HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-11-13, Page 5Nov, 13, 1891
fl.i51.titt ram
Lent Friday at fi o'olnek Ales, if MOMS
Tinlinine, of 131aevale, (neo Mies 'Tillie
Corwin) (heli. at the residelloe of her
mother 111 thiH village, llar illness was
short brit severe. Bev. Mr. Ilughes, of
Wit/sham, manioc/led a sorvice in the
English ohnrch here on Sunday after
widish the large proem/ion ru•iot'nled and
wended its way to Wingham cemetery,
Surely in the midst of life we are in death.
Seeeen AND JJN•rEIlTAINtnlN'r.—`.Cho Lady
True Blues of J3elgrava gave a cenpli.
montary supper to the members of the
sguestono the even iug 01 1TImesde,y,w l5th
inst., in the Orange Hall. After ample
,jestioe hod been done to the good things
aclo to
Ln adjournment
•OVI[le(1 !
the 1'orForester's'HRII wham a
Inneoa.I and
literary program of a high order was
given, R. A'foCernmiogs occupied elle
chair in a moat satisfactory manner,
The following persons assisted :--Misses
'Packer, MoRas, erydges, J3laok, Corbett,
and Messrs. Blackwell, Davids, Kearney,
Hill, Madden, Leishman and Bell.
tit el.
A number froln this locality are, or
have been, away on a hunting expedition.
Tho vase against Glenn tame up for
hearing at Goderich last week and was
dismissed. It is hinted a settlement was
arrived ab whereby a portion of the money
was refunded and the balance promised,
C. 0. P.—At the last regular meeting
of the 0. 0. If., after the general routine
of business was gone through with, the
following officers were elected :-0. R.,
Wm, Spence ; V. 0. R., Goo. Itnlay ; R.
S., L, Souders ; F. S., Robb. Barr ;
Tress., Wm. Routly ; S. W., John Eels,
mire ; J. W., John Sanders ; I. B., S.
Nichol ; 0. B., Alex. Kellner.
Liberating services were held last Sab-
bath in the Methodist ehuroh here in
connection with the re -opening. Rev. E.
S. Rupert, M. A., was on hand, accord-
ing to announcement, and preached two
excellent discourses. Good music was
furnished by tbs ohoir, lead by T. P.
Simpson. The church looks much the
better of the alterations and renovating.
The sooting capacity has been increased
by moving the pews closer together and
adding now ones. Room was needed.
A singing school is talked of for tbie
Mr. and Mrs. Watt spent last Sunday
in Ethel.
Plenty of sweet cider at the Bluevale
cider mill.
Mr. and Mrs. Duff were oalled to Sea.
forth this weelt by the death of his sister.
J. Heaney, contractor, is improving
his place by putting now siding on his
house and erecting a new kitchen.
A hunting party consisting of Robb.
Yeo, s'., Geo. Harris, J. Woods, and Mr.
Lofton, of Wroxeter, left for Muskoka
this week.
The "5th" was celebrated hem by a
supper at Sault's hotel, after which A. H.
Musgrove and Rev. Mr. Hughes delivered
addresses on the subject of "Romanism"
and the "Spauieh Inquisition.
Onrr,—Last Friday Mrs. Timmins was
oalled to her eternal home after a short
illness, caused by falling through a trap
door into the cellar while at bar aunt's,
Mrs, Stephenson. An abscess formed
and medical skill performed an operation
but she never recovered. Deceased had
only been married 1. year and 1 day.
She was of a genial, warm-hearted die
position and during her short residence
Mao had made many friends. Her re-
mains were interred in the Wingham
(lemetry on Sunday. The grave was
beautifully trimmed with evergreens.
Fler husband and other relatives have
the sympathy of the entire community in
their bereaverment. Rev. IlIr. Hughes
conducted a short service in the Episco-
palian church at Helgrave.
(> 1•ea' .
Bert Hill is on the siok list with swol.
len veins in his lege.
Some talk of starting a night school in
section No. 1. The idea is a good one.
The Morris and Grey cheese factory
has closed down for this season after a
very successful run.
A goodly number of the boys are gird-
ing on their armor to go to the lum.
bee woods again this winter.
