HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-1-1, Page 8ssencenontassextessiesessmisiessimankrass
7 NEW Y Iii A l b
1st -I will buy my Drugs, Medicine=, &o.
from G. A. Deadman.
lid will pnrbhase what lioohw I any
require at Dsadnlan'e.
3rd -My Fancy Goods, Toys, .to., shall
be bought at Deadnnan's.
4th -When purcl'tsilig a Dice Autograph
or Photograph Album It will be at
5th --When papering my hnuee it will bo
with wall paper from l:)0adman'e,
6th -When possible I will buy what I
may require from Doadmnn'S•
7th -I will reoommend others to go to
If the readers of Tile Posr will oarry
out the above seven good resolutions we
shall be mutually bonelitlsd. We will
try and please you.
Druggist, Bdokseller, &o,
8001X010 axTE0BION W. 0. & B.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, ae follows:
GO1NG 500T2, GOING Bolts H.
, ,.... 11:63 n.nr. Mixed 0:35 a.m.
h xvreeS......11:52 a.m. 51 all 3.15 p,m.
Mixed ........ 8;aa p.m. Sxpress 0:45 p.m.
'Brat ` lctu5 3teln5.
A ciders among ye takin' notes,
Au' faith he'll prent it,
Hirer New Year.
P B eros -A I l Kinds -Hunter,
ST111,W cutters for six dollars at J. J.
WooD is a Beane article in Brussels
just now.
Tata' latest panel photographs at
Bunter's studio.
Is yon want a first•olass photo go to
.Burgess & Buchanan.
Rennins and Overshoes half soled and
repaired. Geo. Good.
BItaA1,FAsT Bacon, choice Rolls and
Hams at Geo. Maker's.
'WATER White and Silver star lamp oils
cheaper than any at B. Gerry's.
Houses for sale or to rent. Comfort.
ab e and convenient. W. B. Dickson.
ANoraso 00 barrel of Silver Star coal
oil just arrived and at lowest price. B.
Beussszs ChautangcaCircle met at the
residence of Dr. Graham on Tuesday
•evening of this week.
itzrAlas in harness and collars very
cheap and guaranteed to give satisfac-
tion. I. C. Richards.
CRoso•sor saws, axes, axe handles
from 15 to 20 per cent cheaper than are
sold on credit, for sash at B. Gerry's.
BITING along your fore to have them
"made into driving milts. Wo do them
cheap and guarantee a perfect fit. I. 0.
Tim firm of Smith it Gibson shipped
29 oars of lumber to a furniture manatee.
tory at Wingham recently. The ship•
anent was made from the Wroxeter mill.
J. D. RONALD is home from Bathurst,
New Brunswick, where he gave a most
-satisfactory series of tests of the powers
'of his eteam fire eneineeivumping the
•salt water through 2,100 fee of hose. A
contract was immediately olo•si.
"Now is the winter of our discontent,
made glorious summer" by Ayer's Sar•
soparilla. This wonderful medicine so
inviporetes the system and enriches the
blood that sold weather becomes positive.
ly enjoyable. Arotio explorers would do
-well to make a note of this.
'Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to ell work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
•shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
-second door north of the bridge, west
-aide of Tnrnberry at., Brussels. 43.8E
"Glue" offers prizes of 980, 920 and
110 for the beet short humorous article,
story, poem, narrative or character
sketch sent fn before March 1, 2802.
The prizes will be awarded not so much
'on literary merit, as upon the humor and
aptness of the concept. Professional
'writers being debarred, there is a fair
(Sold for 511 of a literary turn. Here is a
'0bance for young writers to test their
abilities. See announcement in "Grip,"
'"Mlsexoxanr SeooLs."-May Skene, the
d} year old daughter of John G. Bkeue,
is thoroughly imbued with the mission.
Ory spirit and to prosecute her work and
-replenish the coffers of her missionary
bank has organized a crusade in selling
spools of thread, the profits of which "are
Ito buy boots and clothes for the little
;heathen boys and girls." She has die.
,posed of 104 spools rip to date. It some
solder people had a little of May's enthusi-
asm it would be all the bettor for mis •
siosary enterprises.
Trim Wingham Times says :-"The
!Canadian Stereopticon Company exhibit.
'act in the Temperance Hall, on Tuesday
'evening, 250 of the finest views of the
kind that have ever been shown to the
citizens of Wingham. There were views
•of American, Canadian, British and
doreigm publio buildings and scenery.
There were views that would convulse
'the most sober temperament, while others
again were of Buell a solemn nature as to
set the most thoughtless thinking." The
.bGv e
will exhibit
a 0
mentioned company
'their views in Bruaeela Town -hall on
Thursday evening of next week, January
:0th. See posters for further particulars.
