HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-11-13, Page 88 s SR PMSE The display of 5 cont articles in our window has 'von a sur- prise to many. In another week we expect to have Our 10c. dis- play. You will never have such a chance this season of making a selection and seeing an assort- ment of glassware and other use- ful and amusing articles for only 6 cents each. It will certainly be to your advantage to secure some of these and maybe help Santa Claus whom the children expect to have a call from shortly. Your pat- ronage appreciated. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &e, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOOTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING SOnTH, GOING NonWH, Hail a.m. 6;536;53Mixed•L4 a.m. pspress 11:52 a.m. I MLYot[Mall3.00 pm, 0; Mused......... 0:05 p.m. Express 9:55 p,m. Prat cilebio tons. A ohiel's alnang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it, GET the streets and yards tidied np for Winter. Fon fine teas, coffees, epioes, ,to. go to J. T. Ross'. Serer/aim Wanted, at once, apply to Airs. W. B. Dickson. Poa Fate, cheap,seoond hand set team harness. I. C. Richards. 10 ORNxe se0Oreo THE POST for a trial trip until January let, 1892. Foo good Labrador Herrings x111 at the Yellow front. J. T. Boas. THE grocery and restaurant of Thos. Hall is now in operation in the Stretton block. Boa bargain in a fine large organ. Partionlars at THE POST Publishing House. THE famed Tiger blend of pure India and Ceylon tea, the best value in the market, at Thomson's. Calm and see our special line of all wool Blttekete at $2.75, $3.25, $3.75, $4.- 35. $4.75 stud $5.50 a pair at Ferguson & Balliday's. NOTICE To TAXPAYERS.—All those who have not yet paid their Taxes will please pall and do so at my store, opposite the Postoffioe. Jae. T. Ross, Collector. THERE will be holidays on Thursday and Friday of this week in connection with our Public school. The Trustees generously allowed the teachers to have friday. THE Clinton New Era came out with a' new dress of Scotch type last week. It is one of the most readable and newsy exchanges coming to our sanotum, The Era 500215e9 what it deserves—generous support. Bro. Holmes is a live newspaper man. THE combination of ingredients found in A ea' y s Pills rend.rs them tonic and curative as well as oathartio. For this reason they are the beet medicine for people of costive habit, as they restore the natural action of the bowels, without debilitating. PALMERSTON aooepted Mr. Ronald's of- fer to lend them a fire engine unlit the Waterous suit is settled. It gave a grand exhibition of its powers last Monday in Palmerston, pleased everybody and was at once planed in the Hall for fire duty. The Waterous Engine is packed away in the rear—not wanted. WELL -DIGGING AND DatLLINe: George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in prop share. Terms reasonable. Residenoe second door north of the bridge, west side c" Turnberry et., Brussels. 43-tf Howoox Mnxptr.—At the October meet- ing of the Board of Directors of the How - ick Insurance Company, held in Gorrle on the 80th October, 75 applications were accepted granting insurance for $108,405, being 19 applications more and $31,885 above the amount insured last year. The following claims were settled : Jno. Mo. Fadden, Grey, loos of burn and contents by fire, $646 ; Samuel Clark, Minto, damages lo barn by lightning, $40,18 ; Angus Lamont, Grey, damages to horse by lightning, $555 ; Jno. Curtis, Wallace, lamb killed by lightning, $5. Pons M,uoxor —Bruesele pork market 10 going to boom this Fall and Winter. We will have three experienced buyers all the time, and perhaps four. The gentlemen already on the market and ready for business are Reeve Graham, W. F. Vanetone and