HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-12-4, Page 31 DEC, 4, 1891 TUE BRIJSSELS POST 3 Almalkamarmasominallslaslinmammussa.loramnarinwviarttifeltaltamimagernsmrsetwancrtestuuszvarzatininutakarearaminivgatilainammarrtaulzaransam. ircurazun=1.0.1111...wailiar. soII '. THINGS YOU DIDN'T t(NOW. TOlioNTO LETTER. To brighten earpete wipe them Money to Loan, with warm water in which has beep A recent invention is n. earners, in Chyle Elections alreire tire taking poured a fav drops of ammonia. 1E3 A la "SE" Neither St. Paul nor Minneapolie wpm From week to week fruit handful of Katt into it during a hot perty at BAKING C the form cif an opera glass. Preeedeuce over almost every other To clear le ctove of clinkers put a Money to Loan on Farm ProA it I 1 - t A. (-1 1-0 S .t- J . 11 Iterirecte bob ur corcool9 and there fire, When oold remove the clink- haa a single horee-car ne, Tee vone Bygone of Dirac le to be will evidently be no dearth of per, 1 ere with a cold °Wee, employed on the Berlin street cars. sons willing to oiler themselver, on A 4;800,000 union railway station the alter. Secretary of the Citizens' has jut beeu opened at Louieville, Committee which nominated 13, Electric soldering irons are ex• tensively need in canning establish- ments. Demonise is to be lighted by electricity, while Smyrna is to have en electric railway. The local Board of Underwriters, of KW:WU Oity, maintain an electric light inspection bureau, Oars run by storage batteries con • neat Tho Hague with Scheveningen, a wateridg place about two miles distn.nt. It ie estimated that one•fourth of the street railways of the U. S. are operated wholly or in part by elect ricity. An arc lamp of about 2000 candle power will, when placed about 85 feet above the earth, light np area of 400 feet radiue. The first electric road in Brazil will be built at Bahia, where u nor - row road one arid a half miles in length is under conatruction. In building it sewer between Pontypridd and Ystraclyfodwg, Wake, it was found necessary to cozies the Taft river Reven times. To do this, inverted syphons of oast laborer, who sued that city for iron were used. damages for the sickness of his °Lila - Werke devoted to various electro- ren with diptheria (mused, as he metallurgical processes will utilise alleged, by garbage dumped by the 6,000 of the 30,000 horse -power that it is estimated le going to waste from the Valloirette Falls, near St. France. No existing method of electro- plating is entirely eatisfactoey since the adhesion of the film is nut per - feat and the protection afiorded by the film is not adequate. A. Lon- AlOti firm has, however, invented an alloy of silver which is said to avoid both these disadvantages. The acreage planted to hops in England in 1878 was over 71;000 acres • in 1880, 66;696 scree ; and only 5'8,000 acres in 1890. Upwards of 48,557 tone of bread- tamffe were exported to South Africa from South Australia lam- year, as against 11,512 tons the previous year. The new tunnel of the Baltimore mid Ohio Railroad under the city of Baltimore will cost upwards of $6,- 080,000. It is being pushed night and day, fully 1,000 men being at work upon it. In London the electric maths are placed beneath the sidewalks. and to avoid accidents the mau holes are provided with two coven, each con. mooted to earth. The outer cover is thus rendered harnilees. In 1882 the total exports of wool from the Australian aud New Zea land colonies reached 842,815,000 pounde, the product of 77,000,000 sheep. In 1889 the export, which is now reckoned in bales. had risen to something like 1,200,000 bales. The new compound ten wheeled engines built for the Mexican Cen- tral Railroad by a Rhode Island con- cern were found too large to pose the Raton tunnel of the Sante Feroad, road, and they had to be shorn of every projecting part. Even then they just managed to pass through. The variations in the electrical conductivity of selenium when ex• poeed to light in the basis of a Yan- kee invention tor automatically ex tinginnhing gait iu stores where it has been a lowed