.CrinnreY tlmlogna'.-Tan+ last concert for
4115 poor of Brussels 5•• tact 908.00, The
following is the way lie money was
oxpendecd :-
Wes, Brent 9 6 90i
'hire. J. Blaehill 16 80
Mfrs, Billings 7101
Mgrs:Cannpbell.. •........... 1 50
Mrs. 'Wallace ,.,. 10 55
94ni. W3tliame 6 66
Mia..MoGarva 8 25
Mrs, T. Stewart ..... 8 41
961 25
Mrs, Corntaolt anted as the distributing
gent and dad the work well no the 50.
• ant Will 'show.
R5.01SNt:,u of 1'ublie wheels next
Poo 'dee lirs , 'bnw and w"ler en'nrw rn
50 Lnnt.l
SWIM 5\ t n' ewe' •oto at
n. a f t 1\ t1
Prices31. Ginn,
-clrx'ree a Art St'tdio" i5 over A, 11.
Smith' . -tore
Ten latest Paris and Milted() panele at
Burgess & Buolusise'e,
131t11eat.'Ls pd+ttlflce will the open from
4 to 5 p, m, on New Year's clay.
P:,aren and plain table knives and
forks lower than ever at B, Gerry's.
Tiros. Ruatxsox has organized a Il:er.
mnmua Band and a motto son. Masa,
llaxetxu, parlor and tails lamps, most
elegant and good Val tleat B. Gerry's.
CANADIAN Stereopticon Co, in the Town
Hall oil Thursday evening of next week.
\V. F. VANSToNis shipped two oars of
pork to Montreal on Thursday of this
S} Ibe nixed sandy for 25e and fleet
comity mixtures, cheap quality consider•
ed. Geo. G god.
Goon strong boy wanted to learn tele.
graplahmg and make himself generally
05efol. Apply to T. Fletcher,
e•A LAnu:s stock of robee, trunks, valises
and satchels. blankets, whips, &e., o0
hand and sold very ohenp. 1. C. Riob•
LOTS for sale on Elizabeth, Oatheriue
and Alexander streets, Will 'sell on
liberal terns. Apply at the Woollen
?dill, Brussels.
To RzsT.-The Hall over my new
store. Can be partitioned up to suit
officee, sewing rooms or dwelling. 10.
Do not for .et our removal to my new
store, next door to t11e Egg Emporium,
where we will be glad to welcome all our
=Comers. I. C. Rioherde.
Otte thanks are ; Ise to Manu of our
snfscribers at a distance who have re.
noted their subscriptions to Tin POs'1',
Others might take the hiut.
CoMI'meeause house to rent on Queen
street. Good cellar, well under cover,
outbuilding, &c. Apply to Harry Crooks,
G. A. Deadm an'e store) Brussels.
PAi You's TAxns.-All those who
have not yet paid their Taxes will please
call and do so at my store, opposite the
Postoffoe. JAS. T. Rose, Oolleotor.
Tse annual meeting of the Petrone of
Industry, for the County of Huron, will
be held in Clinton, on Wednesday, Jan.
13th, 1802, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon.
A 045014 hunt was one of the attrao•
tions on Christmas day. Sides were
chosen and a good day's hunting enjoyed.
The score was tied, eleven rabbits each
side. A. J. Lowiolr headed the list.
Ris sw'ALe and new subscriptions to
Tez Posr for 1892 have been rolling in
splendidly. If you live in Grey or Morrie
we claim to give you more idistriot news
than the County papersgoombined.
i i n
1z a said that a young has g
made an acquaintance in New York by
writing his name on the outside of an
egg that was being sent to that great city.
Our grandfathers never thought of the
modern introductions known to us.
WHooWING cough, Droop, sore throat,
sudden colds and lung troubles peculiar
to children, are easily controlled by
promptly administering Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. This remedy is safe to bake,
certain in its action, and adapted t0 all
Wu continue Se of old to take the
lead in the manufacture of light and
heavy harness. Collars [incl light liar.
ness our specialty. I Manufacture all
my awn collars and warrant every one.
I. C. Rioherds.
DIesoLurroo.-As will be observed by
advertisement in this issue of Toe Pose
the partnership existing between W.
Nigh'ingale, of Brussels, and Robert
Scott, of Mount Forest, has been dissolv-
ed by mutual oonsett. Mr. Nightingale
will continue the business here, which he
has successfully managed for the past
eight years,
ConiLAoNT is made, not the first time
either, of a gang of boys and young men
who ongregate at Beattie,' livery barn
and 13se blaspbemoua language and other.
wise act in a disorderly manner. They
should know that they can be heavily
fined for paofanity and that no gentle•
man, either young or old, would insult a
lady or make use of rough expressions
while they are passing. We give this as
a warning as flames have been taken
down for the Use of a magistrate's court
if the nuieanoe is uoutinued.
