HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-11-27, Page 5f
,att0elnavt®aroostltsu� TSnyntirae9[13'Iim1�•ir{I'A arlllulelrcalsasesuewxsrmrr. vmurrar�suetranxrr•cooturxfrcr:.nmtaxt:aixxo'srs+.nxczrmarrnr,.+rl,^a"a*ar.'ta•ssa�tr�s"rtan^rxe�a:e.+>x;;a.:lc..s;ma:raaxtsn•k:aur,.;soy,;cs,a�,tnlrann,rczezttyaafnc>n-.,..,.,N
rrotritt Retvs,
13t 1;t't'll.vo,
V, P. M. I, S,—Thu Young Peeples
Mutual improvement Hucint), wee 1w.
organized in Knox church, BelgrIvn,
upwards of 30 members, The
following are the ofioers ;--.li'onorary
Preeklent, Rev. (1'w'Us Law ; President,
(leo'ge Taylor ; L.1. Vim: Pre Ment, Alien
A. Meiklejohu ; and Vico President, Mies
Galen Brooke 1 Seurotary. Mimi Menlo
Irvine ; Trammel., Wm. Anderson ;
Or:'a let, Mists B. Tuoker ; Committee,
Misses 13011a Owen, Kato Ilolliday,
Berbera, Tuolcer and IJ, Melklo
john and M. 11. Harrison. The Society
will hold its meetings on Wedueuday
even ug of each creek,
A farm and village lot, near and in
Stmnhiue, the property at the hate Mrs.
Baines, will be offered for solo by public
nuetinn,at Gallagher's hotel in this plane,
on Saturday, Deo. 12th, at 2 p, m, Geo.
irkby will be the auotioneer,
113 10• tit.
Our tax collector started on his annual
rentals last weak,
Quite a number of oar oitizene are on
the sick list these days.
Our section boss, T. Thompson, moved
into the section hoose last week,
Michael Doherty is suffering at present
from a relapse of his reoent illness.
Geo. McJileoy left here last wook to
take a situation in Karil's organ factory,
Rev. Mr. Ferguson, of Londosboro'
occupied the pulpit of the Methodist
church on Sunday,
Goo. I1114n has returned Thome from
Sanit Ste. Marie where 110hasbeeu work-
ing for sometime past.
Mr. Oudmore, of 1Cippon, is shipping
n large quantity of baled hay from this
station to Waterloo county,
Hie Lordship the Bishop of Huron has
appointed the Rev. Mr, Higley, of ]tan.
over, to the incumbency of Trinity
church, Blyth mission.
The Life 13nat Crew was here this week
in the interests of the manse of temper-
A number of oar teachers are attend.
ing the County Convention at Stretford
this week.
Major Dain, it prominent resident of
the north end of Toronto, and brother of
Mrs. (Dr.) Philip of this town, on Sun-
day morning took a horse powder which
was oompoaed almost entirely of tartar
emetio, instead of some medicine for tape
worm, with the result that he died the
following morning, after suffering hours
of terrible agony.
Beattie had Samuel Askin and Duncan
AloIie0zie, up tor disorderly conduct on
the atreete on Sunday eight. They had
got into a row over a chew of tobacco.
elekin laid two complaints against Mw
Kenzie ono for using abusive language
and one for assault. The two last cases
were dismissed with costa against Askin.
Un the first charge each were fined $2 and
John Hanna is la candidate fur the
Beeves hip.
Camp Caledonia, No. 40, Sons of Scot.
hand, intend celebrating St. Andrew's
night, Nov. 30th, by an oyster supper in
Arch. Fisher, of Paisley, formerly of
this town, met with a serious ecoident
lately whereby one of his legs was badly
.A. full set of scenery, consisting of
three scenes, fourteen wings and a grand
drape, hes been received by the Temper-
ance Hall Co.
