HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-1-8, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
} r u kl 'Vast token to avert the possibility of a e00- Pert}, Oounty.
�J� .11.Up5�� .�� •` ilagrlui.n ant therein not only save jn•o•
-Is eFJ1L.1 1111D—
pony but cavo the credit of the town,
This is a g 118ti111 that concerns every
It,VEP,Y I?]1II)AS' MORNINII pr pr -1.'v owner in Brussels.
On tilno for the early mailer at
''VIII* Poet' (11111n1 PUbliHhinl 11pn0l', flet. 11 :1wa1111 Int wife, mf Strathrol,
wore visi tine at the Methodist pat..0page
slat t I#•; .1t. 'iwanu 0(1(1(111011(1
the 1Orvsces in the Methodist intend) on
Sunday evening.
Ou Christmas eve the employees of
the salt block sent to F. G. Sperling at
his residence, a nicely worded oddi'e'o,
accompanied with a au tly tilting (hair
and 0 mirror, Rs a small token of osteon,
('he uttieers of 1Vingharn Lodge., No
2140, A. F. & A. M., were 'intoned by Dr,
Tamlyn. Installing Master, as fol laws :—
C. h'. 1Villinms, W. b1. ; 'r. Black, S.
W. ; Ur. J. A. 8feldrtun, J. W. ; D. Mu,
paid, S. 0. ; U. E. King, J. D. ; J, A.
Mort as, S ; 13, Wilaon,'P ; .las, Plenty,
(asap. ; J. W. Walker, Tyler ; 11. J.
Spnitb, I. G.
When the common Pleas Divisional
Court at Toronto gave judgment gcauh.
Mg the habeas corpus in the case el.
Henry Garb(pt, and romandint him for
extradition to Zetas n1, the charge of
forgery, an order as mute staying pro.
uedapoe for (me m,nutli to allow the
prisoner to appeal to the Courter/ Appeal.
Notice hos noir been given. sod the
prisoner will make another effort for his
W. 0. Smyth, of Toronto, noting on
belie J of 11, W. C. tlevero, Q. 0., of
Winghtuu, obtained psrmi•siol from the
Masten/lb Oegoode FIall, to issue a writ
against lire (;ouover, of 1Viegham, for
575n, that being the amount of bar.
\Fever's bills of cast, in cooneo:Mu with
the defence of Fleury Garbett, t1 • allee•
ed forger, who is held fur extradition to
the State of Texas. It was represente I
that Mrs, Conover b. came liable for
Garbett's legal expenses, and that she
le now trying to dispose of her proper y
with a view towards leaving the oomltry.
L summary of iylr. Meyer's bill is :—To
legal di.bureements, defending Henry
Gu butt from extradition on the charge
of forgery, $150: to legal fees, $000 ;
tuts!, $570. Permission was given by the
Master for the issue of the writ, Airs.
Conover is Garnett'• m,'her•in law.
TCrlxb1tltnr ••1'„ lier'aen.i.4, Gra.
'(1110)18 01.' SUlrsr9(I1'TlON —00e dealer and
a bail tt year, (u nova nee 9'11(1 trate to 1r11irb
every subscription is paid 18 demoted by the
date on the address WWI.
aorvIrrist8n RATvs,—Tho fo1l*'w1ne rates
Wilhe the year: charged to those woo advertise by
-SPACE .. _ ! 1 Ya, i - a uta ; -9 no.
nne`Culuwn . 58 520.01)
Half n ....~ 000,0035.
' al.0e1 2n,ro I' 12 00
Quarter" I 200111 1.00! ailtl
b,ightit " 11(0 4011 .•011
} I(11 1 cents per lire for ave( insertion, and
three cents per line for oath snbsrqueut l0•
9('1.11011. :111 liOrni•tiseaeeto measured as
Nonpareil -12 lines to the itch,
Business t'ards,vigltt lines and under, es
per 01111811).
Advertisements without specific direc-
tions, will he iusertod until forbid, and
chanced accordingly.
