The Brussels Post, 1892-1-15, Page 22 THE BRUSSELS POST.
b0 LICLO11 11. 11111'1'0_1,
..1,•.,'..-..171. ....,..boil0/0..w.....808.lo., a..> .I....,...,....w.,.41.00.. ,...1. r oostoo,ereest.... xp ,,8,
ed ns 3f Mr. Brawn's preference for her els. SOME ROSSIAN SOBNES,
ter was quite bona lido then. Site rolntust
11ebe0ed theta to he esoaged, " its will 1,0 "The toying Prophet !MalJllcs 10 Mutated,.
a uieo brotho'•hn-law !' 0011 (heeded end put "'l'ho Dying Prophet " is just now the
on her shady straw hat with her 1110001100 3,, sonsatiou of Ihmola, Certainly he is it 100at
the ontwipatod sail diminished 13433(0 than extraordinary 10131g. if he be wheat la olefin-
----- she wouldedn3it, oil, 0 nun'( w•ou,l+rfui personage died not
Le 'WI i,3 nice, He wassOkindand thought- They went down the marl to the lake exist. If be h;,.uk nefeeder, then he 101 ho
1 Y
• \I R• 9- 1 •• tl '11litre t 1
CIIAI"L'ER VII.--(Coserieve
Ilio, Clayton 00310 coating along with half
a dozen young men around him. Air, 'Pel
for ha1lo.l he
ful when the tlreek '1'able:uxCom an o nw slowly, "I think Ivouldlike tolive hore," meet ularvl'lIIn.11111014 0 3' of lbe age, Tho
to prof, The gu'I1 could not (,,fuse his . r. town runts te' posed y. auda ity tf his pretensions, the skill with
seem to
out 'Yui1 t 1,00 . 110 eau°31 nere05031' toe their transport home. Pone
have fgotten dint
Teller. I, creatures that we wore,"
Telfer. L0C's have u word with you :" " What wretched cheats the Claytons
Air. Clayton turned aside and shook I herr I" (etre s d ' idea
hands. His manner botoltened sur rise. why. c' 11'0 I t o of drily
P relining(11,1 y with the finances. How many
Tie had seen'P0lf0r several times before but n,0uths did ou se they
owed the els?"
he 'tali trade no effort to snake his pre001100 "Three I"y Daffodil told her drearily,
503310 gp tete ' flat it was well 10 a way. The 0tl'a are
siuc0 we met," he ''nn,1 i"'1 far better 411at home than they were travel,
with a eta 1. t. look nt hix 111,10 :orad 1,0.• boa about.°
quaintance " Yes, ' h ej dm d Teller with •• You have got all over your dreams 3"
5, passing peen113,13''1' 313 his smile, Leila 3teked. with smile:
Different. 5llt'roiled Inge, dicey I" " \ ea dells' 1" her sister said soberly.
Clayt(m 10'10 "hie" 1Y 11110003', and 31'300 ., And how thankful I should bo that 1 ami
Telfer said. " We van be better men here, Bern R1Ie and well 1313( happy new. I do out
Who are your 3013113110. he 000 :110,•00'0, 110 11eserV0 this, Had .I leen rewarded ea -
Talkie had 'dealt he should 1,e, 411111 named 133 my deserts --Oh, Lana, 1 du not
the waiting young men with his usual ease wast l0 3111uk 5f it 1•' " yo„ „„yo 100(4
puui0he71 a 1111 le --mole indeed than you re-
alize now—you have lost ,lack 1' '' Von
always lilted hint didn't you Leila'!" " Yes,
always, And I think you wore a very
wicked girl to throw him off as 801413 as you
found hint nut. 1.'0 be sure it was almost an
1111pa1'(10nab1e sin to deceive you so but
he was ready to atone and give np the life
with your help."
Daffodil put her face clown between her
hands " And I would not help hila ?" she
said regretfully. "\\'hat a wicked wretch
I wad. But still Laila, 1 never could have
loved him, I don't think itis in 1013 to love
Mrs, Syriston was a widow now. Avery
charming one of only thirty-five and as she
arose presently and weal into the garden to.
pluck a few flowers for thedeeoratiot of the
tea table, Daffodil felt that it would not be
long before her fair sister would bo married
nein, if she liked.
"I ono readily understand," she mur-
mured to herself, "how is it that Mr. Brown
lingers in Pinksido. My pretty sister is it
charming woman. And he has found it out
0111(0 he came here."
she tock up a book near by and songht
to read bet it fell into her lap soon and her
thoughts went wandering ovse past, present
and future. A strange sense of .loneliness
elo0e( in 0111011 her. An 1 it lea010tensitfed
by the view of .Mr. Brown following Latta
about 11040 flower to dower with the assid-
uity of a persistent lover. \les. Syristau
seemed happy inhis cempeny too. she
smiled and talked with the vivacity of a
young girl and 3(1r. Brown's usual soberllees
0011'1 quite gone,
11,413odil went away from the window and
-night her hat and :loves, Then oat by a
silo door she stole, into a lane that led
away to the near grove of trees celled "The
Resort," the property of a lady who was
now travelling in Europe.
The house was al old fashioned one and
set far heck in the gloom of the miniature
forest nn the edge of it cliff that overhung
the lake. She often wandered about this
ron(nl1i0 old plane and 11030 3110 Stole past
the wide piazze with quick feet, to reach the
nook elle liked co ensconce herself in and
look out over the blue math's. Why ! the
owner Must be home ! The side windows
003030 all open mid a breath of gathered
o4"lets floated oat between the ahrtafns of
cobweb Ince, She drew back and waml1
have retraced her steps but a woman's voice
called her—" Do not elm away 3 I ty08 jest
wishing to see a human face.' And looking
op, she saw a pleasant faced woman coming
down the baloony steps.
