The Brussels Post, 1892-1-15, Page 31
JAN, 15, 1s02
TOSEPITINE'S 11()TfIEa. i iuy'e 1r. hang: Wont, into 1 ha till of the laVerll , her to see if she i maul in t.le. tiny face, noel Togo t9 Busied 1 AWLy froni lin, low 0111,11. Witll the dew of sleep Atpol: hey, or as she ' that. as Allem 1'19'i10 opened the weekly pa.
' at the foot of the hill, .where lie It : In11011 on. ; feature of the Wheel:3 hwe, for which beforepanic/us, away from the Rodney gide-hope lititteriel 111 the sunshltio, and would cheek inir, 0 elattiv of laughter reemmiled through
AV 11annIY,1: Olt 0.011.arl: 911 '00191 l jeyed hie role of a lean af propel Ly, mid hie l she heel weight 140 often mid so eagerly, and ' ibietied het. olicie egain as if it hail not be. the song me if she innet lei 111,101:ti, a burden. the house. " \Val, 1 ewum 1" she exelaimeil
l'T 1 t i 1 t I i 1. ol , „ . , . ,
,i :Tato! a e,teg a tit, te itdit Arita. to, • a li 1 y ... Natl.'. :reit., .111_ 1..1111 all Ma , Witten lioW she thought would lie to her as treyeil her scores of times before. " An eLl wrolLth to lo, 01,11, to sing :40 :411 in aim}, laughing till she erled. LL j didn't, know :
ell..., 1l:inn weanew,. .alr, kew,,,,,e, t f ; 1,400,1 )11,4 1.1'11 t 11,H
,.fOrrO'l inrPaiX
t,. M. ' . b4101111 118 anY glatlee of the evil tee e. 11 No, . /Mould you take Jonephine an' 111''t" eho iniefort low as then/0i ned Josephine's flame.. - he hail a bed an• board 1 Seem', to me you
titt,l,„ wo,rit•t atioiitt,r tot& tt,ttay. Att, 1,n. noy's till it. :Tented a letrilithlp that, la: 011101, / no, no, you're my ritteillaby !" and the eliege 'asheti, her valve like a wild gin! ory. Btu. 6w hip, leved hor, how she loved her ! ' furni,411,1 both of 'eni. I'd like ter eve hint .
., 1 tiek to wialt•
gnin' tn 1111.117 C.11110•1/7 I tete: WIleileVer 1 can ; g „ 1. ., , , . ed her, and Itiseed her, end pried over bee; 1, \ Val, I might. steel fer ye," he said. " Thel ellil.P..• no mid 1,1 triedile to yini," a ft 1111 me ' ifilli jeS0 31,11 berk to
ready.. r, . 111 1, 1(1 g.1 no nano y put 11):, Prieey ?:, i till the fright/311ml lieby put tip it quivering • " lint what'a the ose ?'' ain't. got no loin' sid.1 her husband one day, Seeing Prieeilla UM, 1" and Miss 1,11 vire read with enction e
-1' You lie !'' , he wilted, " 1 iet lie me het e it, an I -- Hp and oiled in emoriuly. ..drod dollars, an Might tat Weil hilliker b.r a pause in the hurry of he., sewing ..„ 1, ,
11,,, year ewe, •' " Rol rot altYill. it for 5 111'1!3' '111Y." she • Prieeillit said tedium.; to her heehaw' alemt :lank," .loicephinets curls, till they etemil mit in I; soggrE,
_and he, ,, ii, , (if slime iii,..1,,,il ow : 110111,1. : Iniiill'incelllY, and 'Milling her Iola Is I Ill:: hollk:hoolt. 1 if MIMI. 080 Wee Ili laiok • ! 110w mild she have had en evil thought halo round the lite., head,
117,,,rses, My Wife, Priseilla Dane. has left
brio!, rasa, and sh,„„ itt,ntal it nni!.1,13, 01,1. 1.,1 if -1,.• hail it en them. nee baek, anew 104/10 ilL,oded Lgand loss !sets of hitt., she wilted herself, 8110 Was full of " I've:1110 1" .6.1 kissing ber. my bed and 10011,1, ferbill pel,
Boa 1110 (mor iii0outt,d and itiottotrd 1111 11 1 " 9.,Vel, . hi • 1 , ,• • , .1.3, day, than. ll'ii ili the two yeinei of their married life. In :humility ;ma ropenl;LIV,', elel 111VO, lt,l 41e, " );',,tic..7,,t,t 4. ..., yl ,,1 : , , . ri ',do, any h.. thm, ,, Ht.__ all
banana! a pain, and staldsn.), s.,!! r,nt,assd , shaft I is: youna 1,..: .. , e, al,' M s'l I 1111,Vr litia ' that .....eishing litt. the gity earideesness lie, !glued. oil 1;lit handoiene, lelYe3,l1. faePa ditte, Ilit 1 will pixy 11,) bill., 100 1(11 velar/tat-
Rohs barbel Mg or tins' log .11,r after this
her htis, with her liande and burst fete Viva ; 11155 1" r"ull""1"."" 4‘"d 11" l'"4"1""'" III° ! 0,90" 1"1'01.0 1,1,i1)::::1: the goiel nature just, ! " 1.1etriey 1" she eri el radiantly in a Min- 4„ her," ' ing,
" I -...I do'no' what the world winiiii lit, to ' tidele „ea ,,,,f,,,,,,,,1 1 1 Leer, „ be o el„„,y ! „„Iblog but idlo itrohhwee of treubM ; it tie with 1411(99' thought, " I can get yon al .• Not to her," meld 1 elee/11a, " oll, 1:00 to I: (111401..SY 1)4 91.
