HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-11-20, Page 88
lieu reduntion on long boots to (seat•.
r Choice, (nen, Good
Remo. ser•vises will bogie iu the
Methodist (burn', nest Sammy.
Two Caere of (limes(' were shipped mutt
alt was promised in a recut Inane of from Wassails station this week.
Toa Pose we have noel. another change 'Pinata. were 18 commercial then in
tu,vi .%0u :la. title umCu it it au,d,
in our window disphty. We rvoild very 'frNurn, arc• uslsed for the nutnn� •meat
lnueh like you to sec it and no doubt yon of lirnanels skating and curling rink.
will see something there that yen require. 10 doz. greln huge at $'2, l5'o dozen,
Von will not have 'melt another nen,„- worth $2.73. Ferguson & Halliday.
tunity this season of making a selection
of novelties. Your civet,' for
Only 10 Omit,
A rut of 410110 was shipped ou %\r d•
nescbw from Bfn.aels by Joseph Clog,
l•',Cl.u'sF. of the moon last Sunday even”
j ,g, ''elle rain and Moods obscured the
1•'taa;rsoN & HALM 11 10 111V6 allthe
hlewest novelties in deems goods end trim.
Alam• things to he seen. These are mines,
worth more money, and suave will cost Foe good fresh Ciroeeries go to the Vele
yet' more, if you fail to buy them before I ln:v front, opposite the Postotlico,
our next change is made. You will sore-
J. T, Moss,
1 want some of these soon, if not now, 0011D second hand parlor stove iota rola
y ata bargain. Apply at I, C. Richards'
and it would be wise to recur( them Harness Shop.
while you have plenty to select from. WHAT 10001 organizing the Brasses.
Our next display will be 15e, ill'CI(tes. Curling Club ? Cold wear• ce
theand iwill
soon be here.
Your patronage appreciated. THE snow storm of last Tuesday made
oleighi°g—but of a pour quality. Some
G. A. D E A D M A N, say 15 iuehe8 of snow fell on the level.
THE town Baud is working up some
Druggist, Bookseller, &o. Hee selections. The members attend
_ __ practice fairly well. That's the way to
become proficient.
GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. I DONT forget the annual Bible Society
meeting in the Methodist chorcn on
600011018 ExTENsioN w. O. & n. Thursday evening of next week, 20th
inst., eommenoing at 7:80 o'olook. Rev.
Trains tense Brussele Station, North Mr. Smith, agent. will be here to address
and South, as follows; I the meeting.
Genie Sorin, Goole Nolan.Ri.tisoNo 13A1010Tmn Dnree held Voter's
Me0 thee a.m. I Mixed 11:1.) a.m. List Court in Brussels on Wednesday
Exuress_..,.11:;2a.m, 110)1 'tepan. aft,1f1On. .1. A. Morton, of Wingham,
31/20,1 .....,.. 0:03 p.m. 31000808 0:351'.01 represented the Reformers and R. L.
raylor the Conservatives.
A nenee many cases of scarlet fever
annum the children in Brnseels. In some
families es many as five have been down
at one time. No fatal results have fol-
lowed as yet and we hope will not.
SCNDAo afternoon at 2;80 and again at
8,80 o'clock Samuel Grigg, of London,
will preach in the Methodist church in
this place. The afternoon service will be
specially for the pupils of the Sabbath
school but all are welcome to both meet-
Ti::lLife Boat crew in 0nnnection
with the Royal Tempters of Temperance
will spend a week in Brussels, oommeno•
ing on Sunday afternoon, 20th inst. The
meetings will be held in the Town Hall
and the public are cordially invited to
ANCMEEn of very hearty responses have
been received to our "Pay up'' notices.
Another aabroriber this week paid up to
Feb. 1898. The money is very accept-
able in helping us settle drafts at the
Banff and outstanding ecoounte. Our
thanks aro due to those who so gniokly
WELL-DIe°m% Awn DaILLiNO.—.George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to flim
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
Ira sit Rebus •(tclitS.
A chiel's atnang ye takin' notes,
Au' faith he'll punt it
Enos are a soarer article just now,
Dee wood is getting scarce in town.
Foe fine teas, coffees, apices, &c. go to
J. T. Ross'.
SERVANT Wanted, et one, apply to
Alrs. W. B. Dickman.
