HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-12-18, Page 8S
X.111115 iN coining and we are
getting prepared for it. The as.
Salt:le& of goods 111 our t"111(1(11"
this week.represents articles at
15c, or 1250. each. 11'e Cannot,
however, show everything in oar
window anis we would like you to
call awl lns`pect our stock. iVO
have a beautiful line of
which axe so suitable for sending
to yogi friends. They are cheap
and yet nice enough to send to
the Queen of England should you
feel so disposed. Our stock of
Bibles, Albums and Gift Books
is complete, together with Many
other lines ft.r the holiday sea-
son. 11'e will be pleased to sup-
ply you.
Druggist, Bookseller and Fancy Goode
Trains l,',rre Brussels Station, 'North
and South, as follows:
GOING 800TH, 10IN0 NosvH,
Nail 8:58 a.ul.Mixed 0232 a..
12 sprees am• Iul
\tail 915 p.m,
Maxed ........ 8:53 p.m. Express 9:45 p.m,
Pok oleo Crayons and water colors g
to 11 rioter.
Fou lire ipso, oo9R'rs, sphere, t'Ob go to
9'. Rosa'
IlrN u:tt s "Art Stnlio" is over A, It
t41nit I's stare.
Map trio advertisements in your bun
for holiday pros, 077
Ir you want a first.olnse photo go t
I3u (11 988 & Btie tartan,
1(tnn,Nne tont Overshoes half soled an,1
repaired, Geo. Good,
Fon grail l.,7t,l,n 1f'srr(,tli.t Bill at
the Yellow trout. J. T, boss,
Bn.Arru•rt, sn•ukevoar Hui' able for
Christmas gifts et I). C. Mass',
Soxiirr School ent,2193 I:ment in Knox
mlut'oh on Thursiltyrl'17(71g of this week.
emeses in ail sizes and styles, Crayon
and Nater color work a speoialty.
Burgess 11 Buchanan.
Jeer received ten cheats of Japan Tea
to be sold at oust, at 25 cents per lb. at
Geo. Bwker'a,
Tele detailed financial statement for
Brussels for 1891 may be lean in this
issue of 'lain 1 osr.
Tjio famed Tiger blend of pure India
and Ceylon tea, the best value in the
market, at Th msmt'e.
A CONe0E11A'rmN,L meeting will be held
in Knox chute!) .his (Pride)) afternoon 1
to take up the emosti01) of calling a
o Rouou says that Johnston &Co
I marble eaters, may 100ume bust
Brussels before long,
WHAT Rbunithe loon Mod ol
a ehort musiural program 011 Ch
t flay if the (teethe( hs InVOrlcble?
6 Heals 09 the show windows it
presee9 rt very Inot,. )'M:" . 819(1
1 u•"ilii nu 111" proprietors of rho stole-_
Ovirra<os to r.,0 1, with good (mbar, hard
and soft water at the door, also (targe
baro, Por 9111'11sr pat Scoters apply to
lira. Fruits, liruesslo,
Cealrowl'Aim : bottle to rant on Queen
street. Good militi', well under cover,
,utbuildinl;, &e. Apply to harry Crooks,
(G. A. Deaf maids store) Brussels,
Rohr, INGL.IS, of Grey township, lour
poroliased the Samna] Walsh property,
north of the em'poration, for the sum of
$010. It 13(19 Hold by mortgage sale.
Mr, Inglis ratty become tt resident of
the dwelling next Spring.
Dm you ever buy 8 horse and not have
some misgivings as to his points till they
were folly tested ? Nob 8o with Ayer's
Sarsaparilla ; you may be sere of it at
the start. It never disappoints those who
give It a fair and persistent trial,
13.. T, o' T,—Special ,old important
business will onnle before the Brussels
Council of the Royal Tempters of Tem.
pumice next Tuesday evening, Every
member is requested to be in attendance,
'pile members Ol the 0011003l should talk
it np.
Ax adjanrnsd meeting of the Presby.
tery of Maitland will be held at Luakuow
on Tuesday 22nd inst., at 1:30 p. n,.
when the resignation of Rev, K. MuDou•
old will be considered and any other o0m-
petent bssino,7s transacted.
Birt has all the 110 el
o s
al machinery ohmer
digging and drillin wells and 18 prepar-
ed to attend to 011 work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terme roaeotlable, Residence
8.1o0nd door north of the bridge, west
aide of Turnberry si., Brussels, 43.tf
Toon' Rowley Rev. A. Y. Hat•tloy, of
Bluevale, preached two excellent tris•
courses in Melville church in this place.
His theme to the morning was "The re-
ligious capabilities of man," and at the
evening service tho 1-t and 2nd verses of
Psalm 110 gave him the around work for
his sermon, whioh might, topioally, bo
styled, "God heard David's Prayer:"
L. 0. L.—At the last meeting of the
Loyal Orange Lodge, No, 774, the follow-
ing officers were elected for the ensuing
year :—
Bro. Jae, Bowman, W. M.
