HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-12-18, Page 66 TILE BRUSSELS POST L lIl' 1�ICIl 55h) vf�0 . I CXtltlericJ00. The tenuity (burl. • 4 l'1:e young lattice of this town' 4 • is erl.renee talk of gluing a leap year party, • 'Tito County Court and General /.' ::t ' hies Alhe Johustou has been en. Sessions of the psitce wore opened Mt` VERY F I .I DAY 'MOBS: SO gaged as one of the teachers in the On Tbnreaay of last week before II1s ,in time for 111, early made, el public school for 11.102. Heuer .1ud'ni Tolns, thorn being, "The POW NI eallt 1'1Ib11�11i1IR 1f 1111 tkP, last 1vauk to take up hie appoint. ender, thus,' inentitmed iu N. \\•eeiou, of the G. T. 11 , left only three c tic i tD this criuliu tl ° tl. •1'1•10\Iil:1:111 ,1., IBRr'sta.,, ONT. Went at \Midland, Ills fatally will Peer, • — not leave for some limo yet, rlM? 11A1. Cl8la, 'Tr no, o NI1 ., Into s.-. lhn• dollar and Tho Signal salve :--While e town c halfa real In ndysn t The date to within l 1.11 the Ql1e0n vs. \\rm. Piper, of ,,,,e, xnteeerlppoa a Iota is denoted Lythe IOst week Sha lljv, (i. P. Salton Exeter, ch date on the address label, as will) waullger Sattudltrge.I with chicken steal. ADvnarmklna nA'rl<e,--The fnllmviukbtate� ars lag, the ;,rand jury returned"no ;lwill Lc elutiged,to these who i(dt•eltise by for the appearauee on Feb. let at hill " a true bhll ie year • _ 1 1 Yet. I I mo.; 1 lii1 (Mme Co711U111 ~ eao,00 0:17,00 0'10.0, Half :0.100 n,ou lino Qualms, l Nitro 7 n1 sno yetis ... - 19,00 0(111 :,.ell P, tett vents ler line for first' ['startle n, lute three combiner Iine for each subsequent iu• sertiou, all advertisements measured ns Nonpareil lc lines to the inch the (band Opera nolo of lilt .1'erthe was rgtnrnodp i 11 ki ng, the 14tuberous lecturer, in his Queen vs. 11obt. Gillespie, 7 charge," Mai ataaling acrttp irun, well=known lecture, "Philosophy of etc. The charge of erne, Queen Wit and PPumer." Eli Perkins vs, Drake, of Port Albert, Was in 13Io11vil.e 0. Landau) is oue of the progress 'Thursday afternoon, be9t•kn0wn writers and authors 111 the neighboring republic, and is in T11a CIVIL MST 8u3111e,o Cards,e;lgit lines anti under, .s constant demand by learned bodies numbered six caseP, two of which per (tamed). literary societies, colleges, etc. Ile were wIt'bent jars. A dvertisem cuts without specific three• n J3rful! re. Breakenrid ge wet an thous, will be inserted until forbid, std &poke 801.110tl the ago more a gaff]• 1, changedacco•din'100 aria of medical men in Ne v York aeti0u for the price of a binder and imee bene to change or discontinue an g reaper. The case was given to the advertisement toilet be lett at the counting city 11011 0110 of the p1'ees remarked ofe,Thiele11Seratr.a1fryr6lletieT'°Pusey that they were melted Into tears Sof jury at ono o'clock ou Wednesday I laughter), nature's best remedy, blit at (1 o'clock they returued into u t3t*aer,o, :a.antixanm:xava•.ra-, .__. ' L a. s MONEY TO .LOAN. �t tv �@ LAY'S �j r' S LT 0N! WAY rirt" ES gill TO THE i ,i31 J'll•: xi tP. IPC. ii:1N RIs. A treat is in store for u+, court and enuoluleed that tl o er una !e to agree, and they was e teie9 Any Altivtult of 11louey to nolle on hili fir V•illugc+ l'ho. p411y Ill. 6 (', 1' Pep Col., ul., )'early, i • Straight boan11 with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to DEC. 1.8, 1 891 res+ pv. R racers r i,'L In➢alrrs 4!,1.,1i,.1,•L.t'.pj-:, 1,,M.C.1',14.1I„ Specialist Toronto, 7lMAirftl 1lk'(liltel., 1 1 el, "After s1 I, du, 011 iii wu c eu4 uinq,rt0 fm JO, 1,111 0', a 11 00:1,a,1 1:„. r ),' burl til,1,0/1/,,,1:111 1l.l'e. !,. a rel l,il, <:llll001 )toil, Mil'. Sinclair cured tile," Bras. MARY 1+ r,n.so(i, \woodlouse, ao ye 1— "When all others !ailed, lir, seu•hU1 cured A. ill ole ofnts,' F'l, Hunter, to nti�. r, u. lien l;it•re(. Carleton Place, says: -- I "DI'Sinclair1 tOwfm, Blyth, says: -"lir, Sinclair 00(0, 0(0 of Uutnrrh' Dee, 30 ' Division, 1''cutrt Clerk, Brussels. i ------------ -•-.