HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-12-11, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST Dvx, 11, IOI r -17.zaawillz4.-11K•w.taigausraftlism...tmetiverasttu•auglazuranarstmet,wazEgarmzuwodzismimmtmunmumn..nim........2,=61102=auszamimmautssamumramazymacutermassruzanswaenuranisurmumeroastwassomaammgmtetzusmaxadift - r\ievv Advertisements. whichheY1'"v" ""t ill" got noNEy To LOAN, Loral • Otto. Coed. Idtet,l. 1). ('. Host% lettels 1) ..1. Neutiteviee 11. sont, 1 tit 11 it,,,,t 1) Sk.e art, (Istria Bars:ties Howe ,t tea is - liareev- Chris( elan Goods—Poet Booseture, 1•1; Itt'ee te 11, 1„ lor, Notice to Cteditors—B L. 'Citylor, Boar for Serviee—George Smith jr. Driving Park Associatitin—A. (Tbe isiru5c15 Vazt. FRIDAY, DEC. 11,1891. A.310Se the new things Torontonians will tly at the forthcoming election will be a v•te on a bylaw to supply free books tr the &Mani children. A Vaal: signifieant advertisement tip. Peered in the Want column of a Toronto paper last week viz ;—A lady typewriter, must be over 40 years of ago. There is no need of pointing the moral. Arail the swill of the ho•idayseason 14 over would it not be a good idea to boom the Mechanics' Institute ? Penny read• lugs brought good audiences to the Town Hall and spellingmatches, loote() r courses, &o. have aroused on interest in other places. Brussels Institute library is one of the hest but the membership Is two small by and one of the best wdys tit =sense it is to have the claims and advantages of the institution brought before the reading public. Fifty two weeks reading for the small suai of 31.00 is certainly a very nominal price for the best literature procurable. We propose that early in Jammu that a program be inaugurated something after the fol- lowing :—Spelling match, ten on a side, between the East and West residents of Brussels, munsical selections to be given by the best local talent. Then two weeks later, have a lecture on some in. teresting topic by some of the town olergymen. Next month have a musical and literary entertainment and thus in- fuse liffi into the board of managers and interest literary people in the matter of patronizing the library. In some towns the Free Library is the drawing card and scores and hundreds may be seen exchanging their books. What do the Directors of Brussels Mechanics' In- stitute think abut getting up a big re. vival along the line indicated ? "The Chesley Council has passed a by. law prohibiting the sale of tobacco and cigars to boys under 14 years of age nn. less with authority from the patents," We are sure the Chesley town fathers showed their sound judgment in enaoting the above legislation and great good would be accomplished if many other places would follow suit. The young Cainula of to -day Me learn enough of nastiness after 14 years of age without acquiring the habit of chewing and smoking tobacoo More they ate old enough to write their own name legibly. There are young lads in this place sailing round in the evenings with a roll of cab- bage leaves in their mouths who should be thoroughly spanked and put to bed. Parents are greatly to blame in this matter by handing over the household reins into the hands of half grown yonng. stem and allowing them to go as they please. while on the tobacco question we would like to give tobacco chewers a hint vis this, the proprietors of etoree and offices dont pay to have their floors scrubbed and made tidy for the express purpose of giving tobacoo chewers an opportunity of making a pig inn of the place, If men and boys will chew the weed let them carry a ouspidore with them and use it when they are attending to business in the shops and stores. If some of• them bad to do the cleaning after they have retired they would never repeat the nnisanoe. Do you disbelieve this ? Prove it by one trial and it will convince the most skeptical. Tim business men of Brussels get about as large a share of trade as falls to the lot of the ordinary merchant and they give as good bargains as may be found in any town. 11 two good resolu- tions were formed and adhered to, that we will name, a larger and safer busi- ness would be done and each man would work on his legitimate lines. First—A cash basis should be established and strialy enforoed. If so the big leak. called credit, would be stopped and for every dollar's worth of goods sold there would be its equivalent, with profit, in the till. Again, if every Merchant could have the cash in his band in purchasing Ms goods his discounts would pay his running expenses. Where long credit is the rule it means failure as thee as the sun shines as the oreditor never knows, for a oertainty, when he will be able to meet his liabilities, The long list of assignments 8110114 be a warning to all L praotital business men to haul flown the p 'flag "Credit,' to nail the bailees "Cash " h to the mad and fight it out upon that line. Credit is like a man barricading the doors and windows against an ont. aide roo and finding when be did so that the enemy usts already inside in com. to mend. ‘143 