The Brussels Post, 1892-1-15, Page 5JAN, 15, 1892
The fionnty Sunbty Sohool Commit.
tion wil be hold here on Wednesday and
!1'h,l redo v, Vole nary Iird end 41 h.
A Very 'deemed. event tome (01 at the
residence of !'homes 13e11 on Now Year's
eve, the oamtsiau beim; the twenty-flfth
antliVet•e•u'v of the ntarrlttge of Me. and
Dire. Bell, Early in the evening 11011'0
'41 factory band remelted to the hon and
serenaded thein, and then made pregen•
talion of a handsome Filv0r that operetta,
0 gift from the employees of the !eatery,
which W00'mammanied by an address,
wishing their employer ,ld his estimable
lady 0nocess in the tater". 031 the same
evening ell. and Mrs. John Cooper, of
this tov0, 00'ebrnted their silver wedding,
Boli'. factory band, after serenading and
making Mgr pre.ontatiot to 33r, and
Mee. Bell, 'myeli ! to the residence of
their fellow-oulpl0yee, Mr. Cooper; and
utter eerenading (lien also, made Mr, and
Mrs, Cooper theoeoipients of a beautiful
silver Oahe basket.
131,33 eve l (e.
Elders were hallotted for in the Pres-
byterian ohm'uh last Sabbath,
L ie 'aid that'Janes'I'initnine intondo
removing from Blnovale shortly.
In the almoner} of the pastor Thos.
Jewitt took tee eerviee do the Methodist
Omni: on Sunday. .
!Juin.--Last Saturday Mrs. waliwin's
tett Cr died quite suddenly at Goderiolt.
A repor'te'r there says :---Wm. MOLooll,
CID ,tell heowl cattle dealer, died rather
suddenly on Satu'rhty morning. The
, f mconsiderable
'r •0 h 3)l hes , 111 for 'e it, d ,
1 t. 1
period od 1ltnlvetLasi
confinedfined to
Ms bed. Cn Friday evening he had at.
tingled a christening ceremony, apparent.
ly in fair strength, but shortly atter his
return home, the disearo assumed a
eorious phase, quickly resulting in death.
The deceased 503)0 interred in Maitland
cemetery on Monday afternoon.
Ell Perkins, the 1amo00 wit and hnmor-
ist, is expected to deliver a lecture in
Listwvel on o. about the Olt of Febra-
nrThe remains of a behemoth, which
were unearthed in the vicinity of Orange•
ville about two years ago, have been on
exhibition in town.
The town band played the old year out
and the new one in, nod has since favor-
ed many of our citizens with the enstom-
ary Now Year's serenade.
Circulars are being sent out to tate
surrounding District and County Orange
lodges inviting thein to celebrate the
ootning Boyne anniversary in Listowel.
Wm. Long, the reeve of Maryborough,
held the lucky number which won the
$75 music box given away in connection
with J. A. Hacking's 'ales of holiday
The Central Hotel has changed bands,
301r. Baker of Fergus being the new loses.
Mr. Heydon, we understand, intends
going on the road again 1,0 traveller for a
To onto house.
Return of registrations of births,
deaths and marriages, for the half ,year
ending Deo. Slat, 180 L. Births, 23 ;
deaths, 8 meninges, 10. Thera have
le en morn births in the town thin 23,
which should have been regi,tored, but
ltavr born neglected.
;')'motto t•t It •
Youou Lt000nrs.—A largely attended
ands,)00001fnl pu3)110ol meeting,vet= held
in the Town Hell last b'riday evening,
under the ausp10es of the Young Men's
Liberal Club, when addresses were de-
livered by lerenk Yeigh and Frank Pal-
ley, President and Vice -President ro.
epootively of the Toronto Young Liberal
Club, in connection with thnlov0ment
inaugurated by the latter club for the
organization of similar clubs throughout
1110 Province, James Watson emended
the chair, Mr. Yeigh dwelt upon the re•
eponslhilfties that rested epee mud the
opportunities that are presented to young
Liberals at the preseet time, ur.;htg thei
organization ever where for the pe03300"
of exorcising a wider intim:moo, He r0•
(erred to their polibieal ancestry as
worthy sires whom young Liberals of to-
day 0hodd emulate 1» their saerifitem
and contests for political omanoipation.