There was no sohool in S. S. No. 9 on
Thursday and Friday of last week, the
teacher being away on a visit.
Anoticn sales are booming just now.
Stock brings fair prices with the excess -
tion of horses which seem to be is. drug.
Send along any items of 110w5 you may
know of, Tim POST will give them a
hearty reception. Give ne your name
for our private was, if you write:
James Kelly, who resides l miles
south of Brussels, has been laid up with
a stroke of paralysis but is improving
nicely now, we are pleased to say.
A ember of new residences and bank
borne will be erected in this township
next year. Grey holds her own very well
and oontinues to advance steadily.
C. Bowerman, t. oder in S. S. No. 1,
Jno. McIntosh in S. S. No. 7, and John
Stewart in S. S. No. 8, are all re-engaged
in their respective sohoole for 1802.
Robt. Robertson's new brink house on
the 16th con. is completed and is quite a
handsome edifice. It improves the ap-
pearance of that vicinity very mush.
Wm, Strath, of the 8th eon., is build-
ing a uew residence: Jae. .McIntosh
built the stone foundation, and I. Smith,
of Walton, is doing the tarpon ter work.
Addle I3oWerman hag been laid up for
the past throe weeks with inflammation
of the left knee. She fa °entiuod to the
house and has endured a good deal of
Talking about good yields of turnips
this year Oharlee Resell, 9th oou., bad 8
sores from which he hauled 4,859 bushels
of turnips 0' an average of over 000 011011 -
els to the mere. It was a flue (mop.
The trustees at Shine's 50ho01 bongo
re engaged C. Bowerman 05 teacher for
1809. 11,5 is a good tomalley and mantes
his work tell. .1. Hogg has also boon se.
cured for another year in Smith's eehool.
He has given good eatiefaotion.
On Tuesday of last week Wilson Mo -
Kay, on this township and a patron of
the Silver Corners obeesel factory was
fined $10 and coats before P. M. Torhnne,
Ltetowol, for Bonding milk from whioh
cream had been taken. He pleaded
guilty to the oharge. Inspector Miller
laid two allergen against patrons of the
Trowbridge factory, trial to be this
The 11th 11110 15 still ahead, Threshers
while working nu Mile line last week
mime 10.005 a kind of grain that they
could not tlu'eali. Thoy hart 820 pounds
of et001n of but that would not fetch It.
Truly won/It-re never tease on. the 14011
The President of the "Puke Miltors
Unfurl" purposes taking a trip to the
Vagiiia avast shortly, It is the inten-
tion of the Union, we believe, to extend
o115ratione into all peat. _f C.c. Dominion,
civilised and 1171oivilized This organd.
station employs a number of expert
workmen. T'estlmoniel5 01111 be pro•
cured showing what they have already
Alex, D. Grant in eelding hie sub-
scription to THE POST from High Bluff,
Manlioba, writes :-- There is yet a large
amount of threshing to be done in this
looal.ity. Owing to so much wet weather
during the early Fall thorn is a very
small per aunt of plowing
done. This
will mean either late sanding noxi year
Or what would be better for the farmers
a smaller aoroago under wheat and the
remainder uarofnlly summer followed.
I never saw ro much frozen wheat in
my life as I have seen this fall. I
lilte the country very well but it will
never be the Fame as old Huron, either
fee comfort or wealth. Ihave a attention
as warehouse 1111111 for oue of the grain
Kings of Winnipeg. The elevator he has
here has a capacity of 80,000 buahele.
Prioes at pt•eseut are :—Beet wheat 08
cents aid for the worst 25 oeute per bush.
Wnl. Robb, of the 6th non., is very ill.
Mrs. Hard is somewhat better. Sho
had a sharp attach of congestion of the
Mrs, Peter Jackson was visiting rela-
tives in Wa duan township for 0 week or
Get your taxes ready as Tax Collector
Mooney is starting for work, and as helms
$11,717.75 to gather 1n he has no small
job ahead of him.
Mies Euphemia Livingston is on the
sink list but it is to be hoped it will only
be temporary and that her usual health
and vigor will soon return.
