HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-12-11, Page 5AI'1G, 11, 1891 1;1t5t 1 � THE 1311USSI;LS POST umttYflit'-°rt:'S".EderesaWmireseeseme2(emseenemegem �W'*:.r2�^s2+e'nes:aa'meteesu�a'umnerAYlni':L�'�3+ ocuna-meeezneuiecfes'� elaffr33cmteseetn�:l°^ir me .�1,a�a,tnO,tLrtrremoas�'m+atrarssaaaac1ntwa, 135.25 per hundred was the prion re meivoi for the begs fed at the \Netto cheese floury thee emit snunner• Thea' ) were sold live weight and duliversd nt ale ateeletemelic, Mitchell. 112 hags were fed during th, disgrn poem's IS livening up.. I Rotuma. l,.f, cntnl ttffnir Lente plxg+ (emerge eta ng will Un hold hero next '1'ul'vdm', ' lent wa.lt at can of the hotels. TWO men (:) tory much meter the intleience of liquor took r4 uottou to try a hem ea collider. Not manatee( with Bete it 14001; bosom, 14 dug IL:ht, ane of the lighters genie g so badly hart that a dootot had to attend to his tujuried. Sault work le barbaronc and says very niuoh In et wrong way Itbout MEN wbo would stand and witllatie such a ft'ataa.— Jobe Morgan is busy taking the school census, Rube, Crittenden has returned boom front Buffalo. T. W, Scott is etttohding as grand jnror in Goderich thief week. James McGee, a cooper, rotnfned from Woodstock on Saturday. Our firemen were out testing their engine on Monday afternoon. It is rumored thee one of our young men has recently been left a handsome fortune. Mrs. Robert Smith and family leave here this week for their new home in Dakota. Joseph Tannin, a knight of the 'misgers, left to vn on lerictty for Gordo t , start into the tailoring hnsiuesa. The newly appointed inonmbe il, Rev. Mr. Higley, will oficiete both mending and eseitieg in 'Trinity churuh on Sunday slot' from Ethel pet has itne, next' The municipal p„t hat eouinenoed to A uumbet' of interesting lactates will bubble at last. John Jacques is in tete I be delivered in the ,1fothodiet church Inchis former notition j daring tho winter months. The Brat eine risks doing epnt 1 of the evening of the `21st inst, as seoonri llmpnty Reeve. lis is said to g be anxious to have it a straiy1t politttitI party vote. Itis to be hoped there are not many who eau bo led by the nose with this batt. All the other candidates are keeping very dark its yeti. Tewli•hgi nomination for Reeve and Conecillore will tido: plan: et 'Zimnmer's H, 11 est alennhty, Deo. 21ith, at 12 o'uloule. VVIII tet, have tun eloolton this yoar'1 Some maple say Arch. Ilistee will eon. test the Beet oahlp with tho {peseta Reeve. Otbe's say Councillor Brown will seek a higher sett and, peeha ls, Deputy Reeve Bryan ditto. ( orrie. ltev, W. Torrance returned from Lon- don on Friday ]fret. hiss armory spent iinnclay last with fri, ads ht idarrlstel- Jas. Perkins was ht Laneurk attending the funeral of hie brother Last week, \Vin. Diane is having the mill -dam re- paired which was damaged by the recent hoods. J, W, Perkins has removed his store to the brick block on the east of tho Main street. Gerrie has two newspapers at present, probably something unknown for a village of its size. Rev. Ur. Livingetone, of Listowel, no - of pica the Methodist pnlpit on Sunday last, giving eloquent missionary addree- see. Mr. Tautly, of Blytle,” bite commenced bnstne.