HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-1-15, Page 66
" Only a Year,"
"9: ALS A Yell0 ! 1:11.11r, not long 1"
enmity the 11.'Oea, W01.0 sull11 :
1,110Y- 1'011 lik0 101 eloUne of 0 004
On the oat, of inn, who hal wafted lona..
Arnie:ft'. a loom ine
Time enough for frtend,hie to ale,
Though enly one 4..rt
Bin the fate tli many w1111::! i! lie -
TIMM, lo inle enteM11 1:01:;li ana se ere,
Jo:vomit hopo ,ino (air.
Time tor the melee Movers :,, loser.
'en wee.. t he the beide', (..1r See t
Time Ow the nears. AV lila, 00a -now
To Lover the Miele tbs. love meat eo,
And gimes gr. wn green ile.tenal.
e' Only a yowl" IL le not 1,em.
When hope the helot eueer;
When thornier(' is hrette the Mart roue,
Btu when the mom ries one,' te es belong, •
The doe.. end months ,00111 10111.1*, tem; -
Ate me. though "tinly a yeer.
household Accounts.
No New Year's remAntion van la. weed in
the good housewife than 1/110 1./1 keep her
homehold aecounts for the year in good sys.
tamale shape. For the ordinary household
this is an easy matter. It needs merely the
simplest system of e daily leager or atemile
book, tvith the me:time in1 the kit !AM
page aut" the expoiditmee on the right,
cacti page footed up, and the totals emend
over to the next, There are high precolents
for this performance, for in the olden time
et eves deemed one of the essential virtues of
the ladles of great lords that they should be
"compact and elear of their accounts," and
tilers are many bistances in literature of the
hoesehold accounts of the times. 'laws°
were by no means so simple Rs a household
Account of toodey, for the manors were ex-
tensige, the servants many and expenses
large as compared with the emlay in any
single family of our time. Tr lheieaCCOUllta
in many instances are I.:starlets indebted
for the customs or eat times, which would
hardly have appeared in public recoalts and
which yet forin largely the most interesting
things that people yam; to read in history.
At aecount book of a gentlewoman in Here
fordshiee in 1 613S, for instance, shows ameng
her articles of the toilet and genet ..1 use fee
that period, and presumehly among articles
in use be' holies generally, were fano earls,
curling irons, sweet gluees, corm:lien liege,
a whititle for her clog. She paid large sums
to her tailors, who were then the elitei and
fashionable dressmakers. She wore a tawny ,
amulet eaul Isiah) and black silic ealimaram
dresses besides other tine onee. elle gave
varlets :small 0111110 1.0 volute eenteemen
pessibly quite young lads, foe being her
valentine, She hail her OW11 beet
slaegateral and gave liberally to tee elnireh
all. the poet., atel all hie le 1 0,011°,' lane
her father from a terrible death by her
preetowe of mind and unersieg aim,"
The Cultivation of Beauty,
Beset y is not altogether 00 itevident.
;TAN. 15, 1892.
QUEEN VICTORIA'S TREASURES, i from 1 711:I, mid in Reeding hereelf of the
dilapidations loathe,
noneep nitit Nelonnolts
aerie's 10 Ills 'remise...I eteicee. or Art In
aneteue Ittligartittig Theft.
iturainghaso let Mee. jot the treaeures whielt were thew pride and atristiu,
it The volute% hee pet under t h„ nequirn.1 i hem at neininal privies V"'" will '11°1' "v011 ill lea among the
mere intellifeed. keel Celan:being
IL. n Iselin,. The erilleetioli Odell, one gemilleneed
1 be .litii,t,te,e 0urrent neig iletely to lin*
0101 it !lila driftea .1 topeuese junks
to 11. of shoo,. When the thet touter,
visited tile neighherliteel of the meet 1. of the
t 'unmade thee toned beesteee 1 1 the mile
mar tee teatime. el 0 tereelt, Alei it iN
that one wreolt tif a juelt Ione met with, and
max' 1 s e,11 t i veto', e 11000 hem, mil ivt
Inv it ileev ,..• loss ttneonsenimly, and 1.3
variele of method'', the. lone into pest,
eennee tem well any earlier age, eurs
for'y 11,1 11,Vizield, N..
the eel,. betteeen 'Mem • i lie eelen
of Leelthe lit me. and phoodeal heatitv ne
tioi, I :ilea:, be greatly ittsistea apon, 1
os iota eeltoel remit. l'..S1Wy Of 1
0s/11 100 i0 very eloeoly emineeted ovi
1 wan.... I tritins seem 1,01/ 111111 .1, wanting
earlier feminine port mit ore, heeit1141., 0,1111
Hon hos maile consulting of that tide
le e Ore zet lenger quite nal 1:41101 W11. 11 a 110011.
tint! ewe that ellowe Leto. el mind, Ire
begin to poreelee that it is a 11101:0
111001i, 1 511 1 110 111:41101* kills1 of beauty is be.
venting much more general among our wom-
en, because we are beennting inu..1. more
careful of their mental trionting. The wealthy
tradesman who ie *who sends his girls tO 1.0
4014 iy 11114 1)01110y taught. The reselt is
that he himself is ecareely to be recognized
as the grandfather of his grandchildren.
t Physieal beauty may be inade in the school
I room. Theo let us tore te the playing-fielas
Never were oer girle so restive or so varied
in their -mistimes au lacy are to -day, They
are good. et the oar, They nee groat eyeing.;
they are net. easily beaten in the teneis-enert
they Login to be skilled at the wicket,
Athletics make for physieal beauty in an ta-
mest inealculeble degree. There is more
beauty now than ever before, end there IWO
reasone for it. Anil le 0111100 there is more
beauty than ever, there is, peehaps, not
smite so much enthusiasm iihnut It. Aud,
agent, the beauties of the next generation
will probably be much mere beautiful than
2faise for Women.