Bro. David Smith, D. lot.
Bro. B. Gerry, Chaplain.
Bro. S. '1'. Plum, Reo, Seo.
Bro. Geo. Cardiff, Fin. -Seo,
Bro. W. R. S. Mooney, Treas.
Bro. Sr. M. Cardiff, D. 0.
Bro, W. Wilson, Leotofer.
oh.17o, as did Also the enlpleyeee of the Broad.
less hu fool ,4 Box 1''urpitm'e 1`aotory, of which
he otos n Iain employer, Gins shOlvlu-' ,t
US 1111''',d t,(•• t,.' loll,,'n..o'
rill nits Gf tlscir •1.. 1. y
1'artnd bt0(her, 7.`11e t•ltahera
of the. ro-
1 town culi
red beautiful Sabbath
roil -'O from 1) (le' Iph "n"co'vprory to be. pawed
11 the rn.dcel en torten of their regard for
biro as a faithful brother te8Oher, and re.
soma for hint us a sincere Christian amu.
The subject of the above notice was 11
nephew of airs, flume .11tM artin, of
M. 1I. CARDIPO and A. 1I. Cochrane
were busy on Monday and Tuesday
anditing the Grey & Morris oheese
!Rotary a0eounts.
Rev. G. 1'. SAL'TON oou1oete the Sab•
bath school anniversary services in eon.
necti0n with the Methodist choral), Kin.
oat dine, next Sunday.
Jona ,11,91.11N is c101'Icitlg hu It•win &
lhlcBain's storms, Brussels. The dem is
doing a good business we are pleased to
learn. The pny.a».yoo•buy system
work- we 1, so Jim te,is us.—Atwood
RAILWAY RATn8.—Chettp rates for
Ch metro is ted New Yes?, shade fare
11 I._1 Cool it ews `) f .C11ZS good going D. 24th and 25th, returning
I .0
Dec. 2031,, assn on Doc. Slat and Zan.
-- _. _... 1)_1) .. _. . _ ( 1st, rend return Jan. 2nd ; fare and a
A chiel's among ye takin' notes, third good to go Deo. 34tel, 251h, 31st and
An' faith he'll punt it. Jan. let, returning Jan. 4th.
Tits anneal meeting of the Grey &
Morris cheese factory will be held in the
Council Chamber, Brussels, on Saturday
afternoon of this week, commencing at
00. 2 o'clock. The a1111091 report will be
es- presented ; officers elected for the en-
& suing year and other business transacted
Pnoros—Al] Kinds—Hunter,
Nan Friday will be Christmas day.
Sonoma close next Tuesday afterno
BEAD the District netts on inside pag
PI8TOn8 tremolo done by Burgess
UNE car of Lake Huron Herrings
Geo. Broker's.
TEE latest panel photographs
Bunter's studio.
SERVANT wanted. Apply t0 Mr'e•
14I. Sinclair, Brussels.
Be, reductions made at D. C. Bo
in tweeds, hats, caps, &a.
Il• you 11ant cheap groceries for t
Next two weeks call at Geo, /ketoses.
Metras for sale or to rent. Comfort.
ab a and convenient. W. B. Dickson.
3E0. RUDDICK shipped a car of ehoep to
the Eastern market on Thursday of this
Foe good fresh Groceries go to the Tel
low front, opposite the Postofice.
J. T. Russ.
THE ordinance of the Lord's Supper
will be dispensed in Knox chuteh, Bros-
eels,next Sabbath, 20th Inst.
SEVERAL Brusse]ites went to Seafortb
last Wednesday evening to h• a1' Miss
Jessie Alexander, eloutionest.
Too confratioltery shop of Thos. Hall
which has been running in the Stratton
block has been closed by the proprie'ar.
Memeeniwr, election matters are remark-
ably quiet considering bow cloee we are
to January. The stillness is almost op-
FOR McDonald's A 1. tobacco go to the
new grocery, opposite the postoffioe,
where you will get it good and fresh. J.
T. Ross.
Tues. Ronanrsoo got his ]eft hand in•
aired last week while employed at the
Enterprise Salt Works. ]Se will be laid
up for some time.
THE wind and ice played havoc with
the telegraph wires last Tuesday and
busibeee in this department was nom-
paratively at a standstill for a while.
PAT YouR TAXES.—All those w110
have not yet paid their Taxes will please
call and do so at my store, opposite the
Postolitae, JAS. T. Ross, Collector.
EAST Huron Farmers' Institute will
hold a Convention in Brussels Town on
January 15111 and 10th. A goad pro.
gram will be presented of whioh further
notice will be glean.