•s as taller in D. Ferguson's old stand and it is rumored that another to felt heel. Sento taut of a Bible Suoiety meeting here shortly. Reeve Milne is in the field for another year as a candidate. A. good many people in this locality am complaining of sore throats. Joseph tiemewotth has purchased the home lately vacated by Mre, Annie. Mr, Young ie receiving complimentary notices for the prompb way in which the etaim for the fire at Fordwich sawmill was settled. The Gorrte paper is authority for the statement that Mr. Glenn, of Ethel, was in town with it view of locating here, in the tailoring business. Ethel will Bee an extension in the way of building noxa spring as Thos. Chap- man Ilan purchased three lots from Law- rence Dobson and will build a residence on one of them. Reeve Itiilne has dug a new well and is going to put a windmill on the barn to pump the water into a tank in the stable so that he oan water the cattle without letting them out of the stalls. Old Mr. Sharp will be 00 years of age on Christmas day. He is kale and hearty yet. Mrs, Sharp, his good wife, is over S0. They have been married about 00 years. Urs. Sharp walked a mile the other clay to visit her daughter, Mrs. Gill. The Sharp family is remarkable for their longevity. tltwoo(t. Thecautate, "Queen Esther," will be given in Atwood on the evening of Dec. time. She leaves afamily of three sous 17th. to mourn the lose of an affectionate par The I. 0.P. purpose giving an enter• met, taiuntent in the town ball, Atwood, on --- New Year's night. Wm. 1'orrest's new residence is near- ing comp etlon and when finished be will have a comfortable dwelling. Wm. Thistle, who disposed of his livery business to W. D. Gilchrist some time ago, will remove from Atwood. Complaints have been made of certain boys in the village busying themselves shooting peas at store windows, using disgraceful Iangnage and otherwise an- noying certain bnsluess men. The halanoe of the hogs from the Elmo (cheese Co's faotory were dressed and shipped to a Toronto firm the other day. The lot numbered 100 and were killed and dressed in 2i days. The Ballautynebleak ie rapidly neay- ing completion. A handsome plate glace front was put in which is the first and only store in town with this costly front. Be talks of going into the bankrupt stock business in his new promises. At the annual meeting of the teachers' officer's, etc., of the Methodist Sunday sohool ube following were appointed for the ensuing year :—Superintendent, J. W. MoBaiu ; Assistant Superintendent, S. H. Harding ; Secretary, H. Hoar ; Treasurer, S. H. Harding ; Librarian, Chas. Stewart ; Teachers—*ible olaee, S. H. Harding ; boy's classes, G. Baran, J. W. Boyd, Wm. Wherry ; girl's classes, Jos. Ward, R. B. Hamilton, Alias I. Parker, Mies I. R. MOBain ; infant class, Mies Maggie Graham. was a witili worker in the Master's vmy t n u•i..'tp Gemmel the 1 t the early mitt to vett rte tsttsl power, 144 4^'x•m' twin WM bettor knoWuittllie',theyeettle. . teem nf Ory ted eu'roumliug toW t'Ihil s fuuu Witt. 10.1Y -au. llo tuns miucl rilUPh IINDIillSlONF.•1) WILL they the e. lila widowhnVin,l , 'o,,hc`I , n1. hull ant theadvituumf age of 70 years. Of the t�n,''curl+ervinn, ¢'I, r'nu, 11nr1 I+, tan O. rn„ bred uen1 chlldr •n living Nm. resides 01 ennces8ton yr•1U;tn per: ..0 r„„g„ iIr '1'm^ns, Ai a1 ern ) ,,,a,•utut In.,rc. sett elle .. Peter hi�hup, of nun. ii, liv,v in "- '"''ttuu L, Oils section. The faltered took Ide:e on Thursday, the interment :being made at Muledwo'th, There 18 110 110111)1."f loather Pawsou hearing the plaudit "Well done good and faithful servant." `�rit1:e Ilia 111. e, (l,•et' ; another ,o,1 1d yardmaster for to be peel 1 ,IttYltl, 1110:110 t:,` 1 the Grew('1't toile railway, et. Siretferei, Mildewed/a: 1, ueneeesty. 