Did yen ever knew the ardent talmiration
men have for white If to men be in love
with to women and has no yet told her, rt.
white freek made of soft, pretty material
will make him tell her she lo the most, ador-
able woman on eertli, and far the moment
it is one of those ineeions illusions that
form the ,Itarin of life.
Do W0111011 11110 theee . Yes
Yes 1 They make up for the ineny 111i801.-
thle moment.. of preteme moments when
she looks t wor1.1 in the faeo with singing,
lips met brieht words. \Viten among th
gee- sloe seetheigly the eayest and all the
(t. I
"etre te. In eeverieg her $01TOWS, even her
1' brit she. tells you rehlly does not 0110
Usi F411110 pb.00 yr get ..ome p,rtinlar
hing, and till the Gine net. wle,le being is
',bee( fe be gratified. Where:see boke
' lirotherilliilaW of I lie Ma rehionis i• of Ely, t, , n Ills. ,,, 1s1. s. .
111 1111, Of 11111 Q111sV11'14 11,111.1 1'1+1411 f,<ther i,f ithlueel mitelerideet s of ,,gemie art on Whiel)
ay ef Ler ela lest v's nide ,,f ;weer, tiled 1 P",'"1.4" -,1a, 1'10, 1"ii"1"il 1 heir
tv, end left the p,;,‘ f;f 01 h., j iiimutaine milli 11s, lie limit also! 1 teeeet
dow,de \Ito nit, l'he <nibs. 1, al, ,hg.i.ty it, ! for n of eases tehea, wenh; ),,
• 'he oif t of the with :011 elnap toelay.itt. 1:20,0tio, '1'1,1, 1 ),11,,tery
,et tut of rooms rose, the tutsino.m.. blue, the Sevt.:-ii green
1 < t rail mil/ 1 j le
h • pah. 2:
ill Tolei.e of London, 011110S11., the Trai- ' 51 1 11
; n IA, 1. 1 It..1100 ot Gus WIIK was found on her,
th *0,1°01 111 1.0 -•-11:1110/111 ,111.1110 11 Ill: 1110014 VP, al"rt 1!"",' ,*1 gad, 1,10, said , 1, bail...
hi „ills. with 'vintage 111.0 I 11,:/llirthlodlifil, 0,0111,l0.111 II 1 &If i ild iiiitho,„ tilt..
• the %Waled 0/102111100 W1101.0 1..110 tie, t 1 eel reinimitts or a look with thri-,-
.fa the eitting 1.0011111 110,1 t he iloinestio ogices. to "ll. (111.1 IlvY al,"4,0%" eastern and IL 111031 legend hos it
trge s
her feeehtelle kept reeemest leek.
The hoes of theaveratN
hOUSOkeeper to day le ty seeee a on's,- ,
Jar purpose to a int ore historLin, for
papors oow t's•Vtd d evere thieg, seg. it -feel',
be a very useful beok te the hoeeseeepee her-
while her (Tonere full ef neslial tears me
thi lee whieli she cannot alter. •
aVhen Won grows tired of hiding lice ten
feelinee. conee ding bee levee and he
treaseree repose liehitul tall iron aulinge,
not. unlike those that enceinimee the tolubs
of the sealigers ei Verona. From the win.
dows of thy teed odiall'e peeler. glimpses are
caught ef the Thames, and in the shutting
reys of an eitteinn 811/1 through the gobbet
Mete of low.lying mists the some eveloss a
faint reiniuiseenee of the Venetian lagoene,
It. ii, strange how o'a en huee, prosaic Lola
1 11 S :,
don, when it Intlee ail grlilly 1110110101iy 1 1 A.M. 0
1111l10r Ole softeldeg mantle (it its fogs, as- limitless space 0001110 in roll over the
eumee a ilee„,„ t,,i,eteete and pictumegne wells, elmpels, mid (1.ni Ions grouped
lands, At lis..1.. Park the Intekneyed See. around the retina tower, immovable RN the
p01111110 will, in Neyendter, with fts blurred
1111,1 changed outlines, take an Mr of Vendee.
The river
1 inds...., t re I meet 0 t le many lino menu-
, deplete.. and a ...aro. of tell toe. won found
mode of England, contains an (demo Nue. .... tin, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,ti, cif calm, Fla t m.y. Nuth.
quantity of eel toble eliina end it ie a plate. ',"" , ,
mg loss titan all (hie should okause even a
Mg one charming eontrast. to see the frail 1,,,,i,i,,,,k,,,,, 1,1 "0100,4 f,,,, ,,,, ,rnei a vol.,.
111,ililslide1111‘1vliewHt roe fanttii,t,:es,..30,:tIll41,1.1.111,rilw 17,111 IplOr.,:igl• 1.i.r. _ul.,.....,,.." ,11..1.,,.. ..1..p.,,Lit,.s.0.!._!.....r,,t_h.,:s,,,.. 111.,1.1annm
mess, seen from in Hee ermine,
stately when it Monis above the hathese „1„, wr„R, 1 ii,,A 41 ii 1 Iwy „E„ „r the el
1,, ,,,,,,,,,, 110,..111, 1..0 eo ...”- 1,1 on pi may„. e.g. all 1111 130:1,1,i1:g11,1.
, agree wIth 1 aptain butter, the traveller,
f.oreet end the park,. apparently euepended '.
ittn 13.1,e, die sooner the Alongoliaus change
thee. type the better."
