HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-1-8, Page 1Volume 19 NEW 4?v'r.tttIO. 'Pn the indite• of 'Nth e*MT. S111,-11)01'0 etre seAquitheme in Raaf• Oru Algoma, composed of Indian lends, w)tiuh auutnin thnasande of item of good agricultural and pager- lands in a miter. ill stats, &wtaiting settlement. The In diem Departnumb has spent very little money on reale, and the department has trade no off,rl to encourage settlement ou thane horde. They have not palled `public attention to the Mob of these good lauds for etttleuent. If both Govern - welts would do their duty and melee roads and advertise these lands it would slay the tide of immigration to the Rates and the Northwest. We sue very little in the papers about Algoma, except oonneru. ing minerals and timber. There is yet room for thousands of settlers between Blind River end Goias Bay (about 100 miles). A great many lowushiu s ere well wooded with mixed timber. The settlers are malting money out of paper wood in the winter and farming in summer. We eau grow apples, plums, corn, tomaivcs, and all groin, equal to tiny part of the Dominion. I saw nn better grain or roots et the Toronto Exhibition than was shown at Dtty 1lillsnud Sault Ste. Marie. I rend you some Famples of grain of my awn growing which are not so good as was shown et Sault Ste. Marie. We want men who can ohop and and log, but the land is nhuuh easier cleared than it was in old Ontario, Government land from 20 (mots to 01 an acre, and good claims can be purchased for from $1 to $3 an acre. \Vit. HAnnls, Day Mills, Deo. 16th. Knox Church Induction. REV. RaTeet neae.g #E(ONEe P1111 O'AsTOtt. The Presbytery of Maitland held a epeaial meeting in Knox church, Brus- sels, on Tuesday afternoon of this words for the purpose of inducting Rev. David illfller into the pastoral obarge of above mentioned church. There was a large congregation present. The m°tubers uf Presbytery in attendance were :—Revds. T. Davidson, M. A., of Wroxeter, who presided ; J. McNabb, of Lucknow, eh rk ; D. Forrest, of Watton ; John Ross, B. A., and S. Jones, of Brussels ; A. Steventou, of Molesworth ; D. 13, illo- Icae, of Cranbrook ; A. Y. Hartley, of tamale ; mud so%eral elders. After prayer by the eating Moderator, and the presenting of the various petpere relating to the business before the meet. leg, by the Clerk, Rev. Mr. Stevenson was called upon to preach, Rev. Mr. Fairbairn, of Tesswater, being nnevoid- ably absent. The text was oho -ear from the 40th Psalm hurl 3rd and rich verses, "Gird thy sword upon they thigh, 0 Mat Mighty, with thy glary and thy majesty, aud in thy majesty ride pros- perously, because of truth and meekness, mini thy right hand shall tench thee ter - tittle thing..." The speaker noted the at- tributes and titles of the Bing and show. ed wherein He wets mighty and glorious. His second division was The cense He espoused and the rights He maintained. The dieoouree was rather out of the beat. en path but was interesting although rather lengthy. Rev. Ivlr. 1 orreet, Moderator of the session, was then called upon to state the various steps leading up to the call to 11r. Miller. The usual questions were asked of the incoming pastor rod being satisfactorily answered be was then declared inducted into the pastorate of Kuox congregation, the members of the Presbytery welcom • ing him. Rev. A. Y. Hartley, who was appoint. ed to address the pastor, did so in a brief yet eloquent intoner. He said the min- k ter occupied a threefold position. (1) He Wes a ruler, but should be governed himself by the Great Ruler. ('2) He was „n under -shepherd and was to care for his Boole, looking particularly after the sick and erring. (0) He was to be a teacher, ever studying God's word and looking to the ;,neat Teaober for wisdom and iustruution. He wished the new pastor every stomata The congregation was addressed by Rev, Mr. Forrest in a very praotioal manner. He advised regular attendance of the member's and families and ad. hereat+, Come early and let the family keep together in their pew. Enjoy the services by cultivating