Dealing with the present, he pointed out
the problems that confront Canadians,
the solution of which meat largely rest
with the young men. After touch!,':
upon the various phases of the trade
gne0tion and the exodus, he concluded
by expressing his belief that the sturdy
Oanadienism of his country would yet
solve all problems by the application of
true Liberal principles. Mr. Pedley fol-
lowed in an excellent speech wherein he
dofitted the object of the visit, the general
ptrp00ee of Young Liberal Clubs, the
sp•-0hal work they have accomplished,
the cause for which they labor and the
leadero whom they tolloty, closing by re
(erring to the bright proepeots of the
Liberal party Its judged by the condition
of the Conservative party, the torn in the
tide rat the last general election and the
gemmed turn i0 the tide toward Liberal
epee;se. A hearty veto 0f thanks to the
visit0re was moved by 1). D. Wilson,
se00ind04 by Roble Lumsden and earned
With the good sleighing of this week
business is looking up.
Mrs, Jae, Hanna lies in a very low
5.36.0, Lang disease is the 014000.
€3atnn01 Sheraton returned to hie
Wee -lies at Albert College Inst Seettlday,
Geo. Graham, Wrn. Marshall and Goo.
Gordon heve been very ill with le, grippe,
]Oallautyue has his shoe and
tailoring buxiness removed to his 1300
brick store.
Mies D0na33h, of London, is vi0itiu" at
Ih Hotte'e and Miss Code, of Trocvbridge,
at J: W. Boyd's.
Rev, W. Williams. D. D., will lecture
ie the Methodist church next Teestiny
evening 3)t 7:30 on "Elbow Boom."
Rev. 7), Bogen preached n sermon full
of good points to "young mon" last 31.3b.
bath evening, a large onn33regetion being
The 130e Was shown a piece of olive
wood the other day, hvhf0)) Samuel
Wherry, of Tahoe, hue lately received
from Dr. Talmage, breught by him from
the holy Land.
Win, Loohhoad and john (xraltern
Were requested by the S0hrin eville J'Iltx
Oompronv to attend one of their meetings
lust reek and give them a few point.m'o
ou the flax industry of Elmo township,
A nee, mill ie being erected In Sobein3•
A free soolnl was given in the liaptist 0n Friday evening of the; wot•k m
snofal will be hold at 00 0pa010110 )0131•
donee el 'I'. )1olimlers, w3Or0 a geed time
10 expeetnd,
'1`humnx 3liath ni, of Manletieue,
Michigan, le at 1000131 visiting reletice10
and frionds on t.31, let ,ted 2nd coo. Ile
intends rh t ening in the cnnree rd n
00up1n of weeks,
James Kelly, of lot 12, con 7, nnrpo336s
er)ot.iu33 a 333ree Muth b ten next -Ile tug.
ft will be 11'1x70 with etebliee envier (130
whole of it. lemabl Patterson f0 33)
framer and Wm, Thuo11 twill do the
reason work, The timber is all hewed
Churnil last 1 311107 evening and !love J. 3
P, 111:,Rwtmh Superintendent of 1303130
Missions, preaohod a 3300)3 0er0nce at 7330.
13y 00303} 3nean0 or other 1'3111300;(3 100x
1401 hie hand badly htooreterl ono (10.7 leen
week by it beim: eau33ht In the 0ha(03033
Hutt deletm 33'' !calves in 11333 flat 33)313.
1110 hljnl'ed 1310111110) wag ih•es8ed 303)11 ae
doing well
A monitor of our oltieens met at the
home of .\twnud'0 vet.'rau 330et,n30t00,
:Weald femme), 011 New fear': eve, and
p3'05031te13 31it11 with au arldrb'ss and tt
purse of $2n, and Mee. Gordon with
material for a 00013(11cl ,1)000, tee a tore
Bible Cxllre Mon o1 their appreciation of
his servtcolt ee pee mentor of Atwood for
the 'met 01Rte031 ye3t1'e.
Cit e•e.v.
Cannel! meeting next kJunday 0t Cran•
"Tun Pose:" gfv"0 all the news and
should be in every home.
hits. Menden Stnitil is enjoying a visit
with relatives at Benoit.
