HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-11-6, Page 88 THE BRUSSELS POST A SURPRISE! The display of 5 cent articles in our window has been a sur- prise to tnany: In another week we expect to have our 10c. dis- play. You will never have such a chance this season of making a selection and seeing an assort- ment of glassware and other use- ful and amusing articles for only 5 cents each. It will certainly be to your advantage to secure some of these and maybe help Santa Claus whorl the children expect to have a ec.11 from shortly. Your pat- ronage appreciated. . A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, tee. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. O. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Gomel SooTH. Gosse NORTH, Mail 0:05 a.m. I Mixed 0:45 8.111. Eluresa .,....11;03 am. Mail 8:00 p.m. Teltxed 9:05 p.m. Express 5:533 p.m. `araC t'c.ius terns, A chiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll pront it. WINTRr. Noveornee. $QOAW Winter. Is your stove up ? CoLns are prevalent. HAVE your taxes ready. SCHOOL Board this (Friday) evening, Toe Thanksgiving turkey 1e being fat- tened. Foe fine teas, coffees, spices, doe. go to J. T. Ross'. TRH full moon of this month is called the bunter's moon. Mates long boots, hand nai'ed, for $2.18. Geo. Good. SERVANT Wanted, at once, apply to Mes. W. B. Diokeon. Fou sale, oheap, second hand set team harness. 1. C. Richards. FEBRUARY, 1992, will have 20 days, in other words,1892 will be a leap year. REV. MR. ARMSTRONG, of HaWkSville, Occupied the pulpit of Knox church last Sabbath. THE famed Tiger blond of pure India sad Ceylon tea, the best value in the market, at Thomson's. L. H0NTER, photographer, has removed from the Stretton block to Mrs. Straohon's, over A.. R. Smith's store. THE 050he8tra in connection with the Methodist Sabbath school will make their first appearance next Sunday afternoon. IN the report of the Fourth Division Court, in last issue, the suit of Stewart vs. Lowfok should have read Stewart ,.0 Lowick vs. Siewert A wens= abet makes its home under the sidewalk and cellars on Turnberry street had a narrow escape for its life by venturing to arose covet the highway to tate west side. As afamily medicine, Ayer's Pills excel all others. They are suited to every age and, being sugar•ooated, are easy to take, Thorough searching and thorough in of feet, they are mild and pleasant in action, and their use is attended with no injur. toes results. WALTER BURGESS has leased the photo gallery in Stratton's blook and is now having it put in shape for commencing operations next week. AIr. Burgess has been a pupil of the late W. J. Fairfield, and A. Bauslough, of Seaforth, and is pronounced a good artist. TEE game laws applying to deer as given in the Canadian Almanac for 1891 are wrong. The season oloses for dogs on the 1500 Nov. and for hunting on the 2091, November not 1590 of Decembe r as there stated. The fine for allowing does to run after 15011 Nov. is 825. Home has of late beoome the most popular winter sport throughout the whole of Canada. The young men of Brussels intend organizing a club for the coming season and all skaters are invited to attend a meeting to be held at the Queen's Hotel on Friday evening of this week to set the scheme on foot. WELL-DIGOINO AND DBU.LINo.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure watiefaObiOn. Wells cleaned out and put in inroper share. Terms reasonable... Residence anooud door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et„ Brussels. 48.tf CHEAP AND EFFNCTIVE CORRESPONDENCE. —Have you a friend residing at a dis- tance who would like to hear from the old homeand surrounding neighborhood ? Of course you have, but you may you are a poor correspondent. Exaotly. Now we will help you out. We will send that friend Tno Pose from now until the end of next year, sixty copied of the paper, free of postage, for the small arm of 81.. 50. It would cost you more than that for postage, besides paper and envelopes and the trouble of writing and then they would not contain as much general infor mation as the paper. Many are now sending TUE PosT as birthday or Christ- mas presents to their distant friends wbo Will be the next? MA0nittosLm.