a panel which " cut
across" through the W010.18 0/81 which I knew
would eltortou my walk a mile or 80, I took
it, and had tug, left the main road many
rinnutes when it began to snow, so eof tly at
Brat that I did net see how neceseary it VMS
to go back to the main reed. Deepee into
the woods I went, anti faster fell the snow.
My path wits rapidly getting herder to
, follow. At Iasi I steppetl • 0:1 itS hard
surface) into the soft mass ou oneit eitle. 1
floundered about 011 I got turned around
Then I tried to find the path again. It was
gone Eeery pint seemed equelly soft to
nty tired feet. The sun hail gone down and
darkness came on 31.0 I kept pushing through
the ever -deepening snow. .1 thought every
now and then to strike the path minim but
130 natio of it appeared,
It lutist have leten 6 o'clock when the
snow ceased to fail. I leantel ngainst a tren
anti tried to think wittelt way home WU. I
liege u to t d ru and would no doubt
have glielually slid down iuto the suow end
eleop that won1,1 lime. ended in (lee 113 130,1
net a wand come thee, lifted me to iny feet,
erect. and tretnhling. It was only it bark,
and to a city boy might have been Mistaken
for the bay of a distant deer -honed,
But to me, e boy of the frontier, it meant
the bark of a wolf •-aml it told me that the
beast einelled me nut. , Almost before
I had time to realize my danger tho noise
had ceased to he the howling of n single wolf.
Tho cries were caught ep and repeated teem
different pens of the forest as the animale
gathered on the trail, I Wee getting weaker
and weaker with the fright and the advance
of night, but I plunged fonvard imle), rising
over the artist of a little hill, saw leke
below, 'To cross 100,13 to be wholly at the
mercy of the wolves, whose holding by this
time seemed an near thet I fanuied I oeuld
see them jump from behind the trees upon
Shalfhl climb itito a tree? 'What good
would that do ? In the first plane, benumbed
with eold as I was, how could I keep awake
through the night, and rt nod might mean
falling to the ground? All this shot; like a
flash through my mind. No, 1 staid, I'll
stay on the groentl. 1381 what II) do 1 011,
those awful bowls, how neer they are. All t
What was that, dark 'spot on the hike ? lit a
sheltered cove the wind mbliee had blown
the snow to one 131110, leaving a largo (Aiello
of elear 1/1330/1 boo, the jey of a elcatee's
AA I stood trembling with new shivev et
every fresh bark of the nearing
wolves 31, passage 31010 a lesson hi natural T
hietory ewe before me,
" Wolves aro afraid nf lire and meaty per.
rione heve saved their Retie by aid."
felt in tity pocket and f01111:1 Heine
mateh That heep of brush twee there 1
Under the top there muse he some dry
blanches, 1 tore off the enow.eovered limbs
nd beneath could title dry 104004 and
I gathered up an nrinfulatul outdo for tho
shieing eirele of ice, tearing mtheorne leaves
from a book 01 niy pocket. I fixed the beet
" start" for a lire that experience ite the
woods MO thangla me to make, The first -
match mot it, ablaze, and fainting it mitt' iny
het, I soon heard the ttvigs eraokling. lett,
the little fire would Soon bo out rind he
wolves would then bo upou nie. Peuregh
Wood must be gathered te keep it going Gill
daylight, To got it 1 must go back to (110
shore, 0.11.,. how I dreaded leaving the
elteeeful little blaze I Beek in tho womle
th howls were growing sharper end clove..
Or, fiat no time was to 1,0 los
Four times 1 ran breathless 10
0110r0 0181 Nunn Wi
brume, inel bran/31o% The eti, thee I
gene aleeit 00 tem, front the hrt, %thou 1 010
dark hely jump tint free 10111 mgt he tree
1 I lied heel/ to ele. Maze veld fa...Meted wit
terror gazed at the. leeping foul:pl. 1
moment another appeared, then tomtits
mail a lemon W11141 110414111g and (108801
0.1011t a few feet. awity. pilee tooro brue
on the blaze, As it, fared up the wolv
beekee Awl sat on their 11 41111.40M. So
went un for an hour or two, Tihitt 1 hogs,
to get the,v,•sy tentin. 0080 11 114/111 111)
self ilna14,,z nod on 1.Va,k111g to1111111lie hre itad
died down n great deal.
If 1 deep, I theng111, the fire will go out
and the vrolves will then ()mince upon me.
Oh, 1 was so sleepy 1 jutit wanted to lin
down fer s few mimites, thee WWI I/11, I
1/11/111 mit down, anyway, could use that
butulle Mang over my Mumbler for a mat, 1
look it down and threw it on the ie.. I3
rang out Anon nod loticl an le etritek. Ott
toy hitlienurnit 008804 it 1.11111-18.0l 110.1 it 114311
my' sketee which 1 lied Ineught
If put them on I can keep awake," MLA
the halm). thought thin eatne like a flash
front the flee. 111 n timmout almoet. had
strepped them on, 1 glided around the tire
which was in the centre of the oircle, sever.
al timed before Icould get warined up, Then
my ptoteion for eiratiog uevoke, I was 31181
eu the edge of learning the nioet
1110001m on skates, such no the " grapevine,
angle and double ;" " The eeisnors," " The
outer eilve," " The Dutch roll, backward
and forward, single and double," and
"Figure eights" of various Icinds. One
after the other I went over them When
tired by one 1 would try another, and so
rest myself, An hour passed thue and the
wolves came no nearer than at fleet. Then
1 knew 1 had wood enough to last till day•
light if I could only' keep aweke.