A PARLOR Social, under the auspices of
Melville church choir, will be held at
the reaidrnoe of W. 731, Sinclair, Eliza.
beth street, on Friday evening of this
week. Good program. All are invited,
NEARLY all colds ara alight at first, but
their tendency is to so lower the system
that the sufferer becomes a ready victim
to tany prevalent disease. The use of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, in the beginning
of a cold, would guard against the danger.
CON0u0mo( Soman, well known in this
803930n of country, will preach in the
Methodist ohurch, Brussels, next Sala
bath at 10:80 a. m, nod 2:30 p. in. Even-
ing aerobia will be ]raid at the usual hour.
Conductor Snider is well worth hearing
and ie doing good wo7 k for hie Master.
H7R.O To BEAT.—On Thursday of last
week Joseph Ballantyne, John Hewitt
and Ab. Dames, members of the Brute.
sets Gun club, attended the 5we8981ak8
n••,•toh at Listowel. Soma of the oraolc
wing 811010 of the Province were there,
oru8pi1uoue among them being Joel.,
Wayper, of Ileepelor. The Brussels
ep01.18 were in it tell the time, Bedlam
type heeded the score three tilues incl
Hewitt tied Wayper. The range was 18
yarde. Clay pigeons were used,
TIn) RONALD 58 I(INu.—The following
letter from the Chief of the Fire Depart.
meth at Carleton Place, Ont„ speaks for
itself and needs no comment, r• --
.I. b.Ronald.
at A. Cuosio has moved into his new
premises in the Laird block and ie ready
to supply his customers as of yore. The
at shop is a bright, cheery looking plaopwell
lighted with an electric globe. There
S. is a eplelldid sellar underneath the store.
11ir. Cn1ri0 intends having a modern re.
es' frigerator built for simmer use during
Ile the winter,
Srn,•—I feel it my duty to inform you
that on Thursday last Tse had (for one
town) a big, stubborn fire in Moffatt's
Whole poet Plining Mill, Saelh and
Door 1'act•,rn, We got (110 eng1ne our,
quick, steam up mita, 1't tank water at
0)100 and threw two ,toady, powerful
streams for four long hours without hitch
or halt. You ran see it did good work
when I :ell you that we saved nearly all
the 1r4,uhinery in good older and left two
out of three braidings standing, in such
an establishment ets that, and kept lose
flown to $.1,S00. Value of burnable
trope, ty al'out $7,000. I can assure you
yainr engines have lost none of their
reputation in these parte from to=t
Thursday's work, Yours truly,
JAI. Doosnsiorr,
Chief Fire Dept.
Carleton Place, Doo. 9,'91.
Too Methodist Sunday school is being
more largely utteuded than at any pre.
vices time in its history. For the past
three Sabbaths the rep per has shown 204,
209 ant l 205. The orohest.a has been
strengthened and improved by the ad-
,litiou of Charles Sager. He plays a
cornet. Next Sunday school will meet
at 2 p. m. imtead of 2:80 owing to the
prearbing service at the latter hoar.
CHTM inn ! (001Ana l AND RETURN•—Sin•
C311 first-class (are, via St Clair Tunnel ea
hioaeo .4 Grund Trunk gond to go on
Deo. 23rd and 24th and to return
tt l
ITan. lith 1893. This excursion will en.
able passengers to pass throuch and io-
epeot the great St. Clair tunnel avoiding
ferry transfer and all risk of ice block-
ader. Por tickets and full particulars
see T. FLnScucn, Ticket Agent.
MIssemaa,Y,—Rov, Dr• Sotberhuld, of
Toronto, General Seoretary of the Mis-
sionary Society of the Methodist church,
delivered a very lntereeting address in
the Methodist church in Brussels, on
Weein•-sloe evening, Be took up the
French work in Quobeo Province ; theln-
dian work in the Northwest and Pacific
ooa8t ; and the work in Japan. The Dr.
is a genial man and having been over the
ensure mission field is web qualified to lea
speak of the wonderful work being au-
OOmpli-het. Dr. Sutherland went to
'l'eeswnter from Brussels.
11, 0. 1• M.—At a meeting of Brussels
Tont, No. 24, the election of ot1ioers re -
suited as follows .--
Arthur McGuire, Past Commlo1der.
Wm, Roddiok, Commander,
Siias Jaokson, Lieut, Commander.
J. homer, Record Keeper.
Geo. Bu+Icer, Finance Keeper.
7. J. Gilpin, Prelate.
R. G. Wileoo, Sergeant.
Samuel Wilton, Master at Arms.
F. Vanetone,lst Master of the Guard.
W. Williamson, 2011 " " " "
J. If, Sperling, Sentinel.
Thos. Newsome, Picket,
10)LIIITTE8 ani1.
Bro. P. MoCuteheon.
Bro. Ino, Mooney.
Bro. Zoo. Wynn.
Bro, Jno. Mo0utoheon,
Bro. Geo. Balker.
