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The Brussels Post, 1892-1-15, Page 4
New Advertisements.. Local -B. Gerry. Looal--Geo. Good, 1)ruee---J T. Pepper. Lamle A. Bre:whan. Leoals- A. R. Smith. level - E C. Danford, Locals -Dr. J 0.Ayer. Imenle -Mrs 1'' Petee•. Muslo--U. A. Detdnnut. Farm for Sele--R. Hicks. Locals -Irwin & 1110.310e, Tenders Wanted -R, Russ. County map --W, Copper to 0.`000 Comity Council -William Lane. Winter. Goods --Mex. Straohau. A Calf for Sale -G, Deadman, Oast Price --Ferguson ce 1Tai1 ay, Lauds for Sale-Hntohinson a Sou, (The ' I,i•ilsscls Vo5t. ii'11's11', .JiU\'. 15, 1892. EAST HURON REFORMERS. The annual Convention of Bast Huron Refurnier. wig he hold in the Town Hall, Brussels, no Friday of next week, ?Snd inst., camtnenciug at 1 o'clock. Eieo- tinn of cello bearers tied other l.nper- tau, business ,will some before the meet ing. Dr. Mandolin Id. 61. P.. is expect ed to bepresentand address the gathering. Let there be a large turn out. Ie's about time the Wardenehip of Heine Conn'y cane north, therefore we propose the names of Reeve Mooney, of Morris, or Reeve Milne, of 0' ey town- ship. They are both men of large municipal experienoe and either would All the chair creditably. 113©1 =yet ve. Miss Mamie Ynung, of London, is visit- ing at W. Tucker's. A. L. Budge left on Saturday for To. ronto to resume his studies. Wm, Bennett has re•urued from a few weeks holidaying in Michigan. Mi.s Julia Coates was visiting her ate, M s last week. sheer, rs.Wm.S Stonehouse 1 s The annual meeting of lite East Wa. wanosb Aeriouitural Society was held in Gallagher's hotel on Thursday Jan. 1401. Several of our townspeople have been Laid up with the grippe, Sirs. Bengough and A, Proctor having been dangerously ill with it. 8. Young, of Wingham, has had the supervision of Mr. VanNorman's black. smith shop during the illue'ss of the latter. Ex -prisoner, F. W. idulliet will deliver a lecture entitled"? ison Life and Prison I2efo'rn" in the Fnrestera' hall 00 Thurs. day evening next. Dr. Godfrey has returned to town and resumed his practice. Dr. Dwyer, who was in oharge during his absence, left for Toronto on Thursday. J. S. Timmins Jr Co. are holding atm tion eaten on Tuesday and Friday nights of each week in order to dispose of their stook of dry goods, groceries, eto. tits tit. lv]rs. Robt. Symoecls is indisposed al. present. Bias Edith Yettog left on illooday for Whitby College. Business is improving with the good sleighing of the past few deya. A Invite timber of our citizens are laid up with the grippe these days. A ,vesk .f prayer was held in the Presbyterian uhureh last week. Mrs. (Rev.) Higley is suffering at present with a relapse of her recent illness. The anneal supper 0f firemen is to be held at the Commercial Hotel on Friday evening. A Dintrint meeting of Marti. Branch of the L 0. L. wus held iu the Orange hail, Blyth, on Tuesday. S,teramelt of the Lord's Supper was administered in St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian church on Sunday morning. Some of our fair sex tre'ted a few of our young bachelors u a eleigh ride the other evening. The boys seemed highly delighted with such kindness shown to therm. On Saturday afternoon was the funeral of the wife of our esteemed townsman, John Morgan lvbioh was an unexpected one. The deceased had only been ailing a day or two and not considered danger. one, The remains were taken to Bali's cemetery for interment followed by a large number of vehicles and sorrowing friends The bereaved ones hove the sympathy of the whole community. 