A. J. Lowick. As pork is produoed in large quantities in the surrounding townships it will be well for farmers to take note of the above foot and rush their hogs to Brussels market, Our buyers will pay the top price and want to handle tons of pork to o meet engagomente already entered into. Hurrah 1 for Brussels Pork Marltet, ExocLLENT 0OSi0 was d190ooreod by the newly organized orchestra at the Methodist Senctsy school !met Sabbath afternoon. It is Oom9Osed of H. L.la0h. son, (Conductor) lot violin ; Misses Gus. sieand 'Bella Smith, 2nd violins ; Jus. Blaehill sr„ id: to ; lir, Cavanagh, olario. net ; W. Ruddick, trim hone ; G. A. Hood, bass viol ; and miss ',,Ilia Kneolite1 00- oompaniet, A couple more instruments will likely be added yet. Addresses were given at the school by Rev. 11. Paul and B. Gerry i readings by W. A. Smith and Gee. Rogers ; and singing by the school, and (hunch ohoir. It was a jubilation, or thanksgiving, over the success of the part the school took in the $1000 Collect. Lion viz, $80.00., $18,00 of which wits oonlributed in the ecllool on Sunday, Nov. 1st. Congratulatory addressee were given at the close of 611e morning service by Rbv, G. . Salton, Rev. R, Paul, 8, Gerry, W. H. Kerr, Marsden Smith and W. 11. McCracken. THE BRUSSELS POST yip eatnayr,.. V101'a, A NE W ST CK IN A NEW STORE BY A NEW nil 7I Staple and Fancy Dry G-oods, Clothing, Bo ots and Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Furs and Groceries. COME IN AND SEE US. IR l ii jy i' Next door to the American Hotel. BEPEBH. cars of sheep were shipped from Brussels station this week. 10 doz. grain bags at $2.45 a dozen, worth $2.75. Ferguson it Halliday. Houses for sale or to rent. Comfort - ab e and convenient. W. B. Dickson. DOMINION Voters' List Court on Wad- aesday of next week in the Town Hall. FERGUSON & HALLIDAY have all the newest novelties in dress goods and trim• minga. Fos good fresh Groceries go to the Yel- low front, opposite the Postoffice. J. T. Ross. Goon second hand parlor stove for Bale at a bargain. Apply at I. C. Richards Harness Shop. SHOOTING match at the Revere House on Friday of this week, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. THE Billiard room is being run by AIr. Senior, of Arthur, and has no connection with the Queen's Hotel. Oun School Board has increased the salary of Miss Maud Abraham $25.00. It was the right thing to du. Fon McDouald's A 1 tobacco go to the new grocery, opposite the postollice, where you will get it good and fresh. J. T. Rose. BRUSSELS Orangemen celebrated the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot by a social tea in their Hall on Thursday evening of last week. PHOTOGRAPHS of the fire streams thrown by the Ronald Fire Engines at Toronto and London Fairs are uow on exhibi- tion in R. Leatherdale's window. LAnms Dull and see our special line of corsets at 25o., 500., 70o., floe., 100c., and the famous watch spring at $1.25. FERGUSON & HALLIDAY. WE understand the Ronald Works are tendering to build for Seaforth au im- proved, powerful system of water work's pumping machinery, the present system being detective. THURSDAY of next week the Thoe. Sltel- tau farm in Morris township will beoffer- ed for sale by public auction at the Americau Hotel, Brussels. F. S. Scott is the auctioneer. A MILE running rate was arranged between Beattie Bros. "Topsy" and Northgrave'e "Colonist," of Drayton, to take pace at Listowel, but the race is said to be off now. LAST week and again this week we are sending out reminders to subscribers in arrears. We aro pleased to say that our first response mune last Monday with money enough to pay to 'January 1804. We hope the good example will be follow. ed by hundreds of others. ME-sns. IntvxN & MaBAre, the new merchants, have Dome to town this week and are getting their goods in place in the store. Both gentlemen are experi- enced in the business and oome with the highest recommendations. We welcome them into the business circle of Brussels and hope they will do well. Mr. Irwin has moved his family into the dwelling over the store. NOTICEABLE Ia1PnovEUENTs.