HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-11-27, Page 7Nov. 27, 1891, THE BRUSSELS POST. DAFFODIL bobsit it, moos. 11411100.10P.OlialiraMMAII.M/NIMINOMONRIA=.08/1. PBARLS OF TRUTH, ... ..._. AWFULLY MIXED. interteretwo will conirt.l., 1 Intim an i 11 ttlise• admiration fov yono Yonnteat sister, sno; wham 1 ''''" llitliag l'h°"1 Y'''' "Part 111011114. The essential peouliarity »f on, on.intinn (I'M ro,"3.1 l''' 113)1 1". It1144"..M ifrinti"' from my hotel Window"- ••"3/11 /3,irla...,11"Ir',"Iii li f,, J0 3.11,133. 11. 10 L110 001113110W 114r111011y, 11.(1 "31134 Thro,10, rl,,,l" "'ming NT,Irrlilifem, stopinsi to isay,laughing iiroottoratoty,"1 1181, 0,1,,01 111.0 syallostas of holt, hoots of 140,111. ft in stated by 14 (1001eLy impel. of thm e et iningine," Thou mho looked at, tlio lettor . 1,,,,,,„, that Gots '''1311131Forsyth is 18)131114 to .. • No tie can 1» RO 4180, 110 Joon 80 Ntrong morry t 1::: tlan,;litor of 1/r. Dallas liaolto of (11111 "118]", I. I ominously foo the answor lint hor frown 113141411',Lilo a, beautiful MI d or lottlorily R IstO do lai oh. Alla 1111 limy say °I' l ato form lin 00011813 for telling a Secret l'hiladolphitt, The 11013(81',mit to bo out- , 1401)101) Minims to a third party 1 and it ii a 110110, is gOillg 10 DIMITY 1.1,1,(laughtof er I did not seem to have 11111011 *11(101 on her gay ' ° ° 31,3,)) h 'er foarm IIIN MS:, Rio 1,11101,, ...... " 'Wu must bind ' falso sontiniont nod o moan polloulay that (Mu, Forsyth. It. 10 to bo 1101411(1,0,Y0 1.1)13A nil troop you MAL, nty Rosalind, 1 young oister for 8110 only allook un loot or lIto doserto Imo small, would require+ it at the bands of foiond or JOnsittas (tity l'imos, that tho font. people 'Who daros not out. It Ita, tho touch .Fast, (31301, my wintoyed llosatiod, ' nonchalantly and said, " I don't !mow 3" , , To win or lotto it all,' ' 10V111. 11 1151.10.101 or wife Every 01113 iF1 ILL 111011L 001100111011 11-1 LIIim matter Itppretnuta Anil clip imur whom ond 11111,1“1 1111 lova," Oohing Anxiously for her pocket OM 0110 Said ventured to beg of you the 1)3101'Ilbort'y to (Moline to 3001(1013 13111)1 ounlidonee thorouishly the curious complications in bronorsen. Olio and twisting about on the sofa liko an logo ot onticiag liar acquaudance. You aro ' if lie llease 1 but, having rooeivod it, lio has relationship that are lomml to rooult from At an open window in the city of Toronto , , , sits tr, yoong girl dreaming in tho twilight 01'co, :n.,001! oflbrts to locate tido wonderful at liberty to Inquire about my oboractor, I no right to impart it. such m110118. A. th.puzele 10 0.0 catty problem oppenonge to a woman's arose an autumn 11 ity, Down below In the busy '' Why Daffodil what nonsonso I ou must °1°' 1. r°101' Y°11 1" Dr' °twain"' nr.' 1 11"1". ,' Ktiowholgo always hao a value of ita own loside it. street, the heart of a great city throbs, but know where you got those sweets 3" 1.4103.111113 ton, Lawyers liartrobb and Clanoiy, ' 1.111G it 1117 lie taunt tool undeveloped like To stort with Otero 113 Gen. Forsyth, who awaY (10." to tha 81)2)001 '117 at 111° found energy enough Imre to say. 14310 was fool that um never been ignited. It tho will find himself tied up as follows ; liameoshing you to make 1100 o my refer - end "1 the 'Lreat' 8110 Pawl' wrapped 1" of a rather Intiol t ly 011"" "thit gr"" "'Pc" 1 re'""1" 10 all ovolution of power, Din constant coo:rise of 1. lie will los Dr. liacho's fathersirolaw. en : 1811051 ton tare Alf, agony of muspouse, thoughts that made hor linger there DR the room behiod hos (look:mod ioto opoquo gloom. Lights begin to glimmer in the windows 01 1330 groat hotel oppastto. A young man m one of the rooms puts his opera glassos into their elthe W I L11 0 sigh. For some Limo be has boon viewing the beauty in the windows across tho way, but now the gathering dusk intervence and makes void the magic of the binoculars. 311111 1* renutino at, his post and accom paries the object of his observal Mos through dreatnland. .A. street car storming below is an 0001141' 30)100 of moinentary frtquenoy, lant he looks down presently 343.ono, to follow 11)0mows- years 1)0111,0 you get anyono half so good mantis of three ladles 1403)0 0,111)111 and bottike and probably not, thou." " The only thing to recommend him to a second otnistderation is his monoy, 13ut I shall have money and handsome faco and bonoo and oh everything." "A regular oombination of 3.11 3.110 known virtuos under tho sun on 3" and Leila laugh- ed. heartily a1 her pet's pretty airs. " I am nod glad you told mo you wished to bo rid of mo, ' W011 3.1,11 Daffodil. " I shall bo looking out for an eligible young man in contest. have you givon np your histrionic tom Manna then ?" Mrs. Synaton asked hots Daffodil instantly lookod perplexed. to take much 14)311. 