HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-11-27, Page 8Your Choice.
As was promised in It recent Nano of
Tun Pose we have made another ohaage
in our window display. We would very
moll like you to eoe it and uo doubt you
will see something there thab yon require.
Yon will not have such soother oppor-
tunity this season of making a selection
of novelties. Yonr choice for
Only 10 Casts.
Many things to be seen, 'nese are
worth more money, and some will cost
you more, if you fail to hay them before
our next change is made. Yon will sure-
ly want some of these soon, if not now,
and it would be wise to eesure them
while you have plenty to eeleot from.
Our next display will be 15e, articles.
Yonr patronage appreciated.
Druggist, Bookseller, dc,
Traine here Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Gorge S5O111. Go= Nos'rn.
Mail 5:50 a.m. , Mixed 5:40 ant.
'Express ,.....11152 aan. I Mail 9.0U p.m.
Mixed 5,01 pan. Express 9:55 pan,
?Pm!. aitWUS (Ytons.
A chiel's amaug ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll pment it.
Fon fine teas, coffees, spioee, tea, go to
J. T. Ross'.
FULL stook of new fruits just to hand,
Gee. Good,
SERVANT Wanted, at onoe, apply to
Mrs. W. B. Dickson.
10 CEng secures THE Poor for a trial
trip until January 1st, 1892.
Fon good Labrador Herrings call at
the Yellow front. J. T, Ross.
HoosEs for sale or to rent. Comfort.
ab a and convenient. W. B. Dickson.
THE very unpleasant weather during
the past week had a demoralizing effect
en business,
Fos McDonald's A. 1 tobacco go to the
new grocery, opposite the postoffice,
where you will get it good and fresh. J.
T. Ross.
THE Life float Crew could not arrange
to come to Brussels in full strong`b to
the engagement was cancelled for the
W. J. HALLIDAY, of Colgan', N. W. T.
must be celebrating the honeymoon iu
grand style as this week G. A. Deadman
shipped him a quantity of honey. Dont
bay that you require it for bakiug par.
poses, W. J.
WHEN, front any oanse, the digestive
and secretory organs baccme disordered,
they may be stimulated to healthy anrion
by the use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
Thele Pills are prescribed by the physioi-
ens, and are for sale at all the drug-
LAST Friday Watson Aiclsy shot two
wild docks on the Maitland river, west of
Brussels. The were of the "saw bill"
variety and were plump fellows. There
were three of thein, one getting away.
A fish, about 4 inches long was found tar
the bill of one of the birds.
A RLxoEs.—At the shooting match
held at the Revere House last Friday
there was some good shooting done. A
stranger, rather farmer like in appear•
onoe, was after the poultry in great
shape and no matter where the bullets
were planted he managed to often get
nearer the bull's eye, 1t turned out that
he was an old hand at the business, his
name being F. P. Elindes,of the Station
Rotel, Mount Forest. He took 10 turkeys
and 5 gesso home with him as the result
of his shooting.
Ton Christmas Nunber of Saturday
Night contains forty.four pages beauti-
fully illustrated, printed ou fine paper,
and is a marvel of typographical art. A
large amount of money has been paid for
prize stories, poems and photographs
The eoriee have been illustrated by the
best Canadian artiste and every page eon -
tains something pleasing to the eye. The
publishers of Saturday Night never in-
dulge iu fakes of any kind. Ib is their
aim to make their Christmas issue an
advertisement which is certain to attract
readers to their regular issue.
REVIVAL SeameEs.—Leet Sunday' a
series of revival servinea commenced in
the Methodist church here. Samuel
Grigg, of London, addressed the oongre-
gatione on Sunday afternoon and evening
and also on Monday evening.
Mr. Grigg was converted about two years
ago in meetings held in London by the
well known D, L. Moody. He sold out
his hotel business—the Grigg House—
and now devotes a large portion of his
time to practical Christian work. He
does not pose as n preacher yet says a lot
of good !hinge in his own way. Mite
Williams, the evangelist, will preach
twice on Sabbath end during the week.
TLe week services begin at 7:30 o'olook,
IhsotnannY Cur'ou5T.—duo, Ferguson,
01 Ethel, Wolter Jamieson, of Morris,
and ROM. MoNaughton, of the place,
were subpoened to appear' before Reeve
Graham and A. Banter, J. P's, last Fri.