1 Sabbath 5011001 CoDventi0n. - The seemed t000 -,I meelrug of the I Union Sunday held et Walton liConventionool vt}a ml Pleirsday,Jan. 7 the ,ftt'ruuon sessilnt bei ,g le Id iu Sr. 0eerge's 516,60016, .Lo spite ul the Molten. enov .f the weather the ettendulus was good. 'Phe 1're Went, Joules Sini11ie, °tempted the chair. 'Cho Ince ing opo„ori with dove:tonal ex4,rei,en, af152 elite 1 rho following subject ear intrudueed by Mrs, T. Jauksen t 5150014116112 50660141111100 e6 Vie CIIILMlh I•.x 1111 Tnn 011100 Ain 01"'011148, 5. 160011121t7 The oouversio» of the Chihli' hl should be the ulhiel Anil of the ti. S. teacher, The teacher who won d labor for the oon- Vendee of his elites must be in spirit a altitd of God, whose paths be is pointing ant and towards which he is leading the young feat entrusted to his Dare. "'Thou meet be true thyself If thou the truth would'st trach ; Thy soumust overflow with love Loving results to maul]." Tbere is no que.tion that more deeply oonarcns an earnest Smurav 8061001 ts,65h- er than how his pupils Dan he won to Jesus. T'. be suooessful in this work he mast love God, love hie pnpi a 'old be thoroughly in earnest -";Vise a: a ser' pent, harmless as a dove." !hiring every lesson his nem should be to have sem word 5tl•ike home to with soul. He 1 should ley to writ' his pnp','1 to is sed emit e. t”, give them to !mow that in t err teauher they have a true friend who label's for their best letereets. He should make vetch boy, gash girl in hie ula-s a subject of prayer and let it be a whole suuled pleading wit', God on their b5.a:f, thee He will open their young hearts to Ih0 ruueptiou of .lis word and be willing to be lead by L•Iim, The teacher 5heuld seek to influence his pupils individually, by pereouai weever. e,tion, by kindly attention, He should become interested in their daily lives, visit them if possible in their homes. By th,s he becomes better acquainted with his pupil., learns more of the trial. and temptations to whi511 they may be exputed and will be butts prepared to deal with earth 'erre. Speak to them pri,ately of their salvation, but pray to be guided by the spirit and do net say too much. Just a word for Jesus, spoken from the heart, may prove the means of winning that pupil to ChrLit, "1 wish 1, un t lLean. Will 0 0 u were a that Y a t yon think about it 7" spoken iu partin,l with a pupil may do more real good than a whole hour of talk. Let every effort be actuated by an intense desire for the sal- tation of 1110 alae. There is a road bo every human heart, let the teacher try and find it. A little tact, deep earliest• nese, a determin•,tioe not bo be disoour. aged by drlfioulties and 41b040 ad the event feeling that you are working for the blesse l Mesta , and the oonsoious• nets that He sees every step you take end is ready and willing to help 1(1 this semis m.dertakeh for him. No stows should be lett unturned, no plan uu,ried, fur one soul sevsd through your instrumentality is worth the untiring efforts of a life time. "Weary not in well doing for in due time ye sbail reap if ye faint not" is the -ore promise of our dear Lord. "Perchance, in heaven, one day, to me Some blessed saint wig, come and say 4.11 Mad beloved 1 but fur thee My soul to death fled fallen a prey, And oh, what rapture in the thought One e,•ul to dory to wive brought." Beware; were 