1'edierne Luny Lu I. Miss Hattie Rodents slipped and fell on the icy walk on Friday last enol broke her L ft fere arm. A rnn,ieal and literary entertainment will be given in connection with the Freight' seise Sabbath Schou! of this to en, an ':mislay 00e111101, Dee. 22nd, 10:11. Letters received from Rnbt. Orr, who is in Las Vegas, New Mexico, for the benolt of hie health, ere of the moist cheering nature. He says ho is gaining in weight and ie feeling first rate. The weather just now ie :tont the same tto our June wee her. Tho anniversary services of the Wing - ham 1iethedist church will be b'•1,1 on Sunday, 1)eu. 11lt11, Hoy. Mr, Peat•-ou, of Orangeville, will preach boot met' ntug and evening. fu-teId of haviu:', the annual tet ,oetl 2, it has been decided to supply the members and adherents of the chnrrh with antelopes, in whiuh they will be expected to put their contributions to the nnuiversery services. A 11ieeionetry Convention will be held in Winehion Methodist church, Teasley, Dec, le, nt 2 p. tn. This Convention will be epee to ministers and it tmen, and is 1,11f u w e' 1 . held at the suggeetiou of Rev. Dr. Slither- -ew. G. Hay will be again in the field land, who will be glad to meet all who can possibly attend, for the purpose of a for mayor- Messrs. Scott and Jonas shipped 815 brotherly oonver-ation ou any points hogs to Mr. Whyte, Mitchell, last week. touolning the missionary , with a George Cross of Wallace brought a view of giving all possible inforrnatron goose to McGillivray R Spears' store the and developing a missionary spirit among foaowiog, among other other day which weighed 151:1 lbs. the people. The Jno. Scott and Chas. Brothers have topica, may coma wider review ;—Our I nrahaxed the Williamson livery biro Indian Work, Our Domestic Missione, p The Nety China ninon.. Tho Cornpar. from Forbes' Bros., of Stratford, and 1tlr. Brothers his left to take charge. move Oat of Administering our Missions. The new hotel erected by T. H. Rolls on part of the site of the Grand Centred t31u©valte. has been leased by G. L. Hayden, form • John Messer, who has been working in erly of Fergus, wbo has taken possession. a cheese factory in Molesworth, mune A man named McPherson had his leg home for the W inter'loet Saturday. fractured in two places during a friendly Severed care of lambs have been ship. souffle at the Royal hotel one evening ped from here the last week and owing recently. He ie not a resident of the to the loss sustained pi t town. farmershanded book aorton of the pay The extension of the water works to received. the new furniture factory has been cam- The Presbyterian choir have recently pleted, the pipes being laid along Wel. adopted Exoel's anthems for vol untaries. lington street, which will afford fire Some of the old "Kirk" folk p refer to protection to the new factory and outer take a walk rather than listen to what buildings in that neighborhood. they term an "invasion." The anniversary of the Liseewel Meth- An effort is being made to have the odist church will be celebrated on Sun BlIevelrelaeeid lodge of Roycoal Bl ok night: day and Monday, Deo. 18th and 14th. Anniversary sermons will be preached Black Knights is the highest branoh of at the usual hours on Sunday by the the Orange Order, and in this there are Rev. A. Carman, D. D., General -Sneer• fifteen degrees. intendant of the Methodist church of On Thursday evening of last week Oanad'e. On Monday evening Dr. Cer. while Mrs. Wm. Messer was spending man will deliver a leetnrt' in the Mural. the evening with some friends et the The Banner says We have received manse, elle was surprised tome her whole word of the death thee week of Ms. (Rev) Sabbath Shoot aloes morale into the Cooper Of this town, at Stayller, Ont. room and read the accompanying address She has been unwell For some time with pulmonary trouble, and was taken so ill at Mr. Cooper's brother's, in Stegner, tont