111.1, I'Otione t1. 0001180 or discontinue an
ndvertlenrnent crust be (0.1 at the Duan (tug
roma 33.1 THE P1111 oat 0.101 than Tuesday
of 1.8011 week. Thi° 9 imperative.
1•:Sttor and Proprietor,
New Advertisements
Locale—J, G, Shane.
Local --Family Herald.
For sale—Adam Scott.
Looals—Dr. J. C. Ayer.
71ti•k drawing—D. Stewart.
Local—Burge-e & Buchanan.
Slaughter sale—Mrs. E. Rogers.
Local—Mrs, E. A. Watson, Blyth.
East Huron Agrioultura! Society—D.
Stewart, Sea.
Grey Branch Agricultural Society—D.
Stewart, Sec.
if be NrttSS£Cs 0•"st,
I'RIDAI', JAN. 8, 1892
T1nE Directors of the Mechanics' In-
stitute should get their beads together
now and devise some means to awaken a
fresh interest ie the excellent library
while the long evenings are with us.
What about a spelling match 01. a course
of lectures, or both 7
WD notice that lit. Y. McLean, of the
Huron Expositor , James Bryan, of the
Lucknow Sentinel ; and J. A. Auld, of
the Amherstbnrg Echo, were re-elected
as Reeves of their respective towns this
year. It ie said that Reeve Bryan stands
a coed show for the Warden's chair M
Bruce County, ---
Now that the election courts are about
tbrongh with their work, nominations
and eleotioos will he in order. Judge
Jamieson's successor was elected i„
Lanark last week by an inoreo.ed ma-
jority. Next Wednesday West Huron
Conservatives meet 0,t Smith's Hill to
select a standard bearer to contest the
Riding with M. C. Cameron. Among
the names suggested are :—Dr. Holmes,
R. 0. Hays, E. Campion, Joseph
Whitely and Dr. Shannon, of Goderioh
Jobn Beacom, Goderioh township ; J.
Beck, reeve of Colborne ; J. M. Roberta
and Dr. Case, of Dungannon ; G. D, Mc•
Taggart and W. Doherty. Clinton. No
one appears to be very anxious to tackle
the redoubtable 81. C., however, so the
name of Lawyer lilackstoek, of Toronto,
is mentioned as a possible candidate,
A VERY notable eleotion contest was
fought out at Toronto last Monday.
There were four eandida1es in the Held
for Mayor, The result was the polling
Of over 22,000 votes, divided as fellows (
Fleming, 8,604 ; Osler, 8,855 ; McMillan,
4,702 ; and Beatty, 608. Mr. Fleming
was consequently elected. In the Sun.
day street 08.118 question 24,000 818010rs
recorded them'elvee, 10,000 for and 14,.
000 against. Tree school books was also
settled in the affirmative by a majority
of over 4,000. Five ladles were in the
field as candidates for trusters of the
various sehoole. Two of them were
elected, Mrs. McDonald heading the poll
M her ward, The Globe, Telegram and
News supported Mayor Fleming ; the
Empire and World championed the
cause of ?4r. Osler ; and the Mail looked
after the interests of Mr. MYIoMillan In
the contest.
REEVE GRAIIAal received a letter from
the Fire Underwriters' Association re-
cently, relative to the Brussels Fire Bt•i-
gade and the appliances connected there.
with as to their efficiency and abated
that "if there was a re.ocourrence of
what appeared like carele1snese the town
would be put in +slower olasei0cation as
far as insurance rates aro concerned."
This is a very important matter to the
ratepayers and would perhaps mean an
inoreaee of thousands of dollars on risks
already carried. We don't know what
action the new Council will take but
something must he done. A better alarm
is needed and some gniel1 connection, *04
we stated before, between the honr08 of
the Engineer, Chief and Captain is very
essential. Brnsaela is, comparatively
+speaking, 111 better eonditiou than ever to
resist fire, as far as the buildings on the
Main (4(reet are concerned, but a O'e
oral of these brick Weeks f8 a much more
0eri088 affair to the proprietors than in
the frame strooturc1 of fat'mar day., We
have a fil'at.elasa engine, a supply of hoee,
&e., let us see that every precaution is
H,Ghea 1.
