The Brussels Post, 1891-11-13, Page 44 New Advertisements. Local -Clea, Good. Loomis --.Dr. J. C. Ayer. Strayed—Chita, tiwiteer. Take a ,fill ---J. T. Pepper. Girl Wanted- -Are. Eitnig. Auction Sale ---A, Clovert>loelt. Locals—Ferguson & llalli4ay. Teaoher Wanted -John Stewart. Photo. Gallery-Walter Burgess. Excursion to Caliiornia--C. 1'. R. The New Store -Irwin l 11IoBain, Cub[ 'll'llssfrs °' est. FRIDAY , NOV. 13, 1891. THE election for the Local Legislature in East Wellington came off maeTuesday. Mr- Craig, of Fereue, the Reform nom- inee, is reported elected. Tun School Board has held nine Trustee meetings this year so far and the record for attendenoe is as follows :— H. Dennis, 9 ; T. Fletcher, 8 ; W. B. Dickson, 8 ; T. farrow, 7 ; A. Hooter, 5; R. L. Taylor, 5. Several tinges meetings could not be held ou account of a quorum not being present, but the average is not bad for the Board. LrsmowEL Town Commit has passed a Bylaw prohibiting children under 15 years of age walking the streets after 9 o'elook p. 01., unless accompanied by their parents or guardians. At the hour mentioned above the town bell is rung and youngsters found on the street after that are taken in charge by the con- stables. Berlin has the same law in force and find it works well. It may be count- ed a little arbitrary by some bnt in the majority of oases no good comes from "gadding" the streets at all hours. If the "curfew" were rung in Bruseels it would have a wholesome effect on a good many boys and girls who appear to go home when they like—and the "like" usually extending until 10 o'clock and after. Parents who neglect to see that proper hours are kept need not be sur- prised if their children graduate at an early age. SEVEaw very matter of fact illustra- tions or object lessous,have been given here this Fall proving the folly and absurdity of the credit system and more than one business mar, hae had to square of 90. counts by uniting "dead beat" opposit e. If these lead to the abolition oflong oredit and the introduction of prompt cash, pay as you go, it would be money well expend- ed but we dont believe it will and the result will be a re.oc0nrrenee of the past in the time to come. The credit system is n fraud from first to last and has loves and disappointments in its train continually. Some of our business men are Fusing that they can do away with credit and have better results than with 11 and we are convinced that the cash system only requires a fair trial to prove that it is the only satisfactory way of doing business for buyer and seller. By the time a few more of us are bitten by birds of prey, we will likely see the propriety of "pay as you got' 1891 will soon have run its race and before long either the present village Council will have a new lease of power or five other g' od men will eft at the Board. It is well, therefore, to take a look into the future and if possible econ- omise in every way possible so as to lower our rate of taxation and still keep everything in ship shape. A few weeks ago TEE Pose took up the matter of substituting gravel for plank in making sidewalks end we believe there is a un- animity of opinion on that subject and if properly attended to a heavy drain on the corporation Treasttry will be cut off. The School Board has asked fur the ap• pointment of a Truant Officer and the engaging of such an official means an in. urease in expenditure. We are of the opinion that this officer should not be appointed until the opening of a new year and in the meantime let some well defined plan be arranged whereby the Truant officer will also attend to the re- pairing of sidewalks, spreading gravel,aet as constable, ring the town ball at 7, 12 and 6 o'olools and peforlu the duties of Sanitacp Inspector. There may be other duties this officer might also look after so as to Bove expense, Some people may be disposed to frown down this idea but if the right man is secured it cannot fail to be a satisfactory arrangement and the individual would be at the call of the Reeve or Counoil at any time, Tnn Pose will stand by this position whether a majority of the ratepayers do or not as w e are convinced that 11>e residents of B urseele who tanto au interest m municipal affairs will And that the balance will be o n the credit side of the ledger at the close of the year, It's worth while con. sidering this matter. Monkton Methodists are putting a atone foundation under the parsonage. Daniel Whale, of Mitchell, sentenoed to lite imprisonment, was taken 10 tbo Kingston penitentiary on Tuesday of last week. Whale has a son in India. Home weeks ago he sant word that he was coming home to see his mother. No mord of her sad end could be sent to him as the family did not know his address. It will be a severe blow to the poor man when he arrives to find his mother dead and his father undergoing a life sentence for her murder, Perth County, Mayor Jahn Brown has been elected Proetdeit of the Stratford Clea Co, ae the 5nct 1 sat i to Judge Woods who recently resigw„1. {kbome vert childish children 161,5 fonts in St. Marys amnee themselves by ring- ing