HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-1-8, Page 83 mmlonavl'a 'r+rsrat°aoxr: r 7 NE \AT E A 1 RESOLVES ( 3 1st -1 will buy my Drugs, illediuiues, .kc, 1 � , from G. A. Deadman. nd--1 will put Meta what Books I may require at Deadrnan'o. 3rd—illy Fancy Coude, Toys, dm., shall be bought at Deadmau's. 4th -•-When purchasing a Dire Autograph or Photograph Album it will be at Deadmau's, 5th-1V/ten papering my 'rouse it will be with wall paper from 1.)emdman's, 603—When poeerble I will boy what I may require from Deadman's. 7th—I will recommend others to go to Deadnian's. If the readers of Tea Posx will carry out the above seven good resolutions the shall be mutually benefitted. We will try and please you. G. A. DEADIIAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. STRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. O. & n, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows; Goma Some, Goose No1me. a:... u.n+. ' Mixed............ 0:357r.n1. Express Mfrs agar,; Mail 3.15 p,m. Mixed a:55 piing Nxpress 0:45 p.m. 112Oralll.et)3'kerns. 9 aldel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll Arent it. 1'Eoros.. All Kinds—Hunter. Naw teazle oloth Inc Spring at Shine's. STRAW °utters for six dollars at J. J. Oilpin's. THREE boxes mince twat for 250, at Skene's. Waens was the town Band on New Year's day ? Goon sleighing now, possibly the best this season. Tan latest panel photographs at Hunter's studio. Ir you want a arst•ohass photo go to Burgess & Buchanan. Boma and Overshoes half soled and repaired. Geo. Good. BREARYAST Baoon, choice Rolls and Hams at Geo, Bat'ter's. Eleven for sale or to rent, Comfort. ab'e and convenient. W. B. Dickson. FARMERS' INSTITUTE 00 Friday atter• noon and Saturday of next week in Bra eels Town Hall. 3 lbs mixed candy for 25o and first quality mixtures, cheap quality consider- ed. Geo. Good. ELIGIBLE building lot on Mill street, Brussels, for sale, oheap for cash. Apply to A. Bawtinheimer, Pnoros in all sizes and stylea, Crayon and water color work a specialty. Bnrgees d; Buchanan. THE dynamo went wrong or Wednea• day and an electrician bad to be secured from Toronto to set matter's to rights. THE collectems taken last Sabbath in the Methodist church here instead of the annual tea meeting amounted to $50,83. SKATING was. on the program at the rink for Wednesday evening out owing to the eleutric light not working it had to be droppsd. LOTS for sale on Elizabeth, Catherine and Alexander streets. Will sell on liberal terms. Apply at the Woollen Mill, Brussels, Do not forret our removal to my new stole, next door to the Egg Emporium, where we will be glad to welcome all our customers, I. C. Richards. PAY Yoon TAXES.—All those who have not yet paid their Taxes trill please call and do so at my store, opposite the Postoffice. has, T. Ross, Collector. R. C. SEAMING, formerly of Brussels, wee elected Deputy Rreve of Wiughatn last Monday. Be will fill the bill nioely There was quite a chunk of politics iu the election this year in that town. WN continue as of old to take the lead in the manufaotnrc of light and heavy harness. Collars and light lath - nese our specialty. I manufacture all. my awn collars and warrant every one. I. 0. Riobarde. J. T. Parents ticketed Miss Jennie 11o. Neil to Brandon, Manitoba ; Miss Elia McNeil, to Sturgeon Falls, Ont., and James Sinclair, to Gaylord, Michigan, The parties all lived in Grey township. They left Brussels last Monday. Tau best anodyne and expectorant for the cure of colds and Ganglia and all throat, lung and bronobial troubles, is, undoubtedly, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Ask your druggist for it and at the same time for Ayer's Almanac which is free to all. WELL.DIOOrna AND DRILLING.—George Birt hoe all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satiefaution. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence t sated door north of the bridge, west e aide of Turnberry at., Bruesele. 48.1f t SEND THE News.