Jas. Spence returned to Montreal la•t
Mr. Evans was visiting at the parson-
age last week.
W. 0. McTaggart was vieitiag in
Ethel this week,
A. Glenn, tailor, has removed to Gorrie,
where he has started a shop.
0. McDonald has become aresident of
Ethel, Ile Domes from liinoardiue.
Miss Louie Sherlock has gone to her
school, Wellington County. We wish her
success in her work.
Last Sunday afternoon Robb. Barr jr.
and Henr, W.,nrer were ordained elders
of the Presbyterian church 0 this place,
At the school meetieg last week W
King was elected trustee for the Doming
three years. A caretaker was engaged
for 1852.
The livery stable has been doing quite
& business during the hotidnye. The
carry all is a favorite conveyance for the
yonug people.
J. A. Young and family spent New
Years at Ripley with relatives. Mrs.
Young is hoid up with la grippe and has
pot got back yet.
There is very little change in the con-
dition of T. P. Simpson. He has been
resting better at nights lately. Mrs. T.
P. Simpeon is also very poorly.
Reeve Milne is feeding 70 head of steers
for the European market, Theo are a
fine lot and worth over $4,000. Every-
thing is arraug (1 very conveniently for
feeding and watering the steak.
Frank Holloway, of Louisville Ken.
tucky, was borne for a brief visit to his
parents and friends. AIM Annie Iloilo
waywent away with bpm for a visit.
I. 0. F.—The following officers were
elected in connection with Court Ethel,
I. 0. P., No, 175, for the eo8niug half
year :—C. R,, R. 1110D0bald ; V. C. R.,
Geo. Brewster; R. S„ Epll. Caber ; 1.
S., Geo. $)'bson; Treas., H. Wanner
Ooap., Rev. W. Eccleston ; S. W , W.
Milne ; J. W., Geo, Mo0urdy ; S. B., 3,
A. Young ; J. 13., J. N. Robinson ; P. O.
R., D. Milne, Dr, Cale was nominated
for 0. D. and 0. R. in place of Bro,
Davies who reeigned,
1,iCtrsIry ea1,
Mise Addie H, Clayton, B. A., of this
town ha8'oweeted the p01110102 of teacher
of modern languages iu 01. Marys Oolle•
giete Institute,
Richard T. Kidd of this town has
pared the examination of the Ontario
Veterinary College, and receives the deo
loma of the AGrieultural and Arts Aseo
elation, together with the privilege of
practicing as a veterinary surgeon.
A respected citizen who hae been
employing his leisure in setting a few
traps for mink in the swamps about,
found one day last week a fine large one
of the odoriferous variety, hlaok and
white, iu a trap. He dispatched it with
a stick but it is hard to say who got the
worst of the bargain.
Fire broke out last Saturday night in
a wagon and blacksmith shop situated
on the weak side of Mill street, totally
destroying it, together with most of the
contents, and a large dwelling adjoining.
Insurance on stock, $400 in the Northern,
and $250 in the Perth Mutual, The
ca nee of the faro is unknown.
The result of the election last Monday
was as follows :--Mayor, W. 1VI, Bruise ;
reeve, J. A. Hacking ; deputy reeve, W:
97. Parke, Councillors—Victoria Ward,,
Wm. Dixon, Jacob Heppler ; Lansdowne
Ward, J. A. McDonald, R. T. Kemp;
Bi8mar00 Ward, J. 8, Bowman, john
Bamford ; G adstone Ward, J, Seaberger,
S, M. Smith ; Duflorin Ward, W. 14.
Denning, Wm, Pelton,
At the regular ()omennnination of
Bernard Lodge No. 225, A. P. it A. U.,
0, It, 0„ 0l, the anniversary of St. John
the Evangelist, the arnlal lust...1400n of
officers Or tine ensuing ,year toots plane,
The ceremony was performed by R. W.