Me F0110111. Charley Dour in it !" mid eine 11 ink " mud ,, ,,, ore of \ at latitsis lull Of the tile indiffermwe to 111/litiel lete+, %Hiked, bemired dollars,"
4 4 ‘V,1, 1 ,,,,.,,!. r: ax„1a„! mi,,,, 1,,,I.,!!,s,,, , twinkling fi et ef the ilitimars.
ili''''':'; iii.'no' hew well. ever gide' to bring 1 The Maiden'e Oholoe•
!midi:mow:at ; and at 100 the determined! " You!"
sitting traight mid phr eyes
But Priseilla, iii liev Leh/ration, watt t levc of enand easu
plre, mime, h
lfew ilt '1 Yes, A pedlar WaS intro this meriting her ttp," he slid preeently. " No Mo'in, no e.,Wo yeuilin 01100 lived in a country towel,
very senit olio; i•
over her huh (ingots 1 felii. would Kt i lltesparlo: '15115 5 1°"1: 1'.11," '11'1 5" tly111114° ilho allY• silo ever 1,11) 11 tilloh a els:1011re ? 11,w . While 1 WaS einninniut, nil hair, an' he maid. seheettee epw,,,,e1 le, a mere), ef seine Ash
With thalli. "uharl,,,,, Dune 1 yen, talheisd tiling 814
100d ; far, ler fe
reit ) 1 Ile wa's I I I • • '
I, git 1914 hundied 10110.1ior It 0)) day . poke ad take fel. their owe," And ono Sas gient fair
I di, ! 1 do!" she moaned. "11. jest. 11119 11(1 take it." With a Saxon yikitig•agolden crown
l'INZO1 to nie.11/1 Pris,•1110 0113011 1Y, giv•
Ami blitekernitlin enemies smooth and
all the more need of 11101111W," And pi oetoit Voile hake" leg the lovely hake final wave,
ly elle busied herself inittingnway the etoree She fancied there was love for 01 1011 In' "rwenhi het, sto,•,, :toyer koow no hr"'"t11
Bert had 0010), bit her abeenim Which elie 111:1 tone, if he loved 11., f 11 eost him a 'went, pee he fetehed up like a hely," 1% hen he made his righb arm Isere.
imagined he l,tt1 bought, with that, money, 'peng, it was easy fOr her to part. 911 11 it, in 1 \Ville aim yeti talkieabout t," said The other yeah was of dapper size,
and in getting dinner ready for her busland.spito of her inilignent imfueni in the motet- 1'rieobba loslitog at him now, and blanch- So slender and ehortwar9 he
who canto ill Ile gay 10/ nay .1.0 111,,» of ig. dIl e's comfit' letek to -morrow," mbe Mg with it riti Wen unnamed fear. The, he found emelt favor in utaidens' eyes,
leisure, end, wont away laterward as if eall. said. " I'll git 1.1,0 01101118 yoll ellt iti About Jonephine, There's a rieh ledy Am] the giant boasted in merry wise ;
01 ly preeeitig businese, lint how empty .itow 90110 you're hire, Charley. Tain't as put up to the tavernll
, e' she /see heI r we'n " could lay hien 11000498 iny knee,"
eeenteil the great blue hollow sky to ef it wouldn't grow again, you keow," And you went to the store, and was taken by
MS she looked out or the window ;boo ; the she lousuned the long, braids in a cloud of her sin she followed Litt These tWain both courted 0110 village belle,
nio weleeme to it, but elle longed to
burn over in his glove. Why, he'll never
earn hie 01411 1" give hue 4.411 )t !dug. Still, lb little 4l1111/t.
1 you 110 1,401 00 .-sontelltitoL, lineW not What, steeled
her nieve, flashing angrv glance at her beriu14 "lake h"P155.14 5 1'1115
-remit tile looking-glase ithe hail re. of her money ar,1 leave it in the eavinge
turned, Medd ing her Meg hair. Site tette a 1.4nk', 11.'„h"d l'!"I",""t '',a°,r1;311"1",
11 to ner, Lor except. Weld. Slut into. ;men Mole
pretty oh I, with her fair Hide :mil soft brown
eyes ; but hee hair was henatiflti- -of un. te save from her pay in the chop, it Woe L110
common golden shade, line rind lininetemly re"L llhe had rl'llldr"d f"r thhl
thiek, and so long when it was not Waited
that, ley throwing her head beak in a little
gest/000nm cult 1 with 1100, she eould Mop upon
" I ilo'no' who's a right el I ain't," said
her aunt. " I'm all the folks you got. I
combed that/ hair 0.Y0111`11 tell you done it
yoereolf, reely loved them leeks," eyeing
them wistfnlly now. " Et' you'd a mother
-hut you'll be miserable ; be
" Auut Elviry, I know you mean well
enough. But you mit melte the world roll
backward. The miechiel% uf it is
miwihief. I should be miserable ef didn't
home) her father had built -every timber in
Which Wan deer to her.
But, toured as Priscilla had been to the
idea woi k, her conecience, after a time,
began to assert itself. " Charley," She Said
0/10 (lay, " ef we had 111001113 WO couldn't be
Hein' uo different, We're gettiti bille to Mr.
Nownunis, an' I never hint no bills."
" You didn't, know how (au) 'twee."
"It -it don't seem jest the honest
thing, to me."
" Honest ?" Laid Charley, 11 What do you
teke me for ? .A highwayman? .1 shall pay
1018 919 en I go to work. But, we can% live
marry him, 00 1 r may as Well be Maar. this year but mule, an' mean to live it."
And be gave her u. sloighride that. of ternoon,
able One way as the other. Now 00 1(1901111'
for wIneh it did not °Cent to that ho
say another word, for I'm jest as need as
Eloy (rag. 1,'r give up niy plaee In the
shop OVer t Farley, an WO Shall be married
erne paying 1vith her ritottey, because her
money wait now tile.
But in the :spring little Josephine was
" I bope you won't live ter repent }HI"' Ch"rleY tul-rue'l her Jc'tel'hille, for
it." some fancy that he hail, although l'riseilla
would have liked to call her Elvira.. 11111 the
" Which I 'sposo meane you hope I will.
,ritere.that,s dont3,,.1,,,,,3,1t,g their., [introit. - little mother thought it 10140 suet' a been ty lint Prieeilla only redoubled her efforts, , at bay
and blessing to have her anyway, that the 1 • . growing palev and thinner every day over 1 " You don't menu ter say you'd stand in
" I alien feel when I've done my hair that 0
hile the ringed /mein) ran,
. .
name Was 14.11'ial ; and, beelike, somothiug Mg the stego to Farley, end oh, \ Ir. New- her leeks, end kept her 80000 0. to herself,' the 010111's iight like that, Llo yo 'I"
rtiorninV.8 5011 11 ou 1 of the way."