—Let every subscriber who learns of any local oacarrenoe in lite 0 or her neighborhood jot down the pato- alas and send them to THE POST. All such are ever weloame. Never mind the i spelling, writing or oompoeition, Do the b best you can. Give us the parbioulars in o your own words and in your own way, s just the same as if you were writing a n letter to a friend, and the will do the rest, d THE TALK 05 THE TOWN.—This Winter a James Walker manufactured a novelty in the odtter line, °ailed a B.useiun sleigh. a For solid comfort is necupies the first o place and all who have seen it premium's r it A 1 both in style bud workmanship, el In additioa to it Mosses. Walker St Ewan T have made tip a number of exoellont nutters in piano box and Portland styles r and have also got tip several seta of bob. 0 sleighs. They say they are not afraid of b comparison with any and are well pleased p with the number of sales made, A large e three seated pleasnte sleigh is Moat ready e for the road now, W, Roddick looks al. wa ter the painting and dscoratieg and puts p a tiptop finish on. Masers. Walker & Se Ewan are completing their arrangements to for a regular boom in the buggy line next 5i Spring and it will pay perms intending th to buy to see them. 0a11 at their shop 0 Mid eco the RuSbian sleigh, p T.IIE BRUSSELS POST JAN, 8, 1892 ,. rXtlrtll'YI".a6rr, yrcarstarssar,rulsaaAsretx t LIUJ TE .. OF DRYQ110118'-',; ArJ 1, . ., ' E II) 01 titC.*f'�iliMI ! xasealaattitcNAVJ 'r . aerai; %..i'. tKg • As we find our Stock too large .for the time of year and as We rrsquire money :is well, we have decided t'() sell oft the whole o1' our Dry Goods at lass than Cost Price, Commencing on Monday, January :11th, 1892. As we take Stock next Month it is our determination to make a Big Clearance, and if Slaughter Prices will effect our object everybody may expect some Big Bargains. We cannot quote prices in this Advertisement—We want you to Iook and be satisfied that we really mean what we say, The Goods must be sold and of course, first come, first served, as the Prices we will offer the Goode at they will be soon cleared out, We Wish it to -be Understood that We cannot Book Goods at Sale Prices. Come along with your money and we will give you greater value than you ever got before. Recollect they are all new Goods—No old Stuff in Stock, BRUSSELS, ,Tanuary 8t11, 1892. nen install -smut of Spring prints at Skene's. Fon nitre Crayons and water colors go to Hunter. BURGESS S BUCHANAN'S photo gallery oust Standard hank. THE latest Paris told Mikado panels at Burges s & Buchanan's. Tian was service in the Roman Catholic ohurch on New Year's day. \Vno is Eli Perkins? He will he in Brussels Town Ball on Wednesday, Feby. 3rd. Saviour, bets were won and lost by Brusselites over the result of the Toronto mayoralty election last Monday. A LARGE stock of robes, trunks, valises and satohels, blankets, whips, &a., on hand and sold very cheap. I. C. Rich- ards. Sone talk of a revival of the local ex- change in telephones in Brussels now that the price has coma down within reach. BRING along your .fare to have them made into driving mitts. We do them cheap and guarantee a perfect lit. I. C. Richards. A WEDDING is on the Lapis for this moath. Both bride and groom belong to Brussels. There's no hoax about it as the house is rented. This last meeting of the old Council will be held next Monday evening. The slew Board will meet the following Mon- day and assnme office. ATTEND the' Gast I3nron Farmers' Lt- stitute iu the Town Hall, Brussels, on Friday and Saturday offinext week. Pnb- lio meeting on the evening of the first day free to all, Senor, re opened last Mouthy the only ohanue in the staff was the substitu. tion of Mies Braden for Miss Taylor as 1st assistant, Miss Braden comes high- ly recommended. Tint Pos'r wishes her sticoese. THE annual meeting of the Grey Branch Agricultural Safely will be held in the Town Hall, Brusssela, on 14th inst. commencing at 1 o'clock. The East Huron annual meeting will be held iu the same pleoe on the following Waders• day. "Gef•" offers prizes of 830, $00 and $10 fur the beat short humorous article, story, poem, narrative or character sketch sent in before March 1, 280', The prizes will be awarded not so much on literary merit, as upon the humor and aptness of the concept. Professional writers being debarred, there is 0 fair told for all of a literary turn. Here is a chance for young writers to test their abili•ies. See aun^uaetnent in "Grip." IN A STRONG FINANCIAL POSITION.