A. F. & A. M. -The following officers
for Be. John's Lodge, No. 284, G. R C ,
A. F. & A. M., were installed Deo. 28th,
1891, by Past Master Worshipful Brother
W. M. Sinolair, assisted by Peat Masters
Molutosh and Shaw
I. P. M., Dugald Strachan ;
W. M., J, Tolbert Pepper ;
S. W., W. B. Dickson ;
J. W., A. Dames ;
Treae„ T. Fletcher ;
Seo., John Shaw ;
S. D., Thos. Edgar ;
J. D., J. T. Rose;
Organist, S. W. Laird ;
D. of 0„ J. D. Warwick ;
I. G., Robb, Ferguson ;
Tyler, J. Y. S. I{irk ;
Auditors, T. Edgar and J. T. Ross.
UNITED IN MAnux4OE.-The Daily ()Gor-
ier -Post, published at Hannibal, Miss.
ouri, under date of December 22nd, con-
tains the following Item of interest to
people in this looality :-"At 4 o'clock this
afternoon at the residenoe of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mra. J. E. Chinn, on
South Sixth street, occurred the marriage
of Dr. F. W. O'Brien and Mise Mandel,
Chinn. Rev. John A. Beagle, pastor of
the Park Methodist church oflioiabed.
The wedding was a guiet affair its only
relatives and immediate friends of the
high contracted parties were present.
After the marriage the bride and groom
entered a carriage and were driven to the
Union depotot where they took the 0.,
13. & Q. brain for Chicago. From there
they will go to Detroit, Mich., and thence
to Toronto, Canada, on a wedding tour.
On their return to Hannibal, which will
be in about ten days, they will engage i.1
housekeeping on South Fourth street,
The groom is one of our loading citizens,
he being considered one of the best veter,
inari Burgeons iu the state and ]las an
extensive practice. The bride s so well
and favorably known in Hannibal that
comments are unnecessary. She is a
very popular young lady and will make
the man of her choice a loving and devot
ed wife. The Courioc.Post sxtende con.
gratulatio❑e." We were just afraid F.
W. that year winning ways would soon
cause you to forsake baobtorhood and
now that yon have shown your sound
judgment by becoming a bonediet Tug
Posr and your many old. friends here
Wish yourself and bride long years of
JAN. 1, 1i,9:
scoamicat 'h est ^YLhRW ..
()oon and parlay stoves, beet slakes and
unequalled in prima, at B. Gerry's,
peal 'r.:1• ell hi".'' n.1.1 el \d"' (Ivey,''
and stater cola 5u..t n apweaiby.
1lurgeev & Buohanau.
R'axheavy horse, ru,,--A good
six rears old. Apply to J. itt P. bout
Diu eel.,. •-23
Madame. Wiling lot nil 'Mill street,
BruseelA, for sale, cheep for (melt. Apply
to A. Bawtiuheitner,
Cenlerttes Slam --1'his aene011 wits not
nn oxoeptiou to ethers ill she [tatter of
fine displays of meats by our hutuliers,
The shops wore testeful'y decorated with
evergreens and rosette of tissue (aper
milkweed the r,'.l'hitn. A. Currie luid two
2 year old Loire's, fed by Mark 111,
Cardiff, of Morris, \vitieh dreesed 050 and
700 pounds, rsspetively ; a heifer fed
by Mr, Wright ; a 1300 pound pig, pnr-
ehnsed from J. 0. Tuck ; two pigs fort by
Jno. Mooney, Morris ; and one fed by
himself. He has also two lambs, poultry,
sausage, blood puddings, haggis and
head•uheese, At Wm, Blashill's shop
might have been seen two Sin heifers fed
by Jas. Murray, of Mortis ; a young cow
fed by Geo. Jackson, . 11Torris ; three
young pigs, bought from Angus Shaw,
Grey ; two Iambs fed by himself; a
heavy pig ditto, and the usual etoelerue
usually Rept in stomp in the line of ho•
loguas, sausage, poultry, &o. The
knights of the slsnver 00550 to the wants
of the public in first-class style.
(;IIUIton 30184.
Next Tuesday the induction of Rev.
David Miller inbo his pastorate of Boos
ohuroh, Brussels, will take place ab 2
o'clock, Rev. T. Davidson, of Wrox•
Star, will preside. The sermon will be
preached by Rev. R. B'ah-bairn, of Tees'
wider ; Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluevale,
will address the minister and Rev. D.
Forrest, of Walton, the oongregation.
Rev. Mr. McNabb, of Luoknow, preached
last Sunday.