Anil the le done roared as it floated fair
" ‚(90) don't you cut it. off, then ?" Paid was due to elliarley, hentese he hail uot the Man," the great brown oyeci pathetic an a 'adding a fresh sorrow to all the r0,1 in! "1 ain't fell so 14419' se te sell iny own l• - "
aunt grito13,. „ yun inight je,,,t, 10 wa). ‘ bonnillees leloite of being i.. at baby't4 InoLher. demi, creature's, "I will pay it I I will . feeling that .Iosepitine suffered from her pre-! flesh an' Weed yet," Un the dusky waves td eulphitrous air,
totat, 11aVe tio time, not the legstestAt mit • lint Charley lied bliss enimgh, He eels ge (,, work myself 1 You /chaff he paid the preoueupatioe - Josephine, the ditrlitig, the; " lint it% fur /Ibsen/line's good. 8110 ain't " Three etwers for the little now 1"
for brablire mei prinkin' when you're sup. se(r) tee baby tease% a boy, bet he M.1,1 whole ! lliditeil yell Shall !" Atid It great joy elm hail, the laughing, Carolling, little but one life to live, ;to' it.';= a pity ter spilii Oh, I do um, 1.» it Alla 1 .....1,nnot say
101 0111 Charley Dane,- -now you mark my lintemlf au Mel) higher, even thomell 11 1904 ' 11/10 01 gitr»11.1111-3 to 110 111312e on her sowing, tripping child, for whom all the village that in the hogi1111111% Fur my part, 1 'What the gtent itinclit have dttie,
word l'' a girl. He drank the baby's health with machine came up from the shep winell wits ,people hail it word of wonder end love. 'Phi, o Miliit rest eesy .111 irlitliC .I. ft eeo' Lier Mit But I'm sure the mai,:en wilt weep alway
, ,.. , . i .
" Aunt El \ley if neves any binly (dee I'd
! every new meter at the lavern, and it wolild the centre of the wide rural dietriet, and:only 'denture left the timthee new, wee in . of all that luel,.." ' For 1101. leVer 01.10 01 de, th',,,I. of the fr
take it sielit, of liberty .hut there% bounds, tavn baldva histuad of one Whell he came tame .N1r. 5i/090E1110 frmil that night.
. I thin) "frotti her work. to woke tee, • " Now you look here, :gig' Dane ! That
1011111 blowing round the gable had a, wail gold and sat, down in the ehair before him, ,, yes, ;Ler her. 8110 gitr', Josephine 11110 ehort woe the race they run ;
of desolation ln it ; the bright directly in the path of thu last rad. stInset sono peppermint." .A the giant s feet the mitulen fell.
breezy, beautifnl ilay Was indifferent to her toys, and as every one of the long look fell, 1 „ wttp on wat,t win spoke to Am' the 11121c matt, though he pleaded well,
pain ; felt RN if she were alone hi the u uf- flashing out a red splendor, the child in her '15arney about tho child, on' tolil'her how Nanght more than her pity wou.
velem wi her baby. She tried 111 Valli to ',Lrota naught at them with exclamations of I two, an' she got. poeeesed for it, -she 0111.t. They t,,,,,11,(1 away to the wars one day
lift linrself somo height where elle could . joy, aud was presently half hidden in a none of her own. Aii elle staid every/tight, .lo bust for the batt le'e van,
feel the beneficence, the preemie/. ef t urea- fleece of gold. land Barney sent for me, an-wal -the And the people eheered Whell the giant gay
ing and loving power, but she was a parb of I " Oh, now queer it, IS 1" laughed Prie-; long MI' the short Of It that She'll rartole stoutly past 101. the distant fray,
Charley, mut down aiming the ereeplug 'Mlle, when it was over. " An' how small take the child ale bring her up like rill And they mtiied at the little mon.
things she felt.
It Ma: 1100 n groat many month, after this! " Put eti thin' round it quick !" maid an' 0111 dresses an' all that, ail allow US
!my helot feels 1" 1 folk's children, au' give her vim!), lessens
But the earliest by a foailiall sped -
that Mr. Newman serpriseil her with a call. i Charley, " Fee you're a sight to see," And w'atever we say for MUM' of her /L. -a One drop from the war -black skies-
,. et. lam as a onee WO Ot 01.1101% it 00100 .01149 tied a handkerchief on, and the iiii8t. thousand dollars down, good money, ef we
not unpleasant. to him to lot her inark thtelday gave him the money that the pedlar / say se,'
difference between what wan, and what:eagerly paid her. I I guess she won't," said Priseilla, taking
might hare been. He hail 00111e to see about When Charley come baok a fortnight up liar balline.
" 00, yon, edie will, them"
" 1 guess situ won 1, repeated Priscilla,
and as she turned her hum townrd him, bit-
ing off her thread, there WaS something in
that showing of lier teeth, like a wihl beast
'afterward, awl told her it was all hes and
" Debt? What debt? Oh, never 10 elm 'Itherewastio work at allot Bueted, he did not
"But. yna have hail the gouds," said Mr. 'tell her who went with him and ahared his
Newman. 101010110 living, with bile hundred dollars
" I didn't know -I didn't mulet•stand," I while it lamted
elle faltered. " My 111191,111.1 will go to work
TI • ' 1 ' 0110
10195(1 ilnf)l)' oyer the pigmy's hend
And the giant, who stood behind, fell dead
write a bullet bete,,,,„e et, 13,1te
Then the little man swore, though his sight
was ditn,
And he bounded 01110/1 of them all,
Anil the 10)010 great ariny followed him
Till hu leapt like a lithe tool sliin
First nom o'er the battery wall.