—S. Y, Tay- lor's and Geo. Crooks' property, on Al- bert and Queen streets, has been greatly improved by a new wirefence new gates, trees oat down, &o., Mr. Crooks has had a cellar and etone foundation put under his house and will erect a kitchen next Spring when he takes possession.—A board fence has been put up on the west aide of Turnherry street, just immedi- ately north of the bridge.—The stone. work of the foundation for Postma0Eer P055015 a contemplated resideuoe is about finished.—Philip Ament is building a new stable.—A mammoth dry kiln, shaving house, &c, is to be built at Smith, Malcolm & Gibson's factory. It will he briok,—P. Scott has added a shed to his stables to 0000nmodate his Carlisle equines. HYMENEAL.—Tho Victoria Daily Times of October 29th says of a former Brueeelite :—"Foreman Frank Hindee, of No. 2 Company, Victoria Fire De- partment, was married at 7 o'clock last evening to Mise Margaret Elliott. The wedding took place in the Methodist church at Vancouver. The young bride arrived from Ontario on Wednesday afternoon's train and was met at the Terminal City by the groom. The flag and white streamers were flying over Foreman Hinder' engine house on Hates street to night. Mr. and Mre. Hindee will now reside permanently in Victoria." The bride bails from Col. lingwood, Ontario, and on arriving at Vancouver city the Rev. 11. R. Maitland, formerly a resident of Bruseele, tied the matrimonial knot. Frank's many friends here wieh him long years of hap• pineee and prosperity in his new home, Mr. Hindes will now have to look after the purchase of hoe along with hie other duties. THE .PoeT has a little pair of etookings we may send as a contribution to this department. By the way we ate reminded that when Frank was home here last winter we cross-examined hint about his visit to Collingwood and he stated ho wee looking up come "man" who had town lots in Victoria, It would appear that he found "him" and the bargain hag been consummated. Soo. Daae to yeti in your newly acquired property, Guano if Goon nails all his long boots by hand ; eells them close to cost, $9.18 for some, nails felt boots to prevent slipping, sella children's school boots very near to cost and groceries lower than any store in Brussels and pays Dost for fresh egg.. Born air and water -abound in mi- crobes, or germs of dieease,ready to infect the debilitated system. To impart that strength and vigor necessary to resist the effect of these pernicious atoms, nu tonin blood -purifier equals Ayer's Sarsaparilla. WHY fill a store with goods and keep dark about it 7 It costs money every day and every hour to oarry a stook of goods. Let the public know what you have to Bell. Interest the people—attract them—do not allow them to forget you or your orowded shelves. Turn on the lights, especially the brilliant, steady and far reaching light of advertising. AT a recent meeting of the Offiofal Board of the Methodist eburoh here the following persons were elected-etesvards for the current year =J. J. Gilpin, T. Maunders, Dr. Holmes, Geo. Rogers, T. Fletcher, J. T. Pepper and W. H. Kerr, the Iatter is Recording Steward. Leet Sunday morning the congregation chose as their representatives to the Board J. T. Cook, S. Rivers, K. McKenzie, Eli Smith, FI, Mooney, T. Moore and Dr. Cavanagh. W. H. MoOraoken is the r. p. reeente,tive of the Trustee Board. EPwoemH LEAGUE.