HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-12-4, Page 88
litin MADE 4110THZ11 CHANOB,
Xmas N coming and we are
getting prepared fur it. The as-
• aortment of goods in our window
this week represents artieles at
1.5c. or 25c. each. We cannot,
however, show everything in our
window and we would like you to
call and inspect our stock. We
have a beautiful line of
which are so suitable for sending
to your friends. They are cheap
and yet nice enough to send to
the Queen of England should you
feel so disposed. Our stock of
Bibles, Albums and Gift Books
is complete, together 'with many
other lines kr the holiday sea-
son. We will be pleased to sup-
ply you.
Druggist, ,Bookseller and Pitney Goods
8UCTI1000 ExTeNSION W. G. & n.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows;
GOING SOUTH, Goma Nowra.
Mail 11:53 a.m. Mixed
Damen MSS Ilan, Mail 9100 p,m.
MOS pan. Fspress 0:5S p.M.
ra. ti.C11),5 ,/ftemS.
A. obiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Fuo stook of new fruits just to be,nd.
Geo. Good.
Fon fine teas, coffees, spices, &e. go to
J. T. Ross'.
Oxen reduction on goods at the Brus-
sels Woollen MOL
&my -km' wanted. Apply to Mrs. W.
M. Sinclair, Brussels.
500 pounds of Lard wanted at once at
Ferguson & Halliday's.
Merereom Presbytery will meet on
Tuesday of next week at Wingharn.
Foe good fresh Groceries go to the Ye1.
low front, opposite the Postoffioe.
J. T. Ross.
FeserSON & 111.1danta have all the
newest novelties in dress goods and trim.
Tice famed Tiger blend of pure India
and Ceylon tea, the best value in the
market, at Thernson's.
THE “Art Studio" is the plan to go
for Christmas work. Aristotype work
for Christmas. Lorne Hunter.
Corraoz to rent, with good cellar, hard
and soft water at the door, also large
Ern. For further patticulars apply to
Mrs. Frain, Brussels,
Ton Mime at the National Roller Mills
suffered somewhat by the recent flood.
It was feared et one time that perhaps
the dem would not withstand the pret-
sure but it steed the test.
MAITLAND Skating and Curling Rink,
Brussels, has been leased to Ilarryjames
for this season. He is hard at work fit-
ting it up and promises to have every-
thing in first-cless shame very shortly.
BICFIMID Wret,tems has the best ar-
ranged Leggy jack we ever saw. It will
allow the four wheele of a rig to be
operated on at one time. It is worth a
patent, if not already covered in that f
"1 rent Ayer's Cherry Peotoral freely in
my practice, end recommend it in cases
of whooping cough among children, have S
ing found it more certain to cure tbat t
troublesome dieease than any other meth.
eine I know of."—So says Dr. Bartlett,
of Concord, Mase.
ORATEASI paper says :—"The Ronald
Works are tendering to build for Seaforth
au improved, powerful system of water.
works pumping machinery, the present
system being defeotive."—News item.
We used to have the Ronald Works in
Chatham, and moat of us wish we had
'ern now.
Wex,e-DieeiNci IND DeieraNca—George
Birt has all the neeessary machinery for
digging and dentin wells and is peeper -
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Welts cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residenc:
towed door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry at., Brunets. 43-tf
MISS Williams, the evangelist, preached
to large congregations in the Methodist
ohuroh. She also preached on Monday
and Wednesday evenings. Miss Wil-
liams is a pod speaker and a devoted
Obriatian lady who uses her best en-
deavors to win souls for the Master.
The servioee are being held every night,
Saturday excepted and the public is
cordially invited. Rev. Mr. Salton
preached on Tuesday evenine.
PORK.—Brussels market has been fair.
ly besieged with pork during the past
week. Farmers were here not only from
Grey and Morris but from Howiok, Turu.
berry, Muielllop, H1tett Wawanosla and
Elmo,. Mr. Watt, of Mullett, sold a fine
load of Seffolks bare last Friday. The
12 hogs weighed 2,459 pounds end brought
the seller over 8l85.00 in solid nob.
