HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-12-11, Page 6$ TIIE BRUSSELS POST D o. 11, ;l80]
. '4;1115t l.xtc+lclu) '.-. I keep body and soul together on j
' •e .4j1)11,1ra51C5 1', Look, of Paramount, had twin eta ity dclel from. the municipal 10 I ral.Jsat, etre of eot•n 011 1 Stalk which eon. ; count:110, The plea of economy 1
twined about 8110 seeds, urged against aetiuu by the C',onu y
EVERY F1f117AY MORNING Countable McLeod on liouday of is a slum and a delusion, awl the
to tiu:e for 1 h, ...fly mails -10 Net Week couveyell the voting man, 001-11001, not to call it p'Oltreo ob• j
'The Purl' Stettin Publishing Ileum., Albert \Vbite, to the Leaden 10. stieney, of those who oetiose it in
sane Asylum. the Comity Cunucil F.< net ero,lit- I
'rt'llxnidtlio 1 131.1-srl., u.,, A wild eat wag seen in Lookbar1'1( ; able to It (Jliristian 0ulumnuity,
swine") in 1\ittl010 twit weep, but The remains of the into Mrs. Brady,
'1'Tltatd or St ne alar 0.-4hle dollar :old the (10g3 were 110011le to follow It (2110 died id t11(1 ,jail, were aunt t0
data on the address label, 1)r. lleCrimmon, of Underwood, - rauto, last Tuesday afternoon.
,t half a Year, iu advance ap The
dole 10 ,tome , through the swam ' the Woman's Medical College, Tu
0001')• oui'oeripMOn is P84,1 Id dapute4 by the p, la
Will be charger to close (8110 advertise 11y has been officially notified of hie j
the year:— appointment as Director on the te'orri('.
allra(IIR1Na 1IAVr^s.--T he funl,Wlul: rate,. •
sows I 1 011, , ,1 010. 1 3 Ito
fano Column. Smut) 0:0.00 00
Half _ . ( Is.ee 00.001 : ~10.1. 00
Quarter 2(1.011 10.00s 010
12 0(1 8.0(1 3.00
lot!aline fb(u
ertien end.
threeMight ibauline for each subsequent
section All ah'mti entents measured as
• No , lines o e 1
Nonpareil -12 r 1l t tit (18 .
Rus1numCnrdn,lig11tlines and under,
1-A LLnrttse
Advertisements without spceitle ,ln•e d
1111(0 will be inserted until forbid, and
changed accordingly.
1II8t1t1EL]mlRte t'h,legt. soon in 0
advertisement 111 1 ement must be left at the counting
Coon 1d Tor•, fuse Sot h.ter than Tuesday
of each week. Thin is imperative.
W. H. IE 1171 .
Editor and Proprietor•
11Sfd.ct Yl'W .
t it':llortII.
lir. Beam lilts disposed of his
interest in the uutche'ing huffiness
to his partner, lir. Horton.
Richard Roche, of the Commor
tial Hotel, has been forced by the
stress of bard times to make an
assignment to the sheriff.
.A. yonug boy was arraigned be-
fore his worship Mayor Helmeted on
Friday last on a charge of throwing
snowballs upon the public streets
The penalty inflicted was $i1 and
costs—in all $8.75.
George A. Dewar, of this town, is
distinguishing himself at the Col-
lege of Dental Surgery in Torento,
which he is attending. In a recent
examination he stood at the head of
a large class, making the highest
percentage by considerable odds.
From the treasurer's report of
the Mechanics' Institute we find
that the receipts were $626.34 and
the expenditure $ 316.90 leaving a
balance on hand of $309.44. The
eecretary's report shows that there
are now 3,936 books in the library
and 310 members.
Wi-o,eo tel'.
The new bakery id about ready
for business.
The R. T. of T. are very success,
ful here and their lodge has a large
Mrs. Weir coutiuues to improve
in health and her complete h'estora•
tion is early expected.
Juo. Earner and Wife have ro•
turned from Manitoba, They have
been absent all bummer.
hire. Robt. Black, who was visit-
ing her sister, Airs. McLellan, in
London, for a couple of weeks his
Alex. Alellseter, seetioutua1, of
this village, has been quite ill from
the result of a cold contracted dur-
ing the recent rains.