—On Monday even• ing the usual weekly meeting of the League was held in the Methodist church. The President opened the meeting after which he inbroduod Mrs. Salton and asked her to preside, as the program twee eutirely ie the hands of the ladies. It was as follows :—Opening hymn, "We are the Reapers ;" duett, "The Hanish - ed Prayer," Misses lolurenoe and Clara Hunter ; reading, "Au Oriental Legend," Mise Minnie Moore ; instrumental on violins, 'cello and organ, fdissea GHssie, Bella and Martha Smith and Miss Lottie Hill ; reading, "Two Schemers," Miss May Kerr ; due:t, "Jesus Loves Me," Misses Lottie Hill and Annie Smith recitation, "The Drummer Boy," Mise Jenne A'I ' aLauuhli❑ ;glee, "The Merry dunenine," Misses Moore, Hill, F. E. and 101ay Herr ; instrumental on violins, Misses Smith and Hill ; reading, "What oame of a broomstick," Mae Minnie MO• Naughton ; reading, "A girl'e essay on Boye," Miss Lizzie Downing; duett, "Charity," Misses Naomi Williams and Aggie Shiel; Doxology. The attendauoe was large. PRESENTATION,—A pleasing feature at the olose of St. Albatn's church service, Sunday evening, was the presentation by the pastor, Mr. Lae, of a beautiful illum- inated address and costly teaoher'e Bible to James Irwin, on the eve of his departure for Brussels. The design and workmanship of which refieots the high. est credit on the artist. 7.'he Bible is handsomely bound, and on the inside of the outside cover, printed in gold lettere, the words : ".Presented to James Irwin by St. Alban's church, Atwood, 1891 ;" and ou the outside of the cover thereoi- pient'e name. Mr. Lee in appropriate language, referred to the loug and faith- ful services of Mr. Irwin as warden and a leading spirit in the church, and the con- gregation's lose and regret at parting with him, and prayed that, though severed in person, the spirit of brotherhood and Christian fellotvehip that hitherto existed between thein would continue to exist. Ile then read the appended address :— Tits Congregation of St. i1l6alt's church, Atwood, to James Irwin. DEAR Sm.—You are about to sever yourself from us to take up your abode in another coven uility,and it ia•wibh min- gled feelings we realize that this is your farewell with us in our service. We desire, as a congregation, to express our hearty appreoiation of the great: service you have rendered to our thumb. For several years you have hold the oMoe of ohuroh warden, and your iudefatigable zeal and devotion to the oanee has done nutth in the interests of thio oongrega. tion. From the Sunday school we lose, by your removal, an officer, whose innate desire for the advancement of Christian life among our little ones. As a member, we logic an untiring laborer in the vine. yard. We ask you to 00000 this Bible us a token of our esteem and appreoiation of your eervioee among tie. While we 'egret the 00501'an08 of yoareelf and your family, we cannot but feel that our loss will be the gain of othere, and our sincere wish is, "The Lord bless thee and keep thee, the Lord snake his face to shine upon thee and be graoioue unto thee, the Lord lift up His countenance upon thee and give thoe peace." Signed on behalf of the oangre- gation, EDwn. Len, Student in charge. Jae. Loneairtrr, (March warden, Mr. Irwin, though taken by sorprieo, made a fitting reply, in which he thank. ed the congregation foe their kindly and tangible recognition of his weak efforts in behalf of the church. The choir, at the olo.6 of the presentation, sang the appropriate hymn, "God be wflth yes till we meet again."—Attwood Boo. GONE To 1118 RawAun.