J. H. Corny° has secured a situation
on the staff of the Stratford Oollegiatu
lnatitote, made vaaaot through the ill-
ness of Miss Platt.
W. I. Huston, formerly of this place,
but now principal of Ayton public school,
has been re-engaged for next year at a
considerable increase in salary.
The number of members on the roll of
the 0. 0. E'., Oct. 31st, was 160 ; the
amount received flora all sources during
the past six months was over $1,200
about $1,100 of which was paid out dur-
ing the same time, $234 of whioh was for
sick benefits. The Court has on hand
upwards of $2,1100, besides over $200
worth of property.
A good many children are suffering
from sore throats.
Reeve Milne is home from Muskoka,
Deer are not plentiful he says.
Miss BRrtlemm, who has been visiting
her sister in Toronto during the past
month, is back again to Ethel.
A week of prayer was held in the
Alothodi-t ahureh last weep and this week
revival services are being conducted by
the pastor. •
Mil. Joseph Whelpton is away at To.
Tonto endeavoring to have a cancer in
her breast removed. It is to be hoped
the operation will be suooessful.
There was a good sized congregation
at the Episcopalian service last Sabbath
morning. Mr. Lee preached. A (thole is
being arranged to lead in the musical
T. (8, Ratcliffe hes been engaged for
another year in Donegal 0011001. He is
one of the most successful teachers in
Perth County and his friends here are
proud of him.
Last wook John Elliott returned from
Manitoba. He 102113 away about three
months and was well muted lentil the
cold \etether sot in. Mr. I711ho t er. is
expected home before long.
Daniel Eolunier has leased his 100 acre
farts adjoining this village to David
Badeley for a term of seven years. Mi'.
Edict -Eder may tante a trip to hlanitObe
next Spring on a prospecting toter.
George Doboo, has been re•eugaged as
tetteh00 of Duke's 3oheol for next yearad
an advanced salary. Ilir. Dobson has
done good work in the selool and has
a host of friends in that neighborhood.
Leet Saturday Mrs. Antis and fatnily
removed to Bay Olty, Michigan, where
Mrs. A, will keep house for hor brother -
E. II. Tompkins—who hag resided there
for the past two years. Most 'Tompkins
died in Bay Oity. She was a daughter
of the late Mr. Ratcliffe, of Ethel.
It would appear that some of our resi-
dents are not treated well when they go
00 Brussels as we understand that John
Ferguson was brought to boat for le.
Dieing to oomply with the request of the
Salvation Army Captain a few Sund.tys
ago. He was assessed $7.41 for the
1ne'ion kicked up, •
It le said several hundred loge from
151111(1'O lutw•n1i11 yard have been (tarried
Itway by the flood of 1.11 IN week,
1. 11,1'Tnrlan, T. 1', Siglpson anel J. A.
Young have been on the 0i„k It -t. The
annum. had 1a bad. 11114k of gniuey,
Win. Stylise, of (:raubruole, who hs 0131•
played with H. Nicholl, ham moved hie
faintly into the bonne lately vaoatod by
Jno, 1bolloway. The latter has moved to
hie re0oltl,y purchased property south of
the rivet', 111. halt an •enc 1,f land and
has nlldea1 a stone foundation to the hoose
and built a kitnhon, 111r. Holloway will
have ample morn now for following gear.
cloning for which be pus tit strong lilting,
Mr. and Alrs. Gerrie, of 'Walkerton,
were the glleete of their Noel, Geo. Currin,
lent week.
,James Lorca, of Ilaeriston, has opened
out a feed store Iu,1 grocery iu 1121H1a3
Irwin's stand.
Tho Bell Telephone Co. offer to eon.
neat Atwood with their 1Sineardino lino
if the village will put in ono hall of a
mile of poles by way of a bonne.