,Not only is our market leading in pork
but in all kinds of grain Brnseels holds
the palm and nobody knows the fact
better then the far ening fartnere of the
eurrounding country, This is no blow or
bluster but a genuine reality open to
practical demonstration every day. If
you doubt it teat it for yourself.
TIM funeral of the Iva MrS, W. G.
Hingston took place, a 10150111100d. On
Saturday attempt»), A oboes service
was held in St. John's elierob. The in-
onmeen: eulogized the dimmed for her
eourageotte and elmerfal life and her
resignation and aubmissioe in the hour
and ertiole of death. He also spoke cam.
forting worde to the relative': of the de.
getesecl, The theta dame lead the sing.
ing of suitable hymn and Mr. Hawkins,
organist, played the Dead March te the
proceasion wended its way from the
&Olin. The pall bearers Were :—Thos.
kolly, Thos. MaxWell, Stewart, Dun-
can MeLaueblin. Ohee, ?tooter and Wnt.
cameilaiiiiarelemcgaziacimaato gennewoneettesiteatesiewireetexceereneraesineencettxranawasetneezezeonereenteeteine ,eneneneneinciateentetioixernetemernitessigensentwetwisona
GTT TH.1-11 BF Sti!
T,M l'ir040 f'1 It el tei r +Se eteet 5•, eale
Quality amounts to little unless the
Price is Fair !
.Low Prices are not Bargains
Quality is 'There ! SELE'Cl!' BleAUTWILL' USEFUL.
The ltilerit anel anvassi Amorinieni
hale erer had.
A consigamene of rare thInge, °grin,
&a., from lateen, is on the way between
Vanuonver and here. I expect then
Chinese goods in every day How. Cell
in and see them, they will be well
worth Seeing.
WA large assortment of beautiful
Illustrated Toy Books now ou Dieplay.
Oneause mot Dationte'r. Bane/Ms.
Christmas Preseirbs.
We are now Carrying a Large and Well Selected Assortment of the most Elegant
FEY' DU Ga*V Fonidiilo, &
Which are being offered at "Rock Bottom Prices" and we defy Competition.
Eggs Wanted.
n. Cordial Invitation is 0Xtended to all
to examine our Selection.
Remember the Stand Opposite the American Hotel.
Ferguson &
Preemie framing done by Bergen &
02,7.37 time weeks until Christmas.
Time flies.
10 VENrs senur,s TUC Pon for to trial
trip until January 1st, 1802.
Fos good Labrador Herrings call at
the Yellow trout. J. T. Ross.
10 doz, grain bags at 82.45 a dozen
worth 82.75. Ferguson & Halliday.
Horses for sale or to rent. Comfort.
ab'e and enliven ient. W. B, Dickson.
A. C. DARER shipped a Oar load ol
cattle East, from Brussels station, on
Thursday noon.
Oen friends, old books, old wine and
the old Photo stand over A. R. Smith's
store. Lorne Hunter.
I. 0. Moulins, harness maker, has
removed to his new store, one door north
of Lha Egg emporium, this week,
I wire. sell the balance of my long boots
at a greatly reduced price, evpecially
sizes 1, 7 and 10. Geo, Good,
Jonsf. GRANT, of Bate, has the best
thanks of THE Pon steff for a supply of
choice eating applee on Tuesday of this
CALI, and see our special line of all
wool Blankets at $2.76, 83.25, $3.75, 84.-
55, 84.75 and 86.50 a pair at Ferguson &
Far YOUR TAXE8.—All those who
have not yet paid their Taxes will plea
osll and do so at my store, opposite t
Ponoffice. Jos. T. FORS, Collector.
LISTEg !—On page 0 of this issue m
be found several columns of interestit
District news. Turn to the inside pag,
and read "Short sermons" and "Thing
yon didn't know."