/lay afternoon at 4 p, m., for disorderly
nouduet On the street on Sunday 15th.,
inst. Elie charge wits made by the Cap -
tail of the Salvation Artny at whoee
barrack,' the uproar was. Jamieson was
the only one of the thrse to show up.
He pleaded guilty and was assessed $2,.
0'1 and costs 00 $8.75 in 'Ill. MaNaugh.
ton acknowledged the c r„ an Saturday
and had the same tine imposed. The
aous':ubie had to go to the hay loft to
sorra; Mr. Ferguson and 1 is non appearing
was taken ail contempt of Court and
he will have to gather up $7,45 to meet
the demands of the law. Ten days in
jail is the alterative if the fines are nob
forthcoming in a week. The magistrates
Ova some seasonable advice to the
youths and informed them that the next
offenders nonid not have the option of a
fine as they are determined to put down
disorderly conduct. Thie should be
rt45•d,MPS t 3K.4A.vBSO' .:w,.es
Nov. 27, 1891
�aaatmar+ezat "laa•++vr,,,w,p»,,E=
Quality amounts to little unless the
M'it'e is Fail' !
Low .'rices are slot Bargains unless
Quality is There
We are now Carrying a Large and Well Selected Assortment of' the Most }(.leant
Gets' ForiiisVi� �s, ase
Which. are being offered at "Rock Bottom Prices" and we defy Competition.
Eggs Wanted.
.A Cordial Invitation is extended to all
to examine our Selection.
Remember the Stand Opposite the American Hotel.
Ferguson & Halliday.
10 doz. grain bags at $2.45 a dozen,
worth $3,75. 1?ergusou se Halliday.
FEnausox .h HALLIDAY have all the
newest novelties in dress goods and trim.
Fos good fresh Greet/vies go to the Yel•
low front, opposite the Postolbieo,
J. T. Ross.
Tint famed Tiger blend of pure India
and Ceylon tea, the best value in the
market, at Themeon's.
Bev. MR. 1111LLr:n preached in Knox
church last Sunday and will oMoiete
next Sabbath also.
CALL and see our special Line of all
wool Blankets at $2.75, $3.25, $3,75, L.
35, $4.75 and $5.50 a pair at Ferguson R
LADIES hall and see our special line of
corsets at 25c„ 500., 70e., 900., 100c., and
the famous watch spring at $1.25.
TOE "Self Denial" contributions col.
looted by the Salvation Army at Bras.
eels amounted to $28 58, or a gain of
$35.00 over last year.
NOTICE Th TAXPAYERS.—All those who
have not yet paid their Taxes will please
kali and do so at my store, opposite the
Postofftce. JAS. T. Roes, Collector.
LYE are pleased to hear that J, D,
Ronald has sold one of his medium Fire
Engines, 1,5000 feet of hose and 2 hose
reels to a town in Nova Scotia, The
machine will be shipped next week.
Trim annual meeting of the Brussels
Branch of the Upper Canada Bible So.
piety was held in the Methodist church
on Thursday evening of this week. Rev,
J. M. Smith addressed the meeting. Re-
port next week.
CAPT. FosEtttN will "farewell" next
Sabbath. Ile has been in command of
this corps for upwards of five months.
Ile is a zealous worker in the vineyard,
Who his snooessor will be or where Capt.
Freeman will go are among the things
"ye shall know hereafter."
WELL-DIeemNm ANn DEmmwe,—George
.Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to ell work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in prope-
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
souped door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 45-tf
Feoon.—Owing to the heavy and long
continued rain and the melting snow the
river rose very rapidly last Monday night
and Tuesday morning. The approach
to the footbridge was carried away and
the low land along the river overflown.
The water was about as high as it was
the time of the big flood in August 1883,
TEE 0, P. 11. ExraxsrnN.-1.be,e was a
long discussion at the Guelph Board of
Trade reoently relative to the promise by
Mr. Van Borne to build an extension of
the 0. P. It, from Guelph to Goderioh.