Bre, I). 0. Camppbell, D. D. G. 81.4 'te.
stated by W. Bro. T. Blackmore 1 W,
111,, 17. W. Drn. 1)r. Nichol ; I P. 11.,
W. 13to. kw Irwin ; 5, W„ Bk.), J. I.
1 eater ; J. W., Bro. M. 11foO, /,Naming ;
Treae,, W. tiro, J. lieppler ; Obapr, Bro.
Jno. Stevenson i Secty„ 1V, Bro. Jim.
Watson ; S D„ 11ro, W. 0. Gray ; .1,
1)., Bro. Jas, Longmore t. O.; Bro, 11.
1. Brook ; 5. S. Tiro. A. St. G. 71aw.
kine ; 2, 8, L'ro. 0, 1iilh9 ; D. of (2,,
Bro. B. B. Sarvi0 ; 3'ylor, tiro. 4. Se.
Stratford execute a $60 000 joint stook
0onnpauy to sort 10 biscuit fluttery ehoi t.
iy'i'he 5'ralford TURPS heel Noted Pe
.elni weakly (aldam,, mud resum.m 111
1`..e Petrone of Ilvinatry hoe() forme
a 'urge end sneoeesful an0iety at 01.0/
8. 1892
ta:3eP49A!Rtstri oragema`tiwa _•_.-4CA#arle
Private Funds to Loan. `ti ' l! 1 1l. xurt
� 20,000
THE 1' N 1)I 1151 fl. N1,)) 110.111, Ile 1,1' ])1'L'n )1)11'Ml 111 i11,y 11811110
e i Le(1,r0u n. nu asn10 0 lnlf hoe dt fur IIlV85t111ul1t 1111 (1'lll nOtato,
P.(nl Alm riv tl sore' bred i1 r
tl d , t n , 41.uu L��l:�•
L tar ting It a ed 1111. 1 n Intl. re may be
Vorksbiro No, O ( 'Torr." , Nun,v
1'1 •1 Ait OF INTEREST,
.0 ,D nal I n her 1 ,,,,, tn, well pl•(.ilece
Bich. Grapy, of Elmo, has secured
MMD attire and permanent situation a
manager of White's park 081ablielmleu
in 8tratf0 d,
57,000 was thrown away over drai
law nits in 180( by the township o
Logan, 0(11011 is considerably in .re that
it 0081 to enn4trnet the d ains,
"• 1(1, A. Farquharson has resigned 11
p081ti013 in the Listowel FIigll Sohool and
I has none to 1{incardine, where ho re•
('0fve4 tin ail .ance of salary, 0. P,
Bishop, of 13eaohville, who i8 a1 university
nnder•gr'aduate, has he n appointed to
the 51002)0(1 in the Listowel /filch Schaal.
i Acoording to the assessor's returns
the p 1pnhttion of Stratford is 11,810,
against 0,417 lest year. The valve of
property is pieced at $13.8711445, which
is an increase of $711,000 over Inst year's
assessment after tee Court of Revision
had m'So reductions.
9'11e AT Rebell R nnrder says :—A kind
att.! kilted Santa Cla•-s p rid a visit to our.
chimney c rues nd left one hundred
lit le prints of prime Jersey butter, a
quart of pure Jere -v crane tu1.1 a jar of
elderberry (vile, W'saty a kited Santa
Ching here use every print of hotter bore
the Myrna of a Sentell thistle tome It,
t'he gtestion with the yQLlegeters 15 how
he got down the ('1(111)10(1 without .crap -
in, and begriming his shins. W" expect
after diet,,,' upon these buttery Sen'oh
thistles to bloom 0•4 Roue day with 0
highland "nnnet ..n, For 5(1011 an un-
natural transformation our good fi'i8 d
1. 0, Stewart, of Russe'Idale, would have
to take the responsibility.
Rev. D.. E. A. Stafford, pastor of the
Cent rotary church, Hamilton, died re -
candy at Hamilton. FIe was
ill for about four weeks and a nuts•
bey of doctors 111tva been in attendance,
but were actable to martian the exact
nature of his complaint. Recently he
was granted leave of ah8en04 and was to
have gone away in search of complete
rest, bet hae been too weals to move.