FARTNERSHIP.—A partnership has be
formed between W. Burgess, photograp
er, and R. A. Buchanan, crayon artia
and they will be always found at the
gallery ie the Stratton blook, Brussel
Rev, G. F. Smarm preached annive
nary sermons nt Waterloo last Sunda
and leceured on Monday evening in th
same place. Waterloo was Mr. Belton
station previous to bis coming to Brussel
A. mem man, named Macdonald, wb
hails from Maley, has been doing th
tewn as book agent for the peat week
He is deserving of practical sympeth
as he takes this way of earning lai
0131t thanks are hereby returned to
number of our subscribers in the Wester
States, Manitoba and British Onlumbi
or prompt responses to our notification
We hope others in arrears will do like
me as speedily as possible.
Las week the Brusaels Branch of NI
tandard Bank had a furnaces place,' i
heir building and hove also had room
upetaira furnished for the ooinfert an
convenience of Mr. Soholfield and Kr
Morden. B. Gerry supplied the furnace
It is a coal burner,
.A. SUBSORIBER remitting bis sebsorie.
tion to THE Poe from Oyetal city Mani
toba, says :—.Your paper a is welcome
weekly visitor to our home &o." This
opinion is expressed sown of times
Dont borrow Tem Pon any longer but
subscribe for yonreelf.
DXBD —Last Sunday Josie, the Mani
son of Joseph and Minnie Murr, died at
the resident»: of his pareots,Queen street,
Brussels, after an illness of several weeks,
aged 1 year and 7 months. The funeral
CALL and see Hunter's crayon and
water color portraits, also latest Arneri.
oan styles in Photos,
Toe Sessions of the Peace for the
county will be held at Godevich, next
Tuesday, Ath Deeember.
FOR McDociald's A. 1 tobacco go to the
new grocery, opposite the postoffice,
where you will get it good and fresh. J.
T. Ross.
INT.P.SsitS, LIMN& MoBeiN have had 11,
neat, gold lettered sign placed at their
store door. It is the handiwork of W.
Lewes esil andsee our senile] line of
corsets at 25o., 50o., 70c., 00e., 100c., mid
the famous watch spring at 81.25.
FERGUSON & 105011000,
TUE East Huron Gazette is the name
of the new Gorrie paper, publi.hed by J.
W. Green. It is a neat, attractive look.
ing sheet and the editor says it is going to
boom the Howe* section of country.
R. LenrinunALB is offering Special vain()
to bargain hunters in furniture, &o. He
has se immense stook to choose from.
Call in and see for yourself es he has a
lot of nice goods suitable for the holiday
ASsimVeD.—The Monetary Times of
last week says : —The creditors of Grant
& Co., hatters, &c., in T.cronto, gave an
extension of time, but not many days
se later tbe firm discovered that they oould
be not merry out the proposed arrungement,
and offered instead a compromise at 75
ay cents on the dollar. Since this offer was
ig atede they have assigned to Oampbell &
ee May. Their liabilities are 012,000. It
's is about four yens ago since the senior
member of the firm crone to this city
en Wall about 00,000, which he had made
11. in the hardware trade in western towns
t, of this province, and started beelines
ir with T. A. Johnson, who had experience:
a its a batter and furrier. Probably no
0. branch of business has been greater de.
y moralized than this hen during the past
e three or four years.
's FIRE.—Shortly after 1 o'clock last Sab-
a, bath morning the fire Marna was rung,
o the old livery barn of Beattie Bros. be-
Robb• Malcolm bad one of his lags
i . njured lash Tuesday in a runaway awl -
emit and has been temporarily kept a
prisoner cet his home.
We are likened to know that Mrs. It,
lefaloolm has recovered sufaoiently to be
able to get down town. She has been
laid sp slime July last.
Mies Agnie Town, a former resident, is
in town, She is on her way to her home
in Buffalo after a pleasant sojourn with
relatives in Winnipeg.
Rev. J. L. Kerr and wife go bo London
on Friday to meet the Toronto mullet
concerning bite renat ape ration perform.
ed on Mr, Keret( eye n the removal of a
R. S. Patton, editor of the Atwood Bee,
spent Sunday in Brussels. Almost any
(A.nnie) person would begin to heve sus.
*ions that there is some attrao Non in
this locality.
W. Harris, who has been cheese re alt.
ing to the Tilsonburg oountry during the
past stammer will put in the winter in
Brunets and locality. MM. Jae. Bail is
Et sister of Dlr. Harris'.