MuT1,,uln Presbytery will inept on
Tuesday, Dec. 8th.
Fon sale, cheep, second hand set team
harness. L C. Richards.
10 CENTS secures THE POST for a trial
trip until January let, 1892.
Fon good Labrador Herrings call at
the Yellow front. J. T. Rosa.
Toe first c"tter of the season made its
appearance on Tuesday afternoon.
Horses for sale or to rent. Comfort-
ab'e and convenient. W. B. Dickson,
RoLL in the new subscribers and sond
us along the township and district sews.
THE front of D. Ewan's blacksmith
shop has been freshened up by the paint-
er's brush.
Isn.110811010 shook handswith a turnip
('niter and lost the end of one finger io
the transaction.
(lt'n carriage 1hopu are 1lll1ag 1111 tv
°ntt-erO and eleiglio for the coming w
ter'% trade.
Clave, and 000 our special line of
woul Illaiikete at $2.75, $3,2 , 10.75, 8
3.5, 1.75 iiret :51'0 t pale at 1 h rgnson
00 1Vedneeday Rev. It. Paul perforin.
ed the marriage service at his resid000e,
between laijell 1mean; add hie, slue
Bothwell, both of Grey,
A. J. Lowe.% has leased the oto
Nov. 20, 1891
Sekrlau on the rivet' wrt0 in order thisI X3rv.V',4=3213-,0 Tvl.k x10 TV, •
week. The quirt nUl•t 1N rather ll{WI'Rn'One yet
PeD1DIe We Know.
! 1Vp1. Ilrool1e, of lex or, ie vleltine 1
1111 ; BroN,eis,
111• , Ala". W. II. M1C1t•nt,lteit in visiting n
u IPA)) \Vheat 0$ 10
Spring Wheat
t I Barley
north of the Aolorioath Hetei to store
pork tale Winter. There will be a bourn
in pork on 1310seola market,
Lennie oell and see oar special lino of
corsets et 25o., 50c., 70c., t10o., .1000., aed
the famous watch spring et $1.25,
l''n.nomme Ik 1-IALLIner.
NOTICE To T,txran; ie,•—All those who
have not yet paid their Taxes will please
Ball and do so at my store, opposite the
Postolrlioe, JAR. T. hose, Collector.
EAST Huron License Commissioners
Met at the Genteel Hotel, Braeeels, on
Tuesday of last weep. The businessoon-
sisted chiefly in passing some amounts.
Toe Pose made a mistake in stating
that theebg0ting mttteh at the Revere
IIOuse•was to. be held 011 Friday of last
week as it, this F,idey, 20th inst.
Shooting eemmences at 10 o'clock a. 01,
Alms WILLIAMS, 9110 evangelist, i8 811
peotedhere next week to (resist in the
revival Services tobe held in the Metho-
dist 0hur0h. Rev. G. 1. Salton preach-
ed on Wednesday evening of this week.
MERCHANTS and business men should
get our prices for letterheads, billheads,
cheques, counter check books, Ohenia's,
statements and posters, before ordering.
Tem Pose Dan supply all these as (steeply
and as satisfactorily as any city Mime.
00010ca Goon nails all his long boots by
hand ; sells them °lose to ooet, $2.18 for
some, snails felt boots to prevent slipping,
sells children's school boots very near to
cost and groceries lower than any store
in Brussels Hud pays cost for fresh egg;.
Flow to save money is a problem that
interests everybody. One way to do it
is to invigorate the system with Ayer'e
Sarsaparilla. Being a highly oonoentrat-
ed blood nledioiue, it is the most power-
ful and economical. It is sold for a
dollar a bottle, but worth five.
MERE is a store keeper in Brussels
who hags the cost when he sells over•
shoes and felt boots ; repairs robbers and
old boots for a trifle ; makes boots to
order and hand nails all his long boo's ;
sells sugar by the grain beg and town
talk soap by -the box. His name is
neither Bad, Better nor Best. Wo deal
with him. Give him a call.
SOME people give as an excuse for not
advertising, that they have beeu long es-
tablished in their trade and are known
to all from whole they are likely to ob.
tain patronage. In this country of rapid
changes, snob a claim is simply absurd.
The new -comers should be invited to
trade with the old firms, else the young
rivals will get them and the old custom.
ors also.
THANESGIYlNe Dar.—Rev. J. Ross, B.