Last Sabbath Rev. R. Paul preached
in the Methodist ohuroh in the absence
of the pastor. In the morning his sub-
ject was "Man's love for God's house,"
and ,,tithe evening service "The barren fig
tree." The revered gentleman goes to
Harrison next Sunday.
A most suitable discourse was preach.
ed on Christmas morning in St. John's
ohuroh by the incumbent. His texts
were "Peace on earth," and "My pesos I
leave with you." The edifice looked very
neat in its dress of evergreeme.
Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A. was away last
Sunday assisting a ministerial brother
and his pulpit was occupied by Mr. Soott,
n student of Knox college. At the morn-
ing service he gave an account of the
mission work of the students. His text
in the evening was "The harvest is great
but the laborers are few."
At the Epworth League in the ihIeth°.
dist church last Monday evening Rev. R.
Paul gave an address on "Why a revival
of God's work should continuo." Mrs. J.
Worth, of Chicago, addressed the League
for a short time in reference to the work
done in the Western metropolis.
The Christian Endeavor meetings held
in Melville oburoh each Sunday evening,
althe close of the preaching service, are
profitable seasons and should be most
helpful to young people.
Instead of the annual tea meeting in
the Methodist ohuroh this year a special
oolleotion will be taken next Sunday to
furnish the uauoaesary funds.
The friends of temperance have decid.
ed to submit the Looal Option law to a
vote of the people of Mitchell.
Dr. Wilmot, who has been practising
a short time in Toronto, has located in
Mitchell. The town has now four doe.
The Mitchell Fire Company are conn
plating arrangements for a grand ball
and supper in the Town Hall on the
evening of friday, January 15th.
A painful mishap befell Fred, a y0ueg
son of John Scott, baggage mem
ter, St. Marys. The boy was climbing
up into a waggon whoa his leg was
caught between the bonlster and the
wheel resulting in a fracture of the bone.
B. Resenbargo has had a magnificent
return front his cows for the season just
closed. His 20 cows averaged 4,500 lbs.
milk per head, or 1,500 lbs. per head in
excess of the yield of the average dairy
oow. The milk of the season for the 20
head averaged 981.60 per oow. These
figures are from the books of the Blau.
«bard cheese and butter company.
Me urmss:-In Molesworth, on the 16th
ult., the wife of Mr. James Menzies
of a son.
CLARE-W1LLI.Larsoo.-At the residenoe
of the bride's parents, on Deo. 80th,
by Rev. W. Otbswell, Mr. Enoch
Clark to Miss Lizzie Williamson, all
of Grey townehip.
TYzseAN-Pointsn-5n Giey, On Deo.
28rd, Mr. David Tyerman, of Gran-
ton, Ont., to Miss Aloia, daughter oh
Mr. Wm. Pollard, of Grey township.
O'BaonN-Car mi. -At Hannibal, Mo., on
Deo. 22nd, at the residenoe of the
bride's parents, by the Rev, J. A.
Beagle, Miss 1'aude E. Chinn bo Dr.
F. W. O'Brien, formerly of Brussels.
Flsivn-Hums.-At the residenoe of the
bride's father, on Dec, 28rd, by Rev.
A. Henderson, M. A., Mr. George 0.
Fisher to Miss Annie A. Hiles,
daughter of Mr. S. R. Hilo+, all of
INorts-Enslrtss.-In Monkton, Dee.
28rd, at the residenoe of the bride's
father, by Rev. A. Henderson, M. A.,
Mr. John R. Inglis, of Georgetown,
to Miss Kato Erskine, daughter of
19Ir, Andrew Erekine, of Monkton.
eINDIeoN-HARmTON.-In Atwood, on
Deo, 23rd, at the residence of the
bride's brother, by Nov, 0. Hamilton,
Mr, 'W, Elliot Andiron of Lakeside
to Mies Bella 10, Hamilton, daughter
of the late James Hamilton, of Stmt.
ford, and sister of Dr, J. R. Hamil-
ton, of Atwood.
NIxost-MOIN'1'Yult.- At the residence of
Bir. W. D. l\'lituhell, Atwood, on Dec.
211rd, by the Rev. A. Henderson, M.
A., Mr, Wm. Jae, Nixon, 10th con.,
Elan, to biles Annie McIntyre,
daughter of Mr. John Molntrye, of
Srevrri,-In Wingham, on Deo. 21st„
Wm, Smyth, aged 52 years.
ZaitAN,--'In Atwood, on Deo. 17t1o, 1801,
Mr. William Zeran, aged 93 years
and 9 months.
ronmmaaN: -In Eima, on Deo. 22nd, 1891,
Thomas Foreman, aged 61 years, 1
month and 7 days,
McKee. --In Prey, on Doo. '25511, IIugli NOTICE 70 CREDITORS,
W., son of lluglr klol{ay, aged +3
1142:4. In Prey, an Den. 26111, Wilbert
Allan, infant son of -William :and
Bolla Rands, aged 5 months.