--•--- -_.-- tInc of eart ,hxuusu au't dropsy, when 1111 uthut•s failed," .->12391+ i;�;,il 13Asti 7°r Aa0ARTAl: OF `�i•. P,° t itteFjida9�it:l Mr-,,d"S Rapid ;° Low t'yay of Roc.rp . •L nu rents Arty ALMIT o ,00titton al Stateroom f TNRAINDIA Tl':, Outward 8200; Prepaid ,910 Steerage tit 1.otresl. Abates. AOconimodatloaa I'ns li!Ilxxe(1. Apply :011, ,0 A. ALLAN, 'Montreal, OR W , AIIE.i1•T, Blit'soOLs, 1 1 w e OF Editor aur[1?,•'cq+rietm•. b •141-- COMA PAhy I,ucl:notiv. dleollarged by His Honor. J. .I 1•T. PEPPER, A;;ent, Pr dist,' 4 CltlS. 'lames(1aunt, 1leeve of Kinloss, • _ declines to be a candidate this year. He has been Beets for 8 years. l:seter• L. Bower, of this village, lets The llcGibbeny family will make rented for a number of years the their appearance here on Monday sawmill at the 12111 e90, of Ash&eld, Dee. 2lst. A concert will be given by the Messrs. Levett and Daooey ex- Patrons of Industry iu the school ported ten thousand buebels barley house at Paramount 0n Monday to England last week. Dee, 21e1, The Exeter Milling Company ex James Somerville 1I. P., of Brant, ported to England several care flour spent a few days in this village last during the past week. week, the guest of his cousin, The English church parsonage has been undergoing repairs during the past week, and is now about completed making it more comfort- able than before. Owing to Mise Sarah A. Eacrett dealing to fill the position as organ• let in the James street Methodist church, Miss Edith Brown has en- gaged to fill the vacancy. Win. Piper appeared before Rio Honor Judge Toms and a jury on Tuesday of last week in answer to a charge of being connected with the recent chicken serape, and was dis- missed, uo substantial evidence being produced. JAMS Solnel•ville. Dr. Gardner, who hots been seriously ill for the past few weeks, is much better and will be ardnud again as usual In a few days A. prominent farmer,. of Kinloss township, calls attention to the dein genus practice of allowing children to hang on sleighs. The constable will attend to the matter. The large brick block in this vil• llyge that was erected by Alex. Mc- Intyre, has been purchased by John Brown, implement agent, and is we believe to be converted . foto an hotel i�L(1i iltot>. vt'roxe. ter - The Sabbath sellout of Bethel David Miele has secured a eitda' church, 12111 cote, intend Lavlug a tion as principal teacher at High- gate, Kent Co., with two assistants trader Lim, The Wroxeter Methodist Sab- bath school social and eutertaiu meet, co Christmas night, promio• es to, be an enjoyable OCCRSIon. been confined to Ler bed Christmas tree entertainment and a good time is expected, Mrs. Andrew leoudereon, 4114 con., had the misfortune to slip and fall, injuring herself very badly, from the effects of w Mehl she has Municipal /etagere are very quiet Several sheep in the neighbor. • ant) the iedlcetions now are that the old council will be returned by acclamation if they will accept. The Curling Club did not let the contract for flooding nod taking ood of the 18th aucl 14th coos. have been badly worried by dogs, the flocks of Messrs. Gardiner, Crawford, Youug and others having suffered. charge rd' the rink, the tenders tieing On the even"ng of the 4th gust„ too high. It ie now their inteutinn during a, gust of wind, a barn door -to hire the work done. was thrown ofi its hinges and fell The Oddfollowe are arranging for on a little boy, a son of Michtlll It grand entertainment is the .town Is.lien, who works for Mr, Ferguson, half on the evening of 'I'henday, of the 7th con., breaking both bones Dec. 17'h, A fine program has been pee; area, tibieh will include the popular inu81ett1 glaesee per. formance of dll•s, told lits Sage, of Walton. Gliliton. Dobelty & Cu, liuve recently made a large 