This promise was said to have been made
but to be indefinite as to tune. It was
stated that but for this promise the
bonus given by the pity for the 0, P. R.
could not have been carried. Mfr. Van
Horne's reply had been to former in•
quiries that money was too tight. But
Mr. Relies said to the Guelph Board of
Trade that he "bad noticed that Mr. Van
Horne had written to Brantford, stating
that money was now easy sad he was in
a position to consider a proposal from
them. If money was easy why was ib
not time for him to carry out his contrast
with the people of Guelph to extend
their road. It would be one of the great-
est benefits to the city, We had a prior
olttim to his attention before Brantford."
The result of a long discussion was that
the President was directed to write to
Mr. Van Horne showing that his objec-
tions to going on with the road did not
now exist and renewing their applioation
to have his aesuraneee carried oub.
PaEeSNTATION,-0n Friday evening the
residence of Thomas Trivia, Exeter, was
besieged by la number of ladies' of the
Guild of the Trivia Memorial Oheroh to
pay a tribute of respect and esteem to
their clergyman, Rev. S. F. Robinson
anti wife, before taking their departure
from their midst. Shortly after all had
aseemblort, and the parlor wnnfllled to its
utmost capacity, Mrs. A. Q. 13obier step-
ped into the mideb of those who were
busily engaged in jovial conversation and
read an address to loIrs, Robinsot,present.
Ing her at the same time with a bemdsome
tea tet and a set of lace curtains. This
was a great surprise to the lady, and
amidst great confusion sire replied in a
short speech, thanking them very kindly
for the momentums whioh hand been pre.
vented, The conversation once more 1
becomiug general, onetime interruption
ooeurrrd by Samuel Sweet appearing in
the centre of the room bearing in his
hand another addroes wllioh had been t
prepared by IDI, D. 1lurclon, and address.
iug the gentleman in a clear tone of voice,
read an illumined address from the t
manuscript, and at the same time pre- bib
tented him with a puree, amounting to 400
$8'1. The rev. gentleman, after thanking pe
the young man who had made the pre. wa
eentstion in a few words of praise, then gra
delivered a ehort dieoouree to those of pus
hicongregation who warn gathered to• Nit
ether. After the rev. gentleman had pit
read a Psalm and offered prayer, the an
ethering then dispersed, all feeling the goo
teat loss they Were I,bont to sustaid, god
I met, sell rho balance of my long bo
at a greatly reduced price, enpeeia
sizes 1, 7 and 10. Geo. Gond.
Owino to a wash-out between Beuse
and Bluevale ou Tuesday the morn
traiu was unable to put in an appears
and our mail did not come down on
Peng came in with quite a rush 1
Friday bo Brussels market. The go
ranged from 95.50 to 85.80 per bundr
Three buyers will make things lively h
this year.
AREN'T you ever going b0 grow 0
like the rest of us ? " asked a man of
acquaintance be hadn't seen for so
time. "Well, not so long as I can peri
my blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla," w
the apt reply. This man linew what
wall talking about.
AfATnrncoNlAL.—Married on the 13
inet., at the residence of the bride's fat
er, James Hicks, 08 Bay street, Ow
Sound, by the Rev, Dr. Waites, pastor
Knox oburch, Ronald C. Bell, 2nd ma
on S. S. Baltic, to Miss Nellie E. Hick
youngest daughter of Mr. Hicks, forme
ly of Brussels. Mise Coro Sanders,
Mitchell, and Miss Annie flicks, sister
the bride, mode charming bridesmaid
Sidney Rieke and Geo. David, of Mar
dale, were the groomsmen. The bri
was neatly attired in brown cashmo
and plush. Notwithstanding a race
illness the petite bride looked loyal
The presents were b •th pretty and usef
Serer ox Ter,—The following leg
item is of local interest :—Ronald
Town of Sault Ste. 11larie.—Idington,
0., for the defendants, appealed from Ma
judgment of Robertson, J., who tried bh
action at Goderiah, in favor of the plait
tiffs. The action was brought to recov
the amounts due under debentures give
by the defendants to rho plaintiff as 51
price of the fire engine raid by the plain
tiffs to the defendants, or for the pries of
the engine. Robertson, J., held that the
defendant were bound by their ocntra55
to pay for the engine and that the deben•
tures issued were valid,
and he gave judgment for
$310, the amount due under the de-
bentures, and interest. The defendants
contended that the contract was not ars
executed one and that they were not
liable because there was no by-law veli•
dating the °entrant. Garrow Q. C., for
the plaintiffs, contra. Appeal dismissed
with costs, the court holding that the
want of a by.Iasv or of a contract under
the corporate seal oould not relieve the
defendants, in the face of their swept -
once and use of the engine.