a taste for re. ligioue things, study God's word and dont neglect private prayer, Come to worship not to find fault or criticise. Take en inteaeat in the service and help all you sac. There is no magnetiem in a sleepy congregation. Give the minis. ter close attention and identify yourself with congregational matters. Support Ilia minister faithfully and pay punctual- ly. keep your credit good in heaven, The church hes the fil•at olaim on ,your money. Receive the pestor kindly at your home and remember that his duties are onerous and numerous. Dont feel grieved if he caul dine with yen every time he calls. Dont expect the minister to carry you to heaven on his haat:. You must do the believing and walk in the way. 135 united. Be work- ers as idle body's are 0efiall' busy bodies. Pull harmoniouely together and God's blearing will attend you. Rev. M. Stevenson pronounced the Benediction after which the members of the congregation warmly welcomed new. Mt'. Hiller ea their pastor, The reverend gentleman was born in Perth, Scotland. He studi, d et Glasgow University and afterwards spent one year at Peinceton, U. S., Theological seminney add two rare at Queen's. ,He was settled at Aylnierr Quebec proviuoo, and on resigning tote charge rrmovod to Toronto, Where be impelled Cheater cbermh for motile Lime. Mr. Miller le conpa'ntivoty a young man, is married and line one 011114. He is a good preach. er and will no doubt mance wittily friends for himeelf in and about Brussels, Mre. Miller and belie will wine here in the course of a month or so. Next Sabbath Mr. Miller will deeded the 85tvio55 stn I(h10x Attach, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, wmassPtome.+a'M.momazamos.r;cra.sonuWnormWu kauammsuavMOW.maawalnt .oz.s.— ret' ❑33101RY OM INN cattnccu. Over thirty five yeas of o the mento of the Presbyterian arose mot andtime on the erection of a plea) of worehip the villttno, The eke chosen was the e whore the present uhurrill stands on Jo St. An acre of lent ,,as obtained end log ohurnh 23x;10 feet built, Wm. Gra now of l;mersou, took a very aot(ve p, in the formation and carrying on of t enterprise, I'his was th'• Hirst ehuruh ellnleyviile.ttlthough other denoninatio 5e1'' also preaching Ju the noighborho ab the time, For some time the servio were oonduoted by probationers at students, the first appointed pastor bei Rev W. C. Young, who came from Orn in Clerk township. For years he ze mealy labored and manfully contend against the dilliuulties that often stood th way of his congregation, and it is be amid to the credit of the pastor n people that the foundation and strong of the congregation as existing a prom is largely owing to the efforts put for in those early days. About twenty fl years ago Rev. Me. You •g was compel' to resign his charge on aoocunt of health. Iu 18(15 the new church W built, the old one having served its da Thos. Walker, deceased of Morris w the contractor and was ably ns-isted 1 the late Jobe Corn -melt, Phe dice of t building is 40x00 feet. In 1800 or 07 11 Rev. Samuel Jon»s was inducts After a lung and fiaithfnl ministry over 20 years the reverend genileman tired and was snr.ceeded by Rev. D Howie who was inducted on May 7t 1888, and continued in the pastorate f rollout three years. ars in tie 1111 a aro he in tie oil Oe Id ng l al ed in t0 at th nt th ve ed ill ate y• OS rye le d. of r0- or WHO WERE ELECTED. The following is the result of the muniaipel elestione in the planes named for 1801 • HtinLnT'.—Reove, John Britton ; Dep. uty Reeve, T. Andrew McDonald, by acclamation ; Connoillors, Messrs. Brig. ham, Snell and Lnsham, PALvansmos.—Mayor, R. Johnston reeve, J, Kearns, Councillors—North Ward, A. Boobhwiok, J. W. Sent, J.Msr- ry0eld ; East Ward, E. K. Scott, J. H. Andereon, H. Smith ; West Ward, T. Best, W. Mosbier, J. B. Bettsohen. Searol'rr.—Mayor, F, Holmstead (ac- olamation ; reeve, M. Y. McLean (ac- clamatiao) Ai ; deputy reeve, E. 0. Dole• man, majority 25 Councillor—North Wad—Jae, Beattie, B. B. Gunn, John A. Wilson ; East Ward, same as Inst year ; South Ward, Jas. Gilespie, Wm. Sclater, John Lyon. Howmx,—•Reeve, .ILaine; first deputy, Johnston ; second deputy, Jacques. Connoillors, Ferguson acid Graham, WLsan,1r --Mayor, Wm. Clegg (Imola. midden) ; reeve, John Manua, by 02 majority ; R. C. Spading, deputy reeve. 