Dlr. Cooper had to get apartments there, and rentaiuod with her till the end W altotee Dave MoGill, of Wawanosh, spent Saturday with 3.13. Motrison. Mr. DIeLkuchlin and Mise Kelly pun. pose holding a public examination on the 28rd. John Turnbull has been confined to ' the hoose with what seems like the grippe. A Christmas tree and entertainment will be held in the Methodist church here by the members of the Sabbath school. Quite ,t number from this vicinity at- tended the entertainment held in 13utton's school lash Friday moiling and were well pleased with it, whim reflects great credit upon Mr, Morrison, Boyd is EL hustle'. The aobitrabicu held last Monday Afternoon, in Brussels, over the claim of Blyth oirotlit on the Methodists of this :barge in connection with the ro•arrange- ment of circuits in 1800, was decided in favor of Ve sten. 'rhes is considered most nsgiee to this people when allthefiniteet only are etaken into account, Tho Gerrie paper of lest, weep says :... Rev, Atr. t lrranoe retarnorl home from leondo 1 lase leriday evening where he hoe been nndergoi tg a treatment of Iurkieh baths which he finds vete, beneficial, On Monday he again started for London in. tending to roman until friday to balm a emend Hodes of 1batlts. Tito rev, gentle., Until has been a groat sufferer from seta. Lica and necrose disorganization, and hie hosts of friends hope he will 800n be Te- vtoted le his wonted health and vigor, come into they and for many yo ir>r ey « The weather was simmer like for some time, many were plowing for several days. Our tax colleotnre McNeil and bfoDon• ala will mon have all the "toad skins" gathered in. Mrs. Jas. Cott tune laid up for a time from a !tick on the knee received from e. cow. It was it painful injury. Ninety young people attended a party at Wm. I%eid's, near Jamestown, last tVednesday evening. A jolly time was spent. Mott. Wm. Logan and Mrs. R. Pollock, of St. Marys, were visiting friends and old neighbors/ in the south of Grey for a week or two. H. A. Slater, wife and eon are enjoying a holiday visit with the family of ,leo, Hill, 0th eon. Mrs. Slater is a daughter of Mr. Hill's. Mex. Soots, of Molesworth, slipped on the steps of his house on Monday, apd hurt himself very badly. He is in a very critical condition. Andrew Hislop, lot 8, con. 15, intetdo erecting a briok residence next season. As Mr. Hislop never dues anything by halves the house will be tine of the best in this section, we expect. The trueteee of S. S.' No. 4 have 'en- gaged Graham McDonald, now attending the Normal Scheel tet 0 tt4wa, ae their leacher or 1892, tib a salon, of 11415 per annum. George John -ton it the present teacher. Matheson's mill men are getting out logs for this Winter's sawing. 11 is not unlikely that this will be the last season for the mill here ae timber is getting scarce. In oonneetion with the sawing, lath and shingle business about 20 hands have been employed in the mill. Municipal matters are very quiet so far. Affairs .have been well managed and the taxes are some lower this your Would it not be a good idea to re eleeb the present oonnoil by acclamation at the nomination, and thereby eave a good lump sum to the township 1 Mrs. Robert 'Via/inlay,. daughter of Mex. Seott, Irloleswo'th, died at Joliet, Dakota, on the 10th November last. She was suffering from mincer on the Meek and was given plastet by an Indian, from which blood poisoning set in, :easing death. She eves a sista of John Scott, of this town. ANomltsn PIOitultn 80Nla ,'—Last Mon?ny 1Vtlliam Powson. an old and well known resident of this township was beckoned home to that house nob made with hands. The