HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1891-10-30, Page 8• It THE B RauUSSELSt POST .�.m OCT. 80' 1891QNL! tic."ACE T USE Have you seen our 'Window lis- play ! We would like you to lookt '0 3o,7to t;'fU1ttli .Right here in our new Store, Readyinade Clothing Stook Second to nolle in the Gouty. Only 5o. Lm�1/io�s -Olt--- 6 for 25o. We have a fine stock of holiday Goode with more to follow. When you are wanting such we will be pleased to supply you. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, Rai. ORM TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 8. R R. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING So UTH. OoINa NORTH. Mail 5:63 a.m. 1)I Mixed 9:45 a.m. Express 11:02 a.m. I Mail 3:00 p.m, Mixed 3:03 p.m. Express ...... 9:55 p.m. vocal l.dns thus, A ohiel's amang ye takiu' notes, An' faith he'll pront it. VtLLAttE Council next Monday evening. Scorce Oonoert next Tuesday evening. ScuooL Board will meet on Friday even. ing of next week. Fon a nice suit or overcoat you cannot do better than at Stracban's. Boors made to order and repairing specially attended to. Geo. Good, Taos. HALL talks of starting a restau- rant and confectionery store iu the Strat- ton block. .Two billiard tables have been placed in the south room in the Queer's Rotel by A. J. Cousins. Soars of the young men of Brussels are talking op a ball to take place about Thanksgiving day. Pon a nice pair of fine boots Cooper ze Smith's or J. D. King's, Strachan's is the place to secure them. Oos best thanks are due a goodly number of subscribers to TEE Pon' who have settled up back accounts. SisvesoL members of Brussels Gun Club attended the live pigeon match at Belgrave on Wednesday of Mils week. R. S. RANEE/ was deoidedly the favor. ate of the evening, and his selections fair- ly brought down the bougie,—Montreal Witness. Rouse beefsteak reduced to 10 cents per pound on and after November 1St. W. BLaSnnL, l Butchers, A. Cane. ) WEE AGGIE RANRSN fairly captivat, d the assembly, and we doubt if the dan- cing could have been done better,—Wood• stook Sensinel•Y,eview. RootRoma to rent over iIr.e. Straohan's new blank. Will be in randiness by Sep- tember let, Suitable for office, sewing rooms or dwellings. Apply to lea, Mc - Oa beet thanks are due to Mrs, Kirk for a generous supply of prime oysters on Tuesday of this week. She will keep tate bivalves all through the winter so that you may be supplied at any time. .711. Oooesst has secured the easterly portion of Mrs. D. Scott's lot and has torn down the stable. He has also ex• tended the stone wall at the river bank westward to the limit of his property. The doctor has nicely kept grounds. EAST HURON Pat%Ee.--The Treasurer will be at the American Hotel, Brussels, on Saturday, Oct. 31st. and the follow- ing Saturday, from 2 to 6 p. m. for the purpose of paying prizes in connection with the repent Fall Show. 16.2' D. STEWART, Treasurer, AYER'S Pills, being convenient, en. minions, and safe, are the best cathartic, whether on land or sea, in city or ooun- try. For constipation, siok headache, indigestion, and torpid liver, they never fail. Try a box of them ; they are angor coaled. 0ONciswr.—T11e Rankin Scottish Con. cert Company has been secured by the Band Committee and will give a good entertainment in the Town Hall next Tuesday evening. Sim Fax, the great character specialist and humorist, man- ages the Company. THE circulation of THE POST moves rs are added almosforwt daily. new aim tolgive the local and dietriot news, Tell you neigh- bor or send the paper to your relatives. Balance of 1891 free to new eubsoribere for 1892. Bran SootETY,—The annual meeting of Brussels Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held iu the Metho- dist church in this place on Thursday, Nov, 26th, oommeuoing at 7:30 o'clock, Rev, J. M. Smith, agent of the Society, will be present and address the meeting, Music will be supplied by the choir 01 the church. Tun Atwood Bee remarks :—"Our gun via went to Brussels the other day for a friendly shot, the !fret meet since last fall, when they were successful in defeat- ing the Brussels nimrods." The item is quite correct with the exception that the Atwood gun club did nob come to Brue. eels for a friendly shoot and consequentiy were not sueoeseful in defeating the local nimrode, EAST Flenno Coaennvtrives,.