And he plc/lite/1 the Hag of his eountry there
„tut havo not been et all strange if he hiel gem) Prioi•illa, who lad been Charley'. AleVO, be- making Jueephine happy ; elle stole the] " contd. An' I 01/.11," And dead ere his fame was won. 11),
home at night
Isn't elearley Dam. young awl strimg awl .. Clierley Intiltaken the fol, ot stagtodriVing; tittle clothes that dressed Josephine out . ehild% inine. Vim at 110:411Y 11Ielllt it. l'Ve
r Fur war is ,i tield of ehanee, you know,
well, awl hasn't hear good a trade its"-- \nil the next morning he 1111wio work. it mem juet what he liked ; the nomey he like it pietere, 111111 she c.lres,ed thine in be. n tvi I lin' ter 1 ea,...,11 'ith you, - - 1/11 t of you ., 1,0,t him disige ,t he hollets. who 0044
19 7..3
, ' 11,, lind pligity Ld manual thieterity, and get for it 03 14 just what all the lierneye int 1111 1110 thew as if clwy were a part 14 Joie, went- hear in mason, you ;nay 10 lac'. I've ' -
" 1V'tm lw worke to it.'
, A1111 the fe1.111 Of a geoit inekes larger hhow
lett moo is a ,Lortng1 tonere laii,•41,3 10,w,
" 110 work. ree,ar. Ile's laid by 10 13 could /tin aye t,tiiiiiniiii a good price ; 111 I he 1:',11,1 liked. Not it 11 (1) 1( 10 e41111, let° ' 1,hine. ;',104 tlrossed a doll, that Slr. New. got a ri.dit a movihe ti r ler 1 11 1.1.11 or give
a 011,,,bad „tonere 1)11,,A,,, An, hes, , s "PlY 11 'Jobb, 111'0,11, lt '10) 11 10 i,l ljt 10a
ee !"
ie:po, 1i10 /latyer ieneeht Jo3ephine so mai) in a elemnt (bit gheaPri te1ln!,, gler it(
I: 'Lvawhet ter 'it 11 herYen limn tiold ot a lat.1i1111
all 110 1111l 1011,1." 1tn n1 hie part, He luvl bad a asto ot what10,li .tlttle iiorotaleeIe nytheiblonettell J611,1'rklit in her. Mothe, -0iiego!
Herald."ell hhomhe liae e. leieeh,t010101,111"ei/Agot0cliiilcaled beng L gntleman, and he had no 0,:nianiL113 lesit IiM
MI the 1,1,9 --19054,' chill leaning, up e4,01n0 her the 0It 11 11,1 don't eount in lor,
" You're reel (101)0 911 ...Et
eit imfer Iloy be1,(111,10y11pnt'29)40 tint elit11ifthSe
hinuosolue'laughinwith , yet , ilnhmy' ehill IVal, 'nape I le, lint I nee,,anril give u110loiniginghis 11,1,11e at thous 0 woman as reekli.s. ieoneoftreel•Iiinermother',igels1 '
lrye hT110 1111. eayMe
Ve 110011 tee St, SWU'
Brothersp • cienes hganliosaya,-
gond„aan!(.1.1a,1,nsIn,1,.as ehiI.i.3. eletlies, an.1 he lnade a. " 1 ilteisr' for% 1" eael :Vie", Mein., let 'II- putting up a litt li, 110)111 v. the f.tou 1 Oat 1 - Vent. will's elije llei/ee tweet ,hild." Yen Thi, behunig v. ry 10110 (9,, stiney 9000
.. . .
Miller e, an' I 0109',' shall.groat deal .4 vomplan
aini me, d required a 11)1bck
aher epeetaeles e-, • he en
e-ieliel eady emiliel when turned toweed ma . and ,,,E, tny Will'S 1 he ler. A.,' my will 'is that related. bY a 1 1101101 gontielliall at the
d'e,t.enti alsolt a montn ago, ate authentie.
111a, so. a 110111 1,,, ,,..11 ,,,,,." 1114 ,•,, ,.. , genie :thole fee• win I; With 1101' 1/11r,7 lel her hie -Male limiliatelevith 1 lea i b. lees, buseei,••• 1 ), ar mariner, litor 101011111r, .14)0 mar. " t 'Berl, y 1 charley 1- erial prieeille, ity i'd which 10, 144 0,41,1 to have vouched for,
rie,,,,1 ,,,,, i..1,.." ,,i .(w.„,, ,,,,,, ,.: 1,11. 10.1/1. i1.11i1 Whe filiellbilleVe haItiotososetiog sit ing no ti si '.• 1, ., . ,eit hitter Fart new !" “ Yee, Jiay's mariner, that Was :LII springing to her feet. " 1."tm ain't -you Ma% 1,1,-‘,1 111,,y,1,1,4•,1,1, 111,,,\,-00,,111,!•,,,ttfirttaaleuillt,:gw111,,1001,,I,3,Inett:101.1a;
her, i le, Piet le. kept at It, / leeks heroieally. in her broth, I 'limit 1 it het, 00 eat my .the Was 11011'," she w,111131 reply, snal Ailig., in earnest 7"
‘'. Somebody '111 a hull :dew of 'cm, te,' no , . ,
,, Use morning, atter a feW months of this words la go up 1111' :00 the Child," ! the Chilli to her heart. Am' the child lint " th•zel earnest." his house h.r holit
to hem. mil ti,m, 1 i,,,y. 1 9,.,,:, i1, , .0 ,.1',D,111, ill' W,Iil 1/rell,sill, 110111e with a llrliliell /1„i. when ;NT ks i!]!,,,,,,, 11,,,ogbi,01! 0,,.1.0 -en :tooth enti,Ang Way a, danidne: tip-tim like a 1, oh, thetili.y !" the eried clasping her Not like it ro refuee them, but still not
Innis of i lie hull eme.aen, pee en,,k,, my ,
' erne litel although the arm was all right. Ill „eel. by e „eigh)„,„ ,...e.,,e,e1 tbe 1,„„,e. end :buteer-11,/, tnIcing her father's li,liPe and 1,,,n,l,,, as if she were praying to hint. willing to '4i,e north away, lie thought pia
mind. 15t• thew wv duty, von. } 1111e Una:, yet in: neVor did a Lily's work g„j„g . 1 1- 1. 1 1 1
retlin. Lo .,; sx..•taill11. .41!1110011 ill 111(1,110111illg 1.t 1.111111,r her ear es he did, end !: :1101 you no pity on me ?" plan wide:, tr,ntld prilitely tun' 1.1 11 from
ast me to y one naahilii.., lot` 1 sint'n't veiny, 41,11,i,n. , staw t he Ole I'd wet* le....hM lniaiill:t, and , lislelling toit sh,e,eircodY heard there the " l've pity on Jesephine," he eidil. " I've hie dein.. To 05 15 trump he promised 0
1 Shit:1A lieVer set tont in your house i corley's arm Wail, indeed, as 'Well RS heseil the low ... „teset. of lho ,,wing,,,, t, :ertt111S She Sethlitt $01110 (ley Cell {Oral, kV- 104 !thee( that. lady, an.' flu sal iAied, au* Meal la'ovaillet theY would first of all let
ll'here% iolke that detit e•ei. lit 011, crott deal of cosseting from thti little wife 4' 11 aeon gird ne: were), e, !It. to soy shitoabing witii soft strokes, enyinie!sitc• shall 1"
overall lienell he still 10,1111 a sling, and 1m „, et„; „..„, the Bale ,10,„pithi, on 11,„!1ng every one and everything aho saw, from you may jega git the eld11 ready, I didn't hill' Prav will, ela nt.