151 majority. Gemmed Towesucr.—Relive, Juhu Cox ; deputy reeve, J. Beaaou ; oounail. Jere, S, Sturdy, J, Elliott. Beeem—Connoilhrs, McNally, Young, McGee and Metcalf. Emmen.—Reavo, Wm. Bawd= ;deputy reeve, Hngh Sp,tokmttn ; councillors, T. B. Carlin, E. Christie and D. A. Boss. Mtrarezn. —Mayor, Dr. J. W. Cull ; reeve, Mane Hord ; deputy reeve, Abrar hath Dent ; (wheedlers, North Ward, T. S. Ford. Jos. H. Ooppin, Geo. K. Math- eson ; South Ward, Jiro. White, jr., Wm. Ryan, Jas. G. Ohowen ; West Ward, Alex. Murray, Jas. Wibon, Fred Davis. STt1ATxu0u.—Mayor, Elijah Hodgins ; aldermen, Avon Ward, David Sorimge• our, Vanetone, James Walton ; Falstaff Ward, W. J. Cleland, Chas, Stook, Thos. Trow ; Hamlet Ward, Wm. Davidson, Jas. Ged,by, Geo. T. Jones ; Romeo 6Vard, B. F. Youngs, M. F. Goodwin, Chris. McLellan, and John Hogarth (a tie) ; Shakesppear Ward, J. P. Macdon• add, H. N. Blanker, John O'Donogb. 11110055 1(0100.050 ON 110130A0. Toronto—Fleming. Paris—H. Stroud. Orangeville—Johnston Lindsay, Bowmanville—W. F. Allen. Lindsay—Damien Ray. Alliston—Dr. Armstrong, Whitby—.Jae, Campbell. Niagara—S, K. Bickley. Trenton --Jacques. Clinton—W, Doherty, Toronto Juaotion—Psars, Mitabell—J, W. Cell, Kingston—Dr. McIntyre. Mount Forest—W. Colblough. Newmarket --Lloyd. Listowel—W. M. Bruce. Aurora—II, W. fleury. Meaford—J. J. Johnston. North Bay—MaKeneie. St. Catharines --Dr. Goodman. Hamilton - -Blabber by 370 majority. Bothwell—H. Richard. • Smith's Falls—W. 11. Frost. 'Weiland—T. F. Brown. Piston—J, N. Carte'. Welerloo--Wm, Snider. Napanee—E. S. Lapum, Barrie—A. E. H. Orsewiok. Peterboro'--Jas.Iicodry. Stratford—Hodgins, Owen Sound—Frost. London --Spencer, 270 majority. Galt—Lemeden, Ottawa—Dueoaber, Sarnia—R. E, Lesnear. Ganano, ue—W. Byers. Aenhetsitburg—W. H. McEvoy. Rexene 10,10CTnn 110 AOCLA16l'rION. St. ?Jay's --G, H. McIntyre, Brockville—l), 9, Booth. Belleville -0 Bogert. Ridgelown—John Conhreno, jr, Perth—Williaen Buller, Collingwood•—Flank F. Totter. Oakville—George Andrew. Wallcemellle—H. A. Walker, Wellman—William ltfallerdron. Milton—S. Dice. Deneronto—]7. W. Bathburn, Oshawa—W, F. Cowan. Port Hope --H. H. Barnham. Forest—M. McCahill, Niagara—Henry Pafford. St. Themes --Robert McCully. Guelph -Thomas Goldie. Sienooe—J, L, Campbell, W'oodetook--Malcolm .Douglas. Godsri°h—Joit Butler. Cornwall -1;. 0. Cellaglian, Orillia-.W. IL Hervey. Demote°—J. W. Sharpe. Berlin —(3 (ingot.. 11'eeex Gecl, r„---J•,hri Altlin. Tileongurg--William Meoclunld, I3uthwSIl -1h Richards. Harriston—S, 131. henry. Cobourg—William Bttttell. 13ranpton—hi. Treadgold. Dundee -1t. T. Wilson, Midland—J. B. Harrell. Strath roy--Harriman, Sea forth —F. Hol mei sad. Chatha,n—J. Carpenter. Wingham—William Clegg. Ponstan:I-0, Beck. 1i.icicardiue— clanpphereou. Palmerston—R. Johnston, Pembroke—W. R. White. Gravenhurst—J. J, MoNeil, Brenebridge--James Doolar. Carlow,' Place—R. F. Preston. C stnittllete Nce%vs. Le grippe is prevalent in AIinitObt, The Legielature of Ontario is called fo F,•brunry llth. Autien against the Quebec toddled -f contemplated. Last month was the warmest Deoem bar fn fourteen years. The to,vn of Windsor 11ae had sit, fir since New Year's day. W. Colwell of Leamington lute per oha,ed The Petrie Times Review. The Teront, dailies have raised bb prlae of their subscriptions to 00. Over 1000 cars were passed through the Sarnia tunnel iu one day last week, The petition against Dr. Landerkin 12.2., Grey Co., has been dismissed. There are now but ten eases of small pox m Montreal and the snare hae sub sided. A majority of 21 was cast at I3ellevill for the proposal to reduce the number of taverns. The shipping of the Maritime Pruvin• ass shows u decrease of 210,228 tone in eight years. Some of Mr. Ohap'eau's frier con- tinue to declare Ile has retired E the Government. The protest minded the electionG. H. Maedonell, M. 