1 he ceit st. Indians tiro splendid SallerS,
and titter dugotus do not always come off
eeemol 11001. ill l'ilVillgivith the limits of white
royalty it shelters. it stands as tlio guar..
mete NS 1 1 11 a pi illative yet Ingo, ou ay
illan, the wittiest' of the origin of roe -mite',
made tool, like tut adze, in the enneta et on
its legitinette ustirpateons, vietories,servives,
of which a. lead() Is tied fast to a bent handle
rinil itetieity from the tinie when the grim
of bone, those nativee leborlouely pick out
tower wag dm palace of the third Edward.
es:musette 1111101/119
1110 heart ot It peat cedar log, and shape its
The buildinge around it are of every date,
might at times stand for the yellow Tiber eVery reign, every style, but they have outer :Ades into the form of to boat. When
or the swift Arne, Southern lanas should the log is properly hollowed, they 11 11 it with
slowly and solidly aggregated themselves
be visited in sunnily.: and nnethern 01100 ill into „ aron„,
W111t01` 111 Order LO jIldoe them at their best, constitute a singular, majoetio edifice,
hermouious whole. •I'hey water, and then drop in stones which they
Novo heated in a fire. Thus they steam the
In the sante way Longon, the city of fogs,
should be tieen during the seascitt when they strangely original and grandly severe ; pro- boat 00 1 h.!! 111(1' maY sProad ebe sidee and
roundly archaic and ultra modern, rt =mon- Ilt in the erees-hars which keep it strong and
prevail. liateful in the 0010011, preserve its shape. Thoee dugouts are
th° 4114 to of the middle ages, end the eloquent ex-
cite., in spite of the curses deep end loud
hurled 01 its climate, has its eliaracteriatie
preseion of England as ib is toolay. It is sometimes sixty feet long, and are used for
whaling and loug voyaees in rough seas.
fitly prefaced by the simple, honest figure of
eliartn at the dose of the year, a. charm ;tot
felt perhaps by the inhabitants or the pass. gates. She has completed the work began
Queen Victoria, whom; statue stones at the They are capable of earrying tone of the
salmOu or 001110)//ln or berring, of which
ing tourist, but Whiell snrely inspired Tue.
nen The monuments of the metropolis tore by Edward the Third, eentenued 1;y the these people, who live as tilde father% did,
Tudors, the Stuarts, and the Hanoverians. catch su Ilk:lent ill a (OW IlayS f00 their main.
neve,' seen to suel, advantage as through She has arldee the last touches to royal
the fleecy certain dropped over them by the Windeor, and futere generations will wish
mists, half vaper, half smoke, that goat ne little to dispense with her bronze efilgy
around them. The dome of et, Paul loonis ea the entrance as he, subjects weeks wish
as large as St, Peter's in Rome ; the M°.flu• to disturb the statue of Queen Ames enact
remit rises to greeter heights when its 1,1101.
ing head is mercifully hidden in the ehods i the shadow of St. Paul
the dreary, stecemel thoroughfares of South
K nisi n gain, partly obliterated, reveal rutty
the roey facades of some newly constructed TIISI GB,IP_OF BABIES.
gabled house of red brielc ; the Jamul
squares might be solemn, truogat ponds,
old the level swarde of the wake, no loeger
t ittged with tall houeat, a wild, open moor-
en,1. West ininstee, 1111 IVI,111 11.11111 t 0 confront
self as a sort of diary or ',it rill '11kcie I
She can sosi When 111. Iasi. ply:tit-Ws for
butter,. coal, els., \wee, made, mid thns '
decide if the:, nece,.trieti had laste.1
right time, mei ae the y,,are epees afel
the books [weeny, inert, sweget 'fee will take s
a novel pleamre, sOnetitoss :nit- 1,i
SUrpltise, hi loithini• oese or navieg her
great-grand-eltildreit'leek ever lee her tle•
various enteiee.,f t 11 tha I
keeping of sueli a Link, a, ler from Inewe
buedeneome, in 3 MIL` tine. pe?,Iticee eer.
tain pleasure -not that of enterlimss and
system alone -but ef intarti,1 in the little
mathernatieal problems It 111,ty
be also of interest ier any housekeeper to
see, as she will lee this 100,1.1i, qliy, whet au
accumulation of money van into her , 1
hands in the course ef estt-s, 00011 un 0 1
lender, ineinne, I I
,,elt re,,tret:i and droa.lv•
to 1 1,0,12111 mita
trane,.1. eeelerro : and ell tbe While ler
1... I,11, ,1 oitli mirth lai'ighter.
ai•lorloss. she
\ bat woele not, foe some one's
moments as these it is that she
irl 11 'al 00 these little ilinsioes, whieh
ileee, 1100 for the moment and then ease
tway, yte. passine leave a trace. t4o be
epering in words that. will lend to them.
at net keep yelle predees words looked as
. 11,1,.,,e does his coin; pet them ie eireula
Mu. T.et them get worn, perhaps., i
ethane, lint they will always be sure ie
irinv; happiners.
So when yen eee a W01110.11 with smiling
ips and at Idoelane eyee, her, That's
vilat she wants. She 18 .11:Wring fee it and
ler av,ts tiro mitt:sty for it. And
8110 ;Ili!, it all am", you Oro eo stupid
on w111 not is. it,
Prai.;,.. her even eneeettingly. She will
tot believe yom, perhaps. But she likes it
itd will bless you .for it.
027ircr Corsets,
, " Sele,Ing•-staye," oe coreets &motets, -
re a French thadition to a 'noontime outfit
Vith his knowledge of the eicetiee of
rofession the Feench dressmaker under.
tends that leiter' a women ohs unre-
steamed ly Iler frame mem rgoes certa
phyeical convolutions that might be de-
trnnental to her toilet if still, unyieldieg
stays were her stipport, To permit there.
fore, 'Madame's goer to expend itself eater -
ally and still protect her costume from shy
(tango. resulting. therefrom, these stays tore
provided. A triangle of elastic) is set i
each side, whieh gives with every violent
outburst of grief and no harm is done. 'Pile
art of the F1'011011 man milliner approaches
Somebody's frother,
He is awkward. he is tall Konen fee 21
and he is only 1 : it as shy ue tho
in the woods, he wants to do the Ithelly a
and galleon's am and he ie ashamed to.