have been told that, there 11 are not a law people who take their elfish to storm( where credit Wont be given and then anything else they require, ror at the store where the twee:int is ebook- eti." The new year hi g stl time to throw away your boeks tvi far ae the future is ecumenic,' mid stou art t on a ed liii, hes, ,1,1 --Inuit, is t or lees Ellaorgallbled °WI ne to the intlittorintitiate manner ia Which late111041 14 thine. Mermth eluintg tht stick to eir s metal lines and in almost any etore you 01414 Seo goothat have no eonneetion under the sun with the general bueiness done, For instance the dry goods men often keep school books, patent medicines, buffalo robes, dm, ; the hardware men handle silverware ; the druggists boom the fancy goods trade ; the harness makers, school bags, hand sleighs and the like ; the galetts sell needles, pins, buttons and combes, and so tlm illustra- tions might be multiplied if necessary. This is a mistake in our judgment, and will prove itself so to many me the years roll hy. Business men should hold to the staples of their respective lines aucl add specialties but not trespass on the rights of others. There was a time when a man could run a general purpose store, keeping almost everythieg asked for hot it aunt be done today unless when back- ed up by large capital and the sooner business people (mine to acknowledge this fact the sooner will trade run in its proper grooves. A Jack -of -all trades is never a wealthy man for the reason that there is no concentration on any one line, so it is and go it will be with the business men of this or any other town until the course we have endeavored to mark out is acloptel and closely adhered to. Counoil meeting on Tuesday of next week, 15th inst. The patrons of Belgrave cheese factory shipped a car Mad of cheese. Mrs. Barclay has gone to Detroit and other places for the vvinter. Mise Lizzie) Bird and Violet Cooper are visiting friends in Newbury. The Methodists of Belgrave purpose holning their annual ten on Christmas eight. A night school was started recently in the Stone chool house. There were 24 present, which will be greatly augmented as soon as sleighing comes. Frank Wood will be instructor. Who was the young married man .that got so badly "rattled" that he wast with his bride to sit for a photo but en re- moving his overcoat found that he was minus an undercoat ? The jam of driftwood piled up at Clarke's bridge by the recent flood was removed last week. It was a big job as the way the loge, brush, !to. were packed together was a teaution. There will be considerable building in Morris township next year. Among the number will be residences for A. McInnes and George Krteling and new barns far Andres Sloan and Thos A. sleudid time was enjoyed at a musi- cal and literary entertainment held at Button's school house last Friday even. ing. One of the features was a presenta- tion to the teacher, Boyd Morrison. 5liss takes charge of the school, after law Years. J. M. Hughes, who has been working at Escanaba, Michigan, for the past six 00 88083 months, arrived home last 11`11- day afternoon looking 00118 the worse of his stay under the stars and stripes. He thinks Ontario is on the top yet, hewever, although he did well. Mrs. T. P. Nugent, wife of T. P. Nu. gent, formerly of Sunshine, and sister of W. S. Bean, of Gotrie, died in Counoil Bluffs, Iowa, on Wednesday, 2nd Dec. The remains were brought to Ontario and buried in the family bnrying ground in ta . She leaves a husband and three little boys to mourn her demise. Dr. J. H. 1.11oCasey, formerly of Huron County, now practicing medicine at Conoordia, Kansas, was elected coroner of Cloud county, Kansas, by a majority of 344 at the recent election. Dr. Mo. Casey is aoting surgeon to the Concordia, jail and county infirmary and Health Officer of Cloud county. The &saber en. joys a large pranks°. On Nov. 21st Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Dyke, of Belgrave, received a telegram from St. Thomas, North Dakota, bearing the sad news of the death of the younger of her two brothers ; naturally enough she hastened home, only to find the sorrow• ful news had proceeded her and that the rest of the family were in possession of the sad fact. Thos. S. Ball was the 3rd son and 5111 child of Mr. and Mrs. S. Ball, of Goderioli, and eight or nine years ago had gone to St. Thomas, Dakota, where in company with his brother, J, G. Ball, carried on an extensive business n hardware, furniture, lumber and drugs. His parents and the rest of the amity had hot 84180 him since then, WA! hie tummer, when in May last he re• tuned to visit his parents, eldest broth- s, Rev. John Ball, of Fairmount, Mrs. .11fficarthur and his brother Wm. Ball, oth of Hensel]. He also spent a little while with his sister, Mrs. Dyke, in Bel - rave, then went to Kempstville to visit ome relatives of his wife, when with his vife and two children be returned to 1115 parents in Goderich, remaining with hem until Oct, 120, when with his amity he journeyed to his own home nd business in