Uriah D'Iol"adden, sr. has been 031 the
oioltlist with In grippe.
Mrs. Geo. Forrest, of the lith con.,
hes been ill with la grippe.
'lite beautiful allow has been It boon to
many, making business lively.
Mrs. James D1"ferd, of Clietnn, ds
visiting relatives in tide tniveship.
Send the interesting news items to
l'ms POST or call in and tell the editor
when in Weasels.
Rest Heron Farmers meet rat Brus-
sels on Piiclay and fintnrdny of 1hi0 week,
till aro 3or(fnlly invited to nttond.
3)10. M. Robertson left for Listowel
this week where e will attend the Heel}
School there. ,J,ism ht
e [e
steady as eleckwork.
Du310a0 3'lulnnie intends erecting a
new balk been next Summer. D. eetm•
mer and his teen etre buoy making the
Limber this week.
Thome. Moere. of Brnosols, purohased
the Abel Tiedell farm. gbh con., contain.
log 100 aoroe, this week. It i0 a splendid
piece of real estate.
The Delgatty farts, nth con., will be
offered for sale by puolf0 auctem at the
CJn0011'0 Hotel, brussels, on Saturday,
231,33 lost., 8,3 3 n'oinc3.
Robt. Bali has rented his farm on the
9111 00.1., for a term of five years, to Wm.
Dark. Mr. Hall and family wi I remove
to Dakota about the let of March.
Elswhero an this issue will be found a
notice of the marrieg0 of T. A. Avery,
formerly of the 14111 non., to Miss 11.0010
P. Hodgins. They both live at Port
hansom, North Doltota. T. A's old
friends here wish himself and bride
A. resident of the 10th eon., who had
been visiting friends in the East, mi took
Atwood station for Ethel and got off the
train. 13c the tame he found hie mistake
the train here wbirled away and the Grey-
ite 31.31 to plod all the way home, 12 or
1.1 miles.
SALE OP Gooe STOCK.—Thos. MoLauoh.
lin intends holding a sale of high grade
cattle, tip-top young It,rses and well bred
sheep early an Febrrary. This will
afford intending purchasers a fare oppor
amity as lir. eloLauahlin is well known
a0 a brea ler of first claxs stock. George
Kirkby will be the aueli .neer. Look out
for the date.
The re openin33 services last Sunday in
connection with Whittield's ohureh, were
both interesting and successful Rev. R.
Punt, of Brussels, proaohe'I two excellent
sermons, eat 10:30 a. m. and 0130 p. m.
The oollectfon0 fermented to $10.00. The
improvetnent0, 0ton0 foundtvi013, new
ubimneys. end the iuteri.'r sheeted w1th
betel( 3103), hero added very much to the
comfort ani appearance of the structure.
About $150 was the 0001 of the work
done axd after all expe3ne05 are paid therm
will be a surplus of $25 in bend. A, new
reef will likely be put on next summer.
Ilvan,yo,,i.—About four soars ago Mase
Maggie, 0r0011d daughter of Wm. Duke,
12611 00))., wont 10 Michigan to engage au
school teaching. She did her work so
well that on Nov, 20th she started a
private school in Coe township, Isabella
County, with Alonzo Barcume as the
only pupil. The ma1r1moniel hoot was
tied by Rev. G. W. Last, in the presence
of 25 guests, at the residuumo of the
groom's father. The bride was the 30-
cipielt rf 13andaoine wedding gifts from
relatives and friends both in Ontario and
Mid -agate Mrs. Saranme's old friends
In Grey wish her and her partner many
years of heppinees. To ail of which Tun
Peer 0aye so mote it bo.
Council meeting next Monday.
Jas. Watson, sr. has been laid up with
inflow that ion.
Mts. 13. Dobson is visiting Mrs. W. H.
Willis at Mitchell this week.
Samuel Fear is slowly hnpt'oviug in
health. Ile had a close call.
N. Currie, wife and family are visiting
friends in Seafortlh this week.
Thomas Jobnstou is visiting reletivee
and friends around Orangeville.
Robert Thompson, mn 01d resident of
Morns township, died this ween.
Mies Lizzie Irvin, of the 5th line, has
gone to take a mieeiontry oeurso.