kud with. t,, 1,1101 of Itt,t, two was aide to stroll LIOW1: to .11 11 ilarney's floor chi ',., to the 1)31.01ilie ,it 11. String of "tile hem eat te Mr. "4 911)11411 himself. (tepee 1 you'd make a 11e. where the and's This 11,41 ,,, LLI] y int,,,VrV.1 Wen Until one
sev,,ral tillicot 0 ilay, and it;;;.; ov,11. fingered 1. • a .1' t .1 1 .1 1 1 .1 1 1 . '" Dear wainhow 1" she said. ) ,
Warm Ciat mon railieted half :die so id al, , , I It•lq 1 1 g., 1 S le MU 1.1',. Mg 0 1e 11,1goo,- flay 1011itiop 0 04,41, eiI the usual reply, but,
' Meise Eleei.ry tried toectntroel ,heereuntenal, h.i11.1.,11111a lit.,tle and, d . , nk, in. ,wactil•l
heot togo hut 11
achineg her 11141 9, A,rms h 11. i dear Fewer,1,I.,leer mariner" cw, iOht'llarley ele'crieed again':!li'totile ,ItrPin 1 ihe1..41 0n1eseliin.dfhie1hrknittigwitelekend awe,lli,"14etsor11811Ito1rla0 1,i1pirniytoherit,thrt1 0)0 d11ing01 AIs11(1101)1 while Prisillaa10e1017 ShesallIvegt Itll 11 11 ThePalsOMtod11dmweske1 .
lihnie111„1„t111e1e;tt,I1„„, ithrmnnnan,,y a,,etoareentatp,
him gold -red curls, and sitinieg hi the ., •• :,• '• • .: 4, nding over bee Machine, Chark7 I my heart, ! 1 eau0111 er go, It'll lir,•ak lot. his 1,011. tool 1,itring tit le him a
01) all tier eonvege and evil i " Charley !
hotem,ind il,evn the road to lite 1101.10 i.1.1 090 teit1.0 With Willeh her (,31i0 N1 Ore 11,,,,c, "0,i . .. ill WiliAling• " Come, get ine a bite her heart, too. ethe'e nover been out 1J' 111V Piee,' Of I'PN1.I 1004, ,I,Y,^ 01A, Said :
the 'border three infieetwity.
1 'barley 1 Therh ain't no !him thi, sorry, saW Priseilla push hook her ehair end rue oi supper !" he maid.
lint there'ain't 00 09ts11 ; there ain'tno ea 1 to thechiM and eatish lier up and des her 131001110 Put 1119:))' her wr" k sl"wellYle.p..i,lI"1,,,,,cd tt,,,1,,,.1,,1 ,,„ „,d there int nothiti 0, eat in the holm. All' and careee her, and walk with hrit inotnen " There 1111'1 any supper in git," saiditdfto,:i,1,itthtit,tgo,Au'wit,miss
Elviry 0400 lo r Mimene,ai,
11,„ tee iieri. is Josephine. Elther you OP 1!)0, Cher.' in her Arnie, tunrutertng a broken 1 11,0, ',lid ,Ini"t1,V. " You -'alt hey what deacidii"e
turn from he tbrief wedding jet. P1109' to 1, .,0„:: t4),41141. go to W,'k 0 put ley beet( lit her 'chive and linetim to iwr and ine lied, -crackers ell milk. Thyroidal,
' I e. ,111d r,..trni as if il flier mielit bet-
thu eity, where eilii day and night in the \yolk iLg1111, then, ''1 emi0 m ht,' eli.1 itothin' oleo to eat,"
vast hotel, with its velvet furniture end gor- NI lee Sneira to herself, •• eho'll tinnit I'm " Ain't nothin' else ? Why, where in
geom.% carpels and mit-glams chandelier., evolving 11901' her, Yes, I will, to, 1" she 1 Minder's the store 7"
made her feel the awfulnese of wealth, and ealil again. " Ef she over needed mie hie ly “ The bill o' yew% for liquors, an' eignrs,
gave her an intense admire:lion id Charley, on this oreated 'arth, the needs me new 1" an' candies, an' cities, an' neckties, ie lust
who accepted all the eplentlov 00 the right 11 Het.° 1 maid eliss Elvira, presently, what the houee is aesessed for. Mr. New.
of ono who paid for it, a millionaire to the walking in very erectly, but throwing off , man's been llp 1.00 1103', and he's done truet.
extent of Ms fractional north el of such Splell 110r cloak at once. " Yen let ,no tithe ',hitt hi."
dor, with difficulty restraining himself from machine awhile, all' yotrtake that mind,- "Blaret his ("Yee 1" vibe the reIdY, 58
putting his foot on one of the resplendent the little lamb. les 0(1001, that's what 11 Charlie begen LO walk up and down the
chairs. is ; a pretty dear. Don't it's father tend it room. " I should like to know whet kind
Mad been taken for granted that they none Y I shouldn't think he could keep his of a wife You ho I" he said,
should 001110 10 Priseilla's hone.; ; and it, wait arms off'n it. Prieeillit ! 10101 does all this " I've done my ben 1" said she angrily.
evith a sweet, shy araciousitess that she mean ? Hits ft vome to year eupportiti " I've turned night 11)10 103', work-in' to int)
tuned to Charley Ile he crossed the thresh- Charley Dane ? Ain't you hod ithout enough ter jest what's been bri
ought nter the home,
holcl, and said, the blush reddening her of it? Because of you Iii1Vs 91111 mit bring 13ut the bill of ite paid, takes the house over
forehead, 11 11 10 your home now, Chavley. the brthy right doWn to (0)7 10,100 the inn- o'r heads."
