The Brussels Post, 1892-1-8, Page 5JAN, 8, 1892 C l ral It b roolc. JAIL 81110141r loft last Monday tut (lay. lord, thiob., where ho purposes to spend the winter. ]), ,lolneton and R. 1, Cameron, an. dents of Knox College, loft for Toronto lust liloneay, J„h11 AleMoo, eldest vote of Rev. D. 11. 11cLao has gone to the Hamilton Cele leeiabe .fnslitete where ho will proseooto J,io BtucIioH, Mrs, Malt.te went with him to tete Ambitious city. 'I'lie Royal Template of Temt)orauoe hold a very successful b'x social in Daniels Ilan on Wodnosday evening of lamb week. The program consisted of tnaelard allot literary Holeetioter. t'itonilfop. Judgment wee given at Oenoode Hall hast, week by Judge L'alconbsidge in Ilan - 00. vs. Attehoson, which won tried at Gu,ternh and Toronto. Aa ion for damage for trespass to laud anti for a dt,eleration ns to the true position of the di visite) fence between the lauds of the plaiuL,ff and defendaltt,.beiug reepn.otive. ly doe south Molt and the north belt of lot SO in the 91h con, of the township Of McKillop, in the county of Huon, and for it mandutury injuuutiun to Conn pel the defendant to restore the fence, on the boundary line. Buil I•artlea 1,011,g WillingJ � i.ln to accept a de 'el h orae estnblu un the f,I 1itla tail b once Warren o the true Mal proper line between tie m, judgment wets given uceodingly. Tho leagued judge discussed the question of coats and coon eluded there slu,uld be no eats to either party. Ayleeworlh, Q. 0., and Hays (Soatorthl for the plaintiff. Garrow, Q. 0., and 1'roudf"ut (Roder -Rh) for the de- fendant. 15iu40v:114!. Ben, Haults, of Bluevaee, wee in (lode. rich this week vieiting his mother and taking leave of his brother Win. on hie ronrn to his Northwest home. A. FLorrr GATHERING.- Th. Goclerich Star says :-A very interesting and pleasant ehrisrmas was spent at Elm Lawn, the residence of William MoCleat, it being shire. MuUlean's birthday and also the 000asion of the christening of their little graed-daughter, the infant child of Rev. I. B. and Mrs. Wallwin. A number of friends werepresent, and J'fr, Mu0lean, feeling better for a few days than he has for some months, was able, in his former generous and hearty manner, to make everything bright and happy. Four generations were represented, the great. grandmother, grandmother, mother and daughter. The spacious drawing room was filled, and Rev. J. E. Howell, 11. A., who three "'ears ago ordained Mr. Wall - win, performed the ceremony, giving the little girl, who is a bright and beautifer child, the name of Francis Marion. The ohild was made the recipient of some pretty (Moistens boxes. Atwood. At the Rankin Concert Co'e. entertain. ment, on the evening of Deo. 25111, the sem of 51115 was lost. Lamont Bros., of Listowel, have pub a beautiful Hoerr piano into the home of J. delimit op, of this town. l:ir. Rice lits bought the property upon which shads L. Hiles butcher shop and Currie eC' Ile'ghau's tailor shop. The property is eplendidly situated. At the meeting of the Presbyterian Mission Band over 51.1 was taken to farther the goo., week undertaken by the Band. Miss Lizzie Graham is Presi dent, and is a host in herself in mi•eiou work. At tete annual business meeting of the Preebo terian congregation it was decided to build a new manse next Spring on the site of the old one at a cost not exceeding 52,000. The old s•rum ere was purchased by Joseph Priest for 5150, The concert under the otuspioes of the Independent Order of Foreseers, exceed- ed the expectations of the promoters. The house was pelted ; the Rankin family furnished an excellent entertain- ment, and last, but not least, the receipts netted something life 5100. The menial meeting of the Atwood Public school woos held on Wednesday of lent week. Jas. Hanna was elected trustee to SII the vacancy caooed by Jas. Irwie.'s removal to Brussels. 'f'hetrestees for 1892 are : Wm, Dickson, Seo,•Treas. ; Robb. Parker and Janne Hanna. .V911to91. biisa Addie Crisp, of Londesboro', is visiting friends in Walton. Mee, H. Hewitt, from Dakota, is the guest of Jno, Hewitt, of this village. Rev, Mr. Ottewell'e sister, who lives near Whitton, hi visiting at the parson- age. Miss Lou. Pollard is home for her boli. days free, Loudon, being welcomed by her many friends, It ie amid one of our 'oto) keepers is likely to get into trouble over his selling liquor to minor., do he should. School re•opeeed on Monday with William Rea and Miss Kirkby as teach. ore.. They will no doubt do their duty well. A very eumoreeful social was held in the Methodist ohuroh here on Monday evening, 4th inst. The program ooneiat. ed of readinge by Mtg. Neal, etre, T. Jaok•on and John Pollard ; speeches by several of the gentlemen present and choice masie furnished by the choir. Tea 5lknrsse.