HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-12-18, Page 5DEC, 1.8, 1891
EciastzlvmSarestgamolkaarcremusniansmansamis .tasminZirmarannza=n5m,,,s6.,...=...4
ereabytery Of Maitland.
The Vrt.,..hytery of Maitland. met et
Winglittio on Deem ber silt. Rev. '1',
Davidson, hi, j4,, nulorator. The Rev.
• 00,,,,,ot 410011(181(08 0(1 of eert 144
rad, Cr 41, L.clph Preto% ..1 :
nixed as a miniater without (dime, re.
ditilt,g within the bound.' of the Presby
ter., , attd wag invited to Sit ad 1or0,44
rie.inher, The 11v. K. 4l414'o
all tendered hie rectianittion of the pea
tend eherge of Aslifield congregation
It was agreed to (die the HOHidoit and
congregation to it ppear for their i termite
at an adjourned meetieg of Presbytery to
he held at Lucknow en Tuesday, 4421181
hist., at 1;30 p. ru. 'rho Bet'. J. Stewart
WM, appoii,ted ce read nilittiolt to the
oo1i110e28ti0n next Sabb 111111 inst.
An obituary trotjue reparcling the detach
of Own go Chaplain, elder in Pine River
.11gregation Wad adonte 1. 11. Don lam
reed an overture to the Genteel Assembly
01181)4 011(1 proundUre of buslooae Ill that
'eon 6. The overtire was r f•,rred
0011110)141110 111" report at (text meeting. It
wits agreed that the Heseeisment for th..
Presbytery fund for the mitering year be
at the vete of Seven cent4 per familv.
The lepreeentative elder from Lamcside
wee instruoted to lurnial1 the Presbytery
a' a, 1 ince log with full report of the
111Interirel IlliHnOial 116. 01144041 of the
congregatione. Messrs. MeNtthh, Hart.
ley and Gado. were appointed to loos
after supply for Langeide till WI 'Yoh
meeting. The Aasembl 's remit re.in
strnetion for cateuhisni wee appinvet.
Tho following were itpeointed to visit aid
receiving 0011001400one and to report
at next meeting. Belgrave, 18188040.
Hartley and Maxwell ; Pine River,
Metiers. Murray and Campbell ; Dungan.
non and Port Albert, Meoors. Anderson
and Lane. The Rev, D. M. Gordon, 13.
D., or Halifax, was uominated AS moder.
ator of next General Asset ibly. Messrs.
'Murray and Ross 0(1000 11144)01110014 to ad•
rib tali e publics meeting in connection with
the presentation of the annual report of
the Presbyterial W. F. M. Society. The
Presbytery recommends to the General
Aesemby the appointment of it mission
secretary to superintend the home end
foreign mission work of the church
western Beaton and nominated the Rev.
Dr, Cochrane, of Brantford, for the
office of secretary for the home and foreign
mission work. The Presbytery approves
of the plan of college summer session for
Mitnitobs. college. The remit on probe,.
Hollers scheme was approved with some
modilleatione. The Presbytery also ap-
proves 01 8410 remit anent the focmation
of Algoma Presbytery. Mr. McFarlane
was appointed convener of committee on
pt,to of relieinn. An obituary notice
regarding the Rev. George Brown was
adopted. The clerk announced the
namee of charges entitled to ,.end ottm•
missioners to the General Assembly.
To send ministers ; Moleoworth, Melville
chu.011, Brussels, Sulgrave, Wroxeter,
linron. To send elders :-Lucknow,
Knox church, Kincaidine; Pine River,
Whiteehnrah, South Kinlo-s. It was
aereed 111848 1(1e next regular meeting of
Presbytery be held ie Melville church,
Brussel, on the Beeond Tuesday
March at 1116 p. m. The Presbytery ad.
jeurued to meet at Lucknow on Tuesday,
'22014 inst. at 1:30 p.
C.ct nudist la Now
Kingston has decided to have a paid
fire department.
Bnutitig had his arm 111,11144 -
ed in a (111111 1(11 London.