'made nu this paper by Rev. 1). Forrest end \Vin. Pollard The subject : "De•oribe the mice eery quaff - tic times of tie true S. S. teacher," was taken up and aeuessfelle dealt with by J. Parte . After remarks by David Knight and Rev. W, T. 0101£ the subject ''Can a person be too for advanced either ill age 00 education to receive molefit from the S. 8.," wits well s ud ably pre enutsu uy Igo . W. T. 0010, and those who availed themselves f the privLsge to attend the Oonveution and heard the rev. geutlelnan's address will never feel that they are too far advanced either in age or sdueetiee to atbeud the Sunday school. Mist, Dick, in it paper on "How to gain and keep the abteu'i0u of the o1055," wont. very deeply into this most important need in Sunday 1011001 work, urging the teacher to pay epsoiel atteu. buil to the varietlou of their system of Leeching, not allowing it to bucnme monotonous or wearisome. Thr, election of "Oluers for the rimming year was proceeded with and the follow.. illg were chosen :-Preedont, 11. H. For• gush, ; Vice Presideut, Jas, Smillie ; Secretary, ,Vers, W. Ned ; Treasurer, G. Leriig ; Committee of Management, Mis. res B. Moore, E. Pollard, A.. llewitt, M. Smiles, M. Hamilton, E. Williamson, and J. Hewitt, J. Bulger, P. Davidson, Wm. Pollard, D. Campbell, R. Brother. son, De Kui;:hb, J. Moore, T, Jaokson and J. Luweml. The meeting then olosed with devo- tional exeroiosa and adjoerned at 4:80 to meet again at 5830 in the Methodist church for the evening session. The chair was templed by the new President, li. H. Ferguson. After singing and prayer the minutes of the lash melting were road by the Secretary, followed by an addrees of welcome by Rev. W. Otte - well, The subjoin "Is the S. S. in.titu. tion a necessity," introd uteri by J. Smite• lie, abounded in earnest thought. "Sob bath observance," was ably lntrodueed by J. Knight, followed by remarks by Mrs. J. Berry, Wm. Pollard and Mr. Grigg, Mr. Bolger gave an interesting dieerurse, showing "The beet method of sustaining the S. S. financially," follow. ore by an address on the "Benefit of S. S. Conventions," by Rev. D. Forrest. Suitable music was supplied at inter- vals by a union choir. At the close of the prow am a vote of thanks VMS tender. ed the retiring President, Collections were taken up at both ee5siol16 and will be equally divided between the different Sunday schools. The meeting closed with prayer. The Stratford Gas Company whe have acquired the property of the Reliance Electric bight Company, have offered to dispose of bbs acme to the city for 40,000, Jas. Slow, who, while working on bbs derrick platform of the coal shutes at the O. T. R. roundhouse, Stratford, was a5- eldentally struck by the handle of the winding apparatus, died last Friday evening, At the annual 'meeting held recently of the Totvnship of Bfanshard Censer. votive A31500iatiOu, at the township ;Lill, john Borns was eleeted president ; W. Uutehins, viee•prosident- 0. W. Robin. son, 850retary ; and Reuben Switger, 11 eaenrer, i'JtIaest . The good sleighing is livening up trade. Frrd. Milne, eon of Reeve Milne, has gone to Stratford to take a course at the Business College. Ethel L. 0. L, was represented at the District Ledge at Brussels last Tuesday. Robt. Barr was elected District Master. We are phased to state that 11'1155 Louie Sherlock stood first in Bence County at the racers Modal Bohool ex- amination. Fred. Laird, who has been away in Dakota for several months, has arrived horns. He enjoyed his trip and looks the better et it. Aaron Cober, Benny Davie and Melinda Milne are attending Listowel High School. We look fur good Work at the next examination, In the ahsenos of Rev. 11, 81her10014 next Sabbath evening Rev, It. Paul, of Brussels, a former pastor, will conduct the service in the Methodist thumb. M,>d'rltte> Bette S• cele FAn`1.