John and Joseph Cumberland, of Lis•
towel, are visiting friends on the fourth
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ring, of Corrie,
were the guests of Wm. J. Johnston on
Mrs. S. Pollock and daughter of Green.
ock, are visiting her 73(10nts on the 1.t
con. at present.
W. Michie, of the ail lino, lost a vnlu.
able cow a few dohs mgo, it having drop-
ped dead in the stable. -
, Mr. and Mrs. Rule, of Manitoba, aro
at pr00eet vieitiug their daughter lues.
Wm. Robb, of the lot, eon.
itSrs, Albert Hughes, of the 1st eon.
who hoe been0eriott0ly ill for the past six
weske, is slowly recovering.
Walker Ard, who has been attending
Wingbetnl }oltool for the last term hits
gone to Iiarriston High Seilool this
Quite a number of «ter people atneedad
the Presbyterian Sunday School Social
at Bruseele on Monday night, Several
Weighs wore heavily loafed end tllo'o on
one sleigh felt like singing :.
"On 0Wintetea night
When Mane are Welt
And health de on the wind,
We loose the rein
And sweep the pleb;
And leave Tom, Me—behind."
Drovers.—For 001111 time a little fele-
tion hag existed between T. Miller and
faintly mud the 'trustees of the Metho•
fist church and !mining ground at Sun.
shine over a burial plot. The trustees
oreuted an eemnsi01) of 20 fent to the
horse shed in 1890 and it was olnirned by
\Ire. killer that 2 teavee,where her 01111,1•
ren we buried, was in this etiolaonre
hurl she coeseg0enty had a wire fence
pot almond the Slot in the Shed. The
trustees removed the fame, denying that
graves were th-,'e and offer(ne to dig the
")0310,3 eve o e ti.efy all portiere On
the 28th day of De„euh'r firs. 303313)0
a1 t,tRed Jn . elute, sr. and Jo bun,
r, nn tl
' • t 'i o , of h
t. o ell down the few o
p p
there d.. S, "nl 1 dad
1301, al'114n„ gl•a 1'ON awl 111 11
them with a .rice fence. The trustees, of
course objected to this 3x00013)00 and
hod warrants hewed for the Menne'
and the following Wednesthty they were
asked to eremite before Miles Young and
P. Belly, of Blyth. The disp,lted terri•
tory wife )lug over, in the pre90008 of
Mrs. Miller, Constable Davis, W. Gibbs,
C. Lawrence, D. Fleming and the
trueteeo. A space 0 feet long, 2 feet wide
and fie feet deep wlta gone over where
tee interments were supposed here 1,0' n
made but nothin33 was fuatd. The child•
ren died a number of years ego. 11r,
Miller settled the case by p sing $132.20.
The shed ie or will be rebuilt.
An incident which resulted fatally is
reported from Fairview. Wm. Doig,
while doing some work in his barn Iasi
Friday afternoon, lost his balnnoe, falling
to the floor, a distance of 18 feet, and
fraotnred his skull. IIe did not regain
consciousness after falling, and lingered
until 1) o'clock on Saturday morning
when he paced away.
Farm for Sale
---A'r 'VW? -.. �.-
1,3111:1sS'S 11131'1331a 13111:1451:1•)4, .
St'I'Cff1iti', ,3t'.l'!ifY 213rd, i't)9.1
AT 'd (Ye), 'alt F. )1.
That splendid 3 n•m, being lot k, eon, 12, !
Townehip of Grey, two miles
from Br100a15,
The farm consiets of 100 nerve of which
90 are cleared, the rest null -hardwood
bush, On the pl-co is it pond frame I
how and book barn. For particulate I
end terms of sale apply to
13, J11('leS, E3303nud11lo,
or A. Ii UNTIII3, lay., lirnsselo.
IS abiood disease. Until the poison fe
1 expelled from the system, there can
bo no euro t'0r this loathsome and
denjecrous malady. Therefore, the only
effective treatment is a thorough course
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla—tho best of all
blood purieers. The sovnor you begin
:La better; delay is dangerous.
"I woe troubled with Catarrh for over
two rears. 1303011 various remedies,
03311 wee treated by a number of phvsi=
deem, but received no benefit until I
began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A
few butt lee of this medicine cured me of
•.. I. troublesome
4 and COm-
1 lately restored ley lhealtb.”—Jesse I.