—Last Monday evening David Shiel died, calmly and peacefully, at his residence, Queen street, having attained to the patriarchal age of 93 years, 7 -months and 5 days. His death was nth altogether unexpected us the old gentleman bad been quite help. less for some titne, having to be even fed like a child and over two years have elapsed eines he could got about out side. During his illness he has been carefully and constantly cared for by his daughter.in.law, Mre. Prank Sbiel. Mr. Shiel was born in Attrick, Southern Scotland, ane cams to Canada in 1832. After a short residence at Galt he took up land in the Dickie settlement, 4 miles from the town, where he continued to live until about 15 years ago when be name to Brussels and resided for a few years on the farm of his eon, John W., and after his death moved into the vil- lage. He was married to Miss Agues Thompson in 1833, his bride coming ont from Scotland to him. They had 7 children all of whom are deceased, only three of them attaining manhood. Mrs. Shiel died in July 1886, at the ripe age of 82 years. Grandpa Shiel—as almost every body called him—was a Sootohman in earnest. Ile bills and dales, its poets and bards, its kirks and songs were dear to hie heart and be fairly revelled in a rehearsal of the bygones of auld Scotia. He was a very hospitable and genial man and his company was often sought on a0oonnt of this, The old gentleman had an idea that he would live to be a Dene. tarian and was a very vinoroas, active man for his years. there is rather are_ markable history in connection with the decease of the three sons—John, David and Franoie. The second mentioned was a lawyer 04 Windsor and while en route to Galt, a000mp•toied by his wife, took ill at Seaforth and died at a hotel there very suddenly. This was about 23 years ago. In 1876 Frank drove from Galt to Brussels to visit his brother and after attending to his team went to bed at 12 o'clock and the next morning was found dead in his bed, heart disease be- ing the cause. John Shia), one of the bust known men in this locality, was a viotim of that fell dest roY er—oonaump tion— and while on his wayt o Florida in 1878, for the purpose of spending the winter, his strength failed him and be died at Richmond, Virginia, His body WAS brought to Brussels and followed by a Borrowing oonoourse to its last resting place, The funeral of old Mr. Shiel took place on Wednesday afternoon, the interment being made at Brussels oeme. try where Mrs. Spiel and her son John were buried. The Crediton bridge over the Bauble river Will be rebuilt this winter. Messrs. Whitley & Edwards, of Gode. rich, have shipped to Loudon, Eng., 0,- 000 barrels of apples. Mr. Whitely will also bake the voyage. Woodham oouncil No. 97 Canadian Order Oboeen Friends was organized on Saturday Oct. 31 by Grand Organizer S. F. Hill, of Bowinanville, Ont. with 15 Charter members, MORN. GARDNER,—In Wingham, on Nov. 8rd, the wife of Mr. James Gardner, of —Bluevale, of a son, • S28RRxamm. Hoax—PARTRIDGE,—On Wednesday,Nov. 4611, at J. Partridge's, father of the bride, by Rev. W. J. Brandon, Mr. A. R. Horn, of the 14th eon„ Elma, to Mies Rebecca Partridge, KITCnbN—WAR0.—On Wednesday, Nov, 4th, at the Methodist Parsonage, Monkton, by Rev. W. J. Brandon, Mr. W. H. Kitchen, to Miss Jane A. Ward, both of 1211 con., Elma. Moo11s—KItr5Lon,—At the residence of the bride'e father, on Oot. 28th, by the Rev. Andrew Henderson, M. A., Mr. Wm. J. Moore, of Stratford, to Mise Annie D., daughter of A. J. Keillor, of Newry. llxsnue—HLLtoa'r —In Venom ver, B. 0„ on Oat 286h, by Rev, R. R. Mait- land, Mr. Frank Mattes, of Victoria, foemarly'of Bruesele, to Mies Mar- garet Elliott, of Oollingwood, Ont. azan_ TIII1IINe,—In Bolgrave, on Nov. 6th, Tilly, beloved wife of Jae, Timmins, of Bluevale, egad 22 years and 10 months, 500n,—In BCueaols, on November 9th, David hiel, aged 00 yenta, 7 months and 5 days. MOOI,AR,—At Cote St. Antoine, Sunday, 8th inet,, Thede Melon, aged 2 years 10 months, youngest daughter of the Rev. b. L. llfoOrae, Presbyterian College Montreal. .A,ve-yr200• .8Mnannov, Nev.1414Ti1.