HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-11-20, Page 5Nov, 20, 1801 T zI E BRUSSELS anL8rG2"fe'r'InaM1'�! ,i,' -..i.,., ;,,ys,„,,.......„7.,,,,,,,,,,-,.....,„,.......,,,,„,,...„,...r...„,dRF.O�„,... MRl.,7!RG'NA..... RhY.8 �.. ( [y 4 I 'tV31.11(1t1. -15.5 icf 1I CLU$, Itev.'lt. r.„1, of llrna81'18, was 11181110) et the ParrallOge on Thanksgiving bay, 13111(•,,.''_.ls•. Revival service, are bides rondnated at •W Cumuli. ••Il SQOiooiu. 111 eT - (hi '1'), r,day last the boyo of the 0)13 line of !Innis taut n ,oui+'Nt of llwi• shill in hunting and really wenn of them til need themselves to 11 list altp[mltulept by Rau t ntt3 be modern nimradv by their "ooree. '111e .11uuinipal polities are moving np calif. (n Wednewlay of 1,3111 wash (l, (aul. silos were captained hy 1. Moon ark, N, nu 1h oboe roiliest in Turin vary is one of ,et and 11i s .k..1• %.410 T'nrohgll 1(0 ,nutted Sloan, and Recording ding to the ollr+ial n,.nnl 1110 probabilities, in marrhtge at the manse by Rev. D, "'de by I) •Mf'Quarrin, the 811018 aimed The cheese facto'y berm Hold September Nicoll 8,880 to Steno's 11,130• 'l he high Forrest. h 1V and October Make, between I,300 find 1,400 boxes, to Mr. 3 fook fit ani nerds her ponod. Tie ht'pI1iltb"I' cheese was ship. ped last Friday, 11r, Ith'Io'.,ald, cheese maker, ie re engaged far next year at the san10 salary, 1[3111 fh. • Miss Edna. Ceras has returned home from College. Bev. Mr. Bigley, of Ilanover, ofl1alate(I in Trinity 0hur011 on Sunday, 8115.00 wee the aneneial result of the Methodist church anniversary services. Tbeobnld, of Teeswater, is visit- ing at her mother's redid0101 et present. Arthur Tierney loft here last week on a visit to the land of his birth, England. Mr. and Mrs. Aabbury, of Chicago, aro at present visiting their brother, T. Ash- bury. The annual meeting of the Foreign and British Tract Society is to be held in the Methodist church on Friday evening when the mem), Bev Mr. Moffett, of To- ronto, will address the meeting. Cure's Annow.--•On Monday morning a large congaogation chiefly of the fair sox was present in the Roman Catholic church to witness the tying of the nuptial Ingot by the Rev. Father McGee, between Joe. Dwyer, of Detroit, and Miss Mary Kelly, second daughter of our townsman, John Belly. They left on the 1:15 train for their home in Detroit amidst showers of Hoe, a large number of Iriend0 being present at the station to witness their de- parture. Men h. A skirmish over the municipal eloc- lions i0 reported. The G. T. R. will build a siding to Coleman's foundry. DyplLherla is very prevalent in town, some deaths have been the result. The firemen inland holding their en- amel ball and supper on the evening of Dec. 11th, Hies Willi,uns, who has been oonduot- ing evangelistioservices in the Methodist ehuroh here, goes to Brussels next week. She has made a host of friends in Sea - forth. D. Johnston, of this town, was in To- rontolast week as a delegate from the Collegiate Institutebottrd to the provin- cial mecting of Collegiate Institute trustees. The Sun says :—Wo understand that it i8 the intention of the W. C. T. 0. to petition the mayor and coal ell to grant n reduction in the number of licenses isoned next year. 0. L. Papet, a Sel3forth jeweller, ac- cused Robert Barrett, a laborer, 011)0 re - Facies in the saute place, of wearing out his (Paget's) overshoes. So Barrett alleges, at any rate, and the latter lits entered snit for 81,000 damages in con - sapience. 