Com -
Mills, N. C.
"-When Ayer's Sarsaparilla was rec-
=inouded to me fur catatrh, I was in -
(lined to doubt its efficacy, having
tr1ed so many remedies, with little ben -
telt, I had no -faith that anything would
cure lee. I became emaciated from loss
of appetite and impaired digestion. I
butt nearly lost the sense of smell, and
€ray 0yrncen wan badly deranged. I was
ahuut discouraged, when a friend urged
3311) to trey Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and roe
ferrel mo to persons whom it had erred
of catarrh. After taking half a dozen
bottles of this medicine, I are convinced
that the only sure way of treatingthis
obstinate disease is through the blood."
Charles H. Maloney, 113 River et.,
Lowell, Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
PR1P01300 RT
Dr. 3. 0. Ayer & 0o., Lowell, Mass.
Price $1; elm bottles, $0. Worth $5 a bottle.
0. 42.
Half of the people of our County don't know the position of one Township from
another. They can now oVer0ome this dif30nity by consulting the
CO teT 1\1.
Which bits been long needed and looked for. The size is four feet by five feet
mounted on linen and wood rollers. Six ooloriugs are aged, which metres it very
distinct and effective.
PRICE $3.50.
Published by W. COOPER cE CO., Clinton, Ontario,
Boonoe1L6Re AND STATroxoss,
Sallee' Globes and nil kind; of Maps and School Supplies. Write for prices and
out trevelier will ()all on you.
Mr's, Jonathan Dubnage, of Newbridge,;,
a termer Lee111C113 of the let vox., 1a visit•
ire relatives and friends on the let and
211(1 00)16. let present.
Robert Shaw had to 0ondttet the see -
vies 133 :lohnotou'o uhm•oh 0n Sunday
evlani,,a, the Pov. 1. 13. Wtiliwin being
nailed away suddenly to Ooderieh on the
(tonth of his few, Mr. Mo0ino.
Wo regret to hear that Jesoelt Scott,
8th line, bag been 010330)31(1 to hnalt0 an
ss0igemout to satiety his oroditore. le.
S. Scott, of Brnexole, i0 1110 0.540100.
Some people bay kir, Scab won(d hove
matinged all right foal. 110 not followed
the example of many onion and molt.
33)1330,1 his farm to buy 5 s000nd one,
cre,o, n m 013301: to's n 03 A► 33 A tad Bl M 30 �('t\ it
Stock must be Reduced
Two Thousand Dollars
before Stock taking.
1031 t
e1Zs' (G, CGG
,it 7)1fi08
11111 f ' %GoolZs, Ca� .s aGu Z tlTb41'DoQas
coats, Boots ar2cZ Shoes.
A Few Ends of Mantle Cloths
Greatly Reduced in Price.
If You require anything in the
above Lines you may depend
on getting a Bargain and
also secure something
that will give you
have a splendid Stock of Furniture at my Show rooms,
Turnbcrry Street Brussels. consisting of Parlor and Bed-
room Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs, Lounges, &c., that
cannot be excelled t'or wear or value. Always a big Stock
to choose from
As I have a very large and well mltcle stock of Bedroom S'1ita+
and Sideboards I will sell them at greatly reduced prices. \\'.. I€ iv
made a specialty of these lines and now is the time to pnrelt Iso.
Hand -made Furniture a special feature of ottt' business. A large
stock of tip-top Moulding for Picture Frames. Work clone with
neatness and (despatch. A nice lot of Pictures, Foot Stools and
l ancy Articles for sale.
A. full line of Caskets, Uot my and Robes always on
hand, Two Hearses and a #heel Delivery Wa,;un ill
connection with our Establishment
I pay special attention to CAVITY and ARTERIAL EJII).d'31 Z-
ING. having taken three series of lessons on Embalming front
Prof. Ronouard, of Kansas, and having a Diploma for the same, I
feel confident in being able to de 111is work properly.
A beautiful range of McFarlane, 1icKtnl €y �k. Co'$ patent Ll..1'; N'
WINDOW BLINDS to hand. Every houselltl mer should see thole.
They taro dandies.
Agent for the KARN ORGAN.
'Savo looney by Patronising the Old Established Furniture
R. Leatherdale,