Miss A. G. Mowat, of Stratford, de-
livered au able address l'ridey evening of
last week on the aims and objects of tite
Suoiety of Christian Endeavor, IIei•
easy, fluent delivery, interesting style, to
gobher with a keen sense of the great
moral responsibility of her basic, was
sufficient to hold the �e•..ttentiun of her
audience for an ]lour or IYlol•e Lao she en-
tered into the minutest details of the
good work she i5 so earnestly devoting
herself to, At the close of hoe address a
society was organised to repleco the Y.
P. 0, A., in connection with the Presby-
terian church, with the folinwing ohli•
001'21 :—President, Rev. Mr. Henderson ;
Viep•Presidont, Mies Annie Priest ; Re-
cording Secretary, Miss Aggie Loohhead ;
Corresponding Secretary, 111100 M,ggde
Graham ; Treasurer, Althea Robb.
W 13.1 tom.
The remainder of the cheese, some 2711
boxes, was shipped on Wednesday of last
Rory McLeod has been on the sielc list
for some time but we hope that he wilt
soon be around again,
Misses Minnie O'Connor and Etta
Torrance, of Gerrie, spent Saturday and
Sunday in Walton and vicinity.
Arrangements are being made for
holding the second local union Sunday
school Oonvention. A good program is
being prepared of whioh partioulars will
be given later.
Quite a number from 388 R. T, of T.
visited the sister council of Winthrop on
Friday evening and assisted at the
open lodge. A very enjoyable and pro-
fitable evening was spent.
The little grandson of Mr. Mcgibbin
died last Sunday, egad 5 weeks. The
funeral took plaoe on Tuesday. The
baby'e mother died a few weeks ago in
the Statea and the infant was sent here
to be cared for but despite the best of
caro the little thing weakened and died
as stated above.
The Walton lodge R. T. of T. will give
an entertainment on Friday, the 27th, in
the school house. Massaro Hawkins,
Plummer, Floody, FIinahley, McLeod
and others of equal note have been se-
cured for the ocnaeio,. No pains are
Wag spared to make this the best enter-
taiument ever held in Walton. 30010 all
and enjoy yourselves.
On Wednesday Mr. Conndler and Miss
Lizzie Turnbull were ani ed in marriage
by the Rev. D. Forrest. After the
ceremony the happy couple drelvo to
Brussels and took the train for IVinahllln
where they are spending part of the
honey -moon.. A little bed whispers that
there's more to follow, but as Bob. does
not want us to toll we wont say any
Sl,sc-v a lea.
Some taut of a change of proprietors in
one of our stores.
The Presbyterians intend having a tea.
meeting before long,
Mr. Smith, who has been suffering
with a felon on his hand, does not seem
to get m11011 better.
Messrs. Pugh & Patterson, who have
occupied the hoose on the hill for some
time, have moved into the village.
Rev. A, Y. Hartley was called away to
Loudon last Friday to attend the funeral
of a relative who died very suddenly,
A singing olaes in now Ill operation in
Bluevulo lend by Jno. Shilling,. The
class should do well here as tint have a
large number of people in this locality
musically inclined.
Last Tuesday morning the early trains
north and south hat' to be cancelled
owing to a washout of about 80 feet Dear
Mr. lather's farm. • The damage was
soon repaired and traffic resumed,
The Annual meeting of the Bible Soci-
ety was held on Tuesday evening in the
Methodist church when the Rev, Mr.
Smith gave a most interesting and in.
strucbive discourse, The roads were e0
bed that the audience was rather small
but those who did vouture out were well
repaid for their trouble.
Fur the'last week the rain has been act
copious and persistent that it raised the
river to a raging torrent. On Tuesday
the water ruse so rapidly that the whole
mill property was in great clanger of be
ing swept away. The water was a foot
higher than ever ]mown before. Mon
and teams wrought all day and by keep.
ing the. dam raised above high water
prevented the diameter whioh appeared so
imminent. Messrs Duff it Stewart and
Mr. Nixon are to be congratulated on
their narrow escape.