—� ooneern can produce its beet work only tthaf f: le in a strong financial position, out of debt and free from worry. Our euutemporary the Family Herald and Weakly Star of Montreal is in just snob a position. It is firmly established in magnificent new buildings, equipped with splendid new plant. costing quarter of a million of dollars, the result of years of increasing prosperity. The Penally Her- ald and Weekly Star is a great paper and deserves its gigantic success. LA (inrrra, Dr. Bryee, secretary of the Provincial Board of Health, baa iesu. ed R circular to the public explaining the 05u5e, origin, pathology, general symp• toms and measured for the limitation of La Grippe. The three forms of the dis- ease are : (a) Nervous—oharaoterized by great depression and severe pains in head, spine and muscles; (b) Catarrhal— marked by congestion of mucous mem. brans of nose, throat and, cheat, (e) Gastric—especially seen in children and marked by vomiting, diarrhea, eto. Isolation as far ae possible, clean and well ventilated houses, avoidance of ex. posure, fatigue, unwholesome food and exoeesive use of alcoholic liquors are the beet preventives. The disease fe infeo. ious from person to person and the great. et care in the use of handksrehiefs, Owele, etc., is necessary, A COUNTY MAP,—Fresh from the press 1 one of the finest lithographic firms in Canada is the Cooper County map of Huron. It is very aorreot and we believe t will be a wsloome reap in the many omas, schools, offices and bathes places 1 the county. MI the roads, oonoes- ious and lots are distinctly drawn and timbered. The township% are easily fstinguished as the coloring is varied nil of desirable shades, Every town village or post office is prominently hown, also an alphabetical list of post fiices in the 0uuuty. The latest tenants eturas give the population of ash town. hip, town, and incorporated village. he map measures 4 x 5 ft, is varnished and mounted on linen and black wood ellen. We understand the publishers, ooper & 00,, of Clinton, who 901 it up, are received testimonials from gall ex- erts as the schools inspeatore, as well as ome of the leading beechen of the ouuty, and we believe they have a map rthy of support of our people. The rice is $8,50, and considering that the le is limited to the county the cost ie w, compared with maps of a similar et whioh sell at a high price, and have o entire continent a5 a market, Mr, sopor was in this looality this Week thing the talo of the neaps. Sttate's 25o. tea is equal to 35e. Try it. dai'rie's "Art Studio" is over A. Smith's store. THE telegraph lines in this locality sawed some attention from the repai this week. REPAIRS in harness and collars v cheap and guaranteed to give Baths tion. I. C. Richards. 'Inc Listowel Banner says bread 12 ante a loaf in Brussels. You're other, Bro. Clinic, it is only 10 oents. BRusejrs market still continues to tract the pork trade. Two loads f near Laakno v were sold here on Th day. Tamm Idensall Observer was born New Year's day. S. Stahl is the edi and proprietor. Thio makes 15 ne papers in Huron County. A esteem number of persons in Br sale and locality are suffering with grippe. Whole families are laid up some instances. 1,040 tone more freight left Bras station during the past six mouths tit was marked outward for the correspou Ing term in 1890. IT is said that Adam Reid has pu chased the cottage, on Elizabeth etre front Mrs. Cormack and will move 1 family into town next spring. Mr. Fr lick will also come to Bruss •ls. TI price paid was 8600, On Friday evening of this we Deputy District Master Patterson, Seaforth, will install the officers of th A. 0. U. W. Inc the Current term. A oyster supper will be served at the Amer can hotel at tee close of the lodge. DESIRABLE business stand iu Blyth let fur a term of years, being the corn store in Watson's brink block, best stet in town. Excellent cellar and smith') for general store or grocery with idou and fled, Rent reasonable. Apply t Mss. E. A. Winos, Blyth. 