-'1The annual telt meeting was held in the Methodiet church on the evening of New Year's clay. Although the made were not good nor the weather propitious the ohuroh was well filled. After tea was Served and everybody sable. fied in this department Matthew Morri• son, a well known resident of this plaeo, wits unanimously voted bo the chair, Short speeches were given by W. E. Kerr, Revda, D. Forrest and Wnm, Baugh. Good music was rendered by the choir, The very satiefaohory returns of $40.00 woos announced by the pastor. Votes of thionke wore given to all who assisted. PItoou4Nteov10N.-On Tuesday evening of last week a pleasant event took place at the reeidenoe of Henry Hamilton, being the preeeettttfon by the mombere of St. Oeor•ge's ehm'oh of a handsome arid well - tilled purse to biles Maggie Hamilton, as a token of their appreciation of hor see• vines as orgarglst and Roeder for the [lest two years. The vieitere were cordially roee:ved by Mr, and blre, Hamilton Itnd After 901ne tittle spent in racial chat Jets, 13nlgor called the audience to order runt 191 n few well ehdeen words etcpleened the object of the gathering atid'teetided'te the faithfulneee with which Mies 1Tamil• toll had performed her ditties. The THE BRUSSELS POST aSii=kmmua lai2MaztatousTawaraliasurammoir n presentation was )wade by Wm, M, Smith, warden, who also spade it few ap- propriate rem, rho", as••urheg Mitre Ilau1- Mou of the hettrtiuese with wired' the coongregottion pertained tole pleasant duty. 51r, Ilentltou br'ie'fly thanked the eougro- adore on behalf if his danghtor, for Ihrlr valuable gift and animated Chet thus, present were at 11111 liberty to enjoy th,need yes, A grand repast was p e payee! 011011 folly enjoyed. Amusement renewer) :,•hi: li wort rept lip rill e 'ere hon, when the guests drpartect. All will remember the ploneant evening spent in the hospitable Immo of pia and- b'Irs. 11am11ton. Mol(• sWor►It. Mr, Laidlaw, of Caledonia, was the ;;nest of Itis uncle, Wm, Brown. Robert Theam on is home from Chloe - go, where be spent the summer. SIr. and Miss Stewart, from Stratford, were Visiting their aunt, Mrs. Geo. Mo. Donald. Joseph Armstrong 1109 got Bottled in hi new brie! roBidelce. In is the finest on the line. Gen. eloDoneld hits 00tu•091 hone from Blaevnlo, where he was heal cheese molter for the summer, he Is also-engag- ed for the coning year. Wm MnLriosh, of Inverness Shire, Seotbtnd, arrived not Chri•tmas at his nnole'e, Alex. oiofotoeh, en a visit for a few weeps, elf+ eon William, wile and fancily, err' veil free, Iioebure, 1Isn. Geo. Brown while r in'niug 1101119 from the tillage, hi, ! 10 es took fright 1. L some sheep at'litho \ituheh's gate, he LviLa thrown off the wagon and broke his arm. The ihorses never stopped till they reach. ed home. 951 t1r. Robert Il'IoQuerrie was spending the New Year holidays with his parents. Revival meetings commenced in the Methodist church on Monday evening. 'Phos. Poulson woos -pending the New Year holidays with his brother i1. Ripley, C. E. Tanner and wife are visiting friends in Strathroy and Sarnia this week t91rs. J T, Carter's lneuy friends will be glad to hear that she is improving host from her serious illness. Mrs. (Rev.) Higley, who has been seri- ously indisposed with an attack of ery- sipelas, is on a fair way to recovery. Our public schools were reopened on Monday, after the holidays. Our new Principal, A. H. Plummer, called the roll and wielded the rod. On Monday the election of Councillors for the municipality petered off very quietly. Messrs, McNally, McGee, Young and Metcalf were elected as the Commit for 1892. Eli Denver, the tailor, received a tele- gram on Moltday from Teeswater stating that his father was dead. He at Duce took his departure for the plane of mourn- ing. McLean'ik Hamilton, hardware mer• chants, having dissolved partnership in this burg, Mr. bloLean moves this week to Belgrave where he intends earning on the hardware business in the future. We regret to hear that our old and much respected townsman, Hugh Mo. Qnarrie, blank-mith, ie