"I ansa 00110111 of \Irs. Raynor's" ex-
plained the stranger. "And have come here
for the rest of the summer."
" I and the sister of Mrs. Syriston, your
nearest neighbor," said Daffodil, going for-
ward to clasp hands.
"My name is Daycer, Mrs. Daycer, the
lady said farther and Daffodil started violent-
ly. " This le his mother," she thought and
n ware 01 color dyed her face. "If I tole
her who I was she would spurn ole from her."
And when she again spoke it was to tell Mrs.
Daycer that her 71111110 0001 \1100 Brown. fu -
deed she had passed under that name ever
ahem coming to Leila and when el r. Brown
had arrived on the &'0110 too, a few weeks
ago, she felt glad sl+e had dole so, las it
would have been extremely awdtwerd to be
called eoniething else by Laila's friends.
"Conte in the 1303100," Mrs. lhtyeer said
lending the way, "Come toand cheo'n10up.
I11 the house everything was beautifully
delicate and lnxutioue and Daffodil, took
waits, of how suited to her surroundings was
Mrs. 1)0yeee, a woman whose acgeaietance
she onee little desired to lake.
You must be very happy here 3" Daffodil
remarked. "Hare?" repeated el re. 1tayoer,
looking around. " Yes, it is very pleasant
but there is something Aventine."
word to yen ?" he asked ahteptly. Seo de- 1 1)oliadil's slightly enquiring look brought.
tooted Dome 511a11g0 113 the roior, and won- the wards " my boy—n,y wnndo•er, whose
13:4 was spoiled by a wicked girl. I wish .1
0. esti). Riede request to supply the fuut 0311,'1 they are maintained, and, above all,
10 the country
of speech and donroannr.
We're going around to the noises' ' Re-
treat," ' he said. " Conte along won't you,
and see what a let of pretty girls WO have
T11i3 was what Telfer wanted. But be
declined, givin" as an excuse his friend's
solitariness in the hotel,
" Pero, him along" was the answer and
forth 10i1),, 'I'(l er went for him.
" a demeed lot of dudes are with hint,"
he said to his coo anion " bat yen know
how to hold aloof from them."
"• My frieud, Brown," he introduced him
as (4)131 they all went along in a crowd to
the Melees' Relreet—otherwise the tent
where Memory and her ten charges held
That was the beginning of Aphrodite
'Brown's acquaintance with the " stranger "
in her tea0up.
He was n handsome fellow, his drooping
moustache hiding m sad month, his grave,
eyes 1 >owtrtttul in their !;loom, his
voice tow and and his manner almost ob-
trusively quiet, so like a death's bend at
the feast was he sometimes, the girls de-
claring that he disconcerted them in their
fun by itis seriousness.
" I don't find him so awfully solemn 3"
Daffodil said, one day to the enquiry,
" Well. is Adonis Brown as 00011511 asever?"
The girls laughed. It was a matter of
connnon eminence for Datl0 •il to defend
her Mr. Brown but this time there was a
little reminiscence 01)011031 011 '1311 last
night's boating party that male her word.(
doubly funny to them,
" No, he wasn't so last night WAR he T
When a"1
1 he 1 03 sat hand-in-hand' (
a th
bow 011i10 boat " langhel the girls. e
" 1 deny it 3" exclaimed Daffodil flushing
but not angry,
' What use is there to tease 11or about
him anyway 1" spoke a man's t'oica behind
111001. " lie is hardly to be caught by a
woman's face so soon after• the tr0gt° cud of
his first love story. I will give ham credit
for that much stability of character,"
The girls were all intensely interested.
Daffodil opened her eyes too. Silo thought
of idr. Brown in a now light. A dangerous
light it proved to be since "pity is the
straightest road to a women's love."'
It seemed Mr. t Iloytonluad found out that
1Ir. Brown had been nearly married once.
" And she jilted him! " the girls antici-
pated as soon as he had told them:
"No ! She was killed in some wily or
other tie evening before the wedding,"
Thegirlsregarde,' "Adonis" Brown after
that with nluclt more admiration anis his
sober ways did not seem unbefitting him.
Daffodil found herself watching hint with
a very interested sympathy the next day
when they were out boating in the morning
Ho looked up once and she looked away
then. " It is delightful lloatieg along like
this; "she renma'keil wishing the flush
that warmed ler face would not cone so
' Very-," he repeated. "I wish it could
last forever."
Their eyes met. What an unaceonntable
Unnamable sensation passed over Daffodil.
She had felt it before and feeling it now she
almost defined it. Thinking of 011 extract
aboatthe subtleeoils of memory thatsudden•
ly spring into motion on certain impressions
connecting the past with the present she said
'' Did you ever read any of Augneto. Evan's
"I Clever read love stories, " he answered
gei0kiy "Forgivemo "she0aideoftiy."1 tlid
not mean to wound von
His eyes expressed a surprise that ens in-
explicable to her. She often caught hint
giving her those sttaugc incompl'rhensiblo
giancmt. He took up his oars now and towed
the boat far out fn the middle of the darn-
ing expellee of waters. " May 1 say 031e
dere( once again who he reminded her of.