G. F. Ceibsou, sou of ex -Reeve
Gibson, hes lately been appointed
to the respoueible position of traffic
manager of the 'Vancouver, (B. 0 )
electric railway.
Roble Miller has just finished an
immense contract uu the 0. P. R.,
which involved the loading and dis-
tributing of about 150,000 ties
along the lice between Teeswater
and Owen Sound. He had a large
gang of mea at work and about a
week was occupied.
j geueral committee of the World's
!Fair Scottish Cramps.
I One and a half million pounds of
milk have been manufactured into
cheese at the Paramount Cheese
Factory this season bringing about
" 3 'u a surrounding tau'
1 000 into th tioundl c
Reeve Bryan was away at Wal-
kerton last week attending the De -
ember session of the County Colin
ell of Bruce. Our County has not
yet learned the propriety of drop-
ping out this meeting.
Alex. Ililien slipped through a
largo window in the store of Mr.
broLeuuan, and cut himself so bad.
ly that the doctor had to sew up his
If Scotch bonnets are au indica
tion of the number of Scotchmen in
- a place, this town leas many more
Seotoh citizens than was generally
The youngest child of Herman
Hill, aged about three years, lead
the misfortune to have its collar
hone broken by an older child
. hurrying into the house and stumbl-
ing over it.
A certain person iu town was the
victim of an awkward, but amusing
blunder a few evenings since. A
certaiu social society in town is iu
the habit of meeting at the houses
of its different members, it being
the rule that when the members
assemble they should walk right in,
instead of knocking at the door so
as not to disturb the other members
of the house. This person quietly
walked auto the house on the last
night of meeting, and took a seat iu
the parlor, meutally wouderiug'how
It way that no One else was present.
After remaining for sometime, the
lady of the house eutereil the parlor,
and amid the mutual snprise that
followed, 11 wile discovered that the
member of the Chatauqua circle lied
got into the wrong house.
The Gerrie brass band will short-
!iy be reorganized.
f j Tboe. Nash , hits returned from
Manitoba. \4'e are sorry to learn 1
teat his health is nut at all good,
Win. Dane has a barge gaug of
1 r(1
YO 1 ll00 engaged 0C 1t
1 h repairing L'lt the
fir, p ag ie
dam and'1
wl l h the
n e mill ill i n opera.
tion in n few days.
W. J. Perkins, of the Poputer
House has leased the vacant store iu
the Drick Block, formerly occupied
by W. S. Bean, and will remove his
stook to it shortly.
The following are the o1110504
elected for the ensuing year in con•
nection with the Bible Society •
President, Jas. Perkins ; Vino Presi-
dent, J. 11. \Vllhama : Secretary,
Jno. Al, Home ; Treasurer, 11.
Roes ; Depositor, W. J. Greer.
The following officers were elect_
ed for the ensuing Its first stages, cum t successfully
4 year in the 1 checked by the prompt irso of Ayer's
Woman's Miss -japery Society : Cherry Pectoral. liven iu the later
President, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin ; periods of that disease, the cough is
Viae President, AIt's. J. B. camp i wonderfully 081187ed by this medicine.
bell ; Secretary, lire. .las. Arm- "I have usedAver's Cherry Pectoral
Treasurer, with rho lost eti'ect iu my practice.
strong ; treasurer, Airs. N. Mc- This wendel'fnl prc110854lou once sated
Laughlin. my life. I had a constant cough, night
C. 0. F.—The followingare the 5W0018, was gres1ly reduced in flesh,
Court Sell given up Ly my p1111•sirlan. One
ofticere of Court Gerrie No. 57 C. 0. Mottle and a bait of the r eetorla clued
F. for the present term :—C. 11., nlox" -A. J. Eidson, M. D., Middleton,
Bro. Jae. 13. C.tmpbell ; V. O. Li.,
Bro. Ano, Stewart ; R. S., Bro. ,tae,
Armstrong ; F. S., Bro, N. Mc-
Laughlin ; Treasurer, Bro. W. J.
McLaughlin ; Chaplain, Rev. W.
Torrance ; S. W., Ie. Davidson ; S.
Be Isaac Sanderson ; J. 0., Jno,
Ardell ; Court Physician, Dr. J. A.