So hour after hotte I went eireling about
the little blaze, The ring of steel echoing
among the trees, mingled with the disap.
pointed barking of the hungry watchers
equated on the snow.
At last the faint etreake of dawn broke
ovee the cast and I could see ourl of white
smoke arising from a hunter's camp away
down tho lake. Half an hour later It We
daylight, The tcharp crack of AA early
hunter's gue came from nein by. Th
wolves had been slowly beeking air Mtn the
woods its the day dawned and at the eound
of the gun they disappeared entively. I
waited anether hell hour aul then took off
my skates and walked down to the oriel of
melte. I rested at, the camp several hours
end went home.
When nextl went mit skating T surprised
all my playmates by the peogrose I had
made. " Where have you been practieing ?"
they ell milked. l'hey had reason for asking
for on that night of desperete practice I hail
changed from a novice into an expert.
,f ,
Modioluee in Small Specie,
w Tho method or enpplying mediellies, 14
1,,iraary inelergeing rave
loos, 1,1 equal to that of au ordinary an
of live eine. The run froin New York
1.i1 whieh was masi wit.
mit 4 81,0p, otempied 1 40 minutes : die
:thee from Ailiany to Symons:. 1 Pi mite
Wilid1).1 AN MAIL liilft,YIOE,
h nonui .t Wo118 upon Sir oietelee Tcie
t. per .tif vomiting the (311 101s or eolith A emoaeleee fuel cized ‘• Messina" le bee,
WIN ,oviwed lea athletes, and that fro.
11 1 Ill:oil. '1,111 inedleiro:s are now ornprometel
31 1181 11011 .
Se:remise to East Bulfalte 1411 milee, in 147
a itito tidilet0 Which ii0011py hut a tithe of the
speee fe, early teetered. Some idea, of the
g perfect en to salted., this art of oompressior
III has been breught nuty be binned from the
et, etatenwnt that, if the emit eras of the regnle•
it! non light wooden cheet, about 23 inehex
i long, 1 •le hides) welt/ fuel 17e inehne high,
in Which 1We p104.111 nd 011 equine hot deli, con-
taining att many difeereut inde of ',vele:Mee
were liquelted told nt their customary jars
end hotline, they would oeoupy nearly one -
I talf lie spaced 0 regular freight Nue Twen-
ty -live of he /noel importan mod ieine$,
00013 110 quieine, canter tie pills, toll mix -
three deeigned cortenit noublee twitting
from the tete ot impure wet ea aro aonutined
in four and tWo-onneo bottlea, While 1in:di-
vines of lees import/rime and demand are
',Arnett 01 hal fentnee bottles, but all of thorn
um in Millet. ferin. Whisky, brandy, alenhol
end metre/ oil are earried in lerger bottlea,
their ingredients rendering it imposeible to
ferm them into Lathes. Cod liver oil is one
if the things t OM) he la blottzed. One of
theact 10zengee er tablets eontains n11 the
itemise/try Mt:rode/ins of feenoue liniment,
ttnti when disseelved in an ounce of disaolv-
ed water its properties are the same as if It
were in liquid shape In a big glass jar. The
army nuelicitte chest, now in vogue weighs
about 85 pounds complete, and therefore
two of them can easily be marled by a pack
Bleep As 0, Fattener.
Did yea ever hoar of anybody sleepthg
himself fat? No ! Well, ite, a common
enough thing, I assure you, Says Prof. lee J.
Roberts, Physical lustruotor at the Y. M.
0. A.;of Boston. Almost every young man
who has lived leism all his life until he
ie 30 will begin to show signs of fat at that
age. The usual theory thet obtains is thet
a man only grows ftet 1:13 the food that lie
constimee, and technically that theory is all
right. But it nadces all the difierence In
the world how a, man lives whether a given
eannunt of food taken daily will. have
Moreased effect on hie avoirdupois, There
re three ample rules that I try to enforce
on men who come to me to be cured of fat.
First, I say, " Eat less." Then, " Work
more." A.8,1 then, "Sleep loss,"
1 have often noticed a aureole look in tbe
uf the patenit who is told to steep less.
inwardly, jests at such. ad viee, or he
grumbles against it, and concludes that it
may be disregarded. But lot me tell yen,
sleep is the great fattener. Ili will produce
flesh more rapidly than anything else that
know of. 1 Ise eftergermer nap is as loul
almost as an extra pound of tomb and the
fat rnan 10110 wants to get thin must give it
up eneirely and ebsolutely.
A Glees of Water at Bedtime.