PEEHAI's you do nob road Saturday
Night 1 It is a twelve page paper, always
well illustrated and admittedly wears th1 e
I dress of any paper in the
Dominion. All the gond things from the
Amerioan and English and German comic
papers are reproduced, both jokes and
pictures. The faces of foreign oelebrities,
authors, statesmen and actors appear in
its columns. It pays more money for
the copyright stories of /coding English
novelists than all the other Canadian
papers combined. It is thoroughly clean
and has the Iargsat and ablest editorial
staff of any weekly paper in Canada. Its
large circulation and magnificent adver-
tising patronage alone make it a possibil.
ity in a country like Canada where at
best there is but a limited patronage.
The Chrietmaa Number and the regular
issue of Toronto Saturday Night are for
sale by all newsdealers. The price of the
former is fifty cents, including the picture
Fatima ; the fabler is two dollars per
annum—two dollars and fifty cents for
both. You cannot do better than sub-
scribe either directly to the Sheppard
Publishing Company (Ltd.), 9 Adelaide
street west, Toronto, or through your
news agent.
TRACT SoOliws.—Last Sunday Rev. Dr.
Moffatt, of Toronto, agent for the Upper
Canada Tract Society, presented its
Maims. 73e speks in the Methodist
church at 10:30 a, m. and in lblelville
church 05 0;30 p. m. At the morning
service he pointed out the elements .f
Christian life as being manly, attractive,
aggressive, Christ bks and pr0obioal
This Tract Soeieby had been in operation
00 years and was doing a noble work.
Last year 10,000 bibles, 10,000 religious
books and 1,000,000 pages of trecte, deal-
ing with religious, missionary and tem.
prance toping were dietributecl, 11fr.
Bowman was doing a grand work ntnong
the sailors on the Welland canal. Mr,
Potter was in charge of Lake Ontario
sailors, of whom there are 1,500 between
oronto and Kingston, 400 of them are
French Renton Catholic. The Society
sent out oanvas bags, filled with bibles,
religions books, tracts and newspapers
with every outgoing vessel and they were
warmly tveloomed by the sailors, Tet
co)porteure wore at wont, seven in Ott.
ario and three in Manitoba. They oatsy
les, hymn , Psalm, and prayer books,
chs and papers and remelt thousands of
ople outside of the churuiles. $1,100
s given by the Society last year in free
its is Canada. Tho money being ex•
tiled In 13ritisli Colutnbia, London,
Ageing Dietrich, Central prison, hos•
als, haven and Priem Gale mission,
d at the Free Breakfast 1u Toronto, fn
d books, opera', dee. Dr, Moffat 01.
liberal donations 10 this powerful
k -
taken es lb gentle hint to all and sundry i
who aro inclined l0 1'51n contrary to g
order and t d ecorum,
factor in oharoh week, Itis address was
very interesting being a line of Christian
work not often dwelt upon in smaller
places. Envelopes were dist,ibuted at
the close of the service for contributions.
The Doobor's heart is in the Mat.
AN ULD REszENT GONE,—About 1.0-
0100k p. m. on Wednesday of this week
the silver cord was loosened that hold the
spirit of Mrs. W. G. lliugstoe to the
tenement of slay and the voyager passed
into the hose's of eternal rest. The ole•
cea'e, has suffered for some time from
an inward oanoer, followed by other com-
plications, and the surprise to many was
that she held so tenaciously to life. The
best medical attention and nursing was
of no avail, however, more than to afford
her temporary relief. Mrs. Hingston's
maiden name was Elizabeth Trddgeou
and Ler birthplace Cornwall, England.
She came to Canada, with her parents,
when a child and located in Markham.