Though it was known that be was very
11' it was not exp cted that a fatal tars
urination was at hand, and the announce.
ment of his ie data 1 tl
be a terrible
shock Dr Roe-brngh, one of the doctors
in attendance. says that Rev. Dr. Staf-
ford died suddenly, and that death re-
sulted from head and nervous symptoms
of an abeeare character.
There died or Snndav Deo. 15 one of
the pioneer settlers of Blanshard in the
pereol of Ellen, relict of late laninphrey
White, who olo•ed a useful life at the' age
of 84. years. Deceased with husband and
family came to this country in the early
pioneer days, and until the death of her
husband soma nine years ago, at the age
of 83 years, they had resided continuone-
ly at Anderson. The deceased almost
up to the time of death retained all her
faculties and was comparatively active,
evincing the possession of a wonderful
constitution. She httd raised a family of
ten children, eight of whom are living,
her sone being John editor of the Exeter
Times ; FI. A. L. White, postmaster of
St. Marys ; Wm. White, of LOmnnville
and D. albite, of Granton; the daughters,
Mrs. Win. Graham, and Mrs. M. Hamli-
n/11, of So. Marys ; dlrs. J. Atkinson and
M's. 1. Andersen, of Bhtnshard. Hunt
phiey White and his estimable wide were
wid, ly known and highly respected, were
members of the Methodist Church, in
the religion of which the deceased repos.
ed her confidence to the la -t. The
funeral was one of the largest ever seen
in the township of Blanehard, took
place to the St Marys cemetery, where
her remains were laid at rest beside
those of her departed husband,
n 10.5,,,' d(l0IN tV1A81)1',,
t 13 OARS FOR. SEIlVIoo.
• 1'('1(5 585111111(110,1 111111 00011 for *01.1111,0 0(1
n Lot ll, ecu ., Grey, the troll,' bred Berk -
f shire l'14, "stIttl,'y' also Ll,. Loom' In•,.,1
1 (; be0tor Whitt, Pig, "Pengm, tor;' 11511, 1,'o.'
• from 1m unrtNi ae'ek arid( 1'"'ll 'ee 1'01•,09
. '41,110 to ((0 paid at 11,,10 of 00101ee with mit,
8 Dego of 1'01nrnhlg if nover.anfv.
Money to Loan on
Private and Company Funds.
.C, Heffernan, J.A.Young,
Valuator. Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont. ,stn
iN its first stages, ean;be successfully
.1 checked by the prompt use of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, Even M. the Iater
periods of that disease, the cough is
wonderfully relieved by this medicine.
"I have used layer's Cherry Peetorai
with the best effect in my praotico.
This wonderful preparation once saved
My life. I bad a constant couch, night
sweats, was greatly reduced in Bear,
and given up by my physician. Ono
bottle and a half of the Pectoral cured
me,"—.A:. J. Ridson, M. D,, Middleton,
"Several years ago I was 8overely 111,
The doctors said I was in consumption,
• and that they could do nothing for me,
but advised me, es a last resort, to try
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking
this mediehie two or three menthe S
was oared, and my health remains good
to the preoent day."—Jamoe Biroherd,
Darien, Conn.
" Several years ago, on apaseage home
from California, by water, I contrantell
sl, severe a, cold that for some days I
watt cautinvd to my etate-roam, and a
physician on board considered my life
in danger. ifilppening to hove a bottle
of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used It
freely, and my burgs were soon, re2tared
to a healtly atnndilinn, Sln'.o then I
have itnl'arlaldy recommended this prep.
arafion."—J, ]3.Chantdler, Junctions, Va,
C err
i'DSp.ORD 011
lir. 2, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, 0118s,
(3o112by ell Druggists, Price $1;sir hollle.,$t,
IMPR0V1:f) LA11 31(1 W1SITi; X011.B.