old gentleman took a stroke of paralysis last Friday just after tea and gradually failed until death oan:, Mr. Pawrmtwas born in Itipon,Yorkshire, 1;nglald, on April 8rcl, 1808, and was eonsegwnntly 88 years, 7 months and 13 days old at the time of his d000aoo, IIa came to Canada about 1820, living at Montreal, Kingston, Little York (Toronto) and Scarboro, being at the latter place the time of the Canadian rebellion. to iho Fall of 1.852 the subject 0f thie notice 1a Sot. (0110 IVILRON, T ,OAltsFOlttt tSEl1V rCE.or .TJ'Jice i North trait itiod,t2f, tuft N Mraris, a 041 bred Be wee Nixed by It pea's bred, improved 01)10 a Lester widen. -ranee, 91.00, to be 01011a' time of (Herein( with privilege of re - e Fite New 11118 New Firm. (2) N ew Store. (3) New Goods. (4) New .:-'rices. (5) New way of doing Business. Nun tag rf necessary. -- -- 01+:OR010 SMITH jr., 21.,1' Proprietor. y,?OA(tS FOR SaallVICI:, - BOA The tnnl.'rxi„uod 10111 hoop for suite, on Lot 11, eau ,i (100v. the tla rW bred bark. Pig. "•matey;' dna the that:' bred C tactor Mato Pig, "Conqueror';' both bred Irmo imported smote with itedigreee. T¢I'lll0 01.00 to be paid at tiro¢ of serv100 with Priv-s liege of return hog If neenosarv. ANNUS SHAW, 20.1 Proprietor. NOW OPEN, We carry full litres in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, teats, Caps, Furs and Groceries. IMP ROVED LAIW]9 \V 11'332 YORK. SHllti'1BOAR. Our Goods are Well Tho nnA Orslqun4 wlil steep for service this prevent Samsun the lnlproved large white Yorkshire pig "heady" 00 lot '20, eon. 9, 'tforrls, to which a Molineranl!:er ,...r,ww will be talke». Terme else to be paid at Hato of sel•t'lae, with the privilege of return- ing if necessary. Pedigree 110 L„ seen up- on annlieittiaa. I(0 Bl:1tT N,('1U1 , lett Proprietor. 1)URE BRED BOARS FOB SER r'n viers. --Tho unde•tigoed will beep for service 00 north bed Let 20, min.7, Mori is a pure bred tlorkenire Boer, bred by Mh' 01101, and ❑0 i)hL° improved Chestre \Vhitr, 41,8 ,,vs bred by Thos. Cenrge, Voluale, Front fm- oarteil stook ou both sties. This Lug took grapria0 at the Industrial Falr in a :taxa of 17,1n 1890, and 11rd Int ten Western Fair fu a ¢lass of lei. ITie sire took 1st at the UxUts- trial in 1091. Terms 51.00 to be piaci at time of serviee with privilege of returning 1f .neo- e8sa1•y. 2114f SAMUEL WALTER Prop Bouo-ht— Which Means We intend doing Business o•1 the REAL ESTATE. E ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN• nEnsl0N1n 1.1110 several good Farms for We nod to re nt, easy terms, in Townships of Morris mud Grey, P S. SC OTT,Bruesels, 87-1f, CH0I0R FARM FOR SALE.— Lot 14, Con. 12, Grey ; 100 aures ; first - elites buildings. A rare bargain to it cash purchaser. Title perfect. Apply at ono: to W. M. STNCLAIB, Solleitor, Brussels, 89- ("1HOIOE FARM FOR SALE.— NJ Being South half Lot 27,Min. 0, afo:rie, 100 acres, nee rly all olearecl. Good lbuildle , find Young bearing orchard. Immediate pee - session. Easy Terms. Apply to V. M. SINCLAIR, td- Solicitor, kc„ Bruseole, C0MFOR'PABLE HOUSE AND Lot Inc 0410 lei 1'19151, known as the 0 overlook property. 11 0cros of land, good house and stable, hard end soft water, well fended. Possession given any teem. t"or price. Lerma and other information apply to 10 M. 01 RN n11. P ()atm , tier, E tlicl, or 11OST. SCOTT, Craubreok. 19-210 port SALE.— HOUSE, LOT I. and Pratt Garden, situated just outside the carper some of Brussels. The under- signed offers his beautiful ho utestoatl,a00?- prising an acre of land laid out in ena.