The People's Cheese Co., whose
faotory is situated just south of Gor-
zee, bas closed work for the season,
delivering the last of this year's
make last week. The company
have been very successful and the
cheese turned out proved to be of n,
superior order and easily market-
able at good figures. The entire
season's make amounted to 120,-
8614. pounds realizing a gross Dr'.. J. C. Ayer & co., Lowell, Mats.
sum of $12,118.08, which 19 to be So'd by all Druggists. ?rico 5'.;sir bottlea,rr5.
divided among the stockholdere and •
patrons after the expellees are de-
ducted. The sales during the sea -
5011 were as follows :
Weight Price per. Ib. I
June 26734 lbs
July 288441 " O:kc.
August 801.251. 11 10c.
Sept•Oct84657e tt 10c.
There is quite a squabble here
jlt81 now over the proposed change
of site for the market house.
,toin McCallum was sleeted pro
tem to fill the vacancy of Rev. S.
F. Robinson as preeideut of. the
Meth anice' Institute.
Hugh Spackman has disposed of
Lis desirable Cottage on William
Street to Charles Snell, butcher,
Mr. Speakman purposes building in
the spring.
David hiller, V. S. of this place
received a telegram from Obama,
New Mexico, iuformiug him that
his son David had been drowned,
The body was sent here for inter,
meat, '
The Exeter Public School will
give all evenings entertainment in
the Public School Hall on Monday
the 21st day of December, consist-
ing of songs and cborueee, (dales.
thenic exercises and plays.
Rev. 4V. J. Ford, of the Parkhill
Methodist church, 18 ill speak on the
local Option Act at a temperance
convention to be hold in Exeter on
December 16th, and Rev. J, C.
Nethercott, of the Sylvan circuit, on
gospel temperance.
"Karla Promise" is the title of a
play to be produced here in a few
weeks, Tue Exeter Fire Company ,
have entered into an agreement with
Masers, McNulty and Hart, tree
gediaus, to aappear before the EX0Ler
peapie in their new piece. l
Tee resolution passed by the Go.
Council in memory of their late
clerk, was handsomely flamed and
presented to Mrs. Adamson by the
warden, clerk and treasurer.
C. Seager, barrister, who passed
his examination its a solicitor three
weeks ago, was sworn in at Osgoorle
Hall on Saturday, Nov. 28th, and
will now practioe the legal profession
in connection with his duties as
Division Court Clerk.
The trial of the election petition
against A1. 0. Cameron as M. P.
for Weft Huron will begin in the
Court House here on Monday, Dee
14111. The solicitors for the pstiti
oner are Meredith, Olarks, Bowes
and Hilton, with whom will be
aesociated one of the leading counsel
of Toronto, and E. Campion, Q, C.,
of town. The case will be tried be
fore Justices Ferguson and Robert.
We see by the Soo Democrat that
E. Logan, of Sault Ste. Marie,
Mich., has been awarded the eon
tract for the plumbing at new Fort
Brady—a contract amounting, in
rough figures, to $7,000. Ile had
to compete with some of the larg-
set firma in the county, but the
Democrat says, a perfect know.
ledge of the work, as well as keen
judgment and practical knowledge,
gave Teddy the inside track and be
scooped them all. bar. Logan is an
old G'oderteh boy, and his friends
here will be pleased to know of his
The Star says :—Mary Brady, an
old woman whom the county of
Huron has kept foe several years in
the county jail as an alleged va
grant, died on Tuesday morning
lest, having been ill for a long time.
The usual inquest was held by Cor-
oner Holmes, and a verdict returned
of death from natural causes. Iier
name has become famrlie,r to the
people of this county from its FIe-
queut repetition, along with those of
other similar unfortunates who are
guilty of the heinous offence of
being too old and too poor to provide
a living for tbemsolvo'(, and who,
having no friends, aro ineareerated
as criminals when they should be
placed for the rest of their days in a
house of refuge, Tho present Accu.
pants of the cells who are in a Himi.
lar condition aro Mrs. McKay, John
Morrow, John McCann, W. McGinnis
hill, W. Kelly and David Pike, not
one of whom can ever hope to die
outside tbo jail wally, unless the
County provides a home for them
at'd the swore or more of others who
PLEal MONEY TO LOAN. Dit sracmyhan,
L Jt
6 141 F WAY
ARM :antsfi
THE trt
( ( Ip 'tY l l•7
ev"r \
Dec, (6-30
HAVE THE 001082002 OF
31 @atI Attepdaigt5
ro Rapid
1 riot Low
iepty of Room
US Art 11 (t>,15 room Aar AGENT or
.r 1" Tar ConittAeY
Agent, Brussels.