26.4 Wsme.It RICHARDSON, wltoss farm 1i jest East of Brussels, has disposed of t same to Willism Armstrong, ofMafiillo for the sum of $5,7011. It is an exaltert farm ooetaining 05 aures, with goo buildings. Mr. Riohardeou gives u possession 1110l'Iarch. Tan Salvation Army held a"watch night" service and welcomed 1802 as it dawned. They then formed a procession and marched down Turnberry street, with song to the music of the big drum. Some of the hoodlum element was also of hand and rent the air with yells that would die rice Central Africa. NEXT lllouday evening Rev, S. Sellery, 91, A., B. D., of \Viegham, will deliver au address 10 the Methodist church, here, under the auspices of the Epworth League, Itis subject will be "The Bible in relation to national prosperity," As this will be Mr, S011evy's drat visit since hie removal from Brussels there will no doubt be a large congregation present, The topic is an excellent one and will be handled is good style by the reverend gentleman. Owt s OP AT LAST.—The Clinton New Era aye :—"For some time past the friends of W. H. Herr, of THE ti tlesuis POST, have had their suspicions aroueed es to the cause of bis inorsasing oorpu• leney ; they did not like to suggest tat h a good churoh member such as he, might be indulging in more than wee good for him, but their fears surely ieaned in that dirootion. His conecienes became hie own aoouser, and in a letter over his own signature he admits that he bas been drinking, and like all reprobates claims that it has been doing him good. Bub he asserts that it was not "hard cider," or anything so strong, but simply "St. Leon water" that has produced nob beneficial effects. Beware, W. H„ be ware, 'they that tarry long,' au." We would like to see St. Leon tested on you, Bro. Holmes, but it might take a hogs- head of it to put a "oorporattoh" on you as there is BO mnah of you up and down and so little of you broad'aoross. BAST Honor TARSIERS' INSTITUTE.—Phe annual meeting of the Bat Huron Farmers' Insbitute will be held in the Town Hall, Brussele, on Friday and Sat. urday, Jen, 15th and 10th. The follow. ing is the program :—Friday's session, oomfnetuting at 1:130 p. m.—President's address, U, McFadden ; "Advantages of a partial system of soiling," John 1. Ilob- sou ; "Butter mailing on the farm," W. J. Palmer, B. S. A. ; "Growing corn Inc ensilage," Thos. McMillan ; addrese on fruit growing, MoD, Allan. Evening as. sion—"Agrlonitural depression emd some hints as to its removal," John I. Robson ; "A peep into the unseen world around us," W.1, Palmer, 13, S. A. ; "Observe - tions on what I saw in the Old Country," Thos, Gibson, 99. P, If There will also be a musical program, Saturday's ses• elan, commenting' et 10 e. tn.—"Thele system and advantages of draining," RobI. Coale ; "Breeding and manages meet of steak," John I. Robson ; ('Milk, its elaboration, composition and methode wailing iling it," W. J. Palmer, B. S. A. ; Address on fruit, MoD, Allan ; "The benefits of keeping the land in a good state of cultivation," ROW. Currie ; "Union amongst farmers," Thos. Mo. 111i11an. Everybody will be made wel• come to all anions. tea. R, re cars ery fac- is an• at• COCOWore• on for we- ns• la in els all d. r- et, Iia a• 00 ek of to to er td le 0 es he 9, d p MoMszw- Conms.—In Winghnm, On December 21st, 0115 wife of Mr. Walter Coats of 0 sem. sdar�xan. CASOAnht--Benteas,—On 23rd Deo., by Rev. D. Rogers, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John Cas- cades to Mute Catherine M, Beirnee, both of Grey, Ros E•Maasn—Dusess.--In Blnevale, on Dec. 30th, by Rev. A. Y, Hartley, Mr. Frederick Rose -Marsh, of Wcodstook, to Mies Mary Duncan, daughter of Mr. Robt. Dunoan, of Blnevale. \Vas0—DONOAN,—In Blnevale, on Deo. 80th, by Rev. A. Y. Bartley, Mr. Thos. West, of Amaranth, to Miss Isabella Duncan, daughter of Mr. Robert Duncan, of Bluevale, axfexi- SonP.memos .