Tun famed Tiger blend of pare India shape, Terms reasonable. Residence .., preached at the union service on
and Ceylon ten, the best value in the second door north of the bridge, west Thanksgiving day in the Methodist
market, at Thomson's. side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 4841 church to a good sized congregation.
Hkun Mute eleembesoy, the veteran Goon Minim—Here ie the kind of a He based his discourse on the 4th and 5t11
phrenologist, hasbeen in town for a week letter that floes the heart (and pocket verses of the 25th chapter of Proverbs.
or more feeling people's "bumps." ton) of an eiitor good : —Grand Rapids, After speaking briefly of the national
Fon Mrpo,,ald's A 1 tobacco go to the Mich., Nov. 123, Sl.-DEau STR,—Find prosperity of this Dominion he turned
new grocery. opposite tate postoffice, enclosed $5.00 to pay arrears on Post his attention to some of the national
where you will get it good and fresh. 3, end kindly let the know how much I still evile that characterize this oo"utry. (1)
T. Boss. owe yon. We orently prize your valuable A spirit of avarice or covetousness. (2)
Rev. JNo. R ss 13. A., exchanged pill- paper and should feel lonely without it, The desooratiol of the Sabbath. (3) The
pits last Sabbath with Rev. Jas. Malcolm, Hoping you will pardon past neglect and prevalenao and power of the liquor
of Teeswater. The latter gentleman is a wishing yon a merry Christmas, I re. traffic. $37,000,000 spent last year. (4)
relative of Robt, Malcolm of this place. main. Your Sebsbriber, The bad ellen of party pol(ti0s as carried
REY. Dn. MOFFATT. of Toronto, Per. HoeaET.—A. new winter sport will be on amongst 00. The duty of eaoh
manent Agent of the Tract Society, will introduced into Brussels this season citizen is to rise in his might; and put
preach in the Methodist Omni, in Brus. known as Hockey. It is played on ice down wrong. ten open Bible is oar
eels next Sunday morning and in Mel- the contestants being on skates and arm" (lope. We must see that the principles
ville church at 6:80 p. m. ed with etieks, something after the old of the Bib'e are carried oat in our Logie-
n—in Lady Godiva must have had 1'1011i01103 game of "shinny" The !auras. We must insist that the ethics
exceptionally long hair since it completely following officers will superintend the of the Divine Word be given a place and
concealed her lovely person. Since work :—G. P. Sehollield,Preeident; D. 0. be inculcated in our educational inetitu-
Ayer'e Hair Vigor came into use snob Ross, Vise President ; George McLaren, rials supported by our money. We
example(' are not so rare as formerly. It Seoretary•Treasurer ; Noble Gerry, John ought to have the teaohings of God's
not only promotes the growth of the hair, il'IcBain and Joseph Ballantyne Com" Word iucloatrinated fab° 1110 hea010 of
but gives it a rich, silken texture. mittee. The organization meeting wits our people. Rev. S. Jones assisted in
Lase Monday evening B. Gerry gave a held at the Queen's Hotel and was snits the service by offering prayer. --Rev. W.