A young man astonished his Botha ell
friends the other eveninc by drinking five
quarts 01 11(141.0 in 32 minutes.
The ffiyear.old son of James Ritchie,
prancer and decorator, of Tilbury Centre,
fell into a well Monday and was drown•
Win. Burgess, of Prineaton, who re-
cently wedded Mrs. Swartz, itc fifteen
years older than his new father•imiaw.
Turner L. Hoyt, formerly of St. Thom.
ea, luta been killed at Chicago. de Was
employed itH a switchman, and was killed
while eonpling care.
A 0. P. It. train the other day struck
a sheep at Castleford, knocking it twenty
feet from the track, but ib scampered off
as 41 1)0441111141 had happened.
James Pressy, of St. Thomas, who was
accidentally shot in the abdomen by the
anoidental discharge of a gun in the
hands of Mahlon MuOonnell, died last
Friday afternoon.
A. farmer having one hundred ground
hog skins in his posseesion was busy try-
ing to make at, sale on the G. T. R.
platform, London, lost Saturday. He
captured all the little burrowere himeelf.
A rather unexpected development in
the Ancestor murder case at Brantford
kat Friday Wee the conviction of Jack
Bariram, the suspected murderer of old
Mr. Beslop, on the charge of .Ciattle
Healing two years ago. He was senten-
ced to 215 months in the Central Prison.
et, few days ago H. sleek individual
called upon Davni Dixon, a Sandwich
west Harmer, and stated that he was
selling a new improved harrow. After
much persuasions Dixon Biped what
be talon& was an Agreement to buy one
harrow, but it turns ont to be an ordir
for six, valued at 6225.
At the Perth County Connell the fol-
lowing motion was presented t-fliteasrs.
Cleland and Loohhead moved that a by.
law bo introduced instruoting the engin-
eer of the townships of Blum and Grey to
examine and report on a watercourse in
Grey, an ontlet for what is termed the
Boutli•Wastern drain originating in Elma
and indiapensably necessary, and report
in the County Commits of Perth and
Huron in January. The motion was
loat and 16 Wed decided' instead to seek
the eounty solieitor's advioo before taking
any actiOn.
Lest week, while making his xsounds,
Medical Health Offieer Hutchinson
»otieed a peculiarity about the eheep
whith was offered for Bale on the Market
Square, London. 8008448(1 414(0 lunge, the
Health Oflioer, in Company with Dr. J.
D. Wilson, made a careful microacopical
examination, and dieetivered genuine
(WC of tobereolosio. In the meantime,
however, the carouse had boon 00)(1, 1110
extunhmtion necessitating a eouple of
daye to complete. The man who Bold the
meat was Ed. Sanders, of Westminster,
cud he SOO 010 sheep was one of fic Rook
1114 purolutoed front a Westminster farm
or. Tho Health Officer says the eating
of 01.1ch Meat 000111d be likelyto cirotnrpnti.
icato the dread diaea06, effifatittiption, to
the consumer. The law d'preactlit-dince
net permit hint to 044446 14,0,14 meat, nnlose
4)18 114008(10 is apparont,,and'cioneeryluently,
he is at a dleadvatange. Citizens should
he extremely careful in Making their
in rebates.
\V. J. Merriam], of the Fort. .Waytt,
1,11.-ctric (10 , 0 arranging 4., 418>4 o
.ii.leseerit plant for 111,t Str,itior I
Itedigeti, en old petiminner. (VW'
rim evor by it iritill 10 the (4(11.11,1 'Prititit
y "Ay thipo "1 :in e 1o •
Mee rii a broken, hid Iui.g 1411. uu Hod
111,17 torn from his 11E11/14, ITU JO .3.•
rt ettver.