55 years ago she was united in marriage
to her late husband and they came to
Morris township in 1858, purchasing a
farm from Wm. McLeod, being lot 29,
4rd line, where they resided until .Mr.
llingston's death in 1874. The old gen-
tleman was 76 years of age. Of their
large family of 17 children only 7 sur-
vive, as follows :—Riollard, of Brussels ;
T. L., of Cypress River, Man. ; Arthur,
in Kansas ; George, in Joliet, III, ; Char•
les, of Langstaff, Ont. ; James, of La
Platte, Neb. ; and Kiss Hingston, of
Washington. Mrs. Hingston moved in-
to Brussels about three years ago. She
Was a kind hearted lady, with a very
pleasant countenance and was beloved
by all who knew bet. She was a mem-
ber of the Episcopalian church for many
years. The fuuet al will take place from
her late residence, John street, on Sitter.
day, 28th int„ at 2:30 p. nn. Interment
at Brussels cemetery.
The water in Detroit 05t'er is lower
than ever before recorded.
Winnipeg City Council will open pro-
pcsals for the developments of the As-
siniboia water power,
A, despatch ftom Medicine Hab to the
Free Press Monday says :--"A 15 -year.
old son of L. R. Cochrane and a 10 -year.
old sou of E. Walton, merchants of
this piece, whose ranches are just outside
of town, were caught in last Friday
night's blizzard while looking for soma
cattle, The storm being so severe and
so euddeu they ware unable to find their
way home that night, and searching
parties were organized 'the following
morning. They found no trace of them
until Tuesday night, when the Cochrane
boy was discovered, 16 miles from home,
frozen to death beside a haystack, his
horse eating bay over his dead body.
Police are now scouring the country for
the other boy."
,SliI:IL—In Morris, on Nov. 7th, the
wife of Mr. Jas. Spier of a son,
Ronnees.—In Wingliam, on Nov. 15th,
the wife of Mr. D. 35. Roberts of a
DENEors,.—In I3'yth, on the 19th inst.,
the wife of Mr, John Denholm of a
Scour.—In Blyth, on the 17th inst., the
wife of Mr. T. W. Scott, merchant,
of a son.
BELL—HICNs,—Ab the residence of the
bride's parents, 68 Bay street, Owen
Sound, by Rev. Dr. Whites, Mr.
Ronald 0. Bell to Miss Nellie E.
Hicks, youngest daughter of 111r. Jas.
Hicks, formerly of Brussels.
Senesoq—Dxox. In Portage la Prairie,
Manitoba, on the 28th ult., by Rev.
Peter Wright, Mr, George Stinson,
of Arden, Manitoba, formerly of Gor•
vie, to Mies Jennie, eldest daughter
of Mr, Jas. Dick, of the township of
II1Nnsmoll.—In Bruseels, on Nov. 25th,
I91l..aboth, relict of the lute W. G.
l:iingston, aged 75 yentas,
,a.Y.rcmxorr ssx Fanny, Nov. 271sL—tarn, Stook, I.
piements, Household Furniture, ice„ Lot
10, Con. 0, Grey, Sale commences at
10 o'clook a. m. sharp. R. L. Taylor,
Solicitor for Administrating, Brussels,
Geo. Kirkby, and.
azz•vcs:e s ma srsteo=tree,
Fall Wheab............. 04 00
Spring Wheat ... 90 98
Barley 40 00
Peas 04 05
Cate 132 33
Butter, tubs and rolls,.., 15 16
Eggs per dozen 15 00
Flour pot barrel 4 50 5 Cl
Potatoes .. ,., 25 30
tiny per too ,. 9 00 10 00
5 60 5 75
4 00
Hides per Ib
Salt per bbl., reboil 1 25 10
Shoop skina, each........ 05 00
Lamb eking each 65 00
Applee per harrol,....,,, 1 00 1 20
1-_-41.1.171,3 LEICESTER BREED
'No Ewas for Fels. Apply to
JOHN 1.0(1051X015,
10 Lot 4, Oou, 15, Grey.
to ep-stair work, Good wages, Apply
to MRS. R05 NIG,
Am0boau hotel, Brussels.