*30(331( 1304,11,
Tho luulo•sigu,•,1 (i'ill keep for 0orviee this
present 00(18nu (1,0 1umruved large white
Yorkshire 711g ''1(01113" en let 20, 80,,. i1,
lords, to wl1(0(1 d nu
11 haltember of flows
will 11,, Winn,
Forms 01,00 1') bo paid at
100 Of Berrien, with the privilege of return -
111g if oeeeseat'y, Pedigree 810(1 be 0000 111-
on no ldleatiou. 110l41'111T 1S°.('I10L,1
111(1 I'rnprietor.
pun 11;1311E0.BO k118 FOR SER
ms.—Tho uudernignu,1 will keep kw
sorrier, 011 north half 1,111, 29, con. 7, Morris,a porn bred nnrkshi.•o 7;e,.1., 1„•e,l 1 }l,•
4(1011, nod an Ohio improved 0h0s1er 1VbI1,,,
tired by •1'110,1 Fe 4. Putuae, b•ann in1-
W tui 94.10,1 el, 1100 ,11108. 'phis hug tour(
0,4 prise at the 1in h,n1ri.,1 i 11(11 11, n. 111,08''1
17, in 1300, and ;bel a1 t 1l.• tvn81.'r,( ,''ail' 111 u
01 (00 of '.,. 11ra silo loot' let nt the Indus-
trial iu 11101, Terms 41.00 to bo pard nt time
of service with privilege of returning if 1100•
ossa 'y.
20.rf SAMUEL WA Llan 1t, Prep.
rocusn yE1 hate several good Farms for
sale a,1(1 t0 rent, easy terms, to Tnwusbi ,n
of Morrie and Grey, 8' S. SOOTT. Bresseie,
hot 14, 000,12, Grey; 100 nerve ; draf-
tiest buildiecs. A rare bargain to 1t crud)
Pnrehniter, 'Title perfect. Apply et mice to
W. Si. Sfe CLAIM, Solicitor, Brussels. SO-
eon . Morris
100 aces,' nearly alouthit eIe.o ' ,1.Lot2Good buildings,
One young bearing orchard. Im eradiate. pos.
session. Easy Terms. Apply to
tf- W. At, SIN GLAIR,
alta', R•0., Brussels,
Govenlock profor perty. 33tBeres of land asthe
house 8011 stable, bard and soft waiter, wall
feooed. 'Possession given any tune. For
mice, terms and other Information apuly
or BOB1'MANOR, , Ora b star,
the corporation of Brusltrolled 11110 motor.
signed Offers his beautiful homestead, 0801 -
prising an acre of land laid out in small
fruits, a good brlok 11 ,use, s table, first-elseit
W011, oto., making a complete Howe, Per
further particulars apply to
4•tf S. PEAT(,
FOB 1ALg.—Being wog, i L.lt lin 1:011. 0,
Grey, 01 miles from 131.11500)4, The lend is
good clay loam, well drained, mostly ell
cleared and In 000,3 order. Ora sore of or.
ohar4 in good mealy, There is a never fail
fit the building* a The buildings ll i ngss and t1110 00 extra lent.
able. Would take erranlle property in Or
3301L1. Brussels 08 par; pay. Per (II 1.1.1101 1111,"-
ti01t10r5 apply on the promises to
or %ddroes Brueeels P. 0. 38tf
dfetrlo p 8n Man Manin itoba, 380fP the
under wheat.
nation, 40 acres seeded In Timothy, 3 log
blouses and all outbuildings. All fumed
with wire, 2good wells, wood with le easy
reac11,11 miles from prosperous town and
station of 0y ,11090 ltive•, Elevator, Sabool,11
01mro11es nodi good stores. Title 'tilerfeeb.