-D 10161 Milne, the enterprising proprietor of the above mentioned farm adjoun(ng Ebhel, has about 60 head of Scotch short horn cattle in his stables. Ile has meat the following sales :-Young belle to Richard Co. ilStookDennie, of 14Ia[i op , Howiok Stook near Lakelet ; Wm, Lochart, Mckillop ; a heifer to M. MuQuade, McKilIop ; and n, cow to Robt. McKay, of Grey town. ship. In addition to 1115 well bred cattle he makes a epeoial feature of breeding Leicester sheep and has disposed of 4 awe Lambe, an aged ram and it ram lamb to D. 8. Milne, of llowiok ; a pair of ewes and owe lambs toConrad Neablar Grey r pair of ewes end rant lamb to A, Shaw, Morris ; end ram Iambs to P. Robertson and Waller'Mill, of Grey, and /no, Rad. dew, near Elmira. The above slle5 mean a big improvement in stook as yfr, !Milne keeps nothing }gut the best. THE BRUSSELS POST amm,yr=ntwmsax ur egr oral l,t•n"11.111 N4e.vr,. Tia Eitel of Litehllnl.'1 is d(ad. M1'111 eeay.nhtlell of Paris threaten to strike. Mr. (llinletone wire 82 ;mitre old on oti It 1; 1111(1211' , 1 . 1 r.. '.'21:11.1" in in pregre55 in 0 ruuelieth . Largo ntllnbe,s of horses are smolt with la grippe in San Futuoisun, \0101; •e "tut armee,' „ „r .,,, v ""1 nq the laity of Paris list Friday. Lawirss bands are antic marauding in the nnrthel6Otl'rll pert of China. Ji'raece'5 revenue shows a eurplus of 10,001.000 (moil over expenditures. Tut,t1 number of nnnligr'au.1' ,5 „Ind at New York during 1851 was 445,:1(0, In New York wry last wain( t,,. re were Mel deaths, 80 of tallish wow irdta la grippe. Striking Semen printers are reo.QvIIg subetential 148aletatl0a from the ar.ft in 13 lighted. King George, of Greet", who for some time ,,an been 5(514 with smallpox, hart recovered, The min.re of the Llulzappel district, clear W,esbadsl6 Germany, 114tve atruel1. Truett.. aro Iseepi g order. 2, P,, Henry, a lumberman of Zealand, N tv Haulpwhire, hes b ••n fi(104 51,0 0 for import;: , r'a'nt iix•, werk,nee There are lid oases of yell 8 fever at nue hospital al S,tut05. 1,, Nine .her 1.2,815 emigrants a,ri,ud at that .ort. Di turbanoes a e feared in the 1'0'1, o5 of Mendo611, Buenos Ayres, a,,d ',tieing military precautions have been token. The ice -Ming gifts of the City Commit of OId.0011dou to the Due' et 1 latenue and his bride will cost 2,500 gnin010 A dynamite bomb Livery h is he n di -covered at Walsall, anat. 131renb11tuu, Several err eta line been 'n' t. •Ia New York 217 puttee n gh 'u', 11 oral the gripe. Lien deices 6, a the cis as u.eurrsd in chat city an 1'r'd.ty of last (veer(. Another Crank was arr•sted in New York friday. ale demanded 5500 from le, 0, Kerdeli14, attorney for .he German Legal Aid Society, litehard Putter, prt.aitlent of the Greed Trunk final 1800 to 1870, and fw' some yeere d(1 outer of ih 61edeu„ liar Oo , diet. Motaley at 11,nail,.lmetptee, .e4V'd 76. Anna 11i. Duuigau, aged 70, fait d ad on the trees in New To it last wesa, and before her body oo 'Id be rein 'vat, three rftlga and a bracelet were tura fro it her fingers and wrist, Tie jewel-. were worth 51,500. The branch office of the IVells Vargo Express Oumpauy et the .rand Central depot iu Houston, Peke wad robued the other 'Helm of four plumage's nr e',ey, to the 'mono of 510,000 or 01015. The dishwater in willed the pl In, and dish s are washed at the great r'•stanr- ants of the Paris lin .leverds i '•u y re- newed once fn every twelve m 116115. 