HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-12-18, Page 44
1ti12 l'Ir a'd 1
'1•u flee linulc; ,i1 I'31,rf,1)'s 1',l
1 take tuns opportunity of
retnrnieg th..nks for the honor done me
in plaelug In, at the ''ounril 11 ort tot
it. ,1 'Alit to
owing to pressure of my env] busimw., 1
will a•t b„ 0 eaudi lt' for 1002, 11'ish.
ing you the compliments of the mewls, '
I tun, Yours Truly,
Brussels, Dee. 151, '111. Jong At1E.I'T.
New Advertisements
Local --T. G'letcher,
Locals—Gen. Baker.
Harness --H. o, ewe,
Ciente Dr. J. C. Ayer,
Locals—L c•ie hUut:'r,
Dyes, Goods—E. Rogers.
Removed— john Doweiug.
Holiday Exeursiou--O. P. R.
hives' Is Pivanoial Statement.
Dry Goode --Irwin Y Meliain.
Farm for Sulo --Wm. DIeLeoel,
Notice IoCreeditors--A, Hunter.
H.diday Site—Ferguson Jr Halliday.
Boar for Se, vice—Geo. R. Readmin.
(Tbe 413i.tlsscls Vast,
P7,10.4 1", DEC. 11, 1891,
THE retiring Trustees in connection
with Brussels School Board aro'1'. retch.
er, Ll. Denuis and A, Bunter. All are
eligible for re-election and should be re.
turned without opposition as they have
proven themselves good workers in the
cause of education in Brussels.
Now that an effort has been made to
improve the efficiency of the Brussels
Fire Brigade and its appliances why not
go farther and secure a better alarm
system than the one in use. A powerful
clear toned bell is a necessity and there
should be eome quick connection with
the residences of the Ohief Captain and
Engineer so that they could he immedi-
ately apprised of a fire. We have a first.
class engine, a good supply of hose and,
as a rule, a very willing lob of workers
let HE have a better alarm and perfect the
work. Brussels has had a peculiar ex.
perience in the matter of burn -outs but
for the time to cotne a new era has been
entered upon, we hope, but there is never -
the -less every necessity to be watchful
and attentive to the fire fighting appli-
ances so as to be prepared for any emer-
THE election of Crisp of Georgia as
Speaker of the Uuited Statue House of
Representatives is regarded ae a victory
for the anti Cleveland wing of the Demo-
cratic party. Tite new House of Repre-
sentatives is composed of 2311 Democrats,
88 Republicans and eight Farmers' Al.
lienee men, so that the uominee of the
Democratic eausus was certain of election.
The Democrats were about equally
divided in their choice of tt Speaker be
tweets lir. Crisp and Mr. hills of Texae
--the latter being the author of the Mills
tariff bill, front whiob Sir Charles Tupper
predicted surds great things for Canada
but which never became law. After two
date of balloting Mr, Crisp obtained the
majority vote of the caucus. He is a
strong revenue tariff advocate and will
probably make 31r. Mills chairman of
the Ways and Means committee.
Tae Montreal Witness says :—Thu
elevation of Mr. Jamiteon, the wall.
known prohibitioni-t leader in the House
of Commons, to the Bench is undoubted•
ly a good otle as far as the bench is von•
central, but it removes from Parliament
a man of considerable independence of
mind and action, and one who was sere.
seg the people nobly there, There are too
few such men in Parliament, and hie loss
will be felt especially by the temperance
people. Governmenis are not fond of in.
dependent supporters and the Ottawa
Government was probably not unwilling
to clear the way fur a partieau by giving
place on the bench to a man so well
tended for the position. North Lan•
alk, which has been opened by tbie ap-
ointmetrt, is probably a safe Conserve.
ire sent, 11ir. Jamieson having carried it
y over 300 of a majority at the last
eneral election. The county has the
ery doubtful honor of being represented
0 Parliament by John Haggart, who 1
hould be relegated to private life, and
vould be if the moral sense of the Cana -
ism people was et all elevated.
Perth County.
A debating club hes been lately formed
e' Hirkton.
South Perth Liberals again nominated
Mr, 'Trott as their candidate.