very practical talk before the Epworth enthusiastic over the proposed sport. T. Oluff preached a very suitable die -
League on "How can I best help the Between skating, ceiling and hockey the course in St, John's ohureh at 11 a. m,
Sunday school 7" Re outlined the duty rink should be a lively pb,ce this winter. Tug 100.0,1 Dew Starzr,.—The Galt Re-
ef the scholar. teacher, ohioer and parent (Neaten AFrE.—Last Wednesday even- porky of last weep in referring to the
end drew from his long experience many ing smoke was notiosd iesuiug from the late Mr. Shiel says :—Mr. Shies came
useful lessons and hints that will be very rooms over J. Dowing'(' shoe store, used from Parish of Ettrick, County of Sel-
beuoficia) if properly applied. A vole of as n tailor shop by Mr. Morris. Geo. kirk, Sootland in 1882, and on reaching
thanks was given to Mr. Gerry at the Halliday and Sid. Simms went to see Galt, along with the late John Hall, of
(lose, what was the cause but found the door Ayr, entered the employ of late Absolam
Newsnennensr.—Last week the reoeiv. locked. They took observations from Shade in the distillery carried on by that
ed one of the introductory copies of the across the street and saw fire so burst in gentleman. They continued in that em -
Leamington (Essex Co.) Times, publish- the door and to their surprise and alarm ploy for some time, a oiroumetanoe oo•
ed by Wtn. Col well, formerly of Mitchell, found it pile of Blabs, cut to stove lengths, curing then thab paused something of a
and Tater of 'Vest Lorne. Be promises piled up between the stove and wall on faction with their employer. Mr. Shade
to boons the town and has already done fire even starting to blaze. They soon WAS then engaged rafting flour down the
so by moving his wife and twelve child. threw the burning timber out of the win. Grand River and very often wanted his
ren into the place. Bro" Colwell will dow end nipped a serious conflagration men to start the rafts on Sunday. Hall
give the Leamingtonians a lively sheet in the bud. Mr. Mortis was away at hie and Shies one Sunday were detailed, to
and will not be Blow to praise the right supper at the time, It wan gross dare do this work, but they flatly refused to
nod frown down the wrong. The field is lessneas on his part and might have do it, and the rafts were started without
circumscribed, however, the Leamington resulted in the lose of many dollars to the them, After leaving Mr. Shade's employ
Post and Alnherstburg Echo being wide. town. People aanb be too careful about Mr. Spiel worked in different places, but
ly oiroalated.—"The Factor" is the uni• fire. keeping his eye open foe a farm, riskier
que beading given to a new weekly pub" Tnn Toronto Empire of Tuesday says: ately selected the one in the Diokie
licetion in Toronto, headed by E. A. —The Rev. Goshn Huwie of Shwire, Settlemenb, now owned by Samuel High.
Macdonald, The editor is shaping it Lebanon, addressed the Young Women's While there in the early days of his
something after the pattern of the Ari- Guild on Queen street last night. Mre. sebtlemeht, be was married to Miss
zona Kicker and all and sundry who do W. Frizzell presided. Dr, flowie took Nancy Thompeon, the lady coming all
got square themselves to his tape line his audience through Joppa to Jerusalem. the way from Seoblend. While of her
may expect to bo brought to book. The Turkish rule prevails there, Moham• way oat she contrttotod fever and ague
.1'aotor will pay partionlar attention to medanie111 10 the state religion, aid is and was so much i'eduoed that immedia-
oivic affairs end fs pushing the claims of protected by all the power which is at tely on her arrival the minister was gum.
Mr. Beaty for the Doming Mayoralty con. the disposal of his majesty the sultan, mooed and the marriage consummated.
Wet, There are many evangelical missions in Mrs. Shiel recovered her health and wa0
A PROSPEROUS LITTLE Tows,—In the Turkey, but they ORM only indirectly the mother of nine children all of whom,
Toronto Globe and Empire of last Mol. reach Mohammedans, and as long as alas, died yonug or in middle life,
day the following flattering notice n • Mohammedanism is the state religion it Those best known here were David, who
peered concerning Brussels :—This little is absurd to speak of raising women to studied law with Ilt'milius Irving, Q. C„
town has had quite a building boom this an equality with men. Dr, Bowie net- now of Hamilton ; John who occupied
slimmer. Ten new brick stores with rated several incidents which were at quite a prominent business position et
plate glass fronts, Boma entirely new and 0060 904110110 and amusing, just as the Brussels, and Frank, whose death from
some rebuilt, have been erected and 00• andienoe chose to view them. While in heart disease while on 8 visit to Brue-
anpied. The citizens begin to feel quite Bethlehem, Judah, an aggrieved man eels, so thookod hie many friends here.
proud of their handsome appearance, called on hint, When he heard that he Aire. Shies diad some years ago, end
without doubt- -fur its eine—wnegnatled had 0ome from Cohad0, and narrated somewhere about 1878 Mr. Shies r0mov-
anywhel'e 011 this or any other imminent, very mournfully that Beau 01tvice, a d to Brussel4 where he harm since resided,
Ito numerous factories, all prosperous, Bo61110hemite, more than eight years ago his widowed daughter•in.laty taking
elle stilt well, flax mill, woollen mill, grist .married his daughter, and not many (axe of him. When he left here Mt'.