The humen body, says a writer in Hall's
Journal of Health, is constantly undergoing
tissue change. Weter has the power of in.
creasing these tissue ohanges, which melte.
ply the waste products, bat et the mune
thee they are renewed by its agency, giving
rise to increased appetite, which in turn
provides fresh nutriment. Persons but
little accustomed to drink water are liable
to have the waste products formed faster
than they too moved. Any obstruction to
the free wovking of natural lines at woe
prodaces 11.1800.00.
People accustomed to rite in the morniug
weak end languid will find tho causo 111 the
imperfect, seeretion of wastee, W111011 many
tintes may be remedied by drieking loll
nimbler of water before retiring. This
very materially assists in the process der.
big the night, and leaves the nestles fresh
mid strong, ready for the active wore. of the
day. Hot water is tine of ram best remedial
egente. A hot lath On going to bed, even
in the hot nights of summer, Is a better re-
liever of insOinnia than many drugs,
1113011tee mid 11 1 eecontle. The eliange
enginee at Aiiiitily equiris1 3 minute!, at
1 tar neemele, and it bet journal at letorpo
ocensioned 11. delay of 7 minutes and 10 se
'rho record of seven hours travel at mor
than a Mile a Minute, 11: nettle 1,108 peel
lin:, is amain:dell 1,/ 412y. other redrew]
1,3 erld, awl 1114 $0111 1.110011 W110 wer
forum:01e enongh to be in, 11,0 party that
the pint noy was pleasant and delightful,
(hue proving that Ion only Cho 00013010y ha
the engine) 10 melte he speed, lint the road-
bed, that must of necessity be tho very
Immo of perfection,
The fastest. previmm loiteelietance run 011,)
ruCord Wag that of the Seeteli exprees o
the Minden & Northwest°, ri railway of Eng':
land, witted] in Angtee , ese, Was rim frni
1,ondon to Edinburgh, lito milea, at an ever
age. speed a 55.4 !nee.; per hone, witli
train weighing ninety tons 010188100 of tb
l000motive. Other long runs have been
made Ode country, and 1011110 of them
have been over the Now York & Hudson
River road, bul. uo Miasmic has such re
trutakable ame been made as that above
The Keweenaw Oopper .Ueposits.
A peninsala called Kewoenaw Point, jut•
ting into Lake Seporior from the southern
ebore totvard the northeast, is fu.mous as the
center of a vast copper mining industry.
Last 3.'0113. Um Minos prodtwed no less than
1 th1,5S6,000 pelotas of ectined coppete atal it
is eetimated that (luring nextyear production
will be increased by et tenet 20 per cent.
eir. E 13. Hinedale, who tiontributes to the
latest bulletin of the Americrut Geographical
Society an article on the subject, has much
that, is interesting to say about the 1111111011-
(.01,0 prehistoric mines which have been found
in tide regime These nantieet mines judg-
ing from their 0010(11, must have been work-
ed for centuries. \Vito the workers were, nn
nee can tell. They mem to heve known
nothing of the smelting of copper, for there
are no tracce of molten copper. Whitt they
sought were plimes that enuld be fashioned
by cold hanit»ering into nseful articles and
moments. They understood the use of fire
in softening the :Melia 10 enable them to
breek away the real: from the masses of
copper. They conel not drill, but used the
stone hammer freelee elove than ton coat
loadeof Imminent werefonnd in tile neighbor-
hood of the el innesota mine. In oee. place
the excavation Was abont tio foot deep, and
ut the bottom were 31)1111,1 tinthere forming
eceibilding, and 0. levee sheet of copper
was discover,' (1 there. In allot:11er place, in
0110 of tbe old pits, NVaS foUnd maas of
copper weighing 46 tons. At another pole t
the excavation war 26 feet deep.
111 another opening, at the depth of 78
feet, a mass rif cepper weighing OVer 6 tene
Was rowel, raii,111)11,111 5 feet from it s native
bell by the r /menthe and eeoured mi oaken
preps. levevy projeeting point. lied been
tekee off, se nen the exposed surfeee mets
pritte,111. Wheeler t Ito workers may have
la on ninny cell I Mies li,Lve passed smite
their :elites m ere .4 soidomel. Their trenches
mei openitige have been tilled up, 01. nearly
so, elenst rens trees have gtewn over their
yolk and faljee 1,, decay, 11,11,1' generations
1\ 4 ete timing up. When the mince
wore re araved, deoeyed trunk. of levee
neve were It ing over the wonts, while a
heavy growth of live timber stood on the
The Good 3307 and the Eggs,
The allot. day an lenglieh groom/ was 1.1 en-
grily waiting for his olork to roturo from
diniter, and give him 0 ehence at his own
noonday 100/01, when ft boy came into the
shop with a beaket in his band and said, "I
seed a boy grab up thie 'ore basket from the
door and run, and I run after Minima mule
him give it up,"
" My lad, you are an honeet boy."
" Yes, she"
" And you look like a good boy.'
" Yes, air,"
13 And good boys 0110,31,1 nlways be en.
oonraged, In a box in tho back 1:0001 there
are eight doxen ego. Yon Iney telt° them
hume to your mother and keep the bitskee."