1'. for West ma, was dismissed. Barbr.am, the Heslop murder suspect, will oe 'retitle Braubfurd gaol ins of being sent to Hamilton. Jae, Jauk•o,, reeve of Torontoh- ship, has been chosen as the C vo- tive candidate for Peel. The wholesale firms ofJohn A. er. sou & Co. and James Brown & of 110utreal have assigued. A. Dunlop, Conservative M. P. for North Renfrew, died last Fri of diabetes after a week's illness. The formation of the first res le Goverument of the Nor th,veet Territories has been announced at Regina. The Brandon Farmer's Institutelas declared that the Dominion d on binder twine ought to be thrown o The Uentral (beetles Railway m Glen Robertson to Bawkeelory wasn. od Monday morning for regular traffic. The Canadian- Atnerioaus have d their fuobball tour —bbd longest e. cord—and will Sail for home on Friday. Hants county, N. S., last year shipped 22 cargoes of potatoes to 1155au 5t double the number for the preview r, The petition against G, II. MacDonell, Conservative M. P. for Algoma',as been dismissed, no evidence being r. ed. Brantford mnnieipal elections w of bo held till Feb. 1st, as several is have been entered against she new voters lista. W. M. Ilersohmer, assistant no s- sioller of the Northwest mouutud e, died suddenly et Calgary lass y night. United States soldiers stationed 1 Fort Niagara ate alleged to have t- ed bribes to smuggle Chinese over n Canada. The I. 0. 0. F. aro said to have chased the Temperance Hall at Arthur, and will remove it to a more 00115 t looati0u. It 18 announced that about 20 election write will be issued in v days, and that Parliament will m Feb. 20th, The election petition in North loo against I. E. Bowman was dl ed Monday, no evidence being offer its support. Children under sixteen are not al to loiter on the streets in Graven t e after 8 p, m. A by.law has been p to that effect. Charles Penmen, a highly resp p farmer of Bonn tick township, die a 1 chair at the Middaugh house, Durham, f Tuesday of heart failure, f The petition aganst the return of Alex. Mackenzie for Last York ammo1 for hearing last Tuesday ab Marls e and was dismissed with costs. 0 A four year-old boy named Lin d of Belleville, Ont., was so badly set T last Saturday by falling into re p h boiling water that he died Studley n s A postal mail aleck named Ha g one of the oldest on the line bet 1, Montreal and Torunlo, has been suspend, 0 ed on sua3110ion of being implicate a Io k JANUARY 8, 1892 There are about 120 men employers present in the Patterson works at Woo stook. The Wiener works will be arab ly moved there from 13rmntfo d tl summer, llr. McKay, Af. P. P. of Beath Oxtnr Jha5 parOhasel the fine residence of J Noxon, in Ingersoll, for $0000. It la r raided that it will be turned into hospital or vellum. Dr, Orton of Guelph died Sunday afte noon from blood -poisoning, after a fe day's 'lined, caused from the gre lining of his slippers. He Willi a broth to Dr. Orton, of Wuwipeg. A miner, while prospeoting on Job Perry's farm in Berry township, Fro termer, (Seem, tad a cave of unknown e tent containing eilver sbalaotities, whi he has singe beaten into rings. The o in sight is very valuable. W. Beamish, the Belleville, Ont.. cu toms Mead who %vas missing, has wri ten from Chicago stating he will n return. SIM bo.,ks are all correct, an no reason eau bo assigned for his motto He was 36 years in the service. r A mega number of people in Hamilto and the surrounding country are laid n a Wtth la grippe, and the disease appeare t be spreading very rapidly. Merry elm) tors wore unable to go to the polls o Monde,' un this account, The Mayo es elect, Peter Bleiol.or, is still confined t Iris bed with the disease. James Watters, of Essex Centre, wa instantly killed, near "Sleuthed, 151111 e (tatting timber with his brother John about 11 reaction Thursday forenoon o last week. They bad just finished out Ong a tree and were moving back ..e th tree was falling. The tree struck an other tree and a heavy limb was torn . and thrown back with great throe . John noticed it mod called to his breathe to look out. James turned his