3f✓ N S f' 1x11 P 6 I O t1
" Several years ago I was severely, ill.
Tho doctors said I was in consumption,
and that theyeould do nothing for me,
lint advised rue, as a last resort, to try
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Alter tubing
this medicine two or three mouths I
W'(15 cured, and my health remains goal
to the present day."—Jaines Birehard,
Darien, Conn.
" Several years ago, on a passage home
from California, by water, I contracted
so severe n 00181 that for some days I
was 01.nfined to My stat' -room, and a
physician un bletrd considered my life
111 danger. Happening to have la bid 1lo
of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, T. used it,
freely, and my lungs were soon re. ,;well
to a healthy condition. Sin:^ then I
have invariably recommend c4 '.;.Is prep.
aration."—J. B. Chandler, Junction,'t-a.
Apr r s Crory Nadi,
10100411ED nY
;1f.D.,lf,.1., 1..('. I
Ally Amount of llon('y to .Loral Specialist),
y l{ 1,
on 11'(1(111 eat ails` ,i, Pro-
l't1- Sp ecialis tt Tollou. o,
G r•' 6.! Per
1011110\ 111,01•11 tin11 t tt 1, „1(301--
..... . .._ 'After sl. al uiu a I 1 (nniner 111111 orupe,'ly
61 0e ',erre., on 1111 11 1 •1 t• Wh
Straight Loans twills privilege o
repltyiug when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
1.)irisivu Court Brussels.
'loyal oil Slenfnships.
CHEAi “E 0
Rn veNII '
L 111 rf,r;tRA1L11tn llt°31
','o DERBY on I,CVEItl'OOL.
(':AIN EATER, 040. 1)3)) o(111 $00, hluglo
089, 0110 and 0111 11118 111, ne001'ding
to location of Stateroom,
IN T1; RM1tDI:1 TE, outward ;ls;1're(,od 011(1
Steerage 1(1 1,011',e81 )100's.
A econ,11""1t (lens l'rtsorpuss,'d. •
Apply to 1r. ,1: A. ALLAN, Montreal,
on W. I1. ILII:I .a .,
A11N3'T, Bnnssfo,e,
Why Not No Your Own Thinking?
13unesitrs, November 1th,38:0,
i%tcLaon, (.uderich,
Dunn 9rn.—I should have Written before
now to let you 'mow how C au' getting along.
I inn a lot bettor than I,vas; gaining strength
every day. 111000 n good appetite and sleep
won. I eau take the full quantity of the
System Renovator and it does not sicken
me. My limbs aro fill right now; (01)10
smart In that way; sWellenqq all gone. The
great thirst is gone; I (drink no water at
night, 1181 I t,,(o a little bo tternallo I ala
quite straight again. SKI m0 another
11011 ti of your System Renovator.
Yotu's, nc,, JAs. DUN( AN.
('11'11'1.1311 310317115 LA1811.
118186(•118, February 7111, 18111.
J. M. 1IeLnon, Ooderle,
Donn era,—Gifteen years ago last Novem-
ber I started to doctor first; I was treated
for dyspepsia, but they never helped me
any. At times 1 Buffered greatly from my
stomach; I continued. but I grew ',verso.
I turned dropsical ; limbs and body swelled
badly. You know the state I was in 00110(1
i went to Cedorlch--a mere wreak, could
hardly walls—sutTering from Arlght's dia.
1080. Inst one y0a8 ago last fall I began
your Renovator and Spocinn Cure. I began
to mend ill a few days ; continued then for
three 1°0111118 steady. Although I was told
I c00112 not be unwed, If you saw me now,
Well nt.d hearty ; eat everything that comes
in the way. I owe you the praise 0f saving
ley life. I was in a hopeless condition when
I wont to Von, in fact no one thought I
would get better. I cannot speak too highly
of you and of your nlnd1oh10s, for it stab
them that oared ane. Words cannot 03pre80
my thanks to you. Freely puss my mane to
8oLn BY J. T. PEPPER, Bnraslsrs.