•A con. vention of Liberal C:omorvatives of East Huron w'as held at llruesele Satarday afternoon for the purl Deo of selaating a oa.,cl'date for the notate of Commons, W. H. Olegg, President, of Gordis, in the chair. On motion of A. H. Musgrove, of Wingbam, seconded by P. Kelly, of Blyth, It was deoided to postpone the selection of a candidate for the present, After the.traneactien of acme goheral bteinese, arrangements were made for the revision of the voters' lista under the SIoctoral Franchise Aot, R. L, Tayfor, barrister, Brussels, wee appointed oounael an behalf of the Conservative party at the different Oonrts of Revision through the riding. THE ellaracter of the garments is peculiar to our store alone, If wo know it we don't sell one dollar's worth of clothing there can be the least doubt about. Every article is the best of its kind. We are good for our statements and careful of our statements—We invite you to put them to the test and yon will not find thew want- ing, At $5,50 any man can have a good heavy Overcoat that will keep the cold out ; at $7.50 a hotter one ; at $10.00 your choice of over One hundred, in Ulsters, single and double-breasted Irish Prize Beavers, b[cltons and Napps. Our Boys' Overcoat and Suit Depart- ment is overloaded—Lovely little Cape Overcoats, Fine Braided Suits. Remember onr Clothing is practical, common sense Cloth- ing ; it is all new, wbieb nobody can deny—Clothing such as well- I TICKETS for Tneeday'e concert at Pep- per's Drug Store, Tire best value in flannels we have ever shown. Alex. Strachan, Bra bargain in a flee large organ,. Particulars at lane Posr Publishing House. illrss Msoore Rams has a sweat voice and was encored after every appearance. —Aylmer Sun. Tan famed Tiger blend of pure India and Ceylon tea, the best value in the market, at Thomsou'a. MITCHELL Recorder says :—Sim Fax was a whole show in himself, and ceased old and young to laugh themselves sore, De. McBervEr is having an office built in o0nnection with his residence thereby making more room in the latter. Poem -crass oysters on Saturday and during the Beason in balk or by the di -h, cooked or raw, at Mrs. Kirk'e, opposite Queen's Hotel. Fon all lines of goods suitable for the Fall trade go no Straohan's where you will get good value for your money and nice fresh goods. DR. Si\vcLAIR, the speoislist, was its town ou Thursday on his usual monthly visit to Brussels- He stays at the Ameri. can Hotel when in town. EAST HURON Fall Sbow prizes will be laid by the Treasurer, at the American Hotel, B useals, on Saturdvy afternoon (this week end the succeeding Satur- ay. Banssme salt works have been receiv ng a thorough overhauling by the pro- t'ietor, T. T. Coleman. No better salt an be found in the Province than we get ere . REY. Da. Germs, of Galt, one of the most popular divines in the Guelph Coa- erenaa, will preach in the Methodist huroh, Brussels, next Sabbath at 10:30 . m, and 6:80 p. m. Go and hear him. be 01,000 oolleorion will be taken on e same day, ORANGE Swim—The Orangemen of russets Lodge purpose celebrating the h of November by holding a social in air Hall, commencing at 7:80 o'clock m. Addresses are expeoted from Rev. . T. Oluff, Rev. G. F. Salton, Rev. J. herr, Postmaster Farrow and others. ti!ic will he supplied by T..9.. Rewiring. SOMEBODY had the nerve to partially en the switoh iu connection with the eotrio light wires at the Central Hotel, e other evening, and the result soon minced lire. The matter was set tit by L. O'Connor. W. M. Sinclair ere a reward of $10.00 for the convict- s of the party who tampere d with the ires. d b a 7. th B St llr 1w L. 9f op el th pr rig off 10 w WELL -DIGGING AND DaILLING,—George Bleb has all the necessary maohiney for diprepar- ed attend to ell workin is and is entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaotioti. Wells ooaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable, Residence s000ud door north of the bridge, west aide of Tunber'ry et„ Brussels, 43-tf SoalE of our residents are of the opin- ion that the small headstone left at the marble works should be placed in Viotoria Park with some suitable poetio contribu- tion, sacred to the memory of the "friends fondly cherished who have passed on be- fore." We believe they have gone to a warmer olime — Oalifornia—"Gone but not forgotten." A LARGE and well assorted stock of Cooper dt Smith's boots and shoes just received at Streohan's. In addition to the above excellent make and quality we have added several lines of ladies and K ng d Co. Boolente fine As this firm thas a ured high re- putation for style and durability we have only to mention the fact of having them in etook and shall be pleased to shote them to our many customers, Alex, Strachan LAW SUIT SErTLED.--We find the fol- lowing in last week's Seaforth Sen. It refers to a long standing ccutroverery and will be read with interest :•--The law suit between Drs, Campbell and Soott was edged in Stratford this weep before going to trial, As the settlement was mutual, both gentlemen agreeing to "bury the hatchet," we give the following without oomment :—Assize Court, Strat- ford—Campbell vs. Scott, 1 deny ever having made use of the words (Merged in the plaintiff's statement of claim or any. thing of the like effect. I never had it in my mind to ohargo and never (Marg. ed the plaintiff with causing the death of William Ireland, either wrongfully or by pprofoa.iortal negligence or by the admin. istratior, of an improper drug or. by an overdose of any drug. If I have recd any words as to the plaintiff which are or were construed by those hearing thorn as charging the plaiutlff with any wrong doing or negligence in the premiees, 1 regret having made use of thorn, and declare that my meaning was entirely misunderstood, J. Ct, SoosT,M, D, Witnesses .IJ, T. Darrow, R. S. Hays. R. S. hays, barrister, of this town, Was angel for Dr, Campbell, and Mr, Gar. row, of Goderioh, for Dr. Soott. The elver minder its which Mile suit was managed by Mr. Hays certainly reflects credit upon his ability as a Weyer. dressed men and boys wear. We do not claim to make a fashion plate out of you, to dress you as no man was over dressed before or over will be—dros3od without crease or wrinkle; but hundreds of the best dressed 111011 in Brussels and 81113 11 wearing our clothing and it would be hard to persuado country are wear any other. WE ALSO GET SOME OP THE MOOT LOVELY SUITS AND Ovrlicoals TO mml— having everything new in Wide Worsteds, Cork Screw Worsteds, Plain Worsteds, Scotch, English, Irish and Canadian Tweeds. Overcoatings in Beavers, Meitons and Napps. We can suit you in either ordered or Readyrnade Clothing. Drop in and see us in our new Store. ®- THOS. THOMMPSON, who was managing IT is hinted, with a large measure of Brussels and a theS afotth stage for some pug bability, that two more of our citizens time, ims purchased the busses is Sea. have gone "050r the river," and are now fntth and is now running a nniou bus to safely landed in the land where duns the hotels in that town. Ile will do well never reach and bailiff's can't come, as he is very obligeing to the travelling PRESENTATION,—Oil Thursday evening pubhe. last, 15th Inst„ a number of the brethren LIST of tiokete sold this week by J. T. of Listowel Lodge, No. 1. 0. 