Knox ehnrch, St, Marye, reoeutly
destroyed by lire, hag been rebuilt and
31r. Ferguson, of St. tllarys, has been
app•einted master of modern iengcages at
Louden Collegiate Inetitute.
At the County Court in addressing the
Grand jury Iris h41mr expreeoed himself
strongly on the question of a county poor
house. There are at premenl in the
county jail 10 persons, of whole tit are
there for the Grime of bring poor> One
of the'e vagrants le 111 yenta of age.
This his honor characterized as diegraoe•
fel in a wealthy county like Perth, The
tgovernmetlt would give a grant of 8.1,000
to a )louse of Refuge and in addition to
thte there woe the •legacy of 112,000 left
by the lute W. 7). Byers, which would go
a longi Way town,rd crectiu.i Rauh an in.
A runaway et St. DI ITN ns sed quite
K11.1111011. :1. span of borers attached
111 e etoilal loaded with grim] ran d, wo
one of the principal streets, erartered
sent by wholesale, where, Ito doubt, there
wonl,l be eeit lvr l'eapluy nor )u1'vest.
Tie. Le. 10 peel 111 +lino to pre•
vent further damage being done.
Cid.' ens, - 11 wan in 1Iobuee' store,
Newry, the outer nillht a party offerer)
to h=er 8. nett'• ,.anti le !r ei l't'tin
man, of this loc!Uity °mold eat. '1'J/0
challenge was accepted and the young
man elraigiit way proreedvd to tnow
away the following bill of fare 1-3 plates
of oysters ; 2 cans of salmon , 10 dry
soda biscuits, in seven minutes ; sacked
six eggs, and finished up on a pound of
Jia, Phis was devoured after caring his
Hopper a few minute.. previous,
William 1', lrelau,1 was the name
given by a tramp arrested by G. T. 12,
Constable Logan for iudnlgingin it nu,n-
ber of playful entice on the 9 T. R. line
between St. Mary's and Kelly's Sitting,
He stole rides on passing trains, ailed in
a disorde'ly manner, 11,1,1 chased two of
Elite Near's daughters 10 the motion
house with an opal knife in his baud,
and after the young eirly refused to let
him in he broke the smelt and glass of the
window, so that they ran out of the
hack door to °Heave front him. Ail thin
took place about a week ago, and after
Ireland was arrested a St. Diary's magis-
trate refused to try him, so Mr. Logan
brought )tint to London. He was given
two sentence., of two months each, to
run concurrently.
RIM'S 0013117 MOT
WILL I88818 TO
Students and Teachers
ltnuud TI'Ip Tiekots et baro and a !`hied,
good going Deneulber iltlt to 31181, 1881, and to
return up At, Jan. Mit, 18101,
idound Trip Tickets nt Flue and a Third en
Deocntb 51' 241h and 2501, and December Mat
and ,fanuary 1st 1502, inolnRire, good to re-
turn mail January 411t, lees, and at
On December 24111 and 2:itlt, good to return
up to December 20112, and au D000nibor 81x1,
01111 January let, good to roturtr nutil Janu-
ary lad,18112.
Agent, Brussels.
Would just Remind you that
you can
by making your Holiday Pur-
chases at
The New Store.
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots
& Shoes, Hats, Daps, Furs, &c.
Xifte:SV XIVM.
As the time is now fast approaching when Xmas
and New Years presents will be eagerly inquired
for, we beg to state our stock this year is very com-
plete with every discription of Fancy Goods suitable
for the coming season. We have a splendid assort-
ment of Ladies' Silk Ties and Scarfs and Embroid-
ered Handkerchiefs, also Fancy Cashmere and Kid
Gloves, Ribbons, .Laces and a host of other Fancy
Goods which cannot be put in a short advertisement.
Our stock of Dress Goods is now well assorted in
the leading styles, as we always keep,a very much
larger stock than any other store in Brussels it will
pay intending purchasers to give us a look. We
have some very uiee seasonable goods as low as 8c.
per yard.