indisposed at present. His many frieids hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Muliialuon 01 Co , of Blyth, gladdened the 0)00Lrts of the little folk, about 200 etroug, of vetrinne sizes and ages, on Christmas day. by pr, sooting each WI, 11 a beg of eatldr. The corner presented quire it lively appeerance about 2 o'clock, atter which U. Jenkin, artist, photo- graphed the scene, obtainiud a good negative. O'foeri.., Miss Rachel Sharp is home from St, Thomas, The Council for 1892 will assume office o1. Monday, 181' firer. Mr. Kingswood, of St. Thomas, was visiting in this locality last week. Thos, Kelly, of Manitoba, le home. He has been away abont three years. At bhs annual school meeting ho S. S. No, 0 Richard Bewley was chosen trustee, Mr. Taylor, the new teacher at 13 o•rte's school house, uotnmenoed work last Mon- day. Reuben Jewitt, eon of Wm Jewitt, was also flume from the Harrteton High So heel. Mies Maggie Money won a silver biscuit jar in the Canadian Queen mom. petition. Wm. Jowitt was visiting his son, Roy. Gen, Jewitt, et Harwich, Kent County, last week. James Elston was home spending his variation, having peon in attendance at the Flarriston High SOhoot, Mrs. James Plumstead, of Paris, is visiting her brother•i1.-law, John Elston and other Merida in Morris. Ed. L. Bead, ohereemaker, of Laurel, Wellington °oalty, was visiting his uncle, Wm. Martin, of the 1st line, We regret to hear that Samuel Fear is dangerously i11 from a complication of troubles. We hope he will be speedily restored to his usual good health, It bus been a very favorable winter for ohopping in the bush and as a result a large quantity of wood and logs have heed cut. Snow is wanted now to got them out. CorieoTon's Noincs.-Ail unpaid Eases in the township of Morris are required t., be paid on or before January 18th, 181)2• I will bo ab the Townehip Hill! on that date. ,lour: !f'lootne, Collector. We are pleased to see our old friend George Forbes, of Manitoba, formerly a well known resident of the 2nd line, back among his old friends for a visit. It is about ton years since Mr, Forbes went west, I•le apperies to be wrl1 satisfied with the (meitry and reports bovine dune well. He's rt welcome vivitot• aid 409 are glad tome him looking so Well. INeoaotoT YoT.-Councillor James Proctor states in last week's Posen that he withdraws maenad reference made oou• corning me at the nomination nn moonlit) of hie learning that a portion of what ile said was incorrect. I oonteud that all he said abort mo was fele° and wish to know from itim what portion he spill Bolds to be cornet. Robl. Arm•trelg. )he St, Marye Journal time Were to the death of an uncle of Jno. Somerville, 5111 ]tne: -An accident which terminated fatally lutppoiori near Proepeat Hili ell Tuesday evening Dee. 30th. John Som. 0rvi110 Lytle returning home from that, Vi lege when lite horse etembled and tete rider Was thrown violently to the ground. IIis injuries resulted in death Wednesday tuorning, DoIltased was neaein; 60 yore of age and had boon a resilient of the township for over 40 years. 1010011 Wood, tottohor of 8, S. No. 7, has elven up the wheel and iitende at- tending the Hormel School at Ottawa, Rev, J. I.3, Cook, 1110 13, of Ripley. and formerly pa -tor in the Methodist ohureh, Bleovale, delivered a lecture in Johneton's (larch, 1011 'Tuesday evening the gnhjeet of which wax "throe Kam ett 1111110," 0r "Washtugton at the Ecumenical Uoun. of ," Mr. Gonit w e 90 sent at the late i;tauneniaal Conned and from perfume! keioeledge evoke et Lhio 111001 tut le:,:fu,g city i1. Amorist and the moat Important event of 1891. The church choir, and Mrs, (Rev.) Jook gave a number of Bolen. trona and Helms, The prnoe:'cls were ap plied on behalf of the antral fused, f•fettlor► ft. Thestooks of John Beattie & Co„ dry goods and Jaukeon Bros., merohant tailors, were completely nestruyerf by fire and water Saturday morning, The fire originated in the former. Tile loss is !ally covered by insurance, The manse of the fire is supper ed to be in,encliarism. The firemen worked heroically, other. wise the best beelines!" portion of the town would have been consumed. The Sun says ;--A very peculiar action has recently been eommonood in which on of our townsman is interested. The following aro the facts: -•tome years ago a stir. dateline wile resided near doe town of Carleton Plato died having Rrst merle his will