11101;; rtive. Joseph Clegg shipped a carload of ialnbe from hero last week. A large number of fowl WOVE disposed of at a shooting match on Thanksgiving Day. Alex. Treleaven, of Langsicle, and formerly of this place wag in town last week. 10. Liviugston has been shipping lura bee and barrel heading in large quanti- ties from this station. W. H. Hale, formerly of this place, bnt lately of 73ellefountaine, Ohio, has been spending a few days with friends in town. The annual meeting of the Belgrnve branch of the British mud Foreign Bible Society, will be held in the Presbyterian ebureh on Monday evening Nov. 23rd at 7.30 O'cluelt. We are pleased to notice that Dr. Godfrey, of Belgrnve, who has been pur- suing his studies in Edinburgh, Soothed, has been doing honor to his Alma Mater, Toronto University. He has 500ceee- fully passed all examinations of tho Royal College of Phyeiciane and Sur- geons, Edinburgh, and 1,180 that of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow. The examinations were very severe. There were in each division 12 candidates. In his 10 were plucked, he and another alone Doming out triuln• phant. He was highly complimented by the President of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons for the high stand token. The doctor be now in Lon- don and is expected bank to Belgrnve, in January to resume the praotiee of his profeeston. We wish him that success which his energy and talents so richly deserves. Win;:hssen- The Methodists talk of building a new church next year. A silver squirrel was shot by a Wi ham nimrod a few days ago net far from town. Dr, Macdonald M. P., is progressing very favorably but will not be able to get about for weeks yet. An amateur dramatic society will bo formed in Wingham under the manage- ment of W. Crawford. Will MuQuarrie is winning renown in h08000 ien with his foot ball playing at Toronto. Ile belongs to the 'Varsity team. Rev. '4'vmn. McGregor leas aaoopted the call so unanimously extended to him by the oongregalion of the Baptist church, of this town. At a recent meeting of the 1, 0. G. T. Lodge l1 in aPP •cationeor Persons dsitoue ofbe- coming e coming members. Messrs. Bell's & Gilehrieb, Green 8 Co's furniture factories are now working over time, 00 00 to be able to fill the Targe number of orders that have o line in of late. The Guild in oonneetion with St Paal'5 church has been re -organized fee the winter menthe with the following oflb. eers :---President, Rev. 131, W. Hughes ; treasure, 11100 DulSold ; eooretary, W. .1. 'Neely. A tv0)tbb88' vane arae placed on the towee of the new bank, which Ogee the bnildieg a mere finished ep tearance, Welton cheeps factory snl'I their eheeee to ilr, Riley, of Ingersoll, for 013.10 (lents per 1mun,1, They had 200 boxes, It was shipped on Wednesday from Brno. eels, ''1'he )adioe of the Woman's 111119100 Snolety of 'buff's Miurah, i0teud ltoldlug their• bazaar and social at the Manse, Walton, on Dee. 10th. The program will bo held in the church. The Royal 'Tempters of Temperance intend holding a musioal and literary en- tertainment in the school house on Fri• day evening, 2711.[ inst. A big time is expeetedlaud an excellent program is in ecuran of preparation. G o s-ric:. A valuable light of glass was broken aooirlenta (or otherwise) one night retina. Gently in the front of McLaughlin & Co's. store, Our grain market hos been lively owing to the fact that prices have ruled higher hero than meet p 11000 11(3(30 ruled higher here than most places around. Air. Kirkby, whu has carried on 1L tailoring business here for a number of years, has given up business and gone to Cheltenham where he has engaged by eat ludivldnal Biers Was DM( 1n y 1 9lnnn .1,('i8U points, In thn swain' the you; i1 and beam), of the vieinhy is• sembled at 111, eficells whore an anj .yttblo time suns event, 011.111014 13Loa0o1a,-033 Wednesday evening of this week Jae. Moffatt, of the Boundary, third son of Gra late George Moffatt, and Blies MoVettio, of the let lino, were united In (na1110) any, at the reoidenee of the bride's pitranta. There w1e9 a largo company present and a very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluovalo, tied the knot in the orthodox Proebyterbtn style, Mr and Mrs. Moffatt begin their new life under emapiuiola cironnettanoes and their maty fri0ud9, Tits Pose intended, hope their brightest expectations may be real. ized. It is said there aro soma others who are soon going to tie up in this local- ity. [1' rd+c•, John Cardiff ie away on n hinting ex petition to elnskolta. Lewis Hollinger hag lensed A. -1.1m1 Turnbull'e farm on the Obi eon. A number of oar ratepayers attended the Vetere' List Court at Oranbrook on Jas. Rogers. This leaves a good opening • Wodneaday fe•ennnn of this woelt' P •yOYil O1tP.ALLL' HOUSE AND WhyNot Do Your On i11i�1kln An auction stile of farm stoup, im le• ; > > Y+ fora first elites man in this line. meets tea le announced by the adnunls- CJ Lot P S I i Ir t] 1 k ti b f late David Maguire for Crovaulu0ls property. li acres of 1 u 1 good —lw- 0ST rpf�I11°, UNDP:IISr(INS1) \V1111, A. loam fel' nnrvinu no 'Moil' half 1833 amu, (3011. 