Ooltnooenan.—At a regent mooting of
Blnevale L. 0. L., the following resp.
lotion of oondolence was ttuauimonsly ex-
tended to Jas. Timmins :
To Brother Jas. Timmins,—
In behalf of the brethorn of L. 0. L„
No. 760, we take this opportunity of ex
tending to eon otic' deepest fraternal sym.
patby in oonsideration of the severe and
painful trial through whioh you have
in the Providence of God, been Called to
Ws, The lose w111011 you loam suffered
would cense a tear to flow from the hard.
est 115u,r3, more especially 011 110000113 of
the youth and spring like beauty of her,
who has, no it were in 8110 twinkling of 2111
eve, been rent from your breast. We, as
brethern, nnitO(l by the indissoluble
bond of brotherly lovo, share your grief
and Unite with you in droppbng a tear
for the dear departed. We fuel that
t111s loud call is a solemn Warning to us
all to "watch, for we know not what a
day' not all hour may bring forth!” May
this action, 30111111 is but for a moment
wont out for you a far more weeding
and eternal weight of glory.
fO,•c' V.
llro, .411800 Straw 113.1 returned from
visit to her elster, titre, 11'm, fliehup,
Ifoeohvil'o. Mrs, Bishop la very i11,
A 111210 feeltn•n in l,nelf•n11ws is on Ella
Way of which '1'. 1f+Ureger ie the in•
venter, Ila "eye it will 1111 la long felt
want unmet( 1101100 ,•f halve.
Robert Oliver, of tilde tawuehip, and at
patron of the '.1'rowln•idge Owego faetnl;y,
Wan 11210,1 010,111 Rud ,:este 1 ,furs )a 12 .1.
10134131 nlalstrate for tampering with
mills sent to the factory. 110 admitted
the uhargn.
Itis said that a reeldsnt of the Nth
ann., oust of Ethel, hue not been doing
the square thing with his family thio
weep for while 111 it, tantrum, during the
211100n'e of his sone, he abused tins wife
and danghtor in a meet cowardly man-
ner, initiating injariee on both. 'There
ie evidently work cut out fora vigilaaae
enuunitteo if this inhumanity is cetinu-
tib lu;Nlsnr,.—Un Wsduesrlay afternoon
of lest weep 111,1)0 lean a flutter of exnito-
m0ut at the resideu00 of James Melee,
15821 eon„ over the arrival of genets to
witue05 the marriage of hie oldest dough
ter, Mies Mary A., to Jas,. W, Grant,
Lith eon, At 3 p, m, Rev, David Format,
of Walton, perforated the ceremony.
The bride was attended by bliss Maggio
11, (Inuit, Sister of the groom, and Jas.
1-110101) jr. acted the part of groomsman.
The wedding gifts b11polce the popularity
of the contracting parties. It is .almost
1n111e0eseary to say that the hearty good
wishes of all are for a smooth and pros-
perous voyage over the sea of life.
G105 Two! Tab: Slms'r.—Shoddy ped-
dlers ere "doing" a section of this town-
ship and trying to palm off 11,olr goods
on the unsuspecting termer, Asa farm,
or I advise my brothers to have nothing
whatever to du with 111050 fakirs 00 they
cant afford to sell gond geode any alteap-
00 then dealers Popularly in the trade.
If you listen to their honeyed wo'cls anti
believe the clap trap they talk you will
buy, then you can stake this passage of
scripture yours, "I was a stranger and
ye took m0 in." My advice is to deal
with established besmears men, then if
the are ever cheated w0 will know where
to loop for an capitulation and our money.
I know whereof I affirm us I got "salted"
by a schemer not many months ago and
an bought experience is said to be the
beet I give it as a note of warning to
others. Yours,
I send you herewith a more correct re-
port of the entertainment held by the
"Exoelsior" A-sociation of the Patrons
of Industry than appeared in your last
week's issue. The program was as fol•
toes:—Seleutiohs on the b,gpipos, D.