Robert, John and James Shortreed
were sent for last week owing to the
dangerous illness of their brother who
lives in Eagnesing. They went on Fri-
day of last week.
Threshing machines galore on the 6th
eon. this week, Thuell'e, Bird's and
Speir's wero all so near one another that
it was diffioult for the farmers to get
hands enough. There seems to be a
mania for this kind of thing this fall.
On the 16th con. of Grey a while ago
some had to go four or five miles for
Hoorn AGAIN:—The many friends and
acquaintances of Mrs. Shedden will be
glad to clear that she has arrived home
after a month's stay in Uncle Sam's
country. She WES visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Lamont and family and a brother whom
she had not seen for 20 years, and found
them all well and doing well. Mrs.
Shedden is a great deal the better for her
visit. She has been nearly 40 years in
Morris and was never more tban a week
at 1a time from home before.
'417-111.11,0 1.1% En.
IIis Honor Judge Doyle, revising bar.
rister, will hold a cos t In Wingham, for
the revision of the Dotniuinn voters' lists
of the town, on. Saturday, the 14th.
Jae..b Large, of Listowel, who has the
contract of the woodwork of the Meyer
block, is in town. and is now busily en-
gaged, and is shoving the work along
it is hinted with a good degree of pro.
babilily, that H. W. 0. Meyer is play-
ing his cards for a senatorship. He'd
fill the position better than a score of men
already there.
I. 0. G. T.—'The officers for the our.
rent quarter were installed at last meet-
ing, Mud oonsiet of :—L. Latimer, P. 0.
T. ; John Dodd, 0. T. ; Miss Eva Daw
son, V. 0. T. ; Geo. Hanna, R. S. ; A. H.
Cochrane, P. S. ; Miss E. Rush, T. ;Rev.
S. Battery, 0 ; Juo. Vannor,pian, M. ; W'
Bond, S. J. T. ; Miss Rose Chapman, G ;
D. Sutherland, S ; Alex. Dawson, L. D.
The following is the list of officers for
the insuing term, in Court Maitland
Canadian Order of Foresters :--1'. 0. R.,
R. Elliot ; C. R. Jas. Irwin 1 F. S., D. 1'1.
Go'doll ; R. 5., W. K. Loutit ; Treas., J.
Risdon ; Ohap., J. J. Kerr ; S. W., T. J.
McLean ; J. W., R. Kittson ; S. B., G.
Baby ; J. B., J. Bowden. This Court is
in a flourishing condition.
The annual meeting of the Wingham
curling club was held a short tune ago,
when the following oiiioers were appoint-
ed for the ensuing year ;--Wrn. Clegg,
Patron ; Mrs. Wm. Clegg, Patroness ;
John Inglis, President • Rev. E. W.
Hughes, Chaplain ; JohnNeelands, Soc.
treasurer ; R. Vanstone, Auditor ; Com-
mittee ofManagement, John Inglis, S.
Kent and John Neelande ; Hugh Miller
A union Thanksgiving service was held
in the Methodist church, Atwood, on
Thursday, at 11 a. m., when Rev. C. H.
Phillimers preached.
Cl111e. Fraser, of Toronto, is engaged
with John Fox,at the shoemaking. He
watt at one time a printer, and set typo
on the old Quebec Mercury, Boston
Transcript, and other journals of lesser
Rev. W. H. Harvey, B. A. pastor of
the Paisley street Methodist church,
Guelph, and son of Treasurer Harvey, of
Elmo township, has the honor to he
elected a member of the American Aca&
emy of Political and Social Saienoe, in
I. 0, G. T.—Atwood lodge, No. 108.
met and cleated the following officers for
the ensuing quarter ;—A. Campbell, 0.
T. ; bliss Ella Robertson, V. T. ; It. 33.
Hamilton, L. D. ; Wm Ward, Chap. ;
Mies Bila Holmes, Treas. ; b'. Wilson. R.
S. ; Miss Nellie Hamilton, A•at, Secy ;
Miss Aggie Locbhead, F. S. ; William
Hollis, Marshall ; Mies Nettie Robertson,
D. 1VI. ; Miss Beni() Graham, Guard ; P.
Reid, Sentinel. The lodge 18 making
encout'aging programs.