0..0'., met Pepper, 0. P. R. agent, Bruseele :—John in their lodge room, with a few other GardneBarrette New at 1�Westmins er, 33. eo.C ; well to their esteemed r the estee mooed brothse of ers N.fare- G. James Thompson, Montreal, Que. ; B. McBain, who is about removing to Brus- W. Fraliek, Brandon Man. ; Dr, Hing. sets, where he intends carrying on a gen- eton, North Platte, Neb, oral stere business. The chair wits taken TEE great Dr. Boerhaave left three by Rev, Dr. Campbell, who filled it in directions for preserving the health— hie newel courteous manner, and after a keep the fest warm, the head cool, and few well pointed remarks from him, an the bowels open. Had he practised in easy obair was presented to Mr. McBain, our day, he might have added : and puri- with the following address :-Dnut Bao, fy the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla ; MoBAIN,--Ib has been with feelings of for he certainly would consider it the the deepest regret that we have learned beet. asy that you ars about to leave us, During an Industrial social was ld inouthe our bu oved order you have proved youing the time ou have been identified r. basement of the Methodist church, under self to be a good Oddfsllow and one al - the auspices of the Epworth League and ways ready to preform the duties assign - was a novel, enjoyable and successful eci to you. The interest you have man. gathering. Each member of the League Rested in the order is a good evidence was supposed to invest 10 cents and trade that yours is a motive prompted by one on it, handing oeer the results to the of the nobleeb principles of Oddfellowsbip Treasurer. Ths program on the evening i. e. "Brotherly love." Your genial die- mentioued above consisted of position and genuine goodheartedness, musical selections by Dr. Cavanagh, the coupled with the character you have Misses Moore and F. E. herr, a very built up for yourself, has won for you humorous reading by Bev, G. F. Salton many warm frisude and has bound to• and giving aceo0nt of their stewardship, gather ties of friendship that cannot easi- by the members as the roll was called ly be broken. The parting of friends is 60 members handed in sums varying always sad and while we are deeplygriev. from 10 oaths to nearly 93.00 and the ed at your leaving us, yet we cannot but financial returns amounted to 626,00. feel comforted with the fact that you, "I want to be a worker for Lord" having the was sung and the large gathering was heart will continueoneiof d n t egood e worlcp in dismissed by the Benediojtiou. The which you have commenced. Our lose obair was occupied by W. H. Kerr. will be the gain of another lodge and an - Next Monday evening there will be a prayer meeting and Bible reading. The League will also take charge of the Ono - day morning prayer meeting, whioh meets at 9:30 o'clock, in future, FOOT BALL TOURNAMENT.—Last Sat- urday afternoon the Football Tourna- ment announced Dame off on Victoria Park. The day was a beautiful one, bright and clear, yet chilly for the on- lookers. Shortly after 1 o'clock it wits ascertained that the con teat would be between four well known clubs and places were drawn as follows :—Brus- eele ve. Gorrie; and "Ironsides," of Blue. vale and surroundings, agaiust the "Marl - b eros," a combination team from Listo- wel and Atwood, T. T. McLanohlio was chosen Referee and performed his duties very satisfactory. Io the first game the home team had the work largely in their w'ehmg him a prosperous future, after own hands and won two goals „rite which Dr, Campbell closed the meeting handily. The visitors were short three with prayer.—[Listowel Banner. men and their places were oiled by Jas. • Ballantyne, John Ballantyne and S. gam Sanderson of Int 16 on the 7th Ramsay, of Brussels. The teams lined con. Howick, platted from one bean stalk up ae follows :— 92 pods containing in all 497 beans. B William Warnook, of Goderioh, has broken the reoord for large squash. Heretofore the heaviest was shown in New York State, weighing 308 pounds, but Mr. Warnock beats this by eight pounds, as he has one raised this season which tips the scales at 814, and measures eight feet sfx Indies in circumference and two in diameter. Goderioh is exercised over an alleged disethere by the Gminetiou . R. inethemmattermr lers of freight rates. Representatives of the town Board of Trade interviewed the die• triol freight agent the other day, and, as a result, a new tariff will take effect on Nov. 1st, and the town placed on the same footing as other lake porta. other town. We oanuot see you leave na without in some way expressing our sor- row at your departure and the kindly feeling that exists towards you. Accept this chair as a small token of esteem and may you be long spared to rest in it. We wish you every success in your new field and trust that you will not relax any of your efforts in the direction of promoting the interests of our order, and at last, when you are called to leave your to enter that gra here pori a you be Signed on behalf of the members T. L. HAarenTON, 13. T. RUTHEnpoRD, 14Ir, MoBain made a suitable and feeling reply. Short addresses were then made by a number of those present in Which they expressed their deep regret at the departure of their brother, and joined f nuseELs, 4onnrE. 