HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-12-4, Page 44
New Advertisements.
Loon1-11Iro, Frain.
Local --Howe S Co.
Strayed—J, Bowinntt.
Loomis -_Lorne Humor.
Locale .. Dr J. C. A}ire.
Strayed -Thos Stakes,
Clearing sale - P. C. 11nse.
Sawn --A, Al."LeRoy t Co.
Ferniture-=R, Leatherdale.
Locals—Burgles Buchanan.
Your choice --•G. A. Deadman.
Christmas Presents ---J. T. Pepper.
Lard Wanted—Ferguson t& Halliday.
Servant Wanted -'-Mrs. W. M. Sinclair,
Cook's Cotton Root—Pond Lily Com.
Clubbing offer—TIN Post' Publishing
t rnssc75 Vast,
r •R n i44 1-, DEC. 4, i891.
Ir appears to be settled that W. R.
.Meredith, leader of type Ontario Opposi.
Mon, and Lieut: Governor Angers, of
Quebec, are to enter the Dominion oabi•
net, and that Mr. Dewdney and Sir
Adolphe Caron are to retire. Mr. Mere•
dith will become minister of the Interior,
the position which Mr, Dewdney is to
Tam deaielon of the managers of The
Toronto Daily Globe to dispense with the
fast train to London, except on Satur•
day' was received here with consider.
able regret as it was a matter of great
convenience to many. We suppose the
enormous expense was consuming the
profit. cin extra column is now added
to each page of the daily and thereby
considerable more reading given,
Wnew Hoe. Coven MowAT knew that
Sol. White was going to dilate on the
Annexation question, at Woodstock, he
wrote to Dr. McKay advising him to go
and oppose the passage of a resolution
favoring such 'an idea. Mr. Mowat in his
letter spoke out in his manly, straightfor.
ward style and expressed the strong con-
fidence he has in the future of the Domin•
ion of Canada under wise administra-
governor of Ontario, was strioken with
partial parelyeis a short time ago, and
now lies in a critical oondition at bis
home in Toronto. air Alexander was
for many years n cabinet minister and is
one of the surviving "Fathers of Confed-
eration." He was for years the business
partner and most trusted colleague of
Sir John Macdonald, and the indications
are that the dread malady to which the
late premier succumbed hes laid its hand
upon the lieutenant -governor. Though a
strong party man, Sir Alexander was al•
ways courteous and kind to everybody
with whom he came iu contact.
"PnoialBITIon is coming," so said a
hotel keeper of a neighboring town to a
member of Tno POST s,sff. Continuing
be remarked "Liquor drinking is going
out of fashion. It is seldom a quart or
gallon is sold for a bee, sale or wedding,
and the wholesale price is so high the
profit at the old retail figures is very
small. Not many years ago commercial
men and their customers used to patron.
ize the bar freely but now a large majority
of travellers don't drink and the treating
system is practically dead as compared
with the bygone days. hotel keeping
has lost its old time money making and
now only the best financing will see a
man through safely. Temperance senti.
ment is on the rise and likely to continue
to." The above was from one of the
shrewdest hotel men in Huron Co. and
has been proven true in his owe experi.
ante. It is an encouraging aokeowled g-
ment to temperance people but while so
there is a big work to be done before the
desired end is attained.
ARL the fools are evidently not dead
yet. The man who starved himself for
40 days had his innings ; the glutton who
eats 100 quail in 100 days has eaten and
died. The bridge jumper and the whirl -
pool rapids swimmer are growing bee uti.
fully less but a new star has arisen in
the firmament and their flit is a novel
one. It is as follows :--
John Springer bet William Noble, of
Beteum, Ohio, an oyster supper on
Tburedny night that he could sit the
longer on a rail fence, At 8 o'clock Fri.
day morning both men were still there,
having spent the night on the fence,
while their respective families supplied
them with hot coffee and warm clothing.