to burn all night. At the first gray streaks of dawn the seleuium is acted upon, end the re - u11 is that the gas is turned off. The largest aquarium iu the world will be built at the World's Fair. It will be etocked with both fresh and salt water fish, and the supply of water for the latter will be furnished by evaporating water to one-fifth its bulk and forwarding it to the Fair, where freeli wider will be added in the proper quanti ties. The last thing one would expect to find in use among the ancieuts is false teeth. Yet recent excavationa in old Romeo cemeteries have elicit- ed the fact that those mysterious 'e people, the Etruscans, repleoed the lore of their own teeth by the inser- hen of those of Imamate, tautened in their "laces by means of small gold ' hands, which latterly gave place to the piemele 1585, Sir John 'Milgrim had a set of ivory teeth inserted aud fixed by o gold plate. A monster pump has been built Inc the Nashville waterworks. It is 100 feet high Forty feet of it is above ground, the P0311) being set ill etotio-lined well 23 feet even tact with it. and 60 feet deep. The pump hall p „rify the me in ft, "„iy paind. capacity of 10,000,000 gallons per 00 Now put several (0tis (If water in day Alpinist a head of 100 feet. 11 )1011 it will itbsorb of the Osier as Mayor writes to the papers to say that, in spite of rumors to the contrary, that gentleman will positively not withdraw from the contest. During Principal Cavan's rtp• preaching visit to the Holy Laud hie will work be done by the Rev. Dr. Kellogg, of St. James Square Pres- byterian Church. Ihirry goo Of a wealthy English iron manufacturer in England, committed suicide last week by taking laudanum, Iris body was found in a room which he had rented for the purpose of stor- ing furniture. He was well known in sporting circles here. Owing to his marriages three years ago with a concert singer, ho was out off with au allowance, aud OA lie did not seem to be able to make a living he got into difficulties. His wife is still here. Your former townsmau, R. Y. Grout, bas been unable to arrange terms with his creditors and has been compelled to assign. John McDonald, the Toronto city in a ravine not far from his house, has won the mist: and been ewarded $335 damages. The judge, is summing up, said that he would not be doing hie duty official- ly and as a citizen if he did not ex• press his opinion ae to the negli- gence of the city in depositing that decaying matter in such a public, place. SHOUT SERMONS. Gm a man credit if you want to start him on de road to de poo' house. As it am de roughness of de grin - stun which sharpens de axe, eo it am de troubles of life which aige up de human mind. Gray lnsirs am entitled to respeek only when de owners of gray hairs respeck deirselves. It doan' do no good to light a candle arter you have bin eatin' wormy tipples in de dark. Do pneeen who jedges de speed of a mule by his bray mueu't cotnplein if eberybody poem; lion on de roma. De puseeu who am neber tempted deeurves no pertickler credit for obeying' <le law. De less advice you gin without pay de nio' credit you will receive iur bein' chuck full of wisdom. Men who expected to be treated jist fie you treat them will never slander nor abuse you. Between readin' a man't, charac- ter by hie bumps or goin' on a pic- nic, wid him, take de pia nic. What ff0 Icalkerlate on doiu' fur tomorrow won't pay de grocer for 'taters nor de butcher for soup bone. Doan' be too hard on human notur'. DeMon who kin sot down and tell you exactly what dis keutry wants to moire her groat and glori- ous may have no Meal' where 1118 next barrel of flour ani couffif from. A religion which can't stand befo' de circus pureselmti or de sound ol it fiddle am net worf around do kentry. A dollah will buy a great deal moa for a greatful man than it will for a stingy one. People who expect( a man to kick his own dog in case of it, eight have got a big surprise laid up for 'em. When you flatter yourself dot de majority of people dee; know de differenc) between de roar of de lion en' de bray of an