The gaiety had boon saving these eggs for
dive weeke to vowaril 80113e one, In re.
weeding a good boy ho also got eight dozen
bad ogge carried out of the neighbonehood
froo of coat 1 and he elmckled a little chuck
10 /414 110 W11.11104 homeward The afternoon
waned, night 001110 111/11 11011113, and 02100 11111110
tho groove wont to his mod. When be re-
irmel he Wa8 Wearing 11, complacent, smile.
lie eye eatight, a Merkel. of mega ad he en -
Ted the elle() aha (311004(141
1131011 loving some eggs?"
" No," mem/ruled the .shopman, hut, 0,
boy emit,/ in end sitirl he bought I hem, here ,
yeetertlity ; lie wanted mime et twelve a. elnl.
lin inetead of these eh sixteen a shilling 3
weith you *eve him,. eo (Anthem' them for g
111.111,'"Pho gentler eat, down and examited
the ego. l'he shells had been melted clean;
but they were the same eggs the good boy ,.,
Por the Grip.
Dr. Mortience Granville, of L01111011, 110.0
cabled his formula for the grip to the Olden.
ge Health Department " Ore Mottle -not,
loteville begs physicinais to try five grains
1081 011011 ill 20 103111810 tincture of iodine and
ono dm 11111 of glycerine, watt syettp, fro.
mently for influenza, Strong meat ,juico is
else recommended. No ant ipyri no. ' With
the stetement that the dilator in one of the
nost eminent phyeicians of the clay., mid
1 urieg the prevalence of the grip last year.
Imp) ributed much to the medical literal 111,•
/f tho suhject, the Chicago Health eiffi
gives the forinela to the public, whiten!, re.
11111411.11 Itti 1.18141 i leg Whirl,
P0111'1011 Item/role in .t. 11/14•10/1.
In this age of (revel, when so many ex.
cellent venue ere °tiered to the touviet
tvaveler, ie not. so 1031011 the pictut 00(010
nuenery along the lino of the railroad, or the
comfort of poseeugers to whieli special at-
tention Is given, lot' in these re:meets there
is really vevy little ill !revenue, pee) icularly
between Chit:ago nod New York, the great
conunercial centers of America. There aro
severel vends from which to eolect a route
and all furnish cleliglieful aeoommodations
10 their patrons. What the generel trav-
eling tnen (leaves 18 a line of road at onuo
safe 0.1101 maltiug pick oonneeeions, end
in this respect, the unbiased cuetorner for
trenspoetetion wonld be fain to regard the
New York Central & Hudsoe River rail-
road its furnish lug ell thee could lm
desired in speed, 'This company advertiees
to rue the faetest trtein elle world, atel
the broad statement is substantieted by at-
tention being called to tho " State
express," Welch train le compoeed of one
entnithiation buleat smoking -ear, two elegant
coaches, and Wagnee buffet drewing-room
oar, and the Bee 18 a deity (except Sureley)
connection betty= Now York end Niagara
Valle. The trnin is vestibuled, heeled by
steam, and lighted by gas, and weighs 481-
,3;00 pounds ; leaves New York at 11 a, ne
11011 arrives at Niagara Valle at 7.2(i p, »1,
-440 miles in 104 nimates.
'13110 Now l'ork Central & 110dson Inver
read also has font. other limited trains that,
make good running time and they are the
Now York and Chicego limited, with+
nakes connection between the two ellieli In
Wen ty- four hones ; the Southwest( ern Um.
ted--twenty.fone hours between New Vork
▪ Cineinietti ; the 'World's Fair speeial,
Jetwcen redeem> nod Now York, and tho
North Shore limited, ell makbeg corm.
ponding speed,
order to test. the ability of the elegant.
Tiptoe used on tine road 1 furd•e totel res.
dont Webb with 4 party of geetletnen matle
Laid trip quite recently from the Grand
kenrai depot in New York to Pettit Buffalo,
distance, of 4314 miles, and tho 01110 was
30e minutes, inoluding three /delis, while
he ituenal running time was 421 initnnee
tut 44 &monde. The Lenin wee oomposed
f engine fuel three eine, the engine
veighing 200,000 pounds and the care 260.
00 pounds, the total weight boi»g 230
had carried home the day before. •
Persons sleeping in room conlaini»g
staticniery washstand ehould IlaWtlyS 91.0100,11
e (lamp towel over the bitsin.
In Cassel, Clormeny, turning has been a
meele compuleory in all the girls' schools. .1
The Gossior Sehool Reform bill, Which will t
be wp again int (11.2611Osin the Permian a
fettult ag, proposes that turning 'shell be 0
compulsory in ovory girls' school In Pruseia, 1
ae it is in liovIim 1
nig used on Steam rollers In 1 10110a, Titt
elsarfao fuel is composed of the residuilm
Lovisis, Jon, A diipmetion from the leer‘de"'" eell"eriezb
na thin Chaineer of Con:Mere. togitty Military discipline in tiermeny is imams,
IntelciTuTietir107„ r8'.10'"hve0rtarouolpueletriltirteignallrureisnoett''
" purpose of urging npon him the claims of of Teorn have been prohibited from vimiting
southemplen to he Lim port of ,lepaettire iliotoo hallo at night. Johan either, peshed
° It/righted for tho steanotis of the proposed to atelier/Won by 01 tine, deserted fron his
Angkeleantellan 1111111 010'000, After 1101,01- regiment at Birulaum. The patrol puretted
tge tpl r";.4 el )1;,tiv 33 :,'1,3(111nPe'i (1,1371 ilinUlit1/0(s1i.,318t,i/'.' 0,1(3'1. 1111T(laueti i 11; !on) whe11011/1,13113ekel.":4771‘ilet0Velautr.rthene:
nettle an 1 argurneets. fe euid that tlie and finding himself hedged. in by his par-
plupoe0.1 serVice nm:11:1 form an ahernalivo agora, 1141 moo pimple( into the river arid
route to 1 183 for 11:0.1. ill OM 1.v,13 Of airy MIR droWiled.