Grey, on lieu, mho' 2811
18111, Alargsrot, relict of the late
Donald I3uchauau, aged 711 years nud
8 months,
Fall Wheat 00 93
Spring Wheat ., 00 113
Barley .10 50
Peas 60 111
Oats 30 31
Butter, tubs and rolls.,., 15 00
1Bggs per dozen 15 00
Flour per barrel 4 50 5 00
Potatoes ,.. 25 00
Hay per ton. 9 00 10 00
Pork .. 5 00 5 20
Hides per lb 4 00
Salt per hall., retail....,1 00 I 0
Sheep skins, oaob 65 00
Lamb skins ea011 05 00
Apples per barrel1 25 00
1 slew :suitor the Cranbrook school for
the year 1001, male or female, 3rd ,lase. Ap-
ply, stating wages, to
5A00B Ii1RAUTPlt,
Soc. Trons„ Oraobv'Ool:,
1-4,A111 WARNING, --
A Any porton or persons trued tres-
Dossing on the premison of the Grey Agri-
culture] Society, after this date, will bo pro.
scouted without regard to age or sex. By
order of the Dh actors.
Bruesols, Deo. 11,'01. - - Secretary.
-'rnlmIlib are benefit -tad by sending milk
from part bred Jerseys. Thea' combine both
Timothy and quality. Until I dispose of ono
of my Jersey Bulls you eau have your 010100,
For further particulars apply at my Drug
and Boole Store.
G. A. DI0ADIt[AN, Brussels.
Notice is hereby given that bbo partner.
ship heretofore subsisting between se, the
undersigned, as general marabouts lu the
Village of Brussels bas been this day dis.
solved by mutual consent,
A11 debts owing to the said parbnershlp
are to be paid to William Nightingale, at
Brussels, aloe eaatd, and all olsime against
the said partnership. aro to be presented to
the said \Vfiltam Nightingale by whom the
same will b0 tattled.
Dated at Mount Forest this 20th Day of
101114 it SCOTT.
W. C. PERRY, Wituosa.
Pursuant to an order of the High Court of
Justice, Queen's Bench Division, made 111 a
certain cause of Fairburn vs, Welsh, the
oreditors of Joaoph W eleb, late of the Town-
ship of Grey, in the County of Huron, who
died in or about the month of December, A.
D. 1880, are 011 or before the 01111 Slay of
J anuary, A. O. 1802, to send by post, pre-
paid, to W. M, Siuulafr,.Eaqutre, of the NM -
lags of Brusselsin the County of Huron,
tiro Solicitor for the Plaintiff, tboir Christian
aid enrnan10 , addressee and descriptions,
the fell partloulurs of their claims a state-
ment of their accounts and tee nature of
their security (1f any) held by them or lu de -
NUR thereof they will be peremptorily ex,
eluded from the benefit of the said order.
Every creditor holding any security is to
produce the same before ni5 aG my ,ham.
berm in thatourk Rouse hl lbs Town of Gude-
rich, in the County of phren on the 28011
Day of January, A. D.1800, at the hour of
eleven oeiloek in bio forenoon being the
Mine appointed for adjudioabion oil the
Dated this 34011 Day of December, A.D.
25.3 Mosier itt Go,lerieh.
Nnllo° le hereby given that HII pvraeus
1-e\'icet et,41111e Itg l iSet the o3.SE0 ut' ilnuald
.waft 1at0 of Lilo TOW [milli, of (+ ray, in
hL L
tnoeuety f l nt¢, deceased, win (Boil 5
i ,bns' t', 2,11111 Bev of Sept[uJxv, 0
m,0 toutl'9,1 to sued Snell atelms Or to ole•
Iyer ohms to Alex. Hunter, at Brussels,
meat tor the Executors of deepened, on or
before the kit Buy 5r 1''ellrnary, 1811e,
,Iter tbu ,mind last montlauod date the
1.)S411 US 55111 listiibute lila 0,80te Of alto
"spin amongst Gloom entitled thereto, relnt
101,1411 only tt+;bail elalwe of 11111th they
Rhin then have natio°, and will not be liable
forma Id assets Or oily part thereof, en distrt•
hued to uuy v0rl:l1.1 'm porenne of whew
clan or aloha' 1m tion ,dt not have boon
ed of time of Soon dlatrl bu bion. 'lite
0015,' w parsbeut to Reflood Stat11100 011-
lt.tarn, Chap, 110.
15.4,1 at Brussels this lath flay of Decem-
ecot'ber 1X01,
Agent for Executors.