—The Oslgary Herald says: --On the evening of Out. 15th, one of those happy events, which work a red letter day in the li..•e of the young people concerned took place, The groom Was our popalar feh,,,v citiveo, W. J, Iallirlay., (formerly of Bruseele,) the bride being Miss Tena Stevenson, of Cal- gary. The (ceremony Was performed by the Rev. 1, 0. Hardman, ea the home of the bride's mother, The wedding was levy private, but a few of the most intimate friends of the wont Mating parties basing present. When the knot was securely tied all sat down teem exoel• lent supper provided, and a happy time was spent. The Herald hastens to ex, tend its sineete congratulations to the happy couple In Which the many Brus• gals friends of the groom join. Noy. 9, 1891 reetreateseraweweesawwwwwweasseseseasew tcy-. !USE R hV here 1n our now Store, A Readynlade Clothing Stook Second to none in the County. '1'tn'llleIfe rp ..s.v,'.;Pi TE character of the garments is peculiar to our store alone. If we know it we don't sell ono dollar's worth of clothing there can be the least doubt about. Every article is the best of its kind. We are good for our statements and careful of our statements—«%e invite you to put them to the test and you will not find them want- ing. At w;5.50 any man can have a good heavy Overcoat that will keep the cold out ; at $7.50 a better one ; at $10.00 your choice of over one hundred, in Ulsters, single and double-breasted Irish Prize Beavers, Meltons and Napps. Our Boys' Overcoat and Suit Depart- ment is overloaded—Lovely little Cape Overcoats, Fine Braided Suits. Remember our Clothing is practical, common sense Cloth- ing ; it is all now, which nobody can deny—Clothing such as well- dressed 1130)) and boys wear. 'We 510 not claim to make a fashion plate out of you, to dress you Its no man was ever dressed before or ever will be --dressed without crease or wrinkle but hundreds of the best dressed mcu in Brussels and surrounding country are wearing our clothing and it would be hard to persuade them to wear any other. Wi'1 ALSO GPT SOME OF TIIE MOST LOVELY STETS AND Ovsnconrs To Onrno — 1 everything new in Wale Worsteds, Cork :crew Worsteds, Plain Worsteds, Scotch, English, Irish and Canadian Tweeds. Ovoreoatings in Beavers, Meltons and Napps. We can suit you in either ordered or Yleadymade Clothing. Drop in and see us in our now Store. 81.82 will buy 0 pair of long boots for ploughing in, at Geo. Goods. Fon good Labrador Herrings call at the Yellow (rout, J. 1. Boss. Boo'J'e made to order and repairing specially attended to. Geo. Good. Houses for sale or to rent. Comfort. ab e and convenient. W. B. Dickson, GET your auction sale bills printed at IRE POST Publishing House, Brnesels, EVANGELISTIC services will commence this month in the Mebhodiatohurch here. BIo bargain in fine large organ. Partioulars at TUE Pose Publishing Souse, IT is said John Morris will open a tail- oring shop in Brussels shortly and move his family here. A CASE or two of dyphtherie is reported in town. The Board of Health should be on the alert to prevent it spreading. A FEW Hallowe'en pranks were played lest Saturday night. It is about tune the old gate stealing joke was allowed a rest. NOTICE TO TM:PAYERs,—All those who have not yet paid their Taxes will please call and do goat my store, opposite the Postoffice, Joe. T. Rose, Colleotor. Tun Royal Template are talking of securing the celebrated Life Boat Club to boom the temperance cause in and awned Brussels this month, There's room for a revival. BEAUTY is said to be only shin deep ' but to possess and preserve a beautiful sltiu, pure, vigorous blood is essential. This is best secured by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla in small but frequent doses. It is the most reliable of blood•purifiers, THE November oirealar to correspon- dents from the Bureau of Iudustriee has been issued and is returnable on the 9th of November. As the reports furnish data for the Agrionitural statistics of our Province, it is desirable that the circular be fully and accurately answered and promptly mailed. COLD WATER BOYS AND Gnms.