10hipultut of organs to Liverpool. David Birks, youngest son of Rev. W. Birks, of Ailsa Craig, left last week for Salmon Arm, B.' C., where be goes nn miteion evert!, J. C. Stevenson met with a pain- ful accident ; ebile'holdiug a pane of glass up to see that there was n0 flaw iu it, it suddenly cracked di. agoually, and in failing the point of one piece entered his wrist and out clean to the bone. A meeting of the West Huron Farmers' Instituto -will be held al Clinton on January 22nd and 28rd, when thole will be present John L Hobeou, chalrmau of the board of the Ontario Agricultural College ; W. J. Palmer, B. 8. A, 1111(1 61aD, Allan, who will deliver addreeses on variant eubjeots of intere»»t to those engaged in the pursuit of Agricul• tune, A gentleman here, who got a basket of fruit sent Lite by a friend, is ening the Expreee Colnpauy fur the value °fit, on the ground that In Chigoe ; a daughter in Huron while the basket was on the train, , townsuip and the other in (Jtic), it way robbed f par'. el' its contents . 11uuiee State. At Mr. Smith's and the balance so mutsh damaged death there were papers found in as to be uselees. No doubt a great I his possession which were printed dettl of fruit is destroyed in transit, I by MacKenzie, e�ud Glebe papers yet mucin of it is vary cltrelesely its ler Intel! fie 1804. packed. Thursday afternoon of 'haat wee)( i An Ottawa doepateb says William a couple of very estimable young Au,tiu, of Fttzory township, while ladies of Clinton started on a long I wanting Id the woods wile struck by journey, all for the sake of the wen I a falling limb of a ttee and so they have pledged their levo to. ! jurod that he died. The ladies are busses Susie and Dorn Pelro 1L, ex emperor of Maggie Bridon, (daughters of lire. Brazil, died Itt331 wee!! at Paris. He lirfdon,) and they go to California, ! wee (f4 years of age on t11e 2nd last of one of his lege below the knee. Ou the 7th Inst„ while Muslim! Riley was chopping down a tree in the aoods he met with a eevero ((0- • ei tent. The axe glanced off the tree and Dame (1111 ou the top of the roof, going deeply into flesh, bones and all and cutting the smell toe from the foot. DEATII —Thos. Smith, of the 8rd con., who Las been in declining health for some time, died on Fri• day, the 4th inst. Decease) was born in Yorkshire, England, hi the year 1809, and came to Canada in 1819 with his father's family and settled on a bush farm in Etoboc township. While there lie Was married and had Iwo ehhldreu, His wife and children died of cholera. He thea left his farm and returning two years afterwards, married Alex. Mutray's oldest daughter, of the township of Albion. Ile remained there till 1854, when he bought a farm 1n i3tanebltrd and remained thole till 1868 when lie moved ou a fare) 111 Godericb township, remain - lug there till 1872 when he sold his farm and retired on five acres where he died. 3e leaves a wife, three sole au(1 two daughters to m00rn ES loss, out of a family of sixteen children, , Ous son hives in Otagag, 'dhotis State ; oue in Lindsay ; elle Stephens and Phillip Holt for plain. Siff; Wm. Prondfoot and Sinclair for defendant. Bachelor vs. Burk, was an ill 1 Save Your Hair ,pleader issue ou aomA du;Lltun, ALLAN LINE Royal .hail Steamships. CHEAP&EXCURSIOI�lS to EUROPE PORTNJnnTL1',:3AILIN(in room PORTLAND ou HALIFAX, ro DERRY 011 LIVERPOOL, CABIN 114'1117S, at.tll. ;$JO and 500, Single $80. $4110 and $110 Return, 8000rdimg to between the pertees iu the aero') tie BYatimely useofAyer's Hair Vigor : of potatoes for shipment, Mir, l� This preparation has no equal as a Campion, Q. C , for plaintiff ; Mr. dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, cool, Giarrow Q. 0., far dafaudavt, and healthy, and preserves the color, fullness, and beauty of the hair. Pennington v8. )blebs)), an action "I was rapidly becoming bald and arising out