HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-1-1, Page 6to T1TE 13RLTSS.L/ ILS POST .... T,_ -: . _.. _ •,.a _.. aTlmB'msAYa9tYmeya ••...r R.• Y ,.. 41011011. by injections _ .•.'- 'ix('1uarss.1 News. a Money to Loan, rr1111$11E1,. ; tare bi01110rid0 of gold io a Cilium her; •10 lutlps of railroa 1. poison which when its Minis . Viouutt hes 11,000 idle shoe lion , , in T, on lime fertile rally mails) at with tentl0nei4's t0' alcoholism more 1'all0e IRR( a mane -1,000 felt ed than ever 1 The Thrice, 1'0 ' i� t � t ll � I. l .0 l of gold, 1)r." Cowan bolls that milkers' Oltll 011 Farm Pro - EVERY FIBID1,Y MORNING leave oil' will leave the patitut party tat L- t a It !s'• : �' !,', / TES c t ) ''f'llca Pest' wtennl-t'tlb3laflh;g House, . 011ioago,tspubliehes a oleallongo front f•liulois pays a bounty fur spar- Trl($m ni;r ST„ 13,tr+sat s, O. Dr. Cowan to 1)r, Beeley to di,euss There aro 800,000 tilled people iu Private an Company Funds. the natter publicly, p y Fus. 1hinAta or s1711scnkrr14N One dollar nod 1'UwA. a half a year, iu adv513c0 'rho date le which Europe. __ _.._........- Cairn td>ir, DieKSON LIG HAYS, evaf3' subscription is paid Is denoted by tits - North Dakota has a ,50,000 acre ' date on the uddre00 label, rias. Scott Lae been created a barley farm. notary public. Neve York had the first street• James A, .Ford suet with a plural rltih•oa(1 fn 1888. accident by catching his wrist ou a Puget Sound Lae the biggest — _ ..•.. hook, the same passing up into his ellloken ranch, hand, Liverpool is the 117O4t extensive Anvltn'rIs)vo IlA'iOo.-1'he following rates will be charged to those who advertise b) the year:— sr/UM. 1 1 )It 10510 ) J ma One Lolu8110.00 1 531,0U $ 0,00 Balt :. 85,00 '1 00 11.00 mn Quante] '• fl 0,00 I 12.00 N.00 Eighth_" ... .. 1: 00 1 0,00 I 6.00 Eight cents per line for first usertion, and three cents per line for each subsequent in- FertiOn. A11 advertisements measured 148 330l)1•if'O1.8, tile,, 11 1Vss) 1 h, ONT, UZI COTTON mu Mies M. L. Taylor, daughter of shipping port. n r CON POUND. W. Taylor, has been engaged fur Berlin's 1,21,5,000 population one of the schools in Toronto for have only 20,800 dwellings. ) hlt�t Arecnut discovery, by an old it113Rlclan. 100 00fut- oDla]'en-191iuos to the nch, the first six months of 1802. ane company has n leap o1V at tly used monthly hal)hy t)11s.BusinessCLrds,riblt lines mid under, 535 ,vols of J,Anies, 10 the r annum. Burgess, late a the , )"rl ..,>a only pel•fnenla• alff' and Advertisements withutlt specific (Urn- Collegiate Institute, 10 now a stn. ! Of the 1.900 policemen in Chien• 'J'lir'0¢"' reliable medicine ,naanv- 1iOns, win be inserted until forbid, and ge••r cr,d, ]telvnr, 0f un n'tncl ilod dru 6•.1 001 tubo changed accordingly, dent of Bios College, Toronto. go 1,555 ore Irishmen, MI:Itlla'i0r umdi0lues fpiplaro,f tills t k advertisement to 105 bo b discontinue Blr Bur cess The Shah of Pe1•ala has ]a tobacco for (tows ; or ; kt U roomoTint mast be left at the counting 6 hag Ealten t d substitute m fu0blsa 8! and d tltt•0e•caut room of Toa; Post' net tctsr than Tues i y ata course at .lobo Tie tliius Banti• pipe worth $400,000. en1ade postage statues in letter, 0 we of each week. Thio is imperative, 1 , • per C A B,A.,Perls funerlala or discos tate au p , s • epos gr'a l] , 0, nom 0a1v001in, take no JAN. 1, 1802 MOM '1'0 LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan 11)1 Farm )erty'ii;xl.,t' l'r). Specialist, ." Toronto, MIS..1LA„ I. ('.1),H,U., M.C.P,8,M„ 6 ti*' 6I Per Cent., 1'('rtt'1}', Straight Loans with prl\'ilego of repaying when minima, Apple to A. Hunter, U•rision Court Clerk. Brussels. ALLAN LINE ,ho)/rel Mall ,Ste(nllslrips, CHAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE )n1iTNltill•rl',T7RA)L1NOe Brion P010TP�ND o11 HALIFAX, 11NA'1'nAy 1',. seliAlee, 1,1n40w1'l, '4)0,— ''0orr Rpat. lams 511 lily 1nunlry a,d property t.t an 101 rpt,., , u I1Lvfln,l men, fur what 4hey t,,rtuee n eremiow,11,250 or 0ne01nptd0n, ter, 0ieelei)' sural u)a" ''W/lea Wllaolhor'otlik)tei1,L nr, Si Iclair lmired we of I1 ts." U. ltnni'nrrson, ('0910ton Plinio, 1101,1 "Dr. H10oh11r enured me of Catarrh." Can. Rowing Myth, 0ay0;—'•Dr, shw)eir eared rue of Mein ,lisease and deepoy, 0911 014 all others tailed." Aix,(1x,x q/' Private .4', (4 9', brought en Lg fully, lir. ,�iur•lair eerloluly/ Cerra. C veLon t3,tacsoxa. 