in whiuh It directed that his w'd s t nw shonlc have 1 t n teaset t a 4 e rduring he t R r lifetime e mu anti that on her de cease the astute !should revert to lib" n••phew, Alexander Hut aline Tile widow entered in due course into posses. eine and during her possession Alexancer Hutchiuedied. After living in the en- joyment of the estate for some the widow gold the lend and conveyed the abeohtte ownership, the fee simply to an illegiti- mate dam; ,ter who conveyed it some time later to a bir. Kearney who in turn con• veyed to,toseph Yuill. It seems, how• ever that the original owner Mr. Hutch ins had another heir, who at the time of Mr. H'e death lived in England and who at the time of the widow's death many years later was residing in Australia having left England. By fraud Rnct other moans he was led to neglect his right to the estate for some years after his uncle's death. He now resides in the city of 'Toronto and has instructed a friend of his a Seaford" lawyer to mom• men0e an aetion in the chancery court which will be tried at the spring sittings of the court of ohanoeryat Pertb. The action is an interesting one and pro. miser great laurels for our legal friend on the event of a successful termination. The annual meeting of the Huron Medical Association was held ioo the Mechanics' institute at Seaforth on Tuesday. In addition to the program, which included a paper by Dr. Gibb Wished, of Toronto, on "A practical study of sympathetic Ophthaluilis," con. eiderable time was spent in discussing the nation of the medical council in re- quiring all tnedioel practitioners to take nut each year a certificate, without which a medical roan may be prosecuted in the same manner as an irregular. The fol. lowing resolution was unanimouay adopted :-Mnvrd by Dr. G,ahtim, of Brussels, seconded by Dr. Young, of Iin•Ictote, and resolved, "That the Wein- berg of this aseooietion desire to enter their mast earnest protest against the objectionable eectiou inthe recently amended Ontario Medical Aet weereby the power is conferred upon the medical warren to erase a member's name from the register fur the non payment of the ennuetl fee, and that every effort be made by petition and otherwise to call the at- tention of the Local Legislature to the feet knot the immediate repeal of section 27 of the Ontario Medical Act is greatly desired ; and that a copy of this ,seen• tion be forwarded to the Looal mombere for Huron and Perth and to the Hoc, Oliver Mowat, to whom the medical man of Ontario IOOW most earnestly appeal for support against this unjust legislation." Seemed committees were appointed to carry out too desires of the aesooiation as expressed in this res,e. lutlon. The election of chimers for the coming year resulted as follows :-Presi• dent, Dr. H. 11. Elliott, of Bruuofiold ; vice-president, Dr, P. Maudonnld, M. P., Wingham ; a orebary, Dr. W. Gunn, of Clinton. (' etas". 15(1. Hill ie attending the Seafortb High school. The threehing machine is humming at L, McNeil'" this week. Last week Win. Work had a few en- forced holidays owing to the displacing of his knee cap. Mrs. Wil lam Crooks, of Oven Sound, is visiting at her fabher•in•law's, George Crooke' for a fete wanks. Jas. Burns, a fireman on the G. T, R., teas visiting et D. Mohair's for a few days last week. We expect to see bin back again. The township Council has lisp osed of lot 80, oou, 1e, whiah woe bought in by that for ,axed, to Chas. Qeereug racier for the sum of 56(0. Lest week the two youngest Ohfldren of Mrs, T. Cardiff, 14th eon., were ill with diphtheria but are now in a fair Way of recovery. Miss Edith Knoell has been laid up for some time with a lame knee and ]e not yet able to gat about. We hope she will soot: regain her health. I1. S. 8. No. 2 two new trustees were elected o1. Wednesday in the pursous of Jots. Hotietou and Nelson Bricker. Jno, Stowsrt and Jetties Shaw aro the retiring tomatoes, the latter having reeigued as he was leaving the action. Jno. MoDougall end wife, of Jlowman- vilbe, were visiting relatives and friends in this township. Mr. McDougall ie eat- played in the Dominion organ factory std has not been home for about seven years, Grey Lownehip is free from debt having completed the payment of their rai1lvay derbenturo.t. The Oounoil How have aur open field excepting the drain bnsiuess, in which 000100 someone of the township are deeply interested. OnIT,-On New Year's (lay the spirit of Janet ItfoDoneld took ire !light. 