1',.LaA [ATA B'1'Is WAlt'l', ( 1exeouto1's.
Dotet.n QTNwan'', f
Pursuant to an order of sale matte in a oar -
tont oane0 or matter In the Queen's Bench
Division of the High court of Justice for
Ontario of Fnlrburn vs, Welsh, bearing date
the t\voutysa„euth day of November, A. b.
1891, there will be offered for sale by Public
Auction, with the approbation of Sucher•
land Maloomeun, esquire, Local !neater of;,
the High court of Juetioe at Goderish, by
Finlay Stewart Scott, auctioneer, on
SATURDAY. the Sixteenth (lay of Jun.
uary, A. D. 1892,
at the hour of Twelve O'clock (boon), at
the 0NINTRAL HUTI0L, in the Village of
(1) All and singular that certain parcel or
tract of laud and premises eituato lying and
being in the Towusnip of Grey, in the County
of Huron and Province of Ontario, being
composed of Lot number Tbh'teer, in the
third concession of the aforesaid Towuehlp
of Grey, oontnlnlug by adrneasm'ement ono
hundred torah of land be the same, more or
less. There are about fifteen acres of clear-
ed land on this Lob and the balatto° thereof
is well timbered with pine and cedar. There
is it log barn, built on the line between;this
Lot and Lot number fourteen, Rud the fen-
ces aro in a lair ,tato of repair,
(2) All end singular that certain parcel or
{root of laud and promieee situate lying and
being in the'lowusbip of Grey, in the Conn.
ty of Huron and Province of Ontario, being
oomuosed of hot number fourteen in the
third concession of the aforesaid Township
of Gray, containing by admeaeurentoit one
hundred mores of laud be the Ramo, more or
less. There aro about sixty Iles mores ulcar-
ed upon ebbe lot and in a good state of oulti-
vatleu ; aye acres thereof is wimpy lewd
timbered with block ash cedar and spine and
the balsam°, thirty acres, is well timbered
with hardwood booth aid maple, There is
a good it'anle house and 1.1( e[ kitchen on
this property, there aro two good wells on
thle lot and the funo0w ore in good repair,
The land is obhorWlao wall watered .0y0
spring crook which rues across the south
omit 50r00r of this lot,
'Pane properties am situated in a flrat.
close farmh,cg locality, about six,nilus fres
the village Of Brussels and about two and
one half mulles from the Village of lethal,
both of which Vlllagee offer good marltete
for grain, Limbar and m111[ilde v farm 1
duo. Those far,n0will beoffered for sale
eepat'obaly and eubjeet to a 0058508 bid, and
the Master rea5rvee the rtgb0to adjourn the
aide of °.nob lot if in Ills opinion an adequate
price is not resulted.
TIMMM of SAL.—'Pen pe" cont, of the pur-
eltmao motley will bo requiem' to be paid o0
the day of sale to the Plaintiff.%Sollemtor and
the balance within thirty t tiay8 thereafter,
wen hthe purchaser or pnr0ha0e's will be
entitled to a 001100150400 and be lot Into Dos -
Suasion, C bo ut115r oendltiOne of sols will
be the staetdi,g 50145ti0ue of the CWwasey
Divieou [ f tau. High (oart of Justl50,
For further partcoalareapp)y to June floe.
kin,esge Q, 0., Toronto ; al oses, Farrow k
Proudtebt, Barristers, Go,lertolt ; 5'. S. SoOtt,
tag., auctioneer, es bo tee uuclorsigaod,
W, M, St405 Alt1, S. kf.1LOOMSON,
P111'e Sotioltor. Master at Goderieli.
Dated ads 01th tiny of D esowbet', A. D.1855.
keep for service on South half Lot 20
Coe.2, Morris, the thorn' bred improved
York.bire- Pig, "Grange Hero,' 'Perms, 81,00
to bopaf l at time of service, with privilege
of returning 11 neoeseary, Pedigree may be
seen en applioatlou to the owner.
l9.8nl° JOHN 5VILSON,
Uudersigvod will keen for service on
Lot 31, Cou 7, Mo'ris, a well bred Chester
White Pig, Terme, 01.110, to bo paid at time
of aendee, with privilege of rotsruiug if nee -
GEO. le, 111e ADMAN,
20.3 PRaln 10th'.
nudo's:gned will keep for service on
North Half Lot 07, con, 8, tforrle, a woll'bred
pig. llo WM aired by a pure brad, improved
Ohio Chester \Vhl to. Terms, 51,00, to be
paid al time of service with privilege of re-
turuint of necessary,
02.4' Proprtolnr.