Stewart ; snug, "Powder -monkey Jim,"
Thos. Gibson ; address, "Tile aim and
objects of the 'Patrons,' " Alex. Stewart;
song, "Give the boy a chance," Miss
Mur trachan • reading, " i'1' '
S e "Hugh Y g
bustle," J. L. Hogg ' Scotch airs the
organ, Annie Stewart ; reading, "Patent
medicines and symptoms," Wm. A.
Smith; duetts, violin and organ, D. Tay-
lor and daughter ; quartette, "Tete jolly
old farmer," D. Stewart and femily ;
reacting, "The bachelor's courtship," Til.
lie Lang ; song, "Tbe falling leaves,"
Thos. Gibson ; recitation, "An Irish-
man's views on astronomy," J. L. Hoag ;
reading, "Collegians rusticating" Wm.
A. Smith ; song, "Bachelor's Hall," D.
Stewart ; dnett, "Give the little boys a
0hange," Harry and thiamin Stewart.
The school house was packed beyond its
seating aRpacfty and the a0dienun seem-
ed to thorougly enjoy themselves, all de-
claring tout the 011 retial eluent Wean a
complete 0ucoeso.
J. W. Green has received such material
offers of anion/Awe from the people of
Gerrie, who ere auxioeofor another paper
there, that he has purchased a printing
outfit, and will at once i5eu5 a paper
.IL keep for service on South half Lot 50,
Coo. 2, Morris, the thorn' bred improved
Yorkshire Pig Grange Hero." 'Terme, 51.00
to be paid et lime of Horvia°, with privilege
of returning 11 mummery. ery. Pedigree may be
bean on app110atiOu to the owner.
The undm'eignsd will keep for service on
Lot 11 con, 0, Grey, the thorn' bred Berk-
shire Pig, ',Manley," also the thorn' bred
Uheater White Pig, "Ounquorsr," bath bred
from imported stock with Pedigrees. Terms
51.00 to be paid at time of sorvlco with ln'rv-
iluge of returning if ueeosearyy,
20.4 Proprietor.
s131111] BOAR.
Tbo noda•slguod will troop for (011.10( Ehls
111t100058 seance the Improved large white
Yorltohire lig "Heady" on let 20, amt. 6,
Morrie, to widish a limiter] number of Nowa
will be teku5. Terme 01.00 to be paid et
Mute ofeorvbos, with the privilege of 05tnrn-
ing if noe000ary. Pedigree way be 0000 110 -
Om appiloaticu. 15 0 10 14 11.0 h,UHUL,
1501 Proprietor,
0100,—The undersigned will keep for
sorvlao 011 north half Lot 50,0011.7, 010011s,
n pure bred Berkshire Baur, bred by Air,
snail and nu Ohio improved Chester White,
snail, Thos, George, Putnam. from im-
OOrted stook on both tiles. This hog took
8rd prize et the Industrial Fair lu a elms of
17, in 18110 and 3rd at 1.,0 Western Falx in a
clans of 101, 1010 51)0 tonic 1031,1 8215 Indus-
trial in 1801. 'forms 01.00 to be pall at time
of sondem with privilege o f returning if nes.
211. if BAAIUtHI, WALKS it, Prop.
IL m)netet= has severe) good Farms fah
malts end to refit, aa0y terms. 10 Town/Mins
of aortas and Grey. F S. SOUTT,Bruseele
J Beteg south half Lot 27, eon. 6, M0s95,
100 moron, nearly all (leered, Good bnihifugn,
nue Venligt, hearing 000hard. Immediate p')e.
session. Natty Tortes. Apply to
W. M. SlIN OLAIit,
83' Solloitor, ,bo., Bruoouls.