of the purchase of a ray; but after using two or three horse brought quite a number of bottles of Ayor's Bair Vigor my hair witnesses into Court, but on the color was restored,"-MelvinaAldc ohs application of plaintiff, the case wag Canaan Centre, N. H. traversed to next court, `Some time ago I lost all my hair in consequence otmeasles. Aster due THE GRAND JURY'S PREa1tN'YMNN7•, waiting, no new growth 'appeared. I Was as follows then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair grew -t Ontario, The Jurors for County of Huron, our Lady the Thick and Strong. To Wit. Queen begpiKKoriseviiidentlyagreatlidtonaturel.� leave to preeent that ill accordance —e. B. Williams, Floreaville, Texas. with your Honor's instructions they "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for have visited the jatl, ._and after a thepastfour•or$ve years and find it a careful examination have to report It15 811 I coli 1 desire, beingcharmless, that they found everything °lean causing the hair to retain ts natural and iu good order, color, and requiring but asmall quaatity .to render the hair easy to arrange."— At present there are nine prison Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street, ors—one female eighty three years Haverhill, Maas, of age, committed for blx mouths els "I have boonusin Ayer'803111 $airVigor a vagrant. Eight for sevexai years, an believe that 1t has g ght males two of caused my hair to retain its natural them insane waiting removal to the color.'-111rs. H. J. • Kin , Dealer in asylum, the remaiuing six are all Dry Goods, &o„ Bishopvile, Md. committed as vagrants, their senten• oes ranging from three to six months, and their ages from fifty to eighty-four. Three of them are suffering From incurable diseases, and not one of all the nine is fit to earn a livelitlood. We concur with your Honor's views on the necessity of a Boise of Refuge for the county, and strongly recommeud the County Damen not to delay in providing suns an institution for such uufertunates as are at preesot ()entitled in the jail, and for thole of the same due as are sure to follow in the years to come, especially as it has been shown from statistics that the area tion of each a building would be in the:interests of the county on elle ground of economy as well as bum• anity. We wore pleased to have the vale. able assistance anal legal advice from the ()minty Crown A'torel ly which conduced so much to the proper and expeditiuni dispot't! of the oases laid before a i. All of wbidh is respectfully sub • milted. Geo. Seiner, Pare man. Grand Jury Room. Go lerich, 020, 10, 1891. The Quebec Nationalists aro ma' - iug naive preparations for a general Prow/mite' election, The petition against the return of Pion. David Mills, 111, P. for Both well, Las been .dropped. The main building of ;I, G. & A. B. Hay's factory, at Oweu Sound, will be four storeys i111ll, Aid. Stewart, of Hamilton, Las laid tt number. of charges against Chief Aitchison of the fire brigade, A man went into Russell Sago's o1lice in New York Friday, demand. e11 $1,250,000, and, on being reins et1, exploded It bomb that killed llimeetf anti four others, besides severely injuring Mr. Sage and half a dozen inure people, The oflidials of the Northern Pacific Rai'way brought the news of a double fatality which) occurred on tiro hue 90 miles south of Winnipeg. One day last week during abiizz'u'd a father and his daughter set out train hitt,llook, )Pian., to Drayton in D(Lltoto, where the daughter was to meet her affianced, and a marriage teas to take place Thursday, The Lour Mien the luarriags was to be eolemuized arrived, The young mall Was anxica,ly looking for the bride, but she never came. The young than became anxious ; and with a fr4end drove out in the diree• tion from whence he expected the , bride. To Put great alarm he found where ono is to be married to Jos. was crowned in 1841, married two a horse and rig owned by the father Picket, late of Clinton, and the ' years later to a sister of the lata of the young girt, and on further other to tt btr, ,:.unison,, 19rinerly of Ring of Naples and was deposed in search 11e bodies of the {missing Lloderieb, " 18811, ones frozen stiff, Ayer's Nair Vigor 1 1 PREPARAD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa hold by Druggists and Poem:310N Why Not Do Your Own Thinking? 