Oarr.--Mrs. Wm. B'nsbill sr. is dead,
the dissolution taking' place at the resp.
dance of her son Wm. on Wednesday
night. She had attained the ripe age of
over 77 years. The cause of her decease
was congestion of the lungs coupled
with i0area8ing feebleness of yours. The
enhjectof !hie notice was bort] in Harp.
ham, Yorkshire, England, end was united
in marriage to Wm. Blashill who died in
1888, about 15 years ago. There were
nine olildren only three of whom are
livhl7', viz ;—Wm. and James, of Br119.
Sole, and Mrs, Barley, of Northville,
Mich., Mr. and Mrs, Blaebill lived uear
Cookeville on Doming to this country and
afterward removed to Middlesex Co.
where they spent a good many years.
They afterward moved to Cranhro0lt and
then to Brusel8. Mrs, Blashill was a
good firing 10Oman and died in the faith
of the Lord Jenne, The fane'al 13'11
1•e the residence of her eon, Mill etreet
on Friday afternoon at 2:80 o'clook,
service at 2. Interment in Brussels
APPOINT)IENT,—To the customers of the
Singer Manufacturing Co. We have this
day appointed Wm. Sloan our local ageut
for 1 rho town of Brussels and surround,
ing country. Mr. Sloan is a highly re-
speoted young roan and argnainted with
the majority of the peop!o of Brussels.
Dec. 12, '91, J. H. FRASER,
Travelling Agent for
the Singer Manufacturing Co.
011IT,—The Galt Reporter says a --
There died on Sunday evening at his
eon's residence, near Straebury, one of
the oldest pioneers of Waterloo town-
ship, in the person of Joseph Taylor, at
the advanced age of 87 vears. Mr, Tay-
lor was a native of Paisley, Soatland,
and came to this country when a young
man and began to hew out a home for
himself in the woods. He settled on the
farm where he has lived and where he
died, ItIr. Taylor has not taken a very
active part in the work on the farm for
a few years back as he had the miefor•
tune to have his leg broken and has been
confined pretty closely to the house ever
since. His kindly face will be missed in
the seotion where he was reepeoted and
liked by all he came in contact with, be.
ing an obliging neighbor and a lcind
father. Ilis wife died Rome four years
ago, having been blind for a number of
years before her death. There is s large
family of nitre, all living and married.
The funeral took plane on Wednesday at
1 o'olook from the residence of John Tay.
for to Doon oemotory, NIr, Taylor woe
the father of Mrs, W. T. Hooter, and
brother of Henry Taylor, of Brussels,
Onir.—The Seuforth (Expositor says ;—
Robert Wallace died at the residence of
his ennsin, Mrs, 0. Potore, in this town,
on Saturday, Nov, 2let. He had been a
rORident of Soaforth for several years and
won the respect of onr citizens generally.
He was a good living young man and
was alo0oly idoltified with many good
and moral works. Until his strength
failed hhn he (7(9,4 a teacher in the Pres.
bytorian Sabbath echo(, en active mem•
bet of 1110 Y. III, C. A. and a member of
the Royal 1'omplars of Temperance and
Good Tra nviars' Societies, Be wee a
victim of consumption and has not en-
joyed robust health for about two years
and has not been abler to work for nearly
a year. He bore his af]lictton, however,
with patience and resignation, and was
olleerfnt and ]hopeful to the very last.
He was 20 years of age and unmarried,
Ile was a native of the township of 1111)•
herb, but his parents and other relatives
now roeidc in the county of Lambbon.
The remains wore interred in the Eg-
mondville oemetery and the mambos 0f
the Royal Tempters and Good Tempters
societies abtendod the funeral in 17 body,
Comm:lTon•--The Laird and Richards
briok block fa now completed and ten•
anted. Mr. Laird's two stores are 13x40
feet each and are well finished, having
plate glees fronts, &o. J. Downing has
moved his boot and shoe stook into the
northerly afore and A. Currie, butcher,
takes the other, Mr. Laird will use the
upstairs for a dwelling. Mr. Richards
building is 14x55 feet and makes a drat.
class harness chop. He has also plate
glass. The upstairs will be utilised for
a Hall. The stone work was done by
Alf. Lowry ; the brick work by D. Lawry ;
the roofing by Watson Ainley ; the oar.
penter work by Smith, Afaloolm & Gib.
aon ; and the painting by W. Roddiok.
It is us neat a bleok for the money ea
there is in Brussels and its erection has
added very materially to the appearance
of the front street.