—On Monday after school the Band of hope held their usual semi-monthly meeting. The program consisted of a abores "The coming array," by the Band of Hope ; reading by Ella Ainley, entitled "Who cares" ; ohorua by the Band of Hope ; reading,'The parable of the caterpillar," by May Shaw ; closing chorus. SHOOTINO MATCH.—A shooting match will be held at the Revere House, Brus• eels, on Friday, Nov. 20, 1891, A choice quantity of turkeys, geese and ducks will be shot for. Separate targets for rifles, shot guns, revolvers and air rifle. Olay birds provided for trap shooting. Shoot- ing to Commence at 10 o'clock, J. C. Tuok. GOING r0 130 A DANDY 1—Grip's Omni° Almanac for '92 will be the thirteenth issue of that popular annual, and the publishers have determined that it shall break the reoord for btillianey, humor and typogrs.poic beauty. Amongst the features of it will be a double page Car- toon, entitled, "The Dioken's Christmas Party," in which a large number of out' public men will figure in more or less ap- propriate characters, from the works of the great novelist. Speoial illustrations are being prepared for the Almanac by Wm. Bengough, S. J. West, E. S. Bisbee, Chas. Broughton, Bert Thompson, Chas. W. Bradley, A. H. Howard, and many other artists, and the letterpress will be, am usual, of a light and lamusing charac- ter. The walk is to be brought out in the highest style of the printer's art, though there will be 720 iuoreaee in price - 10 cents. Keep Grip'e forthcoming Al- mantw in mind. 1t will be out some. time in November, TEN YEARS IN P1tNITENTIAII17.—Wm. Maedonnell has been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, by Justice McGuire, for burglarizing Jacques jewelry store at Calgary. The Tribune, tot Oot, ls;th, says :—Wm. Maedonnell when asked by the jadge as to whether he load anything to say why the sentence of the court should not be passed upon him replied in a clear and firm voice : "Nothing more than what I have already said—that I am not guilty," His Lordship seemed to expect this enswer and passed it by with. out comment. He pointed out to the prisoner the nature of his Grime and said that the good of the Oommunity demand. ed that a long toren should be imposed, ire had sought in vain, los said, for one mitigating fact in favor of the prisoner. He had not been able to discover one single particular which in any measure tended to put hum in any bnt the worst lfghb, I115 conduct all through bad been very bad. Not only had ha got himseif into this trouble, but it Woe more than likely he had been the cause of another being pawed in the same situation, triad tlhoultz not run aoroes him that man might not now he sitting in the prisoners dock, His Lordship pointed ant that the prisoner had made the worst poe• siblc use of the prooeede of his crime, He had frequented the lowest dens and been of familiar terms with the most depraved oharaetsrs. The more hie con- duct was enquired into the worse it ap' peered. He would therefore impose a dent9809 that would have a tendency to deter others from pursuing a eours0 aim. flat to that of the prisoner. WOMEN'S and children's leather boo very cheap. Geo. Good, You good fresh Groceries go to the Yel- low front, opposite the Postollioe. J. T. Ross. Goon second hand parlor stove for sale at a bargain. Apply at I. C. Richards' Harness Shop. Simms will be held in St, John's church on Thanksgiving day, commence. ing at 11. o'clock. NEST Thursday will be Thanksgivin day and will, no doubt, be generally ob served as a holiday. ccs Sea 089 GBIee, of London, will preach in the Methodist church, Brussels, ou Sunday, November 22nd. Fou AIuDouald's A 1 tobacco go to the new grocery, opposite the postoSioe, where you will get it good and fresh. J. T. Roes. THE exact results of the Voters' List Court cannot be given until the Judge reports en several cases held over for consideration. The gains at present are slightly in favor of onr Conservative brethren. THE flax mill gang has completed its work outside and scutching is now un the program at the mill, They have big crop to handle. Wm. Bright, the en• ergelle manager, attends to bnainees promptly and pu,hes the work along at quick march. THE following curling clubs