obstrueti"" rev.'eting the P"'"e'40 "f There ie a ',real; outory over the cruelt er
Tlic Vessel a Vollni•;.;nd Of 110 'cone for
the Purpose roe Whim( title Wits Unlit.
This novol type of war boat is deolered by
our best naval advisere to ho of little use in
her prurient couditiou, and it its recommend.
ed that she be altered into ordi»ary tor.
pedo cruiser.
The striking success whicb attended the
experiments ot Lien a Zalinski in New York
harbor, 1 887, in throwing projectiles charge
ed with dynamite from r1110111110.130 (11100
loaned 013 shore, led to the belief that shni-
lax weapons might be suet:est/fully used
shipboard ; and the government, enxious tnoe
poesess itself of an arm that, appeared to b
at ottoe novel and formideble, hurried for-
ward the construction of the Vesuvius.
She was launched in leS8.
The Vesuvius is a, eteel ship of 725 tons
displacement, 252 feet long over all, and
*24 feet wide. She ie without masts, and
practically unermnred. She drawm 0 maxi -
ream of Mite feet of weter ; the meen draught
is eight, arid one-half foot. Her eughtes,
wheel have been illustrated and described
by us, are of foutecylinder, triple, expan.
ohm type. They actuate twin screws,
and give speed of about twenty knots an
hour. Her model is clutracterized by very
fine lines, engines 4,000 horse powder.
In the forward pert ef the eltip the three
pneumatic guns that form hoe annernent are
placed. These are 13,111 into the ship. Their
mu:Wee are carried forward and project
above the deck near tho bow. They eve 15
inches in diameter, 11 f ty•foar foot long, meek
of thin cast iron, nut rifled, the vanes upon
the projeceile being relied on to give any
dusirecl axiel rotation. •
The full-sized shell for tine gun is 14e
inches in. diameter, and its body is about
eeven feet long. Beek of tho 1)04 is a tail
fitted with spiral vanes, which seenres its
aligntnent and rotation. Tito body is made
of thin drawn brass tubing, and will hold
600 pounds of high explosive, dynamite or
gelatine, the whole weighing about 1,300
pountls W11011 charged, This is the lergest
ahell the guns ere telepted to fire, and the
effects of such ahem.), clung° of explosive
can oely be surmised. Shouhl one explode
in tho air over aship, the effecte of the eon.
mission on her crew would probably be very
disastrous. According to the opinion of
000310,14e of torpedo praotitsi, the submarine
explosion of such a shell within 20 foot of a
ship would doetroy it.
The air by which the projectile is 3 ei yen
is compressed muter ft pressuee of 2,000
potmcis per equate inch into tubular reeer-
No attempt hos over been made to test
the guns with a full charge of theexplosive,
by reason of defects it, the mechanism.
which eentler dangerous the operations of
loading and diScharge.
The intVal cOnSider8 this vessel in
no respeet fitted. (11 0 gut, plaeform for
artillery of this d
°sole -peon, oven if the let -
toe proved of any military V11.1110. It will
Ito readily apt?reetatea that, mutt/mon/a as
the Yesevine is, her etorcs of high expl,
eivee and, a Ittrge portion 01 the length of
her guns are completely eXpesuel to the fire
of ritplebere ordeanto the effect of esingle
atoll from a bp/muter eent. into tier maga.
elite of hielt exploeivee may he imagined.
The eesel, as is well knowu, possesees
only Judi ilevent steeriee tted, this
trim; the ewe, it is prailialdo that two tor-
pedo 1 03, te of the typo of the (Melling,
named wit 11 an automobile torpedo and wi
rapht•iire mins of smaller eeliber, would
very tench overmatch bor. It is coueider-
031, therefore that: the question of the value
of 11,0 glans for war pm/pales should re-
ceive tut eerly coneltision.