"\Phut is it?" she asked, to hear him
speak twain,
"Aro you perfectly happy with the
Greek 'Tableaux Company''"
" What do you mean " she asked. " I
am not perfectly happy -•-no 3 Bet 1 'lo not
(deserve much happiness—I have thrown
away ell my chances,"
Again be hent that mysterious loop on
her, " But you tinver will like any life but
that of the stege,?" ho sad 1, interrogative-
Yee" she said, wistfully. " I shall like
any life better some But I do not see my
way clear to leaving the friends who have
been so kiwi, till another season at all
events. If I could, I would go tomorrow
to Laile—yon have hued me speak of hee—
1 think she would let me coma."
"It whirl( be 0 dull life ---1'
" Ab but you don'ts know what I have
suffered 111 this life, Behind the 0eeues to
samethieg very different to the glimpse we
gotbefart. the footIiehts.- Another thing --
tell me, Mr. )brown, 114 3i0 0 1bink your-
self the irur' sphere of loran home,`'
" Yon tie/redid' 1410 1'' 1100 cla,.ned, "You
know I think 30.
knew where he 0s. T -Tu is very kind to me
but if he would only stay at home."
Site got up and breuglit a framed photo.
"'Phis is my hey .Jack 3" she said, fondly.
Daffodil took it into her hands in 511en00.
How chill and 0014 the face was, on the card.
It was a good likeness however of the ratan
whose life she had spoiled. lint midfield),
she recollected. "He remarried 1" she said
looking up.
"Yes!" seed his mother, "he is still
" Is his wife Mee?" ventured Daffodil,
"LTD thinks so I" the lady said with a
world of meaning.
"I wonder" thought Daffodil, "if she
would have lilted nue"
That afternoon's visit was the fleet of a
Serie) between Mrs. Da•eor and ler
nearest neighbors. Denali found her-
self irresistltbly drawn towards the 00e11 -
pant of the Resort, told often She fele
like going (town on hos knees to her anis
rryiog ont for forgiveneee far her bell ler-
mere Lbo +0111x1tnc'ss of her life 115 .hack's
001133, 11111140 141e1, as xho wished 11/ 1110111;10
her secret, 00 often did she remember that
Jack was happy now with llaide5,
ihomail 004113 stirpriseda 171/007 did slip Mr, llteovu name jnet 110 often as over to
Ito 1 1
,l0 1 ?" she (mimed,
" Vim do? 1 faucial yon wnnhl nevol•
teem to like a quint. dull old nook like this,"
1 )at)'ud31 gleneed up. "1 used to ha0 3t.
I hate the city nolv,j'silo told lam,
"And yen 3311111,1 be lament 10 collo
(hero for life in su0h a phaco ax this, 110 00,
000111,1 you ?
"I think NO, Though I can't hope to do
so, If --if L411M aho111,1 starry I would have
to go into city life again. loem•umy living,"
"11 she shmdd marry, yes I len till then
you will stay --or till you yourself find 501110
0110 10•--"
She stopped hint by a look. "Don't 3"
she said, walking on ahead of 11101, " No-
body wants ate. ' Worths that. Rho would
have recalled the moment after if possible.
AL', Brown did not quicker 1110 stops nor
did be utter one word in answer, Daffodil
felt that he thought her very silly and
" That was a foolish siily speech wasn't 11,
Mr. lirown? But I get awfully lonesome
some times—because 1 have no young com-
pany I grass—though to bo sure, Leila is
yang—but you monopolize her 80 11111011 I
hardly have her to myself at all." She finish-
ed with a little laugh which ho oohoed but
with his eyes bent on the ground.
"Don't lot us go on the water after all 1"
Daffodil said on reaching the slope of
green grass that loci down to 1110 1)000110vhere
rose and fell with the »MVOs a /iota with sail
of rose tinted 0anva5, "Let ns sit hero and
read. I have a tiny scrap book here that I
found in Mrs. Dayeor's secretary one day
when I was writing et it and which I bor-
rowed to lead. It is full of little ser0pe of
poetry that she has cut front old papers.
Game, mance yourself agreeable and read to
(TO BSI Co:TISumm. )
Men Who Perform Worst 'Which Slush
Eventuality Rosati in Their Death.
There are many trades which mean soon-
er or later, stare death to the workman. In
some cases death conies 0110171 in others
where the man is work ulgamong cumulative
poisons it is lingering and painful in the ex-
treme. But of all others, the salt -take,
bleaching powder, and. limohouse sten hate
(1 11th t • staring 0 most a Ilan et 1111 them in 'h
Y pp
t 1 the face.
T, acid gas ire off from 0 -
I s 1(,k given 0 om th salt•cal.e
furnaces 1s very trying, and flannel protea
tion 2001' the mouth is used to ward this off
but 3n spite of it teeth amt grans fall a vic-
tim to the acid. Very frequently bits got
nibbled by the action of the acid out of
men's hands and arms. Some of the han318
h 11
aye a 001'r'llgate( °OK m consequence.
Lisle is the principal ingredient out of
which hleachiug-powder 3s made. Before it
goes to the chlorine Ohaulbers, where it is to
absorb the gas, it is carefully treated and re-
duced to a flue powder. It is sifted, and
beaten shout, and slaked, and the men who
hiLvO to do this work have job which no
one need envy. Imagine working ell day or
all night, as the ease ma • be, in to line mist
of lime—lime particles flying about like a
cloud of tnosgttitoes, with la ter Ohat erbite,
too. To protect themselves the 111e11 resort
to a muzzle or too piece of rag or flannel
held tightly between the teeth. The ex-
posed parts o1 the skin aro earefelly greas-
ed, and a sort of paper mask is fregneutly
improviser) in edditiol to 111e ceps' which
tate men wear. In spite of every-
thing, however, the lime gets in some-
where and inflicts its like. A11 the time
the worst is carried out breathing is a terrible
effort, To breathe thorough the nose would
have the direst consequences. A single in-
halation and the lime particles would lodge
there. so the air has to be inhaled through
the (nuzzle and given out through the ease.