1•L. Funds, Apply to GEnnais HiaasToN,
Jo11et, Illiuoie, or
41.0 "71
0.8, KELLY. Brussels,
Sale. Would take part pa.v in wood,
May be seen at Revers House stables, For
par Outlets ¢pply to
etn general servant to go to Brandon,
Man, Good wages and a perinea cot poet•
tion to a good reliable person. Apply at
Tan Pon, Publishing House, Brussels.
tumor the undersigned, Lob 24, Con, 11,
Grey, on or about Nov. lab, a rod and white
eteer.risieg 3 years old.. The owner is re•
quested to prove property, pay expenses and
take him away.
20.4'0 CONRaD MfOHEL,
BENT,—Or long stlmdieg, Within
quarter of a mile of Brussels, \?rarer and
good Olay—House, garden and staple. Per
mailer particulars app. to
19.2 Brussels,
8. No, 2, Grey Township , for 1802. Male
preferred. Applications, stating salary ex•
'meted and oxperteuee, reCeivod up to De-
cember 1st.
18.3 J05111 STEWART,
Cranbrook P.O. Secretary,
a- orto relit on John street, Brussels, be-
ing lots 103 and 154. Comfortable dwelling
and conveniences that as well, astern,
collar, woorisbed, good garden and knit
trees, Per further particulars apply to
12 44 WM. MARTIN.
of the undersigned, Lot 11, cob 11, Grey,
on or about Oct, 25th, two ewes nod two
Iambs. The owner is requested to prove
property, pay expenses and take thaw
15.45 Craubrook P.0,
Towns areboueftted by sending milk
from part bred Jerseys, They combine both
quantity and quality. Until I dispose of one
of my Jersey lint's you eau have your choice.
For further particulars apply at my ,Drag
and Book Stere.
G, A. DDADMAN, Brussels.
n" M}/,1 K ,Ca, A Y I L L,
But A//ways take PEPPER'S,
And it 1 will have or I will have none.'
'Tinning of the shrew,' Act I5'., Su. , ,
Fns 1ID',ADACIfltl, nysrfiesIA,
N1:1 :w
Prepared only by
'ro,ayaact a d•oxneral masala. n.g.
On =flan and tilted States Drafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed ou Deposits.
Collections made on favorable terms.
()alae ion Agents—ShrssnANr'9 BANE os
Now Yotls Atlanta—IniPommEns AND '1,10D -
16e Solicitor and Conveyancer. Col/ac-
tions made, Omoo—Vanstona's Block, Brus-
sels. 21-5111 •
W. •
SolicitorSIN, OcnveyauoIor, No tarry Pub -
Ito, kn. O(ilm--Grahams Block, l do Jr north
of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Funds to
mate with G arrow t Pronlfoot, Gode.
r)o5,) Nrarr.aters, Solicitors, Conveyancers,
ate. Otnees-H1'ltseele and Seafortb, Brun-
sels Ot5oe—Up.etairs over Bank. Money
to Loan.
n, e. HAYe, w. n, n1Cx5ON
\AT H. i4toCRA.OKEN,
at his Oreoer].0 Vu ul�etrygstleet,rBrussels,
Tonsorial Artist Sbop—Next 5000
couch of A. TL aleisay & (lore hardware stere.
Ladles'aud sbildreus hair cutting a specialty
Is INTROITS' to give lessons 51 the.
Piano, Parlor and Pipe Organ. Special aE-
teutloe given to Technic. for further 1n.
formation address— 13ex 172, Brussels.
• Issm•er of Marriage Liconeos, by
lPpoiuturent of Liont,•(devornor, 00111113111 -
smiler, Insurance Co. °face at the Oraeb ook
Post Wilco.
Cleric of the Fourth Dineen court,
Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public,
investedoend4 to loan. uCollections miiie,
01110e in Gra1am's Block, Brussels.
Miss Merles, of Wingham, is prepared
to give iustreetiou in oil painting. 'terms
May be ascertained ut Miss Nellie Ross' sumo
where samples of Work m0y be seen. lutes
Morias would also tape a few more pupils lu
T• A, HA1�IliINS,
1 Organist in St. John's Church, Brus-
sels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching of A,
W. Thayer, Blue. uoc., Nety York, will sive
lessons to pupils either at Tilos, Ferrow's,
00ruer of Queen and Privaess Sta., or If pre-
ferred, at Chair ott'n homes. Terme moder-
ate. 4U.