25'rc e•. WILL BE AT THE AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, To DERBY on LIVERPOOL. more L. S A. chore are thlrteon males of book wall send, ernioQ, by retort wait, Full soul- 0A131N r,A'rlus, $90, $50 and VW, single t $dal, 8110 alta /1110 Return, 5nnuadi2 • . I$, gl`I+.Yi.$.,. ed part,cnlars 251 plain envelope, I0 buttes to L,cttion of RbtturuonL ' A hacludor in British Columbia shelves all 1118 Bl'itlsb 14I lle0U m. „nee swerve. Address r'ond 1,111' Com. Editor and Proprietor. has scut $10 to puaehase Christ. Only one couple in 11,500 live to mu presents for hie nephews and :11;str1 rt gtth5, nieces here, there being just a bak er'e dozen, only one of these he has ever seem. I Quite a number of "the boys" I from this place and vleiuity, who have been attending Poronto in teei oi'1-1 e. A. W. Glenn, of Ethel, ham open• ed up a tailor shop in the Bradley stana. Chas. Ddnley has been Very law with inflammatory rheumatism the past couple of weeks. Rev. Mr. Ayers, of Holmesvillo, preached anniversary sermons iu the Methodist church hero on Sun• day. The Gazettte is taking a holiday this week. The day of publication is now changed to Thursday instead of Friday. Samuel Howard is bank from Scotland where he disposed of four. carloads of cattle which he took out with him. He was absent a couple of months and reports having a pleasant and profitable trip. The annual meeting of the Mem. hers of the Howiclt Farmers' Mutual Fare Insurance Company will be held in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on Friday, January 8111, 1892, at one o'clock p. m., for the purpose of receiving the annual statements, election of two Directors and one Auditor, and the transaction of any other buslnese necessary fcr the welfare of the Company. Godes icle. Dr. E. Richardson left last week for .Aylmer, baviug received word of the death of bis father-iu-law, Mr Moss, of that place. Mrs. Richard son lute been at Aylmer for some months. Mies S. J. Williams, evangelist, will assist the pastor, Dr. Stre,ne. man, in holding special evangelistic rierehes in Victorla•st. Mothcdist church, beginning &nearly, January 8r0, and Continuing for several weeks. Tuesday mcruing ()fleet week a fire broke out in Honning'e mill, and the entire structure and its con. tenets were c'msumed. After the firemen appeared on the scene eon• sidorable difficulty +tits experienced iu connection wi•h the water ewes• sure, which ea; retied to b: prat tically useless ho for ai fighting tale fire was concerned. The cattle of the fire is unknown. Loss about $6,000 ; insured in the Etna ter $1,200. An artful dodge was tried to ab street letters from the drop letter box on the outside of the post•office on Tuesday eveuing of last week, A quantity of mucilage was poured into the box, and Lben efforts were mane to draw the letters with the sticky substance ou out by the use of a slick. The parties who tried the brick are strongly pointed at, and it may deter them m the future to learu that attempting to rob Her Majesty's mail is a penitentiary of. iouce. Exeter.