3, 111,1',18, 11111 tLoeu' Wed unproved Y rkidr0330, "(brawl” item," '!'toil 341,1111 to be pall et Pima of nmvre,,, with p1v111 nP u,ta'uhld lrn„In'iamy. 1'a'h,'uo+ mar' Le won; on nnpli0e ll ,u 111 /10' nw • 108nN J1/11P, M'iLSUN. g'MPROVEDLAROI'l W17IT14YOIIIS• I. 13111131'. 130AR, The undersigned will lump 1,0' servi00 this n•88e1t NIM8015 the Improved largo white Yorkshh'e pig ' Jtendy" 011 lot 211, 0011.0, monde, to Wit1011 a limited number of saws will Ln takes. Teras .11.0.3 to be pall at lima of sundae, with the privilege of return• big if 000e40ary, pedigree ,111811 h0 50011 up• 012 1111,11 1OLLU011, 111,111111'1' 14,1'31(15, 3.;10 1'roprio1ar• REAL ESTATE. UN - A. 1+013, BALE.—THE UN- DNltelnnnD has several good Farina for 8a30 and to rent, easy terms, In Townships of Morris and (trey. le S. S0(/TT,ll'nseels. 07.11. i pA fin, L ONE WAY Mak ES TOTHK I W 1 1. 1lLl', 00180 �'y ppyS FO�a�S `�. {#, Dec. 2-16-30 I!3 6 !1AVE THE AOVANTAOE OF ll ' l ®1131 Attgr)dalits rogre55 Rapid race Low tots/ of Room (; 110 (11I L'A1'll'I FOR IALL.— x8) CU,.0RS FROM ANY AGENT OF lf ' '� J. T. PEPPER, P , Rea.•r• (1, i:any 'L'Or,,me, Apply to Agent, Brussels, W. 10!,NiN(1L11a, 11. Sabeiter, ,tn„ ltrnose's, J Habig Senth half Lot 27, con, lt, 1(011113, THE COMPANY 1 names, nearly 1113 eIOal'0,1. (1,10,1 1,131,0 (•s ane young bearing orchard, Immediate pol- It Berngy has returned from the ( 0 e 11 0 a 31 norm 119 re t the tratiix n the t l -y . u 'a , ,, 1, o P•VlaOd. Pn5an85ig,1 iron acv 33131 e. Irot• Bnrseerei, November Ot1,l3ae. One as weer ,•1013, tarn,8 and n(1(ee iufur aatiml „Indy .T. aL T1CLrseo, (18340111.11, large amount of grain rotting an the j of the abominable "seganko" w1L9 enjoy to ed (7) by the nUYth•5na1 residents of a W.0. 501.N011, Pn5t111ANt1t•,15thel, little "bnrg" on the Maitland. Whew ! or 11011 T, SCOTT, Craubruok. 11i•2m The Morels and Grey cheese factory has sold the balance of their ohoese, 361 VALUABLE 50 ACRE FARM boxes, to lir. Riley, of Ingersoll, for Xi miles Iron' Brussels. The laud le unit nLE.—Being wear !Let 11, ono. 9, 1) 13(16 cents per pound. It was shippedOro on Wednesday. Pio sale amounted to 81;100. W. G. Coomber has had the large frame dwelling that used to stand near Edward Sne11'8 store moved over o1 his farm and the bricltlayers would have had the hriok veneering about finished had it not been for the recent inclement weath- er. It will be a very comfortable plane when the improvement: aro complete. We wish Ur. and Mrs. Coonbes long years of comfort in their home. ENTZOTAIN0ENT.—Excelsior order of Patrons of Iudnstry held a musical and literary entertainment in the school house in S. S. No. 3 on Friday evening of last week. The evening was unfavorable yet there was a large attendance. D. Stewart, President, occupied the chair and added much to the eujoyment of the audience by his quaint remarks. The program consisted of readings by J. L. Hogg and W. A. Smith ; address by A. Stewart and music by D. Taylor and daughter, the Mime Straobau, and D. Stewart and family. It is stated that 25 families are represented in the Patrons aesooiation in hnrdwoud brach. Oil the ;noddies i5 a good this neighborhood. 