1 his is the strict, cut •cercele, 1'lh'r truth. The method t tar ass 1nrlean than 11 ,ppe're at firs eight For the dishwater, after standfug a week at 80, de, elope strou • smmnumewl proper' les, which have the effoot of immeduC.ey re• moving all grease from the places and dishes dipped therein. Nei grea15 elms l0ueeaed by the ammonia r•'maine limit. fug un the surface, and is akfmm01 off once •4 0'ty, p1auel in it t,b, ant 1•.,'sed of by the ower as one of his perquisites. Jay the end of twelve n1 ,uthe the ,lkh- water hits become nun vert0 I ,n " al mint pure arumunia, Never broken —Kabo. The "bones" in the B. & C. corset are made of it —warranted for a year, too. It's a corset you can wear a few weeks, and theng et your money back if it doesn't suit. But' it's pretty sure to suit —else it wouldn't be sold so. Pol. • 1.ei 615 ' A, .61.1 Save Your Hair BY a timely use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. This preparation has no equal as a dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, pool, and healthy, and preserves the color, fullness, and beauty of the hair, "I was rapidly becoming bald and gray; but after using two or tined bottles of Ayer's Bair Vigor my hair grew thick and glossy and the original 00102 was restored."-McIvin Aldrich, Canaan Centre, N. H. "Some time ago I lost all my hair in consequence of measles. After due waiting, no new growth appeared. I then used Ayer's Bair Vigor and my Bair grew Thick and Strong. It has apparently come to stay. The Vigor Is evidently a great aid to nature." B, Williams, Floresville, Texas. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the petit tout or five years and find it a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It le all I timid desire, being harmless causing t110 hair to retain Its nature{ color, and rogniring but a email quantity to render the hair easy to arrange.". - Mrs. 141. A. Batley, 0 Charles street, Haverhill, Mass, "I have been using Ayer's Hair Vigor for several yyears, and believe that hints color " 'Mrs. H, t1. rXiingg iDealeru In Dry Goods, lite., BishOpvilte, Md, Vigor,Ay rs7 HairY merman ylY Dr. J. t3. Ayer & a0., Lowell, Maea Bold by Arug{Gte and Perfumeni. chef t'N1)11.1SIGNl0D \Vi1,T, r , r,a.. , a u lmi( inn v0, non. 2, Mot,la, the t1 or.' bred improved Yorkshire Ili'," II r',;, i 1',r''' Terms, 0100 10 be p(111 aE lbu„ 'd n,n, Iv.e, 100tH PH,ilro:n of returning 1, u• ,,,n,,'. Pedigree m n• h, .. , 11,._ 11 10.9 01 • JOHN WILSON, if. GUARS FOIL SEIRVICE. Tho nudorslgneo w111 keep ter serrlee all 1201 I1, 000.5, Grp' . the theca' bred Ilork- shire pig, "Stanley," elan the thorn' lire ll Chaster Whitt, Pig,'('uuquur00," both bred from immerse' mewl, with Pedigrees. Terms 41.00 to he paid at time of service with 1(141v- i(ege of retirnl,g if neeevsnrv. AN0118 8(111W, 911-1 t'l'eprlrtnr, TMPROVI'ID LARGE W (11'1'11 YORK- SHIRE 1304111. The uudel'elg,wil will beep for 3,'('ler) this , Y771'OSent season the len proved 1a1'g0 where 2 nr 01,1,5 110 ' 1LUndy" ou lot 0eou,u, Morrie, to o'hleb a limitel7 another 'of Hews twh!Iola hoef rtual., 10'awls I$1•l.v00lobuoe hne palet- 1134 if t3insea1y. Pedigree may be 01011 Up- on141)6412111 1,11(51)1-2, 1110 Proprietor, ep URE I311E1) lin 'Rs POTb SER JL v1o14.