-. A few days ago Albert McCallum got his foot caught in a horse power, but only received slight injuries. While Dennis Hallorhan was eu- gaged working around a band eaw in Verity it Sons foundry he had the misfortune of losing the top of his thumb and severed ]t fu two at the first joint. Searob was matte for the piece but it could not ue found. The large betiding used as a rnl- 111r skating rink is et present tinder - going repair, in older to render it nervlcl:able for toe sltating. The proprietor, Rioher,i Davis, lies toned it neceeea);y to remove the floor, because the j lists have become fu aatcomposed etate. A bottom will he inado on the earth to r(o0tv0 I the water to make ice, feud several large poke will he pineal in the I centre to 0tippnrt the roof, Dr. 11. M. Cowan, at ono Iiloe ; editor of the Eviler Reflector, is i a prominent physician of Chicago Clooshlorable prominence) has been given to the'aflegod success of Dr, lien'ey ill alis trenttnont end cure of celebrate their diamond wedding Wareham, Blass., bas eupp 42,000 barrels of cranberries t 0085013. A gold col) depreciates 5 cent. of value iu 1(1 years of o stent also. 0)2115', N,, 8 Fisher label(, 131 Woodward Lye„ Detroit, Allah, I—•rliii0,1 1)1 Itlusef•ln by J, T. 1'111PI')15, 13, Aiesru2e Ill 4:,0.0,0 apnea. A. 1)1•`81(111,1N and 011 reoum• o1•,le 1irnglisra A {•.{:,11111110,1.^.10,004 rnsllrposeril. ilod ev0ryw'heie. Apply to 11. R A. ALLAN, Men treat, I N TEltle18DI A Tau, outward 525; Prepaid '50)0 his peri Constipation, un• stitutions of one kind nr another, Doetore sty that a healthy adult are alone for the holidays—among should eat at least ten 0Lluces of them we notice J. P. Doherty, and meat each clay- ' Staubnry, of the University ; R. Fifty Iboesancl Christmas trees Anew, of the Dental School ; A. L. were sent from Maine to New York Budge, of Linos College ; R. Rieb• this season, ardson, and others. An Indianapolis clerlt sued a firm for the time he worked over eight ti< :txoi tis. hours. Ile got $125 but the case J 13. Pyper has sold his resilience will he appealed, on West Goderfeh street to Wee.MS• J. Radcliffe, the new English Beattie, Mester at the Ooltegiate Institute, George McKinley and Chas. Cts. will be married on New Year's Day son have returned from college fn to Mies Isabel Scholz, at Stratford. te Montreal and will spend their vacs- wThe Stbenefitratford to CollegiatetettI$1, 00) tion with their parents in town. through theto ode es oft of County John M. Campbell son of Dr. got, Mary's the County Campbell, of this town, who is at. Council, anti St. Binry's in the sum tending Jefferson Medical College, of Bert . is at present home spending his 100 Albert Edeld, l a nativeoe cation, along with an American dWarsaw, Poland, claims to have friend cf the name of Frank Hall, can be d a process whereby coal A painful accident happened to a can in snppliedepr at a price not es• little son of Mrs. Purcell, of the east ceu ,$l 500 tn. ward, on Tuesday of last week. The Aboutc ly gathered uunemployed work • little fellow was in the act of getting men recently gathered under the through a bathed wire fence, when Venwindows of the Duke of Genoa, at one of the barba caught Ins lip and shhoutinoutin the read of the night i torp 11. ng "We are starving and we DEATn OF ROBERT Soc2T,._Robert want work." They were dispersed Scott, sr., auother of Hnron'8 h )n' by the police. eaoafull Heretofore Iia, been the habit ored pioneers, passed p y of the l?Vtadeor custom officials to away at his residence, Bank Head allow Rower, to be brought over for term, Roxboro, BIcleillop, on Tues I funerals to plass duty free. The clay last, He lied reached the age I \• iudaor florists obj0)ectd th of 78 years and 9 mouths. Bir. i (xovorumeut leave 0e2'ed, thanlat theye Scott had been an invalid for fab,nt i tae meets to pay duty. five years, and for the greater part i Pansies iu bloom In (human at of that time had been confined to Ins house but was not closely con- fined to bed, and wait able to get up and go about the room until very near the last. He never complain ed, and was perfectly resigned ; in fact, hie sufferings were never severe, and ho passed away as if into a deep sleep. lir, Scott wad a may sound strange in the eare of f,reig)ere ; nevertheless Mr.•, George Taylor, of London, picked a bunch of beauties in her garden last week. Truly this is a glorious climate of onre. At a church meeting at Stratford outs eveuing last week, Rev. Manly naive of Rnxhur)shire, Scotland. 