The horn of Von, 10eNtirilara, 18,0
intin. card, of ht. Pail,d, 40 0.110 Gut
Down it., Was 100) 44 (duly dote ruyed by
hre between' six and seven o'clock Men.
clay teeming, together with all Its uon
5Ir. McNamara was doing his
(too. 111108(4 1118 barn end it being dark
he had a lantern with him, In forkimt
aeme be' 140 01(1)011 the lei/tern 004411 the
fork 111001110 11.1111Ily xplocied. Ile at onee
threw 1110 coat on the Rama., to ennitha
them but, the oil had seattered with the
exploaiotl and a big bitse soon followed.
Toe entire eontente, with the exeeptem
of the (rattle, were burned and the lode
will be heavy Ile ovae 80 Intve begue
threehing that (ley and had enough stuff
to keep a threelier buoy for two daya.
-tt 1 N %V
Thieves are running the butinese of
cattle ranchero in Nebraska.
By the wreck of an Dation boor rat
roma to Napier] '21 persons were drowned.
The datighter of the late Dom Pedro
will 1101 assert, her rights to the throne of
13 mei I.
The widow of llev. Charles Kingsley,
late chaplain in 00(1'11100y to the Queen,
is clead.
A number of priests and iinns captured
by the in the Sondem war eight
ye ire ago Intim recently escaped.
By the felt of a btrildins in Newport,
England, two nrljecetit oottages tat.re
complL tely crashed, ten persons being
severely injured.
Further despatches eonfirm the state•
mem 11114 4400 native Christians have
been massacred in 01141)10 and that all the
Europeans 111 Paton eaceped.
Joseph McKay, who is in gaol at
'Ukiah, Cal., trgod with stage robbery,
has been found to he 11110 0014 of Somenin
Miller, the poet of the Sierras.
M. Jacques Merge», the French 116-
plorer' hao returned with his wife from
exploring in Northern PersieBe and
his wifo journeyed 12,400 miles.
The outlook for the striking coal millers
in Indiana, 18 8101(1 to be very blue ; yet
the men Hre determined to fight it out.
Many 04 1418 families are said to be living
On one meal a day.
Since cotton picking began in Paris,
Tex.. six children have lost their lives by
1100 Most of them were offspring01
cotton pickers and were left at home
alone by their parents.
Paris, France, IMO fly sensational
murder case, the body of a woman
named Bender having been found bang-
ing in a chimney, where it lied been
placed by her hu -baud, who tnnrdered hor
three years ago.
Al a dance et 130080n, Pa , Saturday
night, John Law and a friend, J. W. Mc.
Oreelten, ot arreled over who should
dance with a young lady. They renewed
the quartet on the stri et end Law crush-
ed MeCt•aelren'a skull with a cobble stone.
130111 Mai men were well uouneeted.
Private Funds to Loan
Have been placed in in) hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Conzmission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.
It covers the ground
-the B. & C. corset. It is
perfect in shape and fit, is
boiled with Kabo, which will
not break nor roll up, and if
you are not satisfied, after
wearing it two or three weeks,
return it and get your money.
W. F. COWAN, President.
J. L. BRODIB, Cashier.
Assairs, - 47,000,000
PAM UP liTADITAL, - 1,000,000
REBBRVE FUND, . • • 500,000
Agencies 41) 80(1 prinelpalpointe in Ontario,
Quebec. Manitoba, united Stater;
thud Englaud.
Brussels Agency.
A General Backlog 13110111000 Prommetod.
'Farmers' and other good Notes Disenunred
lowest rates. Drafte lashed and Centir-
tionn inacie on all points, Deposita 100018a/1
end interest allowed at euireut rates.
1ntereat Allowed on Having(' Batik De.
pOitite of $1 end upwards from date of
deposit in date Of WithdraWfd, and 001.11.
pounded halt 3 earlY.
Motif -4 otteetion iced every facility o01od-
1,06 101010 living eta, dietary:to.
G. r, SCHOLFIELD, Agent.
Is, %tun tat, 18
800 yards Twee.1 effects at 7ic. worth 10c.
800 yards Plaid Dress Goods at 12ic. worth 16c.
10 pieces all Wool plain Serge, 40 in. wide, at 30a. worth 45c.
8 " " " plaid " " " " " 25e, " 50e.