Now. that is the great me of girls in the
evorld. 11 ie 1,0 take bola boy, your
brother or Mille, 1111,1,0 11101 understand 1 hat a
he i* Nvolcume visitnr, itelleeice him that f
Ms height is desirable talk to him annul p
things be undenstands and which he can e
teach you whoa, and let bil» see I.. yen'.
keen appreciation of his acts of kinduess
that they are manly and Innionalble. The
young man who,like the fonnyal itle;ost rich,
knows it all, is rather apt to know things
he ought not to, and to cultivate acquain-
tance with a wrong kind of sister, not yours
or mine. But my tall boyoiny shy boy, my
honest boy, who is real anil true, but who
wants the word of encouragement from the
pretty, bright girl, who, in her cotton
frocks, looks like an angel to him, is the
one I :wane yoe to /earn to appreciate.
ISon't laugh at him if lie is'a little awkward ;
help him over the stemblieg blocks called
etiquette' ; be interested in the engineering,
the science, or the trade which may occupy
his titne, and some day, my Cinderella, you
will wake up to find that the boy has dis-
appeared, and before you is standing a man
offering you his name and his love, ana that
he will say to you in the years to come, as
many a man does say, " What I am that is
good my wife bas made me," ancl no woman
clan have anything better than this said
, about her. Praise is much, lovieg praise is
111008, but deserved praise is tho sweetest
thiug in all the wide world, except that one
' . something which makes the world go round,
• and somehow it is always somebody's
brother ovho tells us about that.
A Girl Who Cau Shoot.
"In my recent trip to Now Mexiee in the
interests of the Omaha Stock Exchange I
, witnessed an act of heroism that than
never forget," said W. le Skineer, " The
ceneral figure WM a boantiful and refined
young lady, the claughtee of a banker who
owns extensive cattle ranches in ncthern
j' New Mexico. During the vacations/The had
L passed on the raneh she had eat -mired a
wonderful profloioney with tho rifle, aed
eould shoot with the aconracy of an old
ratichman. One (ley we were etartled by
seeing a cinnamon boar, and a large ono et
that, near the page of a gully hut a short
distance from the home, Both father and.
daugbter rushed for the riflee and nettle for
s the ravine, The wild hetet was 01/ the
opposite side am' unable to get et, us, The
banker eNuiteintini got tno °Intel to the
edge of the ravitio and tumbled in, falling a
distronee of tevelve or fifteen feet He lay
stunned by Um force of the fall, end we fear.
ed he had been Fiore/may beet In another
second down tumbled int o the gully,
'whether intentionell y or morn:Melly don't,
lcnow. lint the awful danger. of my hoot
immediately flashed mem mo, Ire WM too
stunned to help himself, and the eavage
beast, infuriated by the /HIM of his fall,
rushed toward the proetritee man. was
, frozen with helve., In a twinkliitg I heard
the report of 3 eille tny side, eaw a pu if of
sinolte, and the bear dropped dead almost on
the helpless form of the hankie,. 1 Stinted
and sitov iny fair companion just drop.•
ping her rillelrotil her elioulder. Ifer face
Was pole, her eyes lit up with 0, loolz of
mingled joy and triumph, She bed (laved
• 1
Lady Guests And Their Ways,
Scarcely two people act (dike in the same
circumstances ; certainly it is hard to find
two guests who behave in precisely the same
manner when they stioy at another person's
house. Some are too formal for comfort
and scene ere too familine for dignity. Some
are to exacting there is no plealing them, do
what you will ; and entne are so slipshod in
their easy content you feel as if any axle&
effort was to work af supererogation and so
much eneegy ehrown away. A guest bas
needy and understand -to know the exact
plot between formality and familiarity -
whoa she inay do, and what she may nee -
whore she may treepass on the establish-
ed order, and where she must walk rigidly
between the hedgerows.. The liostes.s iS
friend ; yes, bnt she is ids() a hostess and
she has to be first of all things. consider-
ed, and her wishes aud ways respeotect
Still she is a friend as was said, and
her object in asking her guests ie to
make them bappy for the time being, and
give them pleasure, not discomfort, If
there ie anything in her arrangement theca
Intely incompatible with her guest& habits
all0 Will 1/0 ono of the first to wish that in-
oompatibility removed but the, guest's
duty is to conform to il, in every way possi•
ble to flesh and blood. One has no right to
go into a house other than our own and ex-
pect to find things matetly AS opr 011,11,
There meet he i ITeretioes ; and the guest
has to make the fitting ellangee, het the
hoslese. When the thi»g mines olf well
it la IL 01101111 01111. lilik -strong, clear mei
!Melt tesfo increase of friendship. -ii (height,
fill addition to maim' emditieheentel know-
ledge. If otos chose. what lovely name one
could eel down here of honsee which their
guests have ound abeolutely porton.-- Tee
It Went Through,
Ilelfineli--" Nay, Wooden, Jewel...nit I hat
great, melione you heal ? yon ever put
it throngil 0" .
Wonclen•-"Nn, didea Heed to,"
Ifow is filet?"
Wooden-" It fell In migh,"
dlidge-e,"Itow ILO 'you come to rob thie
non in broad daylight on a frogiumted
thoroughfare?" ilighwaymnee-" I coublillt
help that I I bad an engagement for every
night in that Week,"
'Remarkable Experiment of a Letteden
seine the Richest Ineirtetife hi in
It linty enema le) said that the hist oey of
goldmoning here is he tory of
t'olitmliia ietor the (3/1 ph Ai 11,118
1-1 odium Bay post established m I H.111, end
r.t;11,'.41.111;': 1101'
interm, to only it few white men lel p'11-1/1
great fur -trading field with urinal'. Indian
population, 911/1 filet nugget of gold was
bated itt, ot hat ni new ezilled (told 1 !whey,
on I he weet voast of the Queen Charlotte
1.1am' by an lmlian wonnta in 185 I, A.
part a it, weighing four or live ounces WaS
taken by tlio 1 ililialts to Fan Sitnpson and
te.1.1. The It edam Bay lonipatly, which
luta done a lit 1 1,, ill every lieu of leminess in
its day tient brigant ine to the :spot, and
found a quartz vein t enc. -able eighty feat,
and yieldeng a high percentage of gold..
