HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-12-11, Page 3I,
)tan;-;ansasenaansK„u'aceta~.^cwa.•vuasnacusr.�aunlr.•tu�seatslmr.vsr!s,ennrxenr:.sat'rr.>tcursrvtnccrtlts�wslatx'tax.=naraaa •amsmrc ”"r•,�,�:I�x'r.'rvav mom.:.+� ^, r .,'"•.-m.,,,am
'1'111: '11i11PEli.t."t'l' It1:110th(, L.t11'F fort 1
.1ost a word to you UI religion people gat if they Walt un•
Chicago hos 0,0011 saloons, ono y young frieu 1H 1 � til tlioy got away from hoot., to
for every :101 people. Chicago Inas 11'0 ail envy s1 1. we
l411111e, but lraetioe 1i. (hinny to I4u7U1 011 1rnri'ii 1'r0 -
la (hntvh for ,tbont every 000 till it i, too lit we do nut all learn' 1 The than tviw id a wail never
1 vlfrcr99r'rl, l,irl:. `Clio devil doll') mire
h,w uitullt Money to Loan,
that Ihur8 ore laws wlhch e0utro1 11 ;pl'rty -
people, nits work,tud coo to whittling bo• 0
1 f u who were hard anceessl'nl ITe--law. 10111011 WO haVe !,toss t:,tuns,„iy tells Ilion Bin 0'•111 �i� ��,�'�%' I1.'�.A'- :;,�+`. "t Dr"'
4•i r
Tl,•usa11, s n rue
ally to obey it wo would Fovea, •
majority of thew arc dead Lowover. (toil until 1.11„ cl t love his
,h'iIlaers have quit fur good. '1'lle 1 Las spend uu It. __
illsnsU,us failaro. „
Bev. 1lro. iiinrltlry, of Iowa, says
a•L;) g;tth''rs u,, facts wherever she
eau regarding the practical worsting
for prohibition. I110atiug an agr'i•
cultural implement dealer she asked
him in which state it was easier to
make collections, Itlinnosota or loan,
Ile nus%ered : "Iona, two to ono ;
fllrmere in 1liinneeotlt spend lots of
Lot IN 0u)sl1101' a foo of those brother oil the other 61, of the
oolulnaulli( to ^;Melt (led sold nature o:trLll doesn't levo his brattier t.0
have 11Ltavhcd the promise of m the other stria of the street,
cr otv First of all, Be resolute. There are people that claim that
they are willing to do anytl!u:; for
the Ford who never think of going
Determination makes mon giants
for good or monsters for evil. Make to church on a rainy Sunday.
Private and Company Funds.
So1icitoa's, 1f'1.,
Bltt!Sfll•J.H, ONT.
up your mint( what to do ttud be There are women who sometimes
sure 1t le worth doing; and thou do thiole Sunday that they have re -
mom y for liquor ; tine makes thorn I It, ]h) not ba chsmay0d at ub (igloo, bub whet] aha cloths., line
more likely 111 brealc their machines, xta0108. They are stumbling stento., breaks down au Monday they1find
and thou they ate not willing to to tho week and the vacillating, but ant that they haven't.
8tepping•xtouex to the collrageuuN
pas „
.Ur. `1'illnutvv says: "Sitting in' and the resolute. 0441. Deane 110r 10,',) 31n11,
nue religions absambiages there ars 3• Be persevering, Choosing ft --
"•I there map In
nod muu oil to in awful peril, lawful, laudable object in life, stick s ) a all Usk amli•
e f Y people
to it, 0nue," demanded the rotunda lecturer
and judging from ordinarymrcum• 13, Ile iu(11ls'.riuns. Ton can 1100• on woman's rights, "that hoe ever
situates, there is not one chance in er drift into success but un )nay done anything to lighten the burden
live tf aad that they will het ' Y on his wife's shoulders ? What tin
clear f it. `There tare mien in my climb to lofty heights.