mills, eabluet factory, e.reie95 feetorioe, Jaye after the wedding Beau gatherers Shits was in very comfortable 0ir0010•
fire metes works—hide('1 every 11810) u- itis together and took his journey to Can• Maims, bilt ho trusted too much to a
Moe 10 town is doing well the new ads, via Paris, In what part of Canada legit blend there and lost so heavily
eleotrio light plant has 40 aro lamps in Beau is the Bethlehenlite does not know, teat there will be very little otitis estate
M1111111.0 and mere going up. The new The young wife, who, by the way, i8 loft, Mr. Shiel was widely known In
'Standard Bank lies secured a large buss- older now, is in a difficult position. Her this flection , He was a man of parte,
nese in their remarkably neat and at. father and father-in.law, who are very intelligent and well rears and an tutor.
tractive aloe. The farmers in tyre sec' 011(11 grieved, desired Dr. Howie to taining oonvorsatiofalist. He tools eon.
tion have reaped the biggest °rope they snake the fact known in the Dominion, siderable interest in municipal and polio•
ever did ; priee0 extra good, and they in 0 iso some one should be able to toll owl mattore, but always as a worker.
too are jubilant, The agricultural dia. them where Beau Oswice, the peddler, is. The intelligence of his death will bring
trict is fully gs )area as has Toronto, and Dr. Howie heard of several other eases up old memories in tIle minds of many
one of the healthiest and highest spots in of wife desertion, and the deserters are in scattered widely over the Dominion and
Ontario. Brussels is now ready fa America. There are many English and t10 States, iv110 will retollee1 Mr. Shier
visitors; the grand new hotel la jab American ladies engaged in Christian a8 ono of the many clever men who for
eompleted, including three other good work in Palestine, bet there is room for years made Diekio Settlement famed in
and stlbebantial b0etleries• Moro, We section of Ontario.
Aire, Jno. Rivers, of Stratford, wee in
howl lest weak,
G, P. Bello Veld NS tui in Oudu•ieh uu
Thuukegivlug day,
J, D. Ronald hat gone to Now Bruns
wick ou a 101e111500 trip.
Juu. 510110111 was 111 London tor a
couple of lave hist week
Miss Bate Wilson is visiting her sister,
Airs. Morrison, in London,
J, Dutton, of Stretford, WAS lu town
on aheredity of Met week,
W. F. Stewart, of Durham, was in
town for a fors days hist week.
Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, etas is town of
Thursday vielt(ug Dr, 110111100,
Walter Wake was visiting hie parent
at Owen Sound for two weeks,
Mrs, J. D. Ronald and Mre. W. M.
Sinolair are visiting in Toronto,
A. M. Kay, of Stratford, ate his
Thanksgiving turkey in Biuseo(e,
ILL. Ja01t.,on was visiting his "5008hh"
at Herrieton on Thenkseiviug day.
Wm. Marshall and wife, of Kirkton,
were visiting at J. J. 0ilpin's Just weep.
Dr. Holmes le not melting the rapid
reweave, that his friends would like to
Principal Shaw and wife attended the
funeral of a relative at or near Seafortll
last Friday.
Mrs. It. N. Barrett was seriously ill
during the past week but. is progressug
favorably now.
W. U. Little and wife, of Luck 110W,
were in Brussels over Sunday, visiting at
T. Fletobor's.
Mts. Jane Oliver fell off a chair last
Monday afternoon and Nitric( her side
quite seriously.
A. J. Shiel, of Taonto, was in 0rn0.
sols last week. He came up to the fuller.
al of hie grandfather.
Jas. Thompson, who has been in Lon-
don for some time, has gene to Wroxeter
to learn telegraph operating.
Mrs. Frank Shiel and daughter pur-
pose removing to Galt, we understand,
where they will make their home.
N. G. Bowbeer, Deputy postmaster of
Goderich, formerly of Biusse's, was re-
newing old acquaintances in town.
W. 11U. Sinclair was in Toronto last
Monday on legal business 10 connection
with the case of Waterons vs. the town
of Palmerston,
D. Ewan, blacksmith, had the mis-
fortune th fall over a box and damaged
several of hie ribs. He was unable to
work for a few weeks.
Roger Roberts, piaho tuner, of Strat-
ford, was in town this tveek. Although
he is totally blind he can go from place
to place in Brussels without a guide after
he has once visited the home.
D. McGilliouddy's many old friends in
Brussels and East Hoon generally will
be sorry to hear that he has bean danger-
ously id. We all hope the improvement
0006 in progress will result in oonvales.