The utdolsiguotl will keep for service on
Lot 11, con. 0, Grey, the there' bred Bark-
ahirePle, "Stanley,' oleo the tiroro' bred
Otrester White Pig, "Conqueror,' both bred
team imported stock with Pedigrees. Terms
451.00 to to paid at time of service with priv-
ilege of ratarniug if vouoenm'v.
20.4 Proprietor.
The usdel'sigued will keen for surto() this
present Benson the Improved large white
Yorkebire pig "Ready" on lot 00, the. 0,
Morris, to which a limited number of sows
will be taken, Terms 81.00 to be paid at
time 01 service, with the privilege Of return-
ing if noceesary. Pedigree stay be seen
on application. ROBERT N0HL
v005L.-Tlle undersigned will keep for
service o5 north had Lot 20, con, 7, Morris,
a pure bred Berkshire Boar, brad by Mr.
Snell, and an Ohio Improved Chester White,
bred by Time. George, Putnam, from 101.
ported atoolt ou both aides. Thte bog took
8rd prize at tie Industrial Fair in a [lass of
17, in 1890, and Srd at tee Western Fair in a
°lase of 13. lila sire took lst at the Indus-
trial in 1891. Cerins 01.00 to be paid at time
of service with privilege of returning if nee.
25y.5! SAMUEL WALKER, Prop.
L azneiGNzn has several good Farms for
sale) and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
Of tforris and Groy. 1 8. SOUTT,Brttesols,
Lot 11, Con, 13, Grey; 100 acres ; first.
class bnildiuegs. A rare bargain to a cash
purchaser. Titleporfoob, Apply at once to
W. M•SINOLARt,8olicitor, Bruesele, 30-
) Beteg South half Lot 07, eon. 0, Morris,
100 acres, nos rly all cleared. Good buildings,
flue vouug bearing orchard, Immediate pos-
aeeeiell, Easy Terms, Apply to
W. 111. SIB CLAIR,
tf- Solicitor, &e., Bruasols,
-OLot for Sale ,n Ethel, known its the
Govenlook property,. 13 north of land, good
house and Stable, hard and eon water, well
Fended. Possession given any time. For
primo, terms and other information apply
W M. SPENCB, Poetm eater, E thel,
or 18081. SCOTT, Craubrook. 18.2in
L and Fruit Garden, situated )just outside
the corporation of Brussels. 'Pilo under-
signed offers his beautiful homestead, com-
pari9ing on acre of lend laid out in small
lruit0,a good brick house, stable, first•olase
well, oto., making a complete home. For
further particulars apply to
8, FEAR,
4•tf Bruesele.
von SALE.-Boiug week }. Lot 11, 005.9,
Gray, el miles from Breese''. The land is
good May loam, well (trained, mostly all
cleared and in good order. Oce acre of or
chard in good repair. There is a never fail•
log spring On the promisee and an extra well
at the buildings. The buildings are oomfort•
able, Would take imitable property in or
near Bru05olaas part pay. For further nem -
Maulers apply on the premises to
THOS, 110GRE00R,
or address Brussels P. 0. 9585
*0 NI)
Attractive Lines,
1'htltograpli\lbumo and Oases,
Writing Dose, Music Rolls.
Wallets, fates, l'ookeb 1300115,
Leather Goole, all dosoriptioms.
Dulle,'l'oys, inns Carla, the.
Perfumes, Dee a and Books.
Open all day Cljdstntae and New Years.
.T.'r. 1'LL'X'LIi,
PIIcMIe'1' 5110 111UOofa'l', Buusal4Ls.
Tra3360.Gt a ei e11ora]• So.n)C3.11Ja,
Canadian and United States Drafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on Dopoeits.
Collections male on favorable terms.
Canadian Agetlts—M:tjornANr'e BAN1 oM
New York A tants-Itoennprns 'S 13 Tn.tD-
• of 480aores In one of the beet wheat
diathesis in Manitoba, 880 Gores under oultl•
vatlai, 45 mares seeded in Timothy, 3 log
houses and all outbuildings, All fonoed
with wire(2 good Svelte, wood within easy
reach, 11 mile, from proeptorotts town and
elation of Cypress River, Elevator, Sebool, 3
Churches and good stores. 'title p"Moet,
A part or the Wl101e, or Carnia to suit pur-
chaser, if not sold by Moroi) .10h, the farm
will bo loaood. Writo at ouee to
WM. m()LEOD,
23.031 0ypreso River, bloc,
oPStoAra or .'TREe the Tomb
out quarto r of lot 28, ooneeesion 0, Morrie,
Bounty of Huron, contain le g 00 aoee. The
land is of first [quality end in high state of
milts. abet well lensed end under -drained,
t'5ua ea cleared, New Pronto hotlse,8 thane,
ulillt house with oonorote Walls, 2 wolle,
good borne and shod, orebord, eta, alight
a0r85 0f fall '51181at. 1'1110 desirable property
adloins the corporation off, Bruusole, Suit.