compose group No. 15 for this winter's competi- tion in the District matches :—Howiok Thistle, Brussels, Kincardine, Lucknow, Wroxeter, Listowel; Wingham (convener.) Brussels knights of the lobaue should get orgauize1 in good time and ready for operatious as soon as ice forms on the rink. Tim NEW Enna—Messrs. Irwin & MoBain are in Toronto this week buy- ing their stook for their store in Brussels. They expect to open about the first of next week with full stook of Staple and Facey Dry Goods, Readymnde Clothing, Gents' Furnish/toga, Boots and shoes, and Groceries. Their opening announce. went will appear in next week's POST. UNION SERVICE.—On Thanksgiving day a union service of the two Presbyterian and Meth.,dist congregations will be held in bhe latter chloral), commencing at 11 o'clock a. m. Rev. Ino. Ross, B. A., of Melville 00100011, will preach. This ie the third year of these union services. There should be a large audience as there is aboiidant 08093 for thanksgiving. C. L. S. 0.—These letters stand for Chautauqua Literary, Scientific) Circle, one of which was organized in Brussels last September and now has fourteen members who meet twice a month to disoues the course of reading and review, in a very enjoyable and profitable way, the subjects of the course. Four meet- ings of the Oirole have been held at which Canadian History was tine princi- pal topic, The subject this month ie Social institutions of the United States," by Bryce. There are a score of people in town who should benefit them- selves by joining the Bruseele 0. L. S. 0. It is no tdvantage to anybody else in partioulsr aa the Cirole is neither secret, sectarian nor denominational, Next meeting will be held on Friday evening, 18th inst. oinw f. .rte'_ roe. is A'r the Epworth League meeting next rpWO GOOD COAT MAKERS -L vented atone° et E. ISUNFORD'S, Brussels, g OoNOEBT.—The Rankin Scottish Con• cert Company appeared in the Town Hall here on Tuesday evening, under the auepi0e8 of Brussels Band, and gave a very fine program, which was as fol- lows :—Selection by Band ; chorus, "Soots wha Lae," by company ' duet,, "Two merry giri5," the Misses Steven- son ; character song, "He never came," and enoore "Irieh Jubilee," Sim Fax; demos, "Highland Fling," Miss Aggie Rankin ; song, "Scotland Yet," Robert 8. Rankin ; song, "Emmetei Cuckoo," and encore "Three old maids of Lee," Miss Carrie A. Stevenson ; dnett, "Master and Pupil," Mies M. T. Steven - eon and Sim Pax ; dance, "Broad Sword," Mise Aggie Rankin ; song, "Paddy's dream," and 0000re "Uw phm," Rabb. 8. Rankin ; duet,, "(rookit Baw- bee," Miss Carrie Stevenson and Robert S. Rankin ; gong, "Tit for tat," Miss M. T. Stevenson ; charaoter song, "Next Sunday Morn," and encore "Silver Moon," Sim Fax ; dance, "Irieh Waeh• erwoman," Mise Aggie Rankin ; da°tt, "Pride and poverty," and encore, von• triloqufl exhibition, Belot. fe. Rankin and Sim Fax; duett, "The Fisherman," the Misses Stepeuoon ; donee. "Sailor's Hornpipe," Mies Aggie Rankin ; ohOrus, "Auld Lang Syne," oompany ; Godeavo the Queen. The Mimes Stoveueoe, who hail from Guelph, have oloar, musical voioso of great compass and made a very favorable itnpreesion on the audience' Mr. Ranitin waw quit° at home in his SOotah selige and merited the hearty applan59 he received, The name Fax is synonymous with fun in this locality and on this 800a5doe the oharncter repreeen• tatlons were very correct and mirth pro. vetting . Mies Aggie Rankin Wag_ at ono) a favorite and her repeated malls Show. ad that a large proportion of those pre. sent took la lively intend, in the High. land dances. Mr. Gammond 90500 mod his pert as pianist Moet eatiefactorily, The company wont from here to Rtytb. Tmlday evening Ole program will be furnished entirely by the ladies, and wilt be well worth hearing. Mrs. (Rev.) Salt. on will preside, NeWSPAi'OBIAL•—Our Southern neighbor --the Huron Expositor—has enlarged its borders by the addition of a column to each page and will thereby have more ronin for reading matter and advertise- ments, The Expositor is an exoellent jour. nal end well deserves the place it occupies in the newspaper world,—The Gerrie Vi- dette is getting up a boom mud promisee additional improvements. Bro. Nash, we wish you success. 