We notice by the Toronto press that
R. Y. Grant &Co.,fanises and hatters,
Icing street, hove asked their creditors
fur an extension of time. Mr. Grant was
in the hardware business in Brussels for
a while.
P. Brondfuot, of Gladstone, Manitoba,
son of James Broadfoot, a former reale
dent of Morris township, is visiting
relatives and friends in this locality. It
i.e 18 years since Mr. Broadfout left here.
It is hinted that he intends taking a
housekeeper bank with him,
" 40 vii But Always take PEPPER'S,
03 a•11
1oats...... .
I (911101', tn1' ams rolls„
I Plage per (teeny
Flour por harrol
.. 32 84 "And it I will hem or 1 will have none,'
, I' Ui 'Tooting of the sltrotv',' Aot 11•., Se. c3,
15 00
4 50 5 00
25 110
10 00 00
5110 5 50
120 r0o PUllli]1 i VEGETABLE.
i Ilay per 1011
P0l•li., ,. ,,
1 Hides nor ib
Salt per bbl„ retail..,
Sheep ekins,eaoh,...•.
Lamb skin(' daoll,.,,,,
Apploe por barrel
NESS, &o.
.. o5 00 SUGAII COATEI).
1 00 1 25 Prepared only by
Thos. Pringle, of Staffs, was/1014/119 sTAKDARD ANS or Cm
J. T.
A. 1[nwitfue for s row dues, t Dnudmsr,
The Southampton Beacon says :—Rev.
E. W. Bunt and wife are nicely settled in
the p0rsounge of St. Peul'e cherub. The
members of the cungroga(iolh turned out
well to assist in preparing the house for
the o0cupancy of the young minister and
his better half, who feel thankful for the
attention shown them on that occasion
and also for the presentation of two arm
chair(', silver knives and forks, a ton of
coal, apples, potatoes, butter and general-
ly filliug the larder.
Jno. A. Putland, of the Albion Rotel,
Gerrie, made mesh of the Honorary mem-
bers of the Lime Kiln club a present of a
roasted pig tbeottler day.
Mrs. J. I,. Courtice, of Holwoeville,
owns one of the finest chrysanthemums
tv0 ever sate. The plant is literally laden
with largo yellow flowers, many of which
are over three inches in diameter, No
fewer than 420 buds and fiowes were
counted on the planta few days ago.
=some= -
Dotteaun.—In Brussels, on Thanksgiving
day, the wife of Mr. Edward Dan-
ford of a daughter..
wet a RRIbD-
JAcaTnN—Bor11WELL,—A1 Victoria Cot-
tage, Brussels, Nov. 18th, by Rev. R.
Paul, Mr. Elijah Jaoklin, to Mise
Emma Bothwell, both of Grey.
OANDLEIt—TURNn11LL,—At the Manse,
Walton, on Nov. 11th, by Rev, D.
Forrest, Mr, G. Candler, to Miss
Lizzie, third daughter of the late
Walter Turnbull, all of Walton.
G1l9NT—Hlseor.—Ab the residence of the
bride's parents, ole Nov. 18th, by
Rev. D. Forrest, Mr. James W.
Grant to Miss Mary A. eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. James Hislop, both of
Moses—MAso0,—A1 the residence of the
bride's fabler on Wednesday, Nov.
11th, by Rev. John Ross, B. A„ Mr.
Hugh Moses to Miss Margaret
Matson, seoond daughter of Mr. Jno.
Mutton, both of Afore's.
Dween—Keely.—On the 16th inst., in
the Boman Catholic church, Blyth,
by the Bev. Lather McGee, Mr, Jos.
Dwyer, of Detroit, Mich., to Mime
Mary, 000oad daughter of )hlr. John
Kelly, hotel keeper, Blyth.
Lovo.—In Ethel, on Nov, 131,11, John
Long, of Grey, aged 04 yoare.
CovsranLE..•--III Seafortll, on bet. ll06h,
Brio Cecil Laird, oldesbson of James
and Fannie Constable, aged 0 years,
0 months and 9 days.
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 25:('11.—Farm Stock,
Implements, rite., Lot 0, Con, 1, Grey.
Sale oo inenoe0 at 12 o'alook, Wm.
Beharriell, prop. Geo. Birkby, suet.