—Farm stook, Implements &o,, at Jobe Shiek'e, Oran. brook, Sale commeloes at 1 p, m, o'olook sharp. F. S. Scott, Bailiff. Enmity Nov, 111x11.—Farm etook, Im- plements Sm., trot 12, Con, 15, Grey. Sale OomenCee et 1 &look p, m., sharp. Jae. Shaw, prop. Geo. Kirkby, anat. Fell Wheat 92 Spring Wheat 90 Barley 40 Peas 88 Oats 32 Butter, tubs and rolls15 Eggs per dozen 15 Flour per barrel 4 50 Potatoes 25 Hay per ton 10 00 Pork . . , . 5 00 Hides per lb 4 Salt per bbl., retail..,1 26 Sheep skins, each85 Lamb skins each 85 Apples per barrel 1 25 05 93 00 64 34 16 00 6 00 80 00 5 50 00 00 00 00 00 THE PEO PLE'S COLUMN. GIRL WANTED TO ATTEND to up -stair work. G nod wages, Apply to HRS. KGB NIG, American Hotel, Brussels. �tTONEY TO LOAN.—PRIVATE L Funds. Apply to Gnon011 Hrxcerox, Jmlleb, tllinoie, or to 41.tf THOS, KELLY, Brnesels, �jANTED.—AN EXPERIEN0- 83 general servant to go to Brandon, Man. Goal wages and a permanent poet• tion to a good reliable person. Apply at TEE Poem Publishing House, Brussels, CAME ON THE PREMISES OF ' the undersigned, Cranbroolu Saryey, on or about July 1st, a yearling heifer, red and white 1u color, Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take her away, 15.4 C. A. 80HIEK, rPEAOHER WANTED FOR S. 8. No, 2, Grey Towuablll,for 1882. Male preferred, Applications, elating salary ex. 386005 and experleneo, received up to De - amber 1st. Cro1 3ook P.O, JOHN STEWAI3T, Secretary, TRAYED ON THE PREMISES on or abouit Undersigned, 11001, twollewes land two lambs. The 090110I 113a redueto prove property, p Y. pay expenses and,1 take linin away. 18.4* a CHAS, SWITZER, - r 12,000 LBS. MILK A YEAR. given The dam of my Pure 13 red Jersey Bull has hero first calf500 s She is lexpee tad to months 12,000f lbs. in 12 months with her third °elf. For further particulars regarding this Bull ap- ply at my Drug and Book 8 to ro, Bruseele. G. A, DEADMAN. 'ROB SALE.— HOUSE, LOT and Fruit Garden, situated just outside the corporation of Brussels. Tho under- signed offers his beautiful homestead, com- prising an acre oflaud laid out iu small fruits, a good brink house, stable, lbs t -close well, eta., making a complete home, For further par Oculars apply to 4•tf S. FEAR, p Brussels. .Auction Sale. A. Gammaoon will sell by Public Auction WINTHROP, ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, COMMENCING AT 12 O'oLoet SHARP. 55 Head of Cattle, 7 Sheep 21 Horses, 100 Hogs. ' For full particulars see large postere. W. G. Duff, AUOTIONEE11. AUCTION SALE VALVABLg i]AR M PROITITY Under and by virtue of the power of Salo contained 'n a pertain Regietered Mortgage which will he produced at the Ohne of sale and upon which default in payment has been made there will be offered 900 sale byPhblto Auction lathe AMERICAN 150331131, in the Village of Brueeels,in tin County or Moron, on Thtu•sday, the Nineteenth Clay of Novi amber, A. 11.1$91, at the hour of two o'olook in the afternoon, the following .valuable lands and mowing, viz.:— The South half of Lot number oeveeteon In the eighth 0oneoesf011 of toe TON ash ip of Mtrris, in the County of Huron, 000taiuing one st fated &pent a 0less, qarter miles Isom Blyth and abort seven miles from Brussels. The 5011 is a .good clay loam. There is mildte boa good frame dwelling on the pronllseo and the flan Mulles' boa de- elrablo punnet:a. TEn ts.—Ton nor mint. of - tho purchase money to bo paid down at the Ono of sale. Terms foraymeet of bolas es 95111 bo made knotwn at the time of teal°. For further par. tlollare Apply bo L1b38, BE/0 & OWEN1S, le Court Vendor's Nov. 13, 1891. TATAKEAP1LL But Always We PEPPER'S, 'And is I will have or I will have none.' 