81,200 IN A OOLLECTION.—The Metho. dist ohuroh in Bruesels has been bother- ed for years with a heavy debt. Last Spring a plan was formulated, which, if successful, was going to reduce the bur- den considerably. It was this—Brussels' Atethodiets agreed to raise $1,000 on con- dition that permission was granted their pastor to canvass the Guelph Conference for a similar amount, or more if it could be got. The Conference, which met at Berlin, lust June, granted the request and hi response to a strongly expressed wish from the Oficial Board appointed Rev. G. F. Salton to Brussels, all agreeing that he was the right mar in the right place. 21,000 is not agreatsum in itself, perhaps, but when it is considered that the members and adherents bad been contributing towards this game object for yours it altars the case very material- ly. Mr. Salton set to work by making a publie announcement that on Nov, let a 21,00,1 collection would be taken. Vari• otos were the prognostications as to the probable success but the plater et:mesd- ed in getting not only the ehuroh mem- bership to work but also the Epworth League, Sunday school and Ole adherents of the o1 uoch. Last Sunday, after Rev. W. S. Griffin, D. D., of Gait, had preached two excellent discourses on "Giving," and "Faith," the result of the collections was announced as 21,128.87, (not promises, but cash) the large 00u- gregation sang the Doxology with a heartiness that gave expression to the satisfaction all felt over the grand sue. ee88 of the day. Rev, Mr, Salton thank- ed one and all for their generous offeringe and hoped they would be corresponding. ly rewarded. It is only right to say here that we believe no other minister in the Conference could have managed the work as nicely and satisfactorily es Mr. Salton did and he is well deserving of the many kind words bestowed ou him, 81900 the report wag given additions have been made to the amount until the large sum of $1200 is in hand. Brnseele Metho- dists have done their part nobly and will now have the oppmtunity of seeing how the Methodist brotherhood will re- spond to the call that Mr. Salton will shortly make in complia908 with the unanimous resolution of Conference. A printed report has been distributed giv. ing the particulars of the collection. A Melbourne letter says the beauty show in the Olympbia Theatre there was completely wreaked by an enraged mob, who did not appreciate the style of the show. ' 312ARR2f7a, HALLIDAY—STEVENSON.—En Calgary, on Oot. 15tn, al the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev, J, 0. Herd- man, ItSr. W. J. Halliday, to Miss Tena Stevenson, both of Calgary, Ruiren1I—Dn9MMOND.—On Wednseday the 1.4;h inat., at the residence of A. eoubors will y rooead to dietri S. Williams, nnele of the bride, by the Rev. A. L. Ferguson, B. A., assisted by Rev, A. L. Munroe, of Valetta, and the Rev. R. Bennie, Mr. William Ruhurk, of Dover, to Mies Elizabeth Drummond,of Blyth. >1'IEAORER 1VAN'1'ED FOR S. S. No. tl, Morrie, for 1803, male preferred, AL0 51519 salhuts ary expecteve d.rtApply references or ad dress, 10.3 D. CURRIE, Brussels P. O. NATANTED.—AN EXPERIENO- v ED mtan. Good general at permanent poli• Mon to a good reliable pereon. App19 at TEE PosT Publielling House, Breese ie, CiAME ON THE PREMISES OF ' the undersigned,Oraubrook Suryoy,oe or about July let, a yearling halter, red and white in colo'. Owner le requested to prove property, pay' expenses and take her away, Ido 0, A.SC1IEK. ESTRAY. — GAME ON THE monism, of the eubecriber on o' about October let, 2 calves, oto red Dud white, the other' bleoa and white. The own- er 1e requested to move property, pay ex- pousea and take them away. ALES. STP IVART, 14.4 Lot 3, con, 8,Gtey, 12,000 LBS. MILK A YEAR. The dam of my Pure Bred Jersey Bull hue her tint calfs She is expected to gives 10? x000 lbs, in 11 mouths with her third calf, J.or further particulars regarding this Bull 119 - Ply at my Drug and Book 8 tore, Brussels. 0, A. DEADAIAN. 'ROB SALE.