13euion advfaed all Lis if audience He came too-1nade, in 1838, Be I r„ gt nto felt htfr`entheit theopen he'windows, t woe noeompaniod to Ibis county by Intel hi so doing the divine /bowed m his father, the late Robert Scott, gooddeal of wisdom not commeniy a'ta by the late Archibald Dickson, exercised. • sr., and his sou James, the present :Registrar of Huron. They took up a tract Viand on the river Maitland, at what is now known as Roxboro, McEillop, and the following year other members of both families followed them here. Mr. Scott has, therefore, lived on his preeent farm for 68 yeare. Soon after settling in Canada he got married to Miss Agnes Dickson, a sieter of the Metiers. Dickson, who for a period of fortyoue years shared his joys and sorrows. Mrs. Scott died about eleven years ago, Mr. Scott leaves a family of five sons and three daogilters, all of whom are grown up and most of them settled in thio county. He was a shrewd businose man and a careful farmer, and sue needed by industry and good Shan. agement, net only in making a oom • fortahle home for himself and fain• fly but built up a liberal cotnpe tency. Jia was a warm hearted an 1 penial man, and wart posees"ed of an immense fund of pawkey wit, and few enjoyed a joke better than he did. in his younger days he was quite a musician and for twenty yeare was preen ter in 1110 Hat'pur- hey Presbyterian church. I'It leaves behind a Iflusi0)11 bun11y, and tuba near the last, uathitlg eeetne11 to p101L5e him'bettor• than for fns.(. here of Its family to assemble fu hie room and joie in emging the dimple but beautiful hymns now in 9„011 common um He was a olein her of the Seafort'l Presbyterian rlturch, Ile • wee it true friend, a kind father and a good cirfzen, and althongll he outlived the allotted three score and ten y98)e ills death will 0001)80 lttliveralal )egret among a Ilirge circle al tele, lives and friends. The remains were interred in 1111 Ifaitlon lbault , 10 lie much i l prayer for hit cemetery, Ont ivati011 and spirileal growth. At 8, public meeting of the people of Puna Edward ]t was decided to offer a bonus of $50,000 to the Grand Trunk Railway Company to locate ear chops or other works that employ 800 or more mei, and that the company be given exemp- tion from taxation for ten years on a4 new buildings they may erect. The Chancery Division Court re- ftased to prohibit the Revieiug Bar lister of North Perth from striking names from supplementary removal voters' lists, thus securing the franchise for sumo 524 Reformers who were put on the remove( list ou the etrengtli of declarations which were proved to be false. This leaves the voters on the voters' list proper. Prow •1'O INNING UP A SON. 1. Blake home the brightest and most attractive place on earth. 2 Melte him responsible for the performance of a limited number of daily (Indere 8. Never put0dh him .in anger. 4. Do not ridicule his conceits, but 1'atbar talk frankly on matters in winch 110 0e interested. 5. Let hive feel free t) invite his ((ileitis to your home fund table. 6. 11116 turnerr° trite anntideneo by giving reply sy.npathy aue advice. 7• Do not discourage "collection mfbni, "they help to give in tome, tion 100110 fix habits of iuvestigatiou and pereoverenee, ei, Be 0lar0(l1 to impre01 up,)) itis mind that malting allautc0er ie m )re important than melting money. 9. Live Christ before him all til;) time ; thea you will hi able to talk Christ to him with power wlosu evotte1ana offer, Tr not remedied in season, is liable to J. become habitual and chronic. Dras- tic purgatives, by weakening the bowels, 001110m, rather than cure, the evil. Ayer's Pills, being mild, effective, and strengthening in their aotlon, are gener- ally recommended by the faculty as the best of aperients. "Having been subject, for years, to constipation, without being able to find much relief, I at last tried Ayer's Pills. J deem it both a duty and a pleasure to testify that I have derived groat ben- efit from their use. For over two years past I have taken one of these pills every night before retiring. I would not willingly be without them."