" Why, of Qom's' it is," he said. "Don't (00111 00)1 5190111 (0 leave hien. I'd like 110011111' " Blame it all 1 I shouldn't think there
the lor say so? I s'pose you think you're better. 1 allus did wishsomeboily'cl tie a wael another house in town."
givin' it to mo. Thee& a good joke 1" ho baby in a basket on my door -handle, if it "It's a little hard that Josephine an' Inc
said with a short 11101g11. 0 erapS yOU don't letiln't a ben for the speech or'people. An' ehould lose ont. home so's% you, and your lot
know that as long as I live this house is tho• I ain't numb, what I do hey you're wel- down to the tavern an over to Farley-"
mine now -that is, practically it, is, -jest come to." " \Val 1 So's% me an' my lot -what ?" end
as much as of l'cl. bought it ? Waj, that's " Leave my husband !" lifting her weary pausing before 1100 10 his excited walk, goad -
so. That's whet I got marrying you." He eyes, amazed. 011 perhaps by. the look in lier great dark
gayly tilted up her chin, althoegh her eye- " ausband ? \Vhat's husband mean ? I've eyes, or her pinched wan face, he struck her
lids drooped ao that lie melct pot see bur hear'n the minister tell, -an' how much of on the mouth,
eyee. •• You don't; mind, do you?" 110 a honse-band is Charley Dane 7 It'll be the She did not utter it sound, bat cowered
said. It s better le start square. An' best day's work you over done w'en you do in a little heap like something from which
what's my right I don't call nobody's gift. leave Min 1" the life had deported, till long after he
You gis,' 010 80111111 botter'n a house, 13,110' " 00,110,110," erled Prisoilla," Josephine'e wtts asleep. Of course the next morn-
Prieilla Done, w'on yo give me yenr mart l' lather I 00, no, no, no 1 " ing he tons abjeet and in a passion of pent -
A 100100111 01 hewilclurinent had 'flushed " That for Josephine's father 1" cried tone°, and 021 01)0 forger° hint and soothed
Priecilla's foe'. her drat thought 00f48 3,1 lee MOM, slapping hor linger end 01111111 him, he never know how nearly love was
that Charley was tired, and a little cross "I seen him with that Rodney girl beside dead hi her heart,
the next was ono of vexation with herself 111111 on t110 box, an' there ain't a enul round And so the honee went. Miss Elvira
for her presumption ; that was followed by hare that &nib keine just tho way 1100 0011)7. 000144111) to expostulate. But there woe the
a sharp regret that tam' all she could netin' on 1' bill and it, must be paid, as Priscilla felt in
give it, to him as she lad ecanited on doing, '00, Aunt Elviry, hush I You mustn't !" every libre of her honest, being. And after
and het final thought 019(431011 admiring reeog- "I will, 01011, an' more too, Now I'm that, .Mr. Newman, in some compunetion,
ration of Charley% knowledge of Mot, Datil goin' to give you a reste-you look all tuck- suffered her to live on in the house at a
his keen nenso of Platt:co. " 00 Charley I" erect Out. But 1 sha'n't do it agin' fee 1 8111101 rent. that was never paid by Charley.
8110 Said, " you'd orter been 10 1)090)701' 1" ain't goin' tov help support Charley Dote But Friscjila SWF liad Josephine, 11, little
" Yes," he responded. " i've been throw- /loin' nothin' though 1 donio' any harder wild rose in the Min, a singinghird, a 0(11)'
ed away. Yon might be satin' in your easy. week there is, But the moment yon come beain, a joy that paiit for all her pain, that
(hair like Mis Squire Hall of I'd been down to me with Josephine, for good, then made it almost impossible for her to regret
handled right" all TOO (101 10 yourn, An' thank -goodness, anything, the love of her a wall between
How noble it was of Mtn to think firet of my house is across the line, tun' 110 eon% feteh herself and outer darkness.
her 1 She put her arm up around Ids nook you back from anothee State," It had become outer darkness, slowly but
and kissed bine timidly. " I 00111(11A 101.0 Miss Elviva might as well lave triad to, study, clay by da)7, when she saw her 1108.
)7001 no better," she (aid, " of you was a move the rookribbed and ancient °meth, bend, the num folio lutil so adored, gradually
jeclge on a beneh," And Clineley reeeivoLl Yet althengh site tvent home defeated, it unsealing her eyes, debasing and 00111111g
the declaration with as much solemnity as was with (0001180 of only (009(0001')' defeat, himsel), when 1,0 wto betraying see for teat
if hewer° a "ledge on it bench," Ho lite " Thne ain't ripe ; that's all," mho maid. llodney girl., when 110 lot, 1101: sell hot: hale,
his suppov Ifibikieg liko an owl, and Ito But when Charlie mune sauntering in et
looked up the house at last with the reepon-
Wide air of n elniveli warden.
The ncixt dity being Sunday, on width day
they appeared mit, Prieeilla lair to look
upon in hue fiteemeeloreil silk mid her pale
pink roNCIS, 01001:110's solellnlitO served him
good stead to 1100011 PriSeilla'S meet. ...Immo.
facedness ; but by the beginning of t he week
he had become wonted to his new eentei of
poesession ; and Priscilla, 17110 had hoon in a
1111;s0 herself, found hoe Charley in all his
gay reckleestiotee once more.
J10 W1119, indeed, so gay mid nnimiess tlaa
bo counted what wait loft of his monoy, awl
declared he MOW not going to (melt 1111 11 811108
9401111. " )L011 11,114 010 W011't eVet.110 inerritel
hub oneit, it% likely," he taid, " mid I mean
to get all the honey there 10 111 this honey -
ninon." e ,
Prioilla hail the house, which had boon
tomfoitably fornished Ily tier flatlet, and
Mother, itireeily very well provisioned ; and
stoth to my, the best portion of Cher.