Also Several Odd Lines of Dress Goods which we are clearing
out at a Sacrifice,
8 doz. Silk Handkerchiefs at 20c. each regular price 80a.
17 11 if ., If " 40c.
25 doz. Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs 11t 3c. encb, or 4 for 1011.
50 doz. Lawn Handkerchiefs at 5c. each, or for 25c.
15 doz, Very Handsome Embroidered Lawn Handkerchiefs at
2 for 25c., worth 25c. each.
5 doz. Ladies' Embroidered White Pongee Silk Handkerehiefs at
25c. each, worth 40c.
A Full Line of Fine Linen and Fancy Silk Handherohlefs of
all Kinds and all Prices.
10 doz. Ladies' All Wool Colored Cashmere Gloves at 15c. per
pair, worth 25c.
15 doz. Ladies' Black Cashmere Gloves at 12ie. per pair.
400 yards Fancy Silk Ribbon at 5c. per yard, worth 12c.
10 doz. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose at 45c. each or 3 pairs for $1.25.
Fancy Table Covers, Tray Cloths, Lunch Cloths, Carving Cloths,
Table Napkins, &c., &c.
We have a full range of sizes in LadiesKid Gloves at 55e., 75c.,
$1.00 and $1.25. And in Gents' Kid Gloves we have a
good Assortment in Lined and Unlined.
GUN Tee NaWa8R.
We have a lovely stock of Gents' Derby and Four-ingiand Ties
suitable for the Christmas Trade. Also a Choice Lot
of bilk and Cashmere Mailers.
Our stock is well assorted in all departments and we are Con-
fident we can please all in want of useful Christmas preseni.s.
Store open until 9 p.
11,•10•••••••• 11....J.011s•If
6 ;
I have a splendid Stock ar Furniture at my Show .rooms,
Turnberry Street, BrussPls. consisting of Parlor and Bed-
room Suite -s, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs, Lounges, &0., that
cannot be excelled for wear or value. Always a big Stock
to choose from.
As I have a very large and well made stock of Bedroom Suites
and Sideboards I will sell them at greatly reduced prices. We have
made a, specialty of these linos and now is the time to purchase.
Hand -made Furniture n. special feature of ot.e business. A. large
stock of tip-top Moulding for Picture Frames. Work done with
neatness and despatch. A. 11400 lot of Pictures, Foot Stools and
Fancy Articles for sale.
A full line of Caskets, Oflins and Robes always on.
hand. Two Hearses and a free Delivery Wagon i
connection with our Establishment.
I pay special attention to CAVITY and ARTERIAL EMBALM-
ING. Having taken three series of lessons on Embalming from
Prof. Renouard, of Kansas, and having a Diploma for the same, I
feel confident in being able to do this work properly.
A. beautiful range of McFarlane, McKinlay & Co's patent LINEN
WINDOW BLINDS to hand. Every housekeeper should see them.
They are dandies.
Agent for the KARN ORGAN.
Save money by Patronizing the Old Established Furniture
Financial Statement for the Village of Bruseele for 1891.
CHSh ea hand, County aetioeut
" Railway account
Int. iteeount No. 9, '78
No. 8, '78
No. 10,114
Cash on hand, Consolidated Loan Rate
Interest on Mortgage
Intermit on School Board Loan
0a,h on Eland, School account
Provincial Grant
Cash on Hand, Local &commit
East Htn'on License Fund
Co. Treasurer, Boundary Line Grant
Prov. Treas., Land Improvement Fund
F. S. Scott, Hall rents and Booths
F. S. Scott, Licenses
W. H. McCracken, hay scales
Taxes collected en Roll
6078 15
68 50
8 20
149 62
154 50
567 72
182 70
20 81
30 00
42 00
30 00
55 55
2482 00
0 13 SALARIES -Mrs. Meadows 400.00, 11,30.1001 402.50
5 11 jas. Rosa 440.00, Thoe. Kelly $40,00, J. N. Ken.