111 any diacuasion except when 31 scolding was in progroso for tbo 1 uokless Daffodil, " 81to doosn't want to oonfess having squandered hard comb for them 1" Hortenso remarked in a 0017 000(130 toms Daffodil stortaid up and stamped her foot. " Thuds you, Aliso Clotildo 3 But I mean what .1 say ! shall not marry 011 old so:t- hrottle:1 octogenarian 0( 114 country loon any- way.' Clotilde's oyes shot forth lightnings. " Don't dam to speak Illto that of .1 autos Fansworth, Daffodil .Morsbury 1 It will bo themselves up it stairway leading to the apartments above the fancy store, which bears the sign without, " Tho Misses Mara - bury." The young girl ot. Um window 00111,1110os to dream. .As the door opons, she murmurs that pretty fancy of Joan Ingolow's- " wait for my story -Lim birds cannot s'ng it, Not ono aa he alio on the Roo ; '1110 1)11110 cannot, ring it, but long yoars, oh bring It Such 11101 wish it, 10 Ms" " 1 have brought, 11 ny pretty posy,' 01100 0110 of beta aistera, running to her and putting Iter arms around bor. " Dear mo, Daffodil 3 why haven't you lit Om lamp and got too ready "I had forgott on it for ft momeitt," aha for 118 instead of sitting there and replied, olowly. But given it, up, never 3 I (?l'0081111133. Yon tom SO IMO I" comploinod will be Imforo the footlightsyoat, 3" anothor, searching on thu mitotic for 1101' 01,11101011 stater laughed. and tho other mnachea, while tho third SiiLCI, sank into a two looked cliogusted. olutir. " Little idiot ! Ilio such a foolish idea, " Where ?" questioncil Daffodil, doubt,- this Hint she tiros 118 with morning, noon ingly, of latilo, tho married sister who had and nights Yon should not hove mention- spokon to her fine: "1 n this envelope od it, Laths Sho will likely ovoewholin us Did the postoom loove it ?" " Yes, in this 11010 with It 1i8i. Of the reasons why sho 1,„1,11;o4 11 up bsyoutt btu. rows, should become au actross." Ifortionso " Whitt! A young num in an envelope ? sharrlY, Thank you but 1 don't moo for such an in- " You'd roally think 0110 W00 in earnest, significant tunnel as ha must be.' Lona," added Clotildc, ''if you could heat, " Yon Hill y thing 1 So your story is a her go on sometimes." 31(11)1114 111011 i8 it ? 1f 1110,1 111 all you want you Daffodil darted a defiant look 0.1 1310 LWO 03( 31 has, it ousilv." atter speakers. 1A* 1( 33 wasn't in 01133)100)3 3 " Yea indeed 3." ochood -1Iortouse, pausing You will seo 1" in her flittings obout, tho room, to take a, " What will yon do with your eligible glance 01 the hotel windows. " I think if young 11114n 3.11011?" Leila gneationod. you but opened your arnis,Daffoiliblic would Datibtlil 11113,10 13 gesture that 1)113)110)1 0011' Jump into them from whore he sits." fidonoe in hor ability to fix thus. all rights Thstiodil turned her head hastily. Ou seeing the young Lochinvar opposite sho burnt into a ripple 01 1311)3311103' and roaching slowly for tho toiler cortoio, looking the Nvitilo laughingly at hos admirer, drew it clown. "01,, Daffodil," remonstrated the sister 113110 luttl taken possession of the easy chair inunediately upon her entrance. 1111. is so _ m 111 11010. l'ray leave the shade up." -11°9°"lbei"?" war Daffodil 13.1110,1 31 again, nothing loth to 'I hero woo a rap abIlia door at this mo- ment and Daffodil 143701133 10 answer it. Pro: have littlo by ploy with the gontleman who wits still 3313.011133.sently she WAS 13111101033 110111010110 parcels and claspi Then also 3311.00 it little go3300)31130 of ng her hands ill ocstaains misu I:, and rn„ n„ny from1133, 3,0g13 of of delight over tho beautiful fabrics and 1101)011.0 colors of the first vision, flinging horaol down on sofa on the opposite side of the room. installment of tho wedding garments. " You litsy oh ild ! got up 331)10moment and " door Dortonsc, 18 111 18 polo bine for set the tublo !'' [mod lbootense, throwing You I surpriaed. You can't wool- such 0, delicate Lint ! Now I C&11, -just look 3" the tablecloth ovor to her from the buffet drawer. 'rlio 140.111 little byway wound the folds of Daffodil 011(111(011 11 into 0, hugo ball and faint mono around hor head and alumblors, launoloul 31 13,11330. 11. missed hos sister and. till those rating in tho elfout of its loveliness went hints out of tho window 3 :Arming tho blooming (hook and sunkissed " My goodnesa goaoions 3" exclaimed all ' hair, 00111d not. but 11)3)1113. 