'Bleat nig was began, and l'013001 WW1 1011(1.
Ca Ill 1 h ore : but mho was Met 011 the return
voyage. An American vested, ashore tot
Esquiumult, 00110 Vit.:101*kb In100111411011
renamed the Men& ry, and sent tio Uold
Herbor with thirty minces., W110 WOrked 0110
Veill until the veseel tees loaded and sent
to Englaiel. Now, of the mem travelled,
attain another year a small (loot of vessels
came up from San Franeieeo ; but the sup.
ply was seen to be very limited, and meter
$20,000 in all bad nom taken out, the fieli
was abandoned.
In Iiifiti gold was found by a Hudson Tilly
Company's employe at Fort, Colville, 110W in
Wtoshiugton State near the boundary. Soma
Thompson River (11.C. ) Indians 10110 went
to Melia Walla spread a report there that
gold, like that discovered at Colville, woe
to be found in the valley of the Thompson.
A peaty Canadiens and half-breeds 11/1111t
to the region referred to and fountl placers
nine utiles above the mouth of tbe river.
By 1858 the n 01103 and the authentication of
it stirred the miners of California, al111 an
astonishing invasion of the virgin promote
an idea of the swarms of lislt that infest
teettnee throughout a 'whole yew.. One gets In),Tue,t• halt 0),801.1i1,}1 11,-1101,t.stoii7sdie 01,110g of M58
reached Vieterin,
those waters by tlin knoWleilge 1 hat 1 serslre teem San Francisco by sea, distending the
(1)110.1,salne.eni:,,s, :lei r,1 fil)tt! IhiL,01,1,01.,fulint'sL11;111,110ingwpiz.t. rlivfa (11,ii;e10,1 bne-
fl?m'tanp el 12e1PliVil'inet'pfilsE(1.'ole'rle•L'Yfittitlen.‘:'11111•Igtisa '11''.',111rel'01'ear.'"stiiiii(;:nlit'ilice:iiittlYsl:y4r cal tY t012 17(10"assi
wept ammig the licit in ille Neuter, many millers 105110 110iP WILY tO
bums were speedily tilled with the ereetet,„, the 1i0ei province ou land. But ' se
that. we,, teitethei un„,, te„ ;spike,. sal_ land WaS covered with 'noun mins and dee so
mon, stet -otter, otter. hateer, iner,e, hear, formes, the only rout.. to its in 'olio'. for them
aml (leer (or eariloe ineeeej wee,. west he violent, almestImilieg, Fraeur Itiver,
and atm nee 1,,, eject 1„„„,.,.,,, ,„„„t and Mora was lint/nog on whigh the trees of
Iboct or,
of 1 he Chbe they selet the lash thie of man <amid be euetaiteitl. Ily
Dr. Ilobison London has recent- and the piney to the 1 1 easel,' tte,.. con,. the end of the year out of testily 00,000 ad -
the gle re of day, lo.cs nothing IT being seen 13, made experiments with respect to the rimy, mid ate what part!, or sit; Ore, ther ,II,1 rennin:1W 0111Y 0 100111 rent:tined.
lu a feathery frame, pad it blends hareem-lb...clinging eapacity of new berm babies. Under not sell. Now they teork en the eiumetiee 'Pliose who del stay workol the live.. Lees
onsiy wi it the more r, omit 'Houses of Portia.. the heeelleg " Aro lieleee Like 'Monkeys 1 or fieli for them in ettlimier led men tot lower Vre'er led Isenths
while the ser.,nniog )it tie Thanes .11.1th Pletures from Lifn."the Pail Mall Ga- ut. lo,tf the 0,1, of ha [tom, ,118iv,,,',ar, white • 11.03' fr!'llt 1.-10witt mere Oath
staimbotos. bushed mid shadowy. vette, just 0 1100 illostrated inter- they etill ileh am' eell nes, mej half a 1 0 Mimi dollars' wortl, of gold. From
silent mayhems gliai tee lty ducal ovich Dr. Robinson. Seye the toter- IWO yet as their lea tier.; were, Lt -1,1,,, stil 11,- 1/:111'11.11,11 p.,On of ei ,w i' is a 11ot:otter co-
p:ilexes. The N18)1111-0.. of Setneeeef "louse viewer ; voast Indians 111:0 $01111,11iViii1,011. l'Ili1V 1111,1 1,n:'n' a,t
an 1 Charing Cteese omee ta be only the An infant WaS /TS:Ming 10:1111Y 0101 3.11Stily al 1004,110 W111lo man's elothes loi tne 0VosT 1 VI's, lot, 111.4t. ail ructi, to tabs
ros Nitileh a am popula- somewhere tit the haelt of 11,0 honse. The and yam,. They have elaurehes emee Its „ ie ov ry. r•!sarlts1.,s1 1 11 e 1 1 raiser 1,111y
t it al Sollilda Weer itiart ion Isle to it oiltsiders " lint in houses ; thiiv work in enillerii I‘1' hat 0` "1"1 PaRsed
lb.. -Robinson, the father, if he 'hefted little there we', that te f. ein its co:Aro' to Leanne like any other
onNST.01.et,r ST07.,t1.1 11/1
ih0111, W01.11(1 011!0 10 1111.0qm:et theseutter- them Mei vete, d only a iew ,1,,e1,,,,fes,ce mien colorise
femme' the 'Maestro Got; ; the'Roya1 Ex.' legs, which no doubt he tee:lenient as the re- than their OWIL 4111 as a 'lore 10 il!'
,hat.., rani the liana. of England, kthind mains of tho Simian tongueS. .