62 dull $8.00, D. Stewart$40,00, F. S. Scott $40.00,
4 85 W. Smith 815 00, J. Y. S. Kirk 48.00 $ 318 50
296 68 CHARITY -Mrs. Williams $30,33, Mrs. Blashill
551.50, Mrs. Brent $4.00, Mrs. Wallace 030,25110 08
STREET IMPROVEMENTS -Thos. Stewart $50.20
734 85 Jos, Kelly 04.00, Win, Denbow $301.20, H. Wil-
liams 42 00, H. James $8.00, D. Lowery 67.70,
808 52 Ament Bros. 439,02, 113. Rogers 4.1.00, Thne. Gi 1
#4.75, P. McKenna $9.50, J. C. Halliday, $48.49,
I, McDonald 41284,4.1,43, 440,52, J. Wynn
80e., R. Burns $18.00, Walter Smith $57.12, D.
Shine 467,02, D. Ewan $10.10, A. McKay 114 Co.
482.50, D. McMillan $13.00, R. Ronde, son, $1,50,
Smith, Malcolm & Gibson 010.58, Wm. New-
some, $3.75, Jos. 13110100 $3 00 1019 69
moo 78 FIRE DBPARTMENT-L, Lott $2.00, Geo. Lott
61.00, 111. IMeleom $23.00, Wm. Smith 41.00, Wat.
Ainley $5.00, A. McKay $1.00, R. Henderson
$8,00, H. Dennis $1.40, H. James 08,50, A. Mc-
Neil 62.00, Roberta & Plum 61.75, Rubber Co,
Printing, W. 0. Kerr
MISCELLANEOUS -J. Ross 66.00, Thoe. Kelly,
$5.00, Hart & Co. 62.00, D. Stewart $20.00, Bel-
lantyne & Wilton $19.85, W. H. MoCracken 53.30
Witt. Smith $1.00, F. S. Scott 811.89, R. Gradient
$4.00, D. Stewart 44 00
FUEL -Wm. Bateman 4122.50, 13. Gerry $25.82
Voters' List Court, 15. S. Scott
Insurance, Geo. Howe
Taxes remitted, Wm. Martin
Street Lighting, W. INT, Sinclair
Mechanies' Institute, A. Hunter for 1889, '00, '91
Coupons Redeemed -Howe Bylaw 0800.00, Consoli
dated $800.0C 600 00
School Board, R. Ross 1103 00
Amonnt to Balance 1280 84
# 4776 54
493 03
159 86
42 25
Pine Rolm,
Comfortable Rus,
Horse 31aukets,
Sleigh Bells,
Combs 4' Brushes,
Trunks &
We lead in the Manufacture of
76 97
48 32 Lieht and Heavy •
29 90
latAnzw s s
75 00
41 4776 54
Cash on Hand $ 1280 34
Uncollected Taxes on non 8866 21
Hall rent end Licensee due 28 00
3ba8t Huron License Fund 00 00
Cash ott hand
Mortgage on Real Estate and Lamest
Goo. Ilowe, Insurance
Town Hall
Fire Department
13and Apparatus, rte
Hay Settles
Howe Mortgage. duo 1894
Amount to Balance
110 Br, 6141.11‘'.011?eeve,
45234 55
$ 079 48
958 50
312 50
2000 00
4000 00
200 00
150 00
5000 00
18899 4344
$32201 00
5119200 00
THOS, KELLT, 7,ea4,qtrer. 8tromun13rat.
Coupons falling due and provided tor 1$ 2154 00
Installment R. R. Debt, Morris 6182,50, Grey $114.87 346 87
()entity Rate 847 20
School Rate 1426 00
Municipal ]114111 e11.10116 154 00
Salaries, Ross $40,00, Holly 640.00, Scott $20.00100 00
Fire Department 75 00
Election Expenses 26 00
Charity 12 00
Miscellaneous 25 00
Amount to Balatme 079 48
4 6284 55
Debenture Debt 430200 00
New Premises
-.IN THE -
T. Fletcher's Store,
irai orbt
l'or the /'«g44
New ,IdverliseinenV
next, week,.