Nw was reouived here of the death of
James Dunn, of Toronto, brother of Wm.
Dunn, of tide town. Deesased had boon
stricken with typhoid fever, of 0 10011 lie
died atm, an illness of about two weeks.
He was an employee in the G. T. It. bag.
gage rooms, Toronto, and much rsspeoted
by his fellow workmen, He WON a mem.
bac of the Ancient Order of United Work-
men, under the auspices of which Order
the funeral arrangements were conduetod.
A wife and four children are left to
mourn the lose of a kind husband sad
indulgent father.
2.4741'0WO I.
1?uotlall motel) 1n1 Thanit'givinq
Tho waterworks will be extended to the
new fnrnitnre factory.
22,893 1,0xe0 of 01100.8 were boarded at
the Listowel cheese fair last week.
Bev. Jus. Livingstone was away at
Guelph last Sunday preaching anniver-
5110y 5nl'1[1O11S.
Our WW1! (lade are looking after the
Buavor Saw Wm.k.l, of Herniated, want-
ing them to locate Here.
The Listownl High School 131/100 tut,
engaged Aft'. Mowat, of Aylmer, 115 third
Resistant 101011er n1 the echo. II. Mr.
Mowat fs a B, A. The large attelrlanos
has necessitated this addition to the
teaching staff.
Rev. Dr. Searles, who wan 18 years
chaplain of the Auburn prison, N. Y.,
will preach in the Methodist ehnloh
morning and evening 01 Nov. 15th and
his thrilling 'maure on "A. voice
will give k t
from prises," on the following Monday
Last Thursday evening fire broke out
in R. Roth's stable, in oonneotion with
his brewery, which was totally destroyed,
together with the most of the contents.
Insnl'erl in the Waterier) Mutual for $100
on building, and i$1300 on contents. In-
suranee will not cover loss. Canso of
doe not known.
By order of the council Mho hell on the
t'7wn hall is now rung at 0 u'elouk every
evening, es a warning for all boys udder
15 years to got to their homna. Any
lads under this age found on the streets
after 0 p, m., unless ac0oulpunied by
their parents, will be taken charge of by
the constable.
Two steel boilers 75 hp. and a latest
improved Wheelock ougiue arrived from
Goldie rG McCulloch's for the HOW fictory
and were placed in position last s'eelt.
A planer, out off saw, rip saw, tenon
machine and carving machine are also to
hand, with shafting unci pulleys. The
building is being rapidly completed and
wilt, 11 is expected, he done on coutrant
In consequent/0 of rise of lake rates be-
tween Fort William and Buffalo the price
of wheat in this country has dropped four
mints per bushel. It would seem that as
there is horn wheat going out for export
than available bol.totns can carry ship-
owners have taken advantage of situation
to increase rates.
Bishop Young of Atbabasoa. in a letter
dated Dun'egan, reports that last winter
Albert J. Kneeland, while engaged in
driving cattle some 20 miles above Ver.
million on Peace River, obaerveda heavy
smoke arising from a plaice where a oon-
siderabie land slip had oocurred. Being
in the vicinity some few mouths later he
noticed the smoke woe still rising and
the ground was bare of snow in the vici-
nity where the smoke was proceeding
from. Last Augost Bishop Young and
Mr. Kneeland visited and carefully exam•
idea the broken ground in the neighbor-
hood of the land slip, and found that the
evoke proceeded fron some deep fieeuree
outaaioned by the land slips, and strong
fumes, much like those from a brisk kiln,
arose. Bnruing paper was dropped dawn
these fissures but no result followed,
clearly proving that the heat and fumes
arise from a dilerent source than the gas
5nrings on the Athabasoa River. Bishop
Young is of the 0111000 that the buruiug,
which has not been more than two years
in existence, arises from a seam of ooal
which the hand s'ide bas. osnosed. The
face of the river bank in thm vicinity is
marked by a bluish shale which frequeet-
ly discolors the banks of lbs Pease River.
i P.M.