" our article, s Darwinism in .the Nur- 1\111! ilia, it I :s111:,1,:., 1101011,1e1,0,21,1' d S11,1 I tifhelici:i :110,:dg 1,:fii1111‘101ey,,if,...,t11,ndry,11..sittLioc,11
serv,' is intetwely intereeting," I odd that litho -especially in lemsing 1.110 /01111110, ss,.. 010i11 s re!, the Inoirt and almo,t the
doctor, 4, lint there is not enough of it. .NVii parately-has inn been arrive,1 at ers 11 in Cent I, that Id jog and en -
all Want 10 lenoov more about your experi-
ments with the young apes, \that are the
actual discoveries yonv experiments led to?"
'1 Simply this, that every new born eltild,
unless it is teddy or othetwifie imperfect fy
then 1 ,reeltill pertwes, are the temples of
ind wary, while farther cestwited the Geld -
hie'. new a :teem; and eeesre, is at 01100 a
pit's., 11, It 11 'linnet, end m chereli. -
The sovereigns enternbed in the necropolis
of Westminster could, penitence, on such a
day reeoguize then. ancient capital fee
better ut its lame- centeee, may he, than in
lieckingham Pidace, which its go Mamie to; developed, line a niosi wontlerfnl power in
invest with ithy grrtc,i, and, of all the royal' the flexor ineemlee of the foPearm, and will
residences, is tie. "(sat vary to entsr. Very suppeo tee who'd widght of ito body doriog
• row, exeept those who are ine-ned to the the first. few hot 113 after. birth for a pel iod
dace or fem. eoneert s and hal, 0.1011 year,. varying fi'l /1111.0111111111111t1S to two minutes and
are permitted to vielt it, itiel 1 1.011 0111Y 1W ' 0 1101.1. NOW everybody knowe that in
tilt special fever of ;lie Gee, lemegiby or inept:elm the power of grip is very folly do -
Lord anelmin, the Leal Chamberlain. velopeil ; quathininaila 0 n do anything
Rockingham has neither the Imposieg 1 Vi t 11 1 11011' hands mid arms, rind in case of
feudal grimacer of Whetter amt. the Ohl demser this power is ,s (Adel means of self -
1 I orld (Almelo. ot linemen Conn. still preservation. It ix envious Oita it never
redolent with the inentoriem of Henry (X1'111104 to DarW111 to try this experiment.
VIII, nut' Anna 13eleyn, A Ithmigh it cose 4'111'1 beforo I go further into the annieet.
e 1,000,000, although it is large mid spacious lot me aay at mum," added 1)1.. Robi risen,
it can boast of no a rob it9etti vs.! beauty, pre- '• that my experiments were un 1 ertitken net
sentine only the massive style of arehitoot- to prove anything, but simply let set at a
ire of tho melte istic epoch of 1 1130, knowledge of the facts end to see where t he
In 1 703 John Sheffield, Duke of Bucking- facts led to, I Move not touch claim," add -
ham, built a modest dwelling house Among ed the man who only quite recently gained
themillberey gardens of the locality. Rpm. a geld medal for his scientiao trenement of
(1 into the hands ef George III, who settled an essity ore " Insomnia," " to cell myself a
't on Queen Chariot te. It was destroyed in &dentist ; i 0, t ly appear As a witness, putting
1823 by George IV., who on the same site forward the fame and leaving them to be
laid the fonndetione of tho present structure. judged by those whose special knowledge of
Histleathintnerupted the consereetionavhich development, anthropology and evolution
was resumed later on anti finished twelee fit them to judge of the value and bearing
years Inter, when Victoria wee (einem filio of the evidence I linve gathered. The fib
inhabited the palace for the lirst time in vestigations have been my reereatiou only',
1837. The interior is aa cuillbrOUS and heavy and tide must be my excuse for their very
es the fanades, but it is furnished and decor- fragmentary and imperfect chsameter."
Meet with " The fragments, thee, doctor, consist in
the present ease of rows and rows of new
born infants clinging with their tiny hands
to sticks, fingers, or branches of trees, and
with their bodies dangling in mid air above
a saving blaeket, Is that so ?"
"deist so. I have 110W experimented on
150 habies-.-$117118 of them born within an
hour or two, some a. few days old -and in two
0118CS only have they felled to liana by then.
hands, even the 8i»iutilt supporting the weight
of its body tor ten seeonds, meet of them
much longer, end in 0, few cases 01ey have
dung to a finger or a stick for two minutes
end it half. And even in the two cases fail -
111.e WaiS Vita 10 0811er 0a11808 then the in-
fants' leek- of muscular strength, I ought to
any that I never attempted to experiment on
weak children, who might be injered by
the elzposure.
" An infant always ;slaps with the open
hand, jest es. dace a young gorille, and in
suoll a manner as ovoid.' hong claws into ac-
tion, suppoeing it had any.
" Again, 101 angry infant of under one
11000 Ohl will bite or threaten to bite spon-
tioneouely, and alwaye tries to bring its
canine teeth to beer, even when they are not
fully out "'
IIREATMAGNIaleaNVE aNn auxeety;
The Prinoo Consort toolt ilan100S0 Wrest
in Buckingham Palace, He made the apart-
ments not only rich but comfortable, and if
in his lifetime he WaS not (wonted with all
the good work lie did, sinful his death it has
been gradually borne upon t pnbli o that he
bad as much taste as ability, Ho 11100 Metre-
mentrd in bringing toget•Iter greet, demi of
the anthentle end superb furniture of the
Lonis XIV. and NV, periods:the rielisilken
fabrics of the Lyons looms; the four inagnifi-
oent Bidet/0.1,MR of the (lining room in which
M. Bottle eo cunningly wiling/Am delicate
tracery of bronze scrolls on a background of
lapis lazuli; the carved mantelpieces sit pporte
ing °locks by Claudio') ; the caridehLblia
Gettehierm ; pianos decorated by Gillet and
mountings' by Calliete, It is to be regretted
that the naeive taste for eleitediness Otte led
to an undue polishing of betimes end gilt
bronzes, robbing them of the tempered inol-
Impose so doar to connoisseurs.