111117 DISPLAY 00 CPITIMm,—One after.
noon this week n P08T scribe took a look
thl'ongh the show rooms of Tough Wil-
liams & Son aarriag8 builders, Mill
street. They have on display in cotters
three piano boxed, three) Portlande, a
two seated Gladstone and a three seated
pleasure sleigh, The two latter are in.
tended for their livery barn and will be
convenient, Oomnl0di,719 and comfortable
outfits, They have alio two cutters of ,t
new style, with spring seats, called Gleed•
stone No. 2, ready for tideainter and
trimmer, This Orm olair>i1s that all
their work is made from the best seas
road timber 811d put together with tiro
best care of the best wo'km•n. The iron
work 1a done by P. Scott, the well known
blacksmith, and the painting by W.
Smith, whose work speaks for itself
wherever it is seen. Fifteen cutters,
besides sleighs, 140„ have boon built by
H, 'S'i'illiame & Sou this season and while
they have made 0number of gales they
still 1)8178 a large stook for intending
customers to ohots0 from, and they Wil
be sold at close figures, Call in and gee
thorn if yon want a cutter or sleigh R0
they take no second plate in turning out
a Oreo class article,
SPEnt,--In 9(0(715, on Deo. 17931, the wife
of Mr. Allyn Sprit• of 0. sol.
BEee0R—DuticAN.—On Deo. 4th, at St.
Paul's Rectory, Winglo ), by Ray.
E. W. Hughes, Mr. Nicholas 13eokar,
of Turnberry, to 11ti-s Jemima Dun-
can, of Bloevalo..
Promo—Joxau7,—In Teeswatet• on Nov,
2411), by Rev. J, A, McLachlan, M,
A., Mr. John Fowler, of Morris, to
Miss Margaret Conary, of Wingham.
W0LL1'1'8—I'IENi(Y,--011 Nov, 25th, by
Rev. J . A, MoLanohlin, M. A., at
the Methodist personage, Teeswatet•,
Mr, Chas. 11, Willits, to Miss Mary
E. 11en',v, both of 301910,
Cops.—Til Listowel, on Deo. 8rd, Anode
Code, daughter of the late Richard
Code, aged 40 years, 4 months and
10 days.
\\'ALLAc9,--In Seaford, 0)1 Nov. 21st,
Robert Wallace, formerly of lllbbert,
Perth county, aged 20 years.
WieerNtL•'T,n,—In Grey town hip, on Deo,
15th, Eliza, beloved wife of Thomas
Whitfield, aged Gai years, 7 months
and 4 days.
B019oO LL, --Ill Brussels, o1 Deo, 1.001,
Charlotte, relict of 1110 late William
]11190h111, aged 77 years, 1 mouth and
Ili days.
8RV6u372.,8 M -e 3."'vKE2+8 1)1)91)'
Fall Wheat ............90 03
Spring Wheat 90
Barley 40 Is
Pete 50
Oats 30 G0 92
Butter, tubs and rolls,,., 14 15
Eggs per dozen lb 00
Flour per barrel.,4 50 5 00
Potatoes .,. 25 80
9 00 10 00
5 00 5 10
4 00
Hay per ton
Pork . • ....
Hideo per lb
Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 00 110
Sheep 012in8, each 95 00
Lamb skins each 05 00
Apples per barrel 1 00 1 25
kJ of the undersigned, Lot 20, con, 8,
Morrill, on or about Bop (,15th, apig °months
old. The owner 113 889 170090d to prove pro-
per•tty,lpay expenses and take It 9waw,
J, 13011'MnN,
M -
kJ slse of the undersigned, Two 3,y Oen. 2,
heifer,eredlwith some 079(0.uThe The rare.
quested to prove property, pay expauues and
wake her away.
21-411 TI3oS, STOKES.
rho preminr ses persons
eo tired Agri.
cultural Society, after this ditto, will be lgroi-
sowe11 without regard to alga or sex. By
Brussels, Deo. 11,'81.f the Dlreo tors, D. STENART,
the above Ae uloniG onOwhoo have nk t ppai3slfor
the salve aro asked to do so within ten days
or else the acoouuta will be handed in for
collo orlon.
Brussels, Dec, 10, 18)1. Secretary,
.1_ 1i01lI05fl7)1)ufl344 by sending milk
frog part brad eerseys. They combine both
of my
ersey Bulls you Oita hovedispose
your 01 0109,
For further particulars apuly at my Drug
mud Book Stole,
G. A. D1OADMAN., Brussels,
Notice to Creditors.
Notice ie hereby given parau9nt to Revised
Statutes of Ontario. chapter 110, that all
eredi9ors and others having claim against
the estate of said Elizabeth Hluge9on, de-
ceased, who died on or about the 815th day
of November, A. D. 1891, at the Village Of
Brussels aforesaid, are required to send by
post prepaid, or deliver t0 Robert L. Taylor,
of the Village of Brussels, 8olioltor for Rho
Executors of the will of the said Remanded
o0 or before the End day of 1189ember A, D.