corgi(• .,tion from Sabbath to Sob 1. Be thorough. What is worth you know of woman's work ? is
butt (f whom 1 mast (oaks the re, doing is worth doing well. Tau there a mean here," she t.,ntion'1,1,
mark that if they do not chfulge peril of us all Is learning t) do 100 folding her arms a)1(1 looking over
(heir 1111)'80 within ten yea1e they 0148113' what we attempt. We got her audience with supreme scorn,
will, 11.8 to their bodies, lie down in clld'eleOS—superfleral. Wo make a "that has over got up in the mlrn-
a drunkard's gravee, and as to their 1 show of progress without any real ing, leaving ins tired, worn out wife
souse lie down in a drnultard's per I acquisition, itis thin gold plating to enjoy her sltuubere, gone quietly
clition. a know it is an awful thing Y a good deal of brass. down stairs, made the lire, cooked
over a ver
to say but 1 cllullot help saying it, 111111 'vn u sy to be is Life iUl filo 1113 010)1 buttons
esti(,( erufis
0h, beware ! Yon have not yet seen , ) Yd
captured. Be„ are ! whether the must be Mid o0t uu a definite plan. elothos, darned toe family 8tc.ckieg•1,
beverage be loured in goldan 011111• Method is like I,a mechanical ap- scoured the puts and I(et les, 0)0,0)
ice or pewter mug, in form at the l plianco, it ma1(8s up for hack of eel and filled the lamps, swept the
lop, in white lettere, let there he I power by teaching us how to 1100 kitehen, and done all tide, if neees•
spoiled out to you, "Beware !" what power we have. Defects of Bary, day after day uuoompIluuwng•
We observed with some interest I. imagination, of 'memory and 00011 Iy ? if there he such a man in this
the erection of a business block the of loosening power may be supplied audience lot him rise up 1 1 Mound
by systematic habits. A certn1n like to see h!m
past Benson on one of the streets we
traverse every day. Masons, oar. French minister of great business And in the rear of the mall a
enters and laborers toiled hard by qualities has been curious y sou•
pIras ed with a shiftless English
day to rear it, when finished it h g $
wee a handsome etruaLnre, and its statesman thus :—One never pot v
Iwo stores quickly rooted. It was till to -morrow what he could do to.
some disappointment to us to see
day ; the other never did to -day
that a saloon was the kind of buss• what be could push off till to mor•
uess occupying one More, lint we row.
Ind a alight. offset hi the fact that a G. Bo economical. Economy
bakery )coli possessiou of the other. moans wive administration, avoid.
1f whiskey was+ going to be sold in ing waete and using well what we
one place, broad. for the drinker's have, 31.000omy of 'money is at
family would be made and sold in
the other. After a few mouths the
battery was remuvedl. It did not
pay. The saloon ie still in opera-
Somewhat Curious.
A muu iu Missouri has twenty-
seveu pet rattle snakes which come
When 118 calls them.
A.Iter a brief bud uullecountable
illness a Lome in Sherman, Mich.,
died. The stomach wits opened,
nuc( in it was found a half a bushel
of sant(.
&vel'el ladies of Tacoma have
orgauized a rainy day alub. The
object ie to induce the members, on
rattly days, to wear skirts which du
not exteud below the ankles.
Au equivocal compliment 1e per
picking a young man of Hallowell,
Me. A fascinating girl, to whom
be bas been paying considerable ate
Winton, has armed a pet calf after
The following itetn appeared in at
Mississippi paper :—"Bev. A.
Cathy, a 111ethodiet minister, aged
70 yealf, living at Burnsville, re-
cently eloped with mise Minnie
Motor, aged 51 pare. The lady's
3events objected.
Doe(obeo, an island adjoining
Pcrlo Bice, is iefestcd with rats,
There are millions of them there
and it is unsafe for a man to set foot
upon the island. They have de
slroyed all the goats which were tor.
inerly bred there and are now eat'
mg the ehrubbely.
Mr. McGrilin; of McGregor,
Texas, has been in a dazed "condi.
tiou for about a week, and wonders
if some plan could not be contrived
to 1(001) his salary advancing in the
same ratio as his family. About a
year ago his wife presented him with
triplets. Laet week 8110 beat that
record, by giving birth to four child-
ren at al time.
Tea ie very cheap In China ; ou8
11l'"viu00 of the empire good tea is
sold at 1 }d, it pound.
There ate nearly 10,000 steam
ships nn the world.
10 London thine is ono doctor to
every 8130 people.
Chinese maidens pluck out their
A lady is investigating the patent
oflic0 in Washing Lou to obtain
Models of 100lmen'8 intonations si008
the b( ginning of our history.
Dr. Jacobi, the great specialist in
diseases of W0mun and elnldr'otl,
say]) that the baby 0fto day hoe a
nautili better Minuet: of life than the
baby of fifty years ago.