Lot for Salo fu I+bbel, 1cn0wn 00 the
Govoalooll property, 11 noroa of land, good
house dell etable, 11are1 and sort water, well
foment. eosees01111, given any tune. Por
w100, torula and other leforulation apply
la W d, SP6114031, Paetmeaf,er,12thel,
or 1t011T, 33030120, Cranbroolr, 10.2nt
('IJI()ICP PA 101; 1i'Oft S
A Lot 11,,'o, PO, neer; 10110211.0; lr••-
elan; Lllll,li❑1 �• ,1 core' lassie ie, a r, •-,
n,lrnhnenl•. rill° , ,1111001. Apply 1,l ,coo to
ly. M, Nltit'1,A 1 It,t, 1,211.,)1,11,00,0. ne-
.11())1 5ALl, --• I 10 l: le., j.(r
nim treeit 1ia•d;n, Arcot el 1,1+1 o111 •t,1.•
tin, corpornt]uu of 13runsuls• '1'11„ 4p100-
11ig1rt"I olFero his haae111t'11 tied ml dei t,"ad, cola•
t.,1 op au °ern of bunt Intlalt 111 ...all
11,(llo, a g" t brick h',1, ae,2'10',00, 01 d•e, r,1
V • d, ale., mul,i3O; a o'u:q :oto l:onu.. For
Ia, time wt twnlar, aP107 tg
S. 1•'1;.111,
d•tf hrusxel0,
Port 8101• --Holm; went 1 f tit 11, (1i5.O,
(trey, e1 miles from lire mein, The laud in
good clay loam, well drained, mostly no
tottered and In gond order, 01.0 acre of or -
In good repair. Thorn is a rcvor hail-
'owlet: of the promisee 1,01,1 au extra w011
at the hulldhlge, The buildings aro comfort.
nbin, Would take imitable property in Or
1fo11)'' 11 In iNnlo an part pal. Pot. fn l tIui par -
1101111455 apply Olt tbo 10elldsen to
'01005, Aft:Ui1F11g10,
or sddress Brussels P. 0. 0X11
011ns10Nl(n olHOrs for sole the north
west, quarto rot tot '28, 000000sinn 0, Morrie,
Conn ty of Huron , contain in p 50 soros. The
land is of first quality and in a blgh state of
eel Ovation , well ((mood and umler•dral nod,
.6 az 000 a leered. New frame house, s rooms,
11111k house with omlcr010 walls, 2 we110,
good barna and shod, orchard, eta Fight
mores of hell wheat. 1'IlI5 ,l eel l'nl,ln prnn01•ty
1,d ioiu s the or
corpation of Brussels. Nutt.
able talo' will corporation
given. Titter erre ot
1.1,11115 (11111:V1'3 ('ureter,
86- _ sn,,.MebIt P.C.
The nna0r01gne1 10 xe1ttnrs off') the
"John Forboe" farm for sale, The property
courtiers of Ian umee, befog lot 0, 100,0, and
west half lot 7, eon. 8, 5S0 township. Thou
oro 1:10 cores cleared end under erol'. halane„
hardwood bush. ou the pronitos In a gond
S storey brick bolls.. largo batik barn with
Mono stabling, trona. windmill and piping to
stables, two orultarde, good fenoes &0. The
farm is is n good state 0f oultivatinn and 10
only 21 miles from Breasols. Pomade n to
enit nurohaner. For price, terms, ,k1,., write
or apply to
e-11 JAS, CARDIFF, Brussels P. O.
or 1). FC ItB HS, Stratford,
IS not only a distressing complaint, of
1 itself, but, by causing the blood to
become depraved and the system en-
feebled, is the parent of innumerable
maladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparilla
is the beat cure for Indigestion, even
when complicated with Liver Complaint,
is proved by the following testimony
from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway
Centre, Mich.:—
"Liver complaint and indigestion
made my lite a burden and came near.