—G. W. Bowman, 26 East blain st., Carlisle, Pa. ' "I have been taking Ayer's PIlls and nsing them in my family since 1857, and cheerfully recommend them to all in uood of a safe but effectual cathartic." —John M. Boggs, Louisville, Sy "For eight years Iwae Meta with constipation, which at last became so tad that the doctors could do no mors for mo. Then I began to take Ayer's Pills, and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular action, so that pow I am in excellent health."—S. L. Loughbrklge, Bryan, Texas. " Having used Ayer's Pills, with good results, I fully indorse them for the pur- poses for which they are recommended." —T. Conners, M. D., Centre Bridge, Pa. Ayer's Pills, 21002521000 EY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. oft N.V. It. Xi A ntaN1', 13040011258, Thy Not Da Your On ThinkinT ? D0U0srr,o, November 8th, 1080. J. 31. 3l'LEtn, Goderlch, D)sen filo,—I ab011101 is the written before 2102 10 let y011 1:1107 h(w f 11'' getting along, 1 am a 10) bettor than I was; gaining strength welly day. I eon take the full appetite oil the System Renovator and it does not sicken 1110, Aly Hntb0 aro all right now; (]pito smart in tint way; swelling all sono. The o-ao, t tlr01 is gone; I drink no water at nig]1, bald talce a little buttermilk. I x111 quite 91)'air,tt again 000.1 100 another bottle of your System Renovator, 20ure,00., JAs, DUNGAN. r•0ri1')EEN 310N11(5 LATER. 13aun0ams, February 1111, 1801. J. M. lIeLaon, Gndorieb, Dmut SII"; Fifteen veers age lest Novem- ber I started to doctor /ret; ;? was treated for dyspepsia, but they never helped me any. At titles I Suffered greatly from 111y stomach ; Idro1 continued. but 1 grew worse. badly C11You know the e0,11)0ld I wasyint when I went to Gglertell--a mere wreolr, could hardly 'walk—angering from ]fright's dis- ease. Test ono year ago last fall 1 began 0 1,1 Renovator iew days) ;o onntinued then 'tor three mouths (reedy. Although f was told 1 could not be ctn'ed, if 3'nu saw mo noir, well 111,11 heart./ ; oat everything that 00)000 in the way, I owe you the praise of saving my Life. I wash, ,L boneless condition when I teens to von, in fact no one thought I would gel better. 1' cannot speak too highly of you end of your medicines, for It wee thou] that enrol mo, Words cannot e1oress my thanks 10 yen. Freely pass my name to 25)1 One, Yours, So., JA,A1NIS DUNCAN. 80r,D nr J. 1'. PEPPER, 13100800258. Friday, Jan. 8th, '92. f lJ.i_l L! i VW Grocery! 11v goods hove arrived and been placed in position in the new store, and 111m 11058 prepar- ed to give the public t11e oppor- tunity of buying from ate entire- ly new and fresh stock. I have a full line of Choice Groceries, TobaCCOB, Canned Goods, 1Vooden\vai'e, Fruits, Con- fectionery, &c., and my (lotto will be the old and tried ono, "Small profits and quick re- turns." Other lines will be ad- clod to my stock as trade opens up and extends. A Specialty made of Pure Teas and Unadulterated Spices. Fresh Biscuits, .ginger Snaps, dc., received, Thanking the public generally for past pationage in other lines I ,oats) It share of your orders at the YErhow loam. t_s Better, Begs and wall tire.sed Ponl• try wanted. J. T. ROSS, Opposite the Postoliia.. LEAD THE VMJ IN TA) S Here are `Samples of the Free Best Lines we Handle ,--- .r. `t'�Y' .'S','1,' �S."�.°i"�•�1 ^t..CJ' .GL' .!•."-Or..!E c . R s z' A Nielile Steel Blade. - - - The Best in Can'de. The `Vanquisher' is the only Saw made leaving five gauges llillereuco between the teeth and the back, requiring no set for hard woocl .and are made from the best, double retitle] niekle stool, selected ancl'spring tempered, insuring a perfect and even temper, toughening the steel and giving it groat wearing qualities. 'PRESIDENT.' ONE - 011 - TI -1E - OLD a BELIABLES. In addition to the above we also keep in Stock the 'Maple Leaf,' `Distant,' 'Ra.cer' and `Champion.' .i very -intending Purchaser should call on 118. A. IV.I. McKAY Co,, Prof smv Ater1'r, ;Nruafe;;1', i, W01'king 4)I) tilt preHhitc$l. 78 IR. tISS�+'rI' '0