13. was oxouodingly four girls at ono:, atol the youngost, tho becoming. makor of 'tho mischief, wont, rushing out to But only lotilo, praiso11 her saying, " I the stalos which 0110 cleared in about five ! roully 1111010, Ihtfly dear, you ought to mho jumps -and fell inlo the a1100 of tho young a 3300d 1111411111. 13y-1i1e-1ye, yon didn't toll mot from across the way who had soon the us whore you got, yourfenst Unsofteonoon?" cloth catch on a cornico and rushed down. " 110 you want to know very badly?" poll tnoll to be the ono to restore it to its show Mg by hor tono she could toll them allot- all. ''Show me that letter and 111owners. Ore instant, the golden braids mated on his toll you." shoulder and tho warn breath or the Hower " What totter 1" and Hortense gloatood of the ISIorsbury family swept his cheek and searchingly at Leila who toughed ploosanto then she recoiled (111(111107 stood eying each ly. other liko two childron.''That ono Laila. has. You said my story Prosently-" Here is 3.0013-31000 pittno was in it, Lail 3" cover," the young mau stammered. " What in tho world did you tell hor for, " It 1511% o 011110 COM' I" Daffodil told Leila I" Hortense exclaimed. " Wo 10111 3100 hint, receiving it Rom him. " 13u33 thank not to ?" you all tho same." " Olt then it dons concern 2)10 in some way " I Nous going to bring it up," ha addotl, or other 1" Daffodil persisted. wishing sho would still let him do so. The sistors burst, 1111,0 1, fit of laughtorond " Wore yott?" as if alio was stiapicious of lonkod at 8110 another significantly. his veracity.0,1110. began saying, Upon that letter " Indeed 33 was. Let me taloa i33up yot." 1)0.11140 31010' fate 11 we were to show 13. 3.0 "No, thank you. Yon may come up after you it wotild spoil it :111.-" supper, 11 3100 like, I gooss, and my sisters ''0113031 3" cried Daffodil 511111)33 113) sod - will thank you for rescuing our only clean doily and looking very excited 1111(1 0001000. L0111001001 from under the foot of the pits- " I numb know now, Where is the letter?" sorsby." , " You'ro a perfect idiot, Laila 3" burstout " 011, thank you 1 If I may enter into your Hootenso, very angrily. "Don't you know chorine(' home on so small o pretext 00 1330.3., that girl 11037014' does anything we want hot to I will oortaioly 00)110,'." do. 13y tolling her about this and out " Oh woll, you know-" Daffodil begun, favorablo recognizance of i1.00011t01115, you smiling coquettishly, "You can try it, I p03.' No l' into her Mouth, itt once. If you goose my sisters will lot t 01) 10," know her as wall as Olotilclo mid I, you Nyould Then sho fled, the girls Noel:soloing the re- know what you oro about," appooranco of their lost property with troo "Yon have iodised spoiled everything," much gladness to think of asking how sib ochoodOlotildc, 3101437)11033 1(0111114 natowspoper recovorrol its And Daffodil fiew around, with which sho was fanning herself. putting various little dainties on the titbit) " Now, seo hove, girls 3" Lailo, remon- for 1.110 tett, and looking veoy smiling tho stratod, good-naturedly. " I do notconsidor this plan of keeping tho contorts of 3.1110 lot - while. conditions of climate, would soon have dis- But when she 0.111101100111 that hor prepar- ter a soccer from tho (inn It 00001100,conrns, appear:NI from 3.310 50313.00 of the earth were 3.1,10118 wore 1311101)0,1, oho did not join the honorable 0110-44 fair one -at a. Lot Da. it 1)033 for their sociable spirit. When a 1305) 0.3.11110 table hub flung horaolf down on fodil 800 1.1,30 lottot ; she will know batter boast of prey opproachos them several studs tho 00(0. 033(111)), with her hood ((.3. 33310 wrong how to Moot Mr. Daycer when Ile calls, Ho 1111110 1131 onoo ; they repulse, tho boast and " ho flood not Itim'y we told her bnt-" 80)11011)1101 0313.00 it, and 110311101' tho wolf end andhotfoot on thocrazy cushion "For pitys soto, Latta, giro mo tho lot - nor tho bear, not ovon thelion, can capturebead.Why Dafodil, don't lio in such an un- tor , You ave itaney haven't, Tey a horn° or ovon 113 mobr11 as long as it: is not lady liko position. I can 1041 310114) lildward lofty .object all they like, I. Inn going to seo detached from the herd. 13.11310)111 mover have you in our lunno 31 31013 , this very minnto. When a &ought io bulldog tho grass 111can't bohavo 310010011. ' Anil Hortonso rods- I Mho stood over Lailit and shook bar pretty the 3)13111100 they gather in hoods of some. ad hor heed it, little higher as sho refoorod to , head as throatoningly as &so could, with tho Limos I 0,00D individuals strong and migrate, her future pooition 00 the wifo Of a Woolthy 8(1118111110 of ulghtoon yoato onoircling her And whon 5110W storm ranges in tho step- pes pull stud loops caloso together and re. pairs to a protocted rovino. But if con 6(1011 co disappears or tho group has boon seized by ponio and dispersos, tho horses porish, and tho survivors two found aftor tho storm half dying front fatigue Unton lo their chief arm M the strogglo for life and loan is their chief :manly. 