1u one day recently at good wife
in Murray county, (nt., pulled 309
bundles of fodder 'awl tied up 110
bundles. The report aren't state
what the old main ons doing.
mild looking mull In epeelacle8, In
obedience to the summons, timidly
arose. He was the husband of the
eloquent speaker. It was the first
time he had ever had a chance to
assert himself.
11010 Worthies Arc Mole.
Almost all the marbles with
wllioh boys everywhere amuse them"
the bottom of personal peace and selves, m 0841801 soil out out of
household plenty. Very few are season, on pavements and 1n shady
there who, if they ehnoeo, could not spots, are made at Oberetein, Ger-
be rich by anti by. The five ceuts 11."14111-'Tlere are many large guar•
a day spent for cigars would, in ries and mills In that neighborhood,
course of a lifetime, it' 11 were saved,
come, by compound interest, to a
snug little fortune and bless old age
\vial compete cy. I heard a sags,
Moue employer ,-ay oI a very gifted
salesman, "I would make that man
a partner but he spends all his
earn111g0 on (tress." Economy may
be applied to ltuytll!ng which is ours
iu trust for good uses. We elould
he saving of time -one of the most I
whiola is of lard wood, having a
valuable of all God's gilts. A8 ; level face on its lower surface The
is wasted 1n pennies, so tune 'upper block is made to revolve
is wasted emiuntes' rapidly, neater bein" delivered upon
7. Be self sacrificing. D not
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been putted in my (lends
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Throe Days il' title
Solicitor, Brussels.
11 THE
01 !r STAND f
Owing to Air. "McGinnis failing to
complete his ar1angemenla I am haolt
again in my Ornery.
I am very thankful for the patron-
a5e in the past 10 verses and ask not only
a oontinnance of the same bot a large in.
oreaae in trade. I have a well assorted
stook of
and am continually adding to it.
What do you do in the
Long Evenings ?
Here e is it hist )I' Popular
Carnes int
1300A14S' OR
Yum ! 1.11111 ! IIisturical Events,
Uhl .(laid, Riddles, Authors, .Seth
Spook's visit to Chicago, Boast
Bird or Fish, Fortunes, 1lugg*ins,
Dominoes, Optical Illusions, Jade
Straws, Checkers, Tortoise and
tlic Hare, Dinner, L'agatelle.
Price from 5c. to 35c.
Buy a Box for
the Youngsters.
L'rrtetica/, il'cciclrttaeclae�'
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wi,lhing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Tull Lines in
Silver Platen Ware
Big Bargains in Teas, from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Special Value in Glassware. ,
Prime Hams and Bacon. ! Clocks of the
Latest Designs.
i don't do much 'milting about my
business but I am giving barolaine that
and the refuse is turned to good ae. are worth securing. Call and prove
count in providing the small stone for yourself.
halls for experts to "knnol(le down"
with. '2111 stone is broken into
small cubes by blows of a light
hammer. These small blo0ke of
stelae aro thrown by the shovel:al
him the hopper of as mall mill,
formed of a bed atone having its
surface grooved with concentric t'nr.
rows ; above this is the "runner,"
hesitate to pay the price of success
even if it costs much self-denial.
There is no prize witllont its price.
Paltssy, the potter, was so enthusi•
sonic in his study to perfect hie per
celain wares that he forgot Mod and
Oriole and sleep. He spent all his
money and then burned his garden
paling, household tables mud linen -
Lure to keep up the furnace fires
to melt the enamel. Ile was se
absorbed iu his work that like
rousse, the Chinese potter, he
would have thrown himself into the
furnace rather thou fail in his life
work. In all Iifo's noblest 410111eve
moots it is sill true we save life
only by losing it. The l!ghe81 vie
toe is eelf•eacrifce and the grainless
results are reached only at cost of
solf•denial ; but when the crown
shines on the brow the way of the
creme will be forgotten. 1
Words of Wisdom.
No man who 1100404 hitnself is
Any work is bard wort( to it lazy
Every good man builds baa own
Beware of people who do not love
children and flowers,
There is nothing sadder on earth
than an unhappy child.
The devil loves to hear the man
who won't pay his debts talk in
The praying doesn't mean 0111-011
when the pocketbook won't say
The less religion people have the
more they insist upon others hay.
Babes 10 011list sometimes die
be0ausc they are fed with watered(
People who expect to praise God
its heaven ought to begin to do it
hero on earth.
If you want to bring down the
sinners outside of the olnurch shoot
at diose in it.