Naturally, nose -bleeding is a fretluentc,nn•
plaint in the works. Twenty pole+es at a
spell is as 111 11011 ns n pian can stand ; aft03'
that lie goes out to recover himself and lay
in a hale air for his inside end some grease
for his otlteide lining. These little Ines, of
coarse, are not able to wash; they shun
water as other people shun Neu. The only
wash they get, sometimes for months to-
gother,cis in grease. To insist upon these
000r chaps repeating their 01titek on die
limn over n perm( as long 311 eight hours
seems cruel. It is far, fa' too longe, bet ft
would be a step in the right direction. As
to tie morlir,3(1 evidence, it does not minim)
11111011 skill to sec hose worst like this must
1011 013 the respiratory organs.
The duties of thelimeh,us0 neon aro, how-
ever, child's play 10lnpit3431 whit it what, the
packer has to endure, When the 13men1aa
has iiui0hed his part of the job and the limo
is sprinkled to a depth of two inches over
the floor of tits chlorine and raked lightly
over so that the gas shall have access to as
largo is surface twee asposlllle, the door0 are
shut, the cracks stopped -up with allay, and
an opening is made to admit the chlorine.
It streams nl, and through the lass we bolt
is let into the door yon can see the invasion
of the green gas. A long period hits to elapse
before the lisle has drunk its fill and be-
come bleaching powder of the requisite
strength ; but at length, after the neeemeary
tests, and perhaps a rearrangement of the
surface and another dose of chlorite, things
tare rely for packing. The duties of the
pmvder.packer consist of filling (emits with
the bleaching powder. To tlo this he has to
enter' the chamber, which, for severed days
past, 11119 been elta'ged with the ehlorinogns.
Though the worst of the gas hue been allow -
011 to pass out of 1110 °hemline before the
pkekerenters it the atmosphere is etillolion -
ell with the deadly fuln50. The heat is
•solte(111ng tronoudnn0, especially ttatheiipoor•
wise'• h who lets t0 endnt•e it isswnthedabout
1114 hood 313 tt col that would protect. blot Hot mint is reemmnended by a medical
from Lhelarcti0 uuld, It is also related in the "'MOSCOW Oas• — journal 110 an oxuc110nt snbstittto for boo'
a. nit ' that ie malty plaee0 peasants who ! In Remo [ (inch .TImolltn Aldohrandhli, 1 ,
h at l cst,al fairly gond traps sold their grain ncphov of Prince Ilo'ghoso, entered the
whiskey, or other alwhn114 stimulants, in
The itoroe'(1 ly,nn,1,ue3 3'0 11 aiaiwingthan18c]VtJB' JeBnih 1(11OI about tlu'ea waolt0 sago, tanking eases of ht•eat fatigue and over.oxortion of
know it. a ear never said s1, l hey the Syriston rlu114101 .1131 his free m'nt visit:, 1 Roman 11000113 n horse, 131433 the coy- 31 ,Ifu11e and ar!clt1n homilyof tlm ! 1110 oath of 310001.3'9 0131 11111711 nity. lie was body and mind. las 1Ovdviug influence,
were ve0rtng shore 01411711 now however mat mule Da 1,,(11 tense Latta most uniner,afurf resit oiling aquiline shape 111 a man, goner- ch muahhn Other. have hidden their ran tet n 31101 l8 years old rant t millionaire. His
0003313 taken as let 7411 °all bo si poll, is se.
Y 1 f, g
going over to Ata. Dee 1,'.t s fee a,all. 11 try , 1 teptu,1(d by great inulin :roar., ' "y1, the .code time, drank cit eas is increasing no ter- I w.m ....tee.._..:..
1lr.llrnwugr°w+,bl°nCasthny.tpprnaehnd dnn'tyoa;nwiihh('r': It,fscavnfy'ph!:aR.11lt ! lc• rc„<lNrlr,s. ribhythtatthe <desrillnrt°xare nnable.,thnngit, _ (mono" ®""1,f^
tiro tont.
r7 Come P, s s plata to spend an dweller'''. Awl you ought)I A etl41bghe ''114101 Line is finite ifs 011011 w ekieg donLle eweee tight and day, to i „ , ..,,_.,L.;,1,:m„o„tie '? ) , r, :,,: r, 1. -;:,.v is•• r• ,,1 ;,
G t m ht lid, giving him ; sweet to ntF,e fun 11.0111111 11 ifnun'1 with a I/ 71'11 degree of intelligence supply the demand. for vorlki Even the l:` a 11 111 liso}tf,sy litii �itlila!ua .rG.ut e5lY.�t1 Ss} g"til 4iJu«fl
the protounli eft', of prudu0ed upon all who
It ce,eurtxrn Dour ('111es 'with It 1'11134,4
anal n DI«tf 1+mile.,
Pelting, the capital of the ('irineee hour+:
end of 1 he p''113,',' of ('h31111 uu the Twig -
Ind 1301 r, 11410 a population estimated al.
l,5nll,lluu, 1t stands 04 4311 ''',tenni, -+.n ly
41n3n, and 14,1101x13 of K111•('311:,, t he p• , 31 11.