2storey Mick house, l0.rg0 hank barn with Robb. J. Whitfield, D. D. S., son of 8t011091ah11ng, wells, windup Ll and pieluu to John Whitfield, of the 12th eon., has 0tablee, tam orchards, gond fa lima ac'. rhe be 'n staving at 1310 father's the past farm isiu't gon(1slate of cultivation au34 is . say 2i 103(00 from (3rpri cis, POssea., n to tlu'eo or fent weeps old his honith has 813)1 sewn ,ser. For 13(3)00, terms, &r,., write improved so much by the change of er apply to climate and employment that his Attune - or or U� 1nRB s. Ldr d'trLdfntilep 0 can friends, could they 3)801 see hint, would hardly know him. He had been pa:noticing dentistry with nm101t Burmese ill Kansas, but wishing to study for the degree of M. D. he attended a Baltimore college, where, unfortunately, he was taken ill. Hie appetite left him and he could not study so he came home to Canada. He is quite recuperated now, however, and as he will be retraining jn Ontario until Spring, no dotlbt'those in his vicinity who are afflicted with melting molars, bicuspids, et hoc genus mune, will avail themselves of the opportunity of quickly ending their odontalgia agonies by calling upon him in their hour of trouble. On Thanksgiving day, while good people are attending service in church, local sportsmen by the score with shoot- ing•irons, dogs, game bags, etc., are waging war on partridges, rabbits and other smeller denizens of the woods, nlltkilg hill and valley resound with the barking of hounds, hallooing, eat -calls and gun thunder. All the rusty old muskets in the land are hunted up and made to de duty on this ausplcions occasion. Thursday, 12th inet„ proved no exception to the rale. Down en the heade and limbs of the hapless huntsmen and hounds Dame in generous profusion the infinitesimally small liquid globules of hydric oxide, saturating then) to the epidermis while they pushed their way throlgh thick, dark old gloomy 8wempa, under dripping tamaracks, over logs and brush end sometimes over the boot• tops in water ; but what did they reck since fems was the goal they were thus persistently striving to reach ? ' Dan. Steles, of Oranbrook, begged 6 partridges and one or two others got some Mao, but the great majority got nothing but squirrels, blue -jays, &o., of no edible value. Davit) Clark was ploughing near the bu•h and feet or five young fellows kept up such m fusiiade that at last the horses got frightened and ran away across the soft ploughed lend. The boys ahold not have tried Mr. 0,'s temper thus. There was a heavy fall of snow at Winnipeg Sunday. The collections in Grace church, Win• Wipes,, on Sunday am:tented to $1,800. James Cottingham, 8 years of age, son of Thomas Oottin„ham, was drowned in the Sa3hatchowan at 11apid City. A thin potion of i0e on which he was skirt - lug gave way.. Fire Steel, the Blood Indian who wee wdnnded by Policemen O'Brien in self- defence, continues to live, eat, tells and smoke, although the bullet passed el0an through his body and through one of his lunge. An effort WAS made to have him brought into the fort hospital el !lac. Nod, but the Indiums objooted to it, as well as the invalid, who prefeered the ser- vices of a n10diei118 man of liiS own tribe to whom he had pro0tised tel horses if its Mired him of 1118 wou0d, 10 the shill Northwest where he went a view Fejilay Nov• '37th, Jlnnoe and stahle, hard and soft 1033153', wall land a short time ago. IIs reports it g 1' Met 1 the fetid oder � shooks owing to the wet harvest weather and although the crop was an abundant one it will not be so very profitable in many parts after all. We understand the old flowiok Bnter• prise is to be revived by a company of the business men of the village, with J. W. Green, its former editor and proprie- tor, as meager and editor. 11 tvi11 be issued next week. The otllce is located in the building south of the postofice recently vuoatod by Mr. Kirkby. The typo and fixtures are all now with the ex- ceptions of the largo press. Thanksgiving clay was observed by the business places having the appearance of being closed. Services were hold in each of the chnrohes and the place pre. sented a Sunday appearance generally. A foot ball match was played here be- tween Gerrie and Lakelet clubs. Each scored a goal. Although the game was hotly oontosted, the ground was in very bad conditiou owing to the wet weather. Li 1ro Chas. Wrathall, who has been sojourn- ing at Brandon, Mau., during the past summer, returned home It short time ago. Services were held hi the various churches on Thanksgiving