Mania, Nov. 27en.--Tfarm Stook, im•
plemente, H'ougehe111 Pnrniture, &e., Lot
10, 'Con. 04 Grey. Salo eolm en000 at
10 o'olook 0, m, sharp, R. L. Taylor,
Solicitor for ddnliuisbratrix, Brussels,
Goo. Kirkby, duct,
W. I!'. COWAN, President.
J. L. BRODIE, Cashier.
ASSETS, - - .
Roams FUND, • -
Agencies in all principal points in Ontario,
Quebec, etanit0b,t United State('
and Englnud.
Brussels Agency.
A General Banking Busineee Transacted.
Farmers' and other good Notes Uioeounicd
at lowest rates. Drafts Issued and Collct/-
tions nettle on all paints. Deposits reoeivoa
and interest allowed int entreat rates.
Interest Allowed on Savings Bank Do
11001te Of E1 and 'upwards from date of
deposit to date of withdrawal, and 0011-
pouueed half yearly.
Pronut attention and every fsoiiltyeffete -
ed nu stoners II yin gat it dlstouoe.
Brussels, April eth., 1801,
rico Ewes for Selo. Amply to
10 Lot 4, Cou.18, Grey,
to up -stair work. Good wages. Apply
American Hotel, Brussels.
Funds. Apply to GEontlE 11100sTON,
Joliet, Illinois, or to
41.11 THOS. rELL7, Brussels,
&We, 'Muhl tako papay in
May be m000 an Revers H usa stables. wood. For
particulars apply to
E0 general servant to go to Brandon,
scan. Good wages and a penman out posi-
tion to a good reliable person. Apply at
THE Pos'r Publishing House, Brussels.
RENT.—Of long standing, within a
quarter of n mile of Brussels. Water nod
good slay—House, garden and stable. For
further particulars amity to
10'2 Br
1V, ill, 51NCLAIit,
S. No,.0, Grey Township, for 1821 Male
preferred, Applloations, stating salary ex-
pected end oxporteuee, received up to Do -
Comber 1st.
Cran brook P.O, Secretary,
or to rent on John street,Bruseele, be.
lag leteouve 1t sod
such ai Loble well, t 0101011
ceilar, woodshed,. good garden nand fruit
trees. For farther partioulare ap iy 10
10 4+ W14I.,1R9'IN.
Tenders wilt be received up to Nov, 50th,
for leasing the Maitland Slatting and Ourllug
Rink for the timing season. Possession
t oaliig1eouebat THE (moo.
PeehnHswhere obtained'
tenders will ho received,
of the undersigned, Lot 11, oon, 11, Gray,
on or about Oct. 4511), two ew0e and two
lambs. The Owner is requested to prove
property, pay animism and take them
18.4• Cranbrook 1'.0.
Trctas.aaet a c3•eaorol Retaa.lcimg
Canadian and United States Drafts bougLo
and sold,
Interest allowed on Deposits,
Collections made ea favorable terms.
Canadian Agents-91to,00amr's BANE m.
New York A;outs—Itrroi p,:es AND TuAn-
Solicitor and Oenvoy,ulcor, Collec-
tions -made. 011ie—Vanstonn's lIlook, Brus-
eels. 21.8m+
• Solloltor, 00nveya0oer,Notary Pub.
lie tte, woe—Grab= a Block, l do Jr north
of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Puede to
(Leto with Garrow ib Proudfopt, Gode-
rioh,) tlaruoters, s0ollaftors• Oonveysnoers,
&o. Oniaos—brussels and Senforth, Brus•
Role OHloe—Hp"stairs over Bank, Money
to Loan,
1t. 0.ILA00. W. H. DICRSON
\XT• H. t11o0RACKEN,
nt bis G1'Oaery Purnlb0r0Ygstreet, 111.0 014('
1L• door
mouth Of A. IDL unreal t0 00'9lhardt aretotero.
Ladies'aud children(' hair cutting a specialty
I8 prepared to give lessons on Elie
Piano, Parlor and Pipe Organ, Spacial at-
tention given to Technic. For further in-
lormatiuu address— Box 172, Brussels.
% • bIoNAIR
Insurer of M,trringo L10011505, by
appointment of Lieilt,-Governor, commis -
Fire Insurance (30. 011e et the Orunbrook
Post 011ioo,
Co, Huhn OfOonveyatni er, Notary Puublic,
Laud, LOan and Insurance Agent. Fnnde
invested and to Riau. Collections made,
Office In Grnhan'e ('look, l3rnssole.