bead an at the same instant was struck to th ground by the limb, which bit him m Mae head, killing him instantly. Dermas ed .res about 36 years of age. J. G. Hnneberger, of Mannheim, th noted horseman, had his famous Ara stullinh "Cyprus” photographed in Berlin the other day. This little stallion is really a °erioeity and the only Arab stallion in the Dominion. He is now an aged horse, and has seen mane hard. ships, having served for six years as a charger in the Zula war in Africa. It is really wonderful to see a horse come through all these hardships, as the sears on his body give evidence of, and yet re. mein es sound as the day he was born. "Cyprus" is as active as a kitten and as docile as a lamb, until he hears the sound of &large hand bell, which seems to put new life and vigor into him and sets him wild with delight and joy. If he could talk no doubt he would surprise us by telling all he saw and experienced in his travels from the deserts of Arabia to this country. He has been in Cyprus, Egypt, Africa, India, England and Ottawa. The police have not beau astray in their arrest of the four men meliorated of being implicated in the murder of the old demurer of Aroastertownship. Goosey, one of the two Indians in the quartette, hes made a confession, in which he tells the story of the murder as follows :—Bar- tram. Lottridge, Douglas and himself started for the Heslop house together in a rig. Goosey and Lottridge remained outside and Bertram and Douglas went inside. Goosey stayed at the door and Lottridge stood by the rig in the garden. Those outside heard a shot and Goosey ren down to Lottridge and exclaimed : "We'll hang for this." They got seared end drove away without Bartram and Douglas, but summoned up courage to return in a few minutes. They met their pale on the road outside the house and L,btridee asked : "Is anybody killed 3" Bartram answered : "Well, be won't hit anybody on the head with a chair again." The guilty men cl "ve rapidly towards Anoaster, and when half way there they took a side road, and after doubliug several times to avoid Pur. snit, headed direct for the Lottridge house. They remained there until morn- ing, when Bertram told them that they had gone through the house carefully but Thad found no money. He produced the jewelry and offered to, divide it up, but none of the others wanted to have any of it. Last Saturday m report was current around Berlin that a man had murdered his wife at Waterloo some time last week and buried her body in the garden. An old couple named Sebwartz, together with their sou and daughter live in a ottage near the Elmira branch of the G. T. It The couple ars both over 00. They are also very miserly. They have bitty of money in the house, neverthe. ese the old woman tragaentiy goes out nto the country begging. The onuple ollow the occupation of repairing shoos. Thee are frequent quarreler in the house, n which the old man and his' son will ventually beat the wife and mother, n Wednesday, Deo. 23rd, Mrs. Schwartz isappoared and hue not been seen since, hat day, it ie said, her husband beat ee most cruelly. The neighbors not ening her around for nearly a week, be. B all to grow suspialous, and they went e Ito the Schwartz garden end found in t 0e place that some one bad been digging a hole and had again covered ib tip. It eked extremely suspicions to there, 1 hey of course thinking Sohwartz had d filed his wife and butted her in the t garden. A warrant turas issued by Bonjt- o min Divitt, J, P., for the father and son, n who were arrested by. bbd Waterloo a policeman and lodged in the lookup. g On Friday a farmer said that ho had o seen Mrs, Schwartz boned a dein at F Berlin with a ticket for Baltimore where e had a daughter living. Jafyray & 00 Co. of Berlin than telephoned up that S they had sold Mre. Schwartz a ticket for pr Nat oity. This, of course, wee a eabis- Ir factory explanation of the affair and the dr prisouors were released, The address of co Mrs, Sobwarbz's daughter in Baltimore of isnot known, end as yet no word has V been received from the missing woman. 