I 1 fi,• •hut
,r, t l•111e1f 1,11$11:.. ., til, n1, N lluptloll,
171, hlnol,Iir enroll 11113.”
11(00. AL1110 I`ruLONu, tPun'nlun R,,, 811(8:--
"\(1011 ell1111101',) 01)10d,- Dr, Niuelair cure,'
MO Of nus,"
17 ltnhl.n9 wr♦ ('at•lo too Plum, says
"Cr. Sinclair cured ate of Catarrh ."
Urn ItoWnli. Myth, toys: -;'•11,'. 8i1131at1'
0111 e,1 too n10l 111,1e,u,•C'' (11)0181'11.114 tltepsy, tnc n
Illi others
.1)i.'r(l.<es q) Prirah' Nature, brs'tfi/) an by
' full//, 1)1'. Nroel1ir err(aif/(/
Friday, Jan, 8th, '92,
_ANI) — f
lady foil Business !
1 take this opportunity of
thanking the Public for the good-
ly share of patronage reeeivod in
the post and also to inform those
who don't know that I have mov-
ed to my new brick store, on the
site of former one destroyed by
My Stock of
is large, well bought and com-
plete. My store is not 0001 on
wind or gas but good, solid,
every day Bargains may be had
at all tithes. Special Value in
Call in and see one,
Agent for Parker's l)ye Works,
I S.
et-1.11E1.dil7,ll Ne . • Here are Samples of the T gree
Brantford citizens will banquet Dandle .---
R. C. Stinson, the famous trotting.
horse trainer,
Perth Oounty Council has ap-
proved of the Torreus system of
land transfer.
Four children were born to the
wife of Alfred Boiteau, of Loretto,
Que., last week.
The late Dr. Boyle, of Amherst.
burg, bequeathed $35,000 to the
library of Goat town.
A Pickering Township man nam-
ed Windsor has been fined $50 for
selling 'lard cider.
Pbineas Kinsey, a farmer living
four miles from Aylmer, committe I
suicide Tuesday evening.
The Ontario Fruit Grower's' As•
sooiation will meet iu Hamilton on
December 15, 16 and 17.
Speaker White has (leoided that
Hon. Thomas McGreevy is entitled
to his indemn ity for the seeseion of
In Hamilton exempted properties
are valued at 8,833,315, about one -
ninth of the entire oity's aseess-
George Woods was sentenced to
three months' imprisonmout at
Hamilton for refusing to support
his wife.
The Dominion Line steamer
Oregon broke her shaft Thursday
and was compelled to put back to
Andrew hcllwraitb, a well known
resident of Galt, fell in a faint on
the street last night and died iu
half an hour.
The East Elgin election trial was
concluded and Mr, Ingrain 00118 un-
seated for the acre of peroolIs held
to be'ageuts,
Elaborate ttrrangomeut are beteg
made at Montreal for the celabra
tion of the centers ural of the settle.
Blunt of the Eastern Townships.
loiout,•Ool. Gillmonr, Clerk al the
OIltlario Legislative Assembly, has
beau appointed Deputy Lieutenant•
Governor during Sir Alex, Camp -
ball's 111110as,
The ulbvement of grain this year
front the end of July by the Mott -
treat Tlratisportatiou Company was
rho largest nu rectrd for too some
A Nickle Steel Made.
Best Lines we
The Best in Citna(10.
Noy.AAloUISHI rt
N7'111041, 0.
W JtM &
a'f st/n
0 HAM)LTe fy
The 'Vanquisher' is the only Saw made haviug five gauges difference between (3m teeth and the
back, requiring no set for Bard wood and are made from the hest double refine 1 nicl(le steel, selected
and spring tempered, insuring arperfeet and even temper, toughening the steel and giving it great
wearing qualities.
In addition to the above we also keep in Stock the 'Maple Leaf,'
'Distant,' `Racer' and 'Champion'
.Every intending Purchaser should call on us.
A. M. MoKAY & Co.,
L'rtot. R'11wv filer) T. McGregor) is working on the lrr'elaa.ites,