aes you have struck a bamonna peel that will bring you down kerfiop, ine iRol% ne wood. LO WEST 2?, E S, Fshavngsfrompi • make a pleasant p.illow. They have special curative virtues fur coughs Private and Company Funds. anti lung troubles. et, Remove ink stains from Haver DiCKSON HAYS, plated ware by rubbing them with Seilieffors, ere., a paste composed of chloride of lima "loosens, ONT. 109;0' OWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. A Tip-top 1/isplay or the Latest Designs in Baby Our- rittges have orri,ved it t That do you do in the 11.Dennis', Brussels. call anti see them before you purchase elsewhere. and water ; then rub dry with e • flenuel cloth. Olean collars on woolen jackets, men's coats, ete., by sponging with 'melanin and water, then with al- cohol, then rub dry with 5 flannel cloth, Hypeoulphite of soda is 31000311 - mended for cleauiug tarnished ell- verware. It is applied simply with a cloth or brush dipped into it saturated solution of the salt, no powder of auy kind being neeeseary. In two or three rube all tarnishes are removed, EltitaL SNARES. The popularity of Peter Piper's celebrated pickled peppers will pro• bably never wane as a snare to catch the tongue that would foto be agile ; but that test EMS formidable rivala. The following short eceuteu- 1308 as their author noaintainft, do wonders in baffling the ordinary powers of speech : Gaze on the gay gray brigede. The Bea ceaseth, and it sialiceth us. Say, should such 0 shepely sash shabby stitches show ? Strange strategic statistic:it. Cassell'e solicitor slyly Mathes a sloe. Give Grimes .Jim's great gilt gig whip. Sarah iota shawl shovelled soft snow slowly. A cop of coffee in a copper coffee cup. Smith's spirit flask split Phillip's sixth sister', fifth equirrere skull . The Leith police dismisseth us. Mr. Fisk wished to wiek whiekey. tioUnellOLO IIINTa. ("teller:a News... A foot of snow fell in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Dakota last week. Detroit footballers last week de- feated the Western Aesociatioa team 4: goals to 0. The largest chicken ranch iu the world is on an island iu Bellingham Bay, Puget Sound. The story that Von Caprivi will tender bus reeiguition to the Ger- man Emperor 11315 been revived. The peasants in the famished elm triets of Russia are becoming more lawless, and mete of brigandage are frequent. It has been found by actuat measurement that the pone] of ti pelican will hold six gallons of watehre There is a street in Mexico nem ed Love. It is said to be the favor- ite residence street for the newly married tiouples. A. farmer in dliesouri grafted a tomato vine into a potato vine and got two crops, one from the top and the ocher from the roote. A story has just been made pub- lic which appears to show that the Vatican has recently had an e'nis eery in the household of the Mer- quis of Salisbury. The Pacific until steamer China, which has arrived at San Francisco from the Orient, was struck me her outward trip aud nearly swamped by an immense tidal wave. A French beekeeper 11116 experi mented with his bees as carriers of dispatches. One difficulty of the bee services is theat the insects • will not return over a distauee of more than two or three miles. The Imperial Government has notified the Newfoundland Govern - intuit that her bait act is uncenetitu- tional, toed proposes that Cantola and Newfoundlem I shall eubmit joint test eatie to the Imperial Privy Council. The United States medical in- spectors at Detroit and Pert Huron have been instructing to board and inspect trains alining from Cautide, with a view to preventing the intro - ducat% of small pox, said to be pre- valent hi Canada. In a steef mill at Newborn, Eug- land, 1, a machine that will shear 31)1 ing it of steel 80 inches in width and 12 inches in thickness, A mighty foot hold', the iugot 10 place, and the knife descends aud snips off ft piece tts a boy oats moldy. Hy droilic power in need, and the cut can be made about three eecontle. The White Star Lino steamer Teutonic has brokeu the Atlantic eastward timer I. The agent for the company tu Toronto received the follos ing message —" leetentc ot, odor. Queenetown at 1130 it, m. 