Ihaser.o'Iflro notald byMarch 10111, the farim
will be leveed, Write at ouee W
WM. 0101A:013,
28.80 Cypress River, Mar,
L DDRHIONDn offers for gals the north
Gaut quartorof lot 28, Oon00051on 0, Morris,
Countairemanate mores. The leaf first quality and in 0, high state
oultiyation, well
fenced and uwder-drained,
('S acres eloarod.ev frame bon80, 8 rooms,
milk 3on8e with ooucrotc walls, 2 111015,
good barna curl shed, orchard, etc. ]bight
acres of fall wheat. Thin deefrable property
adfofne the o0riloration of Bl•ir:sole. Snit.
able tete' w(11 be given. Title perfect
gonfOrt)) P. 0,
"Joh n )'o1 undersigned
farunfor sale a The property
coo sista of 100 aoreR, being lot 0, coa.8, and
west (half lot 7, coo, 8, Grey township, There
are 180 twee cleared and under ore i, balance
hardwood bush. 00 the premises is a good
2 storey brick house, large bank barn with
stone stabling, wells,windmill and 1'lVInp to
farm tie fa i good 801 to coed
otitivetfono'and ie
ocly'21'tnilee from Brussels. Poesagalou to
Reit purchaser. Por mine, terms, &e., write
or 0(111(8 t0
8-t(TAS. OARDIGy, Brussels T. P.
or D. FOIRBES, Stratford,
Why Not Do Your Own Thinking
Bnueu*l e, Novembereth,180(1.
d, M. MoLDon, Goderfcb,
Donn Sus, -I! Mould have written before
now t0 let you know hole' i a•1' getting along,
I am a lotbetter than I was; gahtingetrongtl
every day. I have a good appetite and sleep
well. I Dan take the full ..1j1111,140y of the
Syetom Renovator e1d It 5068 not 0(oken
me. My limbs ere ell right now ; quite
Smart in time way; ewelln1g ail g0uo, The
grout t1))'8t i5 gone; 1 drink no water at
night, bull take abate buttermilk. I am
quite 0trafght again, Sam,( me another
bottle of your $yeton) Renovator,
Yonre,&0., 11A8, DUNGAN.:
Bn30e*r,a, Fobr10ry 7th, 1801.
J, M. h70LDon, Gnderieh,
Dison ant,—Fifteen voile 000 last Novena
box I started to (lector first ; I wail treated
for dyspepsia, but they never 1,clned toe
01(3, At times I suffered erectly front my
stomas)) ; 3 continued, bet I grew worse.
I turned dropsical ; limbs and body Swelled
badly. You !prow the state I wag It when
I wxut to GOdoriol(--a snore wreak, 0ould
Levity antic—sufrorhlg from lir1Sbt'e
ease. Jost one year ago last fall I began
your Renovator and Speeene (lure. X begat(
to mend (u a few days ; continued thou for
throe 180,111(8 steady, Although 1 was told
would not he eared, if you saw u(1, new,
well al.d hearty • eat everything that cones
IM the way. I owe yen the 1118180 of saving
Ivy life. I was in e.hopn1 ,o condition when
I went to you, In fact no ono thought t
would get bettor, 1 cannot spear( too highly
of you nod of yen. (031111155, for it was
then! that caro() me. Words emluot 0xpro53
My thanks to y0th, /freely peak my Maine to
anyone, ioerp, &O,
150041 sy A
J, T. PEPPED, B0028nins,
,1v 1) (.0min is8)lI l
Borrowers 11111 have leans 00133•
plated in Three Days if title
W. M. RIi" 0LAIR,
Solicito', Brl0806lo,
A rnonnt (it00V01y by nn
old ply0(c1Itu. Streen0eful-
ly trend Monthly by thous -
((11)8 of LAMES. Is the
only perfectly safe and
reliable modiolus disarm.
orad. Bower. of unprincipled druggists who
offer in'orinr ledielnes fn plte,e of this. Ani(
for (:ont.'s Co'l"ens I100T Oun(Pn0Nil, take no
Hllbeti1nt„ ; 01• io4eee 51 and 4 tn'e0•oe11t
1ostage 8taul)8 in letter end we
^•111 W W1, s,-0114, ty 1nt1Vu wul1, roll scal-
ed purl kola',. In 00111 M,vetola•, 10 11111(00
nn1y, 2 slaull'o A01100s8 Pond ally Pont.
Deny'. No. R Plsb,.r 11I1•ali, 141 N'uu4wal5
Ave., Delof t, Mich.
l-'.-'14,)14 i1 Brussels by T. '1', PEPPER, f:,
A. DEA n V 4N and n11 11801(10411110 druggists
Royal ,)Mail Steamships.