Tho man wlto professes to bo a
Christian should work continually
Chief of Police Babas, of Wind -or, ab the business.
is dead, at the ago of 00. Ho hon Some people, when they pray in
boon obiof for 20 yoare, and l0nves ; ptlb1104 push every window In
a wife and 5 children. (1100,08)1 shpt to begin with-.
the grooves of y110 bed atone where
the marbloe are being rounded. It
takes about 15 minutes to finish a
bushel of good marbles, ready for
the boys' knuckled. one unll will
turn out 100,000 per week.
4.401111.1.111 IN Wn.
Austria will remove the prohibi-
tion on American pork.
Russia's' navy consists of 102
ves+els and 80,500 00011100 and
A scheme is on foot at Minn0)0
pone to seed a ship load of flour for
the relief or the famine stricken
peasantry In Bessie.
Mrs, Agtiee Lawrence, to mission-
ary on lbs mo)utuin side near Now
Boston, Pa , hits been murdered
after boiug brutally itltreated,
Henry McGreevy, 'aged 19, of
Plpinfield, Conn., lifted an eight
hnmdred pound height in imitation
of Luis Oyr, and died.
A burglar iu S'. Paul, Minn.,
0111111ing away with a tray of chi,
mond wags fell and the crowd
.,crumbled for the treasure.
The Standard Bank of Melbourne,
AnoLraa'i 1, (slut a capital of $5,000,•
000, a north of which had been
paid lip, was fdroed to suspend
owing to the financial pante.
Mr. 0:10ar, of Whitechurch, has
bought the grocery stock of Mr.
Beaton !)ud as lot from Mr. llowbry
on ,01)1011 he intends building a large
store and stocking it at once. 111r.
Beaton hue rented the store at
Batter's Corners iu which he intends
putting at general line of !,Duds anti
will 111,0 carry nu the butchering
busi 1005.
Very painful 1(00130nt befoll
1103tee herb, sou of Isaac (land.
ford. on the tar,) of ,l.uiros 11and-
ford, of Osborne, while getting over
the filing). It (appears that he had
surmon11)11d the 10000, an(1 made a
spring to the ground, at the same
time resting one hand on tho ranee
whore a large nail was projecting
in which his hand 0aught, going
clear through the hand and holding
him suspended to the fence until he
managed to extricate himself from
hie very uncomfortable predicament.
Geo. Baker.
BEING due to the presence of uric
Heidby in the blood, 10 most effectually
ellred the use of Ayor's Sareapa-
rltlaa. Be sure you get Ayer's 0.1111 no
other, and take it till the poisonous
acid is thoroughly expelled from the
system. We challenge attention to this
testimony : —
"About two years ago, after suffering
for nearly two years from rheumatic
gout, being able to walk only with great
discomfort, and having tried various
remedies, including mineral waters,
without relief, I saw by an advertise-
ment in a Chicago paper that a mail had
been relieved of this distressing com-
plaint, after long suffering, by taking
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I then decided to
make a trial of this medicine, and took
it regularly for eight months, and 0111pleased to state that it has affected a
complete mire. I have since had no re-
turn of the disease."—birs. R. Irving
Dodge, 110 West 190th st., New York.
"One year ago I was taken ill with
inflammatory rheumatism, beim.' eon-
coflned to my house six months. I Cmnr.
out of the sickness very much dr.b0l-
tatod, with no appetite, and my s3(s1
disordered in every way. I oelnlnell!'ed
using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to
improve at once, gaining in strength
and soon recovering my nmol 14801)1).
I cannot say too 11111011 in praise of this
well-known medirin0."—Mrs. L. A.
Stark, Nashua, N. II.
Ayer's ar a � e
s aro 6a
r9CrAar.D 110
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass,
?dee al.t sir betties, i$5. Worth $6 a bottle.
Z m..c
® 0
Wulnrxn Razes,
LAblela (1 0I lllxcs,
10201,111014, &o.
1:.W -Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and
Rollo String1, 111., in »anek.
8..1t: -Isla rel• of Marriage Lirenvrv.
i. Fletcher, - Brussels.
11..1 °^slleaaat.
13 A
.. Til) -toll f 1110
Latest i)esig1;:+ in 13,41,)'
111t1'e0 1(111 e 1111'11•11i 111
III Dennis', Brussels.
(fall 1001 see t110111 before yOU,
110 velum.. elsew Isere.