Miss Morins, 0e Wingllaal, is prepared
to give instruction in oil painting. 2orms
May be asaert,ln ed at bless Nellie Rosa' store
where setup] os of work may be seen, MISS
Monies would also taken few more pupils iu
Organist to St, John's Church, g Brus•
Chu.vor,, 11:15 the Art
New f York Teaching,
losanns to pupils either at Phos, Pse,ow e,
00ruer of Quen and Priu.cess Sta., or if pro -
/erred, at their own license. Terme woder-
Itt°, 48.
1 2,00(1if LBS. MILK A YEAR. AtF�iY T'TwTf
M. CAVANAGHI„ b . D. S•, D. D S„
Tho1am of m Pure Brett Jersey Bull 11 SS Gxnduate of rho Royal Colloos of Dental
given 0000 lbs. of nrnt In tan menthe with Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Bul-
bar first oalf. Sheds expeo toil to give 12,000 v rsito.s, •FeioI—Over Pepper's Drug Store,
lbs. in 12 menthe with her third atilt, Porruss
further partibulere regartllug this Bull ap-
ply at my Drug and Book S tore, Brussel('
• and Fruit earflap, situated lust outside
the corporation of Brue8ols. Tho under-
ed offerable beautiful hoestead, nom•
prising an gore of litud laid out in small
fruits, a good brlok Louse, stable, first-oh,ss
well eta., making a complete home. Por
particulars apply to
S. ellAR,
4-tf Brussels.
--oF --
House and Lot
In the Township of Morris,
Under and by Virtu( of the Pewee of Salo
10 a 001101)1 mortgage (which win ho eroded.
(ud,1t ttmo of eale) !rade by Mary Ann
Welsh and Samuel Welsh 10 the Vendor,
there will be offered for Dale by Public Ano.
Emu Kt the Bevel'% douse 111 t.l00 Village of
Brussels, an
11OSDAY, D150113181515 7111, 1801, .
At Two 0'c14icslr in 01e Afternoon, tbo
valuabletlroporty, containing neer au acre
more 00 less, bolos a p0rt10n of the north
part of the south half of lot number tblrty
ih the 5)1011 enneessloo of the township sof
Morrie, more pertianlerly „sarlbsd Le sa,d
ruortgage, Sialpremises Levine a frontage
on the gravel road of two obelus, by a depth
of two challis and telrty-live (10110
T1110 praperty ie close to thocorporation.
of Brlleecls atm Lea thereon at good frame
hens() and sable, and ie a desirable maiden+
Mel luealitlb, sale 0111 he 'engem to a
reserve hid,
311Me, ton por sent, at the time of sal(',
balance aoeortlhlg to the terms and ooudi-
t[one t0 be mad(known eat tbo day. of tale.
For tuethee particulate and 001111111,mo of
solo apply to
A, 01UNTE11,
Bated Nev, 'et, Vondor's Agent,
>;rn05018, Ont,
• Auctioneer, la always reedy to at-
tend sales of farms, roma ('took, d;0. Terme
cheerfully given, O)'aubrooe P. 0, Sales
may be area)1ged at Tan POST Publishing
Ronne, Brussels,
Licensed Auctioneer, Sales conduct
ad on reesonablo terms. Farms and lam
81001)1) sueoialty. armee lett at Tan Poor
Publishing House, Ben seals, or sent to Welton
P. a, will receive prompt attention,
to conduct as
of Asim stook nE or nre00nable
Deices. TCuowiug the standing of nearly
evot•y person I am in position to sell to
good marks nod got geed security whim sold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
no it call. 02. 8. SCOTT.
�] M. P. GALE, TIM D., 0. M.,
Member of the College of Phya,cian,
and Sorgoono of Ontario by examination,
Oulu and Residences straol East,
• 0, M.,1,. R, 0.0., Edinburgh, M.0, P
8. Out. 1(00c1o110e 1110 office in Wilson's
Block, corner of eta.' Otto 'Purnbeury Ste.
1,1 4 Honer Grath:ate of the Ontario
Veterinary collage, is prepared to troat all
diseased of demo0tioatel animals lo a own -
potent manner. Parttaular attention paid
to voterblary dentletry. Calle prompts at-
noN h Oto. bridge. Tar Lori ytate Brussels,