1PO*TNIen'0.1. 0AILINO5 110531
CABIN BATES, $140. $50 and $00, Siuglo
$811, 1$10 nod 15110 Bytom 10curdieg
to Location of Stateroom,
114111.1101EDIAT.O, Outward 5115; Prepaid a80
steer/inn tat Lowest Itutee.
Aceonuuadntlons nnsurpu5sad,
Apply t0 H. & A. ALGAN, Montreal,
on 'TJ, Yx. I3I.Y'i,X3,
Aogirr, Boueoete,
This is the way
with the B. & C. corset: if you
want ease and shapeliness,
you buy it—but you don't
keep it unless you like it.
After two or three weeks'
wear, you can return it and
have your money.
I: Ulu .'..1. r. J11 t1. f tiAC23AN.
W, F. GOWAN, President.
J. L. BRODIE, Cashier.
A800T8, $7,000,000
PAID Or CAPITAL, - 1,000,000
81**oo (vx FIIND, . 000,000
Agotlotee in 0.11 prhloipal volute Is Coterie,
Qrlottoo, M11010010, United States
and Rngieod,
Brussels Agency.
A General Banking Buainese Traneaeted.
Partners' and other good Notes Discounted
at lowest rates, Drafts Issued and flolloe.
Mons made on all points. Dopes' La renei('ed
and interest allowed at omrent rates.
Inteest Allowed lip Savings Bank Do-
deposioalts of >d eat( trimaran al, a date or
deposit to date of withdrawal, and ao,0-
pounrlod half yearly.
Prornnt attention and every facility allot d,
ed mounters living ata dlataueo.
Brussels, Apr1184b, 1801.
Practical GV'cctchi alter'
and Jewele7'.
Thanking the public for past favore and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, aro are opening
out Pull Lines in
Silver Platea Ware
from Established toed Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.;
Cl oels of the
Latest Designs,
1VODb0Ne RINe8,
Lungs [Mitt 13/N08,
11)0nntNi00, &o.
ta'Ahso a 11`1,11 Line of Vtowns and
Violin Strings, &o., in atook.
N, 11,•—I,anter et 1IsrMagc i410(lusen,
T. Fletcher, - Brussels,
111,1)„DLA., L.C,P.S.O.,
Spolalist, - Toronto,
JONATHAN Ruu(n,A,T, Liatnwet, sayt:—
"After 5peedhro all my nlon0y and propel'ty
to no purpose on 1110,11041 toot, for what
they termed n hopeless cage or 0onenwptiou,
llr, Sinclair cored 1310.”
Mne Many PVl(10NO, Woodhouse, says 1—
"When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair oared
run of ala,"
D. 13,N1anmsoN, Carleton Place, says :—
"LW. hiuoluir cured oto of (:ntarrh:'
(1110, ROWED, Blyth, says:—'•Dr. Sinclair
tiered ate of hon'( disease au11 cheesy, when
all other's failed."
Diseases of frivol,. mature, hroallht on Ind
folly, 1)r. Ni*c1oir certainly Cures.
Cao,,n,o3.te,00Czt. Floe.
WILL BE AT 8125)
Friday, Jan 8th, '92.
1000 POUNDS.
Star Reslaurallt
All kin s of Nuts, Oranges,
Raisins, Grapes, 1,&c.
8 Gallons of Oysters
Call and get your supply.
Having moved my stock of
Boots & Shoes
Next door to T. Fletcher's
Jewellery Store, I am pre-
pared to attend to the
wants of the public.
Tall Lines all k.7Mc.s
of Boots and Shoes.
Overshoes, Rubbers and Felt
Boots on hand that will
be sold at close prices
for CASH.
N. B.—hips sewed Free of
charge on goods sold by us.
Fine Robes,
Comfortable rugs,
Horse Blankets.
Sleigh .Bells,
Conzbs 6^ Brushes,
Trunks &
We lead in the Manufacture n
Iiehttyand Heavy