13of0ro 11)0 incroasing nomboro anattators of our domestic horse (tho isomus pozowalskii, 00 namod by Polyakoff) havo prof:moo:1 to re - tiro to the wildost and loorit, accussiblo platoons on the ontakirts of Thibet, whoro thoy oontinuo to live, surromidod by carob toms, undor a 011)110.1.0 0,0 had its that of 3.1)0 arctic rogiono, but inacoossiblo to 11111114 " Did you evey see 11113 01. a IOU yet to know what to do with the suitors thot boon woi.„ be/deg:id mo, like -like beim around their " You liko fon, don't you, Daffodil ?" pot- gneen ?" 0110 retnarkod. sood Laila, putting hor fingers under tho There was a. littlossmilo oolong her three baby chin." " Why don't you have some &stars' Laila 111140)011 01111'ight- "1 d° with this new admiror of yours. Let's think " she doelarod, ''that it you liked, have him ovor some evening, and seo what Dr:fib:lib them could be a triple wedding in he looks like anyway." " 011 do go away 3" Daffodil exclaimed, pottiohly. You throe think you know just how to manage me 3 But, yon don't. In fact you know loss aboot onything than you imagine you do. For instonco 1 mulct tell you some things abont Ali-. John -or Jack, 110 they call 1112)1,-01ot yon never dreamed of." Ifortonso ponsed in the act of putting the doom teaspoons into tho spoomholdoc to stare. " I don't bolieve you! the said, " Alt right," amid 13alfutlil and, sho relapsed into 11, most obstina.to stIonco which provoked her sisters so they got very furious and Hortense, the 0(1" 111001 ready to make her thoughta known, said, " Heaven pity the man that over mar- ries her. Ho 1.1111 100.13 the life of a dog, bo. 3.13700» her whims and her wilfulness." 'Phis producod a burst of laughter from the wilt ol coo. 13efore sho mold answer howover a baud of inusic struck 1)3) 80)110' 137110r11 in L110 11.18L1111C0 and its Mint sweet sounds flottiod into tho 100n1 and silenoeo everyone for a. Mid scoond. Than lhaudil got up on hor foot and peered around at tho clock. " La this Thursday night?" sho asked, with a, surprised look at her sisters. " \Sou arenotgoing out tomight,Daflodil." Hortense said decidedly and lustontly. Daffodil govo a tierce gesture of impationoo. " I didn't ask you if 3.13773.0 gr ing out to- night?" sho cried. " I asked if 1.11113 was Thursday 'fight. Howuvor you noel not to-noblo yourself about it. I hove remember- ed that it is." .A.nd so saying she \yolked away into the bodrootu opening out of this room, (oo JUL CONTINUED.) Yours truly, Jong DaYeita. Room -,1Soasin Houso, City. " Woll 3" the girl said, after elm bud fold - ad up tho totter very slowly. " Whitt were you intending to do about 13. 1'' Her keen . otermined goze 33.14 Diem mode liev sisters uncoinfortablo for a moment. 'rho fact of the matter was, they did not want hor to know just how anxiouo they really were to got her married and settled down. And they wore afraid she was 1/0. 3311101(133 10 find it out. Of coulee it 0)01.1 hardly II sisterly fooling, thio wanting to get rid of 1,01 11)11? they were tt little ashamed of it -liortonso and Clotildc, at lomat. Laila did love her bright Hobo of a sista', and would 1011370 likod to 111LVO her live with !leo but that was not to Daffodil's taste. But the othor two motors wore intonsoly selfish and not a little jealous of the beauty of the family. Altogether, it was the best thing, 131031 1411 throe decided, they could do for her -get her married bof ore her marvelous face mud her gay, wild spirits brought her to grief. " Well 3" 1370.1 10(3 Daffodil, " what were going to do 3.1)0111. 1.111* matter, I asked you' " Consider his proposal," answered Hor- tense with sudden firmness. • Invite him over to spend an ovening,1 Laths announced smilingly. " Marry you to him 3" informed Clotilde with a surprising Amount of energy. Daffodil gazed Slowly at thetn, a glance for each in turn foul repeated the 131000 over -elms over WIWI deliberate consideration ahling atlast, " W01 yolt Indeed 3 \Voll faculties at which WO alionld alt;. is (lot 2, lin will 110 Dr. Bacho's busy handa and tho busy brain, both work- ing, not for themsolvon, but, for results to the world, which are deserving of honor ; soul whatover contoibutes to their ability is the (31001 3)01.01)1. honor in all vulture ; we seta this plainly in all occupotione. 