13ages,: r,s, Norom M. 8(1,1a41, J. 'i, llcLaoi,, God0,0 00, DEMI Sin,—I should have written before now to let yen 'know bow I Mr getting along, Tam a lot better tbun I was; gaining strength every day. I have it good appetite and sleep well, I Can taste the (011 quantity of the System ialton 101 t1. My limbs enovaturea 1l Mul )right snowt; equite smart In that way; swelling all gone. The great thirst is gone; I adult 00 water at night, but 1 take a little bobte •n:tik, I am quite straight agu1n, 000.0 ono another bottle of your System Renovator, Yours, &o., JAs. Li Wit.Al. 1001'11'(1;E3 MONTHS LATE11. Bit °sahLS, I! obruary 7th, 16111, 3.11f, Meagan, Gndericn, Itrt•[ltr IMO lent sael to [looter Bratwait treated for dystiepeft, hot they never helped meavy, A times I sof 0010,1 giently from my stomach ; I ooiltlnued. but 1 grow worse. I turned dropsical ; )hubs :mil body swelled badly. You know the state I was iu when I went to Cndei•iet-•a mere wreck, could Hardly walk—suffering from Bright's dis- ease. dust one veer ago 1 ega 1,0)11 Renovator S pecleo Ctu•P, I began to mend iu a few days ; 'continued then for three ,nouths stoarly, Although 1 was toll i could not bo cured, if you eaW tee now, well aid hearty ; eat everything that comas ly the way, I owe you Cho Ira 00(1 of 01p'1ag toy 1ifu, Iwasiu u 11opelesx cnadition whoa I went to you, lu fact no ono thought 1 wouof ylou8 and of better. r cannot speak ten h for it oras them that cured mc, words cannot 00.51303 my thanks to yell. Finely puss my uam0 to anyone, ''ours, &'c„ JAMNts DUNCAN, Seen 0v J. T. PIiPPL1t, BRusssrs. E LEA Diseases of Prisole \'alar,, breepltl on by )fall!, Dr. Slnelair serials/if (211111. CoaactsltettSon Froo. WILL 111x' A'r TIMI: AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, ----ON-- ..- Friday, dan. 8th, '92. THE YELLOW- FRONT roce :1Iy goods have ftrrit'od and been placed hi position in the 11011' store, and I nen note prepar- ed to give the public the oppor- tunity of belying from an EdItire- ly new and fresh stock. I have a full line of Choice Grocorios, Tobaccos, Cannell Goods, W'oodonwarti, Fruits, Coo - fectionel;y, Sc.. and my motto will be the old and tried out, "Small profits and quick re- turns." Other lines will bo ad- ded to lay stock as trade opens up and extends. A Specialty made of Pure Tens and Uultdaiterated Spices. Fresh Biscuits, :singer Slaps, do., received, Thanking the public generally for pant patronage in other lines I Solidit t share of your orders at the YEr,now FRONT, r 'Bettor, Eggs and well dressed Poul• try wanted, J. T. ROSS, Opposite the Pestoffic,, THE VM N mummagamimmaim Here are Samples of the Tree Handle :--- SA Best Lines we "Er^:IMCAtirr,F3 Rama: A Nickle Steel Blade. The Best in Canada. The 'Vanquisher' is the only Saw made having five gauges dilloronco b,rtw'oen the teeth and the back, requiring no set for hard woof) and tiro matte from the best double reline 1 nickle steel, selected and spring tempered, insuring it perfect and OYER/ telllper, toughening the steel and giving it great wearing qualities. �(i, 'PRESIDENT.' ONE - Ole' - THE - OLD • BELT ISLE .8. fit1oj N �A9,r�o=a tat v i E nT1r.i;, lTI' In addition to the )above we also keep .in Stock the 'Maple Leaf,' Distant, Racer and 'Champion.' Every intending Purchaior should call on tis. A. M. c .. KAY die Co., (1410j ottW filer, T NrcGrogor, is Woilt'ng 0 1 the pr'elni><os, USi. SELs. PI J 4