Day. Rev. Mr. Livingstone preached a fine sermon in the Congregational ohurch at the union service. • A new rale is being tried by the lie• ahanies' Institute to raise fonds viz., the old fashioned spelling match is resurrect• ed and the High School teachers are pit• ted against the professional men of the town. The public paid 10 cents apiece to hear the old heads blunder. It was great fun. Hon. Mr. Ball.11tyne spoke on Judge FInkle'e decision re the responsibilities for supplying pond milk to the cheese factories, In other words, the Mathieson ease decision. Mr. Ballantyne said it was an unfortunate decision and inti- mated that it would necessitate action on the part 0f the Dairymen's Association: He declared that the intention of those who foamed the law was to make the man who was paid for pure milk re• aponsible for delivering it to the factory, and that the fact of deterioration should be taken as evidence of giilt when there was no evidence of a direct nature. Professor Robertson lands the same view and like the inspectors, both agree that 0hould the judgment 113 question hold good, the usefulness of the mills: inspec- tors and of the law against deterioration will be greatly weakened. Mr. Ballan- tyne also declared that the practice of returning whey in the milk orate to the patrons was a dangerous ono ; that in the past the flavor of whey was distinct- ly perceptible in the product of many factories, and that the practice should cease throughout the whole country. This view was held by other speakers and had the wenn improve' of all the makers and buyers and of most of the patrons present. Connell meeting next Monday. The trustees of S. S. No. 4 have re- engaged W. Sloan for the ensuing yeltr. James Anderson, of Ohesley, was visit- ing his brother, Quinton Anderson, on the Srd line. We regret to lunar that Rev. H. A. Baylis has been compelled to re'nrn hone from College owing to 111 health. He is now oontiued to the house. What is the matter with organizing a half dozen debating societies in the neighborhood of Brussels this lvjnte1 and having Brussels as a centre for challenge debates 7 Join) A. efoEsvenand R. Hogg, 0xeen• tors for the Smith estate, situated 0n the 1st eon. and consisting of 29 sores of land with buildings heve sold to Charles Hunt for the sum of $0110. Hriistmere—On Wednesday afternoon of last week Rev. S. Ross, B. A„ of Brea - sale, tied the matrimonial bow between Ii agh Moses, a well known 100ideet of Morris,and 111100 Margaret Meson, second daughter of John Mason. The hearty good wishes of all go with Mr. and Mrs. Moes 10 their new tonne. Ionia INQUEST. -011 Tuesday of this week an iugneet or investigation was held at 11Iiles Young's office, Blyth, over the burning of 0. I. Rogerson's dwelIiug, lot 12, con. 8, Morris, on August 27th. President 1 0341)' and Director' 1. R. Miller, of the 1-Iowick Memel Fire In• sutance Company, were in ettenrletuoo. P. Holt, of Goderiob, londneted the ex-- atnin ation for the Company. Constable goo d'clay 1eam, well (trained, mostly all cleared and In good ardor. 0,,o aero of or- chard in good repair. 1910'0 is a never fail: ing spring 0u the premisea and an extra \Voll at the buildings. The buildings arecomfort- able. Would talcs sultnble property in or near Brussels as part pay, For further par- ticulars apply on the premises to THOS. 1l10011R 1014, or address Brussels P, 0, 0911 /4-4 ARM P011 SALE.—THE UN- DERSIGNED offers for sale the north east quarto r of lot 25, concession 0, Norris, County of Huron, containing 50 acres. The land is of first quality and In a high state of oultivatIon, well fen00d and uuder-drained, :'s aures cleared. New frame house, a rooms, milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells, goodbarnd and shed, orobard, eta. Eight acres of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit- able tour will be given. Title perfect. 41.10(143 GRIEVE, Owner, 90- Senf,rth P.O. r( OOD FARM FOR SALE.