331)x of the Eggs. A (3.3101103. just lately ioquitod 11 13. be pox cillo to doteut tho sox of the chicken by the shape or form of an egg. Tho 011)1)0 question has boon argued over and oyerpart a, hot still Otero aro those 01 the world who 1,0.48 forgotten tho controvormies or Intvo novor hoard of thorn, so therefore podiums it will be bonefioial to briefly revert, to the 00131081.. Some authorities have asserted that it is quito possible to foretell the sex of the future chick by the :shape of the egg, and though these said au thorit,os have pros,. oi1 their thoory correct in some 11103.301000,they have been all at scant other times, and our own opinion is that 11 1)3 well-nigh lin- possiblo to bo absolutely corroct, and that It is quite a matter of chance, though there may be some attending circumstances that help to confirm the selection of eggs with a 0(01311 3.111)00(1(101(133 whichovor sox is desirod, (111(1 10 those circumstances reference will bo made further on. Mr. w . Low's Wright, in his " Illustrated Book of Pottltry,- says : "It has 1,310,) been 011)11 that tho mox of the fn 13,10 chick 014,11,?be foretold from the ogg. Tho opinion is as old at least ILA Horace who affirms (Lib. 11. Sat. 4) that the long eggs ''would 3)30313,00 008118 and aro awootor than the would 1" • C Minolta, [mother old authotssays the stones Then sho relapsed into hot- former hori- .Any aound I:Rotolo:Igo of 1110 formation of zonto 1 position on 1110 sofa. 'rho tllrOO sis- the egg would present such absurtlitico from tors loosed at oaoll otheo gravely and with being believed without absolute proof, which has never yet boon obtained," Pc'r'lleNcl1:14 toi:11ye'tTso, Laila 3" Hortense said, Though cost:alit individual spades do pro- " Yon son, you know nothing :Mout how to duce propondcrence ofono sox over another, dottl with Imo" there will be found vary little difforence 111 Latta 3301 )13). She wits never annoyed by the formation (0 1.1)0 (t'ogs. Hortense's sharp speeches. Hor lips were It will be gonerallyfound that eggs laid Paotal in a smile as sho went 01:01' to tho early in the 8400011 will produce more sofa.cockerels than pullets, 0)1111133. lator on the " You ruffled little pussy oat you 3" 0110 result will bo quito the opposite. Again, if said soothingly to the Art. " Lot nos talk only a few bons aro running with a cock the to you." proportion of cookorcls will be greater. " Yes 3" interposed Hortense gathering Oho anima of tho eggs vary with the age up the toa dishes. "Now make things of the hen ; for instimoo, eggs laid by pullets of the first some will be longer and moro pointed in shop,: than those latd by tho same bird when two years old, though o.L the commencement 01 1103 s000nd year's laying the oggs will still bo a little longer thou Dion 10.111 subacquently. It will therefore be seen that 11 10 quite as impossible to fore- tell the future sex of a chicken from a cer- tain egg as it is to tell tho progeny/ of any 0011001 before it. is bort]. It is one of those mysteries of native that is beyond man's cotnprehonsion and those tha1 assume the self -unposed office 01 311 diviner in such mat- ters have in the end to accept things as they como, for those 11,30 uovor yet been the mon ablo to count his chiskons before they wore batched, neither anyoue that could tol1 for a dead cortointy the future sox of n. chicken from tho formation of the ogg. Twice out of thoice luck my favor tho would be twos- nosticator ; tho 13,1 ,0 time Ills calculations oncl prognostications are ruthloasly upset - [Loudon Fanciors' Gazette. 3. 1101401 bo the husband ofho daughter a stoponothor. 4. Ho will ha tho husband of hls daugh- ter's at opdaugh tor. 5. Ho will Im the husband 01 3.1,0 daughter of 11 in son:in-low. 6, Ifni own daughter be his atop: mothor- igs la w. 'rho relationship 111133111 110 earshot 0111. 0.4' infinitum ns it otands, .0111Ichit:Iron should result from both 11/110110 the family tree will 1m in trouble. (Ion. Forayth's children month', tho half:brothers or sisters of their step-grondmothor ; their own goon (1 - Intim would lot thoir brothoein-law ; their ISdhor would be -but theru 0 no use in car- rying out the relationship further. 