The best painters of the Dutch school aro
eepresen led not singly but in uumbers, but,
again, the Rembeandts, Gerard Devoe
Clityps, Mazes, Isdiells, and Teeters have
been submitted to the seine ultra.purifying
proem's, and aro CLEI resplendent in varnish as
tony modern picture. 'The Reynolde and
Gainsborouglis lutve 110011
perhaps, herniate, being on a higher level,
they aro protected ligailit48 11011801Virery
profanation : Tin Prince COI1BOrt. 0001110 to
have been poweelese to prevent certain
errors of judgment, as, for imitative, when
gigentie pieces of I talien feria tu re incrust ed
with piettes tbeet, worts placed in jnettimisis
tion with the &Hotta epecimene ef a, purer
art, iestenel beteg Font to take a mere
befitting position In halle or on landings.
I f °waver, far more priociess than picture/.
ana bronze.; hi the prodigi.otte uollection
old (teem., china serge( red througliont the
11,11. '1'110 VIVO ri1,41111 1011 0011111.011
1/1110110110 ; are tho jartl, 110Whi,
plates, and caps, tionlpriaing BP00i1110118
;hat IttrO WW1:1.10/41 out, of Initscums. 'rho
Queen is es 'Fonda her ohina ite of her loos,
and videos it beyond paintings( ana jewels
mho can give a oath dinner served 011 01011•
I11,111. sterviees Ol Hevros, a eingle piece of
which Would sienna tho covetoustioss of the
collocitor, 'rho quail efty of food nenally taken le 1 o
England twig not slow to take advantage the etentiaol. 10 more than tho wants of the
of the revolutionary era dating in Franco system require.
1.10103 Enough. s
What th& the Sits:me be graye,
Anti (lark the alr,
Sullen the 'Dave,
So that my Lovelio (hive
What Om' the Daim bebrief
And long Lao Night,
1A'ilhernel the hal'.
So !ant I,evo be Ito ghat
aShat, tho' the Whirl he lend
rough the mat,
eonVni Int the risme,
Se that nly Loitc loVus lite
What ttio` the Son he lie tarsi.
Anil soft. the \Vinci,
Buxton the
He that my Lewes unkind?
Weld Ina' the Days he lent:,
AIM brief the Night,
Nature It /004,
1.46 11/111 iny be light?
What Clio' 1:reeso hut 4411
A ml ,1,111 be 0/1/11(1,
(1111111111",11110 141014
510 that my lowest no morel
the reservetien et N'ietoria, where elm may , l''"keii ieasit"ela The 9Jteseel River bet
still see one of tile lingo !meshed -like Melees ea"'" ,111'' 0"1 Qr 1',"'''' °I.'erati;',u8' rwr.
they prefer, (ammo) Led with itatsn poles, 1 ,Yeltra utter 001110 illlot 1101' t:X1111111.11111111y 1111 -
and arranged for eight, families, 0 ed rem.e. : 111b*rali1.1.1. Mk Wa0 110t 8iirorising for 1.',110
Tinnily for a hixily of morals for 1VIiialt no 1 Illinvi's !Lei in olio year ((eel) int:en out
ott,er 101,,,T, 11,1,..oal.al ttlli.t.,,,,oteI,,,,i,L,,,, 1.11,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i,,,,,,,,,,iliael,,,,. n„, fL iiii,:1, .‘1.,f'it:nettfill,r: .1,1,1,1.;,i,d1,1,t,..11,1,1,s11.,,fie.inif,i,t,,,,,e1111.,,,Iii0110,011,L;(;,,/,{1
kindly I,„ Uns kn,lin„,,,t, (,1,shshi, tti,„,, i„ 0:10 ,11,11 1111.%1110 (II 01111110. 111st 1.111110111111111
1V1/1.k, and to oo-opisrat is /it with the whitet, Whet Ni.l11./11.5 111)...A Were )0161,1 1111011 illirl
110 1ile plailm Indian. I IsIs il 10 Oa, 1014111A), la"• Th" ''-'""t1,1 ''Ininl"''In w"n ''' in'""nn
111111 whiskey, They ere physically but not i from ell ovvr 111!.. Wel el, Let ellielfy from
fisi:ti.his,,,,iiii.,i,...:,.1 1,.!:,1,,,,,,„y, i 11,1,11,g(11.atu.1,,,,,11.:,..:.1,..i.1,.i.: 2,,,,,,,s,„1.,..„;:„U,,,,...1,1.<„1„.\.1,iliri,,;IcO.:
Anti 111011. Ile1.11,1die lel em poles are cleverly alto• 1t 11,1 y :\ .• I s mei. ie.. teinere worked
sTiliftete):ms)t'ililunlIlle'ertligeTnt,e8Ignille 1thleit3;y"Tfteil:cer g''''In''''Y '1""1"' ' '1 jffil '1. '1 "11.- 1874, 1 heY
had unveiled tie •ansli the province, ii. at
carve little ones for white people, ;ILIA- Elsi . """ , "'l ?"'l ""' "I '0" "14', "" w'r°
they make more eilver bracelete ler gale 1 w."'''''"14 1"0 Ileileltar1se; of the l'ulton River
it, 1 I ie mirth, beyond the te eh parallel, ale.
litliet ,•,k'mi.'"Itool °Inv ambil,' L l'‘,.tic.sakv,..1.1t'l;', D gam Lestiinates the. the total yivid of
lloorichiths, and cargo oovers. In e een.d, , g.,:,: I ,1 nit i n ISraitual I stiti Wastic14, 1 08,S0 / t
they weee more prone to worlc at the outset, l thi' a'er' 4 t "I"I'l''' 01 miners emPlUest
longs/tore 5a-reer of most, of them is not
p 2 (went, I each year WW1 2770, and the average 111.1011ings
than mast. 1 lona ns, se that the
greatly -to he wondered at. -1. rem "Canada's
El Dorado," 111 Ilarper's .illagaziite.
pal' Man pee Year woo ::;112:2. --Front " Can-
ada's Ed Dorado," " Harper's alagitehma
A Woman Cirosses the Pamir.