ed Pity', containing only the 11411' of the
emp,.3ur,unl the dwellings, f 1333 ' mediate
rumo 111 roomer 1.1111 ham, hav1, no TTlarallel 113 111'30 11 u'+utg 1 3,33,!, the 11 i•rr1nl city,
in moiler'' limo(• So strong, lu,lecd, is with a large 11.11111 1100 of r,eu't od30i01$ 1 Nue•
the iulpr' n••. ,m 010.11013 by lila 1',ioo s that Ching, the 'rumor city, eoop: king Rve11 e
the 19•o•rnr;uut of the 1101y Symnd and 01 1100 '1 111(r1 1,1i1111;(:/,, au,i \\ 111 CJhiu 1 he 1 11100•x0
high 1',:rl,•0iestleal officers of the Eo1pn'o dart. "3ty, wih1leen square u11115 l( area. '1 ire
not interfere. Appcal0 1101'1! 1)ecu 11111114 1`11 sur ant rounded by n wall nil[ feel•
h,(3h ant 511 feet Muck, the ('Lineae city h'
Llren to on by fi,oro of env rho Vast pin- 342x! 31 loot high and °f, feet thick. They are
(130 '' l' that ere e o,n,', sin g tly uradl to built of stone anti br1 ,1 and 1111ed with
the " l'rnpheC's” homu•, aiue0 tirev ore 313
eleNaee of the 1) t11odox Churr.h. gut., t'.esc Earth. The suburbs 'twinge an area of
stern defenders of the faith, who ,3o not twenty -hoe 1111100,
11001titt0 to porsecule the S11pulislx 111"1
1r'WO, 11'01111110 Ill the mune of 131,1 ” Dying
Prophet.," and let 111311 work hie mlh•ac108
Tide e : 1a•.t11;;e pereon is named 1 :velli,
and 30 of l"','3,'il "1' 11111ht13 3'(l(5011111. lie
ens, however, burn at 'Tiflis, 3n the t'. treasure,
'1'he. pruhi111trd (sty, two 111111(3 313 cireuo•
feuvcr, is 0 111 11 10 1 by four gates, ouch 0111.
1110111/1 1'11 by a 10100,'. TLD 1,10h -tinge aro
Impeder totutey,rthersin 113,, empire, The
meridian ;neuro leads to the rulp,'rial hul!d-
inee and 1 033'44( 1.1 the l.mpu',n'
Fie nl Leek. bridg s span, -tie; e 116! stream
where he now lives. 1b1 e0 yet ay'ltpg1am31, 11111 111 a n 3.1310 pa"ed ,'Dori 0.11111310 (Ili0
4f fumble rank in life, end of only ordinary of I?aleneive 3 '(4.0, at 30113011 1)10 1'(11)(3'3'13'
odurn4tiou. ince childhood he 11143114011 l,o.l. l 1.110 1101111gc.1,f 1110 cour1.303'.3 nn great,
riddeu and utterly heljdess. Foe years 110 , tete '1110. 1,. ' l 1, :Il, ot:L11' 00.3,1•, the
lay in has humble eottng°, 111 tea nutskirlx Lra0911L1 P14L•we of 13eaven fs ro.Lahed, bite
ofTilli„with nothing to distinguish 111n,frnm 10000.,1 lell0 can enter with33nt Sptri131 r0) 11
any eenitno11 invalid. But a fiw 111m,t11811,0 ' 1t0rnlisO30:. The nienl,0r of people within
0 enrinuo change was ohse,'vsd. 111 hrief,h0 the prohibited city is small, most being
died, co x.111 ppett11(1110. sfis friends believed jlut,tcli cis,
him dead. lTho doctors declared him load.
The emporial city, surrounding the pro-
to all ordinary tests, lie was hibi1 :1 ci:y,, has n wall twenty foot high,
certainly dead. That WAS on Saturday, They pi'' eel by tour gmte8, through which no one
prepared his body 100 burial, 01111Lh0 corpse ,1 11' enter Save by special permission, It
lay in its coffin until Monday, when the
summits the trbl(ts of the deceased amps.•
funeral was to take place. At the very hour ors and empresses and the altars of the gods.
sot for 1110 obsequies, however, the young There are oleo the Russian college, 'unitary
moue -
man suddenly returned to life. Ever since, stores, and King -altar, the artificial moue•
the same event los occurred every week,
with the exception, of oourse of 111e prepar-
ations for buried, which are now omitted.
0n Saturday he dies. On Monday ho re-
turns to life,
What of the time between 3 ITo declares
that 11e really dues ,lie, nand time his spirit,
departing from his body, passes into the
other world. What manner of world it is
Ile will not divulge. Nor will ho tell
anything of his doings there, save one.
That is, that he has access to the book Rept
by the Recording Angel, in which are act
down all the sins of humlanity. On its fatal
pages lie finds names of all his acqunintane.
es, and roads against them, the catalogue of
their misdeeds, even of their evil thoughts.
The catalogue is a 1011g one, lien are more
teen, with each of its fire summits 0rowlled
by e. pavilion.
The Tartar city anrlottnds the impeded
city anis 0011 tai lls the pei,lcipai government
offices told the hall of .00101100ereetedin 11080
Hoar by A00 [rte ltossis.11 Church of the As-
sumption (u1d the 1ouple whore bis majesty
and lh1•in ee08 worship their' tneestors 011 t110
five', clay of every month. The city is in
control of the general of the nine gates,
neer whose headquarters is the high tower
in which are the immense dram mud bell that
pt °claim the hone of midnight. Not far
away 3s the white pagoda witl1 net obelisk
0reeted by 1in111ai 1111a1 fn the thirteenth
00(1itry menet wh1uh upon 108 pillars, lamps
burn continuously 113 Buddha's honor.