able ton,5l Il'1110 31V0,t o,v scat,
30. S'o'forbh' P. O.
71- The -unnorsI n['d 1355111hr5 offer the
"John Forbes" farm for aide. Tho properly
0onletsae Of 150 001100, being lot 0, 000.8, and
west half lob 7, eon, 8, Grey totenehlll, There
are 100 110005 (neared andtinder amp, balance
hardwood bush, On the pro,, /aa Is it good
0aborsy brink boueo, largµo bank barn With
stone stabling, Walla, wludMill and piping to
,tables, two orehal'ds, shod fences &c, lho
fain is it it good State of etltl5atlonl audio
only 23 mllee from llrosoehl. P0000esiot to
shit llurehaser. For price, torus, ,00„ write.
or 1E15313 to
e•tt JAS. CAMAS'S', 13ruaaola P, 0.
ON 0, 1001521151, Stratford,
Solloitor and Conveyancer. 001180.
tions made. 011150-Vanstooe's Block, Brea •
eels. 21.3m
.v • Solicitor, Conveyancer, NotaryPub.
lig, &a. Mae -Graham e Block 1 dc or north
of Pepper's Drug Store, Frivolo Funds to
(Late with Garrow & Proudfoot, Gale.
rich,) Bunglers, Solicitors, Oonveyaneers.
&o. 011looe-ilruseels and Seafortb, Brus-
eels Utllea-Up-etalrs over Bank. Money
to Loan,
It. a IIAYa. W. n. DI❑E50N
Insurer of SlarriegeLicenses, O01oe
Ili r 'P
at 8 Grocery, nrnbOl'iR street Brussels.
Y, s
l 11• Toneot'lal Artist' Shop -Next door
south of A. AI. AlcBay & Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and childrous hair cutting a speofalty
Ie prepared to give lessons on the
Plano, Parlor and Pipe Organ. Special at-
tention given to Tealmie. For farther in-
formation address- Box 172, Brussels.
MDrawer of
AMarriage Licenses, by
appointment of LiSut,-tiovernor, Commis-
sioner, &u., Q.B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co. Office at the Oranbrook
Poet (Moe.
13stinmu 14',
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court
00, Hurst. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loon and Insurance Agent. Fonda
invested and to loan. Collections made.
Odtae in Graham's Block, Brussels.
Miss Merles, of Wingham, is prepared
to give instruction in oil painting. 'Terms
may be ascertained at Miss Nellie hoes' stare
when samples of work may be seou. Miss
Marie would also take a few more pupils in
ri1. A. HAWKINS,
1. Organist in St. John's Church, Brus-
sels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching of A.
W.Thayer, Mus. Loo., New York, will give
lessons to pupils either at Thee, Farrow'e,
oornur of Queen and Prineese Sts., or if pre-
ferred, at their own hcmes. Terms moder-
ato, 40-
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. Se D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ootario, and of Toronto Uni-
versity. careen -Over Pepper', Drug store,
• Auctioneer, is always ready to at.
tend sales of farms, farm stook, he. Terms
obenrPully given. Oranbroolt P.O, Sales
may be arra[Rod at TBE Poem Publishing
House. Brussels.
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
ad on reasonable terms, Farms and f1Lrm
stools it specialty. Ordure loft at Tnt1 Pon'c
Publishing 310050, 13nussel.e, or aen t to Wal to u
P. 0„ W111 receive prompt attention,
9E as an Auctioneer, I am prepared
to ooudoot soles of farm stook at reasonable
Isriees. linowing the Rending of nearly
every pe•eov I am in it position to Boll to
good markt) and get good eonurity when mold
on credit. .Satisfaction guaranteed, Give
moa call, 80. 10 S. SCOTT.
131. CALE, M.D., 0, Ill,,
Y Member of the Oolleg a of Phvatoian,.
and Surgeons of Ontario by examination.
011100 and Jtuadouau-Alain street Emit,
if• A. MoNAUGIITON, 131:. D.
t, • O, M.,1m R, C. P., Edinburgh, M, 0, P
8. Cant. Roeitlonco Mid 011100 in Wilson s
Bleak, earner 01 Mill and Tnrnborry Sts.
t• D. WAIOK,
IIWa Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, ie prepared to treat aft
tlteeas5s of eomeetioated animate in a nom-
poteut manner. Partlonlliir attention paid
to vhtorhtarV dontietry, Calla pr0mytly at-
tended to, l)Olce and fuflrtnary-Two doors
north of bridge 3'ernberry st„ DDronsele,