1891, their names and addreeees with na11
particulars of their Online and the securities
(if any) held by them,
And Notice is further given that after the
said last mentioned ditto the Executors will
pro890d to distribute the assets of the said
estate amongst the part108 entitled thereto,
having regard only, to the claims of whioh
they shall then hove notice and that the
said Executors will not be Ilable for the
8910 assets or any dart thereof eo dietrlbut.
ed to any person or per8on0 of whom) claim
or claims notice shall not have boon receiv-
ed at the tomo of distribution.
.Dated at Brussels this 0th Day of Doom.
her A. D, 1801.
29.9 Il, L. TAYLOR,
WIT. ]1BYAxs, 1 Solicitor for Executors,
T^hoe, MAxw;,51 }Exoeuboeo.
IN TETE 9IA(TEll oo J0fn7 11E41t1 VANOA0IP,
DP T1117 101N01171P ON' 11.10RRI8, 114 THE
COONrY 01' IIURON, P,11i.1CZli, IN80LV7N7.'.
Retina 1e hereby given that 1110 abeam
named (insolvent has made on assignment
to rum under tho prnviel3D0 of .RoVisad 8ta.
totes of Ontario, 4887, ohaptor 124, lilld
ame)dmout0 thereto of all his estate and
SIL301 s for the boreal. of hi s Oreditors.
A nteettog of too Cleditork wlil be holo
at the Oillee,7 of 10, I,, 1'aylor, S011eltor,
Brussels, On MONDAY, the 2181 Day of 1)8-
oeuhor,1001, at O'oloolcp.01, for 1110 put•
polio of appointing an Inspector and giving
directions toren disposal of the estate gen-
Ore ' �'
dl0orea(, ormbqq required t(2110th81,
olalna oortlfit by atuelavitwith
,1 4110 Of
Taylor d
Y o�b before o the 21x1 day os Dol
comber elemental, allot tvlioh :luta 1 shall
proceed to dietribnto the said estate, Laying
regard ouly to the chinos 01 which I afros
then have notiso, and I than tot be respon•
11610 for Ora assail of tho said estate or any
part thereat, to any person whose claim or
datum shall hot thole have been Brod,
$.L, TAYLOR, GE atom 11.21110111t,
11 7100010, 38117 Nong11801, 22.2 AY9lgnoa.
rI'1 J7', UND1a1tSTONBI) 1VILI,
Lo„• for 9 1 •Inn "r $'ellll half 1, 4 1,
Coo, 2, 11nr1.14, the theta,' bred improved
Y." lts13ee I'1,;,'anemic 1lnre." Poring, O1A1)
to bo pall at time of aarvlen, with privilege
of interning II nroeenary, Pedigree may be
twee on 0pl,lloatlon to too owner,
201111 \ylhhuit,
A 1OAR 1%Olt S );\ IC1'; —Toil,
utimoldeoed will 110011 1111' 801'11i00 nh
Lot 10, Con 7, 91orr18, a ae11 bred (71 eater
vloli, wi tit l,riv lege $1.011,
f returto be nintgtIf time
CEO. 14, Rh:ADMAN,
29.2 Proprietor,
hndore:g,ed w•Ill Veep for service Oh
North Ralf Lot 2I, eon, 8, Alo'ri s, n woll bred
lig. Ho was sired by a pure broil, improved
Ohio Chaster Whito. '1'orm8, 9) 00, to bo
Paid al 611110 of service with privtlogo of re.
turning 11 necessary,
;,,191 014050GE S1LITf1 Jr„
1TThe uuderaigued will beep for 801.1700 00
Lot 11, cams, Grey, olio there' bled Ber1t-
01tiro Pig, "8111tduy," nl.'s rho them' bred
Cheater White. Pig, "Conqueror," beth broil
from imported stuck with Pedigrees. Terme
111,00 to be pail et time of smother with priv-
ilege of returuiug tf nnuussary,
20.2 .NOUS SHAW,
The n ,
d et•00 11 0 (coop for (0)500 thin
prevent "ko9) sen1135 the d)"ou'hoorayed large whito
Yorkshire lig "Reedy" ou lot 10,rcru. 0,
Morris, to which a hooted number of solve
will bo taken. 'forme 81,00 1e be pall at
time of 9orvi58, with the privilege of r01111T1.
1111 if n80e88ar)•. Pedigree maybe soot] up.
013 application. 1001410RT N,0f3OL
1011 Proprietor.
PURE 13RE0 BOARS FOR SERV1017,—Tho vudel'sigod will keep for
service on north hM( Lot 20, 0011, 7, Morris,
a pure bred Berkshire Boar, bred by Mr,
Buell and nu Ohio improved °buster White,bred by Tilos. George, Putnam, from im-
Ordpriseetthe Industri Biala. Fair in hog
elites took
17, in 1890, and Ord at the Weston' Fair In a
alae. of 15, 13)0 sire took let at the Lulus.
trial iu 1891. Terms 01.00 t0 be paid at time
of gerary.ime with privilege of returning if neo -
20.81 4AIITU7L WALKER, Prop.
sale and to rent, easy tonne, inhs sevaralt Townoh)pppe
of Morrie and Grey. F S. S0UTT, Brussels.