ending my existence. For more than
four years I suffered untold agony,was
reced almost to a skeleton, and hardly
bad strength to drag myself about. Ail
,rinds of food distress ed me and only
e most delicate oakl be di ested at
all. Within the time mentioned several
physicians treated me without giving re-
lief. Nothing that I took seemed to do
any permanent good until I conhtnon ,'d
the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which
i1a0 produced wonderfel 10511118. Soon
after cominenniug to take the Sarsapa-
rilla I coup] see au improvement in buy
conilitinn. Aly appetite began to return
and with it came the lability to digest
all the food taken, my etrnngth im-
proved each clay, 112,1 after a few
months of faithful attention to your
directions, I found myself a well
woman, ablo to attend to (l:l household
duties. Tho medicine has given me a
new lease of life."
f en(,3 (-
P17T,rAn0D IIT
Cr. d. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Price $1; nix bottles, $6. Worth 51 a bottle.
W. F. OOWAN, President.
J. L. BRODIE, Cashier,
Aesexe, - - - $7,000,000
PAID RP CAPITAL, • - • 1,000,000
Rt5ERVE PuNn, 500,000
Agencies in all prlueipal )eiuta In Ontario,
Quebec, Manitoba, United States
and England.
Brussels Agency.
A General Banking Business Tra00aoto1•
Farmers' and other good Notes Dlseountod
at lowest rates, Drafts Issued and Oolloa-
tlone made on all points. Deposits received
and iutorsst allowed at otltrout rates.
Interest Allowed on Saving's Bank De.
posits of 51 oud up000110 from date of
(loponit to date of withdrawal, and 00111-
Houniled half yearly,
Promot x11101100 and every facility afford-
ed ouetmners tiring at a (listener),
Brussels, April eth,1001.
�--a TO THE G
P is le
i Dec. 2-16-30
4 4'1391+
Jolite A►ttodalrDtS
rogress Rapid
riCe Low
Iegty of Room
Agent, Iirlii
hEeOO1 'S BES i If,"p I
Thos is the way
with the B. & C. corset: if you
want ease and shapeliness,
you buy it—but you don't
keep it unless you like it.
After two or three weeks'
wear, you can return it and
have your money.
1"ort NA1.1: !ty i1 S RACIIAN.
DR 1. C':TIT d ry=Ca,°_ ,3..
a1.D.,11.d., L.C.P.S.O., M,C.P,S.111.,
Specialist, - Toronto.
JONATHAN B05ceeaa', Llatnwol, says :—
"After spe,,diuc all my money and property
to uo pnrens0 on nledlcet deem, for what
they termed a bo1,011,021 0050 01 consumption,
Dr. Sinclair Mired ma!' 1
Ares MAO, lbnLnsa, Wso,11:mioo, says :—
"Wben all °thorn Ll tart, Dr, Slualuir cured
ole of tits."
D. Itnmirersns, Carleton Plnoe, says:—
"Dr, binohatr mired me of Ootarrb."
SRO, pewee, Myth, says:—"Dr. Sinclair
0reed u15 of heart diocese and dropsy, when
all others failed."
Diseases of Private Nature, brought on by
(oily, Dr. ,Sinclair certainly Cures.
Coa.aultatton Frog.
Friday, Dec 4th, '91.
Why Not Do Four Own Thinking?
llnrsolins, November 8(11,1800.
J. AI, AlrT1nor, Uoderlch,
011210 SIR.—I should have /soft/on before
now to lot you know Pow I a „ getting along.
I am Mot bettor Elmo 1 was; gaining Otra,gth
every any, 1 have 0 good m,,et.'17 !"Ill sleep
well. I Gnu tale the fug queenly of the
System Rewire ler and it dors not sicken
n15, Aly lingo+ fire ,,ll right now; gnite
sntm't in thus wen ; swelling all gone. 14,e
greet thirst is gone; I prink un water at
night, but 1 taken little buttermilk. I am
quite straight anedn. Son , 1110 another
bottle of your System aennrutor.
YVoe,&o,. JAB, DUNCAN.
B11Dmsnro, February 7111, 1E0i.