-1'11e undersigned will keep for service on 110,111 1,INf l,nt 20, con. 7, Morris, a pure brad dollish ire Kuru', bred by 1lr, Snell and en Ohl,, ilnpravcd Chester White, bred ley Y'hos, Georg', Pu thaw . from fur Ported stook On both o, I,, . ThIR (hog tn,1, 3rd prise at the lu,lustrh, 1 Pair iu a class of 17, ih 10824, n„1 8'021 et 1 ,r, West •ru Pair in a ciao: of 111. His Afire tont Ist at the Indus- trial in 1801, 'Terms 01.00 to be paid nt tine of service with privilege of returning it Poe. ens (y. 3n•tt SAAIUE(, WA LEER, Prop. REAL ESTATE. "WA S sTATE. "WA13J1S FOR SALE. -'THE UN 1 D14ne15Nun hits several good Farms 0,0 sale and to rent, easy tome, 1n Township( of 11 orris and (+r"1'. F 8. SO(TT,Bruesols, 87-tf. CV-TOTf)E TARN FOR SALE. - Being South half Lot 27,001/.6, afo1rf8, Inn. aures, usarly allolen•ad. (lend buildings, hue young bearing orchard. Immediate poa- 508510,. Easy Terms, Apply 10 W. 111.01 v CLAIN, t!- Solicitor, 0m0., Brussels, p011SALE.— ROUSE, LOT and Fruit Wardoo, situated Jost outside the corporationoration OfBrussels,reeunder- signed uu de - 1offers0beautiful homestead, moll 00010 an o50 o3 land out in -class fruits, a good brink house,able, first-class well, eco-, making a complete home. For further particulars apply to 8. FEAR, 4•tt Brussels. TALUARLE 50 ACRE FARM Fnn BALL•, --Being went 5 Tint 11, Con. 0, Grey, 01 miles trot Brussels. The land is good Bred and int coe i order, nee' acre st of or- Shard in good repair. There is a never f21il- ing spring on the premises end an extra well at the buildings. The buildings are counm't- able. Would take suitable property iu or near 131.1188 is as par; pay. For fertile par. Boletus apply on bbs pr TIIoos110001011(-1011, or address Brussels P. 0. 8810 y1011 SALE. -CHOICE FA141141 1 of 460 acres In Due of the host wheat districts to AiaultObs. 1150 acres under culti- vation, 40 sores seeded :0 Timothy, 2 log knees and MI outbuildings. All fa need with wh'e, 2 good wells, wood within easy roach, 1,, miles from prosperous town and station of Cypress River, Elevator, School, 3 Churches and good sto'ee. Title perfect, A part Or the whole, or terms lto suit. aur• chewer, 10 not eu(d 6, ' March 15th, the farm will be loused. Write et ones to - vv M. 1(1 cLII01), 213•8m Cypress Myer, Mar. 14-,ARi4I FOE SALE.-TIiE UN- oL+naI6NDn offers for sale the north east quarter of lot 28, concession 6, Morris, County of Baron, ouutnd»4L.g 66 110.05, Tho land ;sof first quality and in a high state of cultivation, well fenced and puller -drained, 5 ac rue cleared. New frame boueo, 8 rooms, ndlk house with onuorete wells, 2 wells, good bares and abed, orchard, etc. Bight acres of tall wheat, This .desirable property adioius the oorporation of i800000's. Suit- able teen' will be 09011, Title paria et i AMES GRIEVE, Owner, OOD FARM FOR SALE. — s The unne•algnell Executers 01T,r the "John Forbes" farm for Sale, The property consists of ib0 acres, bet ug lot 6, eon.8, and west half lot 7, 500, 8, G,uv township, 'rllo'o iro 180 acres cleared and under troll, balance hardwood bush, On the ere,,, Oes Is a gnarl 2,terey brick home, large hank barn with atone stabling, well5,wtmlluill 55,11 piping to stables, two orah aids, good tonnes, d0. The farm isle a good state of cultivation and is only 2) tulles from 