Trunks, Valleys, "11t('11e1s,
ST. always 111 stock 2)1.1(1 gold
at Close 1)rinei
.It'you 001(11t tt set 111 Light
or Heavy 1Iarness I ('ale
supply you.
See our Scotch Collars.
I-dko nomads.
eed,a s.
My goods have 'arrived and
been placed in position in 1111.
1100 Stove, and 1 am now prepar-
ed to give the public the oppor-
tunity of buying from an entire-
ly new and fresh stool(.
I. have a full line of Choice
Groceries, Tobaccos, Canned
Goods, Woodouware, Fruits, Con•
fectionery, &c.. and my motto
will bo the old and tried ono,
"Small profits and quick re-
turns." Other lines will be ad-
ded to my stock as trade opens
Ill) and extends.
A Specialty made of Pure Tens and
Unadulterated Spices.
Fresh Biscuits, ginger Snaps,
do., received.
Thanking the public generally for past
pallouage 01 other lines I solicit e
share of your orders at the
YsLLaw FaoxT.
r:::; Butter, Eggs and Well dressed Poul-
try wanted.
rlppcaite the Pnstollio -.
1) r .' rlirru to evvrr +ULar•rib,•r. m•w or old of T101,
0119 17.1 EMPIRE FOR 14`I':. 'l'ltnll:onde In
dollars have hew, spent In ire 11rciatri 1ian. It.
:metes Is hilly assured: it is a highly v1:lued
souvenir of the grrn,rst atntcenuu, nod 1 ho now:
honored lander ever km,w•o in (1nonrtinr hiv"n•y.
a+o 'fins beautiful Memorial Annual conte1 n,.:d
fon-page flI110C1'111Abr1$ of Masses( lug moon, In
etwowel fon with the h1sl cry of Sir duh.,, 1,rd
chief many ilea and valuable roof cnai(U01s of 10. lab.
pn119mgr Portraits of 91r .0,),,. and
Ihu•on eta Ilerdnnnld 1 lliPltlpine.p el' 4,r
1\ �,1 lf% ,Coln( In /.)(vireo' : Pn rte:) nt1 4410 Ae11n
S1• a't , �i0)1'" , \ �. d! i „•,. 0) )! n young oast : I'nrlyldl 01' FII• ..111111104.4
M/le tal•P. es '1.,,l Illlr eyed• 11,11111411 r11a T1.1
Old Homestead during
of .,'I ebel o., ,,f 4 n1.
91r .rein 11 a),'.0 the Rebellion of lH:t. a
Iinteriorei UM, Mr Cb mber. 011 a1 e, 0)10 '
Interior of rd of onora nil Deify L, 61)0111
the xteri of honor and Redo Lying In
SIae, with
e'ral of Houses or wing in
Iliameat, ,''tr, Flul '1' Procession forming k.
the Pore)rro1.11u 1 View with kac,,ii Block.
Pnrll vltXpoldu4gv, lr•Ilh 1••11 nea•a1 Pro.
+essioel passing; 1•'111(• 1'11741' 4411y 11)111. Kings.
ton, Draped In )(normo((. ns It appl•nrrd
1.1417 1111y bt' .1014,,', 11e/1y reached Kingston
00,1 toy )11 Slate ; Grave nt.. e'al:lram' 1 Cent.,
Ism', with Elora) Tributes from Ills Tlions-
n11ds of Filllowers ; sleo. of 1Yea11111nr1Ur
Abbey, in which the Memorial Seri are was
held f interior 'flew of Westminster ; View of M. font's 1'nlhedrnl, 111 4'11111, a 41 mos,
91. Pull', 4..1)11m/rah
•1.11111.oa e
Hai . Tablet 11411 s greeted toMr•rah n'v Memory ; tat ;Wier
All WIII1 a., )I( err (Incne hod-toned0,1iill, Peds cover. rrs re h uv)l vannu b•d en ,ur, w,.1. •u;htnl,
boned. worth an lllunt inn or turd siert ble cover. really IIds blesee sonvrnlr 'h: 11 l:3ld )1 ),
suitable i,, ornament 111 orders
111 motor or Mosier 1)11 Plln d o lltld I 1 tris w'nrk ruv',n:+ry 4 u b , deco),
Send in your orders lowly, wglh ONE DOLLAR, nod gel THE MIME LY EMP:it ki loran^ yl.nl
and this MILIIolt1A.1.AIME 11. 0 84
New subscribers will revel ro '111E 008,01 IN r.11'1101 free fur belone0 of Inn, 1...1
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