8301111ean l Goal &make Jaelt f Backe 1 McDerwitt GrowerMitobell Forguesn r Mitaboll ifaadows } Half Backs . Ballanbyne ThompsonOreaswi Eatlahay Boonou ell... •..} Left wing Rlfiaioe MaOofl(pennou Centro Metrratlr Smith ,,,... } plight wing { Martin ...,. Balluutyue Score : Brussels 2 to 0, The "Ironsides" and "Marlboros" then took the field. Tbey were well matched as to weight and size and both teams were after the first prize with a vim that presaged almost anything from a free light to a broken neck. From the start to finish the game was harked 'by rough play, in fact it was built all through after a Rugby model. The players went to grass hundreds of times and for upwards of a half hear no goats were scored, the honors being very equally divided. In the last half Lima, however, the men from the east scored twice and time was called before their opponents could even up. The players were :— "Mternonos." Goal "IRosemnt." kfitauell Wood Tonsil/to,..,., ,, t a Conitas Meaner ! IIaoks Bridges l••••...„ Bavgg Anderson ,. Matl.aing .,..) Half IIaoks 1 Bing weighers McGraw \\lard Loft wing MODonaid 8olltngton � g � Wilson 1Vilsou 1 Centre al:cOallnm ClSterk •...,... J Right wl05 {. ••^ Melstwen 1.,..,,,..;Gardner Soore : "Marlboros" 2 to 0, After a short breathing spall Brussels and the "Marlboros" tools their respect• fve positions to decide the eupremaey. Bach had won n victory and wets squally determined to win the $20. Tho game was a fast one but although the ball was Rept very oloae to the goal of the visiting team they played so well that the allot. ted hour Slipped past before a goal was scored. The time was axteeded and Clennan, witit swift shot, planted the ball between the flags and won the match for Breathitt. No other goals being taken. It was quite in the dusk before the game was concluded. The only obange made in the teams from the list given above Wire the substitution of Stephens for Charlie Grower. Atwood and Listowel WILLIA1IsON--F1owAmf,--At the Manse, Cranbrook, on Oot. 22nd, by Rev. D, B. Menne, Mr. Ohm. Williamson to Miss Annie Howard, all of Grey. asaa- Counrna.—In Newry on the 8th inst., Mary Coulter, aged 87 years, FRIDAY, 00T, BOTH,—I''arm stock, Inn • plemertte, dao., Lot 8, Con. 11, Grey, Salo commences at 1 o'clock, Sharp. Elise Diokson, prop. Geo. Kirkby, neut. FRiDAr, Nov. fire,—Farm stook, Im- plements, Rao., Lob 16, Con. 14, Gray. Sale commences at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp. Peter Sinclair, sr., prop, .AA. Bayman11r Suet. I]F,Ti1E1037IX. A l`Ji:,'L.RI >77213. Full Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Pette Date 00 91 88 90 36 60 68 69 28 29 Butter, tube and rolls,:,, 16 10 bbggs per doze] 16 00 Flour per barrel - 4 60 5 00 Potatoes .. .......... . 26 30 Ray per ton. 160 00 00 Pork :..... 60 0 00 Hideo per Ib 4 00 Balt per bbl., retail1 26 PO took second money, whloh wog $10. Shoop skins, each....:66 00 John Crawford performed the duty of Lamb skins eaob,. 66 Q0 gale•keel e' and raked lit the thcltole. Apples per barrel 1 00 1 60 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TWO GOOD 00A'T MAKERS wanted at nnoa aU DUYPORD'8, Bo'nsssla, ONE TO LOAN,—PRIVATE JanetPunch, Apply to GEnlan HINosr'ot, , nitaols, or to 41.51 THOS, BELLY, Brussels. TEACHER WANTED FOR S. S. ApioncfApp] Applicants will give experience, le oomens and state salary expected, Apply to or ad- dress, 13.3 D. CURRLE, Brussels P. O. WANTED.