11 110- 00111138 too complex, A Ransomest Cheese. One day recently an Austin grocer receiv- ed a 11007 steak of goods, and among them was 0 0000 of axle groaso put ttp in small wooden lioxos, While unpacking 11, an old negro entered the store, and affair watching 113,0 3310003' for sonic time, ho asked, " NV1at yo' got in dem little boxes, boss ?" " That's choose." " How yo' sell dem cheese?" "01,, 111 let you havu 0, box for 030 0003,0, uncle" " NVill yo' fro in somo orackors with it." " Yes, givo 3100 000)0 crackers with it." Associations of Wild Horses, Life in societies is again tho 01110 with the large family of hossoe, which inchulos tho will horses and donkeys of Asia, 11110 zebras, 3.11*1011)03.111198, 31110 donna= es of the pampas and tho half wild horses of Mongolia and Siberia. They all livo in minter:Dos atisocia: 1.10110 111040 op of many studs, each of which consists of 11 numbor of mares under tho loodorship of a. nude Those numberless inhabitants of tho Old and New Worlds, badly organizod, 011 the whole, for resisting both Choir notnorousonoin los 11111 1.110 adverse morahant. His brother Janos had solootod holt sister 01,3,11(10 for his bride and the four woro to bat nutrriod 31110 same time, and (Matilde calmed tho roproof and " \Ye 0011 tolerate 110 hoplcos In tho Itoino wo are to bo mistrossos of." " And 113111,1 33(0 to boonino of 010 1" cried Daffodil, petulantly. For I won't livo with Laths -Patigh 1 how do yon Taoist 111 tho °unary, in:Tway'!" sho added, oddressing 110(0011 to tho oldest ofthem all, " Dalib,111, when 70(1 31.10 Inarriod and Bono with your youth, you may rogived tho country, as you call it--4,1to suburbs ao it. really is -as a very Moo platio to root its 33 mitico, howovots you think 13.100 pretty Moo phials to go to in strowborry timo. Ily the wity, child, oron't you going Lo havo nmy supper 3 Aren't you hungry ?" " Hungry 9 Imo broad and butter and almond and lady Moots; when 1 have mon. Wing ohnoluls and creams and chocolates on hor peachy ohoehit and Malaga grow: all (Am afternoon 1" !Mao Missits Maitsminv,--Ti, 38 with 1.110 " You 01110 Sybarite I NN horo 1314 70)1 got groatool rospoot that 331.13,31000 mysolt to yoitl such oxponHivo 1110111100 3" 1100101100 pansod Midur circumotanceo that only your knot wholo being with a glow of battuty 3.1,01 0)00 anything but torri tying. " Mina I 3" LoTh hesitotod, looking at tho other two. " Why, you sail% a» anything elso but give 133 10 hos now I" snapped Hortense. " Then, Daffodil, hero is the lottor. It is tvtitton by a gontIonum of whom wo liavn learnod a good deal from tho roforonoes Ito gives. Ilo 10 woolthy, agreeable in ovory way and sinco ho is ',Joey amdous to 111(3.1)0 your acquaint:moo and you 01.0 011 L110 lookout for an eligible 70111133 )111111, WO (.1111110 you may consider his proposition with advantage," Daffodil hardly hoard all this, Sho was buoy (Toning the tdroady broken onvolopo to get out tho latter, Sho &mood up 3.1 100 a hurried porned tool burst into a fit of laughtor. " Road it aloud," said Clotildo languidly. Daffodil took 3 ho lottor up and wocooded to do so, doopor color than ova' " Well, I !,loves 111 take ono, boss."' Tho grocer gave hint one of the boxoo and a. handful of crookors, awl he wont lack to the rear of the aorta and sat down on a box 10 00) them Ho 0)00 330130 Ina IL low min - Mies, and then came Foundering I/1111']( to the from of 11,0 010041. " ,,nolo, it dhl't take you long to finish your choose," tho gr000rytnan remark - oil. " No -no. PR tell yo', boss, close crack - ors wait fine--dey was mighty fine; but, boss,dat wuz de ransomest cheese dot I over struck." A Story of Frederick Tho Great. A sergeant of the Life Guttods, very vain, but possessed of touch bravery, wore it watch - o11.0.10 to which Ma had fastened a musket ball, being- 100 3)001' to buy a watch. The King, having hoard of this, wished 10 003)0013 him to ridicule. Stopping up to tho aoldier, he wad: "Sergeant, you numt have boon oconomi- oat ; I see you 1370013 0. tvatch ; mina tells me 131 )8 5 o'clock ; how mouh is yours?" The soldier, guessing the intention of the King, but nothing daunted, immediately (1.00W forth UM ball, saying : " Your Majesty, my watch is neither 5 uor 33 o'clook, but it tolls me, as often as look at it, that I most bo over only to die for your Majesty," Here, my friend," added tho King„ mucb moved, " talto thisto know toe proots0 hour also in which to die for me," at the samo 3.10)0 3313711133 him his 00)11 1)0014)11 13010.1/1C00, studded with jewels.. The Earth's Population. In 1880 the population of the :moth was ostimatod at 1,450,000,000 and in 1809 at 1,434,000,000, tho lipposont decrease being accounted for by the to:Motion, upon loam informotion of tho estimated population of Chinn from 405,000,000 to 350,100,000. Tho estimate of the total population given in lho present 109119 iS 1,480,0103,000. This shows (ollowing fos the reduction in Om cam of China) a growth of 79,000,000, since 1880. Tho apparent rate of increase would have boon much higher if it had not been for the recont correction of estimates from Africa oml Asia. The following table gives the area, and population of tho groat divisions of the earth s surfaxo ocoording to Om latest data,: To ono souaro Sonaso Population n1110. „IS\ ..... :1,710,13118 357,170,000 01 Asia (.0 17 5311,630 025,011,000 47 111101103. 