11, C111111,1 le get his arin well befell. he was
to work with it.'' grumbled Charley, iesein
tediously adjueting his " can't
you go to 110 store for what yon want 1
You re pretty sort, of wife I.1 yon omit
git eredit ev'en your husbanit's Biel:. Don't
they know we've got the house and eau
mortgage it any day 1m enough to carry 118
alone' till we're tired ?"
"Mortgage the hone° 1 The 110.100 my
father built 1 Anil leave nothing for Joseph"
"Jest's you please. lint I ain't gain' to
hurt my health and my bull lookout for
years, ny gain' to work w'ile rm sick
man. We don't het, but one life, an' there
ain't 110 sense in soiling that. Yon'd ruttier
liev that baby hey a bona°, I s'pose, then
save your hnshand's life."
•' 00, Charley 1"
''You ain't a nilla o' feelin' in you Pris-
tine, Ef I'd a married Nancy Hall, she
wonldn't ben sentlin' 1110 to work, taloa
an' sore as I be."
" Oh, 'Charley 1" she oxide/lined again,
coming roiled and standing with the baby
in her arms, as she put her hand on his
hair. "1 den% want you 10 (10 to week, -
I'll see what I can do myself."
" Take care 1 You'll hurt my arm I YoU'll
800 what you can do ! shonlo lilto know
what you can do. Tito best thing 3•ott can do
Is to go clown to the store an' tell cm to
send up what yen want, an, they floodlit
fear no 1008 'ith title /louse to fall book on
that's worth a hull stock o' gOods I" And
then he sauntered dowo to Berney's.
Hut on his way he slopped at the storm
mut tom them to mond up the needed fienv
foul meal, and sogar and tea, a, ham, a keg
of pigs' feet and a hie of mackerel, a Fibrin
of pork, somo eggs, aud 001110 maple syrup,
a goodly gnantity, that he might 1101 have
to renew tho 8111),/e01 With l'riseillit too
soon, " gauss lie ain't no need to be afraid
of login', so long follts own thole own
house," stod Ito, observing Mr. NOW011t1VS
hesitation ; and things weve sent up,
13tit while lie woe gone, Prieeilla had ho -
thought, herself and questioned whether or
not she wonld ever need her little hoard in
the saviegs bank more thall she needed it
'tow, and went to get her book, It
Melt 11011111000 to bo rowel, hi 11, paide lam) ciet c ay o my ire I 00, annet .111tss eaey It Is for a nem to rob yoll Of it in a
she throw on her shawl aml hood, ber lovely haw, and 110011 the money
mid1 Mc ing the baby in hol: arms hurried %onset, and took ilown leldle Pieseilla for his pleattere, when be added fresh 1111 vire tinettleg about. " An' es .soini as crowd."
,, limbed her in tellne hito n mono.: and took invited. and instil 1 to 9(10 neglect, anti 93011 git 0101: the shock, 'T.:Will n yourn ! "Von, fathee:"
dm)", 1.11" r<1.1,9 lb,' 01419)1114 '11141)11, To" use,' hfue 11,..t, tr. !, !! st inLO.1001! of were ever before weSt, left She% :ale here. Thi. air 't his ,Strtte. An' "e'es, obriz 1 bronght those aelesors,
hook 1" they said. " litishand 'in th r• 11 .1011 Lit her 'intent 1190ieiliouing the commonly stwit ft purpose, 1411d
t tree npon ler 11. 1-1 /•
lirritglit it 011110! Weekti 14111.111 111111 drawn m rimed Noe re ism immeiyt that it ell the eupport, t
tt toy'llor bra alit it
the littlance " " 00 then it ie 11 di 1 " o pretty tune. Diil ltedm'y girl learn bands, tvlien ttt last he steno, se•.1 1 11.11 gee'ner. An there .
it to you 'I" a/mephitic hail liven there to heal every '111 give Charley Dane that child right or
II0 looked at her a moment, all the devil wontid ; her 91,10111,g shetie, eejeed all thee, en right ! I m gain ter lock tho door0 all
111 ltiM Munition eat of hie Dye& " There sorroWil 1 While She had Josephine the rest. winders' an' if he comes here fur housebreak.
ain't Ito Rodney girl," ho said, WeS (1111Y 11 dull ache, But if she dello, nit a MP 0' (011 10,010 00
" 1)1, you stipples° I'm blind and ,loo(, tom Mee her, a. Ow mom/dimes shuilderitiely sonn as eln, water'll bile. I declare fiwn,
thee 1 ilOn't know lila t Rodney girl gine thought, then she could not etny 'the the baby% the image of yone mother," as
Edit,' with you on the et 1!_:e to Ferley 9" world iihe'ti NI cut out, Which Ii111` '1,1101 herself at last and took 1 he ho•
"TIT"' afieb RodneY OH," he main- seldotti, her shabbiness shamed ber se, and 101:II:red 01111,1 im her lac. •• I ve,
that, I do 1" A'nil
tabled, with hie ear bent deem to his Iiihthe her werk aa so exacting, Oho leek:dew Yo croctari
Ai. 1 floe allother Mora did le• venelisafe, phitie with hei iiiel sle, lied a quiet: tri., Josephine'o hem, tt here the lip luol begun
et by and by he ptit. the fiddle dow mnpli over 1 made in lwaring the admiring to (Oliver. into a smile, mid elld•
With his logo stretelted eti ontery wherever die wag .seen. Yes, illed her head undo. the 01,1 aunt's eldn,
et.11, sat looking at the floor. 11 I'd it, was a greet deal to lie 1 hankfill warm and content, and wes preeently safe
have that stagiedrivin'," said lie, "ef for, that elle had Joeephine; nothing from all liarva in elegy. " There now,
I had a hundred dollars (ego to Busted with, eta) 01;111110,1, so long as ole hail driiik your tea Pricsey; raid Mies laVira,
There's lots of iny.sert of work ne'oot theve Josephine; sometimes she caught her• " An' you'll fee'll bettor soon."