All persons leaving claims against the es -
Morris, County or Huron, widow, deceased,
tate of Mary Haines, late of the Township of
who died on bhe 2nd Day of December, 18911
are required to furnish s ortisulare thereof
to McVer & D iokinsou, Barristers, Wiugham, .13 13 IN 7.' )04 '1"
or to the undersigned, ou or before the Mk
limy of Daealnber, 1891, as the Executors
will then proceed to distribute the estate, qq
havtag regard only to those =hits of which
Surgeons, Ontario d t T onto
untiae nhryll boyo been then given. This varsity. OD8'IOE—Ouse Popper's Drug Store,
notice is given under B. 8. U.. chap, 11U Brussels,
eco. 30,
M. CAVANAGH, L, D. S., D. D, S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
all O er •
Josarn STORM, -Pxoeutore,
Dated Nov. 21, '01,
The lands of the said deceased being 8, W.
1, Lot 7, Oen. 6, Morris, also a dwelling house
and lot in Sunshine, will be sold by Publlo
Auction at Gallagher's Ilplei, Ilclgrave, 0u
at 2 p. in, .for particulars and conditions
of sale nee postern anal the above 1114210ei
-- oF-----.-
House and Lot
In the Township of Morris,
Under and by Virtue Of the POWAI' of Salo
in a 001'0.01 mortgage (which will be proiluo•
ail at time 01 male) made by Mary Ann
Welsh and Samaol Welsh to the Vendor,
there will be offerod for sale by Penile Aua-
t,ou at the Igsvere House in the Village of
lll'uSSela, OR
MOND X, DECEMBER. 711s, 1801,
At Two O'el00k in the Af40rttoonr the
valuableProp5055, sontiti,hng hiblf au acre
more or Ions, being a portion et the Rothe
part of the mouth hall of lob number thirty.
In the fifth 0os005e1on or tato tow}nslip of
Morris, more pertisnlar)y dunai'Ibotl in male.
mortgage. ElaLl premises haying it frottage
on Luso gravel road of two chaise, by a depth
of two chains and tldrtyfvo links.
This property is close to the Ocr]israbion
of Ilrnxesls and 11110 thereon a stud frame
house and Stable, and is adesirable resielen•
tial loa,ity.. The sa10 will he soignee to a
reserve bid.
TEstls.—Ton per Dent. at the time of sate,
balance aaaorditrq to Ells forme and omit.
Liens to he made known on the day of sole.
For further partionlars and aootlitioue of
taloa it
amity A. BUNTER,
Dated Bev, 10,'81. VandorBrlsseale, Out.
• Auctioneer, re always ready to at-
tend Dales of farms, farm stook, Lica, Terms
oboerfully given, Oranbrook P, 0. Sales
may be arrnugod at Tun Poem Publiabing
House, Brussels.
Licensed Auctioneer, Sales ocnduat
ed on reasonable terms. Panne and farru
stoop a specialty, Drums left at Tis POST
P nbll ehiug lion se, Srueseb,or sentto Walton
P. 0„ will receive prompt attention,
am prepared
to 00ntlueb sales of farm stook as all nationner,tat reasonable
prices. ltuowing the standing of nearly
every person 1 an ill a Position to sell to
good marks and get good security whom sold
on credit, Satisfaotion guaranteed. Give
me a call. 32- F S. SCOTT,
tITM. F. CALE, 1V1 D., 0. M.5
Member of the College of Physician,
and surgeons of Ontario by examination,
Office and Residence—Main Street East,
ldtbsl, On Lark.
r A. !4rNAUGRTON, M. D,
ff O,1n„ l,. R, 0,P,, Edinburgh, 155.0, P
S. Ont. hotider.ee end ofloe iu Wilson'•
Bleak, emmer of Mill and Tnrubol'ry ;ate,
T0. WVA1tWtilK,
• Tenor Graduate of the Ontario
etolneryCollege. in proparod to treat all
Eos of 0m0ef t t
1 tea
Olt animals 1 eIll a00 m -
potent mamas. Particularsattention pa.to veterinaryde, Galls ptt at. to, Ghee andInfirmary—Two
Irr—TWo UoorS
north of brl5l0 "'urabarry ate Brussels,