W. H. Kerr attended Lbs annual meet-
ing of the 'Missionary Committee of the
Guelph Conference at Miteliell, last
Tueeday, along with Rev. S. Sellery, 13
D. They. represented Wingliam Dis-
10 Cunningham and J. Sutherland, of
Guelph, well known insurance agents,
were in Brus..e's on Monday. Tho
former informed TUE .Poe T that their
companies had paid 800,000 to people in
this town as settlement of losses from
Perth County.
There are three candidates in the Bela
for the mayorelty of Stratford.
The General Sessions of the Peace for
Perth County will open at Stratford on
Deo. 8th.
Mrs. Carruthers, a former resident of
the township of Blenthard, who was
taken to Rat Portage from Toronto, on a
mg in flames. The fare had attained 1 charge of murdering her Itasband, will
such headway before being notioed that shortly be placced on trial.
there was no possibility of saving it and A. poor fellow by the name of William
attention was at once directed to smaller Cretin, of Blansharci, was committed by
frame strueihres in the rear. ley steady Mayor Poole and Ddr. Swanaon, 3. P'., of
a work with palls of water these buildings St. Mary's, to jail in Stratford for three
n were saved. The fire engine was taken
a to the mill dam and was soon ready for
business but it seems that there was in
• or some obstruction m a length of hose
and considerable time elapsed before the
e defeat was remedied and water thrown.
O It was moat fortunate that it was a calm
a morning and the wind favorable or the
d poetoffitie would have been doomed,
Beattte's were using the old barn for a
sort of store room for some rigs, &a.,
anoe they moved into the naw brick
barn just adjoining. The new building
was damaged somewhat by the tire but
the iron covered door and windows pre.
vented the flames getting in. The old
• frame burned very quickly so the great
heat was soon over. 00 15 said there was
8400 or 0600 insurance on the burned
bars. How the fire started is one of the
"uultuowables," but it looks like the
work of an incendiary. Why ice should
be found in the hoes is also a mystery as
the last time they were geed was at the
Wilson foundry fire during the eummee.
It should be somebody's business to know
whether the fire fighting appliances are
right or not. It's time there Wittl an
awakening on this matter. Dr. Mo.
Kelvey, ou returning [torn a profentonal
visit, gave the first alarm of the fire.
Oen more we expr000 the opinion that a
sire inquest would be in order to ewer-
tain the particulars in some official way
from those who know,
took place on Tuesday afternoon. Mr,
Murr is Connoillor Ament's father -in.
'Ar last, loan eat a good square meal
without its distressing me l'' was the
grateful exclamation of one whose appe-
tite had been restored by the use of
Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, after years of dye.
peptic misery. A teaspoonful of this
extract before each meal 'sharpens the
0061PLAIST 15 made by several Cf 001
OitiZene On amount of COWS and young
cattle being allowed to run at largo and
thereby destroy property and cause an-
noyance to those trespassed apon, The
aggrieved parties are enquiring who the
Pond -keeper is end some of the wander.
ing bovines may find their way there if
they continue their depredations.
DisenfarriON,—The partnership ex 1st.
ing between Messrs. Smith, Mahican] &
Gibson has been dissolved by mutual
consent and Mr. Malcolm will take up
the furniture busineee again, assuming
charge of the etore already eetabliebed,
The factory will not do anything in the
manufaotnre of furniture for the virile to
come bnt will devote their entire eaten.
tion to the sash, door and hones furnish.
ing busineee. The firm will be Smith &
Gibson. Mr, Malcolm has had many
years experience in furniture and joinee'e
work and will do well.
Rtoirreous Joecteter.—The Sault Ste,
Mario "Pioneee" in speaking of the recent
suit of J. I), Ronald vs, the town of
Sault Ste. Muir: saye a—eleidgment
was delivered on Tuesday in the Divisi-
onal Court of Queen's Bench on the tP.
peel against the deoision of Mr, Justin
Robertson, and nobody will say the Judg.
merit is not a eighteen one nor be sor.
prised to learn that the Town of Smile
Sn. Marie hes to pay all 00960." 10
likelihood is the "Soe" town daddieeheve
learned a leseon that will peen useful t6
them in time to coine and peeve that
square deeding 5 the only way Of doing
People We Know.