— , T The undersigned Executors cffnr the ",Tohn Forbes farm for We. the property consists of 15n Acres, being let 0 nou.0, mud wont half lot 7, 000.8, Grey township. There ase 190 Itcre: Moored and tinder mop, balance and comforts of a regular (Ioctor and of it � .quiped hospital. The medicine and soon recovering 0131 nsnal her. tit. lt wall11l pF. P g The workmen are now busy 01) 1 IS Ineld0 Davie, of Blyth ; eIr. Weir, of Olint oII, man had the 4Vgltml8 1' 1'038' with raga I cannot say too leen in praise of this hying the floors, e'eotiog the hot all' (11(141,'. Brown, of Phil township, gave to prevent the 0(300.110 of blood, which it well-known medicine.” —Dire. L. A. pipes, lathing, &e. 1 evideece and the (1300 Was ILdj013r11811 t0 ilwasitnd obanoes to 0110 will produce Stark, Nashua, N. II. On Thanksgiving day Rev. S. Selle•y, ' hear wino \Vtn. Clark, Township Clerk, blood poisoning old death. Ur, Aylen, (� ! e 13. D., pencilled at the union 58rviite ill , who lived in the neighborlmdd, heel to surgeon to the 11. W. 1f. 1?„ teem, nut 41 Ver t7 S arsQln(7� ���a� the Presbyterie n ohnreh. Hie text was say. The inveatigatio) wee 1391381 for sewn: 11 times to leek afte' his ter:Mere, J p 1st Chroniei00, 28th chapter and 10111 owing to certain t•tmlem'a afloat and I but was not allowed within ton feet ei vereo, The dimonreo woe not only elo- rather so p'ieiette eironetetitneee eonneet. him, end (meld not persuade the pour u brought flrtn DO YOU EAT OYSTERSI Best Brands of Oysters receiv- ed. three times a week at the STAFR, isT1 ,U�,A i'T, Ii1�TJem,�g,!a- Served either Raw or Cooked. Our Oysters are "Solid" not swimming in water. Special rates made with So- cieties or Churches for Oyster Suppers. Try a quart or gallon of our bi- valves and satisfy yourselves as to their value. T. Rutledge OPPOSITE AIIElucAN HOTEL. Rheumatism, BIDING due to the presence of uric acid in the blood, ie most effectually cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. Be sure you get Ayer's and no other, and take it till the poisonous acid is thoroughly expelled from the system. Wo challenge attention to this testimony 1— "About two years ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great (llsoomfort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, 1 saw by an advertise- ment in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing com- plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months, and 010 pleased to state that it hes effected a complete cure. I have since had no re- turn of the disease."—Mrs. It. Irvidg Dodge, 110 West 126th et., Now York. "One year ago I was taken ill with inflammatory rllemnatism, being con- fined to my house six months. I came out of the sickness very numb (Willi - tilted, with no appetite, and my system disordered In every way. I commt.ncod using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and beg330 to im trove at once, gaining in siren •Ili the rnarAnr.D ar /pont but In 1st appropriate to the 010.1. 1 ed therewith. The msnra',00 3141 001 wro0011 1,11 noe0ent 10 b De. J, 0. Ayer dt Co., Lowell, Mast. mon. been paid yet, hospital, !'ries 411 six bottles, $5. [North gee bottle. DEEM, Sen. --I should have Irl itton before 31010 to let von know bow 1 ate getting along. I nln n lei Letter than I was; gaining strength every day, I have a Good appetite and sleep well. I eau tulle t1e fn11 quantity of rho System Renovator and it does not sleken me. may limbs ere all right now : quite smart in that way ; 5welliug all gone. Tho great thirst is gone; I dr1uk no water at night, but I take a little butter:elle. I ;en quite straight again. Sena ale Blather bottle of your System Renovator, Yours, JAs, DUNCAN. rOi'll•t•Ii1x 310017/8 LATa1. BnussllLs, February 7111, 1991, J, If, llfcLaou, Gnderlch, Diann Siu.