1t Una Trade:I Witclantt1Le,- In n r Or Over a
There are few companies which have
weathered so many storms, and outlived Iso
mauy disfavors, as luta 1110 lastorie old Hud-
son's 1111,31 C0111 80,0y:which at present carries
00,1 business snocessfully in different parts
f the North-West. Over a century ego this
company 1,4105 inacrpmeted to trade with the
ledittes of North America, Originelly
composed of Prince Rupert and soventeem
oiliere, end at its ineeption the eompany was
styled "The Government and Company of
Advonthvers of Great Britain, trading into
tho Hudson's Bey." elver since, the com-
pany has tiontinued to trade with t he In -
dilute, the early rest on) of beef or being still
preserved in many of the outlying posts in
the oorthern part of the Dominion, The
company's 0111yors ovinetel a sphit of en t er•
prise aml the development of the company's
trading grounds are inseparably WoVen to,
gether, 11 110 1 110 llrflt :1•13.0‘1
to ply upon the Pnoide °veal,. it
was the old Beever, the 11.011noll's Bay
CoMpally 1110 1 in commission as oat ly 111,1
1 eilie Everything earthly (nue( decay. but
the jitudeon's flay Company's spirit ns
liVely :08 (Wel:, and to this day it contitlizes
ei trade with the Indiana and gives, its teed
part of ite attention to the Watita of pole
faxes, Tho preeene head govornor pl. 1 111,
(employ is Sir Donold A, Smith, of el out..
real, len the heed offieers aro in Ignition,
England. To this ofilee, all the aitilln
leuixel it, the Dontinien aro returned, and
f0010111 it all the company's eupplige ate synt,
1 lliedillerent acetifies 111 which corn,
petty trades. All fere ere dispneed MT e
auctions, which take plitee ne, mated periods le
but the number is decreasing. each year. 3T
Ielshnlen in the British Army..
111811111011 Ara 11111Vilig the British army at
the rate tif 1,000 a year, A quarter of 11,
century ago the army tmetained More time 1
50,000 Irishmen, bet 110W the number havd. •
ly reaches 28,000, j
1.1!,:e3."1 °Lied"' liSrlii'11:80'.:"1.'"'31.i-er:Iiit PiA171))1717/041:7,1 ITRat:ideeinn
1".08" th ‘"th'"‘l"e"'" "f the "-itiu the 0010 of 'fere Bothart, editor of th:3
".'"''k 4 s',0i111," at lb", nevi" 'dime/Abe et leinershaneen. Althaugh at
eamehe 1 1 Miro,' no eabe es14,,iatlY nard "1, ,i1011001 11 health, he wee, obliged to 018011 011
Canalliaii farmers. ter Charlet, wee happy' kn.,. t
a ow,: NV.1,1 cov,:rIng, and lie0 On
to say I hat 1Int 1111(.r:1 1011 of 1 llo Nickiii103/ „rdi„,„.3, „f Er„ was
Aee '0 eilieed'Inue 1 mei a l" 'I," rertnittoil 10 rite only tome a month tO
Kinley torill ill the l!Hito 1 81010,1, Which 1,(:.41.11W1. T,03,46.1(1, imprieoned for oight
PUb,B",1"i'l "ut Pr""'l 8"e'"'1"1. , It la') tin Wife, 01111 10 receiVo only 008 010311 fl'Orti
telmen to unite I le, eommlinications oetl,v: en Jor +luring the saute time.
lanai' oeltie ' e' eller/led wiii',113" nri gr'c'd a be al out 1 14 miles in 1011 1 11 and twoney-
mericet for ( '1.tiaditut goods excluded from the 3,-- ', ' .
United Statee. Ho added that belied found ;.,1140,,,,„,e,eie in depth, end !lige cetinteted cost
that Great Britain ma 1110 Dotninion felt '8 ee","-' )/0°°,
that the time liail arrived when they should The Chilian Government has edvertised
not depend on 0 foreign por1 for their maile. be, tendert.; fur raising the ironclad Blanco
They 00,11,1 Bend passengers and mails for RUM:dada, whieh wee seek by torpedoes in
the far East by way of Canada in a much the late civil war. Exiaerte who have er-
n/310h ehorter period than now occupied in audited the vessel say 0 tat the guns are the
ending them by way of ow York. most valuable part of the wreek, and that
these can easily he recovered by the ture of
proper tippliances.
the ihanini, o and root thriller, whi,11
Al sin ) camtl from Part, to Ilonen is to
'The latest financial reports show that the
DARK DAYS IN HISTORY, 1111531ex Goverrnnent has, beeitles the 286, -
(on These 000./11110nS 111.00•10 gli0 11011 1. 8 he
000,000 1•0111)108 ill gold, which is put by as
World wee Coming to on Encl. a guarantee for the eh/imitable enrrenoy, a
The emilest mention of the phenomena rei0a3;m110.entfatinfdfo0rfelig121,0(.10e0b.t00s in6sligeouiner.anTleme tat!
known AS dark days, appears to lie in the teml rate of such payments amount to 100, -
year 44 11. C., about the time of the death 000,00e roubles.
of Julius Cieear, wheel we vead in Plutarch The Agriculture Society of Voronezh
and Die Cassius, that the sun Was paler than 1setiele tho Invites of poor poutants to the Con -
usual for a whole yettr. The great darknese 4., sian territnries to boatel for 1 he winter,
withal lasted two whole tine sever all Enrop lie Society of the Red Cross assists the eca
appears to have preceded the great earth. aciety iu the payment of board for the horses
22, A, D. :13S% Two years liner in all the
quake of Nicomedia, which oeeurred Aug.
the transportation of /mob animees free.