01 The two murder etlrlpente were hot re. fo leaned until Saturday afternoon, They ly bad not said anything about the Womanly u disappearance, as they fully well knew m the cause, and did not want it to Genie en Out, 00 at e. lie d, as. e• a 5. w ell er n• ell re s. t• of d n. 531 0 0 5 0 off d e 5 Arab ds rem of Alga teed tow 10535 Pett Sou P. day Tibor 1 duty off. from 0313 close ou r I'rfda bipp3 n—ju 5 year, in offs ill n apple Inmi Colic Friday lied a from e our rthu splen bye a tet eek a- bout Water- loo ed in lowed 1055 15855 doted Lam Flbn tip Markham, Lindsay tided 1t of Y(150, ween pend• din the dletppearaees of some registered litters. I -1e has been In the servlos for over 1/081500 years. Detective John Cuddy, of Toronto, who died 1a51 weep, was ONO of the beet.krown detectives in tho Dominion, He eon. treated typhoid of a virulent, Shareatee in the discharge of bus duty, and antlered from Ib three weeks before his (teath. He was aged 42 and unuxerried, Last Friday night during the absence) of Hugh Thompson, hie house, situated about four miles from Maxwell, Ont., took lire, and hie father, an aged and blind men, was burned to death. The house and everything in it was destroyed. The origin of bile fire is not known. The nate Government for the North- ward teritot'ios will oOmprise Mt'. 1•Ianl. faith, member for MacLeod ; Mr- Chink, skill, of BattlOEord ; Mr. N5f13 Mooso• mint, and Mr. Tweed, of Medioino Hat. Mr. Haultahn, will be leader, It ie ratbet surprising to find Dr, Brett left out Of the Cabled. Huron Couloty. 1Tfilit1,1,al'y hall in (1 irv>n on ,lta,J1441111/7:2 The oil Council was reelected at W rnxe tar. 1'he, tamale humnriet and lecturer, Eli Perkins, of New York, hi booked to leotnre in Clinton, on Thursday, Feb. 4. The appointment is a'mounoed of Rev. W, Inglis as assistant librarian in the plane of LI'dward I'Iolmoe, formerly of Clinton, resigned. M. 0, Cameron lett lin a trip to FIwrida on Monday morning, where his wife is spending the winter, FIe will be belt when the election is announced. 1'h° father of 11eeve Manning, of Clin- ton died in Toronto last week, The de- ceased was a retired clergymen and latterly inspector of licenses for Ontario, O'Hara & Co., of Toronto, have bought $0,000 of consolidated 41 per cent. inter. est hearing dehenturee of the town of Clinton, at 00, paying the town the 1 per cent. $05, in (moth. They are to rel twenty years. J. 13enwiok, near Delmore, ie farming on Trite an extensive scale. Ile has 400 sores of land, 23 of which were in shover deed. Ile has at present 85 breeding ewes among his list of stook, and also nem sixteen horses. His• A. Elastics daughter of Janes Hestia, of MnIiill'p township, met with a bad accident a fete days ago. Willie stirring up the fire a spark Hew out, striking and burning her eyelid. It is feared elle may lose the sight of that eye. The proprietorship of the Clinton Foundry and Threshing Machine Works Inas jest undergone a change,in the retire• meet of W. W. Ferran from the partner• ship, his interest having been purchased by his partners, Messrs. D. F. Macpber. eon and C. E. Hovey. At the Deoember meeting of the Board of Directors of the Howbeit Insurance Company held in Gerrie on Saturday, 62 applications for insurance ware accepted amounting to $80,280, being 30 applications more and $36.076 above the amount insured in the same mouth last year. The dwellinn house barn and contents on the farm of Mr. Kropp 1j• miles west of Zurich were destroyed by fire on Wed. nesday evening of last week. The barn oontaiued the year's crop, a threshing machine, and many ocher valuable imple- ments which were the property of Masers. Owen and Geiger. Origin of firs un- known, CLIx'1'ON—Mayor, W. Doherty ; reeve, A. H. Manning ; deputy reeve, D. B. .11enneci,y. Councillors—St. James' Ward, J. McMurray, T. MoRenzie ; St. John's Ward, 0. Johnston, 0. S. Doan ; St Andresv's Ward, A. Armstrong, G. D. ?foTaggart ; St. George's Ward, S. Plummer, S. J. Andrews. All were el. ectad by acclamation except St. George's Ward. Gooasmlr—Mayor, John Butler ; reeve W. Proudfoot ; deputy reeve, P, Holt (al by acclamation). Councillors—St. David's Ward, W. H. Murney, Charles A. (lumber, Robert Thompson, (MI by acclamation) • St. George's Ward, E. Campion, Fh Dunlop, M. Nioholson (all by acclamation) ; St. Patrick's Ward, F. Pridham, J. Wilson, J. Yates; St, An- drew's Ward, T. C. Neftel, D. Cantelon, J. A. Reid. The Clinton New Era says :—.