111 11,277,111 111 OM,. 00 14 Ao ettesatnr nds,. 731.120 7,420,00 10 11,811,402 141,711,100 S 2,901,142 0,230,000 1 Polar Reg(ons1,710,811) 80,400 Total 02,821,001 1,470,729,400 .... (11 Without Icoland, Nova %min bla, Alamo - tic Islancls, oto.; (2) without Arctic Islands ; (3)without Modagascar, et -0, ; (4) without Arctic Regions ; (5) the Continent and Tas- mania. Folly ono -half tho area of North Atner- ioa is 011131. 1)11' Inman habitation by reason of cold or aridity ; tno cold or too dry to grow food. And 133 10 very itstIoll tho same Asia, A. vast portion of Africa and Aus straits, is arid. Among Fairoponit countries liolgium still oxceeds others in density of populotiosi, tho proporlion being 580 parsons tort Equate mile Belgium is followed by Holland with 1-165tothesquare mile, and tho Unitod King- dom svith 8132. In &gland alono (11o:tensity is noorly 180 to tho minaret mile After 0, careful oxonduotion 01 ,11!? avitilablo infots motion Drs. Wagner and Stman, tho cull tors, aro Inolinoil to ootimato tho iota] population of (13,3,10 3.1)0310)' 0.1. 01113' 350,000,000 in round numbers, 01' Ilb011t 68,000,000 more that the cstininto reached by 831- Richard Temple, Including Matialinria, Slongollit, ISansu, and 'ribot, the total populatioo of the Chinese Kinpiro 0 &on as 36 1,500,000, liv- ing on int area of 4,674,12(1 squaro lint, more than 310,000,000 of Chloom live on 1,500,000 squara milos, being Out Celosti- ad 13111pir0 south of tho groat wall. As man and wife are ono, the husband, triton rousted with his Nyifo, must bo oiilo 11.11>18811, "1 liko Sunday lbtlio,,1 bottor than any °Dior sokool," said Willie. &In pinasod to hoar that, toy HUM 100,11," said tho minis - tor, " Now will you 010 0)3)7')'' " Yes, sir, it only :toms mom wools." 146'"itt tt 0 Sarsap 30 1)3 concontratod extraot of Sarsaparnla, Yellow Dock, PipsisHowa, Juniper Berrlos, Mandrake, Dandelion, awl other valuable vogetablo rowdies, roomy ingrodiont being strictly pore, mut the best of its hind it la possibio to 107. Tt 13 oreparcol by thoroughly competent phar- inaciste, in the most careful manner, by a peculiar Combination, Proportion and. Process, ghOng to 11 curative power Peculiar To itself It will cure, when In the 1401.0011 01) Inedielne„ Scrofula, Salt Mourn, Blood Polsouing. Cancerous and all other I/111110M Malaria, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, S1011 lioaditene, Catarrh, Itheumatlam, and an duneuitioa with tho Liver and Kidnoys. It overcomes That Tired Peeling, Creates arc Appetite, and gives mental, nerve, bodily. and (ligestive strength. Tho value of 5S Sarsaparilla Is certified to by 11)000031133 01 voluntary wit - nooses all over 1118 country whom it bag cured of diseases moro or 1ess severe. It is sold by ail druggists. St; six for VC. Prepared only by C. I 1100D & CO.„ Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 330. 33. If you decide to take blood's Ramapo,. rilla do not be induced to buy any other. 1109101121t.I.I.S1161.011.116.......CLI=111LI A Whale on an Anohor. The crow of the whaler Judaon are in groat glee over IL/I unoxpected catch recently matte by them In a hurricsaie. Their vessel 07110 riding at anchor when the storm came up, and so terrific was the wind that the anchor (bagged. A whale, seeing it, sup- posed it to be a great submarine monster, and proceeded to fight against its supposed enemy. At the 331151 attack the whale's tail WAS oeverely injured, and the great fish, whirling about, opened its Plays and snapped at the tremendous 1,11 01 iron just as a trout snaps at a baited hook, and with the same result. The sharp f03ke:11mm of the anchor caught the whale drinly, and hold hitn fast. Tho next morning, when the anchor waspolled in, the whale was Mond, still struggling to get away, but without avail. The great creature was quickly killed, towed to the side of the vessel, the copstan, ran by steam, greatly assisting in tho operation, cat up, and the oil secured. Altogether, this or said to have been the most marvelous catc11 of rocent years.