The Whole oommunity was deeply inter.
ested in the outcome. Springer ie alarge,
heavy man, while his opponent only
weighs 110 •pounds. After twelve hours
on the fence Noble looked almost as fresh
as when he sat down, but his heavy nom•
panion appeared to be suffering. Noble
known Reformers hail no right to be o
the votere' Let, Accordingly Mr, Soli
put the 0040e on the supplementary 11
to be etruoli int Afterwards it wee foto
tltet the affidavit was not well founded,
Mr. Smith did not strike out the 00
mimes, but Telt them on the supplrnn.
Lary iidL, A writ of prohibition ria '.. 1
ed for to restrain the revising bonnet
froth dealing any farther with the name
Judgment was reserved.b rva•
Dontfet Brnee, of Listowel, wilt visit
Atwood regularly from this weep.
Nelson MoBain, of Brussels was home
last Sunday. He is well pleased with the
outlook at the carpet town,
Owing to the heavy raja showers of
Sunday and Monday of last week many
of the cellars in the village are flooded
with water,
To relieve the doll monotony our tail.
ors are having a wordy dispute to decide
who is the better tailor. There is avj•
dently more than one "goose" in the
shops here.
R. 11, Knox, formerly teacher in this
locality, is teaching for A. R. Molibohie,
in the science department of the Ridge.
school, for the balauce of the year. R.
H. will write at his last examination at
Toronto University next May.
n ' lint bold as the demand was, there u'se
tli neither power nor disposition on the part
at of the Administration to timed" to it, for
the Hamlin Iolanda are not yt b a doyen.
en chewy of the United States, nth has the
0 Government of litaweii, in moth years,
1. eartienlar:y sine the dct313 01 Bing '.
c Nodulose, shown finch method friendship
er , for the (Drifted States as to deaerv3 epee,
e, ittl onusideratiou, In bath it is saic1 in 3,
Adnpinistretion eirolee that it was owing
to the influence of Camila that the imam
which was negotiated some months ago '
was rejected by the native Government,
That is what is believed by the Adminis-
tration here, whether or not the Caned- i
inn Government did exercise tlteinfluence
which it is charged with, It is now re. I
ported that a treaty of general reciprocity
has been negotiated by the special Haw.
aARM)commissioner trod the Stilt°Depat't. Ill
ment, The details of Ode treaty are not '
fully known, but there is little reason to :
doubt that the convention, which awaits
Mies Forrest, of Stratford, is visiting
at the manes.
Dr's. Dan, Ross bas moved into part of
the old briok manse,
Miss Forrest, of Stratford, is visiting
at the Presbyterian manse.
Bev. A. MoHibbon, of Pine River, was
visiting his parent's lust week.
Lewis ;McDonald was at •Tilsonbnrg
the latter end of last week on a business
Miss Maggie Williamson who has been
residing in Gorrie for some months past
has returned home.
Donald Campbell has been on the sick
list this week. His place in the black-
smith shop has been filled by Alex.
Stewart, of Brussels.
The Ladies of etre W, F. 11I'. S. of
Duff's churob propose holding n bazaar
and social at the manse on Thursday,
lleo. 10th. A trst•olass program will be
presented and the Walton ladies are al-
ready famous for the generous manner
in which they cater.
The B. T. of T. entertainment came
off as announced on Friday evening of
]set week and was'm decided themes in
every way. Archie Hislop, of Grey,
occupied the chair. The largest room of
the school was packed to its utmost
capacity by a very orderly and appreoia•
tive audience. The sum of $20,90 was
One of our citizens, I. Smith, sawyer,
has been offered $2.50 a day by a mill -
owner in Vanderbilt, Mich., and he will
start for Uncle Sam's territory some
time this week. He excels in sawmill
work of all kinds and well will he earn
the good wages he is to reoeive. Ifo will
probably not return till Spring and then
he may decide to remove altogether to
the "other side." His many friends
will miss him 'each, but all wish him
every success in his new sphere.
The setni.anuual election of Withers re.
suited in the election of the following
officers for the coming term in No. 9M
It T. of T. :—S. C., Bro. Will Pollard ;
V. C., Sister Maggie Johnson ; Chap.,
Bro. Goo. Barrows ; San.. Sec., Sister
Bella Moore ; Fin. -Sec„ Sister N. Me.