�1ffiss Maggie Moffatt, daughter of W. J. 4•Iof. fats, leaved on Monday next for Manito• ba ; she has for some time been employed with Jackson Bros., and on Tuesday evening her fellow employees presented her with a beautiful cruet stand. On her arrival in Manitoba she will become the wife of Chas. Hogland, an indn'bri• cue young fanner of Shoal Lake. Ser ural of her wooden also trade her there• oipient of kind gifts. Considerable interest was aroused last week about Goderioh and in Goderioh township by a hasty departure for the other side of the boundary line of a well known farther, who is said to "be into" quits a number of his fellow agricultur. lets and residents of town who loan out money. In addition to heavy mortgages on farm, he had borrowed from at least a dozen persons sums ranging from ono to several hundred dollars. In most of these oases the lenders can ill afford what bide fair to be a total loss, Lucknow Sentinel :—Wo are informed that a young man from Ashfield town- ebip sold a load of peas last week to one of our looal grain buyers. He took the peas to the storehouse at the station and the weighman gave him an order for the money, but before presenting the state. ment at the pay otlioe, he raised tine amount another dollar, which was paid by the oasbier. The forgery was soon disoovered, however and the young mar, brought to task, but on account of his widowed mother, we believe the affair has been settled, This i8 a serious 8115neand ought to prove a good leasee tb the foolish young man. If a man shamef ally abuses his wife in utte, Mont., half a yard of Drape is tack - d on his door as a remiud55 that any rouble in the future will be followed by call from an undertake'. During Christmas week 88,000,000 edam end parcels were posted in Lon. on, and 33,000,000 were delivered. Fit. ern thousand sorter's and postmen were n duty on Christmas Eve within the letropolltan area. If there should be ny place in the world where these gi- antic Nude were equalled, posi:ivoly r comparatively, Pnsbmaste'.Oeneral orgusaon would lilts to know its name, Mrs. Levi Vost, of Ottsville, Bucksnnty, 1?a., to all appeatances died last unday fro,n pneumonic.. The body was eparecl for burial, and her relatives oma dietetics were sent for. Ou Mon- ty, what wee 803131050(1 to be Mrs, Vest's rpm, showed signs of life. The phyei• en in attendance at the time of Mee. oat's eepposed Beeth was celled in and ode a very careful examination and and that theta Id of being dead she was ing in a trance, Many Sighs of life ars ow apparent, The woman hes beeh re. Quad from her oofin,end her bedside he rrounded by the relativice Who had me to attend her funeral ell N umber 26, Ntala0%AI, PAltAllit.tt'll� Itnbt. Nott, of Ohio, is in town. 1. O. Aiello, de visited liaylleld on Jan. let, Alias Lucy Lel3on le visiting at Clin- ton. Mist Ethel Cook is 515fting al Palmer - sten, Miss Addle Vanstous is visiting at Go, t. Mrs. T. Fletcher was in Lucknow for a few days this week. Robert Buchanan was vielting relatives tE Hen'all last week. J. D. and Mrs, Ronald were visiting in (Jhathnm this week. Mrs. ilIeadowe talks some of removing to Manitoba next Spring. Mr. Howell, of Hamburg, was visiting his sister, Mrs. Plum, last week, Vance Briton, of Toronto, is visit• Iug this cousin, Harold Creighton. Jetties Hunter, of Detroit, was in town this week on a visit to his mother. Wm. Mose, of St. Catharines, was visiting 0100'51 vies in town last week. Harry Hewitt, of Chatham, is home fora holiday visit. Ise is a jeweller. illiesea Bessie and Minnie Moore were vleitl lg relatives near Mitchell lent week, Last week Raneford Pelton end stater, of Innerkip, were visiting at R. G. Wil- son's. - Mre. Harry