Lot 14, Coo. 12 Grey; 100 mores; first -
Mass bufldtues. 1A rare bargain to a cash
W. 111, SpuramINCLAI1 , Solicitor, Erpooeeis, omO50.Uo
A`LE .-
'lJ Being South half Lot 27, con, 0, Morris.
100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildings,
SOOneOelOe, youngEboaasy Toriulg'0orol5,11ard.Apply Imtomediate 918.
tf- Solicitor, &c., Brunets.
Lot for Sale in Ethel, known as the
Ghome sodtst blle, bardlanoes nd soft flend,
ate ,, gwell
folioed, Possose{on given may time. For
00, terms and other Information apply
Wor ST, S00 T, COranbr ok. n1G gin
0011 Fruit Garden, situated just outside
the onrporatinn of 13ruseele. The under-
signed offers his beautil,,1 homestead, own.
prleiagl1), mere of land laid out In small
froI ts, a good brick house, stable, 11 ret -class
troll oto„ leaking aonmp!ete hewn, Por
further particulars apply to
4-01 S. FEAR,
Gray, 24 mules von froBmli3ruesnIe,IThelland is
good olay loam, well drained, 100591y ell
cleared and in g00d order. Oto gore of or -
tug tspringa011 repair,
ptomi835 and au extra well
at the buildings. Tho buildings are comfort.
ab18. would take suitable prone,ty le or
near 131•usee(s 118 part pay. For further par -
genius apply on rho prentse, to
THOS, 5-1aGR1000R,
or address Brussels P. 0. 9071
dlstrite iu htanit b11a,990 acres the under oultioat .
vatton, 40 sores seeded in Timothy, 2 hog
bousee 01111 all outbuildings, All fenced
ise000nrdeah,14milf00 od jroprus within
station of Oyprose Myer, Elevator, Sohool, 8
Churches and god etoroe, Title perfect.
A part or the whole or terms to suit pur-
chaser. Cf not sold by Moron 15111, the form
will be leased. Write at Duce to
WM. 0101,1(019,
8 -ban Oypr800 River, Mae.
1,,4'ARlkt FOR SALE.—TRE UN.
eget quarto rte rof lot 8, 0011088eion 0, the
County of Huron, contain ing 00 taros. The
land is of drat quality and in a high state of
oultiyation, well fenced and ander-drained,
t'0 aurae nl Oared, New frame hou8e, 8 rooms,
milk house with concrete walla, 9 walla
good barna and tilled, orchard, oto, Eight
acres of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Braoeols, Suit-
able torr will be given, Titloporfoot,'
80- Soaforth P.0,
.Jr The undersigned ExeouL01•0 offer the
"John Forbeo" farm for Dale. The property
consists c1 100 acres, being lot 0, aou,0 and
weab half lob 7 eon. 8, Grey township. There
aro 180 gores 0(oared and under orop, balance
2 storey brioksboOu wie large promisee
barn good
atone stabling, wolleiovludmill and vitriol/ to
stables, tWa orolaras, good fancies50. Tho
farm 18 In a good abate of cultivation and is
only 24 miles from Brussels. 13osoeesio n to
snit uurohaser. Por prior, tome, &o„ write
or apply to
11.11 JAS. CARDIFF, Bruoeolo P. 0,
or 3), 21010131477, Stratford.
Notlo le lloloby giyol that all permute
having olefins ag.!netthe estate of Do0a(1
Stewart, hate of 41,0 /township of Otoy In
the (lone toot !.l'o'on, doomed, who died On
011 about talo 207], spay of September, 2000,
are required to send snob 0111108 or to del-
ayer deal to Atom, 1.fnotor, rat 13rne8810,
agent tor. Mut :EA00otnrs of (10ooa0od, ou of
before the 1st nay Or50Imitot'y, 1895,
After tho ,said haat nleutio0od date the
Executors will detr(buto tiro assets of the
estate amongst those 01)t)tlod tartrate, with
regard only to ;µu0(7 0611,00 of whioh trey
8hrd1 111011 Savo rtlo0, anti whir not bo ILeb10
for adid 908019 or guy part 911erof, In d, 1r1'
bntmd to any notieu Or persons of woos*
Maim or oialen),tenon 887,011 not have boon
r000(yed at time of etch d1011111n1i0n, That
none° t0 pursuant to Itovlsod Stanton On.
tarto, Chap. 110,
Dated atBrunetti this IOW May of boom.
her, 1801.
20.9 A.V0X. MINT 10E,
leadaa)958 8Tfew405,
Agent for Executors
DO:AI,0 STRwAo'pr 1 Exe0nt0rs.
llr:c. 18, 1S91
Christmas Prosauts.