—In Blanshatd on Dee, 30111, John Somerville, aged 57 years. Mo Doh.1Ln.—Iii Grey, on Jan. let, Janet McDonald, aged 72 years and 8 months. BALLA:meN1t.—In Downie, on Doo. 23rd, Michael, son of the late Thomas Ballantyne, and brother of R. M. Ballantyne, Atwood, age 26 years and 14 days. BRTTSSF,IJS 0.OJ 00.=TS, Fall Wheat 90 Spring Wheat 88 Barley 40 Peas (30 Oats .......... .. 30 Butter, tubs and rolls16 Eggs per doreu 16 Flour per barrel 4 60 Potatoes 25 Hay per ton 9 00 Pork,...., 600 Hides per lb.. 4 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 ('0 Sheep akius,each65 00 Lamb skins each 05 01 Apples per harrel 1 25 00 92 ill 50 00 31 00 00 5 00 00 10 00 5 25 00 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TEAOHER WANTED.—AS AS UST ANT for the Cranbrook school for the year 1851, male or female, 8rd class, Ap- ply, stating 1AC013 to RAUT'S% Sec.-Treas., Oranbrook, T'WO GO OD COWS FOR SALE, will calve in a Inc weeks. Mao a fitly rising2 years old. Reason for selling is scar. city of reed. 20 4 ADAM SCOTT, South hell Lot 15, cou. 4, Menlo. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore subsisting between us, the ttudereigued, ea general merchants in the Village at Brussels bae been this day dis- solved by mutual content. All debts owmg to the said partnership are to be paid to William Nightiegalo, at Brussels, aim maid, and all °brime against the said partuershlp, are to be presented to the said William Nigbbiugale by whom the EMIR a,teMountd'Forest th's 28th Day of December, 1801, WILLIAM NIGHTINGALE, W. 0. PERRY, Wit eee, SOOTT. GREY BRANCH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The Annual Meetiiyng of the Grey Branch Hall, Inusealn Society the 114th instil, at 1 O'oloek p, m., for the ppurpoee of reeeiv- tug the eenert of the Directors for 1891' electing ofiioore for the ourrent year and traueaobiug such other bustuoes ae may come before the meatus. ALEX, STEWART, D, STEWART, president. 9 aerators, 13r06esle, has, ath,1892, East Huron Agricultural Society, The Annual Mooting of the Etat Huron Agrioulturat Septets,y will bo held in the Town Hall, 13tu6Bets, on 'Wednesday, the 2014 lust„ at 1 O'olooh p, m, for the purpose of ready. los the ,report oI the Dlrentere Inc 1801' ebeotioB °!Mears for the currant year and trmtsaetiug Buell other busmen as may come before the mooting, JAS.FERGUSON, b.S'1'13WAE.r, Preeldent, Secretary, Brunets, January 8111,1893, MILE DIi AWING.—'rtIiE :DI' nioegoae Of the Morris and Grey Cinemas Mauulaeturiug 310, will meet at the Town Hall Brnsbele, ou Thirsday, the 21st lust., at 2 O'clock p.m, for the purpose of lotting the MYlk Drawing for the coming season. A fun meeting of Shareholders and Pat- rons is requeebad at the same Gino and place for the annid for thuati nimaoion of other important s busioSes that on o% e before the meeting, y JNG, STRA08AN, D, STEWART, Bose:alto Peery 511,,1850 Secretary. 1 1)AT1.E.ONS OF CHEESE FAO. _L montes ars bauafl ltod by seeding milk lime pert bred dorsals, They combine both 1if n0 Jersey quality. eau Lave your eholee For further purti°uhn's apply at my Drag and Book Store. 0. A. DEADMAN, Brussels, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Nottoe is hereby given that all persons baylug claims Sonst the estate of Douai' Stewart, late of the 'Township of Grey, in the Oouuty of Huron, deceased, who died on or shout the Nth Day of September, 1880, are required to send such olaima or to de• liver them to Alex, Reuter, at Brussels, agent for the Executors of deeeaeed, on or before the fat Day of February, 1$.7J, After the ,said last montiouod onto the Executors will distribute the assets of the eetate amongst those untitled thereto, with regard °lily to isuoh claims of which they shall then Dara notice, and will not be liable for said assets or auy part thereof, so (lista. Intact to any person or parsons of whose remitt)ctrl at claims notice sshall stribution ° Tiris notice is pursuant to Revised Statutes Gu- tario, Chap. 110. Dated at Breasole this