Mrs, D. McMillen in on the Kelt list.
Mies Frannie Ilea been no the siek Set
this week,
Mrs. Rutledge, of Auburn, was visit-
ing her son this week.
Miss Taenia Sinclair woe visiting relit -
twee near Moleeworth.
Miss Rachel Alexander, of Toronto,
was in Brussels this week,
Captain Freeman, of the Salvation
Army, has gone to St, Catharines,
Mrs. P. Scott and ohildeen were visit.
at Jae. Cline's, Wingbarreon Tuesday.
Mrs. Mashie sr. has been quite ill this
week. She lives with her sou Will -icon.
Miss Laura Turnbull, of Atwood, in
enjoying a visit with relaeives in Brute
W. Prondfoot and wife, of Goderieh,
Were visiting ab W. 11. Siuolair's this
Arthur Ilingston, of Abilene., Ketteas,
was here attending the funeral of hie
Laura Leatherdale was dangerously ill
hue is itnproving in a satisfactory man.
net' bow,
Merry 'Tames and wife have returned
to Britesole after en absentie ot six or
eight months and will spend the wintet
Thos. Gibson, M. P, P.. for least Huron
strived home to Wroxeter limit week
sant a sojourn Of a few menthe 111 Boot.
Fell Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and mile...
ltggs per dozen
Flour per beers!
Ray per ton ...... .
Pork .. .
Hide's per lb
Salt per bbl., retail
Sheep skins, each
Lamb skins eaolt
Apples per harrel
4 80
9 00
5 25
1 25
1 00
5 00
10 00
5 60
1 25
12 Ise ElWee for Sale. Apply to
Lot 4, Otto, 18, Grey'
hYL rpm's. Apply to GEORGE GINGSTON
Jollet,intnois, or to
41.tf THOS, KELLY, Brussels,
Sale. Would take part pay in wood.
May be seen ttt Revers Rouse stabled. For
particulars apply to
k' / of the undersigned, Lot 28, con. 0,
Idorrie, on or about Sept.15th, a pig 0 months
114, The 0101180 is requeeted J6580p \ryomyeAwp
erty, pay expense,. and take it away.
18/18 of the undersigned, Lot 8, Con. 2,
Grey, on or about Nov. 10th, a two-year-old
belfer,red with some white. The owner Is re-
quested to prove property, pay expenses and
take her away.
21-4* 01105, STOKES,
or to rent on John street, Brussels, be-
ing lets 1.59 Enid 134, 00111Corbli4.le dwelling
and conveniences Buell as well, cistern,
cellar, woodshed, good garden and fruit
Seas, For further partioulare apply to
10 4. WM. MARTIN,
of the undersign ad, Lot 11, coo, 11, Grey,
menthe for vagrancy the other chey. . lambs Otto owner is requested to prove
on or about Oct. 2005, 0900 ewes and two
James Grattan. 75 years of age, died n property, pay 00150505 mud take Elmo
he Stratford jail on Seturday. The us- aerey.
al inquest was held, and the jury re. cmos. SweT 91100
urned a verdict of death from natural
eases. Grattan had been sent to the
ail by the Reeve of Mornington, on Nov. ATRONS OF CHEESE FAO.
4th. jee Teen. n„.. }matted by Randiug mIlk
Ib is generally believed in Mitchell that irons part bred Jereeye, Tbey combine both
quantity and quality. Until 1 dispose of oue
Daniel Whale, 90110 is now serving a life
sentence at Kingsion Penitentiary for
killing hie wife in August last, made a
oonfession. The confession is alleged to
have been made about the time the
ooroner'e inquest WWI held n Mitohell,
and ee none of the parties were asked the
uestion at the trial at Stratford as to
28-46 oraubrook P. 0.
wI eth Wh er aI ebad tna.d
e such, those be
Whom the confession was confided did
not appear to deem it their duty to tell
the story, Whale's confession in effect
was that on November 80, 1890, he had
an alteroation with his somimlaw, Sel,
don, and the latter threw him out of the
Royal hotel. Some days after, during
the course of a quarrel, Mrs. Whale had
twitted him about being thrown out of
the hotel. Ho became very angry, and
told her that if she ever mentioned the
matter to him again he would kill her.