Gavin; Treas., Bro. S. Cade ; Herald,
Bro. Hugh Jlamsay ; Guard, Bro. Jas.
Moore; Sentinel, Bro. Robe, Johnston ;
Assistant Iter. -Sec., Sister Lizzie Mc-
Dougall ; Dep. Harald, Sister Emma
Pollard ; Trueteee, Bros. Smith, Pollard
and Jackson,
Washington Letter.
The Canadians, who are constantly
finding nickel fields, will be interested in
the results of the elaborate and costly ex-
periments which have been made by the
United States Government to determine
whether nickel has the merit in the man.
ufuoture of armor -plate that is.claimed
for it, The official report of the repent
armor trials hug not yet i,een made pub-
lic, but it is nut diffioult to forecast its
conclusions. The first place in the order
of merit among the six competing plates
will undoubtedly be assigned to the
Bethlehem high carbon nickel steel treat-
ed by the Harvey process, which was vie.
torioue at. the second aeries of trials.
The next two ranks will doubtless he
given respectively to the Bethlehem find
the Carnegie high carbon nickel steel
plates not Harveyed, the former of which
was the viotor in the first aeries of trials
through its great resistance to penetra-
ble'', while the latter came next and die.
tinguished itself by freedom from•oraok.
ing. The fourth place will no doubt go
to the Carnegie low oRrben niokal Her.
veyed;the fifth to Bethlehem low oarbee
nickel' untreated, and the sixth to the
Bethlehem low carbon all•eteel Harveyed
plate. Summing np the general resulte,
these important trials at Indian Head
show that the United States Bureau of
Naval Ordnance has developed and is now
turnips out for the new war ships the'
very best armor in the' world,. Having
first demonstrated beyond doubt that all
steel armor is batter than compound ar•u
mor, it is uow further ahuwthat nickel
anal is decidedly superior to steel without
the alloy. Next it is shown thatAtneri-
can nlokel steel armor resists penetration
much better than the best foreign plate
of the same material that could be puts
chased lest year. Finally, it has devei•
oped in the Harvey process of surface
hardening a new pripciple of armor tnnlr
ufacture, which in due time, as there is
ood reason to believe, will prove 'far
operior to any system heretofore exists
ng. Meanwhile, methods of securing
niforrniby in hardening under the Siar-
sy earboeising process and a saving in
he cost of applying it have already teen
ut iu operation, and its perfection due.
ng the eomieg year will doubtless form
ho next triumph in armor manufacture,
The report that a new treaty of reoipro•
ty has been negotiated between the
sited States end animal may excite a
meting interest in Canada because of the
fluence attributed to the Dominion
oveenmsnt over the Hawaiian Govern-
ent. Mott Smith, a special commis•
oner of the Hawaiian Islands, has been
gome teethe iu Washington endeavoring
negotiate a treaty. It is known that
ne of the objects witch he eotfght to au.
mplieh was to have the United States
tend to the Hawaiian Islands the bens
fit of the direet bounty system whmh le
Tae curtain has been drawn aside a g
Hale in Perth Co. in aouneotion with the
revitiion of the Dominion Voters' lists. It u
would appear that the Revising Barrister v
signed papers prepared by Mr, Shaw, t
which he afterward thought' to be ineor- r
root. Hot words were exobanged in the t
• Court and on Mr. Shawrefueieg to epolo.
"ice for nailing the Revising Officer a eI
•blank, 'blankety liar he was aeseesed
$ih00 and removed from Court by an n
officer. A report from Osgood° Hall, To. G
redo, saga m
Another inviting barrister squabble so
reached Osode Hall Tuesday afternoon. to
'l'hie one creme from the Riding of North o
Perth, where 0. yydney Smith ofiioiates 00
Se revising officer. ,Some time ago, it ex
appears, the Conervativesfiled an allida'
vii made by some irreeponeJble party,
d(elarieg that about live bemired well.
now applied to all sugar producers in the
United States with:. the 14lcitbbley 11111,
Dila, 'l, 1891
Preparing for S
„'.'..4510?ri' 11,,F
E.- R
Jock Taking.
order to reduce my Stock 1 have decided to din a great big Clearing Sale during the
, Month 01 December when my large and well bought stock of
the signatureabiotf the Preerums and the i �� �O tO . Tweed .i 1 ' � i d 6 0� e i i �t
Queen fon bythe based
of the Yt g'
Queen of Hawaii, is based upon the reoi•
proeity clause of the McKinley Bill, and Irish Servs
w p�� /Igg rtrt p�
that ib empires unrestricted trade between Irish Este bl./ 6U el Cheviot 21.1.itinz,s,
theUnited States and the island in ngoorl
few articles.