111001 i1f0Donald has mala her home with her brother, Alexandoe 5LoDoaall, 1110 woe, for that peat 21 yearn. She 09000 horn i1. Roalifre, Scotland, in the ,sear 1.820 end Was oOnaoquentlyy pant 72 ,years of ape, '111e subject Of tette notice had been %fling rot some menthe std paired away lame vary , pouoetnlly, She wa..s a devoted Member of the Ptesbyterieu9 comontime . Thorfumoral took planet' Monday utter• upon. Alt, toDeneld, her brother, is "several years mules than ricochtteel, • •. .•B nrfa ixmatioraaeN%asUlt®1'M -a l i,,MranalrarM.,nratlf k0100yC Htrrinitnll was Ilia ohotot of the! Money to• Loan, 1 ,l 1 rq. t ratepayers of S. K. Nn, :i as erases, He I til y 1 L r NON � �� �b almre,•do Thos, Strachan, Thee, Oehler ix the newly. elate trustee end Seeretery.Treaaurer in S. S No, I, Jus, bluebell - er , who retires r petty 11t d Any Aluouut of 1Gniev tr1 h04111 (10 Farrel ill' Village 1'00- pHI'tY' tU 6 (Fr' 61 Per C,1fi„ }'tarty, 11.1.4 'PEI tbi, pneltlrn fnr quite q nnmbe of roart-- NexHnnrley the re opening Renderer !n emoneiton with Whitllold's e.Intr,A will be held. Rev, R. Paul will petard) ni lb:.to 0. In rani 0::14 p. lit. Tho build- ing r.: v-ry inunh improved by the over• hauling it received lately. In the torment given 'tet week of the sooltti in Shine'"' Helmet 1)01180, two very nice Nodus were iiadverteotty omitted, "lienee -1, don't tell" by bliss 1'es.i0 Switzer and "I ought to love my mother," by her eistur Allis. PaoeoNTATION,-Tho following address was tn•esented to leli•s Lizzie leraohan, atmempnesied by a beautiful pinch album, by iter Sunday saloon, class in the P res - by tailor church, Teoowater :-- 0 ani 'l'lt0m0l itll,-For some time you have been teacher of our class at Sun tiny school end during that time you have labored faithfully and earneetly to promos our highest and best interests. In doing so you have saerifined your own comfort ani, emovenienee iti the hope of doing go ad. We fuel that the worthy ex,' nple of Christine usefuhgess you have „01 before us le olio that we ought to strive CO imitate, We bog your accept• mice of tine Height torten of the esteem in 1 1 we which le r 1 yen. trusting ' though 000,0411 never repay e t v you row what you hey" doter fuer 1.w this simple eucognition of your laving labors will be r1 ss0uranes to you that we reel grateful for yea patience and Belt -denial in your sdorts on oar behalf. We that you may be long spared to fill ths•position you mom/ end that our class on,y e.•jny the benefit of having for its teerher one whom we have teemed 10 love and respect. Sign. ed 11, t'I°NArcanTON, E. LITTLx, M. LITTLO, L. \{oDotixn, L. MCDONALn, C. FeneusoN. Mies Strachan made an appropriate re- ply, thanking the members of her clues for their beautiful gift. GONE To li,NBT.-One by one the brave pioneers of this towable are being laid away to rest in the cold and silent tomb. Soon we will look in vain for any of those sturdy hearts who have cheerfully borne the hardships of pioneer life. On Mon• day everting, Deo. 280h, et 40 minutes past 4, death claimed fur its own another respected pioneer in the person of bare. Margaret Buchanan, relict of the late Donald Buchanan, who died in Juue 1878. Although the cleansed hod attained to the ripe old age of 79 yeare sad 8 months, yet in that long life never did she require m••disnl aid but twice and one of these was during her last short etrm,gle. On Christmas morning she arose in her usual way, took her breakfast as usual and afterwards was engaged is lacing her eltoes when suddenly she was seized by a violent pain in the bead. She ex. claimed'K) 1 My head" and was soon in an unconscious condition. Her left side benalne paralyzed, bet in a short time strength was restored to the paralyzed parts. The shock proved too greet for one of her age and despite nediool aid she passed away on Monday evening. Her end was peter. The deceased was a native of the parish of liili,nnir, Isle of Skye, Inverneee•nhire, Sootland, She, in company with her father, mother and brother, left their native land for Ameri• main April 1829 They settled in flaps Breton Island where she was married to the late Donald Buchanan. Here they emailed until 1853 when they left for Ontario and settled on lot 8. eon. Grey, then to howling wilderne-s. 0e this farm she spent the remainder of he days. She wee one of those women who always