To serve es a reminder, he wrote the date
and the hour of the day on the wall
when he made the threat. The :natter
was never referred to afterwards until
the morning of the terrible tragedy,
when Ddre. Whale again mentioned the
affair to him in a sneering manner.
Being nectar the influence of liquor he
became so enraged that he seized an
empty ele bottle and struck her a power.
fulielow on the head, and that was the
blow that drove the skull in and finally
produced death. He theta thew the bot-
tle behind the wood pilo in the yard,
where it has been found since. Had
this oonfession been brought out at the
tvial Whale would probably have been
sentenced for murder instead of man-
Bensele, on Nov, 22nd,
the 'wife of telr, J. N. Kendall, G. T.
R. agent, of a son.
MoletartoN.—In Walton on Nov. 23rd,
Tommie, beloved child of James Mo.
Kibbon, of Vanderbilt, Mich., aged
five weeks.
Mona—In Brussels, on Sunday, Nov,
201),, Josie, youngest son of Joseph
and Minnie Murr, aged 1 year and 7
Moltillop, on Nov, 26011, Mer.
gnat Rae, aged 62 yeare, 10 menthe
and 12 days.
FRIDAY, Dam llen.—Farm Stock, Lot
8, Com 8, Grey. Salo °Omni/non et 1
o'eleoll. ROM. Carr, prop. Gorge
Kirkby, uet.
00 10095 Jersey bulls you 0111 have your °nein.
FM. Further particulars apoly at my Drug
andRook Store.
G. A. DEADMAN, Brussele,
All persona having claims against the en -
tate of Mary Baines, late of the Townehip of
Morris. County of 5)50105, widow, deceased,
who dist on the 2nd Day of Deeember, 1890,
are required to furnish partieulars thereof
to Moyer tD lektnson arristers, Wiugliam,
or to the undersigned, ou or before the 0201
Dal OrDeeelliber, 1891, 00 the EiXedatora
will then proceed to distribute the estate,
having regard only to those claims of which
Tateeeeciaet 0, Geeteeee.a, 330aultlaug
Canadian 501 1101001 States Drafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on Deposits,
Collections made an favorable terms.
Canadian Agents —MnitCJIANT'S BANE OP
New York Agenta—Ieremereas nem Teen -
.Lb• Solicitor and Conveyancer.
Mons made. 011100—Vanstonet Bleak, Bras -
TV . solicitor, elonve viewer No tory Pub -
lie, dze, °Moe—Graham a Block, I tic north
of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Fnuds to
(Late with 0 arrow & Proncifoot, Gods
rich,/ Hamsters, Solioitors, Conveyancers.
Sm. Onion—brussels and &Worth, Bros -
eels Oh1108—tJp.st,jre over Book, Aloney
to Loan,
1.1, 8. FIATS. 11.11103055N
V • Issurar of Marriage Licenses. Office
at his Orocery, Puruborry street, 13rnssels.
Ji..u• Tonsorial Artist. Shop —Next door
500th of A. NT. McNay & Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and children hair cutting a epeoialty
Is prepared to give lemons ou the
Piano, Parlor and Pipe Organ, Special at-
tention given to Technic. For thither in-
formation address— Box 172, Brussels.
- —
.CL. Usurer of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of Lieut,-Goveruor, Commie-
sioner, &c., Q.B. Conveyancer and Agent
Eire Insurance Co. Oillee 100 tbe Cranbrook
Post Oillee,
Clerk of the Fourth Division Cont.
Co. Boron. Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan and /neurones 4611b. Panda
invested and to loan. oolleetious matte.