13ruoeel8. Pannonian to suit purchaser, For plaice, terms, *c., write or apply to 8-0 JAS. CARDIFF, Brueeels P. 0. or D. 20165818, Stratford. TANITO]3A LANDS F011 Salo or Exobm,ge for farm property in Ontltriu, Tho undersigned have the fol. lowing prop ertiea, viz, :-Phretegearbors8ec- tion 26, Pown5bip One, Mange 20, near Delo- mine. Thin is 1rat-41aes unimproved laud. Also south east quarter of Section 20, Town• n4)10,1251204 10 on the Beautiful Plaine about 8 rnlles from Sewel Station, main line C. P. It, This laud 1104 been homesteaded and these is a log 1101250 ou rho 1pl0,01 and 0011001 house on one corner of ilio lot. In- tending settlers may And it to their hatorest to write for nerticulare to HUT0HIN8JN d 801.7, Pork Dealers, 27.4* London, Cut, STANDARD BANK DT CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. W. F. 00 WAN, Preeident. 7. L. BRODIJE, Caslhier. Asen're, - - - 57,000,000 Phil) ur OApt'sAL, . - - 1,000,000 Regime Putin, .• - 500,000 Agouoiao in ell principal Route in Ontario, Quebec), Manitoba, United States iia England. Brussels Agency. A (.general Backing heel 10se Transacted. Partners' and 'other good Notes Discounted at lowest ade ail all Wafts I)o looilo received and interest allowed et eineent rates' SAViNOS BANK. Interest Allowed on UNBAR Bank Do. ;melte of 51 and upwarll5 1400 date of deposit to date of lei6bdrawal, mid emu - pounded half yearly. Prompt attention and every facility aeon, Ad Mamas (dying at adlatauce. G. P. S01101,i'IitLD, Agent. Betiostl8, April ltJl,1,811, ,1 AN 1 3, 1892 tt;nr 'N r 4,VR 'tarnnclmveseM*71pn 10AINT sI] PAIMULTanenlgr ritULFLFAZS,txI'r,:t'err 4hIMUAaauY yr I 9 Private Funds to Loan. i 2O,OOO lhty e been placed in 1)15' hands l'ul' Iflvest111ent int real usttat0, LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST, 1 'o Co,,lY.4iobi' ,. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Dayl if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIII, ,Solicitor, Bri!sasla, OE'S COTTON ROOT (*OMI'(IONi(, A re0ant diseovory by an elrt physlolun. 8,1000s8101- ly used monthly by thous- !' ode Of LAMER. In the only perf50117 sate cut) 1,Heb,e mcdlch>o rllscnv. erod, (4,1nre of nnirlootl)led drng,i,ts w),n Mier inferior uowltcineo in pl.ler. of this. Adit for : crura C:u•r•ro4 12.01 that vookb, tale no substitute; nc iuelns0 $1 00'01 1 tllreo.00nt Oat,nda postage At1tn08 1,1 letter and we will send, sealed, by return .",11. Rall Soak 0(t particulars ll, plain ouvrin 1e, to ladles e4 only, 2 stamps. l Ir, se crowd f.0 ' EOM.. petty, No. 3 Fisher Block, 151 woud4a,d aye., 1>etroit, Mich. 4.. -Sold in Hi tinsels by J. T. PEPPY.10, G. A. DEA ('2.112 rid ell ,esnonslble druggists ovary who I0. 11IONEi 'I'0 LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 &6'2 Per Ccnt., Yearly. Straight LORDS with privilege of repaying when required. Amply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brnsaels. MONEY ONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds. t1PPL3.' TO J.C. Heffernan, S. &.Young, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. 5811 Why Nati Do Your [in Thinking'? 1300501010, November 8tb,10811. J. M. MSLeon, Oodorloli, DI101 Sln,—I should have w,itten before now to let you llnnw bow I aw getting along. I nu) a lot better then I was; gaining strength every day. I have u good appetite and sleep well. I earl tette the full 9uautity o1 the System lienvvolnt end it does not sloken me. My limbs aro n11 right now.; quite smart in thin way; swelling all gone. The greet thirst is gnuu; I rh'luk no water nt night, butI take n, little buttermilk. I am quite straight again. 