In this Department we are giving some Special
Bargains. Being determined to clear out every-
thing in this line We will take cost price or less so
as to effect an entire clearance. Come along and
get a nits fashionable Hat or Bonnet for Christmas
wear cheaper than you will pay for old fashioned
goods or old sloop keepers.
Our Christmas stock of Groceries is now to hand.
We have everything to make the heart glad at this
joyous season and prices right away down. We are
giving 28 lbs. of nice clean coffee sugar for .1,00 ;
17 lbs. granulated sugar for 11.00; Pelts, Corn and
Tomatoes for 10c. per can (this year's growth), in
fact everything at corresponding low prices.
Our 85e. Japan 'Toa we guarantee to give sat-
isfaction and if approved of we still continue to do
as we have done foryears past, give 15 lbs. for $1.50.
We thank all our Patrons and Friends very tenth
for their very liberal patronage and support and
most sincerely wish one and all a very Merry Xmas
and it very .Happy and Prosperous New Year,
BltL'Sel:f,i<, 1)l,<', .17,'01,
Dix 18, 1 891
MEHEritffi^ in IHHIA Eset
t111004. ha"r 1:
ly nbV.l monthly by beam -
tads of 1.0ings, 1 the
noir perfeeily 8511 a]d
reed. 11; ,• rnliabb+ uu,Jirir•o 47.,•nv.
• of ouet:1(ejii i'1,0.1,ti LM stn.
li, i,ul.,., , ,e, 5•u1•n eu ptil,w et tuts.
fol' <imml(x (:n'r1'oc 115,1' (1,t,'1000, 1,110 110
Kubnlltntn 0 01' Ivens] 31 nod d tlu•e1•00Jt
1', mat is pohtltge Ninnies 121 10)111', 1u]0 we
will 801111, sealed, by return mall, Fall 80al-
ed partloulars Jo plain envelope, to icaine
only,etl]nps. Add rose t"01111 1,11y °ani•
pail)•, No. 8 dotter Block, 131 Woodward
ave., notrolt, Mich,
litui I tiA 1)18114 aJ.lials
111,t8ll).1reynnselblelel um:islfe
Money to Lolul 011
Private and Company Funds,
J,C.FIeit'ernan, J.A.!oung,
Valuator, Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont. (28if
Star Rani
FRESH Sheeting
AT t11 l
J1 O " t
1'i f�•i y,
AL �^V
fl F V�n •4t 'it t�w,YCa
G;y.liq` 13.CS:1)titel$5
A Lot of Beautiful Grapes
and Cranberries.
Get some of them
Fresh Oysters Received three
times a week,
You may depend on them
being good. Order a Quart
or a Gallon and try them
Opposite American Hotel.
from $2.00 to $5,00 a pair
6G 40 6e, S0 a yard
r6 10 `` 35
Cashmeres 1f 50 t 1' 60 I 1
'Underwear 1 50 " r 1010 a set
t; titin til rat t'4ltr�"t.'i
Remember these Bargains only
last until. New Years so call while
you can get the Goods cheap. „
INi, A', t1' t EM E
Preparing for Stock Waking.
In order to reduce my Stock I have decided to run a great big Clearing Sale during the
Month of December when any large and well bought stock of
Imported Tweed Suitingts and Trouserings, -
Irish Berges and Cheviot Suitinais,
English and French Worsted Coatings.
Will be offered for sale at greatly reduced prices,
Now is the time to place your order for a Suit or Winter Overcoat.
A pair of Fine Black Worsted Pants made to your order, $5.50.
„Ill Cloth pzcrclaased from, us during,' Me Sale wiZZ be out Free of Char's,
y o lQ,i 'G'J, IX ni G q +
In this department I aim to excel :—I have all the
Latest JV'oveZties in Rats, Caps, Collars, Cuff,, Ties, Gloves, .losi,er>y,
Underwear, Shirt's of every .Descrrpti.on, Unbr ethos, Sus-
pendel's, .Linen and Silk, ZTcrrtcZkerehiief s,
In fact I have everything you require from the Socks on your fe,lt to the Hat on your head.
This firm makes a special Siudy of the
And Guarantee the Fit and Finish of every garment to the , satisfaction
of our Customers, or refund the money.o
11M11 )Alt
r . 1