nel has petitioned tee Clevernmera to make
eastern provinces of the Romee vitt pire there
watt a "dark clay," which was eo dark as to '1110 thnuall EmPer°r eni0Ve excellene
heztlnt at present and ie more unties than
er descriptions one might consider
make stars visible at noonday. From turtle.
the rattle of le total ecliptic, but as.
tith eftl/b.erfneintitlnythf"r1onainp,In,mweiter,einmennta. BILeiind,riavneds
tronomers say that neither the eclipse of ha,rePoiLLed COMerenCOS with the Chancellor
and the heeds of departments. Although
Mareh 4, 360, nor that of Aug. 28 of the
he delighte to be in Berlin, it is becoming
same yarn was vieible in the countries men•
daily more nnticenble that the liberal and.
blotted. During Alario's siege of Remo,
raclieal Berliners like Min less. Bed less- ,
400 end 410 A. D. there were several day,'
followed them."
" as dark as the nigh te winch preceded and '
ee 01111,167, e„g wee we regertied by the public rather with an tar
Their greetinge lack heartiness and he is
find mention of long periods of diminished of cold curiosity f The Kaiser ieslwaye My
sunlight. According to Selinurrer," the e„„ in his demeanor out of doors net] tends to
freeze his popularity.
darkened in an (lemming manner Aug. 10,
733, without there being the levet possibility 'Thu stamliug army of the Argentine Re.
0,000 mon, and there are
of en eclipse being the valise," The Perth. public numbers
over fifty Generals on tbe aceive list. Thie
geese historians record several months of
„.1,101, gives a General to about every hundred
diminished sunlight in the year 1134,
other warriors of all lower grades, At this
terminated by an apparent opening in the
ratio, when the officers are all accoutned '
sky " frnm which loud SO011(10 lastled, the
for, the poor privet° must be a dreadfully
noise sounding mit unlike two giantsquerrel.
lonettome creature. They manage these
ing." en 1001, Sept. 20 (not 21, as given it,
some translations of Humboldt's e te,„„ things still better in some republice, where
Moe), the sun turned suddenly 110011 every mom in the tinny is an (Alcor of some
aml remained so for three hours. For days
In Basel the Faculty of Jurispruclenee
after the blackness had disappeared the
suo gave ont a peculiar greenish light, reeeived the 04/1/1featiou ef Mrs. EmilY Kern;
which oecasiened great alarm. Schmierer pin to become a tutor of Roman, Euglish,
next mentions ti. dark day in Juno, 1 RR, Ameriealli anti iiiternetional law,'..but the
but astronomers setrilmte it to the total tentversity Senete voted. to &ally it by 10 bo
10. The tienato declined to oonsider the
elapse whiell wan risible in the greater part
tee„,1 j legality of appointing female instruotore, on
of Europe June 21 of the you inent
the eround of inexpediency.
eeveral dark days tum recorded as havitig
occnrea in FebrutuT, / 106, the darkest. lee The whole family of the brilliant writer,
ing the 4111, 5311, and 121.1t. On the eat a Toletoi, aro 'working hard to relieve the
bright star was seen shining '• mily a foot feenishing population. The Count himself,
eatcl a half from the Macke/tea remains of with Ida two daughters are at work among
the sum" " thi the last day cd February. the peasant:gin the government of Rasan ;
1 06," says Corteven, a Spanish writer, "the Mme. Tuletoi is in altescow makiug °pike -
sun appeared to suddenly go ont, catering a tants, and two of Ms sons have et -dieted
darkness all river thie country for about six themeolves in the serviette of the Society of
hours." The superstitious writers of the the Red Cross, Which Was officially. appoint-
titne atteihn led the great darknese of 124 1 ed 1 ty the Government to work, at tlte die-
ts, Onfl'S di8pleasare over the result of the tribution of charity among the hungry.
battle of TA/ignite, the sun being Sn obeetne The seepheons of disloyalty '-direeted
burning uutil after t he 11)11111 hour. Prof. thine; anil have eon/ et i ed the investigation
ed as to make it neeeesary to keep tunnel egainet the Guelph petty In Hanover eon
tichlaparelli, who has been years eolleetine into their proecedinee Mtn a. omelet/ in.
emeition. The polio,. are etntrehing houses
01 1 he 00011001.011 Wil lo r It! reel:mint. Many
erbitrary tureete ha -,./ been mado, and.
them rtre lone mei 'end complaints that
euch a elate 0 again 4houla ox -15t to GM,
n111113' in a time of pea .0..
date comerning the uncanny event, Is now
inclined rat refer the valise 10 the total ...
lips° of Oet, 0, 1241, Kepler tells us. his
authority being (,enena, t hat there WaS
Sun -darkening le47 whieh lasted for
three days, April 22-25, width finally
ended by 1 he sno .1 appearing to be euffus•
ed with 'Motel to that degree that eters
visiblo uomiday. Amerivii has e!1 -
3).010000a several &etc days denim hev
sheet hietorleal life, the meet memorable
being that of elay Re 1 780. when the emit -
nese Wa0 so great that all the people nf
New England, with the eeeeptien of a
sturdy few, were terrified almost to the
verge of distraction.