'Bine Apples weighing throe penutle Copper IceIttee may bo (dean- of passage, 5 days 12 hours and 45 each have been grown Sunthero ed and ipitsliid by taking a lemon eeleutee, The ihis.agei 3011 the California, and apples that weigh cutting it itt two ; dip one of the more extraordinary because of the Iwo Nun& and a half are so coinpleoce in salt and nib well o .'or the stormy condition of the Atlantic at P0003 lid to eseite no comment. copper. this season of the year. Vinegar bottled may be ()twined with crushed egg elielle in a little water. If the color has been taken out of silks by fruit etaine ammonia will usually restore the color. When onions .are being cooked the etroug, diettgreerible odor may bo lessened by placing vinegar on 'the stove. A good liniment for inflamma- tion, thentnatifun, Swellings, et0,, is olive oil well setura'ed with cum phor. A good cenneut Di melted alum, but it must never be used WIlen water and heat are to 0)3110 in min. Private Funds to Loan. 20,C..)00 Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE DF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers have lo Thans com- pleted in if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIB, Solicitor, Brussels. eta:elle Days IN THE OLD STAND! Owing to Mr. 'McGinnis failing to complete his arrangements I am back again in my Grocery. I am very thankful for the patron• 31340 111 the past 15 years and ask not only a continuance of the same but a large in• crease in trade. I have a well assorted stock of GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, GLASSWARE, FRUITS, die., and am continually adding to it. Big Bargains in Teas, Special Value in Glassware. Prime Hams and Bacon. don't do mach puffing about my business but I am giving bargains that are worth securing. Call and prove for yourself. Geo. Baker. Catarrh IS a blood disease. Until the poison is I expelled from the system, there can be no ours for this loathsome and dangerous malady. Therefore, the only effective treatment is a thorough course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla—the best of all blood purifiers. The sooner you begin Ilia better ; delay is dangerous. Long Evenings ? Here is a List, of Popular Games .at THE "POST" 800KsloRE: Yum ! Yum ! Historical Events, Old Maid, Biddies, Authors, Seth Spook's visit to Chicago. Beast Bird or Fish, Fortunes, Muggins, Dominoes, Optical Illusions, jack Straws, Checkers, Tortoise and the Hare, Dinner, Bagatelle. Price from 5c. to 35c. Buy a Box for the Youngsters. "I was troubled with catarrh for over two years. I tried various remedies, and wos treated by a number of physi- cians, but received no benefit until I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A f,,w bottles of this medicine cured me of this troublesome complaint and com- pletely restored xny health."—Jesse M. Boggs, Holman's Mills, N. 0. •" When Ayer's Sarsaparilla was rec- ommended to me for catarrh, I was in- clined to doubt its efficacy. Having tried so many remedies, with little ben- efit, I had no faith that anything would 011310 100. I became emaciated from lose of appetite and impaired digestion. I had nearly lost the sense of smell, and. my system was badly deranged. I was about discouraged, when a friend urged me to try Ayer'a sarsaparilla, and re - timed me to persons whom it had cured et catarrh. After taking half a dozen bottles of this medicine, I am convinced that the only sure way of treating this obstinate disease ia through the brood." —Charles H. Maloney, 113 River et, Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rimPlann flT Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; ,la bottles, $6. Worth $5 a bottle. z 0 ett 0 6') OF 1891 0 g TIIEbI FLETOHE _Practical Watchmaker Trunks, Valises, SittchelS, Stn. always in stock and .suld at Close Prices If you want a set of Light or Heavy Harness 1: can supply you. See our Scotch Collars. II. Dennis. Fs 1 YELLOW FRONT Grocery! My goods have arrived and