050.2 010 another bottle of your System Renovator. Yours,do.. JAS, Dux0AN. 110011'00111 3100005 1d11111. R an5001.5, February 77111, .1801, J. M. Manston, Gndoricb, Doan 001,---Flfteen vein's ego last Novem- ber I started to doctor first ; I ons troated for dyspepsia, but they never helped ane soy. At dices I suffered greatly from my stomach ; I continued. but I grow worse. I turned (1801(5loai ; limbs wed body swelled badly. You know the state I was in when I well to Goderich—a more smelt, could hardly wall( --suffering from Bright's die. ease, Just one year ago last fall I began your Renovator and Specific Cure, I began to .send in a few days ; continued then for three mouths steady. Although I was told !could not be curer(, if you saw mo now, woll mal hearty ; eat everything that conies in the way. I owe you the praise of saving my life. I was in a hopoloes condition when I went to you, in feat no one thought I would get better. I cannot speak too highly of you and o1 your medicines, dor it Wal them that cured me. Words militi 1 exurbia) my thanks to you. Freely pass my name to anyone. Tours, MES DUNCAN. SOLD nr J. T. PEPPER, Bnossahs, THOS, FbETOJiER, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to 80011re your patronage, we aro opening out Pull Lines in GOLD AND. SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Est:tblishod abet Reliable Makers fully warranted by us., Clocks of the y t LLLGLS l .De,51,L> i2.5. JEWELRY ! Wanr1Na itiNos, 001)11(8 (Mill Rules, Bn000ues, 1 Altk1Ne ,to st Willie a Full Line of Vfolilr and 1 a I s Violin Strings, tee., in stook. A. n.•-leotlrsl' or yl8F1'Isge 6,luello05. T. Fletcher, Brussels, i/ii✓, TUECOQK'S BEST FRiEND +' LARGEST SALE IN CANADA, e. ;~°i:Toi,r A„T1, 11,D., ;'LA., L,C,P.S,O., M.O.P.S.➢i., Speoialist, - Toronto, JoNA'ruAN lloan2ART, I,lstnwel, says :-- "After 5pOt,tilhl'. ,4I110y money cud property to no 1111(1'0n e1 in edlcalmeu, for what they tarnlod ahopeless ease in consumption, ler, Sinclair curer; ma” Afn4 MARY Fmu:oNo, Wno,lbonso, says "When all others failed, Dr. Simnel). cured me of (its,” 1) 12onom're0N, Carleton Place, snyI:— "Dr, faluohdr cured n10 of Catarrh." 44140. 1101V1a,, (51v111, &tyro:—' lir. Stoolah• cured nlr of Iw01.1, rllsonso Mt 41 dropsy, ,vlieu ell ubho'a failed," Diseases of Private Nature, broig7d1 on 1p f0117/, Ar, 8Inalair eerie fu/y Ooze.a•exltaklmzz Freo- WILL B11 A1' TEE Af37ERICGIN HIJ'FEL, BRUSSELS, Wednesday, Feb. I0,'92 1000 POUNDS )OF ( .CandieS --_AT THE. Star HeIal1rallI FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE. All kin. s 01' Nuts, Oranges, Raisins, Grapes, &c. 6 Gallons of Oysters FOR CHRISTMAS TRADE. Gall and get your supply. T. RUTLEDGE. REMOVEB Heaving moved my stock of Boots & Shoes --INTO---- LAIRD'S NEW BLOCK, Nest door to T. Fletcher's Jewellery Store, T ani pre- pared to attend to the wants of the public. Tull—Lines in ffll lai?rcZ.s of Boots and Shoes. Overshoes, Rubbers and Felt Boots on hand that will be sold at close prices for CASH. J. DOWNING. N. B.--I3ips sewed Free of charge on goods sold by us. Fine. Robes, Comfortable rugs, Horse Blankets, Whips, Sleigh Bells, Con21?s 9' Brushes, Trunks & Valises AT ... H. DENNIS' BRUSSELS We Ioa,d in the Manufacture of d• , .L rr , , Lied; and : ,, ea 1e ec ary„ iiikrt OOLLARiS A SPECIALTY, 40