The Sabliath Clhime.
Owe in royal Davere y
Stood a lowly eat! le shed.
Whyre a mot her laid ber
111 11 »111,11gor for his botl
'Mary was (ha mntllor 1111111.
Jeius Christ that Mac elate.
ete 0111110 down 1.1, naval froln heaven.
Who is God and lord ef 011,
A till Ms ,holter wits Slrable,
And his La.:title 18:1, a stall.
the pool', and:neat:, and lo Win
1.1Vcd on earth our savior hely,
And, through all Itle wonerons• childhood
Re woule hover and (they,
Love. 00,1 watelt the lowly mnillen
lo genl :irtmc im ;
Christinu yid hiren all ime:1 1,0
3111,1, obetlieet, good ne he,
Fer he emei.1111,1110,0110 pattern,
1 Iny hy ho grow
mos ill lo, won lc, 11701
Tear. nett miles us he knew:
.111:1 he recite rot our 40.41,,,,,
And ,Int111.1 I) in one elm/twee
Ale' our et Petit lost -hall ,00
111wintgll Ids own tedoenifint Into,
(1.011 111:11 t.1,11,1 sn de/trawl wontlu
lq pm' Lord in 111%11 en ;dim,
And In% /end on
To the 1,11,. wher• he is gone.
The maidel pa 1 • ei t legre' Kane Russia j
an• oleeing all the lige r /hope wiled, belong
ewe. One ben lo 1 ilea fifty eheite have,
Mee ehatel. liben 11,.orew 1001no
"If 1 hie itieatire te in: en to prevent
mimes, why should th Jewish and not j all
the 11 her pint shops eliisiat? Tlue Jew
who late n license to s,11.1iguor must' Wdees-
eerily have a right. 0 live in tee city. Why,
then, should his righte bo so slattnefullgur.
As regarde the docility of awl people' of
Ctuneroon, espechnly in Military. Matters
Lieut. von Stetten says in te prietne letter :
"At present WO have a company jotiOdTogo
mem enother company' of Dahome then; and
a third of A001.0, mom They are' Willing,
and not diffiettle to drill; The fellows have
a good sense of order, end are protey clean.
On Oct. 0 we Jitl our first. taeget shoofing.
The mark was 1 75 feet off', and they hit it
twenty times out tif sixty. They are' ,for
the most part as ((oleic, if not quicker, than
oar Carman remmits."
A youug lady of good family of Se. Pet.
ersburg was driven to insenity be, Tolstors
" Kroutzer Sonata." Havieg reed the bpok
she t Meet 110r witelews epee, and orying,
" Dieeipatiou, diehonor everywhere I" see
attempted 3 e jump ont. Her maitl.lirawt it.'
jing prevented lite. She thee shut inu/sell
Jena refueed to lake food for three days, At
'bet she was persuaded to take food 117 a
• por.e.:4:1 /es:lidding Count Tol
, 81o, appearanee xvie3 introOtteed to her RS
atilt, and, humoring her whinlig Bald
ispoAlsi) 1 o in 1 lin nutnner Tolbitni WM-
:Rd.f Wo111d ftpoLiki lio hov to eel
'who 3 Wac al:soh:10f, 1101ectisary Ce maintain
ele oeten le still kept up by 11101m8
. 1(.1 1ers itildressod to her in the Immo of
j'rotstot. But l'ho doctors are afraid teat
tho Poor R100 Man. sh, 1114y got Worse ii' she discovers the 40 -
(glutei. is quoted as saying 1 ' colt, and they 11,11818.0 her parents to 8111111111
de aid to becotne ton friendly with anyone. hot. to Otto troatthota Itypnotiale.
ehe intneent. 1.1)11,14' 111'0011,1110. 1.01. ,c 1111,1;
le trleS tO work in rer eomething. It hes', About Finger Nails.
Iowa !Ala 1 hitt 1 0111 coi• anti 11118101V. 1 11011.1' A whit o mark 011 tile nail bospeake mie
o 1,e. I admire a doer, or 11, 110010 ie, or fortune.
31111,1, the evatur ot mum lixce it temp to. Pale oe leadoteleved mails imlicato rinehtn.
torrow money from me or interest oe, eholy people,
rmie scheme. If I go on the street 1 am Broad nails hulbstte a gentle, timid, and.
lared at OM peOple Stare at a curiosity, and baslifill 11,11180,
(Mike it Very 11111011. Being a rich In:ill .1 knOWledge altd 801181111ent,
139 almest 00 lually die/eh-ammo, ae being have ranee eaile.
t poor min. The hithit 01 ansterity fo 11 Web 11 narrow moils aro ambitintie
emple objeet are almost Absolutely neees.. and euttereleorne.
ary. 1 eniqueto I en, the most gen, telly Small itetioato littleness/ ofe 1011111, .i
Mae/presented man 111 Amereet. 111,1 01, 011111i011.1y 0811 Coli•Oil,
11.10 noteepaper veftwence to 111yeelf in My Choleric, inen, delighting war,
ite thab was true." b • I 1 t I il
081 11.131 0.11, 1.11)01, 110 8,