lath Day of Decem- ber, 1801, 23 3 ALEX. HUNTER, ELTZARETH Ii1'Ent•ArtT, Agent for Executors 00NnLn Sa`BWAnT, } Ex0c5t0rs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to au order of the High Court of Justice, Queen's 13euob Division, outdo iu a certain cause of .Fairburn vs. Welsh, the creditore of Joseph Welch, late of the'1'owu. ship o1 Grey ,In the County of Berms, who die. lu or about the mouth of December, a. D.1880, nee ou or before We fella flay of January, 1.1).1892. to sond by post, pre- paid, to IV. M, Sinclair„Eaquirs, of the Vil- lage 00 tl0neesls in the County of Huron, the Solicitor for the Phaiu tiff, their Uurretiau feud sttflntmse, mahatma and descriptions, the hill particular's of their Wailes a state- ment of their accounts and the nature of their security (if 0051 bold by them or fu de- fault th reit they will he peretuptm'ily80. eluded from the beuedt of Cho said order. produce the same before before any security y° alio° r• iot, lo the Oeunty of in the Court Huron Ion utlfo 3018 Lay of Jauuury, A. D.1892, at the hour of eleven taloa in the Iorouoon being the time appointed for adludtuatiou on the Maims. Dated this 29th Day of Deooutber, A.D, 1891. S. MALOOM80N, 21.8 Master at Goderiob. JUDICIAL SALE —oF VALVABLE FIRM PRDIVIES Is trim TOWNSHIP OF GREY, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. Pursuant to au order of 3015 mann in 0 ea - tam Muse or matter in the Queen's Renoh Divation of the iOntario of Fi buruuvs. Weleh, bearing Court of Jufor bye twoutyseveubb day of November, A. D, 1801, there will be offered for sale by Public Abatlon, with the approbation of Sutker. laud Maloomsuu, os tire, Local Master of the High court of lienee at Goderlee, by Finlay Stewart Seca, auetloneer, on SATURDAY. the Sixteenth day of Jan. miry, A. D. 1692, at the boar of Twelve O'clock (noon), at the Oat8'PRAL 1001']91 111 the Village of Brussels, tract of laud mud prem ices situate lyingnand of Huron and rovineeot Gof yOutarls, beluin the g composed of Lot number Tllrbouu, in tee freomflobarrentsooGcu ug y idnoueun hundred acres of.lend be the same, more or lues, There are about 01155n acres of 51ear. 0d laud ou this Let and the balance Mumma is well timbered with pine and cedar, There ie a log barn, built on the flue between Gila Lot anis Lot number fobrboon, and the feu- cut are iu a lair ghats of repair, (2) An and singular that certain parcel or tract oflaud and maintain -situate lying and being I. the Township of Gray, in the Outten ty of Huron and Province of Ontario, beteg oomvosedof Lot number fourteen in the third conasssioa of the aforesaid Township or Grey, oeubaiuiug by admeasoremcut one hundredlantl be the 00 or ess.There are about sixty ftv0mtei'nstolear- ed upon this lot and in 0 geed state 01 cult,• vatlur,; five names thereof swampy laud timbered with biota all cedar Dud talus curl the balaoo°, thirty acres, is well timbered with hardwood beech and maple. There is a good frame 110150 and b: et kitchen on this jnrcherty, there are two good wells uh this lot and the fences aro in good repair. The land is otherwise well watered 13,a spring creek which roue arose the south eat °oruer of this lot. Tem properties aro situated in a Brat. Glass 11lage pi liruanole'tool I °130 two 5, 1 cue half 11105 from the Village of Ethel, both of which Villages offer good markets Mr grain, timber and all kinds of feral pro. Mum. These farina will be offered for silo separately Sud 0ubiaob to a reserve bid, wed the Master reserv5a the right to adioere the sate et oeull lot if h1 Dia opinion alt adequate urine Is not reached. TERKs of Sard1.