-Flfteeu veers ago Met Novem- ber 1 started to doctor first ; I was trentod for dyspepsia, but they never helped me any. At times I suffered proatly front my etonluob ; I continued. but 1 grew worse. I ttn•ued dropsical ; limbs and body swelled badly' You know the state I was in when I went to Goderiob—a mere wreak, could hardly walk—suffering fano Bright's die. ease. lust one year ago last fall 1 began your Renovator and Specific Curs. I began to mond hi a 1001 days ;• continued then for three 1neuth5 stonily. Although f was told I could not be cured, i4 you saw ma now, well at,,1 hearty ; eat everything that comms bo the WILY. I owe you the praise of sawing my llfo, 1 was in a hopeless condition when I wont to You, 3u fact no one thought I would get batter, I cannot speak too highly of you and of your medicines, for it was then that oared me, Words cannot express my thauke to you. Freely puss my name to anyou0, lours, dao., JAM NI DUNCAN. SOLD nv J. T. PEPPER, Beessems. BABY A. IAGES ! A. Tip-top Display of the Latest Designs in Baby Car- riages have arrived at IL. Dennis', Brussels. Call and see them before you purchase elsewhere. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c always in stock and sold at Close Prices If you want a set of Light' or Heavy Harness I can supply you. See our Scotch Collars, I. ,3dcnniS. MOVED AND— Ready for. Business 1 1 take this opportunity of thanking the Public for the good- ly share of patronage received in the past and also to inform those who don't know that I have mov- ed to my new brick store, on the site of former one destroyed by fire. My Stock of DIEESS GOODS, GROCER•IBS, CANNED GOODS, &o. is largo, well bought and com- plete. My store is not ruts on wind or gas but good, solid. every day Bargains may be bad at all titres. Special Value ill Teas. Call in and sea 1130, J. G. SKENE, Agent for Parker's Dye `Yorks, Toronto. 8 )It. IGViNWLArfn, 11.1)., 1.,., 1. (1.P.S.1),.1L(;.P,N Specialist, - Toronto, I,NATnAN IiVSt'IialO', L3 -towel, 4010 Y- "After op[., lel 11,1 W} lrnurY cud pu party t„ mo pn , a u uul mel , f0 what Lhny tarty 1 1,o`nd es 3)1108 01 ,eunumpt1uu, Dr, enielair ,:ural w0," Mae lf01101h41LON3, Wuodllouse, says "When all oLberd foiled, 1rr, 03001,3311 curto1 w e of fits." U. ItoIOJTs0N, onrletnn I'Iaoe, 01(1,0 1— "11r, bineloir cured 3118 of egtorrrb." (1130, BOWED, 13111th, says :—“Dr. Ntacle1r cured 3013 nP boort .11dens0 ow') dropsy, when all ethers tailed. Lixraxes of Pr•iratc fetters, brought on by folly, Dr. Sinclair certainly Carex, Cosawialtat0osa rose. WILL BE AT TI111 AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, —0N— Friday, Dec. 4th, '91. IN THE LD ST Owing to Mr. McGinnis failing to 0011ip1018 his erraugem0nts I am book again in my Grocery. I em very thankful for the patron- age in the past 10 years endtisk not only a oontinaanee of the same bet a large in- crease in trade. I have a well assorted stook of GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, GLASSWARE, • FRUITS, &c., and am c0n(inuelly adding to it. Big Bargains in Teas„ Special Value In Glassware, Prime Hams and Bacon. I don't do much puffing about my business but I am giving bargains that are worth securing. Call and prove for yourself. Geo. Boekei'. THOS. FLETOHF Practical Watchmaker CLT'LCZ Jeweler. Thanking the pnblio for past favors and support and wishing still to bemire your patronage, we are opening opt Fall Lines in GOLD AND SILVER 'WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Des ir sns. JEWELRY 1 WEDDING BINGE, LADIES GEM Rotes, Bnooetns, EABa00as, &c. rsAlso a Full Line of Vrormes and Violin Strings, &o., in stook. ) . 8.-IseiLrcr of Marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. MET Hi YFLLOA FRONT Grocery! My goods have arrived and been placed in position in tin new store, and 1 ant now prepay• ed to give the public the oppor- tunity of buying from an entire- ly new and fresh stock. I have a full line of Choice Groceries, Tobaccos, Canned Goods, Woodonware, Fruits, Con- fectionery, S:c., and my- motto will be the old and tried one, "Snail profits and quick re- turns." Other lines will be ad- ded to any stock as trade opens up and extends. h Specialty made of Pure Teas mud Unadulterated Spices. esh Biscuits, ^siner fr gSnaps, de., received, Thanking the public generally for pas ,11111 allege 111 other lines I solicit a share of your orders at the Y tmr,ow F 110x1', i 'Butter, Lggs and well droseet1 Poul• try w.wted, J. T ROSS, '')ppolita the Poetof lie,