The Chinese city is the most populous,
Lett its strtteflres are poorly built. The
wicked than their' fellows suppose. So the 033133330 are of brick. one story high, with
Prophet" comes ,dolt to 1110 much Solder roofs of tilos. It contains the niters to
b the knowledge he has ,
o a gained. Y
me h Indeed
heaven to via n
be would lilto to loop 110 more upon that tor, e agriculture, 0f the and the
dreadful boot: ; but a greater pewee. titan nhel a his majesty dedicated to tllerforms s lecial i1 a oiled.
los '05311 conpels hien to do 00. \nr 3s los tions whenever' 1pre cocntry antlers ifront
information confined to the records of llis 1 drought.
own acquaintances. The book of the whole g
world is open to him, and ho eau ascertain
exactly what charges are sot down against ESOAPED FROM THE SOUDAN.
any member of the human race.
Of all his trectensioms, of course, only The Story of Prisoners if ho t9'011011 71 3)cs-!
one is susceptible00 of proof, and that is elle err tln'e•helr I'I lgn t. I
correctness of his information. People who
visit 1,)"1 know perfectly well whether he Since his eeriest at Cairo, with the nuns
tells teem the he
about their misdeeds who wore his centime ions 111 eight from the
It is raid that ..e has never made mii104.3 ; Mobile father 3'hrwahler has told in fuller
t(t any rate, 110 one has ever 011arged 111111 detail the story' of their 0seapc.
with doings°. There is 80001.017 la person I t appears that on Noe. 20 a serious out -
in Tithe who has not visited him. They all break occurred al Omdurman. 117 which the
plead guilty tothochnrgesliereportsagainst 3ing nrasutdi(rs of the AOtbdi fought 00130
them, and tear: ,fly beseech 101 to intercede
the townspeople, sevultern of 1110 soldier's
with the p0w-e'- of the other world in their 11111 Hoven 15\1('110(3 being 301110'3. i'n117ce•
behalf. lho1,: ,,�ds of people from all parts
C'hewalder had 111113 been on the. lnoltout for
of the Empire "ally thl•oug about his cot- an opportunely to csrnpe, 1,11,1 h 41 kept up
tage, seeking t , know from hint the story the hop08 Of thy! e'1''" : pane 011 the 0111330
of their awry 111 ,100/1s, Alw,y 0f then gm in 011 ject. '113 flight in the town 31110 an tori -
idle ellreoelty., 0e. he 800)1110,1 spirit, but all 000 that. 1110 J1 enlists all rushed either to
who are admitted to his presence C01110aWa7 take pa's i","0 stop it, nod the usual vtgi•
00(1000(1 of his snpornatltrai knowledge. 'nue: over ten pri,m1cvs ,511.,3 041001(,
101.1100 Chru' 3,1(1 managed to got worn
Among 001110 who3rr:ntfrom>1os310wLosee
hint, reueotly, was a shrewd newspaper cot. to the Resters, and th; y made their way out
respondent, whose avowed purpose 0000 to of Omdnttna:l while the exO3tlulent culli
expose what he believed to be a fraud. He 1'0fy;n031 file fugitive.. travelled 11.10 11111es
came from Tngarelli's roost 30itlt bristling
on the buck of 0411033 to Kur0s1(o, making
hair, blanched face and tretnblinte limbs, only hue h,it, x131 that of tw-n 71(3'0 0t tie
" Tako 1110 (dray rho cried to his fl'1011,1s. 111033111s \\-til31031113 ill llatl\'e iLLLIrC,
" 11101'11 lived all hour in the Day of Judg• bronzed by the sun, end well aoluabited
hent I" with the native language, the father ami
Some 0111'1003 Lr,430 01 peasant -nature in 51at118 avoided 8(upieton as to Litchi race.
Ruesia 114.00 been brought 311•omi11e1111y for- 1'llle0 clays of the journey they were with-
outwnrd by Lha famine, The 14.013 3(0 Illellj(l food in• sleep, tortured by fees of being
is a person little understood by the 01rtot' pursued 111,1 in keit bath 11114 captivity.
world, He is so essentially A01at1c in nliull The Sisters hay a 1101 yet told the tvholo
that ro European can x1(:ur.ety 10)110)3 111,1 +dory of their treatment; by the Aiahetists,
him o' appreciate lib,,, His i noran,.0 of
hilt; their appeoran'e indicated years of 0uf-
cuurse, is provethiill. 1'him!atio1 10 for bbd- feriog. Tue fugitives agree in saying that
deb hint, " by order of the Czar." Rot his
laziness and. his utter leek of moral sense
RAT 110100 00011 known, Tho " \'iudonloeli,"
of eloseow, gives 0n oxtraot•dima•y iIhl8l a-
liou of the former quality. Inc' the 0111n -
try traver0ocl by the liurok•Vorosesh rail-
road there is murk (118,1',"6+. AS 0110 point
people aro actnu1y dying of hunger. Tho
railroad menta ny, however, is making large
improvements of Rs line, and otters 5111.
pl 3ymeul: su111010nt to supply a livelihood
do ring the milieu winter 00a01n to the whole
of the local pe10antry. The 0Onlp1111y nllor8
to De single laborer twont.vthrec rubles a
month, and for to man and horse thirty-five
rubles. It oleo offers to provide all nee-
0085ary' tools free. Now, these wages may
00er11 smell to an American, Bot they (bre
really pretty good, according to the Euro- A weddingceremony was to talcs place
peen standard. Al any rate, they would in ono of the prominent churches. The
bridal party Karl nut yet errivod, but were
momentarily expected, when a smell boy
put In an appeeralee and gazed long and
(seriously up the Mahn aisle.