I Eli dish ands , re a,eh Wonted, oatingsa.
THE POST will be clubbed with the
leading Weeklies as follows :
The Globe and TEE Post , 02 26
The Advertiser .. .. .. . 2 25
The Free Press,. ,. 2 20
Montreal Witness ' .. .. .. 2 21
Montreal Star.. ., ., .. ., '2 '25
'1'orentn News , , . .. .. , . 2 25
Toronto Empire .. ,. ,. „ 2 26
Toronto Mail , , . , .. .. .. 2 25
The balance of this year will be given
Free to all New Subsoribere.
We ask a Comparison of Tint POST
with the leading journals of Ifurou
tr. N. 'rase,
Enron ck Pnornisron.
W. F. COWAN, President.
J. L. BRODIE, Cashier.
ASSETS, • - -
RESERVE Porn, • •
- $7,000,000
Agencies in all principal points in Ontario,
Quebec, Manitoba, United States
and England.
Brussels Agency.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Farmers' and other good Notes Discounted
at lowest rates. Drafts Issued and Dollen-
tions made on all points, Deposita received
and interest allowed at current rates.
Interest Allowed on Savings Bank De.
posits of SI and upwards from date of
deposit to date of withdrawal, and cern.
pounded half yearly.
Prom, t attention and every facility afford.
ed customers living at a distance.
Brussels, April iltb, 1591.
,Never broken
—Kato. The "bones" in the
B. & C. corset are made of it
—warranted for a year, too.
It's a corset you can 'wear
a few weeks, and then get
your money back if it doesn't
But it's pretty sure to suit
—else it wouldn't be sold so'.
Pon SALE BY A. Slran01'IAN,
Star Resnrall1
A Lot of Beautiful Grapes
and Cranberries.
Get 80111,3 of them
be offered for sale at greatly reduced prices,
Now is the time to place your order for a Suit or Winter Overcoat.
A pair of Fine Black Worsted Pants made to your order, :3.50.
all Cloth, purchased from. us during the Sale will be cut Tree of CharJe,
r.,?Juazyr,slanwrilas Ns --4
In this department I aim to excel :—I have all the
Latest Novelties in Heats', Caps, Collars, Ct ffii, Ties, Gloves Bo•siei'
Underwear, Shirts of every Description, Umbrellas, Sias- �'
ponders, Linen and Sills H.arcdkerehiefs.
In fact I have everything you require from the Socks on your feet to the Ilat on yow' head.
This firm makes a special Study of the
And Guarantee the Fit and Finish of every garment to the satisfaction
of our Customers. or refund the money.
Et 0
E LEAD T = E AN 111 SA S.
xl' --.y',f,'01tfl"a•.•5101 ".
Here are Samples of the Three Best Lines we
Handle :---
A Nickle Steel Blade. - - - The Best in Cana(le.
5'Cn/rEly C iota trop1 ,
The `Vanquisher' is the only Saw made having flva gauges di(iereaca b?ttveeu the teeth and the
back, requiring no set for hard wood and are made from the best double refine t nickle steel, selected
and spring tempered,'insuring a perfect and even temper, toughening the steel and" giving it great
wearing qualities.
fresh Oyster's Received three •
times a week. Every
addition to the above we also keep in Stack the. 'iviaple Leaf,'
You may depend. on them
being good. Order a Quart
or a Gallon and try them,;
Opposite American hotel, Prof. 'aw 1il'ef,'1t
`Distant,' 'Racer' and 'Champion,'
intending Purchaser should citll•on us.
►., M.. MoKAY &.
McGregor, is working oil the pre'in"Isos, R'U '_' "