'Taming of the ellrow,' Aot IY,, bo, 3. FOR HEADACHE, DYSPLPOIA, DISORDEIRED LIVER, BILIOUS- NESS, &o. PCRELY VEGETABLE. SUGAR 00AT.ED. Prepared only by J. T. KPPEII, Dimmest,- . BRUSSELS, OINTOSH 85 MoTAGGAR'T, BANKERS, - BRUSSELS, 'S'xancsct a Ci•aneral BEianlcing Sw.eine0a_ NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and 'United Status Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposits. Collections made on favorable terms. Canadian Agents—STR14onANT's Cana OP OANAIIA. New York Agnate—Iauonruns .AND 1'11011- Rne NATIONAL HANE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Solteitor and Conveyancer, Celiac - Mous made, OSloe—Vanston°'s Bleak, Brno - eels. 2143m* SINOLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer, No bury Pub. lie, &c, O010e—Graham s Block 1 do ter north of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan. DIoKSON & HAYS, Late with Carrow & Prou4foot, Gode- rlohJ austere, SoAoftors, 0onveyanoers, .ko. Oillees—rirosaels and 8eslorth, Brns- eels Ofaoe—Up-stairs over Bauk, Nfouey to Loan, R,a. HAY9, w,H, D1C8a0N BUSINESS CARDS. MISS O'CONNOR, Teacher of Organ antt Piano, 4045 Priucese street, Brussels. � H. MOORAOKEN, ____ Ve ce at Ills Grocery, Turnberrygstr'eet, BlggsOellss,, N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artiste Shop—Next door south of A. iii. McKay & Co's hardware store. Ladies'and ohl1dreus hair cutting a speotalty Isst BALL Piano, Is and Pippe Organ. lessors ou ,' the at- tention given to Technic. For further in- formation address— Box 172, Brussels, A MoNAIR Insurer of Marriage Lioessee, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis - Fie Insuranc 0o, 000 ee at the Oranbrook Post Post Office, . ROBERT CUNNINGHAM I0epn0Nee, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A LEX. HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Loan and invested and to loan �nCo11ecti us Funds 09110e in Graham's Block, Brussels, OIL PAINTING, Miss Alorisa, of Wingham, is prepared to give instruction in oil painting. Terme whore samplesiof worklmay bee gene store Merles would also take a few more pupils fu music. A. HAWKINS, • Organist in 8t. John's Churob, Brus- sels, and 90511, in the Art of Teachingof A. ePnttpuleierTboPoesoeo piDoc., at e, arrw corner o1 Quenu and Princess 968., or if pre- ferred, at their own homes, Terms moder- ato. 40. DENTAL. M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S..,g, D. D. S., Surgeons, Ontario, Royal ndd65eToronto Dental Uni- versity, Ot'tlon—Ovor Pepper's Drug Store, Brassels, AUCTIONEERS. .ARAYMANN, . • Auctioneer, as always ready to at- tend Bales of farms, farm stook, &c. Terme cheerfully given. oranbrook P.O. Sales may be arranged at Emo Poem Publishing House, Brussels. O_EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer, Melee conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stools epoaialty. Orders left at Tan Poem Publishing iiouse,Brn seals, or eentto Walton P. 0., tv111 rooeive prompt attention, T--TAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- eaoesofostooltpgun0loto condetalf Auctioneer, rob prloes, Itnowiug the etandiug of nearly every person I are in a position to sell to good marks and gob good security when sold en credit, Satisfaction guaranteed, Giro mea call. 0')- F S. 500TT. MEDICAL CARDS, WM. 33'. CALF, M.D.; 0, M., Member of the College o f Physfolan, and Surgoone of Ontario by examination, OfBee and itosidenee—Math street East, Ethel, Oo'tarlo. A. 1lIoNAU'GHTON, M. D. tl•0.M.,le,1e,O.P., Edinburgh, P. 8, i anoffice in Wilson's! s Block, aorn00 01 M11 and Turnberry Sto. VETERINARY. D WARWICK, • Hauer Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary college, is prepared to treat alt diseases of domeetleatod animate in a eons - potent manner. Partlonlar attention paid NI 'Atarinevy dentistry.Calls promptlyet. tended to, babe and I1(lrmary—Twpp (loofa bm'ttl of bridge,1'nruberry ot., Brute0g,