3, AI. Mormon, Gncloriah,
Dana Stn.—Fifteen wars 0501005 Novem-
ber I started to dootor first; 11010 treated
for dyspsireia, but they toyer helped me
any. At times I suffered greatly from my
stomach ; I continued. het I grew worse,
I tingled dropsical ; links ,and body swelled
badly. You knew rho 551100 I was in when
I went to 6od0rleh--a mere wreck, eoald
lordly walk—eulTerlug from Brl4bt'5 dis-
aseo. .7nat one ),.ear ago last fall I began
your Renovator end Speckle Carr. I began
to mend in a few drays ; (mutineer] thou for
three months steady. Although I was told
1 could not be cured, if yea Saw 1110 unw,
w011 w,d hearty ; eat everything that Domes
111 the way. I owe you the praise 01 saving
my life. 1 was 913 a 110002105 condition whoa
I went to vol, in toot um dun th0ugut 1
would gat better. I cannot speak too h1ghly
of yon tine of your medicines. for it wee
them that oared me. \Verde omuub express
111y the, SS to you, Frosty pass illy Mime to
011/050. Yours, d•0.,
SOLD so J, T. PEPPER, Blirssoos.
Ready fop Business
1 take this opportunity of
tbanking the Public for the good-
ly share of patronage received in
the past and also to inform those
who don't know that I hltve mov-
ocl to my new brick store, on the
site of former one destroyed by
My Stock of
j is large, well bought and com-
plete. My store is not run on
wind or gas but good, solid,
every day Bargains may be had
at all times, Special Value it)
Call in and see me,
J. G. KEN ,
Agent for Parker's Dye Works,
i hat do you do in the
Long Eveiin r ?
I11;rf> 18 It r0ist of 1'ujllll111•
(,:111108 111.
Punt ! Yuri ! historical Events,
Old Maid, Middles, Authors, Seth
Spook's visit to Chicago, Beast
Bird or Fish, Fortunes, :3Iuggias,
Dominoes, Optical Illusions, Jack
Straws, Checkers, Tortoise and
the IIltl'e, Dinner, Bagatelle.
Price from 5c. to 35c,
Buy a Box for
the Youngsters.
OLD Pfd+
�a 1
Owing to Mr. flleGinnis failing to
complete his arrangemonte I am hack
again in my Grocery.
I am very thankful for the patron-
age in the past 15 years and ask not only
a continuance of the same bet a large in-
crease in trade. I have a well assorted
stook of
FR'UI'TS, dec.,
and am continually adding to it.
Big Bargains in Teas,
Special Value in Glassware,
Prime Hams and Bacon.
I don't do much poling about my
business but I am giving bargains that
are worth securing, 0411 and prove
for yourself,
Geo. Baker.
Practical Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
snppo't Dud wishing still to mantle
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Diskette
fully warranted by ns.
Clocks of the
Latest Iles ig 1,,s.
BRoorit ms,
1 Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and
Violin Strings, &0., in stook.
N. It..-IeNnrcr or Ilorringo Licenses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
MAJO N Pilaff
My goods have arrived and
been placed in position iu th e
new store, and I am now prepar-
ed to give the public the oppor-
tunity of buying from an entire-
ly new and fresh stock.
I have a full line of Choice.
Groceries, Tobaccos, Canned
Goods, \Voodonware, bruits, 001.
fectionery, Ce., and my motto
will be the old aiid tried one,
"Small profits and quick re-
turns." Other linos will be ad-
ded to ivy stock as trade opens
lip and extends.
A Spooially made of Pura Teas and
Unadulterated Spice°.
Fresh Biscuits, Singer Snaps,
tie., received,
Thanking the public generally for pas
paDoneg0 in other linos 1 Rolhdit a
share of your orders at the
Y 1'r.LGw 1?110NT,
r. -Better, Eggs and well dee yea peal.
try wan loth
opposite the Postolllce.