- followed by the predentttfsn of a basutiful frnlna, agco4 brink banNo,sttt lo, rirst•cl•,ee pinahslipper ease and foot stool:— well, etc„ makoga:omit:to home, For further particulars apply For sumo time past an individual or two attending the Methodist uhareh have kept up en nnnoyancs during e:reins by their half-witted gestures and their nonsenstual acts. We think people who attend chu•oh should have respect for the house of God, 11 they have none for themselves and save the diegrace of public censure. We aro sorry to say thea, ponies axe of the female sex. Thu anniversary servicee of the Presby- terian church will bo conducted by the Rev J. Rose, S. it.., of Brussels, who will also give au address on Monday evening at the tea mewing, under the auspices of the Y. P. 0. A. Addresses will also be given by several other nava speakers, tuterstlersed by vocal mild in- strumental mase:. S. Gracey has kindly consented to give some of his inimitable readings. FOOT BALL,—Last Saturday a great stir was made in the village by the arri- val of the limber football team from Wingham. At 1;80 p. m. the. boys, who were very evenly matched in size, took the fleet. At the end of the fleet half hour, however, the home club, who had the wind in their favor, proved thein. selves to be too strong for the frailer Wingluunttes by snoring two goals while their rivals sco ed none. The next half the Winghamites had the wind in their favor and en additional player on, but our club was just getting into playing trim and in spits of the best plitying the opposing club could do they soured' three more gnats, staking a total of five goals to none in favor of Bluevale. DEAR Mas. ltlnseoti,—We, the little girls of your Sabbath Sohool erase, have been Ivan ting for a long time to tell you !hat we like you for a Mealier very emelt. We thought of a lot of ways to tell you but at Inst decided to do as grown up people do and rend you an addrees. We do not Ituow exactly what is proper to say only we all love yon and we are ewe that although we aro oily little girls now we will never never forget you if we ehOUld li3Ot be very old women. We ask yon please accept this little present so that you may always remember our love wherever you ere. It is intended for a Chriettnas present end we all wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Sappy New Year. We rem 11n your ever effete. Renate sabolare :--Louie llertlee, Bella Dowler, Mary Yorston, Ida ()leghorn, Nellie Henderson, Jennie Elliot, Maggie Robertson, Jessie Robertson and Ins Thomas, O01:1 COTTON BOOT t'03IP0U i1l. A recent niecovory by at old physician, Su¢oasted- 1y usatlntontbly by that, !tutee of 1,0111110, 1$ the oily perfectly Baia 11,101 rolllthlo mad1010'lbeoe' med.pewter: 0110117 icipled dregglete wltn osier inferior tnodtcitma in plane of Wis. Ask Cow (1000'8 (1emtoN 10001' O1.511100NR, take tat [substitute; ov inclose e.l. at 1 4 tli'so•cont Remade, Hostage stem,n in letter, tort we will send, dented,1tyreturn melt, tell 00141- od particnlurs 10 Plein rte velem, 10 ladle+ only, 9 at•unps, Address t"end 1,111. 14 isa patty, No. 8 Thebe' Meek, 1.tt Weed Nerd ava.,Lotloit. Minhe kt'8ttil to lrrussolo by •.1 '1' 7 LPPIllt, e, A,1)EA1)\I.