SELECT, 13h1Ait'('I b'1TL
lJR1 1,0 fa
The .91811)1 1781,1 Llu'f;es1 :($9)r3Jnrnl 1
have ever Half.
A ootsignnleut of rare thinl!s, Ouri0a,
f-0„ front Jateen, is 011 4750 way be -nape))
Vancouver and here. I expe.'t those
Japanese goods in every day now. Cell
in and Roo then), They will be well
worth tiering.
Illustrated `Toy Books nowtolf1)is>lay.
.7. T. 1:' A1.1'1> 1711
Traxiao,ct a. O'enera1 13arl.lcirag
000adiaa and Dotted !Rotes Drafts bought
and eel,l.
In tercet allowed on Deposits.
Oeltec410ns mode en favorable terata.
Canadian Agents g0ut9-7t[1.teC1IA Nr'ti DAM or
Nr1V York Age111.9—I91PORr1E11a A1•10 TaAh-
Solioi for anti Oonvoyaneer. Collect -
910118 made, Od105—Van,t5nO'8 Brook, Brus•
8019. 11.19)0
Pub -
lin, ' • pol,icitor,00uveyancos•,Notory Pub-
oiPeppor'sDrug Store, sPrivate Fundsor rto
(Late with Carrow & Proudfoot, Godo -
rich,) Harr,stere, Solicitors, oouvoyanoors,
Am. Offices—brunets sled 80nforth, Brun-
fels O111ce—Up-stairs over Batts. Mousy
to Loan,
11.8. LAYS, w. n.DILEson
at his Grocery, luruborrygstreet. Licensee. e1o,
T00Horial Artist. Shop --Next door
south of A, N. McKay & Co's hardware store.
Ladies' (fed olildreu0 hair cutting a specialty
18 prepared to give lessons on filo
Piano, Parlor and Pipe Organ, Special at-
tention giver, to Tochuio. For further in-
formation ndalrose— Box 172, Bl'u0sels.
Usurer of Marriage Lieenso8, by
appointment of Liellt•(ioveruor, Commie -
stoner, &0., Q. B. Cohvoyauoor mud Agout
Piro 111001.171100 C10. 011100 at the Oraubrooh
Post OlIloe.
Olork of the Fourth Divmion Court
t10114. boon and Iuitiaioae Agti,t, FFeunds
invested and to loan, Collections made.
011los in Grahame Stook, Brussels,
Nils No'en, of Wiugh1m, is prepared
to give instruction in oil painting, lerme
may be aeoortate"d at Mies Rollie Rosa' storo
where eampies of work may 10 seen, Miss
Morse would also take a rely more pupils iu
lull.'A. HAWKINS,
lin St,
ae0, and 101aill1, in the Alts ofaTo10 •
to , of BruA.
W.'Obeyer,Mus. uoo„Now York, will give
lessons to pupils either at 1'lloo, Farrows,
tumor of Quoos and Pr£noees Sta., or 1/pre-
ferred, at their own 1100(0s. Terme model'.
M. CAVANAGH, L• D. S•, D. D. S„
Graduate of the Royal College Of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Ifni -
vanity. 01'BIOE—OVer Pepper's Drug Store,
• Auctioneer, la always ready to at -
to ud 8u1ee of forme, farm Stook, 50, Tonna
cheerfully given. Oranbrook P.O. Sales
may be arranged at Tan POST Publishing
Donee, Bruaeolls,
X71 Licensed Auctioneer, Sales 80nduo9
orlon reasonable terms. Forma and farm
atoolce.8po0ialty, Order's loft ae THE Poem
Pobit siting Elouse,Bruseols,Or eentto Walton
1. 0„ will receive prompt attention,
.1.A. 00 110 an Auctioneer, 10111 prepared
to prices, Knowing the farm
1) a Windiat ng of of 1 nearly
every person I am in a eetlou to soil to
good marks and get good eoenrity when sold
o, credit, 8atiofactiounarau1eed. Give
mea anal. 83- le B. 90031'.
M. 11'. CALE, AS'. D., O.1):(.,
ntombor of the Collage of Physlolan,
and 8utigeona of Ontario by examination,
017108 god 1te0ideone—Maio strut East,
'Gth01, 0u tar10,
0, 1118 01 R. C.P., .Edinburgh, 9V e '
8l Ont, nor of nee and once to \S ean`a
Block, error( of Mdl and Tttruborry 87A,
• Honor Graduate, of the Ontar(a
Veterinary Cottage, Is prepared to t,:eat all
diooa088 of domesticated animals in a sore•
bot01t1 planner, Pto'tleular attention paid
to Vetorinal'v doutintry. Calle provably at.
t8bdad 60. burr and forirmar »'TWo doors
uortb of bridge 9owuborry ot„ Brnt8ola;