the west. On Nov. 12.th e complained of °bills and took to his ed on Friday, the 13th, still his case was ot considered a dangerous one until ueeday the 17th, and even then con. tilting physicians thoright his tame It good ne as all inflammation was eubdued, at he felt otherwise, After wishing his rother goodbye and saying an affection. te farewell to his wife and children he esigned himself calmly to the will of od. Among hitt last words; were "my ore receive my gpirit." He died of on Nov. 2181t, Being the est death in the family ib was a heavy ow, but they expect to meet bins in at 00 Serener C111113, a b W g 3 h b T ?dt ba is to have a barber shop, Fordwioh Free Moselle expect to go in. their now lodge main in the Ma9011i0 lock this month. Andrew Linklater, or East WitWanosh, Idle operating pulper Saturday tel throe fingers of 1118 left 11)1 severely aerated. Molloy to Loan 011 FARM PROPERTY LOWEST RATES Private and Company Funds, APPLY TO J.0.11effernan, S.A.Young, Valuator. Agen t. Ethel P.O., Ont. CLUBBING OFFER, THE POST will be clubbed with the leading 'Weeklies as follows : The Globe and Tug Pon 25 The Advertiser .. 2 25 The Free Prose .. 2 23 Montreal Witnees .. 9 10 Montreal Star.. 2 '2F) Toronto News .. 2 25 Toronto Empire .. .. 2 25 Toronto Mail .. • . .. 2 25 The balance of this year will be given Fres to all New Subscribers. We ask a Comparisou of THE POST with the leading journals of Huron County. 1r. Roan. Miixoon it Pnosausron. STANDARD BANS [IT CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. W. F. COWAN, Preeldent. J. L. BRODIE, Cashier. ASSETS, • - PAID OP CAPITAL, • RESEIIVE FUND, - . 117,000,000 - • 1,000,000 • 500,000 Agencies in 1411 principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and Bngland. Brussels Agency. A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' and other good Notes Discounted at lowest rates. Drafts Issued and Collec- tions made on all points. Deposits received and interest allowed at cm rent rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest Allowed on Savings Bank De- posits of SI and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, and own - pounded half yearly. Pronlot attention and every !minty afford- ed oustoiners Biting at a distance. G. P. SOHOLFIELD, Agent. Brtissela Apr118E0,1501. I CIL US COMM, .11 Lot of Xew Christ. MaS Goods ,just hand at `THE POST' Bookstore. Rocking Horses, Sleighs, Carts, Brooms, Dolis. Iron Trains, Money Banks, • -Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Dishes. Alphabet Blocks, Magic Lanterns, Paint Boxes, Trumpets, - Drums. Locomotives, Piro Engines, Tubs (K; Washboards, Flat Irons, Stoves, Pails. Picture Books, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Albums, Bibles. N ecklaces, China Cups, Purses, Harmonicas, Whistles. Drawing Slates, Wire Baskets, Mirrors, Banjos, Toy Watches. Hundreds of other articles that can't be mentioned. Big Bar- gains in every line. Buying will prove it. Come Early. Goods will be reserved until desired. ‘1505'17 Bookstore. • • • • • • I Il\T AW 1-11.1I ClIat7u4k4hleitb, lq404.0, •• For UHT 41 L as Blankets from Sheeting Flannels Cashmeres Underwear " 6 6 , .1 — --- Lel= YEARS $2.00 to $5.00 a pair 40 "50 a yard 1G" 35 " SO " SO " 50 " 1.10 a set WW1 1 Remember these Bargains only t last until New Years so call while you can get the Goods Cheap. 1Ttiza.75 would you, like —in the way of a corset ? Something that's easy and comfortablc—something that clasps the figure closely, but yields to every movement? Then you want the Ball's Corset. If you find that you don't, after wearing for two or three weeks, you have only to return it and get your money back. . FOB SATZ BY A. &RAMAN. tar liclon111 FRESH Preparing, for SI -Jock Waking. 1-1:‘021:1154.:,11Z In order to reduce my Stock I have decided to run a great big Clearing Sale during the Month ot December when my large and well bought stock of Imported Tweed Suitings and Trmserings, Irish Berges mid Cheviot Suitinzs, English and French Worsted Coatings. Will be offered for sale at greatly reduced prices, Now is the time to place your order for a Suit or Winter Overcoat. SOMETHING YOU NEED, A pair of Fine Black Worsted Pants made to your order, $3,50. .111, Cloth purchased from us during the Sale will be cwt Free of Chard& •••••••11M10 urNIsHING In this department I aim to excel :—I have all the ARRIVALS Latest Novelties in Rats, Caps, Collars, Cuff,Ties, Gloves Bosiery, Underwear, 'Shirts of every .Description,, Umbrellas, S'as- A Lot of Beautiful Grapes penders„ Linen and Sillb trandlterehiefs.. and Cranberries. • In fact I have everything you rag tUre from the Socks on your feat to the Hat on your head. Get some of them, OYSTERS. This firm makes a special Study of the Fresh OystePs Received three FINE ORDERED CLOTHING TRADE times a week. 170° may (101100c1 011 them And Guarantee the Fit and Finish of every garment to the satisfaction being good, Order a Quart of our Customers. or refund the money. or 11 Gallon and try them T. RUTLDGE, Opposite American Hotel, D. C. .17tOSS,