\N and all rssnon.tb10 drug;ilsta everywhere, 4.5 nruoaels, T ALUABLR 50 AORE FARM Son tsetse—Beteg wage 1 Lot 11, (Coll, 0, Grey, 21 miles from Brussels. The land 10 good clay loam, well drained, mostly ell cleared and in co1C order, Ore num of or- ohat11 in good repair. There is a never fall- ing spring on the premises and me extra well at the buildings. The buildings arra comfort- able. Would take suitable property in or near Brussels as part pay. For further par- ticulars apply on tUo pnomises 01105. i 1oSRh]GOR, or address Brussels P.O. 8811 IARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- nnadtoNI•la offers fnr sole bile north mist quarto rot lot 28, concession 0, Morris, (Sanity of Huron, eon taiu in g 00 acres, The landle of arse enemy and in a high state of oulvivati0n, well fenced and uuder-rlralned, de aoree cleared. New frame house, grooms milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells, good barna and shad, orchard, etc. Eight mores of fall wheat, This desirable property adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit- able berm will be given. Title Brie et, TAMES GRIEVE, Owner, 80- Seal orbit p.0, i(^.•00D HARM FOB SALE. - 1, The unttersigned 18xeeutors offer the "john Forbes" farm for sate, The property west lot 7, coo. mores, being townsnt lhip. chore rare 100 a0res cleared and under crop, balu ee hardwood bosh. On the premises is a good 2 storey brick house, large bank barn with stone stabling, wells, windmill and piping to enables, two erohards. wood fences.to. The terra ie in a good state of cultivation and le only 21 miles from Brussels. Pose sato n to quit purchaser. For 00100, terms, Sen„ write or apply to 84f OBES'rtzcP. 0, or D. tnfol, NOMINATION —FOIL THE— VILLAIN of 13RESSRIS The Nomination of a Reeve, Four Oouu. Milers and Three Trustees for the Vit. lege of Brussels, will be held at the TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS, ---o1 Monday, Doc. 28th, 1891 At the I'foor of 12 O'clock (Noon) L CTIO 1 ri iw'•«i: t.., a,t SYS T Half Sold. Which will allow us to sell at lower prices than any Credit House can do. We are here to do business and if Good Goods, Fair Prices and I-Tonorable Dealing will secure business we expect to get it. The Rlevtion, should a Poll be demanded, will be helot on Monday, Jam 4th, 1892 J Our Motto will not be so much, Cheap Goods, as —Good Goods at Low Prices. Come in and see us. We will be pleased to show Goods and qnote prices. i Good Butter, Eggs and Poultry taken in exchange for Goods at the Highest Market Price. For Polling Sub division No. 1, at the office of J. J. Gilpin 1 for Polling Sub. rlivieioll No, 2, eft the ComSil Chamber, between the hours of 0 o'rook a. 111. mid l;lnlXori111Y?. 5 o'clock p. let. S. SCOT, e� � w Itt'tnrnlll Officer. R. �'� r, {� w, o Irwin t•,: sin. -. R U Fes-.,' S E 00. FURNITD6E EMPORIUM. I have a splendid Stock of Furniture at my Show rooms, Turnberry Street, Brussels. consisting of Parlor and Bed- room Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs, Lounges, &e., that cannot be excelled t'or wear or value. Always a big Stock to choose from. SPECIAL BARGAINS ! As I have a very large and well made stock of Bed: oom Suites and Sideboards 1 will sell them at greatly reduced pric, s. We have muscle a specialty of these lines and now is the time to purchase. Hand -made Furniture a special feature of our business. A large stock of tip-top Moulding for Picturo Frames. Work done with neatness and despatch. A nice lot of Pictures, Foot Stools and Fancy Articles for sale. REPAIRING NEATLY ATTENDED TO. A full line of Caskets, Uofl ns and Robes always on hand. Two Hearses and a free Delivery Wagon in connection with our Establishment. I pay special attention to CAVITY and ARTERIAL EMBALM- ING. Having taken three series of lessons on Embalming from Prof. Renonard, of Kansas, and having a Diploma for the same, I feel confident iu being able to do this work properly. A beautiful range of McFarlane, McKinlay & Co's patent LA NEY" WINDOW BLINDS to Menet. i'7Vory housekeeper should see tllenl, They aro dandies. •Age1 N bat for thB KA. OJM . b Save money by Patronizing the Old Estitbli-heel Furniture