Full particulars from
J. T. PEPP1511,
Agent C. P. R.
sI Headache
Is a complaint from which many suffer
and few are entirely free. Its cause
'is indigestion and a sluggish liver, the
ours for which is readily found in the
use of Ayer's Pills.
" I have found that for sick headache,
caused by a disordered condition of the
liable emedy " Slamuel 0. Bradburn,
Worthington, Mass.
"After the use of Ayer's Pills for
many years, in my practice and family,
T am Justified in sayingthat they are an
excellent cathartic anliver medicine—
sustaining all the claims made for them,"
—W. A. Windfall, M. D., V. P. Austin
& N. W. Railway Co., Burnet, Texas.
"Ayer's Pills are the best medicine
known to me for regulating the bowels,
and for all diseases caused by a dia-
ordered stomach and liver. I suffered
for over three years from headache, in-
digestion, and constipat'on. I bad no
appetite and was weak and nervous
Most of the time. By using three boxes
of Ayer's Pills, and at the same limo
dieting myyself, I was completely mired."
— Philip Lockwood, Topeka, Kansas.
"I was troubled for years with indi-
gostion, constipation, and headache. A
few boxes of Ayer'S Pills, used in small
daily doses, restored me to health.
They are prompt and effective,"—W.II.
Strout, Meadville, Pa.
Ayer's Pills
ennrdn➢n nE
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.3 Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists cud Dealers in Medicine.
t ,,y
f il[P UN11E1t2L(5NP1) WILL 1
9. hoop for sr•ra•Irn n» 5•01, /1 111111 lot 10.
(.nn, 2, A/nln•i5, the there bred Improved
yorknhire 1111, "(1 rangy 1L3ru." P31',1l s, 51.0e
10 bo poi 1 111 10, ,, or onrvl00, 01011 privile:oe
of returningil u ' -. r,'. 1'11 11.1'•111, 111,1,y bo
BOO 11011 n1•1•1101.11,•0
t. .Liu u3v nor.
10 0m, ,1(1118 WILSON,
I, 04103 FOR SERV ICJ:,
The m"lo1'etglerl will beep for sorvloe, at
Garnnbrnok, the thorn' bred Berkshire pig
"Prince Retie Prince," from Imported stock.
Alto a there' b1,311 Chester W111te pig. Pedi-
grees melt at t me of molrlaine. with p"ivilogo
of returning If nem100ar9,
.1011N DILf,ING,
15.1 Proprietor.
111 PRO VI:1) LARt1E W I-1 PPE YORK.
The undersigned will keep far servloo this
present season the Improved large white
Yorkshire pig "Ready" o5 Int 20, 005. 5,
Norris, to which a limited uuether of Nowa
will be taken. Terme .$1.00 to he paid et
time of servioe, 01011 the privilege ul return.
tug if neeessnry. Pedigree may be seen up-
on appllealiou, ROBERT N,('1101,,
16611 Proprietor.
D11118109130 has several good Farms for
sale and to re Ili, easy terms. in Townships
of ;Morris nail Grny. P .S. SCUTT, Brussels.
Being Sonth balf Lot 27, eon. 0, Morris,
1110 acres, Ilea Ay all eloared. Good buildings,
flue vouug bearing °robe rd, Immediatepos-
session. Easy Terms. Apply to
11. Selleitel', etc., 13ruoeela.
Lot for Sa15111 15 th01, known as the
Goveulock property, 11 norms of land, good
hone and stable, hard and soft water, well
fenced. Posaossion Elven Huy time. For
p0rice, torme and other information apply
W u. S PENCE, Poetm Aster, Ethel,
or 11009. 600TT, Oranbrook. 10.910
V POO HALE.-1351ng west 1 Lot 11, 050.5,
Grey, 20 miles from Brussels. The land 15
good play loam, well drained, meetly all
cleared and in good order. One acre of on-
oliard in good repair. Tiers is a never fail-
ing spring on the premises mud an extra well
at the buildings. The buildings are comtart-
able. Would take suitable property in or
near Brussels as part pay. For further par-
ticulars apply on the promises to
'10108, kleGREGOR,
or address Brussels P. 0. 5601
L nnnersono offers for Bale the north
et quarto rof lot 28, oounession 6, Morrie,
County of Huron, containing 60 acres. The
land Is of first quality and in a high state of
cultivation. well lanced and uu,ler-drained,
0 acres cleared. New frame 11ouso,8 rooms,
milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells.
good barna and shed, orchard, etc. Eight
acres of 1a11 wheat. Tills J0114a)10 property
adjoins the corporation of Brueeolo. Suite
niie 10la' will be 51080, Titleperfoet,
0AM'1n0 (01t1EVE, Owner,
n0• SOaforth P. O.