"Humph," ho muttered, disdainfully.
" I don't, see any."
the people are greatly discontented with
thereto of the dervishes and would welcome
the arrival of Egyptian troops.
"Four years ago," wrttes Col. David
Wylie, 13, Oakville, Out., Hee', 1888, '• I had
a ee •ere 0t1ac13 of rheumatism, and could
not stand on 111y feet, The pain was ex-
cl'uoilLting, I was blistered and purged in
true orthodox style, hitt all to no purpose.
I was advised to try St, Jacobs Oil, whish
I did. 111ad my 0ni3les well rubbed and
then wrapped with amulet saturated with
the remedy. In the Incemieg I could walk
without pain,"
No Rails,
enable t110 men who received thein eo pure
chase food and maintain their families in
comfort. A few have aoeoptod the oll'or ;
sha great mass of the starving and idle pop.
elation utterly refuse it, They prefer to
starve, or rather, as they hope, to be stip-
ported by the bounty of the " .3tLIc Father," " Don "t see any whet, boy 3" ,tslted an
Now and then the railroad people, by dint inquisitive usher standing near.
of persuasion and reproaches, induce Homo " Don'l eye rhe rails, of course."
of them to go to work, But in a few hours, ' Rails --rails for what 3" said the usher,
Or days at most, they throw down 111030 tools ' 113 wonderment, as a small }(roup gathered
and return to MI/mese and beggary. Otheee, minim the boy,
says the sane paper, aro willing to see their � " Why, for do bride's train to run 011—
wives do the worst wl31all they refuse to tin, 1 see?" And he crimped. and tlloro followed
and then spend the balk ot the wonen's a stillness 8o dense you could have heard iV
earnings for 311(43, mid in tleil'lirtlnkell11e5a erltlg31 (drop on the door stop around the cote
bewail the failure of the harvest 1 I nor.
.TAN. 1.15, 1892.
130000x..,. '141Wr.,
And by x13 doing ]food's 1}tlreapllfllla cures
% irefuln, asst rheum, and all other ,load qhs.
A5lw, 111,10 primer dlgeillnn, cures dyspepsia,
elites eielgth to every organ of 111,, bony,
old prevents attacks ei that tired fueling or
mora serious affection. file fart that 11 has
owed t111,13an110 of others is sn111ulelt 1o88oa
for 1101103 that it will cure you,
N. 11. 110 811130 to get
oil s
p{s�'i° e
, kl s
Sold by 011 d rngxntu, sit .Ix forgo, Prepared only
I'11'.I,1Itw1.1 A CO., A rethse„rh,e, Lowalh 1310,..
100 Doses One Dollaf”
Ite3)nrt or 1'a341er titan on the Slaughter
or 54411 yr Christians in Chin..
According to advlu0s roteit•ed 313 lirueeela
from Felber Bettie; the Vioar apostolic of
Mongolia, tad feedlot' (Minn, a Clhineso,
priest, a thousand Native Christians were
inassocrecd during the reemet troubles in
(iltina. The sante 1
It a lvle05 odd that all the
Belgian missionaries in the dleturbed dia-
triols and all the Belgians attached to the
!Mesons were safe, mud that all clanger for
the p.1'000111 had passed,
Sa.a NiAo'teco, Dec. 21,—Tho City of
Pekin brings Chinese adviees that the Unit.
ell Status steamship Palos wee at Nanking
during the Chdneee military 0xam3031ions
which honed from Nov. 1) to Il. There
were 3,3Uti student; present. During the
0xunii11atio10 a conflict occurred between
the students and the police, .growing out of
the arrest of two stttdente for smuggling.
Otte of the prisoners was killed while resist-
ing the ollMears, A Oovernoent connnission
is Irye, tigat ilg She a3Tvir.
Foreign creditors of Chang Foo, late Om, -
minor of Shantung, have been assured by
the Co-erntkent that they will be folly
ppt11. 'Thur. has bion it small rovo}t 111 the
Pta,viuce of Tbkiel dao 10 exc •00'0
1. 1 u taxa-
tion. It 0000 promptly quelled,
Perhaps you do not believe these
statements concerning Green's Au-
gust Flower. Well, we cail't Make
you. We can't force conviction in-
to your head or med.
Doubting icine into your
throat. We don't
Thomas. want to. 'Itielooney
is yours, rg and the
misery is yours; and until you are
willing to believe, and spend the one
for the relief of the other, they will,
stay so. John H. roster, S 123
Brown Street, Philadelphia, says:
11 My wife is a little Scotch woman,
thirty years of age and of a natura lip
delicate disposition. Pia. five or six
years past she has been suffering
from Dyspepsia, Slee
Vomit became so ball at last
that she could not sit
Every Meal. down to a tical but
she had to vomit it
as soon as she had eaten it.(' Two
bottles of your August Plower have
cured her, after many doctors failed,
She can now eat anything, and enjoy
it; and as for Dyspepsia, she does not
know that she eves had it."