darling, iny little g03, iny labe--"
The ehilil 010110 elosie te her nualter's side, kneel dew', 9"
aware of trouble, hiding hi the fr,1,1,,, of lie. " Yes,' 01101 the 1 rgilip, kneeling LIOW11.
skirt ag stoiel With liar hands r•Vd rldlaat after in'', dor
elaeped, her head thrown lee•k, imploring Father," eaid the peram,
heaveu, while her voice implored bet. iiiiiillnen,,,t,thaanserveocre.ivi.:.A.aftiomr- •
husband. 1uklltg 11, 00,031,1
11o10,1 oai,l
sta,gi amp.
ed. " The lady's nein' (Wily on the itoon
papers (LW git my money, an' ell bring " Oer Father •,"
fur you to sign. She It 001110 up with no,
an' yon bey Josephine all rigged net. It's a
lead off'n Illy Mind abutit Josephine." And
lie stalked oats
For ono MOMent PriSCilla Steed 118 if
turned LO stone, ln the. next she became
a whirlwind. She had Josephine's mat and
hat on, and she hail their few clothes tied
up iu a shawl, and she was hurrying tbreogh
the back door and running with all her
might and main With the child in her arinS,
across the field ancl down the lane to the
sunken road. She was almost ready to fa.11,
when she mot the butcher and accosted
him. " Wal," said he, " jest abont beat out ,
you be, leggin' that child," and he took her '
np beside Iffin and jogged along.
00 how slowly that old horemerept I She
dared not hurry him • she dared not confide
her story to the buedier ; they tvere all men
together, and might take the man% side,
and tnru about and deliver her bound hand
and foot to Charley. When they reached
the cross roads, she got down, and 1113 80021
01 110 was out of sight, climbed a fence with
Josephine, and hurried on, How Oleo the
sky was ; how soft the dull onto= colors
blended in purple, and r08301., and reds ;
how like a shoot of mother of pearl lay the
01111 lake ; whet silence and peace brooded
over all, and ill her life, and in her heart,
what tumult, what distress 1 She did not.
stay to think as much • 0110 only felt it and
8110 ran 011 MEI ro,st trembling limbs
aould 100ee, and fell breathless and almost
eonselees on .11liss Elyria's (limestone.
"I see yet Ginnie'," said that worthy wo.
!nen, haStetring to help her up and get her
" I knew suthin' was up. Wlitt is
"Josephine," gasped poor l'risoilla,
"Ha's gehi-to-give-her away 1 .An I'vo out, It/0gent)!
taken ber-an• left, him," Why," sitid his father, laughing m turn,
" Von poor dear Child ! All' not on hour "I thought you Were Much 100 wide awake
too soon ! There's plenty hero for three. for that ; but I shall surprise yott when I
An l've a little pro ,erly to leave. )t's the tell you that, I took it, to prove to you how
" YoS," said 1110 parson 141191,11 you
know that our Father was in heaven 9"
" What, my father 1" said tho tramp,
“ Yes," eaid the paison.
'1 Anil your Father?" said the tramp.
" Well, this heate all," said the tramp,
" if He is your Father and my Father, then
WO ere brothers," and shaking the parson's
hand, said Feeley meeting like this, and
you offerieg your owl) brother that piece of
dry bread 1"
The paraon.gave the tramp a dinner, and
gave ep praying with tramps,
The Old Man's Joke.
young gentleman who WAS very land of
displaying his watch and guard, tilld who
had., Iniworver, a passion for attending
theatres and othev places of amusement,
was once tlins admonished by his father:
"Join), my tens let me give you it bit of ad•
vice. As you are so fond of atte»ding the
theatres, let me tempest, you 1101 to display
your watch Lunt guard 00 e011spiC11011Sly, or
yon will nssureilly halm ere long to mourn
the loss of them."
NowJohn, who thought himself too sharp
for that, replied, "No fear, father, I am
much 1.00 \ vide awake for that."
A taw evenings after this, the father wish-
ed to aticompa»y his son to the theatre,
mulch to .1019110 delight. Having got safely
inside and token their seats, the father
said, "Are your watch and chain all right,
a oitte
"Of course," replied John, laughing. At
the sometime he felt hie pocket; but has
modiately his expreesion changed, and look-
ing sheepishly at his father he staunnered
she replied, with a moiling face, Anil she
went 11110111 0,8 if the groins( were on fire bit,'
1104011) her feet, Whitt if it 03 014 only her
llitele that had 1, 00 forged, iler money the,
hail been stolen "the thing wan tho same,
The Nt hole Worhl •tylw Whirling round :
there (1 110t1Ula 1,101111. It heaven or 0121 1,1
her litedettel -11er 011.11:1031--a forger a
thief I
Anil this Nt the 1nall of W110111 al., 1111,1
thet 1Z1111W Whet the world.
would be to her without him in to whom
slo leol looked. op, on whine she hail leaned,
whom she hail lovoil with all her heart,-
,Icisephitie's father 1 ()la why wits Josephine
over born 1 And then she 1111.,,ged her lain)
1111 Il rebelled ; and she held it 11/WelY bele
1,1,,,y say,. Bub I'd Want all that, ter gii; self slogitig 00 Ole fieWeet, ittSt ler Chink. " I ft.,01 bettOr noW," said Priscilla.
sterta ing of the child in bee loveliness as she lay Was two or three motninge afterward
(still laughing) transferred the watell -from
yoln, poolret to 111110:; Mel see, hero it is,"
91-101 tide he pet his han(1 into his pocket,
Ile ere1denl.3 liewever, coaxed laughlug,
end, looking es eh/a-Mali as .lehn dime
liehirc, siantniervil, "John, WII-Wh'-wiVit
.1 oho, yours end 1111 -11iitio are both. gene.
seeleinte Ii10 eviihnitly Meal mere wide
/make than both ot tts,"
!411 and 01000. crops out,
oar liumen temilinei.o.-1,1, (4. Holland,
A new proie•ei, for horning ceel without
smoke hes l'emotl) beim 1110105mad. St 0010.
Asti(it, ipi'bnkling wee or containing to special
preparation of resin over the coal, end the
testa its Butt there is no Amok, tilt)
glow is 00 intense 01 coke/