T The undersigned Executors can. the
"Jelin Forbes" farm for sale. The property
consists of 167 acres, beteg lot 0, eou.8, and
west half ME 7, con, 5, Grey township, There
ire 100 acres cleared modunclal' crop, Inhere,
hardwood 0,101,. 00 the 000.1,1408 is a good
2 storey brick 10,180, largo bank barn with
stoue 941001105, woes, wiud01111 and 11111111)1 to
stables, two orchards, good toucan &e. PhD
farad isle a good state of cultivation and is
only 11 miles from Weasels. Possesaio n to
suit uilrella eor. For price, terms, &n., write
o r apply to
8•tI JAS. CARDIFF, Brussels P. 0.
or D. FORRBt1N, Strotbord.
Best Brands of Oysters receiv-
tc1 three times a week at the
13JL2,U;ti1�L .
Served either Raw or Cooked.
Our Oysters are "Solid" not
swimming in water.
Special rates made with So-
cieties or Churches for
Oyster Suppers.
Try a quart or gallon of our bi-
valves and satisfy yourselves
bo their value.
T. Rutledge,
W. F. COWAN, President.
J. L. BROD1E, Cashier.
ASSETS, $7,000,000
Pam UP CAPITAL, - - - 1,000,000
3u8E1100 PUNE, • 500,000
kgonoies 10 all prluoipal points in Ontario,
QQuebec, Man((itoba, land
Brussels Agency,
A Goners] Banking filminess'Trans,l.nted.
Vanner0' end Ot11or good Notes Diseonutel
at lowest; rates. D1te Ia011no
d 11,,1 0011,11 -
Elmo nota on. 1111 10)1115. Depositasocotvad
and interest allowed at Laurent rates.
interest Allowed on Seviuge Bank De.
po81t5 of At and upwards from date of
deposit to date of withdrawal, sad eon/•
pounded hid yearly,
Promo at trainee and every facility afford-
ed eaebumere living at a 1115ta050,
Brutus le, Split stili, 3551.
5Ge0748V1mJ 00'8SL•oKFt1T.u,."..n0190^ ria9jllluA.'050000RonlSnad4n ot. ANKIVIANEMHAE=CAEHEAMIA
�1a :s. �• ; "C ee .VA4 ,
P Ft
t� 11•) E WAY
r 0 TO THE
.-,.:�-n •ice:-.
Ars 001NP)
Dee. 2-16-30
Iiogu'ess Rapid
s � 4th Low
Nott' of Room
11 C0lAas FROM Any AGENT or
Agent, Brussels,
Why Not Do Your Own Thinking?
Bnnssnl:s, Novembor SO], IRO.
0Icteon, Goclerieh,
DEAR 6rn,--T 13110,1101 have lvlit150 before
new to let you know low 1111 getting along.
1 nm a 10E better than I was; gaining strength
every day. I boyo a good appetite and sleep
well. 1 eau take the full quantity of the
System IienovaLer and it dons not sicken
me. Aly limbs are 1111 right now ; quite
smart in that way; scything all gone. The
great thirst Is gone; I drink no Water at
night, but I take a little bettermilk, I am
quite ctraaight again. Sena me auothsr
bottle al your System Renovator.
'Statue, dm., JAs, DCNCAN,
BnnssOLB, February 7th, 1591.
.7. 11. Mc'LnoD, Gndericb,
Dien &Ia.—Fifteen years alto last Novem-
ber I started to doctor first; I was treated
for dyspepsia, but they never helped me
any. Ab times I suffered greatly from my
storuaoh' I continued. but I grew worse.