— HOUSE, LOT and Fruit Garden, situated just outside the corporation of Brussels. Tho uud5r- si ned often h15 beautiful homestead, 5om- Pprlsingan ne'0 of lend laid out iu small fruits, a good brick house, stable, filot•olass well etc., making a complete home. Pur further parttoul ars apply to 4-91 S. FEAR, Brueeolu. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notion is hereby given pursuant to Revised statutes, Ontario, 1887, drop, 110, that all 980Bone having claims against the estate of Donald Ross, Otto of the township of Gray, in the Couutyot' Huron, yeoman, who died on or about the 811, day of August, 1891, are r',quired m1 or before the first day of De- e8nlber,1801, to send or deliver to the under- signed agent for Henrietta Mass, adminis- tratrix of the oet0te of the said deoeeoed, a statement in writing of their name and ad- dresses with full particulars of their claims, and seenrlties, if any, hell ley them. Notice is given that alter said. Last men- tioned date the uclmlulelratrix will distll- imbo the assets of the sail deceased amongst the porous entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which she shall thou have notice, told said ndmieietratrlx 1vi11 not be responsible for the assets or any part there- of so distributed, to any person of whose claim mates shall not have been received us aforesaid. A. HUNTER, Doled this 14th Agent �01 r Admi13 re ssets, Out, Notice to Oreditors. NOTICE 18 lsreby given, pv0821809 1,s the provisions of obey,, 110, era. 110, R. S. 0.118671 that all parties having claims neer or against the estate of John Lowe, hate of the Township of Grey. in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about tho seventh day of June, last past, are ou or be- fore the 1000 DAY OF NOVEMBER., A, D, 1001 to eeual bypoet prepaid or deliver to W. 13, Dickson,russels, Solicitor for the Executors of the will of the said John Lowe, deceased, a statement in writing of their Christian and surnames, and addreesoe, and full particulars of their claims and the nat- ure of all 8800019ie5 (if any). held by them, And notice to hereby further given that after the said 10th day of November the lrlx- 1 buto ,115 assets o t the enid deceased moue the per0ons en- titled thereto, havingregard only to the eliding of which notion shall have been 51.800 as above required, and the said Exee- atoe will not bo re5pousible for the assets. or any part thereof, to any pp arson or pet'8005 of whose claims notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. Dated at Briton's the 2.089 day of October A, 50,1691. 10.1 w B Si lictorcitor llixsoe tare. A'V'C'SS- TUFsnxy, Nov. 10Tu: Farm stook, Ina- plsments fix., at 11goDonald'e hotel, Crate= brook. Sale ommenoes at 12 o'clock ('noon.) A. Reymann, suet. FRIDAY Nov. 18Th.—Farm stock, Iia• elements ,.@o., Lot 12, Con. 15, Grey. Sale commies at I o'clock ll. m., gimp. Jae. Slaaw, prop. Geo. Eirkby, aunt. FIIIDAY, Nov, kn.—Farm stook, ink elements, &o., Lot 15, Con. 34, Grey. Sale commenoes e.t 1 o'clock p, m., Sharp, Peter Sinclair, er„ prop. A. Raymann, smut, etease redeems no.eARX-rmw F.t, Pali Wheat 90 92 Spring Wheat........ ,... 88 1)0 Barley - 85 00 Foas 62 68 Cate 01 58 Butter, tube and rolls15 15 Eggs per dozen 18 00 Flour pot barrel.,....,4 60 5 00 i'otaboos 25' 80 Hay per ton .. 10 00 00 Pork ...... ............ 5 00 5 60 Hides pot' ib. 4 00 Salt per 001,, rate:H.,.,.. 1 26 10 Sheep skins, each.,...... 05 00 Lamb eking eat'h..,..... 66 00 Apples por barrof,.. 1 00 1 50 AUCTION SALE "CM FARM MEM, 1 Under and by virtue of the power orSale contained 10 a certain Registered Mortgage wend inletich twlif produced the time been made there will be oltote,l for sato byPubtlo Anotiou et the ADS it beef Holt 00, in the Village of Brussels, in the donnty of Huron nn Thirsdiiy, the Nineteenth tiny Or Nev. mother, A. D. 18th, at the hour of two o'oloek 10 the afternoon, the following valuable lands and premises, via, :— The South Half of Lot number eovonteen In the eighth 0oneoosiou of the 7'ovnehip of EfOrris, fu the 0ottnty of Huron, coetalnieg pine honeyed atom more or lase. The farm is situated about live and a 911111 ter relies from Blyth and about seven miles item Brueeele. The- soil is a good clay loam. There is said to be 0 good frame dwelling on the promisee and the fart)) Should bo it dn- elrable 