door belle and then running away, petting people to the atinoyanae of Answering the boor witbont undae.Si venal thus anneysd are 11,11114 to pettish the first they Dan catch at it. While in London, England, recently, Mr. and Ml's, Dent, of Jiitohsll, had the pleasure of spending an aven40; with Rev. P. 13. DeLuln, kt former rentor of Trinity cherub, Mitohelh iia is oom- fortably located, but will return to Can. oda as soon as his wife has fully recover- ed from her hip disease. The Grand Trunk l000motirs shops at Stratford are being °Merged by the ad- dition of a now building, and their efe. eienoy has lately been increased by the addition of 95,000 worth of new machin- ery. It is iuteuded to pot in an eleetrio light plant and light the shops by electric. ity as soon as practicable, Col. McKnight, of the 28111 Battalion, has had a roam fitted up in the drill shed et Stratford for the use of the 1100.00m. miscionedofferers of the battalion, and it is his inteutiou during the winter months to hold weekly meetings, at which the ton-oommissioned officers will bo in- structed in their various date,/ by one or the other of their snperior officers. The Reliance Eleotrio Light Oo., whose contract for street lighting at Stratford went into effect November 1st, le strong- 109 to operate three alrotiits—an outside aro circuit, all inside arc circuit and one for incandescent lighting. The Stratford Electric Light Co, has reduced the print of its service, and theaompetitiou between the two ootnpanies is likely to be very keen. GOLDEN WsDnrvu.—Ou Monday even. Mg, of last week, Henry lIeller and wife, lot 7, con. 18, Elam, celebrated their , golden wedding. The couple, who for half a century have shared each other's joys and sorrows, were married i1, Frank- fort -on Main, Germsuy, in 1841, and emigrated to Canada in 1847, settling in the DOW town of Berlin. They have heels residents of Lima township since 1809. Six children, one son and five daughters, were born to them. There are thirteen grand children and two great grand children. On Monday evening there were present their two daughters and son Conrad, six grand children and one great grand child, besides about twenty-five in- timate friends of the family, including Rev. Mr, Brandon and wife. Nntnerous appropriate presents were presented to the old couple as tokens of the love and esteem in which they are held by those who know theta best. May they be spared to enjoy many more years of wedded happiness. Few couples, in the brief span allotted to man, are thus per- mitted to celebrate the fiftieth anniver- sary of their wedding. DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THECOOK'SSESTFR{END LARGEST SALE IN CANADA, Listen to plain facts about the B. &C. corset. You can't break the bones—for one thing. If you do, within a year, you'll have your money back. It fits like a glove. And hear how it's sold : if you're not satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you can return it and get your money. FOR Sara sr A. STRACIf.1N. Catarrh. is a blood disease. Until the poison is expelled from the system, there can be no cure for this loathsome and dangerous malady. Therefore, the only effective treatment is a thorough course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla—the best of all blood purifiers. The sooner you begin the better ; delay is dangerous. "I was troubled with catarrh for over two years. I tried various remedies, and was treated by a number of physi- cians, but received no benefit until I few bn to of this Ayer's curet me f this troublesome complaint and com- pletely restored my Llooltlt.”—Jesse 14:1. Boggs, I3olman's Mills, N, C. "When Ayer's Sarsaparilla was rec- ommended to me for catarrh, I was in- clined to doubt Its efficacy. Having tried so many remedies, with little ben- efit, I had no faith that anything would cure me. I became emaciated from loss Of appetite and impaired digeation. 1 had nearly lost the sonse of smell and any system was badly deranged, I was about discouraged, when a friend urged me to try Ayers Sarsaparilla, and re- ferred me to persons whom it had cured Of catarrh. After takinghalf a dozen bottles of this medicine, am convinced that the only Bare way of treating this obstinate disease is through the blood." Charles 11. Maloney, 113 River 6t., Lowell, hfaee, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, TIMPA BD Its Ur, J. C, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Pries Si; six bottles, $6, ti'ortb $5 It bottle. TIIE BRUSSELS POST l ii [ONEY TO LOAN. l Motley to Lultn on FARM PROPERTY -tft- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Fond?. A.1"_IPL,N.- TO d.C.tlefl'ernau, J'.A.Yonng Valuator. Agen t. Ethel P.O., Ont, 2811 ALLAN LINE Royal :flail Steamships. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE FouTNTGn'mLT 6Ar1',0Nea Flt011 PORTLAND on HALIFAX, To DERRY on LIVERPOOL. 