—Tort per cent, of the pur- chase mousy tvlll be required to be Dela on the day ottale to Luo Plaintiff'sSolloltor and the balsam within thirty days thereafter when the purchaser or puruuaeere will bu entitled to a conveyance and be /et into pos. 90001(11L C. he outer 0oedltloue of gale will be the standing oouditluus of the Ohauory Dlviwon /1 the High (loltrt of limbic°, Forfurther lart apply 10 John lankin ,osq.Q. r Toronto ; 50 nt, erSowProudut, Barisers, la rb 1 Seat, kBeg., auctlou0or, of to the Undersigned, 0W. M. 515010IIR, S. HALOGMSON. Plff'e Solicitor. Mater at Godwin)), Dated this 241)11 day of December, A, 0, 1851, HOLIDDAY (hitt'&( 1 SPECIALLY NEW —'0.901)...... Attractive Lines, I,'hotugrapll Atheism and Cases, W nlllug Desks, llusfo Rolls, Wallets, Purees, 1ookst Books, Leather (foods, all desuriptloos, malts, Toys, Xmas Cattle, dm. Perfumes, Drugs and Books. Open all day Christmas and NOW Years .7r. T. X'lr,l'PL+'&t, C1110ltO7' Attu Dttunaosr, Bnusen0s. BANKING. i\1•GINTos I & IvIoTAGGART, BANKERS, , BRUtisELS, Traatonctot a Ci.essoro.' s2axalci,ag 224uoiaseaa,. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and Uuitod States Drafts bought and sold, latoreet allowed on Deposits. Collections made an favorable 1010115. Gaoadlau Manta 13ANIt or CANADA, New York Agento—Inrrorrl:ne AND Tuan. ERI, NATIONAL MANE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. po L. TAYLOR., ,BARRISTER, Claus m015. 0111x0 . Vaustone)s Blot1r,0Brut • eels. 21-sm e YA• M. SINOLAIR, flT Vo, • Solicitor,Gonveyancer,Notary Pub- ofPeppersiDrugStore s Bloat, Fundi north Loan. DIOKSON & BAYS (Late with Garrote& BAYS, God°. rich,) 13arr,sters, Solicitors, Oonveyancers, 000, OB10es—hreesels and Seaforbh, Brus- sels O°—Ula-stairs over Bank, Mealy to R. 9.0A55, W. n. DSCESON �._ BUSINESS CARDS. .. H. MoCEACI�I';N, at his Gi'oa ry lnrnberrvgst eot,tl4tnsee)msc° '• N. BARRETT, Tousoeltl Artist• Shop—Next door south of A. 1110, Muliay de Co's bard ware store. Ladies' mud °bitdroas hair cutting it specialty ISS BALL Is prepnrod to glue leseou8 on Cho Piano, Parlor sed Pipe Grgau, t lit. tooWl uu gives to 'couuio. For further in- formatfou address— Box 172, 131006018, A• MGNAIE Issbrer of Marriage Llos00os, 1 ' feppotutment of Lieut -Gov et er, Commis - Fire Insuruue Uo, Olfl s atlIll°o Oi utb rook Post 011ce, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM Menti nuns, FIRL- AND MARINE, GUELPH. A HUNTER OloriCo, Beron, °f0any Ythe I1bo0r, Notary Public Laud, Lona and Insureuoe Agent. Funds lbvested and to loan. Oollectlbna mode. Gilboa la Graham's Block, Brussels, (AIL PAINTING. give luyoil palatine. prepared' , to ivo iu may be ascertained at Miss Nellie Mose' store where samples of work may be 0000. Miss Morse would also tike a few more pupils hr male, T A. lHAWRJNS, • Organist In St. John's Ohara, tires - eels, and papal, tat the Art of 'Lu001109 of A. W. Thayer, Mut. Doo., New York, tett i give lessons to pupil6 either at Thos. Farrows. /erred, oetQWeir town heaioe Terinarutoder- ate. 90. DENTAL. dDIII.N TXtiT f M. CAVANAGH, L. D. Si, D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College or Dental Surgeons, Outarlo, and of Toronto Uni- versity, Orptorn—Over Pepper's Drug Store, Bruisers, AUCTIONEERS. AA RAYJOCANN, • Auctioneer, is always ready to at„ be 1111 sates of farms, faros stook, 0.u. Terme cheerfully gtvun, Oranbrook P. 0. Sales may be arranged ab Tun poem publiebmg Hours, Brussels. Y EOBGIII KI:11KBY, Licensed Auctioneer, S l ' ct ed on reasonable terms, Perms oand trfarm etouku susolalby. Orders lett at Tan Poon P obit thing Hoese,Btuwade , or sent to Walton P. 0„ will reoutve prompt abteutloo, TTAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN. sn fro an Auctioneer, I am prepared to 00041,01 sales of farm stook at reasonable prices.every porsupolvinanrin a° potltio ng to f soli nearto good marks and got good security when gold ottcredit Satisfaction guaranteed, Give m5 tt call. 82- F S. SCOTT, MEDiCCAL CARDS. IxTM. L'. GALII, M.D., 0. i1'1., r nfomber of the' pall ugoofahinaion. and Surgeons of Ontario de examination. Eitel and Jtoatdolo0—Mein stroeb Peat, Athol, 0utario. T A. MONAUGIITON, M. D. r 0, M„ 1„Ie. O. P., Bdinburgb, ML 0. P S. Out, ltosirleuee and o01ee iu Wilton,” illosli, corner of M111 aud'Turuberry Us. VETERINARY. D. WARWCOE, [t Honor Graduate01 the Ontario a College, is pr to Croat alldieonlesoeieationtora animals In a nom - 10 vetort luiinv dentistry u 015115 attention 01. tended to. 1 llluo and Infirmary. --Twee adore 001th of bridge e'ubnberry st„ Brueoole,