—AN EXPERIENC- ED general servant to go to Brandon, man. Good wages and a permanent poet - Mon to a good reliable person. Apply at Tun POO, Publishing ]:louse, Brussel s. CAME ON TEE PREMISES 01+ ' the undersigned,Oranbrook Suryey, on or about July let, a yearling heifer, real and white in color. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take her away, 15.4 C. A. SOHI);H, ESTRAY. — OAME ON THE premises of the aubeoriber on or about October let, 2 entree, one red cud white, the other back end white. 1'heown- erierequested to prove property, pay ex- penses aid take them away, 14 4 ALEX. Sl'E\VASOT, Lot 2, eon. S, Grey. 12,000 y LBS. MILK A YEAR. given a 500 Ilam of milk in red jersey 1 with lbs, Ins 18cmauths She is herr third g00lf, l Sas' further particulars vegardlrg thte Bull ap- ply at my Drug and Book 8 tors, Brussels. G. A. DEADMAN. QTBAYED FROM THE PREM. IJ nue of the 'Undersigned, Iota 4 and 5 eon. 18, Grey, on or about Sept, let, 3 rod yearling steers and 4 spotted yearling Ayr. shire heifers.. A11 of them have pig rings in right ears. 55,00 will be paid for the Wor- m ation leading to their recovery, 19.4" 1105.11317 13LAIlt, Walton P,0. 'ROB SALE.— HOTJSE, LOT and Pru it Garden, situated just outside the corporation of Brussels. The under- sUUigned offers his beautiful homestead, eom- frufte agoodtbrick house, table, tdrat- meal)u well oto., making a oomelet° home, For further particulars apply to 4•CP S. b-MAU, Brussels. rIOLTS STRAYED, --STRAYED from• the premises of the mulersiened Lot 1, Con. 1, Gray, on Oct. 201h, four dolts described as follows r -One it; a horse 4 years old, sorrel, white strip in tnoo and ono white hind foot; cue a brotvu filly, 3 years aid Gelding,ite -withnd twos hint fent white and white strip 112 face ; one brovu yearling, so- hiPtittltrrpwhite,Auyuormaou leadingo (toovory will be thankfully received. JAS. SIMPSON, Jamestown 1'. 0, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notloe is hereby given pursuant to Revised statute, Ontario, 1887, chap. 110, that alt persons having datum againet the (estate of Donald Rose, late of the township of Grey, in the County of Huron, yeoman who died on or about Oho 8th dayo! August, 1891, are required on or before the drat day of De- cember,1891, to send or deliver to the uuder- eigied agent for Henrietta Boss, adniinis- tratrix of the estate of the said deceased, a etutemont 10 writing of their names and ad- dresses with 15111 particulars of their claims, and securities, it any, held by them. Betio°le given teat atter said last men- tioned date the adminielrabrix will distri- bute the asedts of the said deceaeorl amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to Maims of which she alall Hien have notice, and said admiuietratrix will not be respousiblo for the aesotsor any 'part there, of 'so distributed, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received ae aforesaid, A. HUNTER, 14-4 Agent for Admluistnttrlx, Dated this 14111 Oat.'01. Brussels, Ont. Notice to Creditors. Norma is hereby given, purenant to bbs revisions of chap. 110. coo. 30, 1t, S. 0, (1087) that all parttoe having •claire 0,905 or ngatnst tbo cabala of Tann .Lowe, tato 0f bite J:owuablp of Grey, in the County of Hume, yeoman, deaaaoed, leo died on or above filo seveut 1 day nl,Tune, lest mot, aro on or be- fore the lean DAY OL' NNOVSIMBElt, 4, 0. 1801,t0hoed bypoet prepaid or deliver to W, 11, Diekson Brussels, Solicitor ler the Executors of the will of aha Said John Lowe, deceased, a statement la writing of their O1n'iathon and surmtmos, and nalilresses, and fell particulars of their claim and the nat- ure of all eeetrities (if any) held by them. Aud boiler, 18 hereby further given that after the Said 1511, day of November, the Ex - eters otttie a ct Ild0c0a003 roceed 0t05i0i00Kitttot5erla055tap titled bborsto, Laving regard only to the Inline of whleb notion shall hays been given ae above required, and the said Exeo• Mom will not be resp0ueibls for the aeeeba, or any Bart thereof, to may ppew:011 er persons of wheel, Matins notice anal net have been roulade at the time of each diatribut1011: Dated atl3ruasels the 20th day of October A, D, nu, 18.8 B` DI{8N, Liacoeu SblfolIOtor0fur 1.015, GET THEM FROM J.1. PEPPER CHEMIST tC DRUGGIST, 13I11C.Tlea34Y+ .i.ti• BANKING. ApINT06tI & MUTAGGART, BANKERS, - BRUSSELS, Traaa... act a 01-arsoxal 13ahlel lg =3u.cineaq. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Cnuadlan and United States Drafts bought and salt], raterost allowed on Deposits. Collection* made on favorable term. ()anodise' Agents—MenOlmny'a BANE m, 0ANA0A, Now York Asteubs—Ilrrus,'*' s Aga 'MAD - Erns NATIONAL HANK, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 1p L. TAYLOE, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Oonvoyanoer. Oolleo• None made. Ofioo—Vanstouo'e Block, Brus• cola. 21.3m* i` 7' M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub. lie, d:u, OQice—Graham s Block 1 da,,ruorth of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Puede to Loan, D10RSON & HAYS, (Late with Garrew & Proudfoot, God°. etch,) Rurratere, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &o. Oilloee—Tirnesele and Seufortir, Bruit - este Olilce—Up•staire over Bank. Mousy to Loan, 0.a.EAYs, W. B.DI086011 BUSINESS CARDS. ISS O'OONNOR, Teaobsr of Organ aim Piano. 40.11 Priuooee street, Brussels. V/T II. MoORAOKEN, p V • Ieamer nftIarriageLieattseq, ()Nae at his Grocery, Turnberry street. Brussels. . N. BARRETT, Tousortal Artist' Shop—Next door south of A, 117. Mcltay& Co's hardware store. Lad ios'and eildrens hair ou ttlug a speelalty ISS BALL _ Is prepared to give lessons on the Piano, Parlor and cillo Organ. Speeiai at- tention given to Technic. Por fnrthor ht• formation address— Box 172, Brussels, A� MoNAIR, Isourer of Marriage Licensee, by appointment of Lietrt,-Goveruor, ootumfe- Pine Ineurano Co. apples at tl a and Aetna Post Otttns, ROBERT CUNN!NGHAM• 0NSURANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTRE, Clerk of the Potirth Division Court, Co. Huroll, Conveyauoor, Notary Public, Laud Lone and Iusurnuo° Agent. Funds inve0104 and to loan. Collections made. 0111ce to Graham's Block, Bruseele. OIL PAINTING, Miss Mortes, of Winghant, is prepared to give instruction 15 oil painting, perms maybe ascertained at Miss Nellie Boss' store where samples of work may be seen. Mass Marion would also take a fey move pupils fu mnefo. TA. HAWKINS, • Organist in St, Joha'a Church, Brute sets, and pupil, iu the Art of Teaching of A. W. The yer, Btu6.Doa„New York, will give lessons to pupils either at Thos, Farrows, ranter of Queen and Princess Sta., or if pre- ferred, at their own homes. Terms seeder.ate. 48 - DENTAL. )1.3EINTIPtiT1 M. CAVANAGH, L. D• S.,.,D. D. S„ SGu genote Ontario, andO ofe Toronto Dental varsity. OpgroE—Over Pepper's Drug Store, Bruasee, AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, rs always ready to at. to ud sales of farina, farm stook, &e, Terme cheerfully given, Orenbrook P.0. Sales may be arranged at Tun Pon Publishing House, Bruseele, GEORGE IKIRKBY, Lioensed Auctioneer. Bales oouctttet ed on reasonable tonne. 'Parma and farm ebooka speelalty. Orders left at THE Poem P ubllshiug liouee,BruBoole, or natio wap ton P. 0,, will reeeive prompt attention, HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- gn tis ati Acatfoueer, I am prepared to coudeat sales of farm stook at rsasouable prices. Knowing the clouding of nearly every person I am iu a Position to sell to good marks mud gat good temerity when sold ouoredit. Satlsfaotiou guarautsed. Give me a call. 31- P 3, SCOTT, MEDICAL CARDS. M. if. OALG, MD,, O. M,, Mambos of the Gotha;5 of Phyyeto a^ and Salvoes et Ontario by examination. Oflee and Bealdoneo—Mails street Beat, lebhel,OuOaro. LP A. MdNAUG13TON, M. D. C.M., U, R, U,P., Ettinburgh, tr. O, P 0, Ont. 21ooi1enee and aloe in Wilson's Block, corner of MU and Turnborry Sts. VETERINARY. T D. W AE WIOR, 5.5 i Siemer (Fra oto of the treat all (Emanate college, 10 praparod to treat aN dieoaeot of domoetieatud animate In a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. cello promptly 'at- tended to, ()aloe and Inermary Two aloes north 05 bridge, Turnberry et„ Bruesois,