been placed in position -in the new store, and I am now prepar- ancl Jeweler. ed to give the public the oppor- tunity of buying from an entire- ly new and fresh stock. I have a full line of Choice Groceries, Tobaccos, Canned Goods, Woodenware, Fruits, Con- fe.c.46c., and my motto GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. will be the old and tried one, profits and quick re - Silver Plated Ware turns." Other lines will be ad- ded to my stock as trade opens up and extends. A Specialty made of Pnre Teas and Unadulterated Spices. Fresh Biscuits, Ginger Snaps, do., received. Thanking the public generally for past patronage in other lines I solicit a share of your orders at the YELLOW FBONT. at -Batter, Eggs and well dressed Poul- try wanted. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Ciocks of the Latest Design& JEWELRY! WEDDING BIEOS, Lamm ants RINOR, Swoon es, EARRINGS, am rErAlso a Full Line of VIOLINS and Violin Strings, ate., in Mock. N. 14.—Isatirer of 'Marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL J. T. ROSS, Opposite the Postoffies. THE ROST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADE. AUFfirellitl• IS THE NEW PREMIUM (Even to erery subseriber. new or old, of TUN 8 EEKIN EMPIRE FOR 1892. Thoutionde or [toilers have boon spent in its preparatiOn. 134. success is fully ensured; it is a highly valued 500(0840 00 the grcitt.•st atetesman and 1010 most honored leader ever know. in Canadian history. This beautiful Memorial Albion cots Mos 10 toll -page illUeteld.iona of inieresang seental 3481 connection with the history of Sir John, and {mascots to the thousands ot admirore of our late, chief many new and rain/1101u portraitures. READ THE LIST. Full-paer Portrait* of Sir John Sala Baroness Macdonald 1 Birthplaee of sir John in Glasgow 1 Portrolt or Sir John when a young man ; Portrait of lihr John's Mother, the only one ever published; The old Ilomestend at Kingston, occupied by Sir John during the Rebellion of 1837: Earnscilffe, Sir John's licaldellee at Ottawa; Interior of Scuale Chamber. Ottawa, show- ing the Guard of glonor and Body Lying In State Exterior View of Houses .of Parlia- ment. with Funeral Procession fermium iti the f View of Enallern Block. with Funeral, Pro. atesslau palming; Vine 341e91 city Ball, ;Lincs. len, Draped in HournIng, as it appeared the day Sir John's Body reached Kingston and lay In State t Grove at Cataraqui Ceine- tern with Floral Tributes from bin Thotals- andS of Followers 1 View or Westminster Abbey, In Which the Memorial Service was held ; Interior View or Westminster ; View of at. Paul's Cathedral, tn whiell 10 WHIP - dal Tablet will be Erected to Sir John's *038803131 Interior View el St. Pours Calhodral. All these views aro floe half.toned Photogravures on hoary enameled paper, awl suitably bound. with an illOnlinated and embossed corer. A really valuable souvenir 11,1,1 will be 0 Suitable ornament on parlor or library •table. Tho clamond for 'hie work nromi.es to hit {creel. Send In yottr orders early. with ONE POLLAK, awl gat THE WEEKLV Ell PlICE for one year and this MEMORIAL AMEN. Now subscribers will revolve Tug WEEKLY Stumm tree for balance SO 1113 1")" P. ,s, :,... - • --0 bs 2 c3 ,4 r. t. ... , :4 1-4 11 r)be4d-' 2x ura cif P 4.9. 8 r: ti p 7., f- fix%,,5!' ''' id —CI' L. L ,.. -,. =E... 4) -DT. P Pl 0.) 0.4Z i..) b.0 f-'4 P• 4.1 tv ell `,,,; F. 73 . ' • - ; 3 ($ I-, G In r4 xn a. t - •-• g t.i VD z 0.) .-:– rd •-• -' .... 2 0 ,c.„ rj 2 It'i 41 -!-'•.5 0 `e- rzE ,.- 0 -cl 2 ,.r... 0 44 73,. 0... '' ` x. 0 gt 0 st th. ;z <,. 1. ---„ti' - e n 4 . .9 - ' P ": ' ! ! ( ' — : tc 2cd 2: :s 1 : : .„.4.4.,1 1 t...ra E P c'. >-• w '-r, ' — ,.. z 0 0., gz.c) [-. ,.. i2 ,.. ._ :84 "f: 0 C f)1. :r " " 4 : • - Z'1, 14.1 „ ..S.. .... -,;„ v - 0.4 <,„._ w ,..„, _ ,,,,,,, _ ,.4 •=7 .a 7-.7:, ee . ...: 'a ,?... 1-, ',11 ":" 7.4 I'd L, 0 0 „3 ,., ._.., A . , .,..., 4.: r4 """*-", 7: ', (...) ;1 2 ..-0 'e. •15 ' 1 v./ 0 ,4 "--,,7•:',..-. -, , at ::: • c• ;,.1 2. • (,,..,s,,i 1.,gt-' Q ' :A ;74 ..., ,:.• sn C L. `lii 4 w_0 -5 bp c ,8 • 'ES o 14, u 0(4