I turned dropsical ; limbs and body swelled
badly. You know the state I was in wlleu
1 wont to Godorich—a mere wreck, could
hardly walk—suffering from Bright's dis-
ease. ,last one year ago last fall I began
your Renovator and Specific Cure. I began
to meld in a few days ; continued then for
three months steady. Although 1 was told
!could not be calved, if you saw ms 00w,
well 11,11 hearty ; eat everything that tames
111 the way. I own you the praise of saving
my life. I was in it hopeless ooedltiou whoa
I went to you, in foot no one thought I
would get better. I cannot speak too hlgbly
of you and of your medinllles, for 1t woe
thein that cured me. Words cannot express
my thanks to you. Freely pass my name to
auyouo. Tours, MES DUNCAN.
Soon BY J. T. PEPPER, Bltuooio n.
AtiBIAGE $ !
A. Tip-top Display' of the
Latest Designs in Baby Car-
riages have arrived at
H, Dennis', Brussels.
Call and see them before you
purchase elsewhere.
Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
&c always in stock and sold
at Close Prices
If you want a set of Light
or Heavy Harness I can
supply you.
See our Scotch Collars.
. Dennis.
Ready for Business 1
1 take this opportunity of
thanking the Public for the good-
ly share of patronage received in
the past and also to inform those
who don't know that I have mov-
ed to my new brick store, on the
site of former one destroyed by
3Iy Stock of
is large, well bought and com-
plete. My store is not rum on
wind or gas but good, solid,
every day Bargains may be hail
at all times. Special Valtto in
Cain in and see lie,
Agont for Parker's Dye Works,
Specialist, ecialist - Tondo..
f'NAr11AN 11no1•n An,', Idstcnvo,, Hoye
"AYl"•r 1811.1 dln„ 011 my money aid 110111100ty
to ne p1111•l.au ell to 011°01 Wel, 100 weal
they termed a 104101058 011415 o1 eco•au o 9 tion,
Ur, !Moot&A• ee•e.l 810."
Anne MARY PHisr.0140, Woodhouse, says
"When. all °there lulled, l) . &luoluir cured
me of lits."
IL 11,010110THON, Carleton Plaos, saysl—
"Dr, 0100Llir oared ms of Catarrh."
(fl:e. ROWED, Myth, MLys:—'•1111. Sinclair
01111011 ms of heart ,liboase awl 111'Op Hy, w11eu
all others failed,"
lar .
Private U d ra 0J teglu 11'nuarr, brought et by
fully, Dr. ,' ilhctufr certainly Cerra.
Cofl0' a1
tat:.ps :E^xee.
Friday, Dec, 4th, '91.
Owing to Mr. McGinnis failing to
complete his arrangements I am back
again in my Grocery.
I am very thankful for the patron-
age in the past 15 years and ask not only
a continuance of the same but a large in-
crease in trade. I have a well assorted
stock of
and am continually adding to it.
Big Bargains in Teas,
Special Value in Glassware,
Prime Hams and Bacon.
I don't do much puffing about my
business but I am giving bargains that
are Lvorth securing. Call and prove
for yourself.
Geo. Baker.
Practical Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Platea Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by ue.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs.
Lamas Goit RIN0,3,
r. 'Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and
Violin Strings, 80., in stock.
N. It.—ensurer of Marriage licenses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Illy goods have arrived and.
been placed in position iu tlla
new store, and I am now prepar-
ed to give the public the oppor-
tunity of buying from an entire-
ly new and fresh stook.
I have a full line of Choice
Groceries, Tobaccos, Canned
Goods, Woodouware, fruits, Cou-
feotionory, &c., and my motto
will bo the old and tried one,
"Small profits and quick re-
turns." Other lines will bo ad-
ded to my stock as trade opens
up and extends.
A Specialty made of Pure Teal and
Unadulterated Spices,
Fresh Biscuits, Singer Snaps,
fro., l'80011/0i.
Thanking the Ipublic generally for pas
patronage in 0tb,0 linos I eel'IOit a
share of your orders at the
YoLLow 101to301,
1 $utter, Eggs stud well drots5(1 Poul-
try wanted,
J. ■ . Y 5Ob%%
Opposite the Poetolfiee.