5)0005 5, TER/ea,--Ten per omit, of the earthen nitineTerme terto bN paid down balance will be mare /mown at the time of sale, For further par - titulars apply to Xs, 10101D fi OWENS, mooed Street,Teronto, Out. PEPFEB'S PILLS. GET TIIElI FROM J. T. PEPPER, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, ii] tr.sle,171LS BANI(INIB._ j\ JoINTOSH to MOTAGGART, ]]ANKERS, • BRUSSELS, wrar.eact a. G'Blaexe.1 gauging NOTES DISCOUNTED. On 'milieu rind United States Drafts Nought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposits. Collections wade on favorablo terms. Canadian Agents —,,on4N5's BANK or, CANADA. New York Agents—IntrolernKe AND Tann. EIIB NATIONAL BANE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solioltor and Conveyancer. Collect - tions made. OBlee—Vaustone's Bionic, Brno - eels. 11.8m* "tV • M, SINOLAIR, 6altoitor, Conveyauoor, Nn bury pub- lle,&a, 011oe—Graham 8 Brook, l de er north of. Pepper's Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan. D10KSON & HAYS, Late with Darrow &Pemifoot, Code. rich./ 3tarr,ofere, Solicitors, Oonveyeneere, &a. Ofiicss—Arussele and Seaforth. Brim. sole 011loe—Up•etairs over Bank, Money to Loan. R. s. UAYs. w. B. DICEBON BUSINESS CARDS. TSS O'CONNOR, Teacher of Organ and Plano, 40-0 Princess street, Brussels. -XNT. H. 810ORACKEN, agoOroo ry Poiuhor ygebreetuBrusserIlea 1)1 . N. BARRETT, Ton ofal aShop—Next south of A, McKy1 Oo'e iirStore. Ladies'aud oltildteue hair nutting a spooialty ISS, BALL T Piano, Is and Pale OrgaMinions ss Spaniel at. Mutton given to Technic. For further in- formation addruse— Box 172, Brussels, A• 11°NAIR Insurer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis- sioner, &o„ Q. B. Conveyancer fwd Agent Piro Ineurauoe 00. 001eo at the Oravbrook Pont O111me. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM I sorian0E, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. LEX. HUNTER, Clerk of oho Fourth Division Court, Co, Ha -011, ConVeyaneer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and /neurone° Agent, Funds invested tune to loan. Cclleotioes made. Olio° in Graham's Block, Brussels, OIL PAINTING, OIL Stories, of Wingban1, is prepared to give luotruotion in oil painting. 11301315 Maybe aeoartaiued at Miss Nellie Ross' store whore samples of work may be seen, Miss Merles Would also take a few mora pnpile in 5U81e, rfi A. HAWKINS, sells 0114 • organist in the Art f Teaaoi frig of A. W. 'Thayer, Klug. Lloo„ New York, will give lessons to ]1091118 either at Thos, Farrow's, felled, atQtheir aownPl Guinea. Terms moder- ato. 90 - DENTAL. M. CAVANAQH, L. D. S•, D. D. S., Graduate of the ltoyal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto 'Uni- versity. OFsro7--Over Pepper's. Drug Store, Brueeoss, AUCTIONEERS. RAYMANN, • Auotioneet, 15 always ready to at- te tui oaks of fame, farm stook, Mt, Terms cheerfully given. Ol'aubrook 1'. 0. Sales may be arranged at Tem PoST Publishing House, Brussels, GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales eenduot ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm titmice specialty. Orders left at Ton Poor Publishing I5on Be, Bra sols, or cent to 'Walton P. 0., W111 receive prompt attention, TJAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- 018 80 all Auettoneer, I ata prepared to eoudu01 sales of farm stook at ream:Alibi° Prices. Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am fn a position to sell to good marks and get good esourlty when sold onemdil% $ati8faotio9 guaranteed, Oive Mea call. 82. F 8. SCOTT. MEDICAL CARDS. M. 1)'. GALS, M. D„ 0, bl., Member of the College otPhyttoian, and Serpens of Ontario by examination. UB1ae and ltesideuoe—Manu street Haat, Hebei3Ontarlo, T A. MCNAUGRTON, il'1'. D. fl • O. MO,. R. 0.P., Edinburgh,nI, 0, 9 B. Ont. Pelridcu m end °ince iWilson's Bleak, corner of Still and Turnberry sta. , VETERINARY. T D, WARWICK, er • Honor Grade ate or the treat 11 diseases isVeterinary of College,edis pronated to troab alt disaaaos of rinmostioatod animals to a ecm- netent manner, I'artieUlar attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptl at- tended to. OHloa and Infirmary—Two 'deyra north of bridge, 'muttony °t„ Q(nbeels,