Dennie and sin were away at Peterboro' last week 011 a visit with friends. G. A. F.'sr and wife, of Goderioh, spent ,est Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in town. Charlie Wake is SW 1y to Owen Sound visit1ng bis parents, former residents of Brussels. John MOBain tate Isis New Year's din- ner with bis sister and brother-in-law at Atwood, Gilbert Milloy and wife, of Hillsbutg, were visiting Neil Milloy and family this week. - Miss O'Connor was in town on Wed- nesday, She is making her home at Gerrie now. Mrs. M. McLennan and children, of London, were visiting at Mrs. Tllomp. son's this week. Miss J0%1111088 was home for a brief holiday visit. Miss Ross is teaching at Tecumseh, Mich. Wm. Ross, of Naseagay'a, was in town for several clays fast last week renewing old acguaintanoes. Airs. Percy White, of Port Elgin, came on New Year's day to' see her father, Thos. Hall, who is ill. Thos. Ainley and wife have removed to Listowel where Mr. Ainley has secured a situation in the new factory. Wm. Wilson, uf Dakota, is home on a visit to relatives and friends. He isle, son of oar townsman, W. R. Wilson. Mrs. Harry James was celled to She!. burro on Wednesday to attend the funer- al of her brother who died of dyptheria. Jas. hIcLauolin, of Wingham, wife and son frank 6foLauohlin, of Detroit, spent New Year's day among old friends in Brussels. Mies Mary Ross has gone to Clinton • where she will attend the Collegiate In- stitute. She is preparing for a 2nd class certificate. Mrs. 3. M. O'Connor purposes spend - in the Winter with Mrs. Hint et South. amptol, as Mr. O'Counor intends going west on a trip. A. Parfitt, wife and daughter, of Dela- ware, made a holiday visit with the families of F. C. and George Rogers. They are relatives. R. S. Willdame, Manager of the Goder- ioh Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, was in town on Thursday visiting G. P. Sobolfield. James Kelly, stone mason. was home for a few days from Renfrew. He is working on a bridge contract in the east and will have employment all Winter. Rev. W. Torranoe, of Gerrie, was itt town on Wednesday. He is improved considerably in health and took his work last Suuday for the first time in mouths, George Sanders and wife, of Flint; Michigan, are enjoying a visit with vela. fives in Brussels. Mr. Sanders' appear. and would indicate that hard work and good pay agree with him tiptop. Thos. Smith and family have moved from their farm in Grey township to the dwelling recently vacated by Samuel Welsh, north of Breesels, This will bring Mr. Smith close to his work. If he had moved within the oorporation limits it would have been better. .tDt1ITlw\AL t,OC.tL NEWS. WAMTen.—A good heavy horse, about six years old. Apply to J. & P. Anent, Breese's. —'25 To RsNT.—The Hall over my new store, Can be perbitionei up to suit offices, sewing rooms or dwelling. I. C. Richards. 0o4tsooTAnLa hones to rent ou Queen street. Good °eller, well under oover, outbuilding, &s, Apply to Harry Orooks, G. A. Deadman's store) Brussels, NansoN Gznm was fortunate enough to be made the recipient of a finely finished A olarionet as a New Year's gift. The donors were hie father and mother. Tau milk routes for the Morris & Grey cheese tindery will be let at the Town Hall, Brussels, on Tharaday, 210 inst., ,at'2 o'olouk. The question of establish- ing a butter factory will also come up. Every shareholderis asked to attend. Wrrr his thmnl> a boy is timid to have saved the Netherlands from inundation. Many people have been sewed from the invasion of disease by a bottle of Ayer's Sarsaperille. This medicine impede tone to this system and strengthens every organ and fibre of the body. lhXOI(ss Rankin, the well.known 110",Or, Inas begun suit in San l+raheisoo for df- voraa from his wife on the greeted of desertion. The °entreats between mins owners and miners in Welds been °Spired, and 86,000 then are out of work until a new arraugemeut i8 completed. Roewell It. Mason, who wee mayor of Midge at the time of the greet tire, i5 dead. Qonaussion of the brain carried him off, Re was 86 years old,