attended to her own lousiness, WA- never more pleased than when she could render asststanoe to those i1. need. When strangers applied for a night's lodging she did all in her power to make them feel at home and harpy. Never would she allow anyone to go away frnm her hones hungry. he did whet she mould to make the home pleasant and happy, was always cheerful and looked upon the bright aide of life. 811will be greatly missed by all who had the pleas. ere et her aoquaintanoe and by those who have so often enjoyed her hospitality. It can truly be said of her elle lived the Christian life, She leaver+ b hind her to mourn her loss six daughters and two sone. Of these John and Maggie have lived with her on the homeetead and will miss her most of ell ; 'Alexander, who tines on lot 8, con. 17, Grey ; itfre, John Robertson and Mrs. David Clerk, 14th con. Grey ; Mrs. Thos. Johnston, col). 18, Grey ; Mrs. John Campbell and Mrs. John Clark, Sand Beach, Mich. The funeral took place on Wednesday of last week and was largely attended. Peace to ler ashes. • 'Money to Loan on Farm Pro - LO IP EST ero- Indigestion IS not only a distressing complaint, of itself, but, by causing the blood to become depraved and the system en- feebled, Is tbo parent of innumerable maladies. That Ayor's Sarsaparilla is the bust cure for Indigestion, even when complicated with Liver Complaint, is proved by time following testimony from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway Centre, Mich.: - "Liver complaint and indigestion made my life a burden and came near, ending rey existence. For more than four years I auffered untold agony, was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly had strength to clog myself abant. All hinds of Toed distressed lee and only the most delicate uould be digested at all. Within the time mentioned several physicians treated nee without giving re- lies. Nothing that X took doomed to do any permanent good until I emninenood the ,tee of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, tvbi0h has produced wonrlorfni mentos, Siren atter oomnenoing to mice the Seeeapav rills I could sec an irnprctrement in err condition \ly appetite began to nnlatrn weed with 14 cane the abillly to digest all the f ort taken, Illy ifl'(lp 1 r 0111 - proved sash clay, sob niter a few months of faithful attention 10 :atm dile:atlon9 I found myself a well woman, able to attend le nil hoes:hold duties. The medicine has given mo a new knee of 11 to," rs parllla, ' ar s ar fa r1t01AnBO 110 or. d. C. Ayer to Co., I.oWeQ, Mess, 1rierA1; nix }settlea,5;, '801 ,lb'$1gbottle. L0IPEST /i,11TAR. Private and Company funds. DICKSON & HAYS, Solicitors, rJW,, BRUSSELS, ONT. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Dit)isiuu Court Cleric, Brussels. w y w IRWIN & INAIN Would just Remind you that you can SAVE A FEW DOLLARS by making your Holiday Pur- chases at The New Store. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots Shoes, gats, Daps, Furs, 86C. A CALL SOLICITED. BRUSSET iS FURNITUR 1 ��IPONI��i. I have n; splendid Stock of Furniture at my Show rooms, Turnberry Street, Brussels. consisting of Parlor and Bed. room Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs, Lounges, &c., that cannot be excelled t'or wear or value. Always a big Stock to choose from, SPECIAL BARGAINS ! As I have a very large and well made stock of Bedroom Ili: lie and Sideboards I will sell theta at greatly reduced prices. We lotv'ar made a specialty of these lines and now is the time to pnrchose. }Iand-made Furniture a, special feature of me business. A large stock of tip-top Moulding for Picture Frames, Work done with Neatness and despatch. A. nice lot of Pictures, Foot Stools and Fancy Articles for sale. REPAIRING NEATLY ATTENDED -TO. A full line of Caskets, kioffins and Robes always on hand. Two I{earses and a tree Delivery . Wagon ill t7or connection with our Establishment, I pay special attention to cony aucl ARTERIAL EMBALM- ING. Having taken three series of lessons o1. Embalming ing from Prof. Itenouard, of Kansas, and having a Diploma for the sdm2, 1 feel confident in being able to do this work properly. A beautiful range of McFarlane, 1lcl iultty & Co's potent LINES WINDOW BLINDS to hand. 'Every housekeeper sh mid son thorn. They are dandies. Agent for the KARN - g Rid 0 �fG�.�. Steve money by Patronizing the. 0111 EottliJliu1to41 I ureide' 1',tnporiun), Q Leatherdale.