Bits of Advice to Girls,
0rn,1T TO ,1V111n,
A Intel, 000:114, 4t1Teetcd, whining, harsh or
shrill tone of voice.
lextra•agauees in enuversatiot-5noh
phrases as ' awfully, this," "beastly that,"
"loads of time," " don't you know,,, ' hate'.
for " dislike,' etc,
Svbla, exclamations of annoyance, sur"
prise and ,joy, such us "bother 1" gracious 11
how jolly 1" Yawning when listening to
an7 one.
Talking of family matters, even to boson
Attonptiug any vocal or instranlonto
piece of music you cannot exeeuto with ease..
Crossing your letters.
kleking a eha't, sharp llocl with the lead,
intending to do duty 110 a bov.
• WUAT 7b CCLl'I0A0Ta,
An emaciated, low, distinot, silver -toned
The tart of pleasing those around you, and
seeming p 011ae31 001111 them andel] they may
do for yu.l.
The charm of making little saorifieee quite
naturally, as if of no 0000117111 to yourself.
The habit of making allowances 101 1310
opinions, feelings or prej,dioos of others.
An erect carriage, a sound body.
The art of listening without impatience to
prosy talkers, and smiling at the twioetold.
tale or joke,
on reselling it, the enn 431.8at30n I0:1:0n1e more Ons 1,5.013 „ aid t5 ldm, " Mr1, Syn 1 (14 113 ;4 I;, 0ed)uates 3(.rueg 1l1131deeeey, ften aka (411 3 ate( 1,3)1101, I bee game 1rateleo, .AL th0 money will go to the order. meltable. Its otToot is prompt , felt end
trlvutl. ( l ln0tfn't.
s10310. " 130 g11•Ie or always glI,l 11 Hee
"Ought I :" ha said, with a srnil(. "Sup- but is dish-faer,4l� horse is rarely anything honest 3L71'1 sola!,' pea,alltR 110 little hotter.
9011, i1 11140(1 3'011 gu wit111110 (»I 11111 Lite fora sail . hot a lumina ity in chireaottor 00 a foot 1 'i'h!'y are hopeleee and apathetic. 0110 pea.
inete td, 1)o you remember ,er the hast time we have seen a, few exceptions t, this rola, hot x4),1, for example, at hfreinnif, is 1•epoeted
w1,r1. Iown her on tie wale( Y' I11 3 , 1 ova it, a:+ seyi1g IltOt 110 11•(13 some time gyro 1113110r .,, j ° 'lion, N: B., 11'iarch rt, 1889..
He had taken ho• and Mrs. Syrietr330 Ind A111111 144 3,'/ : usually denotes ,e high oar• ready to start with his 3103 1. to look for ► 7 "I vras t1'oublod for thirty y' years with
(Greene u2tiv »ince. h° hull coati t." 1'ink3ide vouv nrganlzation, while a coarse apt largo work, haul mare his family t1( live on such'Idt•Y''1t•
30,13,1., was the fleet. time be bad riven n bl0/A0 with 81,11311 an( non -expensive, nog. 0111101eetas 315 the could procure, together 7^ pains 3m 301y side, which increased and
S Y 1 b 44
direct. i,ivibtlfnll to her alone. vie went tails tallal pendulous lower hp moans Htlipi(b with milk, 1411(1 an o0cse3mmal calf or 01erp s'ill
He entered ,mil they gieamed at ea111 outer
in startled surprise. Something evidently
had happene-I. diem, warn t 11rr , girls with
their faces hurried in their ham'., two sob-
bing nntrigltl., two gathering u[, the stray
articles of dress lying about while LnOa 341,33
Talilo with trml,led fume cane forward 1.1 th
the bad news,
CHHi3I'I'1.11, VIT3,
"To give nein t0 the 14 canny, in main happy, Yon oftfo IFI gotvilh 111111'• ' .. 13,x413(. j A broad and full forehead and length radius of 11(10 vot'sts he world find no one
the time empire of 13,0u -
ty,.,ufr,fe, ' \;1311 litt•1, grime, Lane returned laugh. Proal eye to oar ite good general ind1catdon8 Letter 411 than himself to beg frnrn, 11e mint -
"Yes P" Daffodil timid, as elle loaned bar Mg. " Of, 1111,1at,' 31 Ill 1e11(3,11) 11 but the ((ye and ear titre the ply repiied, 1' tied and the Czar will tot lot
Ileal on her slates Lailas knee, ",111, Daffodil went away,11little Had. Itstoun• :In...king features of it horses fake, 135 8tar00,"
became: very bad. x used
away to consult Lieila,ahnnt it and felt, glad fry, • to .4°11 or 10111. Rut now all the /filets Were
when lee. setter 4111 1 "'I'0 bo S11011. you nntst, .l'+ensitive 3311r1 trtnnpet-0haped nputrbi deal, and his only lope was in (Ind end the
go hlly1nL1v0yonrself wite11 "w•aaa,le.1 mot,tecouraw,and ttrtolhgenee oven when Orme ;wlenrhis last (teed was gone lowoaki 1,3
oro ,dt. 5 i .r: j, D� "a:` 'y1, OIL
D:a(fodit looked a little meleidded. 14Du'as it lona sometimes, it also 11100.1111 heaves, Meet off to beg. Tieing reminded that fora and it completely cured. ^gime it all praise."
MRSOil, WM. R'X.tDB115R.
,r Au, Pi mr',C JAeoB$ 7. , PhD 'i'
rot n wi ;AI,,,? rterr''.i',.a.'NA1, 7%'x�'+eY1&v4,siai e •w.,i(` ui1(i'iign, d'r'i(1in� 153Wi.