04131N RATES, $40, $511 and $00, Single t$90, 5)90 and Blit[ 1leturn, necOrding to Location of Stateroom. INTERMEDI8 TE, Outward $26; Prepaid 830 Steerage et Lowest Hates. Accommodations Unsurpassed. Apply to H, A A. ALLAN, Montreal, Oa W. X. AGENT, BltusaELs. EtteentalleettherreattathraraMMIDOMMISMTWIretenattexEDMEMICKI 1 1 have leased the Photo. Gallery in Capt, Stretton's .Block, 1 31zi7 twT+;lL1.el, and have fitted it up in the most approved and modern style. Nothing bot first-class work turned out arlll sat- irfrtction guaranteed. CRAYON AND WATER COLOR WORK A EPEGIAITY. Piotdre Framing done neatly and cheaply. Moulding always 1/7 Stock. Nov, 1.3, 1891 --AND TIIP —TO BUY YOUR I Solicit a trial from the Ileo- noes pie of Brussels and acljoinin 1 Coalltry.and feel assured you will 1 , bo well pleased with the result. WALTER EMIS. t r 9008 A 7- tr err ytw \T within the reach of all and W IS THE TIME. 7.000 yards Plaice Dress Goods at 15c. worth 20c. THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL 115 Pieces Black and Colored Cashmere at 50c. would be extra value at 60c. IS THE NEW PREMIUM ask to see our 19c. Flannel worth 25c, Given to every subscriber. new or old. of THE lv'EEs5I' EBIPIEE FOft 1St18. 'Monsends of dollars have boon spent in ile preparation. Its aneouse Is fully assured; it Is n highly valued souvenir of the greatest statesman Ind the most honored Wader ever known In Cnnadian history. This beautiful Memorial Album contains 15 full-page illustrations of interesting scenes In connection with the history of Sir John. end presence to the thousands of admirers of our lets chief many new and valuable portraitures. READ THE LIST. Full-page Portraits of Sir John ani Baroness 3lnedonnld ; Birthplace of Si John 1n Glasgow ; Portrait of Sir Jointu'hea a ynung,man ; Portrait of Sir John's Mother, the only one ever published; The Old Homestead at KhUgat/111, occupied by Sir John during the Itebellton of 1837; talrnaclllfe, Sir John's Itraldcnce at Ottawa; Interior of Senate Chamber, Ottawa, show- ing the Guard of (loner mid Body Lying in State; Exterior View of (louses of Parlia- ment, with Funeral Procession forming in the foregro. ell ; flew of Eastern Block, ParlianteneCittildliagoi, with Funeral Pro- cession passing; Flue View City hall. Kings- ton, Draped In Mourning, as 11 appeared the day Sir John's Holly reached Kingston and Lay In State ; (.rave at Catnragai 80010. Eery, with Floral Tributes from 1115 TIe1115. 1111(15 Or FItllavver5 ; 1ieW of Westminster Abbey, In w'hleh Oho Memorial Service was held; Interior View of Westminster; Flew of SE. Well's Cathedral, let which 8 Memo- rial Tablet will be Erected to Sir JO he's Memory; Interior 'View ol'St. Paul's Cathedral. All these views are fine half -toned Photogravures on heavy enameled paper, and suitably bound, with an illuminated and embossed cover. A really valuable souvenir that will ba n suitable ornament on parlor or library table. The dm a nd for this work nrnrnl0es to be grunt. Sond in yanr orders early, mill ONE DOLLAR, and get TUE WEEKLY EMPIRE for One year and this 1110110101AL ALBUM. New subscribers wilt revolve MN WIMIcLY S:Mruln free for balance of this year. E'RE AFTER BUSiESS5 N account of the large and increasing business that we are now doing we find our Factory and ware - rooms altogether too small for our stock and are compelled to find more room for the display and storage of our mer- chandise. For this purpose we have opened out in full blast a Furniture Store in the building lately occupied by A. R. Smith, near the Post Office, Brussels, where we can show you in endless variety full lines of everything in the way of Fur- niture. This place is easy of access, and as you are passing and re -passing for your mail, call i11 and see us if you can spare the time and we will be happy to show you our stock. We are quite up to the mark in Bedroom and Parlor Suites, Ex. and every other kind of Tables, &c., &c., Side Boards, Secretaries, in all kinds of wood and all manner ofi nish. U11,7' "ASolicl Corntot°t" Reclining Hant1mock, Chairs are unexcelled and we invite your inspection of them. Our Under- taking appoint- ments are not surpassed by any and orders of this Nature will receive ollr undivided attention. The store is specially supervised by Messrs, David Hogg and G. A. food, two young 10011, excellently qualsfi- ed, who will ably and pleasantly attend to the wants and requirements of all our customers. Yours truly, Smith, Malcolm & Gibson. 10 Doz Ladies' Cashmere Bose at 43c. worth 60c. 5 Doz. Ladies' Heavy Wool Hose at 25c,, splendid quality. Ladies' Vests at 50c , 60c., 75c., $1.00 and $1 25. GENTS' FURNISHINGS ■ 15 Dor. all. Wool Shirts and Drawers at 50c. worth 65e. 10 Doz. Mens' Ties at 25c, worth 350, Nfen's heavy Wool Hose; at 15e., 20e , 25c., 40e, and 50e, FERGUSON & HALLIDAY. Opposite American hotel, STT R .-h1 r0 R r l II 1-a I BRUSSELS %VOOL31 MILL WANTS TO GET 50,000 POUNDS OF WOOL In Exchange for Goods. The .Highest ylarket Price will be allowed, 'We have a Pi ,e Assortment of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blan- kets, Sheeting, Knitted Goods, Yarns, 8co, semeasweroslow All Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls or otherwise, will have our prompt attention. SATISFACTION GT.TAIUNTEED HOWE V F & Co., Brussels. A