A white woman crossed the Pamir in eon- .
teed Asia foe the Bret time hist memos After the repulse of one of the furious 'Le-
nds platten' is distingnished as being tho smelts tot Acre, says a welter in Good Words,
loftiest in the world, It hes from 14,000 to thc dead body of a French oelieer wits left
16,000 feet above the sea. Its surfaee is out lying in prominent position between the
walls and the besieger trenehes. The
'Jody lay there for a day or two and attract-
ed inneh attention. It W118 spoken alma, on
15151, tag gets Ltfts to gooey the Corpse Or Mt
up y momitions rwing to a greater height
and covered with snow and glaciers. 8o in-
hospitable it regain moos nowhere in the
same latitude. elareo Polo was the first to board the 1 igre, which lay off Acre, and the
cross the Pantie, And he complains that matter made an impression ditileult to Oa.
awing to the enrity of the air, it WELS 001111t fur on the simple superstitions mind
of Kelly. Only the very smartest men hail
been sent ashore to assist in the defame, and
Kelly was not among these. Bet one day
he begged for and obtained leave to go en
shore. At soon as he entered the town he.
procured a sbovel, pickax, and a, coil of
rope, walked straight to the ramperts, and,
declining all offers of assistance, lowered
himself from an einbeitesuee. The firing at
he moment was fast and furious. As Kelly
sot foot upon the ground and, shouldering
his toels, walked deliberately toward the
dead body a dozen Wrenoli muskets were
pointed at him. Ono of the enemy's
oommenders, however, divining the sails
or's intentions, ordure,' his mai to shoul-
der arms. In an inentut both sides, 118 if by
80/ne 001111n00 impulse, (teased firing, and
Kelly, the object of breathiest; aitoliiiibn
from frieed and foe, stopped beside tho
Frenchman's corpse, He then coolly and
calmly dug a grave, put the officer into ib,
covered Mtn tip, and taking from his pocket
a small piece of board and a bit of cloak
wrote on the board "Hero you lie, old
Crop," ;tog put at the head of the grave ,
tide rouglband-ready ntemoteal. "Old Crop"
WM 110 dOlibis honest. Kenya; rendering of
" Crapaml," tho French for a frog, and a
nicknione with the salloes for all monta
seoes.'"I'llis pious ditty done, he shouldered
his implements again, wonted baok ns de-
liberately as lin mene, and disappeared
within the embrasure. The tieing recent-
nwoceil nod men thirsted once mom for ono
enother's blood, Sir Sidney Innit.11, the very
meat to delight in such an adventure, Beet
for Kelley end quest...towel hint about, it, Tho
efinpledtearted tar could only wonder that
others could find anything, to wonder at io
his exploit, " You won alone were you not 1"
paid Sir " No, I was not Rhine,"
Rumored Kelley. " 1 WILS you Wore,"
protested the e0111111(810112. " No, 1 waEn't
ahem," was the reply ; "God was with
preveut grease collecting iti sink -pipes
waali down the pipes every day with boiling
hot water, Which will molt the grows) tind
carry it down to the 00Wer., If this does not ,
entirely clear, then put some soda Into the
Water and pour elowlY Ilan the pipe boils
ing hot,
poesible to kindle enough of a lame to cook
his food. The 'melon has been regarded as
offering great diffieult.ies for the hardi-
est of travellers, but Mr. Littleileee and bis
wife, tom -fete in search of big and rare
game, (tressed it, nothing daunted by the
stoeies of the hardships they would meet.
Crossing the plateau in midsummer they
found it half smeared with last wintee's snow
and leo. They were greittly impressed by
the fine views of big ghteieno and snow peaks
that met their geze overyivhere. 'Tra-
vellers have %levee's complained of the
high winds that prevail on the Pamir.
Mr. and Mrs. Littleilale were often
compelled to drive their tent pegs
in very deep and plane holey stones on the
pegs to keep the wind. from blowing the
tents down. In plecee they could lind
tsoletely no fuel, and they had 15 carry
firewood to coolc their mettle. They started
with fifteen men in thejr caravan, butbefore
they heel teavelled fairly morose the Pamir
eight of them had deserted on amount of
the hardships of the iourney, tithing refuge
in the Chinese settlements to the eastward.
Some days their horees woo aottbinually
breaking throngh the thew crust, tend thet
made progress very difficult
They deseencled from the Primly to the
pellets of the Upper Intinte whore tau people
have very rarely 90011 White 1/001110, W11110
1101011g ihrotigh that count ey Meg. Little -
dale entablielled a greet reputtitien ris
physteine. A :sick men hail come t 0 her to
behonled, She ell...fight that (meta in widely
telvertised pills would tolettse the Mall 111111
the same time do him no Mum, en she
gave him to couple. Tito offeet watt marvel -
Mute end the fame of the ewe) sprood
through the country. After 1 hitt hoe the
WAS besieged hy pone people wan were 'me -
Mug te Wet the inarvellone mum/lb% she
moiled with lege
A mum for biota:tee ie Wee a pame of
elotta "melt we pee to cover I fehlo.
(write.. to lady) bet of bole, pliant kind, etas
liciently largo to (toyer the Ione; plaeo
ovet. the flannel millet, fuel bandage yenta
eelf with a flannel leteellige ; Kano
perspiration will enslln 181i 10111S, mid
yellow) quickly rid of this wearisome coup