Gillee in Graham's Block, Brussels,
Rise Merles, of Wizeben, te prepare&
to give instruotion in oil painting. %arms.
may be ascertained et Mies Nellie Ross' etoro
where 88,111008 of Work may be 80012. mice
movies would also take a few more puplletm
..1.. • Organist in St, John's Church, 13rnio•
00501 004 pupil, in the Art of Teuehing, al A..
W. Thayer, Perna, Doe., Now York, will give,
lessons to pupils either ab Thos. 3'arrow'9„
corner of Queen and Ptinoesa Sts„ or it pre-
ferred,. at their own homes. Toms moder-
ate. 48*.
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. Se- D. Ce S
Groduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario and of Toronto Dol -
notice is given Under R. S.. 0 .. 01%0.110 Brusseis,
0h)1ova een thew giTm eThin 1 varsity. OPPIOE—Ovor Pepper's Drug Store,
J'Altra WILRINSORlone» STURI38, Executors.
Dated Nov, 21, '01,
The lands of the stid doomed being B. W,
e, Lot V, 00,1, 0,000)010, MAO a &waling hone
and lot be Sunshine, will be sold by Public
Auction, nii liallagher'S Huta., Relgrave, on
at 019, 10. For partionlare end`oonditiona
of sale fie° posters and the above named
—OP —
House and Lot
In the Township GI MOM&
Under RUG by Virtue or the Power of Salo
in a certain moriange(w)1ielt will be produc-
ed at time ot sale) made by Mary Ano
Welsh and same& Welsh to the Vendor,
then will be arena for sale bv Aso
bon at the Nevem elenee in the -Village At
MONIMY, illgeigmBRIL 701, 1891,
At Two Olideolt In the afterneett, the
valuable ProPertY, eentaining half au intro
00010 00 lees, being oportion Of the 150 lo
part of the south half of lob umnber thirty
11, the fifth coneeasion of the township Of
Morris, Moro parttoularly deeerlbod is said
mortgage. Held prentisos having a teontege
on the onto road of two chains, by a depth
of two chains outs tbleteettve ttok
This property 1001001 to rho corporation
0t 1301.1810111 an,a bag _thereon e good Deane
bond e anStools and fa 0 clestrabto redden.
tiro losality. Tito Sale will be subjec0 to a,
reserve bid,
TIIIIMR.'Tan per omit, at the time of eale,
batmen lounging to the forme end eonili-
tions to be nialii) known On the day ot Oslo.
For further pertiniars and eoeclitions of
We applyto
Vender's Agent,
cy Vint0 ci. len, '01, Bruseeb, Get.
X3_ • AGONOuser, 18 Ahrfiy8 ready to at-
tend mules of farms, farm stook x &s Terms
cheerfully given. Oranbrook P..0. Sales.
may be arranged at Inn Poem Publiebing,
Rouse, limussele.
tivot.ed Auctioneer. Sales oondlloa
ed 011 reasonable Canna. 01111118 011(0 feria
stock 0 uneelalty. Orders left at Two 0087
Pubil shteg Rouscelern emits or sent to 'Walton
1'. O.. IVNI receive prompt Abolition,
-LA. es 00 an Auctioneer, I ft111 IIrODftrOd
to eondnot sales of farm stock et reaeonable
prioes. Knowing the etandiug of nearly
every person I arn in a potiltiOn to 0811 to
good marks end get good 13001146y when told
on credit. Satisfaction guarabtoed. Give
nth a call. 82- 8, 8001".e,
M. E'. CALE, M.D., 0.
member of the college of Ph yszelian,
and Surgeons of Ontario by examination.
Oillee and Realdonee —Main street Best,
el • 0.100,, L. 15, C.P„ Bdiebmigh, kt. 0, P
5,051, Ilefilflonce and office in WIleonet
sleek, 000000 02 Mull and Turnborry Ste,
e l • )1ozzor Graduate of the Ontario
Vetohutry College, it prepared to treat all
tiliceetes qf donientioeted animate in a 00535.
patent nominee, Pertiouler attention paid
to enterinerv, dentiatry, Calle promptly at-
tended. to. outride and Ilaftrinary—TwO dOorii
WWI 11 I bridgf) Turriberry, et., Brunetti,