-flfarper's Young People. assiiitierumesmossaixrA A Railroad Hamann Ohio and Mississippi littilway, Office of tho President and (long Manager, Cinotn• nati, Ohio, U. S. A., Nov. 13), 1880. Gentlemen : Recontly while in the not of alighting from my 0111' 1 stopped upon a stone, which, turning suddenly undor 11)31 foot, threw roc 10 the ground with 1 severe. ly sprained ankle. iiiiffering exceedingly, was holpod into the car, and my man rubbed mu most generously with ornicn oncl kindrad romodics, but to no avail. Reach- ing a station where ,St. Jacobs Oil could be socured, two bottles 01 11 woro 300133111. and the application remittal at, once in a relief from pain, which had become woll nigh noboalable. 1 113I18 nut and about my work in throe days. W. NV. Peabody, Pros't and (1 en '1 Manager. When wonutti 31330117 soloots her sphere 1111111 will Immo dofinitely whist: sho is hare for. 313io walam in tea groat lahes along the frontior has boob oo low that a dam at Niagara Valls I,00 boon suggestod for 03. 0101103(19 the (Moth, but a governmunt ginoor 3133 Chicago says thot if dams are to lot woad they minat bo plocod 03, 1110 0111101 nf eaoh lake ; that a dam at. Xing:tut Valls might raise 3,31007)11.01' in 1.111(0 14110 3.0)0 foot, but the offect on the uppor Introo would oved 1,wo inches. raise Lakes lIntom and Nliohigatt a dam (1.473000 13), Clair River Nvould lot toquivoll. Tho only 0111013110 Wity to got morn tyator into the lake 0103110010 38 to dig dotmor. " Hardening Children." Groot tiara should be taken, soys Dr. not to expos() the tippet- part, of the Ghost in order to " horden " children, as nooses will toll you. A. few children my resist the hardening procoss, bot tho majority will not, for the power of rooisting cola in young childron is very feeble, and the fact of a few being sufficiently strong in constitution to resist ouch exposuro Is no argument in favour of ouch a misohievous practice. Some children grow healthy in spite of, rather than in oonsequence of, such treatinont It really does not much matter what is the shopo of young ohildren's clothas, provided they aro sufficiently warm, and nil parts aro adequately and uniformly protooted from oxtornal cold. They should never ho hi any way hoavy or combersome, antl 0030 should bo tokon to make thous loos' o on as to afford porfoct focodo130011001of movement. A new wayt;Propose. Ho -Can yon keep ts secret She. -Certainly t can. 1 lo-Ttion 1,3 liko to toll you that I want to got married. Shn-you don't say so He -Yes, and 1 don'i, want anybody but you to know it. -0,- I t taltos a woman with the strongoot p05' 011,, kind of aolf. ten 1001 to stay in the book of tho lomso whilo a lot of mon 11)8 1)110,1011133 a 1111W suite f vont 11 fund taro 370,11, 301(1 ems?, ing it into hoe noxtoloor neighbour's house. The majority of well-read phys- icians now believe that Consump- tion is a germ disease. In other words, instead of being in the con- stitution itself it is caused by innu- merable small creatures living in the lungs having no business there and. eating them away as caterpillars dc! the leaves of trees. The phlegm that is coughed up is those parts of the lungs which have been. gnawed off and destroyed. These little bacilli, as the germs are called; are too sma to be seen with the naked eye, but they are very much alive just the same, and enter the body in our food, in the air we breathe, and through the pores of the skin. Thence they get into the blood and finally arrive at the lungs where they fasten and increase with, frightful rapidity. Then German. Syrup comes in, loosens them T kills them, expells them, heals the places they leave, and so nourish and soothe that, in a short time consump- tives become germ -proof and well. 41* A Germ Disease. IMILIICOMMINIAMPANIAMKRIVIVINAMMIIIIINAROMIZIMIIMINI1.1•06 He Settled tho Debt. The editor stood at tho beautiful gate In ali of his sins and Ms patches ; Not long did ho Wonder, not long 001 wait, rola they gavel him a handful of matches. And they tapped a big boll that was answer all The place with tho sulphurous crater ; And in the next ininuto he found himself hs it - Tho down-going fast olovator. And thorteelaiztled him straightway in furamce ti Near by a political briber When lo I in a holo of britnstono was soon The ohl-timo delinquent subsoribor Anti vainly to hide his emotions 110 tried.— I would that his face I could allow you.— As he drow it hogo cart to the editor's side, I Saying 1 " Friend, bore's that wood that I MVO you 3" " WautliMERUMESIREAsEigraMMENWMER,Ir& (2) WITTIOUT AN EQITAL. C S CURES RHEUMATISM, OVEURALCIA, LUMSAC 3133 11, SCIATICA, Swains, Bruises, Burn% Swelling% THE 01i AR VOOELER COMPAITY, Baltimore, Md. Canadian Depot: TORONTO, OUT, 4."1/41,7.1rr,"!Mnri,!CnirLM:FiMMINESEALTLIZALWILTEargar